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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 May 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1930 PAGE THREE iberals Have Not Yet Made Plans for Convention in Riding Cost of Paving Remainder | Of Subway To Be Included ~InTotal for Whole Scheme Board of Railway Commis. sioners Has Issued An Amendment to' Previous|. Order RAILWAY TO SHARE COST WITH CITY Amendment Followed Rep- resentation Made by City Council for Explanation of Clause Contained in Order According to amendment of its for. mer, judgment with regard to. the proposed subway below the CNR. tracks on Simcoe street south, the Dominion Board of Railway Com- missioner has ordered that the cost of paving the remainder of the sub. way part of the subway scheme be borne by both the city and the rails way in the proportion set out in the | formal order, 43 per cent, by the city and 57 per cent, by the Canadian Na- tional Allway. The original former order provided that the cost of paving the electric railway' track strip, the extra strip of two feet necessitated by the ex- tra width of the subway, and the cost of additional paving on the star tion approach necessitated by the ad. ditional depth of the subway should be borne by the Canadian National Railway while cost of the. remaindér of the pavement was to be borne by the city, The present amendment makes the cost of paving the re. mainder of the pavement part of the whole subway scheme, to be borne by both parties on the basis outlined a- ve, The board's améndment. a copy of which was received hefe today reads thus; "THE BOARD ORDERS that the paid Order No, 44629, dated 16th of April, 1930, be, and, it is hereby, ar mended by striking out the words 'that the cost of, paving the remaind- er of the subway be borné and paid by the City of Oshawa, the said words beginning at the third word of the third line and ending at the elev enth word of the fourth line on page te oe the Otder" ha gsiaiuad ud n a copy of the original order s po Bnd by the city council jt wis not certain of the meaning of this clause, It was thereupon decided 10 appoint Ald, George Hart, chair- man of the board of works, and City Engineer C. Smith as a committee of two to interview the railway board with a view to having the matter fully explained. They. journeyed .to Ottawa 'last week where they ap. peared before the board and sought to have the matter clarified, The action of the board in amend. ing its previous judgment: is. th evi- dent result of the interview which was obtained, "i Blaliop.; haces to. Confjm Class of 60 Candidates at St. George's Church Gi Right Reyerend Bishop Luc- #8 will administer the Apostolic Rite of confirmation to a class of sixty candidates at St, George's Church on Sunday morning next, at the 11 o'clock Service. The Bishop will also dedicate a window to the Memoiy of the late Harry Ship! Smith, i D'YU KNOW? If all the students who sleep in 0) were laid end to: end they would be muoh more comfortable, It all the professor's salaries ware multiplied by ten and divided by nothing they might be able to t our expenses, 'The nofse made avery year ay foothall 'games in sufficient to supe nly ten radios with static for three days, Postcard Travels Forty-Yix Years Orillia, May 14,~1t had taken 46 years to deliver a postcard which arr ia town today from Port Perry, The card went to J, M, Henderson, Orillia wesessor, but ii was addressed Lo his father, J, Henderson, who was formerly division court clerk in the town, It had been written by J, W. Burn. ham, division cour: clerk in Fort Perry, and veferred tu a case bes fore the court at the time, The date was Dec, 26, 1884, Both the writer and the maj to whom the card was written have heen dead many years, Richard J. Davis, C.S, Speaks Here Sunday Richard J.- Davis, C8, of Chicago, | fp prominent Christian Science speaker will address a meeting in the Regent Theatre on Sunday next, May 18th, The lecture which will be free is hes ing giver under 'the auspices of the First Paptist church of Christ Sclen~ tist of Oshawa and will commence sharp at three fifteen in the after- noon, The, speaker is a member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mo- ther Church at Boston, Mass, and is comsidered a very fine speaker, What Others Say THE GAS QEUSTION To the Rditor, Oshawa, Times, Dear Sir} I sea that the P, U, C. are en~ deavoring to popularize the cone sumption of gas, 1 for one wouwla like to have gas in my house but find that mains have not been laid anywhere near my place, To get this gas I have to get a petition signed by a reasonable number of householders, Instead of myself canvassing total strangers for this purpose, I would suggest that the P, U, © do their own eanvassing, that is, if this move on their part fs more than a mere gesture, Yours truly, Ratepayer. MAPLE GROVE BRIEFS Maple Grove, May 12.