THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1930 PAGE : EIGHT 0 ii ---------- . May DeXard ab Track "ie Oftige. at idue, : toffee at Yard 23--Track at Line, 280 foo at Track, $0-=1ine at Yard, 4==Yard at Office, f=Track at Yard, 11-=Line at Office, 18-=Line at *Track, 18==Track at Office, 20-~Yard at Track, 25=-0ffice at Line, 27=Yard at Line, 2-=0ffice at Track, A==Track at Line, N==Office at Yard, 11==1ine at Yard 16-Track at Office, 18-Track at Yard, 20-=LAne at Office, 2h==Ldne at Track, 80==Yard st Office, N NAY] INTRODUCTION The object of this series Is to give tennis enthusiasts a systematic set of instructions for the betterment of thelr game, that th:y may meet the various situations on the court with clearer understanding of what Is most needed. . The essential equip- ment necessary for successful play is emphasized and the proper foun« dation upon which to build the in. dividual's game Is suggested, It must be understood that the development of anyone's game rests solely with the player's will to doo Results are hindered or helped by the individual's manner of setting about it, Learn the proper 'foundation first and build the remainder of your tennis struce ture slowly and surely, There are ne handicaps unless you allow or make them, The game of tennis must be taken seriously when you play it, no matter when or where, That is the first step to success, Give up all "hap-hazard" play and make every moment on the court count for something, Begin this season's campaign by making up your mind to follow a systematic course of play to develop each department of your game, Study carefully each point of issue off the court, then try determinedly to put it to practical use on the court, Ask voursel this question: 18 THE DE. VELOPMENT OF MY GAME WORTH HARD WORK, STUDY AND PRACTICE? Saati -------------------------------- 7A WIR Lumi Rp (0 \ Tonight and Wednesday HARRY RICHMAN | In the Fast Stepping Talking - Singing » Dancing, Romantic Spectagle "Putting on the Ritz" Joan Bennett « James mn + Alleen Pringle Lllyan Tashman o| showed plenty of promise and be- the rival hurlers and although the Here They Are: "Stave O'Neill's 1930 Toronto Maple Leafs This afternoon the of 1980, shown above, will make their initial appearance of the sea son before the home folk and they are sure (0 receive a royal recep. ------ VIE GROUP PICTURE OF THR T1oals | tion, The players are: Back Row, left to vight: Tom Daly, trainer; Josh Billings, ps Kyle Graham, pi Sam Gibson, p; Frank Barnes, »; ee ---- ai EE ©, Sheedy, of; 'ved Bedore, utils ity; Hugh Wise, ¢; Art McHenry, odii Joe Harris, 1st bi Johnny Prudhomme, p, Centre row: Bob Petrie, of.; Clarence Fisher, pi Art Ruble, of; W. O'Hara, busi. ness manager; Steve O'Nelll, man. ager and conch; J. Dunn, vice Ont. Regiment Heavy Hitting Features First Game of Local Softball Seasori--Ont. Regiment Defeats Phillips 21-19 -- Good Crowd Attends Oshawa's 1080 softball season Was started last night, at the Motor City Stadium, when the Ont, Regi. ment defeated W, KE, Phillips, In the Arlt game of the Oshawa City and Industrinl Athletic Association's ye termediate league, by a score of 21 ta 10, © The weather was ideal for soft ball and a fair crowd of woftball fans were on hand to see the first tht of the season, Doth teams showed a distinet lack of practice, this no doubt, being due to the tact that they are hoth new entries to lohgue, However, both teams fore the on 18 over they will be laying ADE Up ball, Neither had mueh diffiouty In hitting winners had only 17 hits to the Wins Hitting Battle From _ Phillips in First Game losers' 20, they got thelr hits whe they meant runs, Errors also con tributed to the score total of each team, : The Regiment sgored in every inking except the fourth and their opponents falled to register in the second and last Innings, Les Bone. ham was the big gun for the losers, Les had a perfect day with sfx hits out of six trips to the