(THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1930 w- PAGE FIVE Tis Majesty the Baby: Is. Worthy of the Best of Everything * Are Favored by Storkin, 4 [issn anes oo i B 4 3 he n Loui, Lang. o..rodirt O11 wid Lloyd Gutsell A 13 \ ® | _ Ovhus'iv30 ee Recordht Birk: 31 re ing diet ll C,C.M. Bicycles ------------ 4 ol To i | Sli ant 7% par os doh | Wd foe £0 BABY o |fderid 1 tw y Wa nines January ser 1 of Osb- | Margaret Agen MeTorriglo' Jan. 8 : pri h AMbIoss «. Noni) 4 nas ane es | Rov, Ape onmae J, 3 us up | eis riot and Joy Cycles 0 RE) ' J on 067s lisrads Serk's ofc. Last ear ihe work Brien John Kens .......0 Jon, i oF .. : HAT is home without a baby? That is a question : id John Pears sv ivviiApril 2) . ona dwin Chappell Joseph oC 18 ed by those who have known what jt | Lifant ardne a VOOekl dvs iviiiyi April 28 " a little, toddling child running around Ta ny bart Il | ' h other's skits with his winsome smile, fifant Ukrop Eo % A Cash or Terms nee for the good-night kiss. Baby is the king of every where he is found, and where he i completes the home circlé by hallowing it with the tenderness HUGHES. His ) mnd the dignity of fatherhood. ' 1 i Also we have » large be conferred vu : Wm, Robt n 4 {Tom Krasinskd . ~~ " . . : y By J RE» " 1} A ng gether with date ; Tnfar uncrowned king' of the home, I, published boven wor bi vil Al ; HE : Wpters his fist child L 89, be, is our, 'a LN IM stock of secondhand 4 | Doris Ra y » K 5 a ere of love, love which is directs I, / \ ' RT ; ingot ves 1euiotase hur Rorbart Richardson Jom. 16 Norman J BO cn { dy' #6 and training of the child that has come 4 or "trom Page '9y « / Cw 'nd Boys' Bieyeln Ain Douglas Will Nhitoman Jan, onald Albert Hambly ., Jan, 16] Beryl Johnstone .. .. ) to make home a veritable heaven upon earth, The husband inn AWORG, OF ogre les Joan Isabel Preston .,... Jan, 16 J J ' We do General Repairin Sharios Vem .yv. vss Jun, 1 | John Robert Heard ..... Jan, 1 Rorathy ffine, Fremb ob. § It is with sadness, and yet with pride, that a mother ofa wie 4. alia Can. e pairing "ie gat volw Violet Mall 4s... Jon. 38 | Mary Winitrsd Moore «1. Feb. §| Watches her baby grow up, first to boyhood or girlhood, then ol 2, ( f Bicycles and Baby Bana Iris Dat -- ro CL peg Norval Bet tts 8 Mirostaw Widish ........ Feb, 7] into the stages of the teen-age adolescence, and finally to the alla Ay otheryosd was A Jong ond, o . y Than Wm art fo: §| CATA le Ta 18 ar tes SACK YOV,8| ful bioom of manhood wad womanhood, All of thee wages | dia' shd Ee? rey rie fF Comnam teven Watson ,. ... Jan, poss Histo Brot»... Jon 31| Michel John MeArthur».,. Feb. 10] have their pitfalls, and the mother watches step by step until | slerevmen; every socla hres Brent Jongh . S5r8 Wilson,» +, Jam Marshall Seett .,... Bevery Tou oan Collis os Veb, 11| the child steps out into the world and even beyond. 