-Mr, and Mrs, N. I. Metcalfe and daughter Helen, visited friends near Ponty. pool, on Sunday, Mro and Mrs, Earl Osborne, Pro- vidanes ted, hor parents, Mr and . Truman Power, on Sun- day, Mies Dora Kames spent the weeksond with friends, in Torento, Mr, and Mrs. Norman laird and family, Mr. Ernie Laird, Miss Edna Creighton and Mr, Colin Kerr, To- ronto, visited the former's brother, Mr, A, Laird, on Sunday, Miss Carrie Power, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with her brother Mr, Chester Power, Misses 'Mabel Evans and Nallie Snowden, Toronto Normal School, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, 0, H, Snowden , A very large congregation at- tended both the services here on Sunday, © Rev, Ferguson, Picker. ing, gave a suitable address for Mother's Day, A splendid male q 9 composed of Messrs, Nor- man, Earnie and Alfred Laird and Colin Kerr, sang. Wa w oe to our neighborhood Mr, and Mrs, Wollacutt and family, trom' Oshawa, 'who have purchased the house formerly owned by Mr, Sam Snowden, Misses 1da and Marjorie Stevens, and Mr. Harvey Ripoks, spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto, | Hostess knows the sense of | p at in pouring coffee from her sily For pres service fs, mosthdesirable." that distiney the gaffee hour yn entations of special nate, the +i ver eolled | selinement which, q OSHAWA BOY WILL CONDUCT MISSION AT PEACE RIVER Gordon Maxwell With Friend Will Spend Summer Months in North Alberta fiordon Maxwell, son of Rev, V, J. Maxwell, pastor of Bt, Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, and Fred Hotson, well known youthful orator of Tavistock are leaving Toronto on Monday, May 26, for the Pesce River district, of Northern Alberta to conduet missions and organiz Sunday Schools during the summer months, This trip will be a new departure In missionary work and these young men both of Victorian College, Un« versity of Toronto, will go Into a hitherto unworkad field carrying the gospel message In part where there are no churches or Kunday Schools and where the spiritual welfare of the children fs loft en- tively in the hands of the parents, This trip will be entirely different in the fact that the expenses will not be paid by the maintenance and extension fund of the United Church but will be cared for hy DUmerouy young peoples societies fy oronto and the surrounding pres: byteries, yA special car has been provided for the young missionaries hy J, D, Storie of Oshawa, and has been made In the Oshawa plant of the General Motors, It is a Chevrolet sedan with many special features. It in fitted Inside so as to provide sleeping quarters for Its drivers and is equipped with every thing that will be necessary for long trips and for camping. Carrying fixtures have boen supplied for carrying thelr tent along with them and special compartments have also been Installed for cooking utensils An organ will also bo taken along A8 part of thelr equipment, The car will be on display in the Krounds of the Metropolitan Uniteq Church in Toronto on Sunday next and the young missionaries will be bid farewell at a fireside Kathering In Metropolitan Church on Sunday evening. Many private citizens be. sides the young peoples societies have also contributed to the ex penses of the mission and all will be in readiness for the start on May 20, During the summer months they will preach In the socattered settlements throughout the morthe orn section of the province of Al berta spreading the gospel among Chuistian and Heathen alike and {torming and helping In the starting and organizing of Sunday Schenls These pioneer misstonaries, one of whom is from Oshawa will carry with them the best wishes of a host of friends throughout the United Church organigation and through out Oshawa and the Province or Ontarlo, Sm ---- HAMPTON BRIEFS i ---- Hampton, May 12.