plate, Hester was the best for the winners with four hits out of six, Every playes managed to get at least one hit, The line-up « Ont, Regiment: Snowden, Livingstone, Hester, Hobbs, Russell, Bennett, Oaster, K, Hubbell, Salmon and Roughley, Phillips -- Spencer, Petrie, 8, Boneham, IL. RHoneham, Bowler, Hepburn, R, Boneham, Leveque, and Otto, Boore by innings Ont, Regiment 4634014 Phillips 60612560 Umpires, Dell and Jacobl, Scorer E. Cornish, The next game of the league wil be played at the Motor Clty Sta dium on Thursday night, at 6.45 sharp, when Colmbias and the Tex. tiles meat, Lions Club Tournament Big Success Toronto, May fO-«Measuring up to seven previous shows of excep. tionally. high calibre, the Toronto Lions Club annual international boxing entertainment 'at the Arena Gardena last evening more ihan vad up to expectations, The show Was a source of satisfaction in more ways than one, There was not a ull bout on the program, which ont A large crowd In a state of u for 'more than three urd, Furthermore, the excellent owing of Toronto boxers against @ strongest opposition that Phila. hin, Montreal and other points gould provide did not prevent the ost creditable Showings Quoeny ty amateurs ever made against opposition such as was provided for them last night. No fewer than eight of the 18 uta were won by Toronto boxers, urteen bouts were scheduled, t the number was reduced by one on Roy Adama of Hamilton, de- olined the flssue, Adama though he had signed an entry blank, re fused to oppose Willls McGrath of Toronto, and it was impossible to secure a lastsminute substitute, Ho ry the 0¢ of that one bout was not y for the bal' tah ct te Moe a evar seen here and. a oredit to Charlle Ring, match maker, promoter and general exe 'cutive ofMolal for the ocoasion, Gllonan Wing Hylton] Award In addition to the trophies de- noted in the summary, two al rises were d ol a Badly who \ Pugeless of d a tam cont; judged the win. ner of the wrist wateh donated by he shor «0, of this city for A 18 Bost bout won by w, ; an BoXer, "An Indication of the nature of the battle from whigh Glionna emer, viotortous 1a pros . at the wi lec foverymient, was given to Pugeless, Gllonnn displayed ability in beth boxing and hitting, but Pugeless battled back gamely, There was no doubt as to the winner, In spite of Puge- losa's strong showing, Hurvey Fleet of Kitchener, On. tario lghtwelght champion, pros duced an aggressive, hard-hitting attagk to score an extrasround vies tory over Paul Metteau, rugged Montreal boy, Fleet is not as ex perionced an some of the competi tors at last night's show, but he boxed well and must be considered an excellent prospect, Another Interesting hout was that In which Harold Stewart of Montreal. who made the trip overs poan, for the last Olymple Games, defeated Jack Conway of Philadel phia, Bach boy sustained a out aver the eye and the battle was fairly olose all the way, DIFFERENT ROLE Herry Hellman, veteran major league outfielder, hecameo the first president of the "American Nass kethall League when It was or ganiged a few years ago, SKATING VETERAN Willi Boeck! of Austria, tor twenty-five years a participant in international figure skating cone tents, hae held the world cham: rlonship three times 3 HUSKY QUARTET Four players on the roster of the Yaukeos welgh 200 pounds ov more, Babe. Ruth, red Asbeck, Low Gehrig and Dusty Cooke, QUEBEC MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS IS APPOINTED JUDGE Ottawa, May 6.