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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 May 1930, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1930 DEFEAT 0. o LIN EXHIBITION. SOFTBALL TILT , So the ninth ine aitimore Orioles 4 4 3 in a league fixture, the Leafs went out and gave the Der Sahivion Sones: wimng b's nning by 6 to Less, than 2,000 on witnessed The double allt It was not an at- tractive i» from rom a weather stand- Joints an and the ne Tigers have ceased to «It Tr Rastion Bird straight defeat the Leafs administered to the and it was » tight squeese, onl Siok of the game was re- " ble for the winning run, The I 3 entered the ninth inning with tw needed to win and they Bi m. Guy Cantrell and Monte Weaver, who in his leisure moments is & Professor of Mathematics, en Re in 8 mound due! for seven in %, but after the eight was as ted it looked as if Cantrel garded for another defeat, The bh went ahead in thelr half of the eighth when they broke a tie which was created in 'the sixth in- ning. But the Leafs, who are begin. ning to anu it the Tallying habit, were not to Loals a Savty Lead 'The locals gave Cantrell a two- yun lead in thelr half of the fifth wheh they bunched a trio of hits, including a double by Jos Rabbit, But Cantrell, who had restricted the Birds to one scrateh hit in the fArst five frames, encountered trouble in Baltimore's sixth end when he finally retired the Orioles in that stasjon, the teams were on even terms aa innfhg Run "Bucky" ure ovéned the ninth for the Leafs with a triple against the right veld barrier, The play was close at third, but Burke got the decision, Harry Davis then entered the fray as a pinch-hitter for Petrie, and he singled a left to bring Burke in with the run that tied the score again, Bedore sacrificed Davis to second and Phillips was Intention. ally passed, Manager O'Neill then roceeded to hit for Cantrell and 6, too, was brought Stethocks in as a pinch-hitter for Rabbitt, b he filed out to MeGowan too clone | fami in to enable Davis to score alter the oath, Richardson was at bat wh Danning let one of Coumbe's wi shoots gt away from him, Ds raced for the plate, but Danning's throw would have nailed him enly Coumbe dropped the ball as Davis #lid In, That was the Waning run, The Leafs outhit the Birds 9 to %. Cantrell ghruth out ax. ters, but he passed saver 'was fairly est HA . pinches, but only one of the Leaks proved a strike-out. vietim, BARGAINS In Guaranteed 4 N IN EDY Cinclnnatf, M 5A 17==The power. "ful bats of the Rookith Dodgers pounded out & 10 to § aon over neat! yesterday, deton vopped Dan aya team. 10 sixth place in the Nationa) Lesgue standings, Lod by. Jobnoy Fredevick, why Bit three doubles, and Rube Bross. ler, who connected for two triples, the Robins combed Lucas and Kol for 16 hits, Joe Btripp batted a of Cincinnati's runs across the plate, Brooklyn started early, scoring four runs on five hits in the second faning and three runs on a similar number of hits in the third, LASY Waika RALLY WINS FOR CARDS fit, Louis, May 17==A smashing tour-run rally in the ninth inning yesterday onabled the Ft. Louls Cardinals to take thelr minth con. secutive vietery by beating the Chicago Cubs 0 to . The victory oarried the Capds into third place, Douthiv's single fn the ninth, scoring two runs after two others had gone home, ended a 21-hit at- tack an three Chicago vitehers, A five-run Cub rally in the sixth, featured by Cuyler's home run with Heathcote on base, put the Cubs out in front, But neither Carison nor Malone, who relieved him, could stop.the Card batters, Gelbert and Douthit both, Bit five times in as many times at bat, Gel- bert hit three singles, a double and a home run, while Douthit hit four singles and a triple. a triple, Kentucky Der Der will be Ru nTo Loufaville, Ky. Ky. May 17==The greatest of American sporting spec. tacles--biue ribbon offering of the Blue Grass country---~takes place at plotureaque Churohill