VOL, 6--NO. 107 News in Brief § anadon Frosh Ban Politieal Mastings Madrid ==For the second time during its administration, the Government of Pramisr Damaseo Borenguer has temporarily sus: pended all politieal meetings and _#peaches In Bpain, ' . LJ Would Help Rural Ulerg Hamilton. Contributions from the stipends of hetter-pald elergy- men 16 AugmMent the slimmer sii pends of the clergy in vursl parish. on was urged al ihe annual meeting of the Synod of Niagara, a ls Dies at dail Door Btratford Charged with an al tempt on his own ifs, Clayton Har: grave af Bi, Marys was brought tn the Perth County Jalil hers hut death intervened befors he was committed 10 a cell, Hargrave swallowed a quantity of paris green and the charge of attempted suleide followed, LJ J » Daylight Savin Opposed Non, Ho A own Couns ell by a vote of 7 to 1, desided againgt adopting daylight-saving time ' LJ ' Liquor Permits Inoreass Toronto, =-Liquor permit sales announced by Bir Henry Drayton, show in a total Issue of AAA,477 an Ineroase over A year ago of 464 ' . LJ Headson Collision Oakville, =A motor ear proceed ing aast on the Taronto-Hamilion Highway near the farm of Major BF, Osler, and driven by Dr, Walle or Pleteher of 415 Kuelld Avenue, Toronto, collided head-on with ans other ear travelling in the opposite diveetion, and driven hy Charles J, Thomas, 10681 Burwood Avenue Detroit, Both drivers received sev. ore injuries LJ LJ] LJ Wlora Hapands Blora,~Blora will go on daylight saving time at 1 o'slock next Sun- day morning, according 10 the de rision of the Village Ceunell, It was decided also to annex Lot 1A, a settlement adjacent to the vil lage, This will add nedrly 1,600 te Filora's population, » " » Men Blown From Bulldings Han Antonin, Texas =-One work: man was killed and 15 others wers injured when a windsterm Mrick Randolph Flying Plaid, 15 miles east of here, The men were blown from bilidings under construction at thd feld, v Wh » Id . Kills Rover of Wer Children Columbus, OMe, Bihel Yel den, middle-aged newspaper vendor, shot and killed seven of her nine phildren with a 39 oalibee rifle an they slept and perhaps fatall wounded herself, No motive soul be found hy police for the shooting, The children ranged In age from theres years to the late 'teens, ~~ Posse Kills Negro Wiohita; Kans. =A posse of 100 Burlington business men armed with shotguns and army rifles sure vounded and killed a erased negro named Johnson in the asuthern part of the Lurlington reside district today; after he had killed Under Bherifft 0, M, Rickman and wonded George Ariftith, eity marshall, when they tried to disarm him, REE A ERA SY WEATHER v A deep and extensive hy Ek EE Ve oteured i Maine, Huduon Bay and on the Pitt egiom: Panily d hale ol ht and Thirds with le frash or strong east and southeast winds: ad] SHA eal sh LL Orme to night and Thursday. from uation, Johnson waa shel. The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1930 GENERAL O.C.V.L Was F ormally Opened This Afternoon Formal Opening of O.C.V.1. Held This Afterno LARGE CROWD OF CITIZENS AT OPENING Sir Joseph Flavelle Turned Golden Key to Open New Composite School for Oshawa BUILDING IS THROWN OPEN FOR INSPECTION Glorious Weather Groeted the Occasion, and Attract. od Hundreds of Citizens to the Ceremony A combination of keen interes! on the part of the ecitisens and ideal weather provided for the great oceasion, haiped fo draw A great evowd of the peopla of Osh awa up Bimeoe Birest North this afternoon to take part in the of. fisial opening of the Oshawa Col. legiate and Vooational Institute, The opening ceremony Was timed to start at three o'clock, but long before that time the crowd hogan to assemble, and when the opening chorus "O Canada" was sung by the students of tha collegiate, en masse, thers was A great. gather: ing of peoples on hand, Everything Augured well for a highly suceess: ful ceremony, and the long looked for occasion, for wileh the bodrd of education and the principal and staff of the Institution had made gaveful plans and preparations, far exceeded thelr most sanguine expectations Alex W, Rell, chairman of the hoard of education, presided over the opening ecerameny, and in » brief address following the heist ig of jhe flag by avor T, B Mitohell, he weloeomed those who had' assembled, and particularly the many Aussies whe had come outside the eliy 10 Join in the 6 formal opening eevemony was performed y sir Joseph Flas velle, Bart, LL.D, whe apened the imposing front door of the sehool With a golden key presented to him by the Rev, Father Beneh, Bir Joseph deliversd an