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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 May 1930, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 10,1930 ASSIBIED SEGI ON ri Pr \) NI RIST fe i 4 0G D, PV, Aun, "ia Salieitne, Notary iubllg Convey sneer. Menay 1 pl jon ird floor 25 new Alger Bu ding, "oposite wh v, rivter, oni veyancer, King St, Fr pion mane rierson, kG Ay Ne re v, Barristers, Con Notaries Publier $t8: naOtt St. Phone 18; J: ¥. ne + 0 "ee Ie (relghiton, LOUIS § HYMAN, hcttor, tl By Hier north, hove 6 e,' GREER risters, gollcom $1. N. Pho or Rr 2 B. ter, ole, Conveyanelin [1 practien, 38% K'n Ax nen, yg fnlieitore, ote, '41 Algo Bldg. Orbawa end Port Pe . Phones 7569 Cehawa, Port Perr P4and 10 0, (Apr, 4+1 mo) Md | te, 0 HR to loan, Alger ia, opr posite Post Office, Phone 1014, Medical TRE, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone "050, iis hours 9 a.m, to 8.40 pM J, Haslowood, special Sivtntion to surgery and X-Ray, Jr, B, H, Hap per, special attention to Shildrens Diseases and Obstetrics, and night calls EE or 1 DR. roucher ICIAN, he geon, Accouche dence, ote Sher If Key his vears' post lige and rep. on. Obate a 10 atern! graduate ¢ a ance 167 "St phone fA Surgeon, h Infants nd resiiene . DR. DAVID A ~ ep P and bh win Jurueann Ob eRidancs. bh Ch alae" Ave, Pholle 1108, ' We oan PRY OTA, Surgeon, Obs eridien. OM 0 and rae) once, $13 Elmeoe street ey" 34 be DR TA con ji} ies A and My " Speclatist Diseases Domestic' Anis mals, Cat and dog hospital, 208 King W, Tel, 030, (May 1-1 mo) office aver Jury & Store each Saturd wan, for consulta { disenses of ear, dpi J) muscle anomal ; fl red Development. Ui: ner 8 y Ey Poe youl Oftiee, nL ldnnlboind em tpn J re x 8.) RONEY AN AND Sl AY arn, hi of this nature, For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient tw some personally to The Times office, » telephone call will bring ® messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect for same, automebile, fire, INSURANCE NG #0 # Your Insurance wants = tended to sad your .ntevests pro- aceldent, Holden 93 Bimeoe N, (May A<1mo) All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small arsounts "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT ---------- Work Wanted Transportation MOVING, Nudes Phone 984, 10 faba (d" (Apr, 10-1 mo -- i ; GRAV Lian ot ond St, West, LOU PEHRMANKNT shop, re, Pheoe street vortly gi For enptimer. fe) RENO to PV C, B06, MIN, K, Clarke, 147 Agnes street. Fhone Apr, 0-1 mo) opening barber 0 shop Athol Bt, West May 6, 1 AWRBERT CO, SH IR) Chureh will accept pin, prase and voeal rtioulan [] "et, Fe one $8040, I B+ mo) ist treat Koleh pupils 4 musle, William A ¢ husies 4 Sublie Soh bog ' Cehava Coll and ted Gibb 5 (Apr 6 udi Hpecial nis In Sarmanent, finger snd mares) wavl manont wave priees 86, § and $10, All other nes of Heauty Apply Wb Vio, 0 LAL poo, (104 "TRENBER, OR: {AN aliots are roadways, sand, Chris automobiles and an barns painted, es, Lawn Mowers, 451W, We oall an GRD, CA cents, 1] i Ll) pied oF oe 1 orl i garage floors, ve and cinders, rabam, Phone 2031M, ravel, {Apr. 8-14 TERING furniture, best In workmanship at the lowest d| prices Note new address, 451 Him- coe Bouth, 0, A, Constable, Phone (Apr, 80-8 wha) 5 BARN collars white washed, houses Phone 1806), 1061) we, ( TAROT, KX Haws, P d deliver, Celina Bt, K, Bottan, (May §-1mo,) LED AY me) LAR mo) ON The NIV: | 77 hone 180 i branches, die's dresses, Mrs, Connolly, § East, Phone 808) n-| Bimooe Btreet, N, --Dresmaking = WANTED DRESENAR INT, TA Ensemble ohildren's clothes, and alterations, Richmond, ppg ing PEN TOTARKE p Landscape Garden Work In wll Experienced, Phone § 1000) 1 (Apr, 