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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 May 1930, p. 14

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NE TE yt BAUTERN ONTARIO |, CONT, DI ACCIDENT Brockviiie , in Bdgoley, turm- or, of Ma, 0% "in the ral Hospital of shock ; J of which was punetured by fractured ribs in a. mo Horing aevidont w short distance of Proscott, when a opel car in which he was riding With his son overturned three times in ® dite, Both men were'injured; The steering gear evidently failed to operate, Tho elder man, aged 74 yours, was hurt internally and the son William, was bruised about the boty and also suffered hoad injurls VAST TIME ADOPTED Brockville,~=Brockyifle 15 to have daylight-saving beginning next Sunday and continuing until Sept, 28, hecording to a resolution passed by an majority of ono at a recent Council meeting. A petition bear- ing 1,100 names praying for the measure way presonted to the Counell, A your ago last Docom- ber na referendum on daylight say. ing was dofeuted by a majority of ' YMCA, CAMPAIGN Peterborough.--A campaign to raise $128,600 for the erection of an addition to the Peterborough Y.M:O.A, bullding will be launched in "this '¢ity, #ccording to an ane pouncement of the board of directs ors of that fostitution, Construe« tion operations on a three-storey extension, 60 feet by 100 feet, to the south side of the present build. ing are scheduled Lo start by Aug ust 1, and completion is planned for April, 1031, PRACTISING 45 YEARS Porth,--To carry on a successful medical practice for 45 yoaws, 1s the proud record of Dr, Andrew William Dwyre, of Perth, who has been one of the most successful medical men In the district, On graduating from Queen's in 1885, Dr. Dwyre hegan practicing In and hem.' Westport. Dr, Dwyre is a native of Leeds county, ' ! ROTARY CLUB OFFICERS Smiths Yallg---The Smith's Falls 3 tary Club hay elocted Rev, Dr. , #omplo as its president for the ohsuing your, with George T, Me (Haughlin es vice-president, C, 8, Bootes as secretary and Raymond 'Calvert as treasurer, FRY FOR CHARLESTON LAKE Broekville,--As secretary of the Charleston Lake Association, A, G, Parish has been' officially advised that very shortly 15 cans of lake trout fry from the provincial hateh~ ory at Pleton will he deposited In that body of water, the resort ot numerous anglers, The contents of the cans will aggregate approxim- ately 75,000 fry, -------- MARRIED 55 YEARS Prockyille,~=Mr, and Mrs, Robert J. Leeder, Lyn, have celebrated the Both anniversary of thelr marriage. TROUT FRY PLACED Peterborough, ~~Eighty thousind small trout fry were brought into Patorborough by rail, These fry will be put out in streams neigh- boring the city, and by an agree- ment with the farmers through whose property these streams flow tho fishing will be open to the publie, EXODUS DECREASES Kingston--According to the re- cords of Major George G, Fuller there has been a decided falling off in the number of people going from this Consular district to the United States to reside, From Jan, 1 till the ond of April 137 persons cross- od the border, as compared with 180 for the same period in 1929, and this in spite of the fact that the local Consulate's office now covers n larger aren, having since April 1 extended from Cobourg, on the wort, to the Quebss boundary, on the east, The Best Jeddo Premium in America At Usual Coal Prices Produced DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 Five DirectLines ---- TO nan remy eT Use Old Dutch and protect your home with Because of its distinctive ; cleansing qualities {is YOUR BIO HELP for housecleaning. (A little Old Dutch on a damp cloth or sponge: A ? diet and Ginger marke from tnameied . I Duet and a ow strom ripe any for cleaning ' metals, fixtures, etc. It is perfect for porcelain ; snkmal bi nd i ok rut. oo Old Dutch brings ops Kin marvelous "and a Old Duc, IE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1930 a on | Btrost, one on ofice and four on % " La Pave ing