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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 May 1930, p. 2

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| | _ » the Opors were Cw ir. SYORL- 8UCCORS, |B € §i8 Avy concert in which children play the principal parts is usually del ul and the second popular '¥ronoant under the direction of Miss "Edith Peardon Shon under the au- i of the Durham Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star at # House last evening. In concert sll the principal parts taken by children: although the audience was small it was very Yasherwoman school girls were ationh 1 in Lhe 11 ednesday, May 1 with mem- ie all rrr Reeve Williams appreciative and the t was a The program consisted of fifteen numbers and opened with a march } fy y of small children around the stage to. music supplied by Mm, C, H, , Dudley at the plane, This was fol « Jowed by an item entitled spring. , time in which little girls about sev. , on years old took part, All were w dressed in green and presented a yu pretty pleture on their knees re. , citing familiar old nursery rhymes, " The program contmued with iw. playground activities followed by a excellent selection by sn ladies J quartette composed of Mrs. OC, H, Dudley, Mrs, Gillespie, Mrs. Ander. son and Mrs, H, Foster, A demon- « stration of swinging Indian clubs "4 was given by a junior class and an »' sncored reading followed by Selma 1: Bartlett, An athletic dance by twe +' elowns and a dance and & solo by # Wenry Knight added greatly to the evening's entertainment, The high- « light of the program wes provided 4 when a class of boys from the High {6 School under the direction of the i principal L, W. Dippell Ave an ox- osiding, Pr om munications were disposed of as follows: County Clerk gave notice that Mrs, Susan Welsh had been admitted to Bowmanville Hospital, and Jobn Taylor, in care of Talmage Taylor to Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital; Dept. Agr. calling on 3° ue. hed 1 the nebty meeting to be held in the nea future; Mrs, Kivonda approached HA aaing . on her property t to buy grave at Lot 14, Con, 5. Council decided to: Jnvesiig prospects of gravel before 3 Percy Langmald, Oshawa, briefly addressed Council re purchase of a truck, No action taken, Report of James Curtis 8.A.0, was presented for months of Febs ruary, March and April, A By-law was passed appointing 7. G, Groat, Tom Wray, The Reeve, and the Clerk as Park Commission- ors for the year 1930, Clerk was instructed to advertise tor a Court of Revision to be held in the Town Hall, Hampton, Satur. day, June 7th at the hour of 2.30 o'¢clack. A. E, Billet made application for position of operator of heavy grad. or at 40¢ hour. . Flled, W. R. Grosskurth ting Canada Ingot Iron Co, ad- dressed Council re Road Machinery, 1t was decided to order 1 No. 3 Boss Orader to be shipped to Burketon station, | Who's Who'in Toronto | - GAIRDNER & CO. LTD. The writer has combed the fields of professionalism and busi« they might see | V ness within Toronto for the purpose of ascertaining the leade, §»v this series of Who's Who in Toronto, NONE but the foremost « each line of endeavor have been selected. The accomplishments of the prominent have been carefully weighed, and the most worthy are accordingly being named herein, Rell serviceability is expressed in the house of Gairdner & Co, Ltd, Investment Bankers of 320 Bay Street. They have proven the instrumentality behind the building of many financial 'programmes that have withstood adversity, Possessing a most comprehensive organization they have the personnel ability and background to intelligently counsel with investors, 'Gairdner & Company are therefore enabled to ald investors to formulate sound investment plans, and to not only select invest- ments, but to secure those that are partictlarly suited to their personal requirements, Always it has been their aim to give ser- vice to the individual that will best fit his own particular ease, to obtain the utmost of ness of funds, omit a concern throughout the Toronto, The vestment Offerings, terest to every seasoned of special nvestor, interest to investors Jo A, Gairdner and O. A, Do numbered among the. leaders rotection, and at the same time productive. And there is no question about it, their analytical service Is just what the average investor requires. Thus when writing a series of this denominat.on we can not well whose serviceabilit pean of their establishment' within ooklet fsnued , by ; hy ay containg current offer) The outstandin or referred stock issues are fully outlined, and should prove income bearing securities, carrying attractive yields, erty, heads of this house, are to be- of the banking realm of ky has been so tondunced eo Cit, Gairdner & Co, entitled "iin of in. features several desiring "to obtain sound fixed oronto, Toronto is the tandard Brand Prod dor true goodness. This is lar Jetising 44 well, Besid: urely 'the person does «of this kind, Jas, that wri y the swgtnes tain Bacon