Downe today, when 16 sleek three-year-olds com. ote in the' Sith running of the shtugh Derb, Alth 4 bus, ea wi pei! ' of the smallest in 1 crowd as well, Kentueky is Joking ian to honoring the man Whose ve the fe ity name~--the He In Eng this war PLAN. CE e 2 fa oy Shariey called off hig traf geburg Jack Sharkey called ing when he found there Were no sparring partners available, He took the day off and drove to New York City, Ne probably will' bes tomorrow, & : iwi shi ft WOLGKET WINS WHEN OPPONENT, SOLLADSES s New York, May rien Phu Wo] wont, 112 pounds oy from "Bide world's f flyweight ti pil machine ew Yor aud Pennsylvania on " aight when Willie VL a § Sollopted at the end rounds of box Tair 'on, Yan Garden, of the battle, ih vil. all AW olmbes ih to the sudden cbf max, Sunned, the fol that found the hatte its ie 0 | vit for the cham nih hout bet tween the hii "le ie bell ot ended the round 4) La Morte wh walking to his corner when he su denly collapsed na heap on t ' mat. A Ruerle Siamidntion showe Kin St. Teams in 8.8. Games King #t, Chureh cortainly got away to a good start ast night in the Oshawa Sunday Sohool Hoftball League, The Andrew's by a score of 12 to § The King St, Young People's So. ciety defeated Northminster by 21 to 4. Although the *Northerners' were beaten, there fis no telling where they will be at the end of the season, The Benedicts, all of whom, it is said, are married meu, had a pretty snappy team and cor- tainly showed the younger fellows of St. Andrew's (hat experienie means a great deal, Owing to thd rain the games scheduled for the fimt of the week were not played, Following is the schedule for next week: A Section Anglican Young Men's Club vs, Simooe St.~~Monday, May 10, at Alexandra Park, King Bt, Denediots vs. King St, U.X.1, ==Monday, May 10, at Alex andra Park. B Section Tuesday, May 20--1at Baptist vs, Knox Y.M.C, at Alexandra Park, Albert St. vs, Holy Trinity at Cowan Park, Thursday, May 28-Centre St yl in this at Cowan Park, In this case and at all futures Y | times the last mentioned team in the "home team" and is to provide balls and bases. BELLEVILLE LAWN BOWLERS RE-ELECT COMPLETE SLATH Polleville, May 17.=The Delle. ville Lawn Bowling Club opened another season last nightdn an au- spiglous way by rasgleching all of 1ast year's: oftigers, (0. J Symons pros oMMlan 18 'vieo-preaident, and w. Walsh will til the secre. ommitiees ho (+ the ecutive; 1] coming year ) tative teams 'were drawn y in vob known when the of the County of Hastings oni Association will be beld, Farmer Hayo---That Jones Woy who used to work fof You wants me to give him a job, Is he steady? Farmer Meade Well, It he was any steadier he'd be motionless. 1 NDING Week yi ay ion, 1080 Hared Taved Won Lost ho North Simooe 0 10 8t, Gregory ..\ H Mary , , © Ritaon ¢ « «voy 8 Centre CARE REE 8 King. .» LUE 1 8 South Simao N 3 ale LER Omi" ole men North Simcoe t80n oo "as tre LA BLEUE © som for series Ritson Rd. has iv puget arth Simeow and South Simos are pane 0 to get dn the Analy from 000 lA and for ourself we have a teams that St, Gregory's and Ced- ardale still, have excellent chances to take the groups. In Junior Ball things are not #0 out and dried, six out of o | Nea ue teams still have a chance their sneaking feeling that the group winners ate going to be St, Gregory, Ritaon and Albert, Now 'of course we may be all wet, In which case remember that our feelings were sneaking and theretore perhaps thoroughly unreliable, the to great wisners | 4 tly p do es are os ing forwa r ayed this xt week when ot og AR wore others ley or should one say N ry 1n.00 early In the season yet to select the Aroup winners but the tollo antes ) us You have game fairly 'and souarely ANd. when a hatter man has heaton Has Foaneir Sedine had ada shanct a ds rh +1 Jotul Jndies' softball teams who have hed this season, it: looks. us if they are gofng to be even evr: Whey have only had 'a few workouts but 'lost night "the OMI ladies