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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 May 1930, p. 13

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YHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1930 PACE THIRTEEN DS meets ey ROSOSIDNO K R. mg EEG 'Oshwa. Phove 4. OG, D, Consat, Did, LLB: A P, Aunw, BA. pm yo ancer, Monay new wilding. Opposite t er. Solicitor, Notary ! Punts, Cons 0 Ay 0 loan, Office ofice 144 Kin, 8t. East, Osawa. Phone esides Vraser rs Con core, Nota ie, ats. ores Back, st. Phone 13, J. ¥. Orlersen, K.C., fon, Ba, NO LOUIS Ln ioe tM For porh, hous 67, Residence GREE risters,! Solicitors ete St, N. Phon fA WATE "& HA. tern, Solicitors, ote, ' 0 Algol Bldg. Oehaws and Port Perry, Phones. 759 wa, Port Perry 24 a1 71 r 8, (Apr. 4+1 mo) A I. PARKHI A ER, "ett. Matey to loan. Alger a 3 opr posite Post Office. Phone 1014, Medical PRS. SAIEEWOOD g & WARPRIT Disney Block, Phone "050, Office hours 9 am to 8.30 p.m. Dr, B Hazlewood, special atiention © Sar and X-Ray. Jr. B, H, Hare per, special attention to children's Diseases snd Obstetries. Sunday and night calls 7416 or 185: em ------------------ i ------. Y PHYSICIAN, SUR pein, concher. genes. J stetriean, Pumiee nd" dr DR. DAVID ARCEIER: Min sham Physician Jurneon and Pons hs Tou) ate 16 10 Mac Ave Ave, "Nort MARCEL AND CURL Boe. MRS. EH i Re ATU Ho and rasidence, 513 Simcoe street north Phone 8438. : I. ; d Obstetrician an) reson o 185 Simeos orth Veterinary Surgeon OR, LTERANA Specialist Disgases Domestic Ani- mals, ta og. hospital, 203 King W. Tel, 6890. CTT (May 3-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Tio Spud 0.1 "OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronte, on an his ury ug Store cach Saturday, from 1 till 4 bam, for consultation: and - treatment { diseases of ear, nose and throat ani. cAbuointments mav be mad at over pik brue Sark 10 to iE. i foes: ohen Hes donee 21 office ever | cnarged, 760 called | S-------- | od Platt Phone 1686, RS | sveciaiiet in lo mo snom and Author " be ) and Srala, ie and Its Deve ney lool opposite end Office. Phone 4616, (Apr, 14-1 mo) ] AND SMITH, ONTAR- » and ah DONEVAN io Land § X eer, e ae n LUKE gba bt, gt fret FS nee, 542 Sim. nih Faves 87 Colina street, Bruce 'reet. + ry sp e's i ZF WH PLACING INSUR ce R. N. Johos, $0 Simcoe Your insurance wants ab to apd your .nterests pro- (4f automobile, fire, . nceldent, Bee Holden 92 Simoos N (May §-1mo) Transportation i. COLE Ph 85 Bond West, Shesialinte n RR rut ahi, "@ Li CA nd on JEL 1 Le DANA'S OLDEaT ESTAB car rag soleus ry fie & Road tance, Rd i-| GRPTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop.' WHpeciklsts in permanent, finger snd marcel waving, Ver manens wave prises §6, § 0 eo and $15. All other ines of Beauty flulturg, Phene 2008, Apply §b6 Bimecoe street orth, Betty Ward 1 FD a eb rman. ent reel sod sham ments 0 mocintmants 15-1 mo) "E00. K. Clarke, 147 Aga; street. Yhooe 20400, Apr, 20-1 mo) iT CHORBY OF 110 MARY 81. opening barber shop at No, 10 Athol Bt, West May §, ny, 1046) HERBERT ©, TRENEER, OR- ganist and choir master of King Street United Ohurgh will accept nd voeal re apply 60 .y Phone 3806. (Apr, 6-1 mo" NA Collegiat Public "Sines Sha onal Citbb "Sh. phone heyy, (Ape oi 4 USHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AY cossories for sale, repairs on elec trio and battery 2 ots: tubes angle batteries trite applied. he Phone ry Wales, 140 Bigla (Apr, 8-1 mo) Raat." ALL MAKES OF SETS"REPAIR-|" 16 prices reasonable work #udran- teed, batteries Cho. 0c delivs one eo. Burroughs, Boiled i abt. 16-1 mo) for and de livered, Radio service, alrials erect. . SAD ot mo) : ahd om All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ete. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of loss arising from handling a large number of sma of this nature, For thy convenience of Siemens, who find it inconvenient © come personally to The Times will bring » messeriger who will receive the advertisement and collect for same. "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT and arcounts mr Work Wanted BATTERIES CHARGED. 