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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 May 1930, p. 12

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THE DSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1930 © of (, Vor Lindsay Lindsay "That Lindsay will, in Il probability have a Chamber of merce, wos the decision vepchs hltor some discussion mt # maeeting of business men, ---- To Vstablish Clinke Peterborough, ~~Augmenting the invaluable work which Is being carried on amongst undernoyrighe ed and underprivileged children ui the Jackson Park Camp, which 1s condueted by the Peterborough Honalth Association and financed by the Kiwanis Club, each summer, In learned that a Clinic for unders nourished children is to he opened Shorty At the Canadinn Teglon nl Mpectacular Vie Petarborough, «A specipeular hinge In which a two-storey frames house, was razed and in whieh three hundred ehicks perished, broke oul. on property owned hy Alex McGregor on the 4th line of "mith, Damage amounting to $1,600 in partly covered hy 'insure ance, The house which was uisen: nnted had heen used by Mr, Mes Crogor to house his chicks and the firs in hellaved to have heen canned from the brooder heater, A -------- Injured in Vector, Bring =A serious (ceident bee fel Krnest Monroe, one of Lhe propristors of the Cheese hox face tory, He was operating one of Lhe heading saws and when removing whavings from near the saw his 1efL Land came in contact with (he rapidly moving machine, and the grentey portion was severed, Ha was removed to Dv, Alger's aftice wheie first mid was given, but Inter on was Laken to Helleville hospital where tha entire hand was amputated, Assumes Pastovate Brockville ~=BLunrt Ivison, B.A, who 1s recelving hin Bachelor of Theology degree at the graduation oxoreinen in connection with Mes Master University, on Tuesday, May 18th, will assume the pastors ute of the local Baptist Church on Sunday, June 1st, and will be ors dnined to the ministry at a special ordination werviea tn ha held in Brockville, on Thuyeday, June bih, Munday Mehool Association Pheton,==AL the 24th Annual Sundsy Mehool Conventlon of the Amebashurg Township, held al Mansassngn Chureh, offlears wera elected ns follows: President, Mis SEMET - SOLVAY WE ARE SOLE AGENTS » POCAHONATS SCREENED AND CLEAN CANNEL SIZED FOR FIRE PLACE DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE 262 Five Direct Lines Alfred Willman; dst Vide-Prest dont, Donald Bpencer; 4nd Viger President, Bhorman Babbit; Beer petury, Audra Brickman; Tress rev, Jan, B, Glenn, Hold Convention Pleton,=~At the tweniy-sixth annual convention of Athol and South Maryburg Sundey HBchon Assoelation nt Cherry Valisy Chureh offlec ws were elected as follows: Vresident, William Walme ploy; Vice-President, Willis Sills; Bocrvetary-Troasuver, Mv, Almon MeCrimmon, Drunk White Driving ) Napanee, =A motor koeldent Which eceurved on the provineis) highway three miles west of Naps anes, culminated in Pavid Wool wpvanying before Police Magistrate Graham charged with being ine toxlonted while In charge of a car, AS a result of the accident, J, i, Hervinglon's eav was damaged 16 6 considerable extent, The wer cused was found sully and was sentenced to seven days in Jail, MASKED MAN ATTACKS GIRL Pembroke.