impressive Apeach In declaring the building Apaned, Hrtasing the value of an inatitution of this nature to the community, The other speaker for the occa. Bion wan George Nirigden, noted educationist of Toronto, who, after belug Introduced by Allin ¥ An: nie, ehairman of the Advisory Vo- cational Commities, delivered an Addreny on "Present Day Bduea: t the close of the program, Which ended with a praver ol dedication by the Rev, J. B. Burke, CHP, the bullding was thrown open to thosd present at the cere: mony, and hundreds of oltinens took avantage of the opportunity to Inspect the many splendid class. rooms, workshops and other feats ures of the new depnriments, This evening, from 7.00 to 0.00, A further opportunity in being prose vided for the genera! publis to ine Sheet the Institution, and a par Hoularly interesting feature at this time will be the operation of the AVORIng olasnes, which will be in BRRion during the inspection, Toronto, May 7--Rey, Mr, Davids KOR, Galt, former pastor oo the Westminster Presbyterian ohureh, Toronto, wan elected moderator of the synod of Toronto and Kingston of the Presbyterian ehureh, at to. day's seanion of the ABth meeting Which is being held here. Mr, Dav: idson scceedn Rev, DT. 1, N oll, B,D, Toronto, " MeKor House Finally Passes Bill For Ontario Divorce Courts Ollawa, May T--The House of Commons last voted a dis VORA POUT up ) ho, Diveres aout of ente foun ns Vorth Wit to the last "hon, wan 4 atter four suocesat whieh far outlagted 8 hour, 10 private an ig 0 hills, third reading finally was nes BY 100 votes to 88, i » visions were! Rig endment of A the motion that the preview " tion be. now put hg harried HS 87; And then the bill fast Anally a hird reading by 100 to The Ontario Vote In the last division © for and 4 Ug third reading of the meas a ae Ontario members vou pti For (hird reading Moss , Ma: AAT Lon Young, Cowan, Rennie, naher, Anderson (Hi Ny 'apieman, MaePhall, Matthews. pr Milan har n ania \ n e A] bk tant, "He alan on, Li EE BRR os | Bib oe, optham Btn AT ri, Re AX w|79 os | dren near Run a ---- a | | | OSHAWA OOLLEGIATE AND Above Is a photograph of the | (n the presence of a great gathe completed Oshawa Collegiate and | ering of the citizens of Oshawa. Voeational Institute, which was | The [ieture shows the imposing formally npened this afternoon by | character of the front view of the Bir Joseph Flavelle, Bart, LL.D, | building on Mimeoe Neeser Nowth, a umm ------ * Grimsby Region | O.C.V.L Souvenir Number. | Of the Times Issued Today || (By Canadian Proin Leased Wim) Crimaby; May 7. «Warm weath- or of the past few days haw faread the buds of early peach, pear, plum And alerey to Blossom, converts Ing this district into a falrglnnd, The déleate pink of the panch blossom against the white back. ground of countless cherry, pear And plum blossoms presenta a Sight worth driving miles 1o see, Next Bunday, motorists, will ba copies early Blossom Munday and the week fol Ever lowing Blossom Week dents, and at The Times aMee hove phase of school Wes i ---- KINGSTON WOMAN | MAY BE VICTIM OF EARTHQUAKE Anxiety Prevails as to Fate of Mrs. Cecil Dart, at Pegu, Burma mented hy provincial and federal arenas different departments of the new dent classes, awans now resident alsewhere in Send your friends a copy, | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | Kingston, May 7. Uncertalnty as 10 the fate of Mrs, Ceell Dart, 'wife Pegy, Burma, which is reported to have suffered severely from an early quake and tidal wave, has not yer been dispelled, Mra, Dart {a wells known here as she in the daughter of Mr, and Mes, Fred Keeler, of Toyeeville, about six milex east of ere on the Kingston:Ottawa high way i India Seeth Captain Dart, whose howe Is in Minden, Ont, ix also well-known, He | ---- served in the Great War and was one of the youngest soldiers to go| Threatened Boycott of Bri: aversean from this district Previous| tish Firms Worries Iy he had heen a member of the Sal: | vation Army bag here, | Authorities Despatehes from Hurma say the town of Pegu was destroyed and | though Mr. and Mrs, Keler have cab led for word of their daughter and her husband no word has been res ceived, Forest. Fives Still Ragl (By Canadian Press Leased With) New York, May T«=Despira the three-day battle waged by thous sande, forest and brush fives wera still burning today on many fronts through the drought-parched east. orn alates, (By Canadian Press Lomasd Wire) India still asethed with trouble today ax an aftermath of the ar vont of Mahatma Gandhi Sunday, plthough rioting wan 108s preva. lent than