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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 May 1930, p. 5

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Z PAGE FIVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1930 ' # Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community "PERSONAL M, Melntyre Hood is in Ottawa toda; Missing 8 conference res warding Lhe legislative amendments to the Pension Act and other mat- ters pertaining to war veterans, The Bous of Scotland met last vvenjug in Welsh's Parlours, Bro, Morrison was present from the Tor. onte Burn's Camp and invited the members of Lorn Camp, Oshawa, to & dance on May 28th In Toronto, The Invitation was aceepted and § wan also decided to hold a dance here in Oshawa on June 7th, Tick. ots for this affair may he obtained from Mr, Ness, 60 Warren Avenue, Mr, Jorn McGregor, Burke Street, or Mrs, Chalmers, 105 Prince St, Mr, and Mrs, William Chapman and son Ronald of 146 Verdun Road, has just returned from a motor trip to Montreal, SOCIAL and | | SPECIAL, ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRIDAL OUTFITS At the THE FASHION SHOPPE a Hi Near Cor. King & Nimeoe St, LAWN GRASS SEED Lawn Fertilizers HOGG & LYTLE, Limited Phone 203 KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378, NEXT THE POST OFFIC) OFFICERS FLECTED ATRITSON SCHOOL _ dent of Ritson Rd. Home + and School Club Ce The regular monthly meeting of the Ritson Rosd Home and Behool Club took place on Tuesday even. ing, with the president Mrs, J, Booth in the chair, Plans for the school pienie, to be held at Rotary Park on June 11, were discussed, A yun which had been donated to the lub for competition some time ago by Mis, John Taggart was won hy Mrs, Callaghan, The prise of one dollar for the class having the most mothers present went to Mr, Knight's clans, The club was much Interested in the splendid report ot the O, K, A, eonvention at Toronto, read by Mrs, Noble, The election of officers was conducted with Mr, Knight In eharge and the oMces for the comiyg year are filled as fol. lows; Hon, Presidents, Mrs, 0, D, Friend, Mr, and Mrs, Hamilton, Mr, Tonkin; President, Mrs, Booth; ist Vice Pres, Mrs, Ferguson, 2nd Viee Pres, ' Mrs, Johnston; Ree, Mrs, Fiches; Assistant Bee, Mrs, Knight; Troan, Mrs, Taggart; Press report. or, Mr, Lycett; Pianist, Miss Allen, Miss. B, Btinson, Miss Veerheller; Flower committee, Mrs, Walr and Mrs, Godfrey: Representatives to the council, Mrs, Fickes and Mrs, Noble; Executive committee, Mrs, Walker; Mrs, Longbottom, (} Mclvers, Mrs, Plowright, Mrs, How: fe, Mrs, Tubb, Mrs, Crawford, Mrs Jones, Mrs, Noble, Mrs, Foster, Miss B, Stinson, Misses C, Stinson, Allen, Robertson, Forsyth, V, For: Ar. Mes, Hoag, Miss Vierheller, iss Gibson, Miss Bayne, Mrs, Ly- cett, Mr. Wembt and Mr, Knight, | womens meee | NIMCOE STREET LADIES' AID NOCIETY The regular monthly meeting of the Simcoe Bireet Ladies' Ald Ho. cloty was held on Tuesday after noon in the Bunday School room, There was the usual business ses. slon during which It was stated that the Cook Book would be ready for cireulation at the June meet- ing, The program donsisted of a piano golo by Miss Beamish, d mus feal reading yA Mrs, Harding, » vocal duet by Miss E, Trick and | Mrs, Noble, | The photograph here shows Ros. aline Green, star performer of the Nation Broadeasting Co, New York who is sald to have the radio's most. perfect voleo, The fact that Miss Groen won a national contest In 1026 supports this claim, Only four years out of college, the num- KAAKKARASS KITCHEN CORNER AAR RKAARAS| GALANTINK (Berves K-10) 1 pound round steak, 1 pound raw ham, 2 BEEN, 1% oups brend orumbs, 4 teaspoon nutmeg, 4 leaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon salt, Julee of 1 lemon, "Grated rind 1 lemon, Put meat through a food ehop- per, Add eggs well beaten and re. maining Ingredients, Pack into n well greased pan, cover with buts! tered paper and steam for four hours, . Serve cold, thinly sliced, SALMON CHARTREUSE (Nerves 6-8) 2 tablespoons gelatin, YW cup cold water, wri? a Personal Service Reeves Unemployment Our method of merchandisin by salesmen and sales. women is the means of woos 1 a gainful occupa. tion to hundreds of men and women, Dominion Stores does its part in ever-present problem of In this way helping to solve the loyment. RAISINS coer section Evaporated Apricots ...,, 3% Benson's Corn Starch. Phy, 11c 'l@| Texas Skinlens Figo. .. Tin 25¢ Domino Tapiocs 4} 2for38c Gold Soap . 8 crasmc 4% Maraschino Cherries we veeeves 10 bars 49¢ 2 rms 1 Je C. & B. Catoup. . 