THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY, 7,190 * PAGE THREE New Developments Re Alege Thefts From Ontario Hospital | ine Site Near Kedron For yr Junior Boys' Camp Club Fullls Pro Promise Made |; to Public at Time of Win- ter Carnival DEVOTE PROCEEDS TO JUNIOR BOYS' WORK Camp Grounds Ideally Lo- cated on Stream of Pure Water -- Facilities For Swimming and Sport Fullfliling » Promise made to the Jublle at the time of the car- niva Wd inthe Arens, the Ki- wanis Club at thelr luncheon on Tuesday unanimously decided to purchase the site for a camp for junior hoys, At tha time of the ears nival the elub told the public that the money derived from the event would he devoted te junior boys wo With the purchase of a site for the camp the last Mop in the fulfiliment of the promise has been realized, The site decided upon is situate ed about five miles from Oshawa in the Kedron district, Ideally lo cated on a stream of clear, pure water, with every facility fov swimming and sport, the site when equipped for the summer will be a credit to the Kiwanis Club, The property, which is known as the Baldwin farm, consists of about seven acres With a stream running through part of it, Along side the stream is a large fleld with all the requisites of a sport ground for baseball and other athletic events, The property is near enough to the city so that the members ean keep in close contact with the wid themselves, With such a eamp the Kiwanis | *R jorward in Club sre takin mem in lhe in the L h be ark mean fo much to hoth, Ald, Hart and Engineer 0 BW dl agin G, Hart chairman of Heard of works, and City la fimith journeyed to Ottaws yoster day where they interviewed mem» bers of the Railway Hoard in con. nection with a certain clguse in its award with regard to the pre new subway beneath the CNN, right-of-way on Simcoe street south, | 0 The moaning of this partievlar use is not exactly understond by H o counetl and it Is in order w clear the matter up that the beard of works chalvman and eity Sein per were authorized to go to Ot tawa, It is expected that they will make a report tn the eity council at its next meeting, EC r'rpr Election Machinery For Riding No Not Yet Ready pa aug the Toronto morning i terint [) stort of the pos- pertirted # Federal elestion in the new future, the Jachinery for the Phaend or ri set in motion informed The Tim ing, that ax yet he has i aa th erate En et Ao o st a8 ie Srediot, oy it hh Po a before shale aii for the men Noratded event, dividends of Years to ity of the BROKER 70 MEET CREDITORS HERE Malcolm Stobie To Attend Meeting of Firm's Cred. itors Tonight _---------- Oshawa and district ereditors of Stobie, Porlong Co, mining brokers whe formerly aperated an office here are organising Wa pecial meeting which will be held in Welsh's Par- fors at 7.80 o'clock tonight, Mr, Mal- colm Stobie, one of the Jrineioals in the company, is expected to he pre. sent while the meeting may alse he addressed hy one of the inspectors in bankruptey, 1. Creighton, of the law firm of Grierson, reighten and Fraser, is among the legal re resentatives who ave heen vetained by creditors to pak after their interests and has tas ken prominent part in arranging tos night's meeting, CITY'S TREES ARE UNDER INSPECTION Council Realises Value of Preserving Fine Old Shade Trees The eity's 1g BL now $0. Rnowe bi over Brock "vad 1 delay out of f, while 0 osemsionn] sad tree is tound and remove' Mr, Arooks has under Li Super. vision » A Ry of Livy oH ii two men on ual SE "id (A Hh lo workin av) Avian tmb gave ia and crashed to the pavement as ona of the workers feat "and. great was the fall 780 ality council places » high on the fine old shade trees A @ the city's streets and Is is aetion in order to pre: tr beauty ak long as pos: o vesidenta of Ouhewa fn, 70. and Hf years ago vealised the Yalu of i piahilng trees and it is be: their fovesight that the i tions of the otly