Company will receive the con. tract, VOUL PLAY, INDICATED Kingston, --A J pitting under oroner A oi ardor found i ound dead on Barriefleld commons came to her death by aeginct or foul play, The 'body of the child was oun Wrap. pad iva and Dr, James {ller, auto y 'wiated that the by had 'been born alive, while Ahare was evidence to show that. no on bad been made to save its DR. TAYLOR HONORED Kingston, ~Leading citizens of Kingston honored Dr, R, Bruce Taylor, vetiring principal éf Queen's University when he was the guest of honor at a banquet given under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce, Two hundred at. tended the event held at the La- Balle Hotel, INDIAN PRINCESS JATLED Cornwall, Claiming to be a di- rect desgondant of an Indian Prin. cons, Nanay Peters, squaw from the Cornwall Island reservation near bere, appeared in Cornwall police court attired in the colorful garb of her tribe, Wearing feathered head dress, heavily beaded leggings and a bright scarlet wrapper; sha faced the bench when charged with having cut 8 quantity of timber on a prohibited ares the island and admitted guilt, Given the al- ternative of paying a five dollar fine or going to Jail for three weeks, she proudly chose the Jail term and haughtily stalked from the court room, LIBERAL CANDIDATE Ploton ~W, HM, Bensod, Picton, prosident ot the Liberal Association, was unanimously elected as Liber. al standard bearer for Prince Kd- ward-Lennox riding, in the forth. coming Dominion election, at a con- vention held In Pleton, Theres was no other name proposed. TWO YEAR SENTENCE Belleville, May 14-=Albert Reid, former salesman for The Shouldis Bread Co., of Trenton, was sentenc~ od by Judge Derosthe, in county court to serve two years, loss one day determinate in Ontario Reform. atory, being found gulity of theft of $641, from that company, 't was shown In evidence, that Reid had collected money for the firm 31d, hot shown same on his cash ook, BROKEN NECK MENDED Belleville, ~~A miracle of modern science and surgery has been per. formed in the Belleville Goneral Hospital, Under the capable hands of Dr, J, Albert Faulkner, John W, Fox has undergone one of the most delicate and the most difielt of operations, that for a broken.neek. Faulkner stated that Fox had an excellent chance of pulling through "We believe," he sald, "that the operation was a complete success and that Mr, Pox will live." SERIOUS BUSH VTRE Kingston ~~Hush fires have been prevalent in the Kaladar district and to the north, and thers has been much damage done boo of lagk of rain. Fire, sweeping the bush wear Kaladar, caused the loss of a schoo! shed snd but for timely assistance by residents, the school. house would have bean burned. Roports have been recpived from the northern part of the township stating that the fires have been serjous, but have been kept away from the villages, PENSION CLAIM OF OSHAWA VETERAN 1S BANDIED ABOUT Continued from P 8) + and the children of, t on, who cannot prove 'attributability to war service' under the present Pen. slong Act, One Example Private Edward MoQuade is one of them, Edward MoQuade is in Christie street Hospital--has been there for two years and more, Six motherless children of' Bdward Me. Quads are' in Oshawa, living heaven and the charity of neighbors know how ~on $27 a month, "There in a mortgage. to be fore. closed--if it has ot been ' fore- closed alrepdy---on the house where the children live, After that there will be tho shelter of an institus tion, or the freedom of the streets for the children of a man who en- dured more than most men in Cans ada's service, Edward MoQuade Is a pensioner, The $27 a month, that keeps his six Johildren in luxury in Edward Mo- "'Runshot Quade's pension for Edward oud in the right lex." Case." Ho gots a bed and three meals a day and 75 cents a week, and the use of a pair of, orutohes, from Kis country, in Christie Street Motpiul a to vot "0 we, For of H Lucky to get flolaldom, on the plaion of an emi nent specialist, who never even saw Rdward MeQuade; has offialally de. olded that Bdward MoQuade's para. lysed side "dannot be related to the gunihot wound or to service' After appeals and delays and ve 'fusals, after months. and years of doubt and. the long weariness of waiting, Edward MeOuage has re- ceived ofticlaldom's: last word on the subject, It is signed by. 