has taught All Standard "the a JAS, CRIDLAND & SONS ssessor of same of the foremost, firms in their particular line in the United States, As regards the Packing in+ ,. dustry we have no more notable examples than & Sons, with offices and establishment at ) » heir § ets fave gained a wide reputation y scrupulous care in everything name has come to be synonymous Stan Brand Bacon has won passing FLAVOR. It is of an unusually sweet cure that to eticuiar: people. It comes from tender, young with plenty of lean streaks to make it s it is packed in Toronto and delivered not live who does y nd & sg products 4 to enhance Toronto's reputation. For the wort t of the manufacturing firms therein, oak ein of the manuincturing Arms there 3 air to L] minen , a series of Who's Who in T' fandard od Ni a their a D { as Critiand & Sons ot OW. rand products arg Cridland Jr, Harold. nder, are in active pa of this concern, and they are for the high type of product that EAE GOA Ho to TENTLY adhere to ¢ dland Coxwell Stre se Jas. Cridland & Sons pr ed by them, Until their with quality, actlaim dug to its sur~ eh a." 8 h = and ap- not appreciate' Bacon have oe eon erable of any city is 'oronto, Standard Bra ams Vor not once, but evér: y and any Frame and on & par with, their. s and' a has, nd, pation in the direction of to be publicl their name. y commended | ars THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, SAT | ~ ship the same 'take effect on or about the 1st of June, The resignation was accepted and Acting Clerk ordered to write a letter acknowledging the faithful service of Mr, Allin in the past 16 oars, Acting Clerk was ordered to ad- vertise for a Clerk and Treasurer, A resolution was passed granting Road Supt. to pay Herbert Flintoft $9.00 for building 60 rods of wire Road Supt tod he , presen vouchers No.'9, 10, and 11, Salary $82.00, Road maintenance $600.35, Bridge material $100.00, Voucherg were ordered paid, Treasurer acknowledged receipts from W, ¥, Ward, fines and fees for month of March $1.00. C.D, Hodgson taxes 1920, $6358.77. Orders were drawn on Treasurer es follows: T. H. Richards, and, CL TTT i RT T. H, Richards," Road Mainten- BROO "yy sv Vuh aereiaih 1600.30 T, H, Richards, Bridges 100,00 Chas, P. Smith, Adv. T.8.8.8. No, 19 Dr, H. Verguson - Adv. TBE, Noi 16 bows +000 225.00 Municipal World Supplies 1.06 Ww. F, ard, Expenses a Magistrate 7"... . 16.20 2.89 Salary Mrs. Hathorly, Milk for Mrs, Bavage (charity) 0. D, Hodgson, Supplies Mrs Savage, (charity)... Mrs, A, ¥, Rundle, Sup- plies Gravelle family (char- ity) ' 25.29 Coungell adjourned to Saturday, June 7, at the hour of 1 p.m, M. Pascoe, Acting Clork MUST PAY WIFE $20 EACH MONTH RULES 'MAGISTRATE WARD William Lindell Arraigned for Non Support Pleads Guilty to Charge William Lindell of Bowmanville Was ordered to pay his wifo $20 per month in advance when he was arraigned before Magistrate W. F, Ward in Bowmanville Police Court yesterday charged with non sup- Dbort. Accused elected to be triea summarily and pleaded guilty but un. der extenuating circumstances . In telling his story It was shows that he was a returned soldier who had been wounded four times dur- ing the war and who had also been «He had been working in the General' Motors plant at Osh- Awa he stated but when losing his Josition last June he had left his ome in Bowmanville and had gone east to look for work, wite and threo children in town, t. Accused elected to be tried ® WAS going but had written her the first week aud had received no reply, Ho had written again and once more had received no reply and the same had happened with subsequent letters he claimed, He bad obtained a job with a frew +) and milk and wood but his woud na aime W live with p 0) 0 keep my wite he asked. it she will not com live with me," "ev His wife in glving evidence sta. ted that the 'husband hud never roperly supported her and had left or alone with her children on two previous occasions. Since he went away last June he had never sent 6.26 leaving his Shot 9 ame sore: waking, the them A equality 5 her any money and another child ed Bath Wont, Bh wie, she b, Ber aisters and her parents. = a witnesses gave evidence to W that accused had not support. od his wife in the past ana YY in | fact left her every time a child Was born, Magistrate Ward in giv. ing his verdict was of the opinion that there waa likely more to the story than had been told in court; e in od accused, however, that was duty bound to Jupport his wife and children and likewise made order for payment of $20 per month in advance and remand. od accused in custody until the 2nd w he would be requirea to pay the costs or serve a term in Neu, B kind i , So oe } owmanville by of of Police Syéney Venton after ha had recelve complaints from hin wife and from unty wh ng ck to A farmer in' Hdstin ty where the man w 2H fog and wh wan gol At was med ho with other women, re ---- Too much cannot be said in favor singled out a plous, solemn-looking At & lunch fn Wales thers was no clergyman