are made lovely with maples, elms and wal: nuts, Within recent years a number of od streets have been laid out which are absolutely develd of shade, The city eouncil is however demonstrating. that foresight which characterized the ploneers and through the forestry depart: ment is obtaining several thou. sand young trees which will be planted at advantageous points, Fittings Employee Badly Injured When Thrown Eight Feet John Cook, of this city, an employ- ee of the Fittings Limited was taken to the Oshawa eneral Hospital yes: fare v suffering from serious head in fre Ah the result of an accident in ¢ factory in which he is employed, Cook is stated to have heen opera: ting an electric drill at the top of an lost ladder when the machine oe and hurled him to the foot, njured man was immediately re moved to the hospital and was at: MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY WIELDS GREAT POWER Greatest Invention Since Printing: Press, Major Boylen Tells Kiwanis The Moving pleture is the greats est thing sines the invention of the Jr on press, stated Major Boylen, frman of the Censor Board of the Brovinee, in speakin of the wark of the censor hear tn the Kiwanis Club at thelr week: ly luncheon an Tuesday. The mov: ing pleture industry, through the Alms that they produce, wields the greatest power in the world to-day, aMrmed Major Boylen, Banding As It does as the fourth largest in: wetry in the United Hiates the in: uence of Amerigan thought and fashions upon the outside world is simply immense, declared the speaker, When one vealizes that 06 per cont of the Alms produced in the world are made in America with American backgrounds of srenery and people combined with the mod: eern furniture and fashions, in Yogue heve we ean begin tn get some conception of the influence upen other countries, In the Near East and South Amerie, twa of the regions tn which American films §0, It has Bean noted that the der mand for American goods has In- creased immeasurably since the advent of the movie, In Great Britain the board of censors has ut 8 eurb upon American Nims. he board demands of the exhibits or, that he shall exhibit a certain number of HRritlsh Alms every month, This has acted as a cheek on the influx of pletures from this side of the Atlantic, In Ontarip the board demands that the news reels shall conain a certain pay by of Canadian news events, or Boylen termed the theatre owner jo. arch community as the tt ma fn in the municipality, LR ones that he is able to use in The forming of the thought and fashions of the community Is with: in his power, It Is to assist these neal exhibitors that the censor rd finetions. 14 reviewing each m and a At production for the publie } view, The work of the hoard may not 'mest with the approval of the whole community hut It must he remembered that just as different countries have different modes of thought se have different people, Hach community has as many dif- fovent ideas of 'vight and wrong As there are people in it, Bo it In that wa hear so many different Spiniane of the morality of a eer: tal { Rs Alm Industry Is still In hts experimental stage, stated Major Baylen, The producion of sound fetures 1s not as Ane as it should 0, With the perfection of sound and oolor, and the possibility of the advent of fourth dimension lectures. there ia no telling where he end will be, As 8 medium for Instruction and demonstration the film has & great future, Such companies as the General. Motors use them to ine struct their sales sta® and mech: anion, 1th the ald of such Aims the time necessary for instruction J J duced by half, It 1s a vivid a somhrthontive way of teach: bi which 18 just beginning to he weed in the sehools for the teach: ing of history and like subjects, In future moving pletures will not be associated with amusement hut wih education, Bowlen, iandeg bY Dr. C, O. Miller, When The Times called the hospital this morning