1 CALLED of and deliv vied. J 78 een rs. hu Jens Ratt Wad Hisdon, 20 Mill Be. Phone 1886W, Apr 16-1 a + | CONCRETE WORK, CELLAR and garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel, cinders, Chris Uraham, Phone 20621M, (Apr, 20-1 mo) automobiles and furniture, The best in workmanship at the lowest Brices. Note pew address, 451 Sime South. G. A. Constable, Phone 34 aw, (Apr, 46- Lit and. ceMars white washed, houses and barns painted, Phone 19081, ( ) for, or general work, Phone 3108) (107¢) SHOE, KNIV: os, Lawn Mowers, Baws, Phone 421W, We call and deliver, 130 Celina St, KE, Bottan, (May §-1mo,) Dressmaking WANTED DRESBMAKING, LAs die's' dresses, Ensemble suits, children's clothes, and alterations, Mrs, Connolly, 287 Richmond, Bast, Phone S08) (Apr, 43-1mo.) Articles For Sale sib Bd HARD ARD JF bone dy Ari Meek Ltd., planos, Rew and Pianos, dios, latest wodels; we o C. Trill, one Hr (13144) D8 Waterous- 7, 30-1 10) - ARN- fshes, We have the ot ABSOTL ment of paints, Varn ,-#to, In in the elty. The Paint Store, 80 King street west, (Apr, 26 tf) |} or driveways. imited, Pho 1 Meek Li stonesehl nd black loam. Phone 8 % roster. 210 Alice rest. { , 30-4 ma) ders, black loam, $1.60 per yard. or or Bron 083 ane waivice phone Es (May 8-18) Apply William Bar- Phone (100¢) ¥ ON: gan in good a condition; Apply 18 Elena street, Phone gpd? ol berry canes, ker, 197 Verdun Road, chair and chamber ohalr, #1,60, Phone 2581W, Jon on ale. Mawers bought, seid, 0X» ground and vepaired, Re. pr kept for all makes, Haws' filed an teals, ground, Shears her pivia or corres O'Regan, | hb +1) 3,98; ¢ tors, TOASONA! Oo. 1} King oii Phone i (Apr, 86 | sm | light hoUsekee {stone 'Avenue, box 858 Tim To For Rent AVEHTMYNT Sn OONAN, AONE Ike suites, Home [urnisbhed, atin. dry, conveniences, elee dryer, to, elec stoves, eles refrigeration, hot Water year round, Phone 1560 or 2847W, (SL) FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD. orn suites Including electric retrig. eration, stove, laundry, convenle Pees, etc, continur 's hot water supplied. Apply Bupt, "phone 267), or The Trusts and Guarantees Uo, Ltd, manager tor owner, Toronto, (27¢0) FOR RENT «~~ FIVE ROOMED brick house, conveniences, hard. wood 'floors, newly decorated, paved street, Possession May first, Apply 81 Elgin east, phone 1056J, (100s) 161 CABA LOMA APARTMENTS, King street east, Oshawa, Three and five rooms with bath, very modern, Apply to ADartment 2 (1080) ME TOR ng, suitable for hona 8838, (1040) OW WITH garage, lights and water, Fifteen dollays, 388 Windsor Ave, off Wil son. Rd, Routh, (1060) INT, ( Pp rooms, newly decorated, hardWood floors, elec trio: refrigerator," stove, Janitor service, Phone 1400, (1080) HOURE TO WE} AD: Apply | at' house, Possession May 106th, Painter wanted to paint house, vin Jiice. 080) young couple, tral bullding, t ft, 4 rooms, Intge fuidoi Appl 468 Athol 8t, Rhone S1W wyly ' (1080) 1) INT. ment, ground floor, private ens trance, and convenlencek, Very oontral, 06 Chain (1080) Tr ) 0 AT, ALL conveniences, eat it NecoNRATY, Phone §8F, 133 Clarke Street, rooms. ground floor, throes blockk from four corners, All conveniences, 4" MoMillan Drive, (1074) house, Conveniences, double gar. age, Chioken Pen, 808 Tresgne Street, Phone 1827R14, (1070) NEW FIVE HOON WRIOK house, furnished or unfurnished, every convenience, rent reasonable to reliable party, 04 Huron street, Phone 3951W, (10%¢) | R furnighed room bathroom flat, Apply Phone 3346W, or 68 Breck B (1070) 4} tral, four. rooms, bath, " aleotrlc stove, newly decorated, Hardwood floors, Possehslon June 4, Wo oh, Disbed ousa and garage, 527 Mar, street i Phone. une, ! Mary First insertional oents ji per word, : Minimum charge 30e, ROC subsequent oconsecu. 