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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 May 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1930 PAGE FIVE SOCIAL and _ PERSONAL is due the comtnittee in charge of Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Simpson, for the fine dinner that was served and the entertai t that was pl d. Those from Oshawa who are at- | The Queen Mary Orange Lodge No, 97, held a banquet at Rotary Hall on Monday evening, May 12. It was the occasion! of the eighteenth birth- day. of the lodge. One hundred mem- Bers of tHe lodge were present and fifty guests from Toronto including P.P.GW.M, Sister Rowe, and WM and officers and members of the Maple Leaf Lodge of Toronto, were present. The tables were beantitully decorated with bouquets of Spring flowers. After the dinner toasts were proposed, first to the Grand Lodge by Sister Radway and responded to hy Sister Rowe, and second to the Queen Mary Lodge by Sister Jack- son and responded to by Sister Lick ell, Attractive [ouivets were présen- ted to Sisters Radway, Rand and to Sister Rowe. When the toasts and other speeches were over the tables were. cleared and the guests enjoyed dancing until midnight, Much credit SPECIAL ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRIDAL OUTFITS at the THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St, 8. g the op g of the Trinity College, Port Hope, today are "Mr. and Mrs, G. D, Conant and Miss Genevieve Conimt, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Robson and Mr, and Mrs. H, P. Schell, / COLORED ICE You can have your beverages cooled with attractive colored ice cubes If you use vegetable coloring in the water you put into the ice Subey in the mechanical refrigera- or, ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. H, M, Barpes wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Thelma Kathleen to Norman L. Petre, won of Mr, and Mrs, Willian Petre, of Oshawa, Powers, Miss Mallinson, Mrs, Bow- in, Miss Hoar, Mrs. Minard, Miss Moise, Miss Ross, Miss Robinson, press representative Mrs, Richardson, At clos of meeting refreshments were served by Mrs, Moynes and her assistants, The wedding will take place the latter part of June, Young People's Meetings | CENTRE STREET HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB Centre Street Home and School Club met for its regular monthly meeting on Monday evening. The president, M#s. Hobbs, was in the chair, It was decided to present but- tons and give a theatre party to 'the boys of the junior hockey team of the school, in honor of their winning the inter-school championship for the season, The Lire of one dollar went to Miss McDonald'y class, The club was very much intefested'in the fine report of the O.E.A, convention in Toronto, read by Mrs, Whitelaw, Mrs. Colpus took charge of meet- ing when the following officers were elected for the coming year, Honor- ary President, Mrs. Colpus; Presi- dent, Mrs. Hobbs; 1sf vice-president, Mrs. Moynes; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Ridgeon; treasurer, Mrs, Pat- ten ; secretary rec, Miss McEachern secretary corr, Miss McDonald ; flow ol | | er committee, Mrs, Bennett, Mrs, Da | vies, Mrs, Clarke, Mrs, Ridgeon. Rep- resentatives go council, Mrs, White. law, Miss Robinson. Executive, Mrs, Jackson, iMss Dunbar, Mrs, Daven port, Mrs. Barton, Mrs, Whitelaw, ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH LA- DIES' AID SOCIETY The Ladies' Aid Society of St. An- drew's church held their regular meeting of Thuesday afternoon, May 15th, Mrs. A, G, Broomfield occupied the ehair. There were thirty mem. bers present. The 'meeting opened with a Hymn and prayer led by Mrs. Broomfield, after which the Lord's {Faxes was repeated in unison, Mrs, cKay read the scripture' lesson which was taken from the twenty- fourth Psalm, A hymn closed the meeting which was followed by a Diostainme when Jack, Jean and ary Miller entertained the nieni- bers with solos and instrumentals, Afternoon tea was served by Mrs Miller's group, FIRST CONCERT BY WELSH GHOIR Oshawa's Welsh Male Choir Gives Program at Knox Church WOMEN'S MEETINGS | world's most popular corn flakes are made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. They have a flavor and crispness no others equal. Taste them and you'll [ Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. Goldsmith, iMss