-There was a good attendance F\nday school on Sunday, The prepared Mother's Day service progr was used, Miss Edoa Reynolds Yold the story, "The Search for the Reautiful," Those who took part in the Pageant "What makes the Difference' were Mra, W, W, Horn, Will, Wilburn, Doris Cryderman, Jean Hogarth, Jack Niddery, John Virtue, and Nellie Armour, and Stanley Cowl- ing, Hymns, "I think when 1 read that sweet story of old," "For the Reauty of the Earth," and "0 Hap. PY Home!, were used during the J, R, Rick occupied the pulpit in the evening preaching from John 2nd Chapter and 1st verse "And the third day there waa a markage in Cana of Galilee, And the mother of Jesus was there. The numerous and varied hoguets of Trilllums, Violets, Daftodils, Nav- clasus, and potted Roses, some of which had been gifts presented to some of the mothers, were all an incentive to the inspiring service, during which several young people were accepted as members in the church and other members who have recently become residents oi our village; baing transferred, The oholr assisted also with music in keeping with the day, We are glad to see Mian Nancy Johns able to be out again since her recent illness, Mr, M, Slemon and mother and Masters Gordon and Lloyd Haydon visited Mra, Slemon on Sufiday at the home of Mra, C', Johns, Bruce Tennant and friend, Tors onto, visited at the home of I G, Keralake on Sunday, T, Wray ia assisting A, E. Jone nings, Oshawa, In a contract of painting thin week, 0) H, Bun Oshawa, Suns in our 0, na Nymper of the hia Attended the uet for Tuxia Square boys ville on Friday night, The Young People's League will meet on Thursday night owing te the, play to be given on Friday TT, Pascoe and daughters, were nto visitors over the week-end, Marjorie Martyn, Enniskillen, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Albert Martyn on Sunday, Horn has returned from Tor she attended the Kduoa- nvention and visited friends, 3 ts Rosa and Frank Tree non Oshawa, 'Mr, and Mve, Roy ¥ Ife and ohildren, Base Liae, visited at the home of their parents v, and Mra, A, Trenouth, Suns UMP and Mra, Clagence Smale by Barbara, Toronto, visited i mother Mra. Wm, Smale on "| Sunday, X , There will be no service an Sun. day. evening, our choir Raving ane cepted an Invitation from Black- Missionary Exhibits Will be Shown at St. Andrew's Church An event of most unusual interest will be held in St. Andrews nited church. on this Thursday, Under the direction of Rev, George' Williams, of the Missionary Department of the United Church in Toronto, there will be shown the most plete display It is confidently expected that there will be between two hundred and fifty and three hundred persons pre- sent, A notable feature of the eve- ning will be a debate on the "Value of Klssions," in which four outs tanding laymen of the Presbytery, of missionary exhibits ever 10 be brought to Oshawa, The display will include objects of interest from all the countries, of the world, in which the United church is represented, It should prove to be an education in the conditions under which the Mis. slonaries themselves have to live and labor, The primary object of these exhibits is to stimulate Interest in missions. in the preshytery of Osh. awa, The display las been shown with great success, in many of the congregations in the Hamiltan cone ference, The exhibit will commence early on Thursday afternoon and re. main open until 9 o'clock that eve- ning, The display of native tools and Implements 'will serve as an incentive to a missionary spirit and alse serve to demonstrate that the ehureh is still performing its sacred duty in the foreign fields, On Friday night St, Andrew's will be the centre for a layman's ban- quet at 7.15 o'clock, Laymen and mins isters from all parts of the Preshy- tery of Oshawa will be in attendance, feaded by r. Ross Strike, of Bow- manville, will take part, The children: will have an oppor tunity to view the display on Satur. day afternoon commencing at 3 o- clock, They will be conducted through the exhibit and wll the ex- hibits will he explained to them in detail, A display such as this should prove of great interest to the youth of the Presbytery, av it is a wells known fact that the best way to teach is to use concrete examples, It has been found that the knowledge Is more easily assimilated in this man ner than by merely telling of objects A thing that ean be seen Is twice as importgnt as ong unseen, The im pression left on the mind of the child is far more vivid by the use of the very objects that are being described It Is un opportunity that should not be missed by any