yesterday, At Chattagong, whera insu genta raided the pollea armory April 18, trouble again hroke out, Four rebels were killed and two captured in an action on the Karns full River, Ona constable and four 2. villagers also were killed, in A Mob raided the police tation at Ramaghat, 45 milea from Cals exas Tornado . outta, fn an effort to liberate Na» -- tionallst volunteers who had heen (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) arrested for attacking Dallas, Texan, May 7--Seventy: hie Satrons were Milled, many were vendors, A number of police and ¢ oxolse employes wera Injured, inj and property damage estim, ated at more ha $400,000 caused hy Twentysfive persons w arrested { liahed. a tornade which steuek in 'ventral and a muard was estab ! #0 Wounded in and South Texan late yesterday, a] . Announcement. was partial check revealed today, the carualtien in yoat The death lat today included twen [fous tot at Delht tote! tysfive men a woman and three ehils | Killed and about 380 yo Aeven white men, [of them seriously. three women, four children and tew| Pombay was quieted fn the at negroes neat Frost ning men and | ternoon, with cotton milla works women near \\'aen; a fifteen year old | ing, after weavers of the standard and a child near Eanis: two te then, two women and three ne of ndhi, Police dispersed the to utrike in Jrotest at the arrest ootton mill earlier had attamp Tg two. men at San Antonio atrombly and work was resumed. or assm---- -- Ag profusely Hustrated thirty-two page Souvenis commemorate the formal opening of the Oshawa Collegiate and Voeational Institute (6 being issued by or thin edition are available at the newstands, from eollegiate sty Ax the supply ix limited, citizens are advised to soetal andl athletics reviewed in this Souvenir Number, supple« some ninety reproductions of photographs, special articles by the chairmen and mémbers of the Roard of Fdy cation, the teaching staff, those closely associated with educational monies In Oshawa, and messages from public men in the municipal, Included in the ninety illustrations are interior societies and athletic organisations and individual phatographs of the winners of the important scholarships This Souvenir Number is one which fa well worth preserving, and will alse he expecially appreciated hy former students and Osh | Collegiate Students and at the Times' Office, or may | of Captain Dart, superintendant of |} be ordered from the Carrier Boys. the institutions for eriminals at HR NOWADAPOY R VOCATIONAL INNTITUTR The O0,C.V.1, was completed a few (dial Invitation to visit and Inspect the § stitution within threo days of functions and ceres The | monies In connection | formal opening, Girl will Walk Across Canada| wis married at noon | bride being Lollella Marjorie Arm- | weeks agn with the construction of the vovational buildings at a cost of close to $800,000, oitigens of Oshawa are given a cor | Number to The 'Times today Capiea or may he ordeged (rom careier eeure their academic, vocational, eommerelal, There are views of the school, various groups of the sy Canada and in the United States 15 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents » Copy ELECTION THIS SUMMER FOURTEEN PAGES BE A] kAA/YA A CONSERVATIVE WINS BY-ELECTION West Fulham Electors En- ¢ dorse Empire Free Trade Policy (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) London, May 7.-8ir Cyril Cobb Conservative candidate in the West Fulham by-election, was elected na member of the House of Commons yesterday, Ha had a majority of less than 300 over |. W, Banfield, La hor candidate. The vote was; Cobb, 16,223; Banfield, 15983, I'his means the Conservatives have wrested n neat from Labor, The el ection was due to the resignation of Dr, G, KE, Spero, Labor member, who was elected at the last general election by a. majority of 2,200 The balance of power was held by Tiberal voters, whose candidates at the Jast election secured 5,900 voles, and who did not run a candidate this time, The majority of the Liberals, apparently, voted Conservative The Conservative victory is also a triumph for Lord Beaverbrook and his Empire-free-trade policy The newspaper Peer had been active throughout the election, and especial lv during the closing days of the campaign: His bands were consider ably strengthened by the Canadian Budget brought down by Hen, ( Dunning, Finance Minister, which ex tended the scope of Imperial pref erence, sempre | | Noted Aviator Married Announcement of Premier Received With Wildest Enthusiasm by Members of Both Parties FOLLOWS SPEECH OF HON. R. B. BENNETT