Mr, Cook was stated to have had a good night and his eon: dition this morning was eonsidered much better, His condition is. not causing anxiety on the part of his relatives and physivian, NEW OPEL LATEST MEMBER GENERAL MOTORS FAMILY Small FourCylinder Car to Be Manufactured in Germany Alter 'exhaustive teats at the ators . praving grounds, fenere ing a new Opel four-exlinder ear ia dhe et in_nreduction at the declared Major nt, Germany's largest a obile plant, Opal was merged eneral Motors & Yoar age, as Vausnal in England was several years ao This infant of the General Mots ove family sella in Germany at nes for Twhioh the dollay Vito outa are eN , hasais, ue, sis Mh] EE Sau alot with rum: 0, and fours shea se pri sal bub ne extra a wih da lel wiper wi Tares | on Whe chassis weighs 836 pounds, the walghts with various ¥ J. from 1.417 to 1,600 uroylinder en ine need in newoomer a bore of saproatmaLel : 4 Neniw mum Fog o tin 3,800 4] i; it 1 M 0 Ean ATT AP at ¥) a : fide sumed ad al ton AL three points. _ hermes a OPENS NEW SCHOOL SIR JOREPH VILAVELLE Whe officiated today at fhe apene ng of the new Oshawa Collegle ate and Voentional Institute, Premier King Sends Heartys Congratulation revm--" The Times today 10 ceived the following teler gram (rem the Rt, Hen, W. L. M. King, Premier of Canada "I am glad to be able, through the courtesy of the Oshawa Daily Times, [i to congratulate the people il of Oshawa on their civie enterprise and foresight in building the new eels legiate and veeational ine [| stitute ta be opened tor | day. |W, L, MasKensie King, Senator Borah will support President while he is running, but not when he is sitting~8hoe and Leather Reporter, April Honour Rolls For Oshawa Public Schools The henaur volls for senior and unior classes in the Oshawa Puh- ie Behools, far the menth of April, have been compiled, The name of the first ten pupils standing highest in each room are published exeept In small cianses where the names of the first Ave are publish- ed only, Honour Rolla KING MT, Br. IV.=Loulse Bennett, Alfred Green, Irvin Merrick, Mary Meth, Rodeviok Connolly, Isabel Marri son, Malaolm Young, Joyee Edgar, Jean Balrd, Billy Marlowe w=Toacher BH, M, Holmes dr, IV; Kathleen Harper and Marguerite White (equall, Wil Ham Coxson. Marian Palmer, idl lian Bond, Blwyn Hayton, Kathleen Sandtord, Edith Daslel, Jean And- epson, Ellsworth Legsott Teacher, OC. M, Cruse Earle Phillips, Jean Bima Merrick, Daren Roy CHE, Clair Doble, fr, WI darrell, Dolibie, Dolores Wrants. Eimer Badie, Laurie Wakely, Charlie Taylor, Teacher, V, G, Kalser, dr, HE==Jules Steiner, Murial Platten, James Piekup, Annabelle Baird, Jack Lockwood, Douglas foanes, Alleen Glenn, Margaret Lockwood, Keith Krants, Mack Bwitser, Teacher. B, A, Lyon, Br, 1=Glass A, Jean Billet, Virginia Robson, Donald Sandford, Gloria Rogers, Teacher, M, W, Adair, fir, H=Glags B, Betty Jarrell Noris Bane. Vernon Shaw, Ray Traw, Allan Sheridan, Leo Krants, Teacher, M Adair, fr, W.--HBerniee Gorden, Don Graver, { 1 Jr Pauline Little, Jean Amith, Vernon Wright, May Lake, Hush Meehin, Br, L--Ross Badmunds, Albert Knibh, Betty Mogre. Tancher, ®_Hills, Jacobi, Rober Ar 1 Praw (Continued on page 4) (ITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | PIVINION COURT WITH Division Court is in session to» day, While the docket at the last seasions was rather Nght, there are a larger number of cases Wp for settlement at this sitting, POLICE KEPT BUMY The people of the eity are keep: ing the Paliea busy these days, fssuing dog leenses and tags, Those wha have nat sscured their lloanses are warned that any doy found without a tag, after the fivet of May, ia Hable to have his doy pleked up by the deg ecateher, FINED FOR RECKLESS DRIV: F. I. Donovan, civil engineer, who resides on King street east, was fin: ed $25 and costs hy Magistrate Doug las Davidson, at Mimico, yesterday when he pleaded guilty 10 a charge o froekless