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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 May 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO 'Bowmanville . ) 3 i 5 Y id Daily T imes News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of Ibe Times. | slephones--~Office, 587; NEW RESET OF HONE SCHOOL CLUB) Presemiation Made to Three Members at Regular Meet- ing Last Evening eA the regular monthly mecting of the Bowmanville Home and School Club held fn 'Central Public School last evening Mrs: Johnson Thickson 'became the president for the ensu- og, year, he meeting opened with Mrs, M, Lo-Hangock the retiring president in the chair and with the singing of "0 Canada" A presentation was club in the past year. eels Lhickson and Miss Leta is were Sie pgasented with.a rose plant and 5. Hon n with a china plate, The program consisted of a report vy rs. "George. Pritchard of the convention of the Ontario Home and ool council at which she was 4 delegate for the local club. Miss Margaret. A aye. two well rend- ered vocal solos with Miss L, Bragg at the Ard Mb 8 Bragg follow- ed wi Mrs. AVarnics, attendance officer of the publfe schools gave a fine read- ing which was encored and the ¢l- cction of officers for the onting year was then proceeded with, Mr, J. H Johnstott, principal of 'the: public schools, was asked to take. the chair during these proceedings which he did, 'conducting this partiof the cve- ning's aetigities, in a very capable mangiep. The election of officers re- subed 'as flotlows: Hon. President, Mrs, W, D. Pollard ; President, Mrs, Vm = SATURDAY ONLY SPECIAL! FLOGLAZE PAINT AND FLOOR ENAMEL O85 C Per Quart 100 GALLONS CLEAR VARNISH REGULAR $3.50 PER GALLON SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY $2.50 VARNISH TILE WALLPAPER. REG. 35c SATURDAY---26¢ PER ROLL A Complete Stock of New Process Paints and FJ Varnish Stains $1.50 Per Quart PATTE'S Wall Paper and Paint Store Let us Estimate on Painting and Decorating. PHONE 125 85 SIMCOE ST. N. 1 ; Int P A ighoscn dns Ve Viea elds) sin re reas, y Leta Bragg and Mrs, J. Hatelyr The executive wifl be composed of the following members: Mrs, D. FF. Hen. Mrs, W. J. Richards, Mrs, F.C. Hi f, i x Hobbs, Mrs, G. F. i, 5 'W, P. Hall. and. Mrs. fe heeting ie) brought to 8 the serving of Fame » and' ec pitiing of God il Saye the King: e Kingsgpt id ouiE LE SCHEDULE FOR TOWN SOFTBALL. LEAGUE DRAWN UP Whiz Will Meet Meet Goodyear in First Fixture on Mon- day Next ---------- The schedules for the Bowmanville Softball League for the season 1930 have now been drawn up with the first game due to be played Monday, the oth, The entrance of an extra team this year has made it necessary for a Jonger schedule than is usual and ames will be played four days cach week with' Wednesdays left op- en for postponed games, The sche- dules are as follows: First Schedule May 19-Goodyear vs. Whiz 20-~Foundry vs, Front Street. 22~Motors vs, High School. 23~Fife and Drum vs, Foundry, 26==Front Street vs, Goodyear 27-=Whiz vs, Motors, 29-High School vs. Fife and Drum; J0~Foundry vs, Whiz 2-=Motors vs. Front Street S==Goodyear vs. Foundry. 5~Whiz vs, High School, 6=Fife and Drum vs. Motors 9--Front Street vs, Fife and Drum 10~Foundry vs, Motors, 12--High School wf, Gbodvear, 13«Whiz vs, Front Strect, 16=Fife and Drum vs, Good- year, 17~High Schoo! vs. Foundry 19-Motors vs, Goodyear, 20-Front Street vs, School, 23=Whiz vs. Fife and ID First and sccond teams in schedule play three games for win. ners of first schedule, Second Schedule 30---Whiz vs. Goodyear, J=Front Street vs, Foundry, d4~High School vs, Motors, 7=Foundry vs. Fife and Drum 8~Goodyear vs. Front Street. 