10 pm: Aken "sonsecutive 'tneer: ig tor thy See of first \nsertions {ures gents a word), Wi 3 fo fr three Por numbar 100 additional tonsfonad:' of $360 for a w very or or th "ti proving bt w ¥ y SE For Rent FH phone, rooms, bRthroom fiat, alg Fotos all conveniences, 303 brick veneer bungalo, News. deo. orafed, Nice locality, Hd month, Phone 23627, 70° L William "atret onst, newly decor. ated, possession June 1, With or without Kare. 24 Royal streot, Phone 155, (107¢) house, All conveninuces, Phone In ovenings 641M, (1086) FoR = N- galo, 60 Burke Bt, All conveni Ounces, BArage, Inquire on prem ison 2 10 § o'clock or #1 Arlington | Avenue, (108) AUAUTIVOL TT NOUN AND "BATH Just completed devursting through out, . All modern improvements, with garage, orchard and gardon space, Lease, Apply owner 280-282 Nassau ft, (108d) i v nished rooms or suitable for bed sitting rooms, (All conveniences, Phones 2607), (108¢) TRTON Street, Phone 1827R23 (108¢) To EN ATX ROOMTED HOUNE, partly furnished, very central, Phone 8640] (108¢) HOOM™ TO LET--VPHONY 561 Bowmanville, (107¢) APARTMENT TO AL All fonteniences hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Bros, (8680) SAPPY L, Hancock, SOrvice At remsonable rates, In: come (AX reports and ABDUL Statements prepared, KX, A. Holden, 92 Bimeoe strest north, phone $T1AW, (Apr, 11-1 mo) FUSINEREMAN ~~ WANTH ii T class rooms with board for family of four, vicinity of hospital, Xin Box 669 Times, 8 AY orange "painting wpd graining Floss Tight, Work EusTantosd. bio Pine Ave, phone 3088w or Beha 11 orating, sign writing, timatas abt, pAInLing, Hib dec- given on work, Phone 18 Ma =] mo) Rugs RUGE -- BMYRNA REVERSIBLE rugs, 60¢ to §1 down, B0c per week, For samples phone 1816W, (Apr. 39 1 mo) Palmist NADKNE RENA," PALMYNT 30 Bovua Vista, Appointments, Phone BABAW, Apr, 31-1 mo) Situations Wanted YOUNG FVORWIGN LADY Dif sires housework, kood worker, good character, Phone 1608W. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT ==TWD young office gentlemen, desire sep. arate furnished rooms, with board in contrally located modern homes, Will be out of town week ends, Apply stating full particulars to Box 6568 Times, (1088) garage, Equipped with water and lHahts, also sewer lald on, Garage can be used for temporary ving quarters, 162 Verdun Rd, (1080) FOR SALE ON WENTHOUA and Afty acres of land, Close to Oshawa, phope 629, Apply 203 King Street, West, (1070) Rea te For Sale LOT FOR BAL" AT BACRIVIOK on very easy terms, Apo LLL] Centre street, (Apr. 8 28-2 wks.) Ca---------------------- FOR SALE--HOUSE AND THN acres, also vacant land, Easy terms, Close to Oshawa, Amplr 140 Agnes Bt, Oshawa 0it) 0 + Wyrm f] house at Bowmanville Beach, Hplendid beach, safe and sandy Kleotric stove and lights, furnish. od, accommodate from thirty to forty, Possession at once, Phooe Bowmanville 207, W. J. Berry, i (1048) FOI BALE = NN house one or more acres of lang, cheap for quick sale, % mile from pavement, North Oshawa. Apply Stan Prevost, North Oshawns, oxehange for contral Oshawa prop- arty, Good moll, bulldingh and valus, Phone Holden 871W, (108h) Help Wanted--Female WANTED =A oral liousework, plain cooking, Any 62 Connaught Street, phone (1070) GENTORNAN™ keeper, no .ohjection to young child, Good home, Btate age and wages expected, Hox 6566 Times, (108b) Wanted To Buy TROUNARH from fifteen to tweutly Shorthorn grade heifers, from one to two ears old, . D, M, Robertson, 18 ing street west, Toronto, (108b) frigerator In good condition. Phone 1687TW, 108a) TAR repaired at 40 Bong St, W Body and fender work don " shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats and general wood work, Phone W. Fry 8308. (Apr 93:1 mo) alx _oylinder coach, low 18 Hall 8t, Live from ' oarefully selected large heavy layers, after May ist, All Hatohing op Visitors welcome, Geo, Reynol ", Courtice, (Apr, 26-1 mo, AB. pedis Bred mileage. 070) A bits from registered stock, greed, real prize winne dood, pales or trion, for sale reasons able, Phone 1088 r 1-4, 1060 Veefor Mother's Day, Guaranteed, Oahe 185 Centre #8t, 107d with a oanar Tip-top sin: A awa Viana, Phone 81187, hena for sale, also twenty Angorn bb Apply 86 Almnder Biv s 3H Awnings je "AWNINGS = TORCH awn i a Yering h 1 fer oo Chnopy talled mp equipment or rent, hone 25 or 38 for | "Turner ang Son bora, Pa : | (107¢) Personal LORRY Indy In return for care of child- ven during the day. Apply Bex 657 Times, (106a) Lost and Found HOG--BTRAYED VROM ATHOL Breet XE, Monday morning, Police Puppy, Anyone knowing his whereabouts kindly phone 2070, (108¢) SIRT " -- Roofing "Mill: Ends" "Factory stock good "Mii Wnds" Roofing and Asphalt Shingles clearing at sacrifice prices, Hats faction guaranteed, Eastern factors fon United Limited, Box 