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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 May 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1930 i " £1 i i i BETA, ie (] } 'Mother Nature, ------ » 1] Blarina the Shrew hunts by night and hunts by day, f course he sleeps some, as ui little people must, However, he doesn't have any regular timg for sleeping, and then as soon as he is awake he is up and on his way. You see, that stomach of his will not allow him to sleep long. He must be hunting something to put into his stomach, He is active all winter, Now, In order to satisfy that tre- mendous appetite; Blarina has to tra- vel about a great deal, He is never still a minute when he is awake, He is always poking that sharp little nose of his into this and that. As a matter of fact, he couldn't live very long without eating, I mean by that, he would starve in a few hours if he could get nothing to put in his stomach, So Blarina is a busy small person, It fin happened that in his travels Blarina came to an old tin cam, It was an old gallon oilcan lying on its side, Blarina didn't see it, because his eyes are not good epough to see things; but he smelled it and he touched it with his whiskers, He didn't know what it was, but he care- fully 'felt all along the edges of it, thinking he might find some insects hiding under it. He went all the way around that old tin can and as he went he was very carefully examin. ing it, When he got around to the end he found a hole, "Aha!" sald Blarina to himself, "This must be a queer kind of hol- low log. Holes in logs are always worth looking into." He carefully felt all around so as to make sure of the size of the hole. Then he didn't hesitate to pop right inside, "There has been 4 Mouse In here," said Blarina to himselt, "Here is a nest and 1 can smell Mouse, Yes, sir, I can smell Mouse, A Mouse has heen living here, It is too bad that Mousg isn't at home. My, my, doesn't my mouth water just to smell that Mouse! I think i'll wait ror that Mouse to come back." So Blarina made himself comfort- able in the Led of Nanny Meadow Mouse, for of course you know it was Nanny's bed. Then he set him- self to walt for Nanny to come back. But there is one thing that Blarina does not have and that is patience He bas not patience at all, #He had heen in that bed af Nanny's for only a few minules, but it scemed to him that he had been there ever so long, He couldn't keep still any longer, He got out of that bed and went all around. the inside of that can, exam ining it carefully, "This is a queer log," said Blarina to himself, "It doesn't feel like wood ; it doesn't smell like wood, 1 believe 1 'By Thornton W. Burgess will return and I simply must eat. Yes, sir, 1 simply must eat!" So Blarina the Shrew popped out of that can just the way he had opped into it and a minute later I was racing along one of the little paths that Nanny Meadow Mouse had cut through the grass. Nann was a lucky Meadow Mouse althoug she didn't know it, She was lucky in that she was not at home when Blarina called, She was lucky again in 'that she was not using the partic- war little path that Blarina happen- ed to choose, Had she come home while Blarina was there, she would have had a fight, Had Blarina found her on that little path, she would have had a fight. Nanny is a good fighter, but, like Danny Meadow Mouse, she would have 'been no match for Blarina the Shrew, even though he was quite a bit smaller, Blarina found something else to attract his attention and presently he wns so far away from that old can that he didn't give it another thought, Meanwhile Nanny had re- turned and when she went to her bed of dry grass she was certain that it had been disturbed. "Some one has been here," said she, "I know that some one has been here I wonder who it could have been." (Copyright, 1930, T. W, Burgess) The next story: "Nanny's Terrible Journey." With an electon announced for the immediate future, it is pro- bably that the delayed summer will put in its appearance soon, Weath- ermen Are confidently expecting large shipments of hot alr to meet the requirements for this year, = Ridgetown Dominion, Mr. Brisbane suggests that a man should retire at the ago of 90. We have concluded to do that very thing. --Florence (Ala) Herald, a as pe aaanssassaass ena adsl » Daily W fatty (Except Sunday). ); pom, Duly pm, Day (Except Sunday) pom, Daily am, Daily CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Ch in Time, effective April 27th, nye "s ndard Time) PARIS GOURMETS ~ SWIFTLY PASSING -- Clients of Small Restaurants Mourn Replacement in Modern Day Paris.