10-=Motors vs. Whiz 1l=Fife and Drum vs School, 14=Whiz vs. Foundry, 15-~Front Street vs, Motors 17=-Foundry vs, Goodyear, 18-High School vs, Whiz 2l=Motors vs. Fire and Drum 22«Fife and Drum vs, Front Street, 24=Motors vs. Foundry, 25=-Goodyear ys, High School B=Front Street vs, Whiz. Goodyear vs Fife Drum, High June July High and Men who know paint quality specify Scarfe's Paints and Varnishes because they can depend upon them to give lasting satisfaction, Long, hard wear and an eye- pleasing effect are the result _of using these high-quality paints and varnishes. In a 'wide range of colours. Ask your dealer : ig art and detailed informa- for colour- a For Sale by "The PaintStore 80 Kiug St, W. os Oshawa Varnishes ¢ Paints SIT KR 1 ACF SATISFAC I [ON ny 8 ; DEY a Mil J=Fifg an First and oy teams ys second schedule will play three game ser- ies for the winners of the second schedule, Winners of foe first and se schedule will play five game series for the championship and Cup, DURAN COUNTY BOY SCHOLARSHIP 15 WINNER AT GUELPH Harry Seymour of Cavan Highest Ranking Student atO0. A.C p---- Harry 1, Seymour, of Cavan, has brought honor to Durham Couhty through being awarded the Fowler Scholarship at the Ontario Agricul tural College, Guelph, as the student ranking highest in gentral proficien- cy in livestock judging in the first wo years of his course, The donor of the scholarship Dr, Fowler, V.8, B.Sc, of the os tario Veterinary "College, All of the students from Durham County who have been attending the 0Q.AC, have a sulcessful standing in this foring s examinations A, Mundy, Bowmanville and C, Hastings, of Hampton, of the first year, and: N D. Hogg and H. I. Seymour of the second year, Got Trip to Chicago In connection with Mr, Seymour's success in winning the Fowler Schol- arship' in winning the Fowler Schol- arghip this year, it will be possible to recall by many of his friends and others intergsted, that in the fall of 1923, after one of the keenest junior farmer's judging competitions , ever held in Durham County, he was de- clared the winner by a small margin, and so was the first junior farmer to be given a trip to the Interna tional Live Stock Show at Chicago, the same year, Evidently previous ex- perience. in the high order of judg- ng competitions that have been held throughout this county for some years past, has helped in bringing in scholarship standing to one of Ca van Townehiv' junior farmers again this yea NEWS ABOUT TOWN Will Celebrate Bllver Wedding Mr, and Mrs, W, C. Ashton of Shaws are celebrating the twenty fifth anniversary of their wedding at their home on Saturday, May 24th and will be at home to their friends and acqaintances from three to six p.m,, standard time. Injured by Hot Steel Harold Allen, of Newcastle, a blacksmith, had the misfortune to be struck in the eye by a piece of hot steel in his shop In the village Doctors treating the injury consid. er it very serious, Penhy Banks Bowmanville Public School which was ope of the first in the province to start the penny bank system are not doing as well as it has been do- ing in the past,, The latest report shows that the percentage In this town is far below what it used to be and is now only 28, Other town in this district which show a better percentage are Newcastle with 90, Brighton with 73, Peterborough with 63 and Belleville and Camp- beliford with 26 and 13 respective ly are below Bowmanville, Extorminate Mosquitoes At this time according to the government entomologists the mos- quitoes are commencing to hatch and the best time to exterminate these tormenters is right now wnoile they are yet "wrigglers," Full in- formation on this subject may be secured free of all charge by writ. ing to the Dominion Entomologist, Entomologist Branch, Department of Agriculture, NHawe, Klection 'Rumblings According to a report iets by The Times from good authority the 'Conservatives of Durham County will likely meet at Orono on June 4th to select their candidate in the coming political battle, It is be~ lieved that the present member, Fred Bowen, will be nominated again for this constituency. As yet | the Liberals have not let out any sign of when they are to organize but it is believed also, that they will meet in the future, HAD 27 JOBS BUT IS NOW BANKRUPT | London Edward Richard Hew- itt, formerly of Herne Bay, and now living at Golders Green, stated in his bankruptey examination at Cans terbury recently that he had follow od no fewer than 27 ocoupations || in fa parts of the world, J, L. Roland, official reviewer, said the vocations included: Skating rink instructor, steward, professional singer, drover, ploughs man, printer, cowboy, ca gorkeeper, director of rtiaing |avency, ship's electrician, oller in 'and boundary He charge of horses from Aus t to India, h tit 3ngte out of their reach, "Halifax H orald, PENNY EXTRACTED London.