20-1meo,) Apply sults, IW i Articles For Sale y wood, KION | ise" radios, Ia HY A de ADDR) (1) drivewa P ho A Clips for Meek Limited, te he, inhes, in the eity, King street west, Ips aN black loam, Phone tiomedy K 8 210 Allee 78, J street, RD AND " yg 3 or load, hs Aterous Forrte r, ya Wale " a» Pet NFTVIRN We have the largest asserts ment of paints, varnishes, eto, in The Paint Htor (Apr, 4 Abr, 8041 OF hg 50 bo ry ook Cimyied A Lid, pianos, ne and used planoe oe ie e, 0 Tous mo) 10) mas For Rent ATR TMENT="MODUHN, like suites, Home furnished, laun: dry, conveniences, sles dryer, eto, eleg stoves, elec pefrigeration, hot water your round, Phone 1660 or JidTw, (NLE) FOUR AND VIVE ROOMKD MOL ern suites tncluding electri refrig: eration, stove, laundry, conven oroes, ele, continu: § hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone $47), or The Trusts und Unarantes Uo, Litdi, maneger for owner, Toronto, (RL FOR WENT w= NV ROOM ED briek house, conveniences, hard: wood . Hoors, new) decorated, paved street, Possession May Herat, Apply 31 Elgin enst; phone 1086J, (106e) "THRID UN URNIAH- ground: fleor, three four corners, All 40 MoMillan Drive, & y _ (1074) NEWLY DHCONATED ATR 100M house, All conveniolces, Phone in cvenlugs G41M, (108) AAU Ty TON AND HATH Just gampleted decorating throughs out, All modern improvement, with garage, orchard and gardon upace, Lease, Apply owner SR0-B84 Nawsan §t, (108d) TWO TU INTRRTT OW TNT nished rooms or sultable for bed slitting rooms, All conveniences, Phone 26071 (1080) HOUNE TO RENT=TITDIVINION Hireet (APP Ly Haneoek, Phone INETRE (1080) 0 RENE =H NOOMHTHOUN, Artly furnished, very central, TO RENT od rooms, blocks from conveniences, hone 2640) (108¢) APARTMENT TU TET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley brow, (HULE) TOR "WENT = THREW ROOM flat, unfurniseh; oak floors, new house, Phone gi44J, (1000) NCMITTWR AVENUE TROOMRD new dewelling, lghtsa and water 10 month, Phone 141M, (1000) TC LHRLT = ROOMY furnished, 18 months, unfurnishe od, 10 month, Phone 1418M, (100¢) FON REN THEE NOOWH apartment, all convenlences, heat, water, light, phone in garage, good Phone 1710), (1000) TWO APANTHENG "70 RUNT all convenciences, reasonable price, " Simeoe At, Houth Phone location, For Rent [im for two business mey "or sinis. Apply 148 Ritson Toad Houth, Yhone 064, (1006) brick house, Conveniences, (urags, On Ritson Nosd. N, pply 16) Athol KB, Phone § (1000) baad 2 room house on Brock street' easi, Good garden, Moderate rental te careful tenants, Phone 460, (100h) ) Wo PATTY 7 rooms for light housekeeping, Phone 410W, (} ADVERTIRNR WAN COMVPONT= ably six roomed home Lo 16t, Reas: onable to careful tenent, Box 663% Times, aoa on 10) INIR TO LRT="THRW nd five large rooms, modern, prices reasons le Ideal foshtion, pci 4 101 gs Yast, 10¢) miro | house, HO floors, modern low vent, 6 room frame, havdwasd floors, stove service, conveniences, garage, olose in, vent $85, Apply 4 Allee Mireet, Phone $001, JN § (110n) To RENT =" ONVURNTRUD rooms with use of kitchen, 86 Divl slon street, Phone 151, (1106) TOT APART ONT, CN: tral bullding, four rooms, newly decorated, hardwood floors, elegs trio refrigerator and stove, Janitoy service, Phone 1400 (1100) 3 V i = Wanted to § Rent FRNA HOUR WANTED for summer months by business man and wife; No ehildren, Appl Box 664 Times, (110) ' For Sale or Rent FON WATE Of ANT =FENVIOH station on highway, just outside Oshawa, Excellent business 1ooas tion, Phene 10104, (100e) UTONTRI TI | 146 Rugs '| ROUTE = BMYRNA TEVERSTBLE rugs, 606 to #1 down, Bho per week, Vor samples phone 1816W, A mo) ATHOT y, Pollue his 970, (1086) TOO=BTRAYEI ftreet 1K, Monday mornin Puppy, Anyone