'C, W, Rolton, Chairman, Federal Appeal | Board," and rung thus: "After consideration of the avi | fence the hoard finds that. chrebal hemmorhage rosulting in homiple- | Bik is mot attributable to military servion, ED The appeal iv DISAL~ Lowen," 3 The canitaly are oficialdom's, So In the ruling: - Doubtless officials n 0 presen '| an upper 1 unde is also a 'Veteran's Care, NER RE) Th led thelr off best' on the tary neo. : submitted, Pensions Act, as inted out in the ease of Edward McQuade, 'oxpens diture of publie moneys cannot be made 'slong sympathetic lines," Yot evidence that Is 'not good enough for, officials of the Debart, ment of Pensions und National Houlth under the Act, might be § Canadian people, Noed For a Change It might, at feast, he good enough to prove to Canadians that there is need for change in the act---and in its administration, Jt might oven hoe good enough to prove that "onus of proof" should rest no longer on the shoulders of the men who suffered and were broken In Canada's service, Edward McQuade enlisted in the summer of 1015, leaving his wife and baby to go overseas, In the spring of 1916 Rdward MeQuade was with the Royal Canadian Regi- ment in the Ypres salient, He fought with his regiment through weary months of battle at the Somme, In, October, 1916, = "No, 465,189, Private ¥. P. MeQuade," Jas reported "wounded and miss. ne." When the RC.R/s' fell back fighting before a Gefman counter. attack on the morning of Sunday, Oct, 8, 1916, Bdward McQuade was left lying in a shell hole, his right leg shattered by machine gun bul. lets, and a bullet through his right shoulder, Four days and nights Edward McQuade lay there, The artillery firs of two armies ripped and tore the ground about him, He had no food, His only drink was the foul water in the shell hole where he lay, Of two companions like hime self, one died in agony and the oth. or want mad with pain and horror. Sunday And Sundsy night the torment lasted; Monday and Mon day night=-Tuesdny---Wednesday, On Thursday morning Edward resent Pensions enough for the MoeQuade was jerked out of delir- lum by a German bayonet at his throat, and carried back through the German lines to a dressing sta. tion--~and captivity, Si¥ Operations Edward McQuade spent eighteen months in German prison hospi- tals, - He developed tetanus from his infected wounds and recovered by a miracle, Bix times the diseas- ed bong In hig right leg was oper. ated on by German surgeons, pital, half starved and badly cared for, At last, in March, 1918, Nd- ward MeQuade wan adjudged 'tot. ally disabled," and sent to Swit gorland for exchange, Infortunately, Edward MeQuade brought no sworn affidavits of hi. sufferings with him from Germany, to assuage Canadian offieinldom's thirst for documentary evidence, Even though he had it hardly have sufficed, A Canadian specialist who has never set eyes on Edward McQuade, has given an opinfon, The polson of tetanus; the agony of an infected wound; the strain of repeated operations: eighteen months of 11 treatment and starvation as a prisoner of war ~<none of these can be considered, the specialist says, as contributory causes to the condition that made 8 helpless paralytic of Edward Me. Quade before he was 50 years old, Tdward MoQuade had a seventh operation on his wounded leg In Switgerland, and an elghth in Eng. fand, In Switzerland and in Eng land doctors in military hospitals treated him for the broken nerves and chronic stomach trouble that he brought from his experipnoes as & prisoner of war, After his return to Canada--still A stretcher casein the autumn of 1018, he received treatment for hoth nervous and stomach conme tions, in Canadian war hospitals. Yet, when