---Doctors at the Oldham Infirmary saved the life of a boy who had been carrying a penny | lodged in his weeks, throat for three y leds | rr Both Ontario Lady Strongly Recom- mends Dodd's ey Pills Ma N. Beauderie Used Them For Lum and Her Husband or Rheumatism, cr ont) May 15=(Specialy=| obtained great relief from uma the use of Dodd's Kid- 5, I would never be without them," writes Mrs, N. Beauderie, R.R. No, 3, Madoe, Ont. "I always keep. two or three boxes in the house. My husband takes them for (Rheumatism, He says there is poth- ing "helps him like Dodd's Kidney Pills, We trust that these few lincs may be the means of helping others," The naturaly way to treat Rheu- matism and Lumbago is to treat the Kidneys and the natural way to treat the Kidneys is to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, Rheumatism is caused by the resches of uric acid in the blood, f the Kidneys are doing their duty they will strain all the wric acid out of the blood and there can be no more Rheumatism, Therefore, put the Kidneys in shape to do their duty by using Dodd's Didaey Pills, (PRINCE RUPERT'S BED NOT 50 GOOD wu !(Hon, William Finlayson Would Rather Sleep on the Verandah Toronto, May 106~~8leeping In Prince Rupert's ex-bed is not all that it's cracked by Hon; William Finlayson, Provincial Minister of Lands 'and Forests, Addressing a gathering in the Royal York Hotel, Mr, Finlayson described a recent trip he took by airplane through the northern for- ofts' of Ontario and Quebec, One day he landed at Rupert House, on the Quebec wide of Hudson's Bay Company outposts, It is one of the few out posts which has not been attacked by file, arid the main bullding is the same as it was 240 years ago, Con- sultation of the log showed that Mr Finlayson was the first Minister of the Crown to visit the post, and much ado was made of the occasion When Mr, Finlayson made as if to lay his blankets out on the .cr- andah, the factor's wife would not hear of it. No, he must sleep in Prince Rupert's room, legendarily occupied by the Prince, Mr, Finlayson acquiesced with- out demur, even after he discovered that the bed was one of thor you reach by a flight of steps, after which you tumble Into a canyon of feathers, To relieve the smothering sensation of the feathers, he tried to open the window, "It apparently had mot lLoey opened wince the Prince slept in the room," he remarked, 'hut rather than have the factor's wife think 1 had not enjoyed myself, | wont ahead and spont a miserable night in the place. Me for the ver- andah next time Cohen and his family sat down to dinner on Sunday, To his three boys Cohen sald: 'Now children, which of you would vant it a nlekel instead of meat for dinner?" Each of the three decided In fay- or of the cash settlement, so Mrs, Cohen put the meat away, Then she broaght n the ple and put it on the table, "Now, my Cohen, "how a nickel's worth change. " children," Inquired many of you vant of ple? [Lx OPPOSITION 10 DIVORCE BITL INTHE SENATE (Coniinued from from Page 1) The. budget debate, ne. asserted would not produce one more job for a Cenadien Workman neither would it raise Canadian wages, Its effect on the fruit and vegetable In- dustry would be very detrimental because it allowed free importation from the British West Indies, There, black labor was employed at one-quarter the Canadian scale and this, together with government subsidized freight rates would prac- tically make it impossible for Can- adian growers to compete with the imported articles. Protests aterway Dy, Hermas Deslaurier (Lib, Ste. Mario division of Montreal), in a speech delivered in Freneh, protested against the proposed ean- alization of the Bt, Lawrence River, It was not. & mengure that would nid Canadian development and pro- gross and he saw behind it *'Cun- ning American interests anxfous to got their hands on our electrical recources," Cdl, G, R, Geary (Cons, Toronto South) sald the budget was not founded on conviction and prinel- ple but rather was a devise design od to catch the suport of the voters this summer, To Refuse Salayy? ND, M, Kennedy (U.F.A,, Peace River) injected a new note in the debate when he aid