=A young woman em. ployed as a maid at a home on Mary Bt, was pursued by a masked man, hut succeeded In making her osuape without Injury, other than a nevere fright, Passing motorists witnessed the affaly and summoned the police, who Inter arrested Og. wild Ralnheldt, and Walter Yar. doll, Norweglans, win were pass Ing through the town, Both men ware charged with vagraney and a second ehinrge of heing masked hy night for an unlawful purpose prs ferred against Rainholdt, HOME DESTROY WD Pembroke, s=Fira destroyed the home and horse stable of Joseph Saverin, Pervetton, and also badly damaged (he barn, The contents of the house, including furniture and personal belongings of mem hers of the family, were lost, hut they wera able to remove the horse on from the stable, HUILD FAN STATION Pemhroke,~8ale of a choles pleca of vacant property at the gorner of Pembroke and Peter Sta, ta the British American OI Come pany, is reported dnd it Is under stood that the company will com menea shortly the construction of an up-to-date gasoline and service station MINISTER INDUCTED Almonte, Rev, W, I, Paowlia, of Komptville, who accepted a call to hecome the minister of the Almonte Preshyterian ehureh, has been In ducted, TOURIST CAMP PROPOSED Arnpriar Plans for the area tion .of a tourist camp in Araprior thin year were advanced through many stages at a chamber of com merce. meeting and present Indien tions ave the opening of the tourist season will find Arprior with one of the hest equinped camp sites In the Ottawa valley, What Beautiful Hands ! Of course she does all her own housework and such demands are mads on a housewife's hands these days! With Spring houses cleaning and the dally routs tne of dish washing, ele, yoL we expect her to appear in the evening with bands soft and lovely, Many women have dls covered (he secret, keep A bottle of FRENCH BALM handy ot the sink, A little rubbed on the hands now and then during the day, Aavies Instantly, leaving the hands always while and re. freshed, Gel a regular hoe hottle foy Npring Housecleaning pecinl HOUSEHOLD RUBBER GLOVES All sizes, Regular hoe 9 a Pair on in need of drugs Phone THE REXALL HTORKE JURY & LOVELL King ¥. Kimeoe M, Phone 88 Phone 68 CORNWALL'S BIRTHDAY Cornwall =0n May 1, Cornwall oelehrated Its anniversary, One hundred and forty-six years ago a small hand of United Empire Lays nlists, members of Kir John John ston's famous battalon from the banks of the Mohawk, landed on the banks of the Bt, Lawrenes 76 miles ahove Manireal and founded a settlement which they called New dahastown In haner of thelr leads er, The ealony thrived and grew until it is the present elty of Carn wall CHICKENS STOLEN Cornwall Pravineinl Constable Wilfrid Bertrand has been notified of several ralds an poultry yards in Cornwall and Alstrict, No trace has heen found of the thisves who are believed tn have eome from Montreal or seme other point In Quebec CANADIAN CLUR OFFICERS Marrishurg. ~The annual meel Ing of the Morrishurg Canadian Club was hald In the Agricultural Offices, with a' representative at tandance, Officers were elected as follows Preaidpnt--Mr, 1, Ww Houthwarth; Viee Pres Mr. Fred H, Hroder: HNecretary Mr, J Miles Whitteker; Treasurer--Mp H, HW. Paull; Nivectors Messrs, F. 0, Chalmers W, # I, Merl), Fred J, Barlow, Rov, 0, 0, Carson, and Dr, George Govvel; Associate Digsctors=--=Mr, Asron Sweet, Win chester; Mr, BR, H, Beaman, lve quels; Mr, 8 H, Hutt, Chester: ville; Mr. A 0, WV, Svein Wilke Hamshurgs and My, ¥, 7, haver, Autsvilie; Auditors==Messrs, V, Jd, Barlow and V, H, Meikle, -- HARN DESTROYED Cornwall ==Vive completely des: tvayed n large frame barn on the farm of Vrank Blackiadder, In the fivst concession of Cornwall Town: hip near Tinkess' Crossing, Bev. ern! pigs, twa calves, noullry, sey: eval loads of hay, Implements and A wigan were burned, COHANGE AT COLLEGIATY Lipdany ==Changes will take of: fect In dune In connection with the teaching stall of Lindsay Collegs inte Institute, Dr, T. A, Kirkeon- nell, for many years principal, has resigned, and Willlam MeMillan; of the sehanl slalf has heen named in his stead, HB, BE, Tallon, for two yonrs a teacher of sclence, has ve: plgned, und will go to Humberside Collegiate, Tavenin, J: €, Ballan: tyne, teacher of pelence, has fee cepted a similar position on Wes: dale Collegiate ~ Institute staf, Hamilton, Miss Dorothy Dowsley, teacher of flnspies, will leave for Wentdale Collegiate, Hamilton, Miss M, Brothers Is resigning in take up her Ph.D, course in Chi: ago with a view to completing hey work In India, DYNAMITYH KTOLEN Rellaville, =A theft of serious proportions has taken place In Prince Widward County and every affort will he made ta apprehend those yespansihle hy the Provineia) Palle, Tn the latter part of April the Raynor Construction Company nlaced some dynamite securely hosed In a safe hullding near Hal lowell in Princesa Bdward County for use in hiasting a ploee of work for which they had contracted When they wera ready tn use the dynamite the hullding was openen and all the "stuff" was found (n have disappeared, 1t In estimated over $6,800 was lost In the theft THUMK SEVERED Belleville, --Paonald Gunn, Rural Route No, #, Belleville, had the misfortune to asver the thumh of his right hand while chopping wend at his home, NEW BANK MANAGER PFieton.-- A, J, H. Downing, of Newmarket, has heen anpninted te sucosad M, W, Reeve as mananer nf the Bank of Montreal here, Mr Reeve has heen mada special yen resentative of the Bank with head auarters in the superintendent's of fice at Tarontn NOT MUCH MILEAGE Customer=+"Last week | hought a tire caver from vor, and now | want my money hack." Clerk --="\Why" Customer--"1 put it an one af my tires and hadn't driven 10 miles he fore the thing wore out" =Caollege Hugo Are Effective Now - Do Not OWING TO THE ACTION OF THE AT ONCE, GOVERNMENT IN ABOLISHING THE PUTY ON BRITISH GROWN TEAS AND A LOWER MARKET FOR CER. TAIN GRADES OF TEA, WE ARE PLEASED TO GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS THE FULL BENEFIT OF THIS SAVING TEAS HAS TEA BY R ANY TEA BACK TO US, SALADA Reduces Price 15%am. BROWN LABEL NOW 60c a Ib Yaslh, PACKAGE NOW 18¢ 2-02, PACKAGE NOW 8¢ JAPAN GREEN BLEND IS UNCHANGED AT 70¢ LB, ALL OTHER LABELS REDUCED b¢ A LB, TO THE PUBLIC - These Prices UNFORTUNATELY THE MARKET FOR THE FINEST QUALITY QUENTLY WE ARE UNABLE TO RE. PUCE OUR OTHER GRADES MORE THAN FIVE CENTS A POUND, TO THE RETAIL GROCERY TRADE AS USUAL, WE WILL PROTECT YOU AGAINST LOSS ON SALADA EBATING YOU FOR YOUR STOCK ON HAND 50 THAT YOU CAN MAKE THE ABOVE PRICES EFFECTIVE AT ONCE, FORMS ARE BEING MAILED TO YOU FOR THIS PURPOSE 80 DO NOT SHIP SALADA TEA COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Pay More ADVANCED, CONSE y [rs -- way nut of town a short time alley And Geneva's ane man communist demanatration had heen fuelled, Patpolman- HIlL was walking down Main street, vaady to "hap pen along! fer any emeygeney when loud velees and a crawd dvew his attention, "1 need a Joh and some of these men Must give me one, The world owes me a Hye ing and It 18 up 1a ¥ou people fo sep that 1 get it," Tegy was de manding from mevehants and pas sera-hy, GENEVA NO PLACE FOR COMMUNISTS lay Got Little Sympathy With His Bolshevistie Ideas "Fig a matter for the Judge," Patralman Eddie decided, Hefore the eaurt Tesy enlarged oan his Geneva, N.Y. Isadore Mosco wits and the unemployment and aommunistie problem arrived in gommunistie deetrine and havangu- od the judge, two af the marehanis he had selected as his empoyers, this eity at the same time, Thanks ta Patrolman Eddie Hilt, sly foot two and rough, JTezy wan on his and the policeman, Bomething had tn he done ahout It, "The stare pros priators admitted a falling for 1k» Ing 10 pick their awn help and the Judea adldn't Hike the firsl coms munist he had geen "If wa pay your fare (on Roches ter, will you leave town?" the mevehanin affered theiv selution, "Nat Rochester) I don't like the tawn, HBuffale, now, perhaps | might Hike 11," was the qualified Aceeplanes "Good," was the yaply T#s¥ ought ta he thera by new, Yon needn't make a hetier maise tran ta have