Conservative Leader Intro- duces Want of Confidence Motion Flaying Govern ment for Provisions in Budget N (By Canadian Prose Lonsed Wire) Ottawa, May 7, While Liberals and Conservatives nlike cheered, jeered, yelled and thre hooks nnd papers into the ale like school boys, Premier WwW, kL. ..0 King yesterday afternoon elimaynid one of the tensest sittings in the racant history of the House of Commons hy announcing the pros rogation of Parliament as speedily an possible and an immediate elec tion Made just before the 6 o'clock dinner recess, the Premisr's an« nounvement came on the lieely of the speech with which Hon, R. B, Bennett, Conservative leader, opens ed the budget debste, { In an address which roused his nupporters to a near frenzy of en«| thusiasm, Mr. Bennett met the Dunning hudget's British prefer« ence proposals with a cry of "Cans Ada first" and assaljed the new countervailing duties ax a timid yet nevertheless wholesale reversal of Mr. King's oft-enuncinted non. ' Hault te, Marie, Ont, Thomas Wayne Reid, better known as 'Pat' Reid, well known Canadian aviator, retaliation. poliey on the United (Continued on Page 2) * MAMED DIRECTOR {| CANADIAN PAGIFIC ware held (np the office of Premier Mackengie King last night, first he twaen Mon | fidence in Future of Hb may be secured at the Newstands, from I | (By Canadian. Preps Lossnd Wire) Montreal, May 7 With » knap sack on her back Hon, Katherine | Trevelyan, daughter of Night Hon, | Bir Charles Philips Trevelyan, { minister of education In the dri | tish government has areived in | Montreal on board the Cunard { Hiner Alsunia, Alone the har pet out on foot on on walking tour of | Canada an far west an the Rockies, | | and intends fF possible to get | through te Vancouver, R. 5. WLAUGHLIN [E. W. Beatty Expresses Con. vative leader Canada (By Canadian Press Lonssd Wire) Montreal, May 7..CGoneral cons fidence throughout Canada In une | Ahaken by the sombhination of uns {nual conditions which han develop. There tion of 14 Years for Store Robbery Sentences For Crime at Stouffville (By Canadian Press Lonaed Wire) Toronto, May 7.+Chatles I. Ison and Solly Flader, wera convicted in county police eourt before Magis trate. Keith of the robbery of the Monkhouse store, Stouffville, and were each sentenced to 14 years in Portamouth penitentiary: Both Ison and Flader had Je ious prison ree ords, Ralph McPhaden was sentens ced to two years, less one day, for the same offen eo Tom Garlock, charged with receiv ing stolen goods, asked for trial hy wry and was committed for tvial eceiving Tharger againat the ether three were withdrawn, Tron at the time of the robbery was on parole on a 10:vear sentence imposed at London, in 192% Tor ars on, Crown Attorney Frank Moora ure ged a heavy penalty for the two old offenders, asking hiv worship to tem per justice in MePhaden's © eave, "This in ong of the mast serious eas fed Tihave Neard of, We have small towns' and villages which must des pend the honesty of the general public. The county must he protects i] and these tio men are old offen. ory" \ Old Offenders Get Heavy the present altuation the country's Atrangth han been affoctively proven and the future is riot to be viewed with any degrees of apprehension in the opinion of B, W, Reatty, chairman and president of tha Cans adian Pacific Rallway, as declared to the shareholders af the company i the annual meeting held here to. day While a number of factors, pars teularly the failure ta market Cans adian grain, have slowed up freight trattia ft ix felt that there Is nos thing of a fundamental character to prevent the veaturn of normal business conditions within the next before July, strong, W, J, armstrong, of Richards Land: Ing, Ontario, where the wedding took place, Mr, and Mrs, Reid will | rouide nt Seneterie, Quebec, Clear Decks then between Alberta and the Prima smooth way for winding up session followed hy an immediate dissolu. afterwards a federal election, Some of the leading have hopes that the business now through in two weeks, make it possible to bring on the election tha middle or latter part of Others are not xo sanguine, The hudget itaell will some five hundred tariff changes, to say noth. ing of ita other provisions, will he a long tank even if passed as speed. ily an possible, A Conservative caucus has baen called for today when the proposals (Continued on Page 2) today, his daughter of Mr, and Mrs, rrm-- For Election in July - Canadian Press Loassd Wire) May T-Conlerences R. BR. Rennett, Conger: leader and Mr, King, and Robert Gardiner, of the United Farmers of Minister, designed to talks were parliament and in pixty days Liberals the may he put This would house Budget Long Task -------------------------- or -------------- ATTORNEY.GENERAL SUES WHITBY PAIR HTNING FROM CLEAR SKY BURNS LEEDS COUNTY BARN (By Canadian Prete Leased Wire) Brockville, May 7. | Dine emerging from a clear sky yesterday totally destroyed a large barn on the farm of Asa Peters son, Eloida, Leeds county, as well as four pigs, nine calves, a valuable bull 200 bushels of oats and a large quan« tity of hay saving adjoining buildings, a LAPOINTE TO OPEN ELECTION CAMPAIGN | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Woodstock, May 7.