20% ante ighing safety; D Infant Service .....ev00e0 i | inkworth ,. Feb, 11 Prenatal Care Robert George Hil vv Jan, 41 Laurel Ruth Monde ..... fo rik H DOWN .v +. ». Fob, 11 Motherhood and fatherhood bring their résponsibilities O h C | WwW k JMfaat t Top sant J Doris Ine Privy Pe! a HE WL Witteriok Feb it and thelr problem, and jo Ta Timay Sedicates this special oid Sn 4 8 awa yc e or ol Je da v OWA ndorson . Ve 3 h t t of Pensl p y ) Doron se Bs Braun]. Jom i Joh ger 4 Mary Bissbrh Xen © Foi 13 arent nthe He hat in or onsen wil he founcy to theif | ational Houlth wes juved snstss ll 12 Richmond St. E. Phone 2774 : iy Te riorigglen 3 oN orion ra Umpiirey » Vo something which will help to make better men and women iM au irastive sg Te : BT -- ; ' of the children of the city. MoMurchy, called the "Mother" | ems A - books, turb bim, and make Wim more and | An older child should be taught to The hospitals are equipped With | yo. genendent upon those attens | sit on the finer or in his pen or 4 : ' Eleanor May Smith "ob, Barbara Ann, Litster , froe prenatal clinics, More are be-|¢iony, All hables need "mother-|erib during part of his weking a 2 ' 8 Joseph Lohert Forrest .,. . M in Wanda fer i ing opened up each year, ing', and should have plenty of it, | hours, d Oar 0 e il | Intent Tonnioer X Irie Florence Wood .., 14s, March 2 aha oa Noran_Ordes ot Nuries : AI A if | In » M 3, Bd Ii Albert Robt, 1, Pritchard X Paul Chopik March 21 men are doing an immeasurable : OFPIOEA--ion o,Mnsisn BM, i bo ae Soo, do 18 ld Fh eh 8) Cod oom ¢, Municipal Bids. § Bimeos St. So, i B tn nee: i p Bdward ©. Amblyn . 15] Ronald Frederic udson, March " side) de, A404 Simtey ls, 8 Olga And-ey Feb, 17| Helen Edith Millard ..,.March 24] The medical colleges in Canada PHONE NO.~~808 , Hours--4,80 a.m.«6.00 p,m, B3| wilitam Hugh Barker ... Web, 17| Frances dna Sobanski ... March 24| are insisting that students receive i fi J more and more obstetrical training, Orland Ardiel Rutherford ¥ Wanda Blagejewiez ...... March 25 Ee A Or ODT Tor mothers MEMBERS OF BOARD (| Ronald Cheistie Grubam , Feb, Mildred Irene Hall ..,.... March 25 dr " : M A , » in Se ' . in Canada, each day! There T. B. Mitchell (Mayor of Oshawa): 7. W. G. MeKay, (M.0.H.) ; eton Marie Plaids .... Yob: 39 [Jase Francis Scammell March 27 ava sili] five thousand Mitte ones . B, Hare, (City Clerk, Ex-officio Seeratary): D, A. Hubbell, Assistent Secretary. | od onald Fallmes. +... bai onig Yo "" [left motheriess, yearly, John Gibson, (Chairman) J lla. Hqith Rigar Auer as 81 We each have a great responsis D. A. 4, Bwenson A 1 kK torge JWugh Bruton ..., Feb. 2 " bility in this matter. If you are & annually Appointed Bl! Francis Zachodne Tel), 2 mother, or soon hoping to be one! Wm. Boddy Stephen Alex Hadaro Teh, 2 1 ) in. thi I Peter John Baluk feb, f you know & woman in this pre- T, Wi G, MeKay, (M,0.H,, Phone 04). nds N th ' A : carious condition: If you arg' bes D. A. Hubbell, (Sanitary Inspector and Plumbing Inspector, Phone 1378M), {| forry A din) urner ,.,. Leh, g ; longing to a club thet wishes to be Dr. G. L. Bird, (Diregtor of Laboratory Service, Phone 586), §]| 'ona farshall Henry ..., od lg of value to its community: you ean Dr, C, 8, Dickinson, (Veterinary and ¥ood' Inspector, Phone 105J), if] race Zapplo . 