14-0. Bot. 25¢c ¢ Gum, Ast. 3 Pha. 10¢ Cookied Spaghtti HE 1c sarava pn J Go wwe dle i x eg Jolly Powders . id : 3 cakes 1 Qe Peanuts ....... Ib. 20¢ 1 tablespoon chopped carrot, 1 tablespoon chopped onion, 1 bay leat, 2 tanlespoons chopped celgry, 2 cups water, Juice one lemon, Wy ténspoon salt, I'ew graing cayenne, Dolled or canned salmon, Lettuce; lemon slices, Mayonnaise, Soften gelatin In 1-2 cup cold water, Hring earrot, onion, bay leat and celery to holling point in 2 cups water and boll 4 minutes Add softened gelatine, strain, add lemon julee, salt and cayenne, Put a Jayer of Jelly In bottom of a mold tat has been dipped In cold water, When firm cover with sal mon and pour over remaining por. tion of gelatine mixture When stiffened unmold on hed of lettuae, | garnish with lemon slices and serve | with mayonnaise, AWAITING THEIR TURN Old Giles and his missus were in a large town for the first time in their lives, After a lot of trouble the two dear old things had boarded a train which went to the address their son, liyed in the town had given them, Five minutes passed hen + the tram came to a stop, "James street!" called the ec nduc tor, » One man got up amd went out, A few minutes later the tram | stopped again | "Vietoria Terrace," announced the conductor, This time a lady stepped ont Mrs, Giles leant byver towards hes husband, "Isn't time for us to leave!" asked, Giles shook his head "Don't show your ignorance, wo man," he whispered, "We've got to walt in here till the gentleman calls our names." I r------------------r-- | | Bolle 31c | ToaRishmallo .... 11h. 68c |g. SHAD INDUSTRY IN NORTH CAROLINA MOST INPORTANT But General Public Unaware of Value of Fishery to State Raleigh, Ni Carolina, ««A strange altuation exists in this state where the largest branch of the commer: olal fishing industry, from the standpoint of eateh, isn probably the least known to the general publie, The North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development, in its latest report, tells of the menhaden, known locally as shad, fatback and alewife, fishing indus try which ia one of the great soure on of revenue of the state, 'More than 100,000,000 men. s SYe Lad RR) BUT... if you do not try them you will never know how good a household dye can be . . . Swot «made in Canada NORTH AMERICAN DYE CORPORATION, LTD. n Toronto who | | In Oshawa, bev of her vidio performances now runs into several hundreds and in somo programs she has played as many as three parts, ES ------------------------------------------ haden are taken annually by fleets of hosts from North Caroline ports," the report states, "They are sald to be one of the most abundant of all economic fish, mi grating In enormous schools. off shore, They ure not a food fish, | being used chiefly for the extrace tion of oll which serves for much the same purpose as linseed oil and serap which is used In fertilize ors and for stock feed, 1g North Caroline operates o' out thirty boats which with thelr outs fits cost about $25,000 each, Fours teen factories costing $60,000 to $100,000 ench are operated in the slate, These have cooked on an average of 30,000,000 fish each for a neason of two months, November and December for the past four year, "Motor boats of an average cap- acity of 60 tons and which are nble to carry #460,000 fish are manned by a crew of 26 men, Including the captain and engineer, These boats carry two purse boats on which a large purse net 270 yards long In placed. so that each boat carries about half, On sighting a school of fish these purse boats are rowed around it, dropping thelr net ns they go. When the fish are entirely elreled, the bottom of the net is drawn together so as to form. a | purse which brings the fish togeth. or in a solid mass, From this mass they can be baled with a large dip wcoop, operated by a donkey engine on the motor hoat, At times Af many as 300 fish are caught in a single purse, "North Carolina has averaged about 100 tank ears of oll each year for the past three years, The tank OArS average about 8,000 gallons each, At present oll is selling at 48 cents per gallon and is likely to go higher before the season clones, Réfiners get most of the oll as It Ina very desirable drying oll, When the market is low soap companies buy most of the oll, New oll ix sold on a maximum of fifty per cent free acid, COL, WOORNICK NEN INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONER (Continued from Page 1) he held at six o'clock in Waloh's Parlors, and all interested citizens are cordially invited to be present, Col, MoCormick comes to Oshawa with a wide experience in the line of work required in his new posi. tion, and the directors of the Cham- ber of Commerce and members of the City Council who were charged with the responsibility of selecting the man for the position are satis. fied that they have made a wise choles, and that Col, MoCormick will be able to render valuable ser vice to Oshawa, Col, McCormick's Record Lt, Col B, J, McCormick was born in Port Huron, Michigan, and came to Welland, Ontario, in 1908 on development work and in 1006 wasn appointed by the Welland Roard of Trade as Industrial Coms missioner, then an honorary posi tion, He: nserved the Welland dis: triot in that capacity until he en. listed In' August, 1914, as Captain in the 44th Lincoln & Welland Regiment and recruited a company for the 36th Infantry Battalion, Canadian Expeditionery Force, which he accompanied overseas, In 1917 he returned to development work in Welland and in 1924 wan appointed by the Welland Couneil an Industrial Commissioner which