Ea PAGE = SIX IHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1930 A scons BENEFIT T0 MANY DOG VETERANS (Continued from vdge 9) ed' pension Will, in the event h ag a result of rensionable ty, "be entitled to widows' pension. Another provision fs that all widows of men who have re- ceived over 80 per cent, pension for not more than 10 years will be en titled to pension Irrespective of whether or not the husband dies 'of war disability, Commuted Pensioners it problem of'the commuted nsioner is also solved by the mendments which provide that any pensioner who accepted final pay- ment of his pension shall be entitled "to reinstatement on pension if any disability remains, instead of, as under the old act, having to estab- lish that his disability had in- creased since commutation An ex- tension of the provisions for com. passionate pension in meritorious, and a widening of the grounds of ppeal to include appeals under any ection of the pension act, inclnding pre-enlistment disabilities and re- troactive pensiop, are also provid. of for, y A Great Concession The greatest comeession in the bill, according to Mr, Hood, is in the provision that the applicant hall be given the benefit of all reasonable doubt, The clause cov- 'ering this Is very clear, and reads as follows: } "Notwithstanding anything in {this act, on any application for ap- plication for pension, the applicant shall be entitled to the benefit of the doubt, which shall mean that it shall not be necessary for him to adduce conclusive proof of his right to the pension applied for, but the body adjudicating on the claim shall be entitled to draw, and shall draw from all the circumstane- en of the case, the evidence adduced and medical opinions, all reasonable inferences In favor of the appli- cant," Means Much to Oshawa "These proposed changes in the pension act," sald Mr, Hood, "will Japean a gregt deal to veterans in Oshawa, There is at least one out- standing case In which a widow who has for years been refused pension will be eligible when the new act becomes law, There are, also sev eral cases of commuted pensioners which will not be entitled to rein. statement on pension, and the clause providing for the benefit of the doubt will affect a number of other cases which T have heen pressing before the pension hoard for some time, It Is not too much to say that the result of the Le- glon's efforts will mean many thou- sands of dollars to war veterans of Oshawa who have been suffering from injustice in the past." Revision of Mal ¢hinery is of a far-reaching nature, and the most important provision is that it gives every applicant for pension the right to appear before # pension tribunal in person, snd to take with him whatever witness. es he res for the pressing of bis claim, He will also have placed at his disposal the services of an ex- pert pensions advogate, who will prepare his claim for him, The amendments provide for the re- tention of the present pension board as a court of first appeal, for a pen- sion tribunal, which will be com- posed of four travelling boards, and a federal appeal court, which will sit at Ottawa as a court of last re- sort, All time limits on appeal have been removed, geving the applicant the right to appeal at any time, Confident of Passing "The Legion officials who as sembled' at Ottawa yesterday are very confident that the bill will pass the house of commons on Tuesday of next week, when it is expected to come forward," sald Mr, Hood, "This view is held because of pledg- es given by both Premier King and the Hon, R, B, Bennett, leader of the opposition, to the effect that the house would adopt, unanimously, The revision of the pension ma- | _ The_Rockies Are Calling You he combination of the extremes of natural and ae ; I } (white man and all within a few miles of elther Y er Is leaving our mii. while on the other hand we have that cheer- fulness which always comes with recolving & new member ito the family," The past one hundred years had been the period of greatest Indus trial development in the world's history Mr, McLaughlin thought and in view of this fact it was ime perative that those who would guide the destinies of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce might be men of vision, The most important function of the organization was to assist in the industrial expansion of the city he suld and this expansion should of necessity he upon a sound basis, He assured Col, McCormick that he would like Oshawa and receive all support in his work, 2,000 PAPER MILL MEN THREATEN TO STRIKE Winnipeg, May 16-Two thou- sand men emplayed in the four Backus-Brooks = Company Paper Mills at Fort ¥rances, Kenora, Iu- ternational ¥alls and Fort William, have taken u strike vole, according to KE. H. Hutchinson, member of TR SRR the Ontario Legislature. He did not know the result of the vpte, It the ballot is favorable to a walkout, representatives of the men will uke it as a weapon to gain thelr end if further negotiations mater- Ialize, Mr, Hutchinson mentioned, One point