child, On Sunday at both services the pulpit will be occupied by prominent sneakers who will bring a message of spiritual encouragement to the con gregation of St, Andrew's church, PROMIBITIONSTS TO INFLUENCE MIND AGAINST LIQUOR Rev. R. A. Whattam Ad- dresses Church in Ottawa 14,~The ultimate redtoration in Ontario of the "Temperance Mind" following a campaign of intensive education, was stated to be the chief objec tive of the Ontario Prohibition Union by Rev, R, A, Whattam, nrovineial organizer, who spoke here Sunday in Highland Park Baptist Church, Qttawn, May The number of liquor permits Issued in Ontario had steadily in- creased since the Inception of the Ontario control board until at present thera wes an average of one permit te every two homes in the provinee, the speaker said, Declaring that alcohol was a nar cotle polsen, Rev, Mr, Whattam went on to outline, the plan of eampalen to be launched whereby it is proposed to enlist an army of half a million total abstalvery to organize, an part of the Cans dinh household league, With this concentration of force and inf uence, the next step would be lo engage in an educational campalyn of 2,000 public meetings, at which millions of coples of temperance literature will be circulated, Teach. ers will he supplied with sclentific date ax to the nature of beverage alcohol, and essays and oral com: petitions for young people will be organised, stock, to provide the music at the United Church Anniversary, 'I'he service will be in the morning next Sunday and will take the form of a Baptismal Service, Hampton Women's Institute held its annual election of oMoers on Thursday May 1st, In the Sun. day Bchool room of the chureh, the Prealdent Mrs, H, BE, Rundle presiding, The meeting opened hy singing the Institute Ode followed by the Lord's Prayer, The minutes of Jast year's annual meeting were read and approved, also minutes of A apecial meeting in which Miss Guest, the summer delegate gave fn address, After reports of the different committees, the following officers were olected, President Mrs, H. EB, Rundle, 1st vies President Mrs, WV. W, Horn, 2nd vice Preal dent Mra, W. a, Doldge, Secretary Miss Lulu Reynolds, Treasurer Mra, John Cowling, Auditors, Mra, ©, Stephens and Mrs, Xnox, Dist, Director M, J, Katerson, Brapoh Directors Mrs, 1, Trull, Mm, GQ, Adcock, Miss 1, Reeves, Rranch Representatives Mra, R, Avery, Mina Reynolds, Mrs, Jas, Burns, M, J, Kateraon, Mrs, Rundle, Alternates Mra, Arthur Allin, Miss Reeves, Mra, Adamson, Press Correspond- onts Misa Knox, Mra, Burns, Floral Committee Mra, A, Trenouth, Mra, W. W, Horn, Miss Materson, Bizaar- Committee Miss Katerson, Mra, OC, Stu Mra, Doldge, Mra, Knox, Miss Knox, Mra, Sykes, Mrs, Chap- man Mise Reynolds, Program Com. mittee Mra! W, W, Horn, Mrs, Knox Miss Knox, Mrs, Jno, Cowling, Standing Committee-~Healthe=Mra Niddery, Eduocation--Miss 'Knox, Historical Research and Current Eventp--Mra, ©, 1, Keralake, League of Nations Misa I. Reeves, Agriculture Mrs, A, Clemens, Name Community Activities Mra, L, Trall islation Mra, ©, Johns, Relief Mrs, Sykes, Planting Flowera Mra, Chapman, Me, Cowling, Mrs, y and Mian Katerson, Park-=Mra nouth, Mra, ©, J, Kerglake, Mra, Stephens, Mrs, Jno, Cowling, Mra, Burns, Norah Worn, * ! It 'wan decided fo wend $10.00 to the Federated Inatitute, Moet» ihg closed by singing the National Anthem, Attendance 45, June meeting will he held at the home of Mrs, A, Peters, Program will he in charge of Mrs, J, R, Bick on "Rducation." ¢ M Margaret Scott and Ruby Dawell, Rolina were recent visitors with Madeline Trull, J and Mpg, Avihue Wikely. Mr, and children, Oshawa, visited at DAMAGES OF $5,000 CLAIMED IN ACTION AGAINST HOSPITAL Former Employee of Insti tution Files Claim at Osgoode Hall Toronto, May 1 Maude Jarvi Dietitian, Toronto, i suing the Osh awa Hospital for $5,000 damages as the result of an accidént on Sept ember 8th, 1928, when plaintiff says she was employed in that institution In the statement of claim, filed at Osgoode Hall today plaintiff states that while she was operating a dumb walter, as part of her duties at the Oshawa Hospital, the rope broke al lowing the device to fall and perma nently injure her wrists and hands, with the result that she has been un able to continue her occupation The law firm of Conant and An nis, Oshawa, § acting on behalf of the defendant institution, the home of Jno, Wakely on Sun. day, The Young Men's Sunday School Class have