~ The year 1950 will have a ring around it'in the calendar of many 'a Parisian gourmet, The assion for building, he has found as sounded the knell of' scores of the small "serious" restaurants whose clients 'minds ran more to super-excellent food than to mir- rored walls and bright lights, Proprietors of these eating plac- os, depending upon low rentals and small overhead to serve the best food at a reasonable cost, have glanced at the rental provisions of 'the new leases presented them and silently folded 'their 'tents, Their clients, finding thelr favorite restr aurants suddenly transformed inte brightly-painted, modernistic food palaces with skyrocketed prices, have been forced literally to pound the pavements to find a new homo of good food within the Hmits of a small pockethook, Taste Declines? Some famous chefs declare that the decline of the serious side of restauranting is due to a real de- ¢line in the taste of the public. As the days of the leisurely two- hour lunch are numbered by mod- ern business demands, they say, so are numbered the days of fine sau- ches, carefully prepared entrees and poem-like sweets. One of the most famous cooks of all France, who ran an exclusive little restaur- ant where kings and the great of the earth had been charmed with his exquisite dishes, recently found himself so far in debt that he had to elose and scramble around for the whetewithal to pay his credit. ors, He found that his clients wanted plain steaks and chops in- stead of "ortolans surprise" and "delice de sole dieppoise," and he wasn't prepared to give them 'what they wanted, Another famous restaurant, dat- Ing back half a century, wag forcéd to glve way for the erection of an- other building. When it was erect- od, slick and shiny quarters were provided for the restaurant, The rental was $7,200 a year instead of the former $1,200. Prices went up and the clients went away, Chain restajirants, and the larger estah- lishments with little overhead in proportion to the business done, ave getting the trade, The gourmet walls that the big restaurant simp. ly can't produce meals like mother used to cook, The exception to the tale of sor- row is the left bank of the Seine, where the "auberge"' or country tavern type of eating place has caught on, The general idea 1% to simulate, more or less, the kitchen of some Normandy inn, and the bizarre surroundings generally draw a fair clientele. WRonts are still fairly low in the outskirts of the Latin quarter, and as the pro- prietors of these restaurants rarely spend much on them, they are till bringing in a good return, - In most of them the food and wines are ex- cellent, They do not, however, solve thé problem of the tired and hungry business man in the centre of Paris, who mourns the disap pearance of his favorite food shop, "A woman," * according to the Montreal Gazette, "should be re- garded as being as young ss she thinks," "But at that rate," says Wally the Incurable Bach, "some of them are of no age at all." --Toron~ T.. CAMPAIGN IN QUEBEC GROWING Government Active in Cre- sting Hospitals and Preventoriums Montreal==That the Provincial government would continue and in- crease its campaign against tuber cluosis, by creating - preventoriums, hospitals and dispensaries wherever necessary, was the statement made by Dr, Alphone Lessard, director of the Provincial Health Board, while conferring diplomas to a number of new nurses at the Sacred Heart Hos- pital, Cartierville, Dr Lessard stressed the import- ance of, the work accomplished by the Provincial Government in ite fight against the white plague, Four years ago, the province had only 400 beds reserved for victims of tuber. culosis; today it has 1,400, and the number is increasing rapidly. In the Government's dispensaries, some 30,000 patients were treated last year. Dr. Lessard predicted that within a short time Quebec would have 3,000 beds for those suffering from tuber culosis, If there's no such thing ag