of debate, he sald, 1s that at the International Falls insulate plant the company has declared op en shop; the other point Is that the Fort. William plant mow refuses higher rates than paid at Kenors, though the Fort William larger, AFTER DAY'S SEIGE TEAR GAS BOMBS ARE Ray, Ariz, May 16~=A spectacu- lar battle of the old west ended af- Lor a 24-hour seige when a middle. nked hermit, suspected of cattle rustling, was driven from his tiny rock cabin by modern weapons of war-tear gas bombs, After holding a large possé of ranchers and peace officers at bay throughout the night, the man Mt Akored into the open after » futile effort to avold the fumes by swathing his head In a blanket, He gave his name as Ed, Mitchell Who's Who In Toronto | 18, I% plant {weket Ireu= ched ouse oink Et po hana 82 TE TY CRY J. & J. TAYLOR LTD, Among the notable Toronto manufacturing institutions whose business it has been, and is, 10 play a most important part in the modern scheme of things, is the J, & J. Taylor Ltd, Toronto Sate Works, with head offices iu Toronto at 14 any report brought in unanimously by the committee, and since the committee reported without a dis- senting voice, it is expected that the parties will adhere to these hotel, You may live plainly but well on food packed into the wilds by horse or you may dine on exotle dainties drawn from the ends of the enrth, You may be strictly formal or you may wander around In plus fours -- everything goes, sophisticated at Banff Springs Hotel and Cha- tean Lake Louise, which open May 156 and June 1, respectively, until September 30, Is perhaps the secret of thelr charm, Located in the heart of ---- em ett cient attachments, Span cleans. cooking odors. Rowra Electric Oshawa, Ont, . The Spic-Span Cleans Where Others Can't "THERE are hundreds of places in your home that can't be reached by ordinar vacuum cleaners with their clumsy, ineffi These are the places that the Premier Spic- Spic-Span does all this--and more. It pro. tects materials against moths and eliminates Even the finest housecleaning equipment is a long way from being complete without the Spic-Span, Make yours complete, Phone a Premier dealer for a home demonstration. S ic-Span Authorized Premier Dealers Harry Wilson Hardware comple Dendorizer and Blower J jf! Oshawa, Ont, : new_ Oldfield KAS answer to motorists who want an tirgesva tire continuous service at on medium - priced En a omit Rod's Tire and Centre Sts. : ho tire in the same it the leader in appearance Mgnt auch ol msoms 8 4 serves you batter and saves you money. ~ FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY N\ a WN A \ J NY LOOK 'AT THESE ADVANTAGES II 1 ldboia Tim ars wry Oldfield Tires are made 2 ofthe fined i irestone manner, Oldfield Tires have all a Ta fats Firestone which eliminates ternal fric. tion=the greatest enemy of tire life. 40!dfield Tires a scientifically tread of tough, live rubber, Oldfield Tires cagey the ~* Manuf tan. dard Warranty, Like all other Firestone © tires, Oldfis\ds give you Most Miles Per Dollar | \ ne's 3 ose Battery Service Telephone 930 | | pledges, There is some anxiety as to the attitude of the senate, but in view of the approdching election, it is not believed likely that the senators of either of the parties will take the responsibility for de stroying the effect of the amend. ments proposed," ' Tribute to Col, LaFleche .. Mr, Hood pald glowing tribute to the work of It, Col, I. R, LaWleche, Dominion president of the Legion, who acted as spokesman for all veterans hefore the committee, But for his uhtiring efforts, his tact and diplomacy, and his. broad understanding of the needs of the situation, the measure of success attained would not have heen pos- sible, and all the war veterans of Capada owe him an everlasting debt of gratitude for the splendid fight which he put up on their be- half, and on behalf of the widows aid, dependents of those who have 0d." TIVERTON DOCTOR TOOK AN OVERDOSE IDEAS TOO GOOD London ~--Dr. Pierre Mottet, aged 27, house surgeon at the Tiverton (Devon) General Hospital, was found in a serious condition in the hospital and died later, Dr, Mottet had been suffering from | sleeplessness, and it is believed that death was due to an accidental over- dose of a drug taken to induce sleep, A native of Mauritius, he had re- cently passed out of University Col- lege Hospital, London, leaving there to take up his post at Tiverton, TWELVE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE LISTED London. ~The Bible, Shakespeare, the country, the sea, and stars are among the 12 best things in life, Dr, Montague Rhodes James, famous Provost of Fton College has said, The selections, coming from one of Britain's = most distinguished scholars, aroused widespread public discussion, He announced his "12 best" to the press, as follows: The Holy Bible, Homer, Shakes peare, Handel, Dickens, Elgin, Mar. bles, Salisbury Cathedral, the open country, the sea, stars and as the eleventh, the knowledge of all these which, he said, discloses the twelith namely, honest games played, not merely watched. ------------------ COLUMBUS Columbus, May 13.