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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 May 1930, p. 6

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PAGE 8IX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1930 AMLCAVADAN TEXT BOOKS URGED Ehamber of Commerce Asks Immediate Withdrawal of Certain Books y 16--Four recom- wunade by the Busi- of the Canadian fierce as a result of study of the use of eign' 8 in Canadian schools e committee in its interim report recommended : 1~That the Gulick Health Series, wherever used, be withdrawn at as fod a date as possible and replaced y- Canadian texts prepared by come qetent authors within the Dominion, EE 4 anc ud Montreal, mendations ness Chamber of s pre Pep for play. Vigor for work. Help yourself to health with Kellogg's Pep Bran Flakes. Just taste these better bran All the famous flavor of 'PEP. All the nutrition of whole wheat, And Just encugh bran added to be mildly laxa. tive. A matchless combina tion with a matchless flavor, In the red-and-green pack age. Made by Kellogg in Lon don, Ontario, FLAKES 2~That the Provipelal Depaste meus of | Education be urged make adequate provision in the Hr ondary sehools for study in the Enge lish courses of British (including Cae nadian) poets and prose writers and to substitute in primary grades pass. ages from the works of British au. thors in place of many of the Am- erican wiitings now prescribed for practice reading. itizenship Courses ; 3--~That, where not now provided in d are ts be mad citizenship and commercial geogra- phy, "Studies in Citizenship," by Ja- mes McCuaig, is su id as a good elementary text in citigenship and patriotism; and the Canadian Cham. ber of Commerce would be prepar- ed to compile a companion primer to be entitled "Canadian Commercial Geography." 4~Bearing In mind that the indi- dividual Pfovinces have complete charge of education, under' the Brit- ish North America Act, we feel that the Provincial Ministers of Educa- tion could profitably participate in a round-table conference for the pur- pose of reviewing the textbook sit- uation in Canada and of seeking as much uniformity as possible, AGNES READY TO CHANGE HER NAME | But Commons' Only Lady Member Meant Speech Politically Ottawa, May 16~The lone repre- sentative of womanhood in the House of Commons provoked the cheers of her male confereres last night when she announced she had not changed her name since coming to parlias ment but was willing to do so. But the members took Miss Agnes Mac. Phail up wrongly, She did not mean she was contemplating marriage. She was talking of the tariff and declared she had been elected as a United Farmer and had not changed her name to Progressive as pthers had done." But she was willing to change her position on the tariff if circumstances justified it. ~~ As she spoke, however, it séunded some thing like this: "I was elected as a United Farmer and I have not changed my name" (Loud cheers). "But I am (still willing," more | cheers), Miss MacPhail then explained she was referring to her political affilia- tions, Fill your bins with our FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE at today's prices-- the lowest finer quality coal. . | PHONE US TODAY and SUPPLIES, Ltd. Phone 1246 of the year. You never saw McLAUGHLIN COAL PRICES 4 LOWEST= QUALITY HIGHEST HEREAFTER WE WILL BE CLOSED FROM | TWELVE O'CLOCK ON We respectfully request that orders for placed on Friday. NOON SATURDAYS Saturday delivery be | DISCOURTESIES for a separate course in bof houses 4 ALLEGED AGAINST US. CUSTOMS MEN General Housecleaning of Immigration Service Is Asked Detroit, May 16-~A Washington staff special to the Detroit Free Press says; A general housecleaning of the Im- migration service along the Canadian border in the Detroit area 'was ask- ed yesterday by Representative Clar- ence J. McLeod of Miciigan, Re- ports of discourtesies end failure to give the travelling public the serv- ice and attention it deserves were the reasons for McLeod's request, The demand for an inquiry was di- rected to Harry E. Hull, Commission- er-General of Immigration, a Courtesy Essential "Each branch of the border sery- ice has its own peculiar problems in dealing with the public," said Mec- Leod. "But the fact that they have to deal with the public makes it imper- ative that the personnel should be kept at the highest standafd of cours tesy and intelligence, The special cases that deviate from this standard must be given immediate attention." Reports of "harsh" treatment met- ed out to individuals crossing on the Ambassador Bridge and the ferries, which, in some instances, led to heat ed arguments, are said to be at the bottom of Representative Ycleofs request, United States citiZens who have been "held up" resented the quizzing to which they were subject- ed by their own officials, and com- plaints followed PROHIBIT BRINGING PARROTS TO CANADA Ottawa, May 15-An order-in- council issued by the department of agriculture under the authority of the Animal Contagious Diseases Act prohibité the importation into Canada of parrots, parakeets, cock- atoos, macaws, lories, lorikeets and love birds, This step was deemed necessary by the department of national health as a measure toward the control of an outbreak of psitta- cosis, or parrot fever, in British Col. umbia, Up to the present eleven cases have heen reported from Pa- cific coast ports In that provinee. INVESTIGATE DEATHS OF EIGHT INFANTS (By Canadian Prods Leased Wire) Berlin, May 15.