luck, explain why "a mud-puddle, a fool driver, and your spring pants hap« pen to be there at the same Lime, -- Richmond News-Leader, That Vancouver bank manager who chased away armed bandits would be a tough guy to approach for a loan, -- Woodstock Sentinels Review, From the Heart _ ELVA CINDERS--Straight Im AS BXCITED AS A ABOASY Foor, BETTY! SHe MASTRIED MILLIONS AND HER, LIFE WOULD BE A WERENT FOR. YOU! ET BUT IT'S STILL Reg. U. 8. Pat. OF; C " Copyng -- --_-- TELLING TOMMY A TH ARMADILLOS AND THE SCY AMT-EATERS DRESS WN A COAT OF MAIL LIKE THE KNIGHTS OF THE MIDDLE AGES, TOMMY, THEY DONT 60 ABOUT LOOKING FOR TROUBLE (44E THE KNIGHTS DID BUT HAVE A VERY PEACEFUL HE PHATAGHH 15 A SCALY ANTEATER AND |S A MATIVE OF WESTERN AFRICA, ITS FORE PAWS ARE VERY LARGE AND ARE EMPLOYED FOR THE PURPOSE OF TEAR: 1H DOW THE NEST OF THE TERMITE OR WHITE ANT,AND it DIGGING BURROWS FOR A HOME v yy ARMADILLO hla he ® 1090, King Features Syndicate, Inc, Great Britain eights reserved vy GIRMADILLOS ARE HATIVE 10 CENTRAL AND Y) OF INDIA. THIS 15 A MALAY MICE NOW CATES ITS FACULTY OF ROLLING ASELE UP; SOUTH AMERICA. THEIR FOOD CONSISTS OF INSECTS, WORMS, ROOTS, FRUIT, AND SOMETIMES CARRION. YOU QUGHT TOBE PRACTICING! KHOw- § I'l go out and hunt outside a while and then come back. There is no knowing when that Meadow Mouse For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Slmcoe St. 8. ~~ We Deliver am, Sunday only m, Daily .m. Daily, Except Sunday . Daily m, Daly m, Daly, Except Sunday m, | THATS JUST ' {I'm WORRIED ) WHAT 19 \WORRYIN BECALSE MBE WIFE WENT AWAY THIS MORNIN SHELL BE GONE ME HUM FOOD [ AM GOOD MORNING SWHA'T A | | } EN MR INGGS- YOU LOOK WORRIED « WHAT TT ha | SEEMS TO BE THE Hi | MN S-- ene | WN vi h foo T LET THAT | WORRY YOU. THE bs TIME WiLL FLY BY | SHELL BE HOME S masa a3 Jally ally, Except Saturday sm, Daily £38 nl? 2 Fz €° ma ST =X ly , Except Sunday v, Except Sunday , Except Sundey , Sunday only , Daly , Daily, Except Sunday 'hitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LIN WEEK DAY SCHEDUL! x3232328F Todos es; - Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 101 King St. W. 'hone 1214 2 sxvuince"™ UC] £ d after April 27, 1930) CR Seve. Time) ' dd w » © 1950, Int" Feature Service, Ine. Croat Britain wghts reserved (DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE COMRY'S MAGIC GIRDLE FOOLS | BVERYBOD = Smo Sux wks ome 3333: SS om. Basel 83535-58858 25585 < Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner | -- £3 3% 23 sore PPP 3333333 tt SEs: £2 3 Smet ESeusma Pe? 82% 3? ------ im = £ ) i = PH £1 zz COAL COAL © Phome 198 W. J. SARGANT Yard==30 Hloor Atreet Swe I rt ata NDes PPESeS posses PPPPPRYP . L3835pB33333855 3:2 E255 3333333238 28-688: 333; a3 PEPoP Ppa? 3s Din 20 PP ? 1 ) bh Laity \ | THEN THEY MET A PRINCE WHO SAID HE WAS ON HIS WAY SINGLE HANDED TO ROUTE TE ENEMY ARMY OF THE KING IN ORDER TD WIN THE HAND OR THE PRINCESS HE LOVED. "DON'T WORRY,' BAD COMEY= AND HE GAVE HM THe MAGIC GIRDLE - Y iE a AND WHEN THE COMMANDER SAW THE WORDS =" HA: HA*HO-HO * TEN AT ONE | BLOW YY, HE SAID "WHAT? CAN "™S MAN KILL TEN COMMANDERS AT ONE BLOW 7" AND HE ORDERED THE Yau ARMY TO RETREAT=] . : «52333 s HE Fe Ww TI GIANT WAS ALL EXHAUSTED. Pdr hi WERE DOLLY, BOBBY AND COMEY AS FameH AS DASIES- "ILL ADMIT You ARE THE STRONGER, ME SAID TO COMRY, AND LET THEM GO ON THRIR, WAY - AND THE PRINCE CLAMED THE MAND OF THE PRINCESS HE LOVED AND ALL WENT MERRY AS A WEDDING _. ¥ BELL: THANKS TO DOLLY, BOBBY AND COMRY AND "THE MASIC GIRDLE .. ; Ta at 3 : - aes J \ 4 332353 11H TILLIE THE TQILER "Resigned" to Their Extravagances Tes TI, HALF BINT, OK. THIS - a ORDER RITHT AwAy 8 MAC. WON'T SIGN "THIS ORDER, TILLY I'M. NOT GONNA OK. ANY MORE" QROERS THE UNTIL "THIS FIRM Has PAID I'S DEBTS AND {oN THATS FINAL « \'M iC LGONNA DO THE RIGHT Beh] THING FoR THIS ORGANIZATION \F IT'S THE LAST "THING 1 DO EINE - TLL WE US TH BLE © WELL, § oul SPECIALTY SELL It your watch ls uot giving Dm, 3 n a8 " thon we oan, Ar. > and make it tell the correct ~ AND NO ARGUMENT "a, s i hath a [REPT SEF \T J; i Otticial Wateh Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Railroads ROTO TY i m A § Felt Bros. The Leading Jewele Batubl 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH |

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