212, Ham- fiton, Ont, (108 111-1141 114-117-100 192.188) Building ¢ v) 4 te To insure prompt aelivery, piace ofders Ir. advanes of delivery date, W, Borrowdale, Phone 1614 UL °-o H Notice Bylaw Number 1946 of the Cov- poration of the City of Oshawa enacts as follows: That no person shall allow a dog to run at large within the lms its of the City of Oshawa between the hours of 9 o'clock P.M, and 1 AM, during the months of May, June, July and August, Any dog found running st large as afore paid may be captured and killed of otherwise disposed of by the police or other persona appointed to enforce 'his bylaw after having been kept In pound three days, No dog shall be permitted or allowed by its owner to become nuisance or cause Abhnoyance or damage to any person by running over and Wamaging or IRJuPInE the property of such person within the Clty of Oshawa, For any violation of the bylaw the person so offending shall bo rm, as TTT ~11able to a fine not exceeding $50 and costs, OWEN D. FRIEND, Chief Constable, (108-108-114-120) Sheriff's Sale of Lands ---------- County of Ontario To Wit: On Saturday, the 10th day of May, A.D, 1980, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, 1 will offer for sale by public _aue- tion, at my office in the Court House, in the Town of Whitby, all the right, title and interest of the Defendants in the undermentioned lands and tenements seized by me under and by virtue of a Writ of Exeoution issued out of the Su. preme Court of Ontario, and to me directed in whioh The Carew Lumber Company Limited {is tho Plaintiff and Richard Frost and Olara Frost, are the Defendants. The said lands and tenoments being all and singular that certain par ool or tract of land and promises situate, lying and being in the City of Oshawa, In the County of On. tario and being composed of Lots Nos, 198, 198, 194 and 198, ace Sordi to plan Hise in the Regis try Oftice = the Rotlstey Divi sion of the County of Ontario, aa Noe an LB aid ota bein vid Nhe h side Tresane the Bn of a oant 0 bert red | Street, 8he ts 0 Whitby, Tatty 9 yg 1930, Sheriff, County of Ontario, The Soviet han abolished Christe mas, Santa Clauss holly Ch mistletoe, and Peace on Marth, es- peciaily peace on earth=Philadels Pphia Inquirer," _------ " mother of boys knows, 4t only by her billx for boots and Blookings, that boys are boyer than over," ==And the Atle ladder 0. | Liveppool Poy] yan a wir, BE your rules and wrote on ;e side of the paper . atthe: ty ou oan alow AIS on sifer older "How? to editors DIET-MAY CONQUER DISEASE OF TEETH Important Discovery by British Woman Scientist is Announced London «A remarkable discov~ ory, which may prove to be a de- eisive factor In the conquest of diseases arising from bad teeth, has been made by a British woman scientist, Mrs, K, Mellanhy, Ina long series. of patient #x- periments, extending over sleven yonrs, she has established the fol lowing principles; Mood teesth depend on the pre- wenco in sufcfont qesntities and At 'the right time, of vitamin D In the diet, By means of apparently 'small changes In diet, any degree of im- perfection in the teeth, jaws, and related tissues can ultimately be produced at will, Perfect teeth and jaws may be deliberately produced fn man, es pecially by suitable diets during the period of thelr development; and when the teeth are grown they can be made more able to ropist Infection by a similar diet, Mrs, Mellanby's researches on "Diet and the Teeth" fall into three sections, the first of which deuling with her experiments on dogs, was published recently by the Medical Research Council, The see- ond section will describe her experi« ments on other animalg---rats and rabbits--and the third is eoncern- ed with human teeth, Her work has been undertaken Asn natural development of the re- woarchps of her hushand, Prorussor ¥. Mellanby, 'who discovered that rickets was caused by the absénce of vitamin D, which haw a tremens dous influence on. hone-formation, In spite of all the publieity which the toothbrush and dent frices have heen given, says Mrs, Mellanby, in spite of mouth washes and fruits, and food with its "so ealled toothecloaning properties,' dental diseases In "so widespread that It Ys