engaged Columbus Young People to present thel play "Kentucky Belle' in the Suns day School room of the church on Friday evening May 16th, The Women's Christian Tempers ance Union will meet at the home of Mra, Bilan Williams on Tuesday afternoon for election of ofMcers, Mr, and Mrs, Lovenso Trull and family and Ruth Johns visited Orono friends on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Martin and baby, Toronto, renewed ac quaintances in the village on Satur day, BROUGHAM Brougham, May 12,Miss Ruth Gamble, ot Toronto, has been here thin week with her mother, Mr, John Cowie spent Saturday last making improvements to his property here, Mr. Donald Wilson has rented the Cowie residence for the four summer months, Miss Duncan, of Birch Un School Teaching Staff was with her parents over the week-end, Mrs, Russell Brodie and daugh- tera were visitors of Mra, Philip on Saturday, Miss Kate Brodie ace companying them, remaining for a waek's visit, Mr, and Mrs, K. Holthy enter tained thei daughters and thelr families on Sunday, Mother's Day, Mr, and Mra, Dert Harvey, en. Jertaineq thelr mona on Sunday ast, On Friday evening of last week, the IMrat troop: of Boy Scouts in this village and thelr parents, as well as many interested friends, were favored by an excellent ads dress, by Field Secretary, Rdgar Jones, of Toronto, The subject of the address was the World Jam: bores, of 10290, held at Arrow Park, near Liverpool, at which about 180 Canadian seouts represented Cans ada, His address was most inten esting and inspiring: and when il. lustrated by slides showing the places visited it was very educa tional as well, Those who missed the opportunity of heaving Mp, Jones missed a rare treat. What intoresta the hoys should be of vital interest to everyone, as early ime pressions 'are not easily forgotten, The Boy Scout movement has made rapid progress in Brougham under the careful direction of H: Jermyn and Lloyd Johnston, Jack Gerow spent Sunday with! d slater, Mr, and Mra, Plek Ing: L) a0 ; ni \ unday, LI on family, of Oshawa, spent Sunday here, Miss Rate 1s with friends in Port Hope, thin week. he: court memsion, held on May Sth held a big budget of business, requiring all day, Tn Frank Maleolm and. family, of Toronto, and Mr, Grant Maleolm of Galt, were with their relatives here, on Sunday last, other's Day service on Sunday was well attended, Rev, Mr, Me his aunt H MORRISON CHARGED WITH MURDER OF WIFE, THIS MORNING Remanded for Eight Days Are Prepared to / Wage Active Campaign However if Election Is Announced & wv by Magistrate Willis rrr William Morrison, who has heen confived to the Oshawe Geners) Hospital, under Police Guard, while recovering from bis Injuries as a result of his alleged attempt to end hin Jite on the afternoon of Apri 20, was this morning removed from the Hospital to the Police Station hore, He appeared hefore Hig Wore ship Magistrate Willis and was for. mally charged with the murder of his wife, He was later removed to the County Jail in Whithy where he will ramnin for a period of eight days, awaiting trial i Morrison was found to be miss Ing. when his wife's mutilated body was discovered in thelr homo on Kingsdale Avenue on April 20th Following an Intensive wearch hy the Police during the afternnon, he £5 was found lying In an weak cond! tion In un feld near the Anglican Cemetary on Park Nosd Nowh, It was found that he wus suffering from loss of blood remulting from wounds to his throat, He wan tak en af once to the hospital, and kept under guard ever sinee CANADA MUST HELP , ISABLED WARRIORS Pte. Edward McQuade Hes Suffered Much in Coun- Daughter of Mr, and Mpy, Robert WINNIFRED TREN WARD Ward, #45 Jarvis street, won Fifth Prise in the Toronto Nar Contest. for Ontario's mo. t beau titul child, This little givl, eight years old, Is a pupil at Mary Nireot public school, and Is the only Oshawa child to figure in the prige list In a contest in which thousands of childven from all over the province of Ontario were entered, Both the parents and Hitle Treno are being warmly congratulated on the honor which has heen Won, Photo by Campbell, try's Service This week ment will deal with. the Pensions Aot amendment, This week or pext week the representatives of the Canadian people will decide wpon the best method of convinelng Ot tawn officialdom that Canada wish os justice done to her disabled nol diers, Al Ottawa during the lant months, Canadian returned soldier organizations have