driving arising from A smash-up an the highway near Clark son: It was stated an hehall af the local man that he had already wade good all damage to the ether twe cars involved, HOUSEHOLDERS RURY Gardening and painting are af thelr helght In almost every house: hold, The head of the house, 0 MARY cAsen, MAY ha seen out give Ing the lawn ita first trim of the SORROR, AIMOst any «Yening, NO POLICE COURT Pollen Court did not hold a aes slon this morning, It speaks well for the law abiding eitisenery of the olty, that thera are se few canes, When the court does aft it in & notable fagt that, except for Han occasions, the docket is very ght, FEW FIRE CALLS The Fire Department have heen having a period of inactivity as far as fives ave contarned. The last five to which they were called wan iy Saturday afternoon, 1t is ta he honed that there will he ne more calls for a long tine to come, syphon cooling, plus a, good-alsed fan, take care of that problem, A vane pump supplies oil to all main hearings, he orankahaft in fitted with generous webs and has two plain bearings, The eluteh is a single dey plate type, Three apeads and reverse are used. The Hine oOmprises an apen tubular ronslier and spiral bevel, Bemis Hh fo springs are used in front AE elliption in the » wheel brakes ave fitled w h cork rings to prevent entrance of dirt inte the drums, Steel diac wheela are fitted, Front seats have & width af about 18 inches and the hack seats of about 21 inches, with more leg room than the beholder might at Avast consider possible, BROUGHAM NEWS Riau, Archie on and o al and he ante hp 4 with Bund "ober fad Migs Feanby apent Suda in the iH ohn Oawle and a ni. visitors: with 4 iy "Brown [) J, Brawn and family hs 0 pvp Fy WA a Bate vn and Mra, Crooker and Son, Mr, Wetter and daughter were visi J Big thelr relatives here wit Wy, Ont tha hy EY HR vo RE we lap whooping cough, the latter disease belek gilte renalont o PrOsent, Mis, BooAen have com: 1oted id visit at the heme of " Philip, Jack Gerow May & Sunday vie {tar at his hom the birth of y "ine 00, Sitharation Are being made far vongtatdlal 1008 ave od to Mr, and LLLGL on the Miner haere of Mothers! day, M The ehureh and 8,0, i Doing a combined sem vice baginning at 3 a Farmers are ven Ruey their stdin hut Nttle village poly ping in being done owing ta the h Mouity a Jelhing the land plow: uk) Lh ey ditle Aa LL WPI: ine slowly althe stil) Moontand (1) JOFFRE REPORTED IN GOOD HEALTH hatud xh a i Aanded on i aL mong wi a dents hal irl aver ass o & ar mon hi . yp ar Jour wf Smear | aw al » ---- SIDNEY J, RUNDLE DIES IN ARIZONA Native of Darlington Had Achieved Success in Montana Town Bldney |, Rundle, formerly a pro: minent oitigen nf Glasgow, Mon tana, and a native of Darlington died n week agn last Friday ai Phoenix, Avigans, acearding to ward veesived hy relatives here The late My, Rundle had vesided In Glasgow for a numher of yanvs and had hecame highly successful In business while he wan alan priv Heged tn herome & vepresaniative In the Montana state legislature Apeaking of Mr. Rundie's death the Glasgow (laurier says, "Sidney J, Rundle was horn al ELECTED DIRECTOR A 8 MeLAVGHEIN President of the Gensral Motors of Canada who was today elected) ¢ director of the Canadian Pacifie Rallway at the annual meeting of that COMPANY n Montreal -------- WM, MORRISON IS RECOVERING AT LOCAL HOSPITAL Alleged Slayer of Wife May Leave Bed Tomorrow William: Mareisan whe it is allege murdered his wile a week agn yes terday and who has heen recavering from self-inflieted injuries in the General Hospital is reported morning to have reached the stage 0 canvaleseenee, It is expeeted that he will he rgoawed ta leave his hed to day or JF ina and hin complete recavery ia expected very shortly, The date of the inquest into the death of Mrg, William Mayrisen the vietim of the tragedy has net yet heen set stated the Carener Dr, F, I. Rundle, ta The Times