undoubtedly one of the oustanding problems of the day. ""ioma people with neglected mouths have teeth free from caries, whereas others who take great care in matters of oral hygiene have extonsive caries, The present In. vestigations," she continues, "dem. onstrate that the minute structure of the developing tooth and the reaction of the developed tooth to earien are Influenced hy the chemie. al nature of dietetic ingredients which, after being digested and absorbed, are earried in the blood- stream to the tissues of the body, and thus to the teeth," Experiments on Pupples Tn the first section of her report Mra, Mellanby doseribes haw varl- oun litters of retriever and terrier pupples were brought up in cons trolled conditions of environment and diet, and thelr teeth afterwards subjected to mieroscopical and oth or tests, Whenever the diet, was deficient in food containing vitamin PD thelr teeth and jaws showed degrees of fmperfection, and ime provement of tha diet in this res. pect eaunes corresponding im- provements in the condition of the teoth and jaws, The problem was one of calel ffi tion, and variations in the amount of vitamin D permitted wide dif. ferences in the amount of ealelum and phosphorus required, The banio diet, to which vitamin D, has added, connlsted of cooked cereals, separated milk powder, raw lean ment, a little ofl or fat, orange Juice, hrewers' yeast and salt, Touching on her Investigations of the effect of diet, on human teeth, te be fully analyzed in Section MT, not yet published, Mrs, Mellanby sys: "Children in an institution were divided Into groups and were fod on diets which, while similar in respect of most Ingredients, dit fered an regards those properties which had been found in animal experiments to play an important art in the caleifioation of = the eoth andl jaws, Great gifferences in the rate of development 'and spread of caries resulted." Expensive Diet Vitamin D, ranks first in imports ance in oaloifying processes, But the foods containing it are fow in | number, and, in general expensive, "Hge yolk and flah fats, include ing cod-liver oll, arg ita richest known sources, but is it also ansool. |! ated with milk, butter, cheese, and animal fata (other than lard and bacon; which contain a variable but Hd comparatively small quantity "Ie he experiments described have any dlgnificance for the hu. JmAR subject it would seem likely that the ordinary diet, eapecially of the poorer classes, in this country will tend to produce Imperfect teeth alnoe vitamin D ia either absent from or defiolent nl ut a of diet as bread, barley, sugar, ay Sam = CI vegetables, lean ha 8 descriptions, white fish, form the bulk of the food gaten' TN ------------ The man who does not. know what to do with hls week-end should put his hat on it.--London Sunday Express, An now Is there any doubh #hout the government untry this your Paty andar, a John Masefield once & tramp, may be post laureate of Eng He has known reverses as well as verses, ~~Toronto Telegram, OPTIOAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D, Eyesight Bpecialist hone 8815 _ A Ue | Tailor-made | Suits tar $25.00 Mills Scotland en esses ls Sh Before placing Automobile Insurance get my special Denman prices for lots Wn Na n con Donsvopn Park, subdivision wost of Simcoe St. North J. H, R, LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg. COLEMAN #5 BOND ST, WEST a ---- GOOD USED CARS Aro #old- by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED #0 Simcoe 8 §. Phone 000 Ko ---------------------------------------------------- . Oshawa Burial Co, - successor to JMsney-Cott ' AMBULANCE 87 Colina Bt. Phone 1089 * i LUMBR F. L. BEECROFT ' Whitby Lumber ang. Yard hon Oshawa FOR SALE«On account of boalth, wood 100 mere farm, plowing and sdeding' done) complete with -horees, sows, fowl, implements, ote, Let go of half eash, Balance 54%. Ne anchange, oe, Wb RAIA property, Ses DISNI A Thovsands Now Fut "TENDERS FOR GRASS CUTTING Tenders will be vecoived by the underigve until 12 'o'clock noon, Saturday, May 10th, for man and horse for cutting grass on City Parks for season 1080, ; FB HARE, Seoy. Park Commission,

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