49 arian | do » great share in stopping mater Miss B K. Hares, R.N,, (onior Publig Health Nurse, Phone 458). | Qatherine Jean Mule 'ees » 30] he nal slaughter, Miss L, i. Emsley, R.N., (Phone 977J), il tir Atal Mats all ... Fob, { i "Mother snd child are well" Miss 1. Cook, RiN,, (Phone 1579W). Assistant Public 1 hv ig n ns " Slowan : - Make it true in as many cases a8 Miss Jean Thompson, (Phone 3206) Health N im ee orgie, Viehols Lo humanly possible, Miss Marle Johnston, (Pine 12607). .° bd ha | Lois Evelyn Phillips ..., Feb, 1] It fs the law of nature that wo. Miss Jean Fox, (Phone 388IW), §| Intant Petor . men bear and bring forth childen. Miss J. M, Minaker, (Ottice Clerk and Stenogrepher, (Phone 818M), Qi| James MacGregor ...... 8 A 1 | Tt should be the law of every per Phyllis Greta Corfe yA | | von to see that they do so: in' coms | Gwendolyn E, Berlinghoff,. . March parative safety ~Mary Muldoon, in inic ices James Allen Baird ,....... March | Jean May Schwartz March The Canadian Home Journal, need * never + worty Dr, Grant Berry, Dr, A, ¥, MacKay, Dentists I oa ey clark» PLAYING WITH THE RABY you or the younghtes ow minutes of gentle play now Medical Inspectore for, Schools. and Pre- Dr, H, B, James, Phone 10 ow) KR ccitla Brice... School and Infant Welfare Work and in Dr. L. B, Hubbell, (Phone 948) (J | Ronald Douglas Foster .., lll 58 lh ne and then will pot harm the normal if you've wisely pr Mary Barbara Brownson + ' body. It is great pleasure to host Clinjess The Conadian or English Speaking ~~ Dr, Stanley Phillips, Dr. H. M. Coak, Dr. (Hf wary Werbars fHrowason March to ab in Sroat Pleasure to nest {| vided, aure, safe, Kioan refrig- in Rotary Hall Tuesday afternoon, and the W. J, Langmaid, [Bl Everett Albert Finney «.,... Mirch ent delight: but often the meany eration for his foods. New-Canadians, a Foreign Speaking Clinic, Doing Dental Work in connection with the | Florence Agnes Kemlo ,... March 5! HEE i used to produce the laughter, such fce is the one certain wey to in the Ukrainian Hall, Albert St, on Thurs School Welfare Clinics and Public Health 28) Infant Haines March 6 . i | as tickling, punching, or 'tossing day afternoon, / Service, BH Margery Jean Wilce March 6 ; make him. irritable and restless, that. " PA i Rr edaricl Arthur Wilson , March 6 DR, T. W. GG, McKAY WL Should not Kitt the Our Health Service to the Public WII. iti: ih 7| wo was th oreimsor of the pase sori cltare fo dose Robbing HAMBLY BROS. ICE Ml! Shirley Kathleen White .,., March 7 Ho. Health Depnitmans Jp Oh the baby, {umping him AL And WE SAFEG ARD THE MMI JNITY | are p own on 0, LL] m, HOw rh co ] Rorothy plein Jieimer oo: March 10| Bost in regard to efficiency in the | shaking his hand or carriage dis: CO Mary Josephine Mason .... March province of Ontario, ' The Department carries on hand constantly, free of charge, for any Doctor's use, 10d | Delores John Orton vom demande \ I i) A full supply of Provincial Board of Health, | fl Pineau di George Daniel Karpovitch, , March 29 Ln CRU Ts Bde Ba BBS 714 (a) Literature. vid Ernest Gillette ',...March Joyeo Lycille Lee (b) Supplies, properly kept and stored in loo chest where necessary. trick Joseph Hunt ....March Margaret Christina Perkin, «March 3 arc 3 \ Vesley McQuaid ;. March Marian Lorraine Perkin Diphtheria Toxin