Edward McQuade was at last discharged from Christie Hfreet Hospital in December, 1919, he was pensioned for "gunshot wound in the right leg" «only, ' Then and since then, Pension Roard officials have pefused to consider any other disability in reviewing Edward Mo- Quade's pension 'elnims. Not that Edward MoQuade cared much at first, He had "always been a worker," and he believed he didn't need anybody's help to look after his family." Kdward McQuade justified the belief for sevan years, In spite of bis wounds, his damaged nerves Havea... "Milk of Magnesia" oso Smile Lf Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste is expressly made to Sonterast dam aging mout| ty. Use' it on the specially con- structed KLENZO Brush that forces minute food particles from between the teeth and effectively massages the Guma. Milk of Magnesin Tooth Paste is sold only at your Rexall Store, Get a tube to-day. 25¢ and 39c, Jury & Lovell King KE. Ni " ho um Phone. on He was shipped from hosplial to howe would snd chronfestoniach trouble, which dialled him Somplately at times, Edw MeQu made gallant fight, Ho kept his wife and family in comfort , and a little better, from 1919 unt) 1926, Then his wife died, Everything grew hard afterward, But he struggled on making a living for himself and his six children, keep ing his home together, with the help of the daughter who was # baby when Edward McQuade went oversens, The struggle ended for Edward MeQuado when, he was stricken with paralysis in the fall of 1027, Bdward McQuade can fight no longer; 'He can only suffer, ¥d- ward MeQuade Yes In Christie Street Hospital, mow waiting for the Sheriff of Toronto to serye him with the next. foreclosure notice, In Oshawa, n 16-year-old girn fights for herself and five children on $27 a month, Among those who know Edward McQuade and have exhausted every effort to see justice done in his caso are Dr, A, K, McKibbon, and Rey, Father Bench of Oshawa, and Frank McDonagh of Toronto, Presi. dent of the Canadian Pensioners' Association, But the last of many npponls has talled, Edward McQuade and his family can hope for nothing more from their country under the pros. ont Pensions Act, That Is one am-~ ong the many veasons why all re- turned soldiers' organizations in Canada are united in asking that the Parliament of Canada change the present Pensions Act, or ------ TALKING DOGS ARE COMING, BREEDER OF CANINES SAYS London.~The possibility of de. veloping a breed of dogs that could ----" i --_--_-- a --------., talk is envisaged by Dr. W, L, Eng. | iat, a wellsknown dog-breeder ot Crewe, Lngland, Buch a breed. could be develpped by extensive training through the Iite of a few human generations, sccording to Dr. English, who in an interview declgred that the in- formation gained in developing « breed of tulking-dogs could he used In laying the ground work for the development of a prophesied 'sup. or-man" of the future, "It 1s no use breeding men who are pimply physically strong on the Carnera Standard," sald Dry, Eng: lsh, "We must Improve thelr brains, But before we can do that we must experiment on how to ime proye thelr brains, Why not, there. fore, experiment with dogs, whose brains are similar to those of men, "While dog-breeders for centurs les have produced dogs of all shapes, sizes and colors, They have missed A glorious opportunity of experimenting with the canine brains, "Dogn have no more Intelligence than they had in the early Egyp- tian times--n tame fox or a tame wolf would have the same mental capacity, 1 personally believe that under a course of training and breeding consistently pursued for & few human generations the canine brain eould be developed Lo n stage where dogs could talk." SEARCH BY AIR FOR MISSING FISHERMEN Winnipeg, May 1.