~~Death of eight bables in the Luebeck Home for Infants and serious illness of 24 others hare caused an inquiry by the health authorities, The home's physician sald the children were Innoculated with tuberculosis germ from cows, a method commonly In use, It was stated. All of the victims showed symptoms of tuberculosis after the treatment which 'was ordered im. mediately stopped, AUSTRALIAN DUTY "HITS CANADIAN AUTOMOBILE TRADE Minister Admits That Object Is To Compel Making of Cars There (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 14--The Australian Minister of Trade and Customs, Hon, James E. Fenton, arrived here ves. terddy for u conference with Hon James Malcolm, Canadian Minister of Trade and Commerce, Mr, Fenton said they had discussed trade be- tween Canada and Australia, and there might be some modifications, in the trade agreement, between the two countries as a result of his visit to Canada. . Australia was now buying twice as 'much from Canada as this Dominion purchased from Australia, The Come monwealth had recently increased its tariff by 50 per cent, and this prob. ably would result in a decrease in imports of Canadian goods, especial. lv automobiles, The object of the ta. riff increase was to compel 'motor manufacturers to make cars in Aus. tralin, and not merely to assemble the parts imported from America or elsewhere, The General Motors and Ford had established factories in Australia, and practically everything was being done in that country gow but the engines. Mr. Fenton thinks much can he done at the forthcoming Empire Eq onomic Conference to develop intra. Empire trade, but he believes the Motherland should buy mote from the Dominions, © : VERPOOL HOUSING SHORTAGE ACUTE, CONDITIONS ARE BAD Liverpool, Eng. May 15.-<Dis- appointed hecause he could not sec. cure tenancy of one of fhe Imdrads v hid 0! - verpool to com! ow ng short. ke» 1aboreF here ! A in the windows of the city housing devartment, \ "I have been applying since 1922" he told the magistrate when he was hailed to court. "I am living in a back kitchen with five children, and the Tastichill was born in the fre. sence of daughters of 14 and 16, years," The magistrate dismissed the man, who had heen charged with doing wilful damage. 3 "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a rundown condition before my baby was born. I saw it adver- tised in a booklet and a friend told me about it te, It cer. tainly helped me for my nerves are better, I am in good spirits and feel well. You may use my letter and I will write to women who are interested in the Compound."-~Mrs, John W. Schellenberger, R.R. #3, Strat. ford, Ontario; Pil VIE | Veoetahle Compound dll 18 "Rita Smith", Said Toronto Woman, Puzzles Montreal (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, May 156~-Thd question of "Who is Rita Smith?" was still puzzling the Montreal detective force today, Miss Smith was found dead, lying fully clothed on a bed n a local hotel yesterday and up to today efforts to determine her iden- tity or to trace her male companion had proved fruitless, The couple registered on Sunday as being from Queen Street West, Toronto, the man giving his name as H. G. Smith, They were assigned separate rooms, Yesterday after noon a maid entered the girl's room and found her dead, While an autopsy had been per formed by Dr. Wilfred Dérome, medical-legal adviser to the coron- er's court, the analysis had not been completed. today and he was unable . to state whether the girl had died of natural causes or from poison. BYRD ACCLAIMED ON HOMEWARD JOURNEY (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Balboa, Canal Zone, May 15, Rear Edmiral Richard FE, Byrd, homeward hound trom his South Polar exploration arrived at Dal boa yesterday, The Rear Admiral and his small group of companions who had re- mained at Dunedin, New Zealand, longest, came into port ahoard the liner Rangitikli to an enthusiastic welcome by the pecple of the Can- al Zone, $50,000,000 FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO Large Expenditure For De- velopment Work Is Foreseen (Wy Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 15-~Approximate- ly $30,000,000 will be spent In porthern Ontario development withfh the next two years, accord ing to LieutsColonel I, T, Martin, vice-chairman of the Timiskaming and Northefn Ontario Rallway Commission, He has just returned to his home here after an extended trip through the