=The appointment of Hon. Antonin Galipeau Polntnent of public works and labor in the Ques 10. puisne {udgeship i the Quedee court of iIKng's Bench, was announged by the minister of ustice 'here, The appointment of udge Galipeault ills the vacaney caused by the elevation of Judge L, A. Cannon to the bench of the Sus Frank Tron ad ae 0 y 'has Ri tor Ad loser, preme Court of Canada, aver PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Camrsma, Sports Ediler Regiment Wins First Game The Ontario Regiment made an auspicious entry to the local in termediate softball league, last night at the Motor City Stadivm, when yet hit their stride ' * ers have not netlon against on . LJ Association's Softball Leagues, ed to have their representatives ¥ N ganize a junior softball league tor teams can be formed, 2087) * . A practice has been called for * » cession, they won their first game and incidentally Phillips, another new entry, by a seore of 21 to 19 dicates, both teams were hitting hard and often, this week, for the Chosen Friends softball team, ed for 7.00 o'clock and will be held at Alexandra Park the league opener, from As the score ine No doubt, the pitch« A good crowd attended the game, A L Leafs at Home Today A falr number of local baseball fans journeyed to Toronto this afternoon to witness the 1930 edition of the Toronta Muple Leafs in Reading, in the first Toronto home game of the sea * ¥ 0.C.LAA, Meeting Tonight All teams entered in the Oshawa City and Industrial Athletic ure being held tonight at the Y.M.CA, at 800 ¢'clock, on hand reminded of the meeting which is All teming are ask » W Junior Girls' Softball League An earnest endeavour is being made at the present time, to or girls, in this city and district, The age Hmit will be fArteen years and under, Whithy has already signified thelr intentions of entering a team if the league in formed, are plenty of young girl softball players in this city and several goud Anyone interested in organizing a teas for this proposed league, is asked to get in touch with® Mrs, Reg Norris, Phone There * A Chosen Friends' Team to Practice Wednesday and Thursday nights of The practices are call LJ LJ Parts and Service Juniors Practice A practice for the Parts and Service juniors will be held tomorrow night at Alexandra Park at 6.30 o'clock out with the P, and 8, juniors are asked to be present All persons who are turning . * Still the Best! The Bdmonton Grads are still the best girls' basketball team. Last night before a crowd of aver 7,000 people, the Grada turned the tubles on the Chicage Taylor Trunks and won the game by the decisive score of 40 to 13 and the round by 64 to 47 that the Grads, are still the best team, "off-night" once in a while, but the Grads came back stronger than ever and are now International champions for the seventh year in sues This leaves little doubt Every good team gets an Aussie Scores 185 and Not Out haa London, May O.==A healthy crop of centuries was produced by yesterday's orlgkes In Kngland. Heading the lst waa the fine per- formance of Don Bradman, the Australian, who scored 185, not out, against Leloestershive, hia gocond three figure innings in as many games, Richardson, Viea- Captain of the Antipedeans, hit up exnotly 100 runs, Hendren also made his second consecutive three figure inning. Has was playing for M.C.C. against Yorkshire, Other Mg Individual scores were made by Rueat for Surrey against Woroes terahire and Ford tor Oxford Uni- versity against Kent. Y-- LENGTHY REIGN Al Downs retained the high diving championship of the United States from 1500 to 1817, being undefeated from the high board that period, -- Addiiona ¥ » | Sport on Page 9 | STRIBLING AND SCOTT Paris, May 6.-=A contract sign od by Phil Heott and calling tor the British champlon to meet Young Stribling in London June 2 in a 12-round boxing bout, was received by Jeff Dickson, Ameri oan promoter, yesterday, after three weeks of negotiations, PRIVATE TRACK The Glenn Riddle thoroughbred acing establishment in Maryland hoasts a one-mile training track that ts an Imposing and well-kept as many pablo racetracks, Ce ------------ SUDDEN RISK Harvey Jackson, the Toronto Leafs' latest tooklo star, was a aweey hoy at the Ravens rink in Tdronto only two years ago, He 1a only eighteen years old, a ----------s QUEEN'S AWARDS ARTS SCHOLARSHIP (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kingston, May 6-Announcement