--~Aeroplane search is being conducted by Con: stable Cook of the Manitoba Provin. cial police and a pilot of the Royal Canadian Air Force for William Lund and A, Hansen, Fishermen, who feft Dancing Point on the west shore of Lake Winnipeg last Thursday The missing men had planned to bring back' their nets and caboose from Reindeer Island, ten-miles dis- tant, Residents of the north believe the mei are safe on the Island, where they are held up on account of the ice moving out, NOTED FINANCIER OF U3. RETIRES Amadeo Giannini Most Col orful Banking Figure of the Age New York. ~Amadeo P, Glanni- ni, whose Mides-ike touch has made him the most colorful bank~ ing gure of the age, celebrated his 60th birthday by retiring from all executive capacities fn his come panies, Announcement of Clannini's re trement was not unexpected, In 1924 when he turned over the Bank of Italy to his successor, he an. nounced that hé would step out of | ( active office nt 60, Glannint will continue as a di. rector in various corporations and will serve without compensation, as chairman of the advisory com- mittee of Trans-Amoriea Corpora tion-~the greatest of his enters prises, With Mrs, Glannini and thelr son V. D, Giannini, he will sail on the Mauretania, June 11 for a yeer's vacation abroad, Other than that, little is known of the future plans of the Ttalan hoy who leaped from comparative obseurity to the greats ont pedestal In the financial world with the self-confidence of a cone queror, Transameriea Corporation hence forth. will be under the direction ot Elisha Walker and other who have been associated with nini while thousands of his protafth wi continue in charge of his California holdings, -- C.N, R. REQUIRES $51,600,000 0 OPERATE IN 1938 Decrease of $3,143,000 in Expenses Noted by Thornton Ottawa, May 15=A decrolise of $3,142929 in the raimorisin ex penses of the Canadian National Railway for 1929 was indickted to the special parliamentary cominities on railways and shipping, whén the annual report and estimates the Ww N were being review Sir Thornton, presidentof the railway, explained the various Betails of the decrease, part of whieh was due to cconomics expected Is, op eration, Interest on funded debt dye the public amounted to $50,44),750 which left requirements at $9,629,998 with net requirements less than oat fige ure hy $1,224,000, Other financial requirements brought the total wp to $15,800,000, The appropriation for generel addis tion and betterments amounied to $28,550,000, discount on secull Hes tn Henry Ww, figures brought the grand total of i... be issued, $12,000000 and peBposed new equipment issue ss 250 od one rallway requirements to $51,600,000, msg and there is barrassment what real pleasure. ever. You chat, time is your own, never a thought of being hurried by clerks wait- ing to take your order - in fact, the Loblaw way of shopping is a Wed., May 21, Open STORE HOURS MAY 19 TO 24 Fri., May 23, Opn Till 10 p.m. Sal, May 24 Closed All Day These Specials on Sale for Week YOU WILL MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT LOBLAW'S itively no em- of | Till 6 p.m. Stores closed Wednesday at 12.30 pam, for our Employees Recreation Watch our windows The Soap with We are Featuring SUNLIGHT SOAP § wn 24° Guarantee this week Special--Loblaw's Brown Label Black and Mixed Club Rouse Lune Queen OLIVES Mason 3 3c Jar a Cash Shirrit('a PINEAPPLE Marmalade Via eg 7c "A cube to a cup" AYLMER 0X0 he 24c¢ Green Label CATSUP bib 16c SPECIAL--Robertson's Imported Scotch MARMALADE "= Maconoehie's Herrings in Tometo Sauce 7 fies 1 2c 3 COLLIE) LL TEER TITE TERR Lux Toilet Lunch Rolls, 15 sheets to a roll Roll Aylmer Fancy BARTLETT PEARS Nedli 290 sixe SOAP. Cakes 23¢ Gruyere Cheese, Swiss, i rsa ra "ihn | ORTH) der "Pan Dried" ROBIN ROOD Rapid Cooking OATS fetes 26¢ od Serve hot cold T0DDY A meal in « glare erin Sle Wild Strawberry Jam, Brand, yim, 16 OF, Jar 3% Oatcakes, Homemad Style, 12 Inzersoll Cream CHEESE spreads like butter it, 25¢ Old City or 0 Scotch Cakes ........Package 14¢ SPECIAL--Non Acid Forming ROMAN ME AL rae 26 SPECIAL--Finest Quality Japanese CRAB" 32. ¢ Ounce ling - Halves a ---------- SPECIAL--California Sliced or Halves 'Peaches 21. No, 2 Size Tin : LN) in Ontario

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