the world make a path tn your door, Just give $30 (a some worthy eause Publishers Syndicate, 8 -- a, _ HE ARCADE, LIMITED BLOWING FOR THE \ Dresses Snappy styles in crepe and fugii also plain and flowered, All sizes and color, You must be here eaply, they will $9.91 BRASSIERS go quick at FEAR RRRARRANANY Silk Net ¢ 50 inches wide in mauve | nd rose only, Sold rex: | at 93c. A real 29 er at 3c Ea A. g | Excellent Front, ba Ladies' + Neckwear A special line of neck. waar lo clear at a 51 Special price C ANNIVERSARY S Cretonne A wonderful new amort ment in neat designs and 3c all colors Birthday price, yd, to May 14th inclusive, Commencing Wednesday, May 7th we will celebrate our 41st Birthday by offering Special Prices on merchandise as listed below, It will last for ane 'week, Wonderful savings will be featured each day, Saving money is making money==he wise, save now! C. O, D, and Phone orders filled on any of these items listed in this ad, Remember the date, May 7th 2 Deliveries Each Day--10,30 am, +» 3.30 pm DRESSES A wonderful assartment of crepe and eelanese Dresses. Specially « yee duged for the Bipthday Sale Each TIRE) LJ BUTTONS ments, Specially priced at Por Bag viv 4100 275 Yards in white, silk pink, peach, mauve, colors, The width is Be here early and your choice on this Birthday Sale Per yard «i 14 Salis of cotton, in pink and 'white shades, and aide fastners, | Birthday Sale Price viv c0 0 (vive Sizes 32 to 46 21c | Pure Linen Tea Toweling 40 Yards in plain colors only, Width 16 inches ll | 1 BEL.CHENE ary, sand, grey and green Tle blue can only, Jo", wel ane, put up, with and blue dots, yards long, PREP: seven se Ladies' Dimity Step Ina Wanderful assortment and extra fine quality, Bin dey Sale 3lc LST REL LEE | Polkadot Curtains A fine eurtain all ready to green, rose, $1.31 | KAYSER SILK GLOVES | 53 Pairs, all sizes, 'White with black trimming, and grey, | Sold regular at $1.50, Specially veduced for the Rivthday Sale SRAAAAAEA 0 4 HALA 4 8 A 0 8 8 Sant heey RAYON BLOOMERS 10 Dozen only of these Rayen Bloomers in assorted sizes and shades, T'a clear during our Birthday sale (Re here early and get your choice) iv vive Dane up in bag assert: A good chance to stock up your supply, le CURTAINNET [ Extra fine quality in plain net white and ecru shades | 30 inchea wide, extra special Birthday price, per yard imi ns vane lle | Checked Marquisette In a good quality, wide, White with & hover, Birthday Sale price, yard ne een llc Sle ; Print House Dresses 22 Only in the lot, Siem todd, A ved hol Sle DURO DYE GINGHAMS AND POTTER'S PRINTS | A wonder value far thrifty buyers, Assorted dolors w cheeks and fancy patterna==widih 32 and 21 36 inches, Birthday price, per yard jiiey C | CORSETS Nemeo:Flex and D. and A. makes, All sizes in hy pink and white, last | t thi Riri nto bndll | DRG 1.41 Priee sini OILCLOTH SQUARES | A few anigin Blue and Green patterns, Size | x 114 yds, | Rirthelay Sale Price > 1 c Baek ALATA AU TON A A Aa BA A I Socks Special Ladies' : : a Cotton Bloomers Plain fahyiea, Good A spel PUISRARS. Wnabiey range of sizes Binthday ui io give you a wendeptul oF quality of cotton Rloomers Sale Price, 6lc Each AEAANAAL AAAS Stamped Table Runners A veal snap that will net fram in all sises, hile, pink And peach oulors 1 BARR sai iavany C Special 81 ¢ Ab Suiting SILK AND WOOL CREPE A wonderful value indvdry shade only 40 inches wide, Regular price. up to $1.95 yard Birthday Sale Price 440 sommes svi Sle Ladies' Cotton Hose 50 Pairs only in grey and sand to clear at 2le Pey Paiv 11» (ETT) Children's" Summer Sox | Large quantity, in all sizes and colors: Specially vieed at 1 PS I ravens LINENS Large assortment of Table Cloths, Sevviettes, Lunch Cloths, Lace goods oh Less }§ Off Regular Prices

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