united to plead! the cause of the war-disabled man, The nodiers' presentation of the ( soldiers' cause ended nwt weok, Its last appeal was for an amendment to the Pensions Act that. would pro tect the disabled ex-service man's right to the "benefit of the doubt" In his pension elaim against all the red tape in Ottawa, Reasons why the representatives of the Canadian ppople should grant the request of Canada's woldiers are not far to seek, They ean he found, whole families of them, ly» Ing in poor lttle houses In men Hitle streets, They can be counted' by the dosen, waiting endlessly in front of employment offices In Cane adian cities, They exist, wearing away the days In the wards of overy soldiers' heapital from Halls fax te Vancouver, Thev are the men, and the wives (Continued on Page 14) ( Lellan, of Claremont, gave a very Interesting and inspiring address, which was much appreciated by young and old, COURTICE Courtice, May 18.-<Miss Annle Allen, Bowmanville, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, G, ¥, Annis, My, Jack Plekell, Detroit, called on relatives here recently, and Mi, and Mya, Kenneth Courtice accom panied him to Ottawa and Mou treal, where they will visit relatives, Mrs, Dr, Kaiwor, Oshawa, visited Mis. A. I, Rundle on Sunday, Mr," Walter Saider, Cornwall, wan n Sunday visitor at My, W. H Niochol's, . We welcome Mr, Cameron Trull and Misa Marjory, to our village, They have moved into Mr, Blake Courtiea's house on the highway, Hervices on Runday weve largely attended, Mothers' Day being ob. served at the three services, On either side of the pulpit were beautiful flowers, one bhoquet of calla Miles in memory of the Mothers who had gone on before, and a bunch of lovely pink roses to show regard for the Mothers who ave atill with us, In the morn. ing Rev, Mr, Ferguson, of Ploker ing, preached a beautiful sermon taking "Mary the Mother of Jesus" for hig subject, In the evening Rev, Hamlet Wolfralm, of Wilpid, gave another fine discourse on "Anna, Mother of Samuel" In the afternoon at the Sunday School session, after the lesson period, n short program bearing on Mother's Day was presented, Mia Aura Os borne read a very interesting selec. tion and Miss Louise Courtice gave a reading which was most pathetio, Roth were appropriate for the day, A vooal duet 'My Mother's Sos wan he by Mra, 'Rev', J, H, Stain. ton 'and Mis, W. R, Courtice, On Saturday afternoan the reguls Ar meeting of the ©, @, I. T. was held in the home of My, and Murs, Bert Wilkina, The President, Miss Rath Gay, preaided in Mer usual pleasant way and (he devotional riod was taken up.hy Mize Della altem, A program of readings by Misses Louise Courtice, Bernice Gay and Theda Taylow, and play solo by Miss Helen Wilkins were also presented. Afterwards Misa Helen's group served candy and bananas and the girls wont to the woods 'for, a hike. Mis, Wilkine and. Helen were most entertaining in' thelr home and the girla had a happy atternoon, to | or next week parla TY NEWS pllat published in our fssue of yes terday the name of My was inadvertently the Finance Committee, ISSUE DOG TAGH hundred dog tags so far this week, AR tags are also wold by the City Jerk the number of tags disposed of is running to a high figure issuance of tags is the only sure Way of cataloguing the canine pop ulation of the eity, VIRITED BUSINESS COLLEGE amateur champton typist, and My, Fred Jarvett, manager of the Uns derwood sehool welcome Business College yesterday, Wright skill In typewrlting and rett the necessity of getting more than Just & minimum of skill, WANT BRAKES TESTED up at the Police Station this morn. ing asking to have tested, formed that the weather conditions were unsuitable for testing to-day, The slippery pavements are not the host surface to test hrakes on and the pollee do not wish te he unfair to the publie RECEIVED SIX MONTHS dress an Toronto, appeared for sen. tence this morning, lant week 'on a charge of illegally having in hin of narveotio stated that trade, Street, had been laid off because of the slackness of the trade, he claimed, and came to Oshawa for a week, The drugs did not belong to him, he said, spend six months in jail and pay a fine of $200 or spend three monti In custody, he had no money to pay the fine no that practically nine months {imprisons RUMMAGE SALE AT CENTRE MADAME PROGRESSIVE KUCHRE PARTY RUMMAGE RUMMAGE SALE ON SATURDAY SQUARE ' DANCE TONIGHT AY officers and Oshawa Hor I'rom the