he held until 1927 and re-entered private business, Recently the whole Welland dla. trict was organ for industrial development and 'Ool, MeClormisk wan again 'offered ' appartun of Accepting the oy A al 'Come tiaslonership which he declined in favour of Oshawa, believing there Was a greater future in'the work Industrial Recovd His record for industrial devel. opment work in the Welland dis. trict before 'and since the Great War waa partioularly outstanding, and many of the successful in. dustries at present in operation oan be attributed largely to him, Among A i-- these were, Ontario Iron & Steel ny, sinee taken over by the Page Hersey Tubes Co'y; Plymouth Cordage Co'y from Plymouth, Mass, Canada Vorge Co'y from Titusville, Pa, Canndian Billings & Spencer, from Hartford, Conn, Chipman Holton Co'y from Hamil ton; Electro Metals, from Buffalo, N.Y, Union Carbide Co'y, New York, Jno Deere Plough Co'y from Moline, 111, Dain Mfg, Co'y from Offumwa, Towa; Electric Steel & Metals from England; Ontario Lab- oratories of Buffalo, since taken over by Delors Smelters, IAd, Scottish Fertilizers, from Scotland; Empire Cotton Mills from Boston, Mass, Canada Car & Foundry Co'y, Montreal; Btokes Rubber Co'y from New Jersey; Standard Stee) Construction Co'y from Pittsburg; Beaver Board Mfg, Co'y from Beaver Noad, N.Y.; and Pilkington Bros, 14d, from London, England, Many similar industries such aw lumber companies, canning plants, ote, were also located in the Well and district, Policy of Diversification In speaking to the Times today, Col, McCormick stated that the pol- icy adopted In the Welland District Wan to secure a diversified group of industries to balance up seasonal employment, During his industrial develop- ment work he also promoted the Interest of a transportation coms pany in Cleveland and Conneaut, Ohlo, In the establishment of the Welland and Lake Erie Railway and he also promoted the frst power line of the Niagara Falls Power Co'y from the Falls to Well- and, 'Rhorold and St, Catharines, and from the time his line was established in seven years the con sumption reached . approximately 100,000 H.P At the time Col McCormick first went to Welland, there were only 1700 inhabitants with practically no facilities and today Welland is n eity of over 10,000 and the sur rounding township Las increased approximately 5,000, Retains Valuable Contracts Col, MeCormick still retains many contracts in other countries with Industries that had Intended to locate in Canada but owing to the War and subsequent post war conditions, have not yet established, He brings to his new work in Osh- awn a very wide experience in the industria) development fleld and contacts that in the future should prove to be of considerable value to the ety, With the foundation work for in dustrial development already estab lished during the past two years by the co-operation between the Chamber of Commerce and Clty Counell, the citizens can look for ward with every hope of securing, during the next few years, more sound Industries, This evening, the new industrial commissioner and secretary of the Chamber of Commerce hopes to meet an many eitizsens as possible in Welsh's Parlours at 6 pm, when & supper meeting of the Chamber of Commerce being held, Com WELL, MY NEW LAUNDRESS CAME TODAY ~SHE'S A WONDER! SHE DID MY BIG WASH IN ALMOST NO TIME oi i las Oo ~AND, MARGE, SHE BROUGHT HER OWN HARD-WATER SOAP ALONG--~RINSO, YOU QUGHT TO SEE HOW SNOWY IT GOT THE CLOTHES SAVES THE CLOTHES, YES, MY LAUNDRESS USES RINSO, TOO, IT THEY DON'T NEED TO BE SCRUBBED For --change NE trial will conv! {aundress that You never saw 8 whiter Ww in the hard wh safely to Rinso ous oth you and ¥! is different. lasting, Eins soapy Suds is needed. like magic. Cup for cup. ive re t \ jves mo soap u The makers © it for safety anc BIG package. or dishes, 100. The granulat and clothes rinse this granulated han twice as m it's 80 com -up s0aps=TiY lightweight. bf fading washers recommer d for whiter Try itf clothes. Get the of LUX used by ih ab ei od hard-water 08D an for tub or washer a. OT, ---- without vege. tables) tod cheap tae hth ve value and delicious flavor, For recipes see trie dood Bn: In* Good Provider's Cook Book i. 8 will find entirely new recipes and now ways of baking old vorites, Thi hfs i pastry [ overy woman interested in knowing the latest methods, , - eo HE advantage of using St, Charles Milk wherever the re- cipe calls for milk may be expressed in a few words--it gives to food that richness, that smoothness of texture, that "cooked with cream' flavor which makes the dish a suc- cess. Yet its cost is so reasonable you can use it freely. Bordon ST. CHAR el -- i orate oven, and cover the top with the following: ' 1 wap uutasate, Shuppd'an nein Shave or break the in small pieces and \ SEarRa cold water, Remove from , add butter, but do ot sti it fn. Cool LES MILK THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED, 140 St.Paul West, Movitreal Nh Send me free, St. Charles recipe book, 'The Good Provider'. . Naw,

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