knowin whereahouls kindly phone OF DROWN FOX far between Karn's Drug Store and General Motors offiee, Phone AJ (1108) pplies / (7) 1] Yo insure prompt delivery, piace orders In advance of delivery date, W. Borrowdale, Phone 1614 TING ROBEWERHAW OINOULA heaty 'ou will enjoy reading the ost Plotion at minimum' eos! Phone 1478, 87 Plmeos Bt, North ("Tel'=H tI) Auto Accessories OI WALI = TIRE, 50 x 0h, BU.00; 80 x 4.40, 86.00) Vord Nad. Intors, 810, Also auto parts at reasonable prices, Motor Accessory Co, 81 King west, "hone 2066, (Apr, §h=1mo,) Auditing and Accounting XUDTTING ANT ACCCUNT (NG rates, In AUN reasonable reports And service at come tax | statements prepared, i, A, Holden, 08 Himeos street north, phone HAW; (Apr, 11:1 mo) Pa inting and Decorating W OUTHOLY, FIST CLARE PA: perhanger, panting und Eraluing Prices right, worv guaranteed, Hel Plue Ave, phone 3066w or Boul v, (T8110) PY BIADY, #1 WHOOK WTRERT east, painting, paperhanging, deos = Real "Estate For Salo LOT 1 (Ta WA: on M "HAC RITO I OI Yery eusy terme, Apply 843 Contre street, (Apr, 28-8 wha,) FOR RATT=FUMM ER" TOANDING house at Bowmanville Heach, Nplendid beach, nafe and sandy Eleotrio stove and iights, furnishes od, accommodate from thirty te forty, Possession at onee, Phoee Bowmanville 207, W, J, Berry a (1044) CAND ON FAL = TT OWN ners, Wilson Rd, N 18 minutes King Bt, Phone 2400J, (100 FOR BALE=ORNERAT ATOR With large fee cream trade, Locate AL Intersection af 1we county highs Ways, Property includes three Quarter nerves of garden land, Hix room house, loa cream booth, barn and loa house, Gond looation for gasoline station, Immediate sale required to close. an estate, Furs ther partioulars, N, J, Holmes, 104 Nassau Wt, Oshawa (1101) "For Sale or | r Exchange . FOR WATE ON" "WXCHANGI™% Foom house, § nores of land, barn and garage, 6 miles north of Osh AWA, Also good bldg lois, North Oshawa, Apply Fred Conlin, RR, 1 North Oshawa, oie) wry nted To Buy 'Kh TO BUY=0LD¢ Phone 1640114, . = Sula LL Motor Cars | repaired at 49 Mond 8, Wess, Body and fender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats and weneral wood work, Phone W, i 4406, (Abr 28:1 mo) oy TRUUR |B orating, sign writing, Nstimates given on work, Phone 1867J, (May 6-1 mo) | curity but heligves that the ime isting helwesn armaments and #6« portance of armaments of other countries, "Italy vonsiders these two prin ciples capable of determining the general disarmament, of slates, Absolute needs only add to an ins grepse of wrmament," Blgnor Grandi declared that Taly, geo: graphioally, sconomically and strae. egionlly, wag the most vulnerable of all the great naval powers, Res ferving to the subject of parity with Vrance, Minister Grand suid thet the Washington Conference had declared for a principle of parity hetween them with regard to eapits JURY & LOVELL'S | OPTICAL PARLORS J, W, Worl, Oph, D, Kyonight Bpecialist Phone 8916 #l ships and that this should be extended to nll armaments, He sald that Italy was not thinking particularly of ¥ranbe with refers enca to parity, but. any Murepesn nation=Lor instance Cermany or Russin, ' JUDGE DISMISSES SUIT AGAINST WILL || May 10 The action brought by the Hermon family of Michigan contesting Clause nine of the will of Charlies Miller wag digmissed without costs by Justice Garrow In nonpsjury negige court, The clause, which the plaintiffs objected to provided for a large hequest to the mother of the larg. est number of ehildren born in the first ten years after the death of My, Miller, Justice Garrow found on the evidence that Nancy Vance Miller and Harah A, Miller, tha Lentator's mother, ware half-slsters, and Naney Vanes Miller was cons poquently