has been made wt Queen's University here that the Robert Bruge Schos larship in arts has been awarded to H, A. Mantle of Grimsby, Ont, Two additional honor degrees in arts were announced, they being Ida Christine Muirhead of Carleton Place and Helen Swaine of Westboro, TORONTO ENTRY IN THE INT ERNATIONNAL LEAGUR president; Eddie Phillips, ¢; Guy' Cantrell, pj Nolen Richardson, Bred bg J. O'Neill, conch, ,Firmt row Regis Loheny, p; Mig Viek, pi Ware ren Cote, sn} Los Marke, Snd by Joo Rabbitt, of.y Harry Davis, ist by Tommy Bonk, of. In oval, Lawrence Nolman, president, With Good Weather Condi. tions Prevailing, Record Crowd Is Expected to At- tend Leafs Leafs Are Now in Third Position Toronto, May 6,-=For the Toron- to baseball fan, young and old, the day of days finally has Aar« rived, This afternoon Steve Q'Nelll and his Loafs, fresh from a sues cessful trip around the southern end of the International League, will open their home season at the Fleet Bireet park, And favored with weather such as prevailed Nunday and yesterday afternoon, a record baseball crowd for Toronto in expected to push and Jam its way into Maple Least Stadium, At any rate the advance seat sale ins dicates such a state of affairs, There will be the usual opening day ceremonies, perhaps a little more elaborate than in the past, with provineial and eity notables taking part, A band will be in at: tendance from one o'clock and It will head the parade of the two teams to the flagpole, Altogether it promises to be a gale day, espe ginlly if the Leafs can "take™ the Reading Keys, who will be their opponents, Dologs will get under way at 2.00 and the game at 3 o'clock, The Leafs returned home yosters day with a record of elght vies tories against woven defeats 'n thelr games with Reading, News ark, Jorsey Qity and Baltimore, And the series scheduled to open this afternoon will be in the nas ture of a battle for the third place in the league race, as the Keys The Edmonton Grads. Retain Their Title Kdmonton, May @.-~-Playing ona of the greatest games of thelr long gireer on the basketball courts, Commercial Graduhtes overcame a ten=point lead sepured hy, the Chicago Taylor Trunks in the first of a two-game seviea for the ins ternational ladies' basketball cham plonship, and last, night romped away with a verdict by a score of 40-18, winning the round by 64. 47, The game was played before a arowd estimated at over 7,000 ople. With their vietory the rads retained the International championship for the seventh Year in succession, LIONS ON RAMPAGE INJURE KEEPER Haverstraw, N.Y, May 6~Two hungry lions of the Kent Wild Anis mal Circus attacked their keeper; William Stute, clawing him badly, and then crashed through the bars 0 their wagonsdrawn cage to temps arary freedom, causing a panic ams ong the crowd on the circus field here, William Jones, a negro onlooks of, was bruised on the arm when one of the lions attacked him as ress cuers were beating the beast off the keeper, The lions had not been fed for three days, and, following a com plaint to the Rockland County Sos elety for the Prevention of Crusty ta Animals, officers of that associa fon brought food to the beasts hen the lons scented the fresh meat they became unmanageable, a. A As ETE THE APOLOGY (London Sunday Express) She: "You were talking in your sleep lastnight, dear" Hes "Sorry 1 interpupted, darling." A Kyle Graham Will Likely Get Call for Opening Game Opener -- | and Leafs are now tied for that position just a game and a halt behind' the leading Buffalo Bisons, Taking into consideration that the Leafs, as a team, did not hit on the road as they are expected to do after a few whirls #t morn. ing practice, Manager O'Nelll yes- terday expressed satisfaction over the showing his athlefes have made to date, Praise For Pitchors O'Neill wan bubbling over with enthusiasm as he talked about his pitehors and the smooth all around defensive play of the team. Cant» rell in