this mara ing, hut arrangements will he made as 200n as Morrison is able 10 ap pear and give evidence SHIP FAST AGROUND AT SAULT STE, MARIE (Ry Canadian Press Lomed Wire) Sault Sie, Mri Only, May 7 The steamer William Kdenbarn, Cap tain H Steamship Company, whieh wen hard ageound Wn the west Neehiah channel at seven a'olagk last night when she orashed into the eonerete 18 con Noy 21, in a tos, orb at He he how af the Yenbor still faa, oo) i fled four feet hy the impast " ® now vests on the eoanerete \ hole in her how, above the Mh " or line, his is heing Wpired hy the Kane ohigan San, which tonk a welding autfiv down this wees ARE and 161s expected that Edens orn will proceed down hound with par carga of are from Duluth after Company of the N she had heen lightered sufMoiently he pulled off, PREACHING AND PRACTIOR Oalonel (after a severe lecture LI taupe of men on the evils of samhl Hl --8aven days oonfin: od ta barracks Sengeant-Major--What shall do with this fouvpenes wien Which was | ha a the bis, sly Oolone lei hem PLEARR THR Pig TRAE OUSIAIMAE AVeR TRara BANA wid LE iy not At for a pla" the walte hen ke tt away, vou idle" retarted the. managen, Rm some that WM Repoan-Homid, a 'y or thine nd aut streany we bine Leisk, of the Pittsburgh LWapenta each, and let how wp fap the odd halfpenny l---Rallaville Ontario, Vand fateh ftratford h the big hy 011 was that == Detroit Free Darlington, Ont, Canada, on Waster Sunday, April 16, 1884, the ann nf James and Adelina Plokel Rundle, He war the youngest of four children, twa of wham, Lap has of Bowmanville, Canadas, and Mrs, Mes, Fred Curtlg of Darling: tan, survive, His father later may vied Miss Annie Frank who reared him and who passed away about elght years ago, His father still liven at Darlington on the family homestead Thras half sisters, Mra, Ethel Martin, Mys, Louis Have and Mrs, WII Found, and two hall heothers, Willved and Frank alan survive, "Mr, Rundie received his eduea tion In the Darlingion Aid aehonls, graduating in 1001, Yin 1006 he went to battiaford Canada, where he was employed hy his unele, Bid Plekel, wha was engaged in the meveantile business, Inter going to North Dieta where he Aled and proved up on a home atoad and Apst engaged In the veal entate husiness, In 1007 he was married to Miss Florence May Heddon, of Hawman villa, Ont, and the same year came to Glasgow and Immediately ontared into the real estate and ins surance business In which he was very suceessful, Later he added ALthe abstract business and his com PANY Wan Known asthe Rundle land pnd Abstract Company. For ROVAPA) Years he waa elty elevk and [in 181A vepreasnted Valley county in the state legislature, heing elect: ad an the Republie tleket, "WAS | veaponaihle for the hullding of the Rundin bloek, the largest and most imposing butlding in the eity, He WAS AR Active factar in the rapid development of thin distriet fal lowing the opening of the and ta homestead entry, "Hive ghildren ware horn tn My and Mrs, Rundle, Laurence Bidnay, Helen May, who died January 20, 1081, Maxine Heddon, John Don ald, and Robert Paul," The funeral sevvien was held from the Methodist Episcopal ehureh, Phoenis, ta tha Green I| wood cometary the Hik lodge of that olty being in eharge of the service, "it | Many From Oshawa To Attend Big Legion Rally), Well aver ane hundred members of the Oshawa branch of the Cana: dian Legion will*ga to Whithy on Friday evening for the distriel rally tn he held there, Arrangements have heen made for an Ample aup MY of hun accommodation and pri: VALE are ta transport the lees! delegation ta Whithy, and {hese will 1eave the market building as S00 After seven a'olock as possible, The Anal arvangementa will he made at the Legion meeting in the Connell CHamber tomomew aval: mE when other important and ine teresting husinean will alsa he dis ousand, and a large attendances of members in asked, an there will he AR Initiation ceremony