next-pf<kin to him, Toronto, | OMG OISTANCE #5 HOND NT, WERT a Awnings WINDOW AWNINCE = PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops installed, T, Taylor, Toronto, Oshawa ' phone 1054 (Apr, 10:t1.) CUNT " all kinds of CANVAS K0oda, Come plete camp equipment for rent, Vox Hardware, phone 43 or 80, Agents for J: J, Turner and Hon, Peter hore, Ontario, (Apr, BI) 20-1 no) Peta and Live Stock. WHITE LHORORN CHIOKS from oarefully selected large houvy layers, after May 1st, All Matehing emus; Visitors welcome, Geo, Reynolds, Courtice, pa __(Apr, 20:1 mo.) TWENTY CHOICE LEOHORN hens for sale, also twenty Angora rabbits, Apply 86 Alosander | vd, (1080) Personal ! . NRW girl to share a furnished apart ment with another, Very central Hox 4618 a (1100) JLT SEND BIRTH date nd Yoo for wonderful horoscope of your lifa, Prof, Ra thael, Box WM, Grand Central Statien, New York, (8:May 10) uction Sale AUCTION WALW == OF HOUNY- hold furniture all In good condi: tion, the property of Perey Nyers, Hale Wednesday, May 14, 1040, 1 m. Rtandard Time, across from (ene CGoodall's Dance Hall, Cour ties, Wm, Challis, Auetioneer] Gene Gene ondall, 'Olerk, iit) "Room snd Board GONTONTARTE ROOM IN PRIV: GOOD USED CARS Ari mold hy THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED I l i NACRIVICE SALE $8000 Wonderful opportunity 0 buy six room brick veneer house on Agnes street, ot, freshly dovorated, 4 puma own, must be aradiatoly, Apply J: HW, IL Luke Phone 875 ov oRTW Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores Mr. SWARTZ Boyt Broadcloth sh Suits 79 ¢ Special EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always mal i 90 Bimecoe St, 8. Phone 000 { Tailor: made Talormade $95 (1) | | Scotland Woollen Mills | N, RUPINN, iil i RR A ---- |: Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Nisney-Oots AMBULANCE 7 Colina Bt. Phone 1088 Thou wi Now Eat ac A Delightful Breakfast Food a _~_ss LUMBR + L. BEECROFT WT amr ee Whithy "9 EYESIGHT BPECIALINY Spenlnliaing exclusively 1n muscle anomalies avenight and glasens, FOR SALE=On psc gh wood 100 ere farm, plowing done) complete with hing wad & wwe, pls, i is Hon yA Lot go ab 0000.00 Alf cash, Balances 514%. No onchange, We have others to for Oshawa property, See DISNEY RN BATATE, » Opposite Mapd Off 1B16=Phone= 1518 Disney flock Good Weather of Ahead! ate home with or without foard, Phone 24017, 100 GRANDI DELIVERS REPORT ON ITALY'S PART IN PARLEY Wants Parity Not Only With|[ France, But Germany | . and Russia Rome, May 10.==Dino drandl, Minister of Forelgn Affairs, yeaters ny made hia longi=--awalted ve ort to the Chamber of Deputies, ot Tair an ritol ion in the recent London Naval THTNOBEL FOUR DOOR AED | Prisons on Segliont condition, ayment on ( Motors Plan, Piene HV has (1100) elp Want © WANTE TIN FOR general housework, © ADDlY Mra, Roy Metealfe R, R, No, 2, Roi ville, 110b) Situations Wanted EXVERTENORD TARM WAND Wants work on farm, Apply fi Conant street, Jone Situations Vata 117 (100b) BU rw THOURT TO RENT, 18 Bt, Lawrence Bireet, Arply 04 Rruce Stréet, (1000) T0 RENT=TWO LAN UNTUR: niehed rocma $15, Algn one sleeps ing room, Phone 1358), "0b ( 0) TO RENT NANONANT WATT room flat, large, bright, partly Tm Navan it desired, he ot NO | rth, Immediate possession, Pho eondilion will Ny i Jt J, _-- b " (10061 and 87, per month, ARE NHRD 93 Bimeoe; Ny Phone mv; rooms, Very LL Good oeation, Phone 811F, (1000) ders, black loam, 81.50 per yard, For quality and 4alviee phone Ke sery Bros, 283 r 11, J (May 8st1) GIRTE ON YOUNG TADY'R BI | 7 oyole for sale, good as new, Cheap, Phone 84F or call 193 © lark Bb FIRAWHEINY ™ PLANTR, FOR sale, phone 1652R4, Oshawa, or 1380R4 Bowmu ie (100h) tterien Hie . supplied, §1, Phone Charles Wale 146 Bigin (Apr, §+1 mo) pvr REPAIR: 0 quarane ws) NOL 1080 FOUP CAPs Let me finance yous=Addh tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Roown 6, 1435 King St, East CITY OF ma NOTICE May 7th to Ma Md is Proclaime: CLEAN-UP WEEK, The most Important interest of every Citizen ia to look # to HEALTH and SAPRTY FIRST Wa appeal to the citizens of the City of Oshawa, to obs 8 serve the requirements that all rubblah, and refuse be res moved from yards and buildings of the premises which, ner § Q0ONPY, on oF before the above dale, y This ts a request coming from by Looal rh AToN aut: | i It fa alio an instruction tanned wi ohh ON of the i PROVINGIAL PUBLIC REALTI A 18 aa and gi necess arlly require enforeement, . We foal that the-individual Qitiaens will Siesiate necemuity of compliance with the appeal made, Ww! the dow coroperation In an endeavour to fulfil thin ment, : Di TW, G. MoKay, M, 0. N. JTW. Mitehell, DA, Hubbell WR, Ru Fire Oli AL MAKES OF prices tur delive giv JAnvointments ny oa marks al At teed, Sy hielo otricla Lag urrouhe Apr, 161 mo) fo to lie pelfs a b 4 Ew wy by red, Joe onlled for and de Hen i ol [] sifdenee : n pec i wor livered, servive, alriala erect od. Plat, p 20-1 mo) gy bo i | ed A fl. oo, phen y ition, Phone Hove, first class condith aro horth, pee G DR, L. EB JUBA LL Nitrous oxid 000) ole, floor polisher 8 | sale, electrio floor pity of 208 Tresane street, YPhone FON NAL: Yandition. 261 Arh n Rates for Classified Ads. | Fleet tnsertion=1 14 ante per word, N en allowed fifty cents hour, learns IR best paying trades, Engineering, eleetrigity, rage e work, ehauffeuring Pickiaving, ba ring, Nalvdrosaina. | Literature free, Write o minion Trade Sehools FN Woe +0) HUBLEAEN)] Taranto, (81.82:94.90.108 SR Bn lg Jour. Plan, #0 far as Haly 18 eons or Fem: corned, 'complete and reinforoes i R the first step accomplished for the ulation of debts, not only mains Jule earn Upwards of Hh Wack taining equilibrium between pays Sieg ing wushronita for Hite ments a Fooely pe bit aauting hookle atamp, Canadian {augmentation in favor of the ltalian Hy Co, MI Lauder Ave, a asking of the Kastern and ali rations, Signor Grand) ty hat 1 Italy was willing to saoris 0a, her own int in. order to ameliorate the internal condition of the Balkan Jou \ Turning nt - don Confers Aly'a efforts to ai, "Sa Alfelt an agreement with France before the opening of the sessions, in Londen, the notes exs ome and Paris b ig declared plex for a ot ry my Paine A opference, and run, suitable for breeder Minister Grandi sald that, "the hous, cheap, Apply adl Colhatug Minimum eharge 300, Bach subsequent consecus tive insertion lo per ED No reed for invalid or Saavalfbnt As tient, 120 Colborne #t, KE, Os AWA, Phone "ly 2] samples and taking orders for heaton selling sensation of the , Men and women wanted everys where, Paramount Industries, 1108 Central Bldg, Taronte, ] | ily Wario Famith, On eave troughing Wa ne nace work, Apply Goodfellow & Wel oleh, Poterhore, Ontario, Hix NF three one, Jot number 100 additional TE thal a od Husinem | HE 0 4] month Hi ff pm, and on \ Be 4 hi Tons Rha |] alt X pT 8 -t Ao rs HAT : (Ap 20:1 or. Sci, pia ada x TELEPHONE 88 gh \ AO AAA Se 3 MALL Band RELL ry Mutu NO veut 4h . 1 oN, eadarie On pen Suiture, essons given Signor Grandi, * A tale, reduction ta "Limitation sl not have as i consequence aw, augmentation a oryatallization o APEULMONt, a)! Italy recognizes the 'donneation gu J tunity for men with a oar fn violas Aly of Oabawa, permanent work Nu IY muneration joa ance wants Sanitary Mepector, Reuna Vita, gr SAW, a

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