he did not be- Hove it was right for the members of the house to accept thelr $4,000 indemnity in view of the prema- ture dissolution, He protested against the shortness of the ses slon and sald It was a ridiculous proposition' to have the house sit but three months and then suddenly dissolve in order to hold an elec- tion just because there was an econ- omie conference this fall, George McPhee (Lib, Yorkton) printed to the ery of the Conser- vatives that the government had lost the confidence of the people, Was this applicable, he asked, to the restoration of the crows' nest pass rates; to the reduction in the duty on agricultural implements; to the old ange pension scheme; to the revaluation of soldiers' lands, the government's record of taxation and debt retirement and its con. struetion of the Hudson Bay rail- road? He did not believe so, Higher~Duties Needed Reduction of the tariff on agri cultural implements in the 1824 budget had resulted In higher and not lower prices to the consumer, it was argued by Franklin White (Cons,, London), Canada, ke be- lieved, offered a splendid opportun. fly for mass production in this line but to permit it, higher duties were nocessary., It was true, admitted Dr, J, A, Denie (Lib, 8t, Denis), that Can- SAME FLAVOUR : y BROWN "SATADA" | TEA NOW SAME QUALITY 0 LABEL AT ALL GROCERY STORES sarees ada's foreign trade had fallen during the past year and that it now was faced with an adverse trade balance, This condition was due entirely, he submitted to the non-movement of the western crop, Dr, M, J, Maloney (Cong., Reus frew Bouth), sald the government had forced the farmers and the dairy Industry to the verge of bank- ruptey before adopting policies ad- vocated by the Conservatives for years, The countervailing duties Impos- ed by the budget received the ap- proval of Cyrille Dumaine (Lib,, Bagot), A, E, Bourgeois, (Libs, Kent) sald he opposed any move to place an embargo on Canadian pulp wood, Paul Mercier (Lib,, 8t, Hen- rl), sald commercial selfishness on the part of United States led to the tariff increases. They were justifi- able, he believed, ----------------p rt THE OLD SNEAK Dorothy, aged five had her pho- tograph taken recently and when the proof was sent home her moth- or sald she looked too solemn and asked why she didn't smile, "T did smile, mamma," replied Dorothy, "but the man forgot to put it down." DEAD WAIT ---- our town has the most up-to-date airport, Hotel, buffet, lunth counter, shoe shine shop, check room, weather bureau, neon beacon, library and pool-room complete," "807 What about fleld?"" "Oh, that's coming along, too, They are hard at work blasting stumps now and in two or three more years we'll have the old cems« otery levelled off if we cdn buy hat big barn in the middle of it," Yes, sir, modern and the flying SEETER TE = AT SACRIFICE 391 MASSON ST. TERMS REASONABLE For Particulars Phone Owner, T38f or 1834 Thrifty Housewives convenient to shop ed==and always w guarantee, hadassssasaad FINE CREAMERY Butter COTTAGE No. 1 Quality. ~Ver Fine Flavor ' 1b. 35: HEINZ : Baked Beans : 2 Tins 2.5 LUX Small Package 3 tor 25 SUNMAID i Post Toasties | i 3 tor 250 | > 4 "Jamaica Snaps ...... Jersey Cream Sodas, 8 oz. pkg., 2 for 28¢ = FISH ~ will find it at their local Arnold Market where the newest. and best quality foods at prices that mean a consistent saving may be obtain- ith our money back MEALED Cottage Roll »25¢ ROAST Rump Roast Beef ~ ~ Ib. Porterhouse Roast Round Shoulder Roast Boiled Ham - ©. §55¢ BEEF a7 40¢ 2c Ib. BREAKFAST BACON 1 1 17¢ MEALED BACK BACON 4. 19 Libby's Corned Beef »26¢ Arnold's Pure Lard ! b. carton 2 for 290 Crisco cord lt vivavd Mat Chien gat ...... Fil By Chocolate Emp Ian 's assor I EEE EEN ER] 3 Hallow DRES .. oss' D on, halves + viv ei ll Biscuits Soups" fae 3 1a 25¢ Standard Peas, 2's .......... 2 tins 28¢ Diced Carrots, 2's Ver adiae 2 tins Icing Sugar WR ple RRR J | 0 25¢ oro lbs tins remiss Salad Dressing, small +... boxes pa 2 lbs. 28¢' CO RL RY HALIBUT STEAKS ... CODFISH, sliced ...... SEA HERRINGS dasa RERERERRR S|} 29¢ inves asvoralli i8¢ 6 Fish (EER EER] "1% to 3 Ibs. each... ... Ib. 28¢. Arnold's All Canadian Markets Gu WN

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