«-Mp and Mrs, Chas. Blight, Whithy, visited At Mr, John Lambert's on Sunday. Mr, and Mra, John Dyer, Misses Mary and Elsie Dyer, Oshawn, spent. the week-end at Mr, Wm, Dyer's. Mra, L. IL, Guy, visited in Bow. manville lant week, Don't forget the drama, "Strictly Business," to be given here on May 21st hy the dramatic club of Als hert street united church, Oshawa, See hills for particulars, The W, M. 8 held thelr annual quilting in the basement of the chureh, on Wednesday last, Mr, and Mrs, J, T Grey and sons, spent Sunday with relatives, in Oshawa, Mr, Howard James, Buffalo, spent the week-end at home, The drama, "A Kentucky Belle" is being given at Hampton on Fri. day evening, May 16th, For years was troubled with bad a or ala or troubles, Shes tried 'Frult-a-tives' and . now. entirely well"=R, A, Bovay, Trenton, ton, Ont, Years-old llver trouble, const pation end overnight with "Fruits a-tives," say thousands, Dyapevs| aia, hillousness, heartburn, gas, jalck headaches go like a flash, Nerves quiet, sound sleep at once. K nd bladder | pain in nish like magic, Rheuma- tism, neuralgia, neuritis decamp quick. Complexion clears. ] Ten of nature's greatest reme- dies combined in handy little tab. let, Marvelous discovery of Canadian Speedy results, et '"Fruit-a-tives" at druggist to. I day, Be NEW PELson tomorow, wry the finest scenery of the continent--mountain, lake and forest-=each offers to the visitor everything that the most ritzy hotel in the most cosmopolitan cities of the world ean furnish, dancing to luok through huge windows at slices of billion-dollar seenery or you may attire yourself to please yourself and go out for days on horse. untouched back into territory virtually whether you You may cut blue, laid 1.4 a memory by the are snow-crowned peaks or an cosmopolitan dance orchestra playing the latest Anyone visiting either of these hotels has out shows, left, view from Chateau Lake Louise; Jower right, the Banff Springs Hotel, admiring the moonlight on listening at your ease to that will last a lifetime, TAY. C. OF C. BANQUET COMBINED WELCOME WITH FAREWELL (Continued From Page 3 able to follow the example which had been set and who possessed all the qualities which were desired for the position he would occupy, Unfeiling confidence in the fut ure of Oshawa was volced by Leon Frazer when called upon to address the gathering, "I believe that the character of the leading citizens of this city in of such a high type and that so great are the residential and in. dustrial advantages offered here that Oshawa must progress and ad. vanes," he declared, | The people should be patient with the work of the Chamber of Com merce he considered. Industries could not be secured in a day but in the past two years much had Been accomplished by way of mak. ing the municipality attractive from | the standpoint of those who might | be seeking new locations, He felt | that a firm foundation Lad been built for future development, Priefly Mr, Frazer referred to the program which the Chamber had purposed to follow when it was organized, here was the harbor development project, with assurance from the Minister of Public Works that it would be continued and that the work would be expedited as the need arose. The paving of Sim. coe street south to the lake had been advocated and this was now halt completed, Representation by the Chamber of Commerce had re- sulted in lower fire Insurance rates for dwellings, Investigation had been made of freight rates to and from Oshawa, The Chamber had been influential in bringing the Skinner Co, here and in the estab lishment of an industrial area, It had desired that an arena should be built to provide accomodation for skating and hockey and through | the generosity of Mr, 8. Meo | Laughlin this had been accomplish. ed, An industrial foundation had been provided and a building se. cured for the accomodation of small industries. These were a few of | the things the speaker cited to in. dicate that the Chamber of Com. | merce had given close attention ro | its major and minor programs, "1 do not take upon myself the credit for this work," Mr, Frazer commented, 'but rather it is due tu the co-operation of the directors and members and the loyal support which they have always given me." He also pald tribute to the splens Md manner In which Mayor Mite chell and the city counell had co- operated with the Chamber, { "This is a most graceful gesture | on your part," stated Col, R, J. McCormick in replying to the wel come which was given him, The Chamber of Commerce hay | been following an ambitious pro- | gram, Col, McCormick belleved and he termed ity achievements as mag: | nificent, In succeeding Mr, Franer he considered that he had been given a splendid example to follow and he trusted that he would re. celve that co-operation and sup. port which has been the lot of the former 'secretary, Oshawa had made groat strides in the last few years he thought and was