present, so the host man in a black coat apd tis with a religious appearance, and akeed | nainteénance him to pronounce & blessin | Jan The gentleman after § ad. dressed, put his hand to his ear and said: "I wee you are talking to me, sir, but 1 am so dammed f that it hell was froze over 1 coulds't hear the cracking of the lige." Fm VERY 00D SHAPE Committee Makes - Annual Inspection Tour--Year's Work Under Way The County Roads and Bridges ----y, been making a tour 'were In' | and: reported that : th i washed d out this spring. fact, the year's pr under way, be spent, the government paying filty per cent, of most of the expen The hudaet for the year. as adopt URDAY, MAY 17, 1930 Whitby Brance Offices, at Gag i: und Chironicle~~Yelephione LidmoAiter Business Hours = | inve 8H, REPRESENTATIVE---JAMES H, ORMISTON ed by the County Council is as fol- Aowsgy & goed 15% 40 4 all ¢omsteuction vor eeoinh is $40,000 : d maintenance ivi. ied. Bri CONBLEUCLION vepvanrasl p La A LLY 4 3,500 5,680 5200 Suburban roads .iivieiviiie, Urban roads ..... Sheu rniy Buperingendance ....., Ateaiess Interest, debentures. . re- deemed, urban grants draw. ing no subsidy wi... 2000 $122,380 The Council meets in special ses- sion on June 2nd to pass a bylaw for iat ol dehénuiias to pay The 'share the cost o th- | exley bridge. ri regular session of the Cou opens on June 3rd, and Wii probably' fast # 'week, There is the county road sys- always I 10 do at the June scs- 3. of the Committee] sion. on Friday. evening, throughout the are in splendid fine spring wea- or culyerts were THE QUERY The science master Was demon- strating the on of garbon dl- oxide, The of this gas gives to the clear Mme water a milky appearance Holding a béaker of liquid in his hand, he breathed into It and held it up to show the change. Up went a hand, "Please, sir," asked one of the glass, In an awed voice, 'will any- hody's breath do that?" and work as adopted at the session of the County Coun- be undertaken this year, In ramme is now sands of dollars will ble construction res. | WOMEN'S INSTITUTE OF WHITBY HAD A SPLENDID YEAR Encouasing Reports at An- nual Meeting-- Officers + Elected At thé ama meeting of 'Whithy branch of the Women's Institute held wn. Friday afternoon in the Council Chamber, officers, were elected, and reports presented reviewing a splens did programme of community work carried on during the past twelve months, The president, Mrs, T, Des- mond, was in the chair, "Lhe secretary, Miss 1. McClellan, in her report, showed that a great deal liad been accomplished and worthy ofganizations and individuals helped duging the year, The Institute plant- ed a flower bed at the town's war me- mogial ; gave $10.00 towards the work of the Victoriam Order of Nurses; sent fowers to the sick; shopped clothing to the district of Algoma for relief work; gave to the needy a» round Whitby during the winter; gave milk to a poor family for a month; contributed to the Christmas Cheer Fund; provided a Christmas tree and entertainment for the in mates of the House of Refuge: ten dered a banquet to the Whithy Girls' Softball team: catered at three ban- quets of the Chamber of Commerce, and carried on other useful commuy- wity work, The financial statement showed re- ceipts of 8265.27, and expendituges of $161.31, leaving a balance on hand of $103.96, Both the seports werd. recgived with enthusiasm and were adopted, The officers elected for the year are: President--=Mrs, T, Desmond, Ist Vice-President--Miss M, An- nes, | 2nd Vice-President~Miss Ross, of Port Whithy, Secretary-Treasurer--Miss '1, Mc- Clean, Exccutive~The président, vice-pre- sidents, secretary and treasurer, Directors=-Mrs, 1, M, Willis, Miss Fletcher, Mrs, O'Connor, Miss Ane derson, Mts. Dudley, Miss Powell, Mrs, J. H, Ormiston, District Director-~Mrs, F, Roberts, Representatives to annual meeting «Mrs, Geo, Anderson, Mrs. Lavis, Miss Powell, Auditors--Miss Willis, Miss Fletch. er. A CHILD'S WAY Mother--What do you say to a fine cake for your birthday, with ten candles on top, one for each year of your age? Teddy---Oh, but Took here, mum, I've got a better idea, Why not one candle with ten eakes for my age? DDD for skin disorders An active fluld that washes into the sick tissues, Clear stainless, its soothe ing elements penetrate, Itching stops on the instant--eruptions disappear, The treatment bas no rival, F. W. Thompson, Drug Store oa Sa rE Pete WN BRITISH AMERICAN \BASOLENE] | | | | | YEARS A SYMBOL LADIES: American products, BETTER -QUALITY BETTER SERVICE NO PRICE PENALTY Only NEW BILLS are given in change at British Americon Service Stations . , . one slight Indication of a type of service that is fully worthy of the high quality of British A a hu i ap nit RT oy ot the person who has not wy. Detrolt owa, hot ash Jo a car Each year additional thousands of car owners learn to recognize the British American Sign as the insignia of a-Company devoted to the best interests of every man who drives

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