tor Sehiok Test # | 'Glass Slides for Typhold Blogd Specimens Jonaid Wes : ari f oy Savage March William Lenard Lake March ® Divhitetia Toxold tor Active mmunlsation. for Diagnosis. William Edward Henry Muh Z| Frank Pete Lukasbel ....March 30 Diphtheria Anti Toxin for Treatment, Small Pox Vaccine, | Raymond C, McIntyre March Infant Cameron «March 30 Diphtheria Anti Toxin in different dosages. Insulin Treatment for Diabetes! for both pay | William George Wildeman, March 13| Raphael Gerrard Conlin March \ y | WY/ Diptberia Swabs for Diagnosis, nd free patients. B1| Keith Melville Bradley ..Muarch 13| Ross Lee Rishop voApril 1 Scarlet Fever Toxin for * lek Test, Sputum Containers for Tubsergulosts "Diag, Nick Politiskin : Donald Ralph Grimumon ..,.April 1 ; Sea vie Aut Toxin, different strengths Boals, | Margaret Maureen Gibson, , March 14] Donald Glenn McNaughton " 'April | < fora Scarlet Fever Toxin jor Aetive Immunization Wasserman: Tubes for the diagnosis 'ot [i Florence Ruth McThes .... March Douglas John Magee A il 2 Tetanus Ant! Toxin in(two strengtho: V. 4 Syphilis Diarsenol, Mergury Sslleylate Lois Madelyn Palmer ....March ames Ferguson Hallida iOS Anti-Menengitis Serum and Blsmuth Hydrate Suspension for in. Shirley Isabella Ferguson, Marek Valter Arthur Shorten Whooping Cough Vaccine, digent drder patients' treatment, Irene May Preston March 14] Willlam James Foreman . . a Tyla Paratyhold for Immunisation, Glass Slides for test for G. C. Diagnosis: Dyce Marion I, Kennedy, arch 4 Wiliam, frederick White +r] pv A h; Silver Nitrate Solutfon in Ampeules for individual oe yarthy arch 18] Mary Hox pr treatment of the eyes of new born bables to William Elford Scott Richard Daley Outram April 9 prevent inflammatory disease of the eyes of the new born, (2) Red Cross Supplies for any Doctor's, Nurse's, or Pa , on demand, (a) Emergency (Red Cross), Pneumonia Jackets, Baby Maternity Kita, i; (3) Bona (Raa Gros nad) 960 rome Linen ton, Mok pom, Sick-room | . . ' 0! ok+ro0 : ; 3 cil re ulead r | | AS | WEDDINGS: of (0) RM C : In ihe (0) To » dlbtress. (¢) Social Welter Work fo Newly Arrived Response sivel (1 ' da plumbing fi a, of animals, | (4) Intormation on any matters a to Publie He Reports of ble diseases; Inspectional v a Eton of (Ang of on protestion of the well; also i S . li : temavel of placards, disinfection of home, ] lation and trom 1) » M pecia ists mn (6) Reports of indigents 10quiring medical or nurs t povisions it necessary, oi , EX >» « ' i : Nr) Rens Reb fo oe PS Be Labbratory wy i, ; iff Baby S lan } 8 | tor HE uh in {llness nd: R b o LN Sel ve by © d - LJ $ i : il ff fad ¥ 4 Lg y (b) ' 3 i Re bE [ NTERESTING....... ss Cm (ha i ul a -------- \ Pod Touch © should be practically universal in appeal yet not a neutral food, but luscious to a degree that is never taken for granted, This paradox (to say nothing of Olympia special pure cream and sugar, fresh fruits, select syrups and special freezing process) helps Brick account for the serving of Olympia Ice 30¢ Cream on all major and minor occasions, : Sold in brick or in bulk. ' LAMBLES || ryMPIA PARLOR x and RESTAURANT PHONE. 320 78 KING STREET WRST ~~