=The first nouncement wade hy any of the inet since Premier King's announces ment of an election this summer, will he made here tonight by Hon, est Lapointe, minister of justice. Na will speak at a banguet to be tends ered by the joint Liberal associations of the ridings of North and Souths Oxford Tt is not expected he will be able to announce the election date but he 1s expacted to sound the rallying ory of the Liberals for the eampaign, | (Bpecial to The Times) Toronto, of $4,670.00, alleged due for succession duty with respect to the estate of Fannie ¥. Riche Ardaon, 18 claimed in a weit ise Med at Osgoode Hall today hy the Attorney General for One WARS. Rear ol m J, H. Richardson, of Whithy, both Political Leaders Agree To [110 - Speed Business--May Be May T==1he sum of TL ' A holt of light sunlit Neighbors succeeded in Bra 5 few months, Robert Ramuel MoLaughlin, of Oxhawa, Ontario, wan elected a dis rector of the company today, Divactorx re-elected to the hoard Included: Bir Charles Gorden, ©. RE, Ross NH, MoMaster, Rt, Wen, Reginald MoKenna, James A, Richs ardson and W. 0 Rlake Wilson, Diolite Wins Stakes Newmarket, England. <Diolite, the favorite, today won the two thousand ninea stake, one of England's turf classics; W, Garalet's Paradine was second and Major Courtland's Silver Flare third, Twenty eight ran, Wh Earthquake Toll Placed at 400 Rangoon, Burma, May Ye-Casus alitien In Monday's earthanake tes day stood at 400 killed in Pogu and something over 200 killed and ins Jured In Rangoon, according te authoritative Agures, Indian residents of the elty, whieh had something In excess of 18,000 population, vegarded the oxrthguake an punishment for am reat of Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian civil dizaberionce moves ment, There wera riots in Rangoon after the tramor, during whieh Ins diane stripped foreign made eloth from pasasraby and burned it } Wasington, May 7A $1,000,000,« 000, 10-year naval building program to bring the United States to parity with Great Britain was announced yesterday by Chairman Britten of the House Naval Affairs Committee, who will propose it to the House in bill form today, Under London Treaty Britton said his program, designed to cover American needs under the London Treaty, calls for building of | duction in maintenance and - 150,000 tons of new destroyers, 24: tion costs would WHY the gle S00 tons of sixsineh gun eruivers, 69,» ,000, 000 tony of aiveraft 'carriers and 83. 700 tone of submarines, Britten's announcement came on the eve of two other important phas sen of tha naval situation==the ins troduction of the new naval appro. plations bill and the Senate Foreign elations Committee's first on the London Treaty, Reitten's program contemplates large expenditure of money, but t bill follows rather tlosely to Preats dent Hoover's anticipations, The Pre sident in announcing the terms of the treaty and explaining them on hearing | iis . 000,000 to attain a total of $1,000 calculated, Many Six:Ineh Gun Cruisers It was noted also that program provides for a number sixsineh gon ornisers, adoption whieh in the London Treaty hax bee ited as a new departure wn Noga viean naval polieys Hitherta 164 n eightsinch gun ervnisers were | necessary far protection, appropriations « th has been held up in --_-- tee pending completion of the ty, is expecte ems the effects of the treaty, % fi U.S. to Spend Billion Dollars In Ten Years on Building Navy April 11 said: ! "The cost to the United States of replacements and during the next six further conference will be (under vas rious estimates) from $350, to $650,000000, ay compared to a sum' of hetween $1,400,000.000 to . parity on the f va basis, 2 LB "In addition to this saving, the res new const oars until t the Pre Britt naval d to show 1a some | {9 GOVERNMENT WILL APPEAL T0 PEOPLE ATe EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE, KING SAYS EE ri lie iii ESE ESE aa apa inpion po i