In an exhibition game and feated them by a score of 8 10 G.. Judging from the form shown, the Rovers ping (his seuson The Watson Sisters have gore handful of faiths | a heart Md : the ring In an} Penedicts beat Bt, | Starts Today i Club, J of the King's Plate, Ak WwW Rovers ' tliere are several new players who When the. Teague gotw wong. L» presented by A, I Lyons, in recog Cup, LJ Ld awa on Tuesday sfternoon, will be famous soccer team a real chance to as. played by "the foremost team in LJ + A Little Help Needed In yesterday's issue a request wa are asked to get in touch with Mr, \d id Cowan's Park, with the Parts and Boys. The junior league promises t season and a good crowd be expecte " hours today and for one hour eacl got your ticket yet, get one right av be bought every day in the week, hitby 'Rov Have always orovided wit pe to a championship spire Oshawa vs, St, Qne'of the interesting and pleasitig monies of the local lacrosse season whichowlll take place on Wednesdny night at Alexandra Park, will be the" presen members of the General Motors Seniors, Guests of G. ne, Team The Kilmarnock Scottish Soccer team, which will arive In Oshs teu at the opening lacrosse game on Wednesday, This will give thid : to assist in conveying the Kilmarnock team from the Commercial Mo. tel to the Lake, on Tuesday evening ber given yesterday, 50BVY, was an crgor, Junior Softball Game Monday The local junior softball league will be opened on Monday night at Got Your Ticket Yet? The Oshgwa Lacrosse Club's car will continue to run for the next week, The car was only run for firteen liours during this last five days) owing to the poor weather conditions, uwa Lacrosse Club needs the support and a new car for a dollar eannot ers Win tions but Aonger than "bovk on take some' sop to the fold and will make 'thelf presence known sof the opening cere lon of medals to the ese 'medals are being iitlon of 'the, winning of the Many the guests of the General Motors appreciate Canada's Nationa! game, the world" 4 + s made for car owners to volunteer All' persons willing to help out B, Sykes, Phone 568W, The num. . Service' juniors playing the Duco o produce some smart softball this de The car will be run for three 1 day next week. If you haven't vay. It's a good cause, The Osh Canadian Racing Season Toronto, May 17.-The opening of thy racing season in Canada for 1046 will be ushered in today at the Woodbine when the Spring meeting of the Ontario Jockey featuring the 71st runcing will begin, Away back io the middle.of the last century, 1860 io be quact, a roydl donation was made by the Inte Quean Victoria, upon the petition of the Toronto Turf Club, through Sir Edmund HNead, the then Governor-General, The first running of the plate was at Carl |* ton, now known as West Toronto, and Mr, James. White won the plate with Don Juan, On three other ' ocuasions this sportsman furnished the winner, when Touch. stone, Wild Roso and Nettle won, Back in 1891 the Seagram Stable moved into the pisture and for eigh tsuccessive years the winner of the plate carried the colors of het United txh tin 'With a io the woh oh oli Cun Hall at" wich ool 0 ight. Bobby Jones, captain of the United Joseph BE, Beagram, There has always. been a great amount of sentiment connected with the runhing of the King's Plate, It is not the intrinsic value of the plate but the fact that a starter must be the property of a British subject, . refident of On. tario, foaled, raised and trained in Ontario, The Ontario Jockey Club adds a purse of $15,000 to the race and a sllvercup, which is pre ranted to the owner of the winning, horse, Then there In the 60 guid. ss the. gift of His Majesty the King U.S. Retains and only two lost, Wal: uh Wohors yehiendny Srtnt tw tates team), was again the interna: er Cup Ri Y and the largest, Pad of Wales Attends tonal The he Bri Bh Jo nade the rg ns Ld {8 rivals Swing gaint th tel Oi {BY J Walker ory matches in Kng: Biches 4 tho contests, Tk he of Wales followed the inatches both ,, © foursomes "I'h yuster: of i yesterday, He reall r "Je See over the crowd mn There missions, 3 a se ett p Hy ngley maiches Senda the were able ow y ones © Walker Cup| ich, Rhy, May May 17.