for a eon: slderahla Rimbor o new W eomrades, ' WEEKLY ORDERS FOR MTH REGIMENT Cal, on: A _-- Part 1 Opders=-Ry Lieut, Be 0, Hodging, Commandin rie Regiment, May 6th, 1940, Dien For week endin he Op derly Officer, Lieut, 1. Gerry; » arly Hengeant, i Parker, di a Sutely Corporal, Iv Cpl Rum soll, Next. ~ a: Orderly afficen, | Ldenty, My Py Johnston; Ondenly Horgeant, Sgt, Andraws, "RY Cav Dtdenly Corporal, Cpl Russell "AY ay, Cay.t dual. at TI, Onl, Russell, * Park May Mh- Ri Parade, ht in 48 ans 0.0% Inspection; & AR and 3 Cay, at Oshawa Mate mare; DB Cay wader loon ATFARROWM ARLE, Ooramonial = Rand, scarlet, Re. mainder, Drill order with Htiss and Alda arma, A: Ly Toaland, Lieut, and Adie ant, Ontarle Regiment, WONG VARTRRN An Thigh saleaman Was trving his hand at' selling an windaw saahos, and In Futon ing thew 10 the builders he SY | lant {steve "Thess sash Ad Afterwards, "\ you have ATID Uae far them, YoU 0A Ae for ok 'eeChat hal thew fron, \ on a. hone [Police Discover Five Bags of Supposedly Stolen Goods in "Marsh at Whitby Harbour er Sacks Contained Blankets Bedepronds, Underwear and Pillow Cases wr Thought to Have Been Hospital Goods OFFICERS ORDERED TO MAKE CLEAN-UP Men Charged in Connection With Alleged Theft Te Appear Before Magistrate Willis This Afternoon (Hy Saf Reporter) | Whithy, May T==A now develops ment in connection with the alleged theft. fram the slaves Arparimeng nf the Ontarin Hospital, Whithyy has taken place in the past fwentys four hours Tuesday night Provincial Inspess tar Bayd, Chief Gunson, Whithy and Provineial ofiears Mitehsl an Diamond found Ave bags of hisne keta, clothing and other ariieien aiid to have heen part of the Noss pital slopes equipment, in the mars on Broek Hivest Houth eloss (9 the havhar, When the hags were aheiie al, they wera found (a contain ale Aven pairs of hiankets, two hedd spreads, twa suite of underwear willow casas and same old clothing, The poliea tank possession of the hags and an investigation is being conducted On Bunday merning a wikiol hoy while Ashing In Lynd's Oreaky paw A pares) floating In the Water Opening It he found 1 te contal A pair af hlankets which he Im mediately turned aver tn Ehief Gun Wn The men charged in sonneetl with the alleged theft will appes hefore Magistrate Willis In White hy poliea Court thin afternoon; On Tuesday the Faliea oifies visited the Parliament Rulldings Torantn and it was learned the they had a conference with the At torney General, Hon, W, HN, Prise the Provineial Resratary, Hon, Lin main Goldie, and Premier Ferguson The orders fram headquarters & tn make a cleanup of the satire A fair, Interest Fretted } 1 In seldom hat anvibing had axeited an much interest in the tow an the arrests of the aight hospital employees and the report tha thefts have heen earried on at th institution on A wholesale Stale The men who have heen Shire the neliea have heen Reges responsible citizens, ae 8 owhing hele AWN nea elude B Loman Humphries, J Se Mowgely Jas, Roddy, & Byers and ©, ih a wv In Memoriam w- HOLDAWAY in Tin Ievin mem of aur little Dannie, Whe Aver May Tih, "n, nied yea oy) a little roams Ay MA was our hope and We loved hm, ah, pAFADS mh TIL soon {od slept and Aled, The home |8 sad and lonely Ainea aur loved one went Away | Aut Jesus KORE A MOARANS \ He could ne longer stay The Anse! took aur Hower away | Vet we will nat repine Far Jesus In His hosom wear The flawer that ane Was sums, Weer remombtid, ms a i p JLL PS In lovin vin PJ Phillips, a v Bsn. dln of wou f, 101%, Buried A Comw Cameatary, vi Remembered hy all o'! MARLER--IN loving Taabella #pronle, Malar of the late 8 A, Ma pateed AWAY At Lt arth, May 1 LT | ee... Bom LOWER Al OMNAWA HH Aw on May 8th, in Lows, Bid Bibel), 9) Late 1 I LT v NW a THO) Np WR VOROAr BUREN arated, Nica loon! Ay Month, Phone LLLLLY RABY Aun Ape A pres PK {ata} \ oh 3 RVERYRODY COMB SATE Supper tn 8, ¢ X \ HA rhiis it hy NR NEVADA. \ [)