regarded with Windsor, Niagara Falls and Hamilton as one of the four cities in Ontario which have bade the greatest progress within the last decade, "I want your esteem, your res. pect and your friendship," Col, Mo- Cormick stated. "I know that these are precious gifts which you will not hestow carelessly but 1 hope to prove worthy of them, It will be my duty to build the sup- erstructura con the foundation of your Chamber of Comnierce work hich has been so well and truly ald.' While regretting very 'much that Mr, Frazer was leaving Osh- awa, Mayor TT, BH, Mitchell hestowed a waem welcome upon the new secretary and Industrial commis. sioner and 'asgpured him that he would be given every assistance In his work. The pity council, he claimed, was willing to work with the Chamber of Commerce in any matter which might be for the benefit of the city, His Worship intimated that the council was seriously considering the erection of a new administra- tion building this year, and also a new police station, while in addi- tion it was prepared to start upon the new subway, These projects could be made possible through a reduction in the paving, sidewalk and sewer program, At the first of the year he had favored retrench- ment but it would be a sorry state of affairs If every municipality kept its purse strings tied tight at a time such as this, "Our greatest need is for new industries," Mayor Mitchell affirm- ad, "and the Chamber of Commerce is worthy of the support of every publig-apirited citizen," A high tribute to the work of the retiving secretary and Industria) commissioner was paid by Ald, Wm, Boddy, chairman of the general purpose committee, ol "I eame in contact with Mr, Fraz- or a great deal and he was always right on the job," Ald, Boddy sald He extended a welcome to Col McCormick and wished him all suc cess in his new work, "This Is an occasion for regret and cheerfulness,' commented George W, McLaughlin, former pre sident of the Chamber of Com branches in Montreal, Winnipeg As § finitely this MORE type; than merely of they have given Front St, Last, and wit), and Vancouver afe Manufacturers they have accomplished something in manufacturing office requirements us the UTMOST in MODERN safes and all that they may mean in present day business They accordingly know Time stitution could carry but not TO-DAY, mre a firm of Inestimal)c wits when a business house or a large value for us to business on business with antiquated office equipment light the modern efficient office methods and equipment means that we will be outdistanced by our com petitor who is intensely keen as to all the latest and most efficient requisites tand a fifirm such as J, & J, which they I'nylor Lad, Saf so deftly manufacture and which we for the conduction of his business, So that it pays our business executives particularly te under Works, The Safe had the pleasure of examining is especially adapted to modern business and modern offices, Fvery progressive business concern should have one, for Taylor makes a safe specially suited to your own particular require ment In short it pays to modernize in this era, , and modern equipment, but the of us possess safes that are real relics modern offices, modern factorie fact remains that man of the days long gone by, We most all desire So that whilst we honor this notable Toronto manufacturing concern the writer is not only honoring them for their business accomplishments, but also endeavoring to effect a hond of under standing hetween business merce "We regret that Mr, Fraz executives and firm alike, that shall result in their mutual benefit now and in the years to come, Fleet Foot bers of the Boys and Girls 'join the FLEET FOOT Athletic Club Shoes. Pick out the pair you like best and ask the dealer for an application blank for the Fleet Foot 'Athletic Club, Fill in LREADY hundreds of club members have received their first issue of the Sports Review. This little sports newspaper is full of stories about champions, athletes, big games and fights. It comes in the mail every month to mem- Fleet Foot Athletic Club, Each member also gets a nifty little red and blue membership button and a beauti- fully engraved membership certificate. It doesn't cost a cent to join the club, Just £0 0 any shoe store that sells Fleet Foog CN SN Ww i IAM RRL / IN buy, the blank and mail it to the Rubber Co, Limited, at Montreal. You will get your button and. certificate through the mail, and the Fleet Foot Sports Review will be mailed to you every month, Everything is free, The only condition is that you buy a pair of Fleet Foot Shoes = the finest shoes made for sports and summer wear, So when you buy them, be sure the name Fleet Foot is on the shoes. odiict of DOMINION RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED i LL) * You'll hwow the gewnine by this mark Every genuine Flee! Fool shoe bas the Fleet Foot trade mark on the anble patch or sole, Look for this mark when you Dominion Agnew-Sur SOLD BY x pass S 23 1.2 Simcoe Street South Phone 3057 -- hoe Store | 1}