partioular came in for con. siderable praise from his boss, who said that never in his long career with baseball had he seen a pitgher display the form the Okla hama glant did in fret game of doublebwngar at Baltimore on Sune ay. According to OiNelll, Cantrell had wonderful stuff, he was ex ceadingly fast and had a fine ohange of pace, And he had the Acknowledged heavy sluggers of the Oriolgs eating out of his hand, Though four hits were made oft his serving, only one was of the honest-to-goodness kind, As for Sam Gibson in the sees ond game, the lanky righthander was not quite so good as he had been in previous games and then things refused to break right for him, And on Saturday it wasn't that Johnny Prudhomme was #0 bad, but rather that the team bes hind him ploked on that day to got a lot of sand lot baseball out of thelr system, The Orioles scored four runs on Prudy in the frat inning and O'Neill declared they should not have scored one, Graham Today Kyle Graham, who "haa won three games without a defeut to blemish his record has been selects ed to piteh today's opener, He 1s a righthander who was obtained late lant season by Detroit from the Seattle club of the Pacitio Coast, League, A few years ago he res celved a trial with. the HRoston REGIMENT WINS LEAGUE OPENER -- LEAFS AT HOME TODAY HOME RUN RECORDS ------ Home Buns Yesterday Boley, Athletics, 2; Haan, Ath: lotion, 13 Simmons, Athleties, 1} Goldman, Indians, 1; Grantham, Pirates, 1; Lazzori, Yankees, 1; Walker, Glants, 1; Kamm, White Box, 1; Berger, Braves, 1. The leaders--Juckson, Giants, B; Klein, Phillies, 6b; Simmons, Athletics, 0; Hartnett, Cubs, 4; Wilson, Cubs, 4; Terry, (Hants, 4; Herman, Robins, 4; Reynolds, White Box, 4; McManus, Tigers, 4. League toials-=National, 76; American, 64; grand total, 140, C.O.B.L. Outlook Still Dark Belleville, May @.~Kver since the annual meeting of the Central Ontario Baseball League hers one week ago utfalrs of the league have been in a turmoil, Peterboro upset the organisation when, after res peated efforts, they announced that they would not be In a posi» tion to field a team this year Three teams, Oshawa, Belleville and Kingston, rémained, and Osh awa definitely refused to carry oy In that manner, Kingston wat quite agreeable, while Belleville did not favor the wove, President R, A. Elliott then commenced mis: slonary work In Peterbere, and the old executive under the lead ership of Vie Hamilton and Max Swanton promised action, After some delay, they have announced tbat with the co-operation of the other futermediate tedms In the Litt Look City they may be able to enter a team, In the meantime, the other three clubs are awaiting a definite answer from Peterboro, and if it In not favorable one of the oldest senior leagues in the province may he forced to disband, The Peters bore elub found that some of the long jumps prevented them from meeting financial obligations, An other meeting will likely be hela this week, when the Vetes will make a definite answer, ro. ---- ---- BAT BATTALINO WINS Philadelphia, May 6.--Bat Bat. talino, 129, Hartford, Conn, world's featherweight champion, won a 10-round decision over Lew Massey, 188, Philadelphia, at the Arena last night, Massey, whe won a decision from the champion in # nonstitular bout in January, was outelassed from the start, The bell saved him from a knockout in the seventh round, Ralph Lenny, 136, Jersey City, stopped Ray Weigand, 130, Ger mantown, Pa, in the second round; and Young JFirpe, Philadelphia, Won an unpopular decision over Jooy Kauffman, New York, in a six round bout, tlantic City is always! 'in season" rn han is vacslon dma! . Ro Ter Ler HO ARE vigorous! of rhe Finest In Atlantic ity LY A Week-on 1 3 Wilt eh Se "OVERLOOKING THE OORAN WEA WATE Lh PR €. V, MEBKS, Myo, Braves, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES Annuities Braneh, Department of Labour, Ottawa Hon, PETER HEENAN, Minister BACKED BY THE WHOLE DOMINION '