list of ommitiees of the ON omitted Henry fron The Police have issued over two The Miss Irma Wright, ex-world department wern The Peerless Mian demonstrations of Mr, Jar upon the students visitors at EAVa impressed A large number of men khowed their brakes All and sundry were ins John Farrell, who gave his ade He appeared possession a quantity drugs, The acoused he was a barber by He had worked at 137 Bay Toronto, aa a barber and The court ruled that he should The accused said that the penalty amounts to Coming Events 8 Cents word each fine To a oe street United Church basement, Friday, May 16, 3 o'clock, (113114) PALMIST, street,' (114h) BROWN, phone 26861°% #3 Louls in Orange Hall, ¥Widay, May 19, Good prizes, Admission 28e¢. (114) SALE. SIMCOR - 8T\ Ohureh, Friday, 3.30, (1142) Afternoon in the bhasement of the Salvation Army Hall, (Ald) Darnhart's Pavilion, Ladies tees. Gentlemen 280, Rverybody . Weloome, (114a) MEMBERS OF 'TEMPLE LODGE are veminded of the visit ta Newoastle on = Friday, May 16, Care will leave corner of Bond and. 8ineoe" atreets. at 7.80 > <n Menthern of othey lodges wel or This Summer "Not in Any Hurry at Pres ent Time" States W, A. Dryden, President of Ride ing Association m------ CANDIDATE TO BE ENTERED IN FIELD Election Talk Big Topic of Conversation in City and Countryside rr ---- Liberals in this riding have not as vet taken any definite steps toward the calling of a convention for the purpose of nominating a candidate to carry the Liberul standard in the next Dominion election, which accore ding to those who clalm to be inf close touch with parliamentary afe fairs, may tuke place this summery elt'ser lite in July er early In Auge 1a! "We have heen discussing the mate ter Lat are not in any hurry at the present time," stated W, A Dryden, of Brooklin, president of the riding Liberal association when called by The Times this morning f Asked whether the Liberals wers wilting: wntil definite annduncement of tha election might he made Mr, Dryden stated that he did not consis der that this would make any mae terial difference in their plans, The government supporters in this riding could go ahead at any time he state ed und urerange for a convention, fine dependent of whether an election wan announced or not, "If the government should ga 1 the polls this summer," he it, id would be prepared to provide a very active campaign » D. Conant, secretary of the South Ontario Liberal' Association, al The Times that plang had not heen completed for the holds ing of a Libefal convention, "We fully intend entering a candle date in the field," he assured, The Conservatives of the disteles organized se eral weeks ago w hen 'ad a convention held in Whithy it wae unanimously decided that Dr, TE, Kaiser, present member of the House of Commons, should again con test this riding for his party, In the meantime clection talk Ia heard 'everywhere, in the city and in the rural districts, Many are antieis puting that the King Government will go hefore the peaple this summer and if this should eccur there is no doubt that the two old parties will wage # keen battle in the hustings of One tavio riding ' AND HARD WORK ! During a recitation by a college class in natural phitlosophy the proe fesmor observed a 'tall, lanky youth in a rear seat, his head drogped, his body relaxed, his eyes half closed, and his logs enoumbering a neighboring aisle, "Mr, Dainby!™ sald the professor, 'The freshman opened his eyes slowly, but did not change hin pore, "Mr, Dainby, what In work?!" "Everything in work, wan the drawling reply, "Sir," axe claimed the professor, 'do you mean to tell me that is a reasons able reply to my question?" "Yes ale' "Then, T take it, you woul like me and the class to believe that this desk 1a work?" "Yes, sir," replied the youth, wearily, "It ig woodwork," "Too Late To Classify FOR ALI=ONE-- pony, harness and buggy, A 808 Simeoe south, athe) > x 3 0G AO Informe - pec Summer | Frocks ATTRACTIVE FRQCKS | SHARPLY REDUCED" A collection of smart styles, In colanese, crepes and printed cropos, Some are | wleoveloss with capes. Others have short sleeves and feminine fells, X sloovos are algo incl \ In white, pink, yellow, blue, orohidy green, Sipes 14 to 40, TWEED COATS | Smart. enough for any miss of fourteen to twenty, In small patterns, In. greys, | sands and browns, 8 $10.75 | Artistic Shoppe : i i iy ¥ 1 w 1 come, L114b) Phone 1887

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