western and northern parts of the provinees in company with the members of the Northern Ontario Development Committee of the Toronto and western Ontario Boards of Trade, George W, Lee, chalrman of the T. and N.O,, Railway; Hen, Willlam Finlayson, Minister of Mines for Ontario, and Hon, Charles McCrea, provincial minister of mines, Colonel Martin said the principal expenditure will be in connection with the development of power at the Abitibi canyon, the power line to Sudbury and thy extensions to the T, and N., O, system, ADVERTISING MAN ADJUDGED CRAZY, Chicago, May 15. Essenco of the sad case of Samuel Friedman, ad- vertising man and press agent ex- traordinary, is just this: His ideas were so brilliantly original that an lowa allenist thought his insane ad had him committed to an any um, \ When Friedman invaded an un. named lowa town with his brief case full of posters and a head full of ideas concerning the publicizing of a new Hyver pill or some such, the citizens thought him slightly balmy, They called in the allenist who con- firmed thelr idea of Friedman's or- iginality and press agent Friedman got sent to the asylum, That all happened in 1927, Fried man testified in court here, and he has been dodging insane asylums ever since. Hin suit was directed against the Chicago sanitarium, asking $60,000 for false imprison. ment. If he wins the case, sald Friedman, he has an assortment of other asylums against which he also will file' sult, - "|.to satisfy Canadians, 'I went to this higk town in lowa," he told Judge Joseph B, David, "and I pasted my posters in the windows, only I pested them upside down, so the natives would have to strain their necks to see what the posters sald, "It was & slick idea, If 1 do say it myself, and the posters attracted plenty of attention, Only those lo- wans hought I was crazy. "They called in an alienist, or whateyer you call 'em, and he thought ¥ was crazy too." ST, LAWRENCE ROUTE DEFENDED Governor vi Minpesota Scores "Jingoes Prating All-, American Waterway" (By Ken Clark, Canadian Press : Staff Correspondent) Washington, May 156. Theodore Christianson, governor 'of Minne son, says "Jingoes on this side of the Vine who prate of an All-Am- erican waterway to the sea ,. ,. are successful only in proving that Jingo 'patriotism' is the last refuge of a scoundrgl." The governor in an article pub- lished here makes reference to "certain neighborly Ihterests which are of a particular concern to On- tario and Minnesota." These are the preservation from 'exploitation by private interests of the Queiteo Provincial Park and the National Forest und the Bt, Lawrence sen- way, the governor says "The Inter national route is American enough to satisfy us on this side of the line, We believe it is Canadian enough It is the All. American route because it is hene- ficial to all of America, which in. RS Gs 8 eludes Canada as well as the United States," BIG POSSIBILITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF INDIES TRADE Canadian Business Has Golden Opprtunities Says Cruikshank Montreal, May 16--~With a car. 80 of bananas and sugar Alling her n0lds, the Canadian National 8, 8, Lady Somers entered port bere, opening the Canada-West Indies trade for 1930. A large number of returning Canadians were on board, Possibilities for further develop ment of trade between Canada and the British West Indies and ap proval of the Inclusion of counter. vallfag dutiés in the recent Dun- ning budget, were volced by Drig- Gen, B, A, Crulckshank of Ottawa, who arrived on the Lady Somers, Gen, Crulckshank is chairman of the Historie Rites and Monuments Board of Canada, advisory hoard io the Department of Interior, and a well-known writer of Canadian history. During his stay In the] West Indies he spent some time in| the preparation of a hitsory of Can- ada, particularly stressing the Can-| ada Act of 1791, Joining upper and lower Canada, "1 entirely approve of an in- crease in trade between parts of Red Rose Orange Pekoe half makes almost as many cups as a of cheap tea costing 50c to 60c. REDROSE TE Ais good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good seen in the British West Indies, where more Canadian manufactur~ ers are supplanting to a great ox- | tent the large American ingerests." | proved development of Canadian trade, In Jamaica during the past] 18 months," he observed, 'with plenty of opportunities for much | more, He explained that he will at- tempt to introduce a modern nac- count' or Canadian history in his | new work, which will deal with | various phases of Canadian history, He will attend the annual meeting of the society of which he is chair man at Ottawa on May 18 BILLOWY-SKIRT PREVENTS SUICIDE New York, May 16--Mrs, Hanna Phelan, 50, bent upon suicide, stood on the deck of a Staten Island fer- ry hont yesterday, drained a small hottie of poison and then leaped In- | the Empire," Gen, Cruikshank sald, direussing the Dunning budget, particularly the retaliatory duties