know why they are such favorites A Different Woman "I have pleasure in informing you 'hat Kruschen Salts Aave worked wonders Jor me, § have been reat sufferer of jy land kidney trouble, nd ofr ing one bottle I am a diferent woman, to give up my work, but thanks to Krusohen Salts 1 am back at work again, and J ive my aon a little every morning, and 1 don't of dhe little Qmplasats now which a child o 8 " Silk Hoscery SHOWING THE NEW SUMMER "COLORS TO BE WORN WITH WHITE SHOES You are assured, when wearing Weldrest Hosiery, that the color is just right, that the style and fit are smartest and most attractive; and that splendid wear will be enjoyed. Our Free Mending Service removes all worry from fear of runs. Two Popular Prices in Service, Service Chiffon and Sheer Chiffon. L $L50 $1.95 Given with cach Pair Regular Repair Service also. . Charges Moderat:./ Wt i e Burns ( 40 Years Dependable Service T T Yr OSHAWA The Oshawa Welsh male choir made their first appearance in a con- cert programme ligre last. evening when they presented a concert in Knox Presbyterian, church vader the | auspices of Mrs. Knight's group. of the Women's Association of that Church; The tact that the tadies of the group had warked hard to ad- vertise the concert and sell tickets | for it was shown by the large audi ence that nearly filled the hall, Mr. Mathison as chairman for the eve- ning announced each numbér fn turn The six selections by the choir, un der the direction of D, W, Jenkins were sung with great case suggest ing that a great deal of time and study had been spent in preparation of the programme, These numbers in cluded: "Cwn Rhondda," "In Ab sence," "Call John", "Sweet anc Low," "Comrades Song of Hope," | "Peaceful Nifht," "Long Day Clos es." The choir is composed of men possessing fine voces some of whom delighted the audience with their so Messrs, R. Thomas, Jenkins, Parkinson and Brewin, were mem- bers of the choir who rendered solos. Mrs. Meoriman and Mrs, Jenkins al- | 80 assisted with the programme, by rendering solos. The accompanist for all the numbers was Mr, Stanley Lock. The choir, although it not been organized for a great length of time has done raunarkably well in preparing some fine old numbers that are always enjoyed by music loving audiences. There is no doubt but that it will grow and increase in numbers and also in ability YOUNGGIRL ELUDES POLICE Under Guise as House-to- house Canvasser, Girl Stirs Sympathy With Sad Story los, has Toronto, Ont, May 1064-For many months a young girl selling aprons has eluded the police of this city, She Invariably gives a | false address when canvassing |. SHITH FEELS FINE INORNINGS NOW "Sargon not only overcame my chronic indigestion but gave me a 10 pound gain in weight besides. ' ALEXANDER SMITH Nervougneéss prevented me from gotting the proper amount of sleep and during the day I felt 'lagged out'. A slow-acting Liver brought on constipation and I hardly had enough energy for anything. ; "Sargon restored my appetite, 1 sleep soundly and get up mornings feeling fine. I'm so strengthened and invigorated I'm like a different man, Sargon Pills stimulated my liver to healthy action and coms pletely ended my constipation." Al- exander Smith, 577 Indian Grove, Toronto, f Sargon may be obtained in Osh~ awa from Karn's Drug Store, of the latest styles for Babies, Girls & Boys. ~3 Dc Le Pric At E ARE this week making a special showing of Children's Sockettes and Sox in v2, % and 7 lengths. In making our selections from the differ- ent mills for this season's selling we had in mind this special event, and now offer a come plete range PER PAIR omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Communit: S180.) He ]P KIDDIES [LH 3\ -- EVER before have our styles in Kiddies' Sox been so attractive and never before have we been able to offer quite such splendid values. It will be worth your while to visit the store this week and make your selections now while our stocks are com- plete. We know you'll appreciate the values. $1. or 3 Pairs for [SIMCOE ST. SOUTH homes in the evenings, with a har- rowing tale of family distress. Soc- telephone messages about her, is never willing to enter a house, | In one case a busy housewife cooked a meal for her and asked her to return in half an hour, but she did not turn up to eat. it, Her activities