«With ten re added | WELL INFORMED An Irish laborer and his wife ware spending a day In Belfast soos ing the sights, Looking at the! sales, the wife, on seeing some waterproof gloves, sald: "For what use at all could they be?" "Don't let anyone hear yo ask that, Them Is for washing the | Canada Davis C up isan "United Htutes doubles team---=Wil- jan ay 17.T'he hn Cup - tennis three straight el players yese pln oh ts way into tbe American zone second found. of Johnny Vin Ryn took less 'thet Lalf 4 minute to / complete the Date; which was stopped yester- a by rain and defeated Dr. Jack right of Montreal, the Canadian wi by lal scores of 6-2, 6% me re of Chicago nest bon rou 444 os 62, 0-3, 8-0 wer arcel Rainville, ere p ton from Mont. pea hey match marked by guile, "English" on the pan yA ot Jess placing, Doubles Tdam serlos It remained for the young mer Alliton of Awgin, Texas, and Johnny Yan Ryn of East Orsnge, N.J==to score the final tritmph and clinch the series, Smaghing volleying In a spectacular style that roused the gallery of 05,000 to a high piteh of enthusi- asm. Van Ryn and Alisgn, con. quercrs of the French in the chel. longing round last year, battered out & victory over Dr, Wright and Willard Crocker of Montreal at 0-0, 6-4, G+2, Only Mexico now remains he tween the United States '2am and the right to go to Kurope In quest of the tamous Trophy now held by the J'rench. It the United States team comes through against Mex- foo at Washington next Thursday, Friday and Satuitiay, it will be en- titled to meet the winner of the European sone contest for the right to challenge France. International League RED WINGS BEAT KEYSTONKS ON COLLINS' BIXTH HOME RUN Rochester, May 17-Norman Plitt was found for five safe hits in the pixth inning, three coming after two men had been retired, to drive in four runs and give the Rochest- or Red Wings a victory over Read. ing 4 to 2 Ia the opener of the Reading series here yesterday, "Rip" Golling® sixth home run or the sonson came with two mén on base in this session, and gave Ro- chester a 4 to 1 lead which "Coun try'* Davis' homer in tho eighth could not equalize, Bob MaGraw pitched his second start of the yeur and hung up his second victory giving the Keys but bands widout wetting yer skin," six sato blows, » matter of fact Yai thful British Girl eats Glenna Collett YF Br, Women' s Golf Title American Champion Beaten) "in 'Final for Women's Golf ip -- Erratic for Amer Decisiv British Putting ican Vormby, England, May 17.» Miss Diana Fishwick, a mere. slip of a girl in her toens, yesterday de- feated Miss Glenna Collett, Ameri can champion, four up and three to play, to win the British women's golf championship the very first time she tried, Miss Collett lost to Miss Fishe wick at the thirtly-third hole, As in ail but the actual count of Moles, Miss Fish. wick was the victor after the morning round whien the players went to luncheon vith the British Biri, tive up. Putting lost thé day vipiting titleholder, \ It was a day of su and bright sunshin for the mer weather that was the United ry 'of 2,000 000 In the interest in the British thoughit made for States player, A pal in the morning and afternoon showeg th the match, sithough really had little hope \for Diana's success, hecause of her] youth apd lack of experience, Erratic Puttin Glenns was off to a good start, winning. the first hole, missed a five-foot second, to see the mate Miss Collett took three with a brilliant shot fro Glenna became afflicted slice, and Diana was one turn, The British hope got the feel of her this time, while the ball refused to go in tor the Anieriean, and Miss Vishwick won four holes of thé wecond nine to beco'ae five up after the first 18 holes, Immediately utter