against the United States to the water, out, in the fashion of a parachute, A point |The alr stayed In the skirts when | | Her skirts billowed | hands rescued her, The proved insufficient, "There has heen considerably im |" The Standard Remedy for Headache ZUTOO TABLETS are an efficient and harmless remedy for headache. Mr. Geo. Legge, Editor of Granby Leader-Malil, writes: "Your ZUTOO TABLETS deserve to be known 'Tea is truly economical. A full pound sn | buoy, which kept her afloat, Deck- poison widely as a remedy that will stop' headache." A box of these harmless little tablets in the office, home or pocket, are assurance against aches ad pains, They stop them, ATO FOR SALE EVERYWHERE 25%, / which bears relation to this may be [she was in the water, forming mn LADIES has an sir of refinement, And we come, because, You should bring your menfolk along, shopping in our stere--~it's big, modern, plea you can tell real value--and that's what has bullt up this huge business, Ladies like nell's store like to h nell Loads! GIVE THEM AWAY FREE! them have everything to recomm best, men accustomed to the ve well known makers here a manship perfect, waar and satisfaction, tunity, There is included worth, Come on in men, 6 up to $4, for these hats, but here you get one Straw Hat Free With Each One of Our SLIGHTLY USED UITS This marvellous selection of slightly used Suits is undoubtedly the best in Toronte, They elsewhere, staff, always on the look-out for such quality buys them reasonably, to give you this value at a ridiculous), We completely REPAIR, CLEAN AN of these sults your friends will think it is ene you "hroken In" All desirable materials--worsteds, tw A surprising can help feeling wellsdressed in an O'Donnell suit, By the way, you men who are either small or else very large, a big range of out-sizes, both ways, So regardless of your shape we can fit you, FREE, Any changes nesssary will be made and you wil step ow of hia Hote in A ality suit practically made for you, at a price Ww sa mere fraction 8 ren quath, y See the values we have included te celebrate the opening of the straw hat season, Get yours fres with the sult you buy at TO Again REE with every suit you buy, te you, Don't forget they came from the Practically all a.0 hand-made and bear the labels of Naturally the fabrics are the finest and the work. Style and fit ip skillfully woven into them, Our large efficient buying Thus we are able low cost, PRESS all our garments, bought last week, just gettin weds, serges, etc.--~which will give large range of correct styles and colers, here is your big In addition to this ALTERATION $12 When you wear one iy 2 man oppor. from 28 waist up to 54, ... YOUNG. O'Don- young WE A To to. are regular pats rons here, Got In en free trip~the free hat and the fies belt, Bring your girl along == visit O'Don. nell's and go to the show, Make a ar outing ab our exe pense, CAPS All Brand New 60c Felt Hats look Like New 50ct $1 This Is omens of § nicely long S ARE STILL A FEW It's not too late in the season wear, immediate clearance at TOPCOATS We can match any of CAPS, All Brand New ... 60c 50c to $1.00 FELT HATS, Look Like New ste the sensational values at . OVERALLS, Reg. $1,905. ..98¢c Slickers, Raincoats, Coats ,........$1.50 to $2.95 Trench $1.35 to $2 FREE Belt With Every Pair (Odd Pants For Matching Up Purposes You undoubtedly have some perfectly good coats and vests around the house, them, rage of materials and colors is amare ings Lots of dark shades for workings men, Also O'Donnell gives absolutely free a handsome belt with every pair of pants sold, Get yours. te-day and The Coupon ERC our and fave rg to Toronto, Offer good re bs 0'Donnell's store, Make are of the number on Yonge Street, 358 Yonge St / Make Sure of the Number The 65 355 Yonge St. BETTER USED CLOTHING STORE Store Is are open This is entively an courteous E , Irish, Canadian and Scotch a Elm Fo eB i marked ya big electric sign, ly from £30 am, to 10 pm, and 11 pm, on Saturday, 'DONNELL'S We all Gentile erganization 5.135% [Free Trip to Toronto! O'Donnell Repeats His Offer Were you one of those from Oshawa and vicinity whe took advantage of O'Donnell's offer ond had a free trip » Tovente? The deal is on again--your fare paid to Toronto If you spend $10 er more in O'Don. Buses were crowded last week and will be again through the repeating of the offer, make up your mind right now--plan to get in on the free trip and the sensational values offered below, Specials hold good for the balance of this week and all sent week, | FREE STRAW HATS READ ABOUT IT We have a grand surprise for you, with overy sult sald, we are giving ABSOLUTELY FREE a brand new, latest styled STRAW HAT with plain or fancy band, The first straws of the season to be shown in Torento--and just think WE We don't charge you a ent for them, Other stores charge So @ TARAS gum FEROS, #21 4 UDUNNELED GOOD USED CLOTHING FL I IS & wy a}

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