are evidently re ferred to in the following: "I am convinced that a service can be rendered by the federation by suggesting some definite method | of dealing with beggars," sald H, H. Love, Hon, Secretary, Victorian Order of Nurses, in a report of the directors of the Federation for Community Service, "A few nights ago a young girl came to my door selling aprons, and giving & her reason her father was 111, I took her name and ad- dress, and next day a Victorian Order nurse called, She found that the name was not known at the address given, and the resid- ents were in comfortable circum. | stances and excellent health. "Could we not ask Federation subscribers simply to take the name and ad- | dresses of these door-to-door can- | vassers, and to advise federation office? They would thus be put in touch with the proper organization, and the imposition on. a soft-hearted publie would at least, be consider- ably lessened. Even a beggar is likely to become discouraged when he gets nothing but questions as to his reason for coming,' Mr Love concluded. The board was decidedly of the opinion that more publicity might be given on request to prevent the hood winking of the public by im- posters, and to provide, as well, for those in real need a better service than 'is possible through the odd 26 cents given at' each door. HIRED GIRLIS ON WARPATH Mistresses Who Have Their Will Act Accordingly Detroit, May 16.~~Mistrosses all over the country, take warning--- the hired girl is on the warpath. Gathered at the Industrial Group Conference of the. National Y.W. C, A, convention here, these quiet girls who are known as "the maid" the "hired girl", or just plain "Annie," came out from behind the anonymity of their uniforms and drew up an indictment of mis. tresses all over the land, No longer is the term "maid" ac- ceptable, they say. In its place has come the "domestic employe", or "Miss Brown," or 'Miss Jones," Sheer Chiffon. Full Fashioned HOSIERY At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Simcoe St. *iiy LAWN GRASS SEED Lawn Fertilizers HOGG & LYTLE, Limited "Phone 203 (adv) whatever the case mistresses fal service agencies receive many | ployes' She | accordingly Their grievances, are the stigma of "hived gir! ed to them forever a whole very Employees Welfare at Heart |. may be And [cause it puts them so far apart from ( Above nll they don't like having their em- | people who enmloy them, | to use the back door, will act have at heart who welfare The answer to all this, they declare, in that a regular business relationship between employer and employee should be established, with regular hours, just like the stenographer, No more, they say, do they want extra errands after hours, ing should be a kind of social af- | | fair, pleasant and Jolly, anywhere with | nttach- | "Maid" isn't | lot better, and is at the bottom' of the social scale, { don't lke uniforms be- the girls say, | | They hate eating alone, as eat- | | these: They can't get They haven't any place to enter« tain the boy friends. they can have their regular Thurs- They haven't any assurance that I day evening off, and They Think of itl Eighty Dainty tasty picces to the pound. More than twice as many as in the usual package. A range of selection generally found only in two-pound packages. Double-coated Almonds, centers of Fruits: and Nuts, Jams and Jellies, Caramels, Malted Milk Morscls, Clove and Pistache Marshmallows many other special and unusual flavors. Lowney's "Eighty Dainty" Chocolates are truly an orig- inaland practical idea in modern sweetmeats. Quite the smart and proper thing to send or serve Here, in a suitable gift package of pink and purple, tied with tasseled, golden cords, and wrapped in cellophane, are - * small-piece chocolates we hardly two alike == cach a delicious *one-bite" confection==which may be served and eaten dain tily, on any occasion ==during "bridge,"at luncheon, after dinner, "Eighty Dainty" Chocolates are a teal "find" for the up-to-date hostess who delights in the unusual, Especially appropriate for any sort of travel " The first box will consert you to the "Eighty Dainty" Chacolate Idea OWNEYS "ORIGINATORS OF PACKAGE CHOCOLATES" The famous Lowney Chocolates including "Eighty Dainty" are for sale by: Savoy Confectioners - 26 Simcoe St. South

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