luncheon Glenhs took her putter and weuy out to practice, Her preparation seemed about to show results, for she won the twentieth hole, where she made a clever second shot Lo the greeu, but she hooked her tes shot to a trap at the twenty-third and lost this hole and the next. The British girl was hitting the ball straight and 'sending her ap~ proach putts dead. For a time Miss Collett recovered her faltering game, winning the twenty-seventh and running down a putt of 18 feet and the t(wenty-eighth. She was only four down then, but suf- fered another lapse and could not break through on the next three holes, which were halved, Glenna chipped from a bad Ii# ¢loge to the pin to win the thirty pecond aud become three downy with four left to play. There was & faint hope in the heart 'of the Americans that thelr champion might start & golfing miracle here, but it was not to be. Match ¥nds at 'Thirty-third At the thirty-third, where she was in trouble yesterday, Miss Cole lett sliend 'to rough, and was short of the green in three, Miss Fishes wiek, too, was in the rough from the tee, but she war: able to use a spoon and sent & great shot to the green, ending the match. There was a rousing British' cheer from the gallery as Miss Col- lett shook hands and congratulated the winner. The two girls then led the crowd to a green opposite the club house, where the cups were praented, the championship ems blem to Miss Fishwiek and the runs ner-up. rtophy to Miss Collett for the second time in two years, The somi-finalists were also presented cups, BLACK CATS wiN Buffalo, Mey 17 ~- )Behind Broam's masterful hurling the Jer- soy Black Cats easily reversed the tables on the Bisons here yesterday afternoon and incidentally handed them thelr first shut-out of the sea. pon, 'The score was 7 to 0. Bream, in rare form, allowed on- ly foyr hits, one a scratch, and completed the remarkable record of hurling 80 3-3 consecutive score- loss innings. The Cats toll BI! over Sam Dalley in the feurth; five of the first six men to faco him slamming torrid hits. Five runs resulted before Parks ended the rally, \ Manager and Selkirk cracked round trip wallops for the winners. Montreal, May 17-<The Royals put on their best battling attack of the season and scored nine runs in the first inning yesterday to de- feat Newark 11-4 and even the sbriey at one game each. Herb Thormahlen, leading hurl- or, of the league, hid an easy time chalking up his fifth straight vies tory of the season. He has yet to suffer a defeat. EE More Car for the Money More Pleasure in Driving More Luxury and Comfort HUDSON'S | pp -- to A Car for You te Try Willi Be Sent to Your Door Fo A hire Sd en Err Buy and Inexpensive to Operate No car we have ever offered has so quickly won the enthusiasm For Hudson is an entirely new type, It is new in smoothness and easy Jog de of brilliant, fast other cars gusp as of all who drive it. So alert and quict is the action Great Eight that griphon walks: Then a mero k range drubb ing rancis ven up and 0 play, tons. won one of the fons the final score was 10 to & pduy's contests were finished fn almost dead cali, continuing the ideal weather of Thurs, a rare con: dition for this windy Channel coast country. The S oalion of the United States team yesterday morning was that the By purchasing miles an hour a iy die nd as slowly as a as silently and Nnoily jump express train speed. It is fine polo pony, you to as nimble as a Hudson's Great Eight vill loess, yon. is first cost is way below any ear quality or performance, lta economy 1 impressive. Show Whe Sheotla wll | uae » Mudoon or Keven autor aN Ww & Rijastrdie ft Py Ross, Ames. Wi, Ke Shc HSS KNG STREET WEST players from that country needed 18 ' OSHAWA Such smartness and driving enjoyment at so Jo oust wn hbo alan wpeningenpeais are exclusively its own, Any dealer Yon 1 . Jou will receive benefit of the recent reduction we Sales Tax

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