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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 May 1930, p. 9

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* MONDAY, MAY 19, 1930 ' = PAGE NINE' MPS. PREPARED FOR OPENER-OSHAWA NATS, LOSE BASEBALL RESULTS Oshawe Nats. Lose Listless INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Game to Mount Dennis 2.1 Won Jom ro Mester: ised . Rochester g H. Cieman Sets Oshawa Nationals Display New Record for | OMiJ, Mediacre Form and Toronto .... 613 Ruffalo ... 666 Baltimore ie : Montreal b Bow to Mount Dennis 50,000 Metres| United 2-1--Sathrang Is Sr York, May 19.--Henry Cieman Nis wp oaltics Result of Toronto won the national A.A.U, mn 50,000 metres walking championship oals for Each Team Jersey City A838 | Newark 846 yesterday and broke the national re- " . cord for the distance. The Oshawa Nationals travelled UP CH Seneral Motors Srs. Will .+ Have Strong Team to | Defend the Mann Cup : Australian | Cricketers in England i Large Crowd Expected to At. tend Opening Game at Alexandra Park on Wed- nesday Night--Oshawa's 1930 Team Will Be Strong Heading 345 Sunday's. Scores Toronto ... 12 Newark ......3 Montreal .,4-4 Reading ....2-1 *Rochester ..5 Jergey City ,...4 --St. Simon's Will Pro- vide Stiff Opposition When the General Motors Sen= fors, 1929 Lacrosse Champions of the Dominion of Canada, go to the barrier for the 1930 race, on Wednesday night, they will fleld a team just as strong and Mkely a little stronger than the one which brought the highest lacrosse laur- els obtainable, to this city last fall. A great deal has been said, and no 'doubt much more will be said, concerning the effect of the enfore- ed residence rule on the different teams entered in the O.A.L.A,, but with the exception of Ernie Shep- Jey, Who has gone back to Wallace- burg, the Mann Cup Champions wil be intact. Besides last season's players, all of whom can now be considered experts at the game, there are several valuable ada tions, n number of whom are local boys: A Strong Team It is not definitely known which fifteen players will. be chosen for duty on Wednesday night but they will be chosen from the following. Most of these players are recogniz* ed throughout the laerosse world as experts of the Naslenal game. It is doubtful if any team can boast of two goaltenders who are both ho good that the choice is practically a toss-up. "Pat" Shans non, Ne idol of the local fans is back again going stronger than ever. He will likely get the call as regular custodian, However the GM.C. Seniors are fucky enough to have apother goaltender, who is considered by many as the best goalie in the game, namely, "Walker Wilson. Walk." Is certainly" a versatile player and last season rather than take his turn in the nets, he went out and earned him- self a h as a defence figlder. Walk" ih an expert at pullin dowh passes not meant for him a he is a very valuable man, especial ly wheft "Pat" pulls down a pen alty. : With Teddy Reeve as pivot, the Brampton Excelsiors will have a very strong defence, but it is doubt- ful it any team in the Dominion can boast of a hetter-balanced rear- guard than the locals have. "Ty" Sif, rated as one of the best In th game, wil replace *snep." Shepley. "Smitty" Smithson, Bill Coulter. "Red" Spencer and "Norv." Hubbell. are the other members of the back line, With "pat" Shannen in the mets and these five stalwarts in front of him, the opposing téams will find that goals are ata premium, The duty of scoring goals will be well"looked after. "Kelly" DeGray, the tireless, hard-working centre, will be back at his old position. "Kelly" is undoubtedly one of the best centre men in the game and his value as a playmaker eam not be estimated.: "Doddy" Dodde- meade, who {3 not going to Mont- real, "Chuck" Davidson, the terror of opposing goalies, and "Connie" Golden. the clever young scoring ace ,will likely get the eall as home fielders. The alternate line which will likely be composed of "Smoky" Fox, Alex. Hall, and "Chuck Barron, will be one of the Used That Save You Money "Ford, 1020 Coupe ; Chevrolet, 1 Whippet, i ADFT Chevrolet, 1026 Coupe. ¥ord, 1926 Touring Buick, 1924 Sedan Ford, 1926 Coupe Pontiac, 1027 Landau Star, 1926 \Youring ¥ord, 1927 Coach Pontiac, 1927 Coupe Ford, 1025 Coach * Many others to choose : and repaint- BILL COULTER The amiable captain of last year's General Motors " Scnior Tacrosse team, who will be seen back in his old position, at "point" on Wednes. day night at Alexandra Park, when the Dominion Champs. meet the strong St. Simons team in the op- ening game of the 0.A L.A. Senior league, Mill is a tower of strength on the rearguard and his steady, cool playing gives untold confidence to his teammates. fastest groups ever seen in action. These boys go like Mghtning and they will eause plenty of trouble far rival defenée men. "Toots" White and "Bob' Stephenson will be back in. their regular positions in front of the other team's net. These crafty. goal scorers can be depended upon to do their share to win games; Besides these play- ors, there ate "Whitey" Whyte, Jack Bond and 'Casey' Luke, all of whom have more than average lacrosse ability. There ig certainly no lack of material and the man- agement will have their hands full in pleking the team. St. Simons Are Strong There has heen repeated requests for only one senor team in Toronto and this season with St. Simons ag the only entry from the Queen City, this wish has been fulfilled. With practically the entire city to choose from, the Anglicans" will present one of the strongest teams to ever wear their colors. A glaneg over the following list of names reveals the fact that many well- known lacrosse stars will take the field on Wednesday night when the whistle blows for the face-off, The St. Simons' team will be chosen from the following, "Suds" Suther. land, "Gordie" Thom, Nels" Neot- tleship. "Dewey Davis, "Doe" Vir- tue; 'Kavanagh, "Piper" Baln, "Tvan'® Davis, "Sandy" Sanderson, "Bil" Davis, Robertson, "Hally" wallace, Beesley, Smart, "Mac" McGrath, 'Bun' Gallagher, Carroll and Henry. "Mae" McGrath will be remems- bered as one of the members of the 1928 edition of the General Motors Senlors, Judging from the interest being shown locally, there will likely be more than two thousand fans on hand at Alexandra Park on Wed- nesday night to see the ushering in of the 1930 Lacrosse season. One of the features of the opening cere- monies will be the presentation of medals to each member of last year's team, by Mr. A. E. Lyons, well-known lacrosse booster, in Pecognition of the winning of the Mann Cup, DY BOWLERS AT GODERICH LELECT SEASON'S OFFICERS | Lawn Bowling Club Officers and com mittees for the ensuing year were el Il Mes. 'A. L. Cole; econd Vie Goderich, May 19.--At a meeting of the members of the Goderich Ladies' as offlows: Presidents Mrs, ice- President, Presi» , Miss . gee A. Goldthorpe; First dent, Mrs. K. Naftel; Secret A. Stowe; Treasurer, Mrs. H.R. Hal, Membership Committee, Mes. Chattés Black, Mrs. Robert Johnston, Mrs. A. Fowlie, Miss Martina Hus- soy; Social Committee, Mrs. H. T, Edwards, Mrs, W. J. McNevin, Mrs. hd Wheeler, Mrs. L. C. Chapman, | Mes: N. Baker, Miss R, Andrew: Tournament Committee, Mrs. T, G. Glazier, Mrs, A. L. Cole, Mrs. H. R. Hall, Mrs. C. Black. OTTAWA RIDEAUS WIN Ottawa, May 19.--~Ridcaus, last year'es champions got away to a fig ing art in the Ottawa City Base. ball League when they defeated Gui ners 12-8 in the 'opening. game of the league' season Saturday. David. song. defeated LaSalle 4-3 in the se- cond game of the doubleheader, Weather conditions were unfavog- big for" the 'opening, ockd and "a id combifi ! je keep spe + between auto and of Cebu, t class buses t a mile, p Baltimore ...7 Buffalo ...... x10 innings, Saturday's Scores Baltimore Toronto ,..4- Jersey City 6-13 'Batfglo ....2-5 Rochester ,.7-5 Reading ...1-3 Newark .... 18 Montreal ....6 Games loday Newark at Toronto (3.30 p.m.). Reading at Montreal, Jersey City at Rochester. Baltimore at Buffalo. no DR NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C Brooklyn, ... +. 16 New York St, Louis .. Chicago Pittsburg Cincinnati Boston ... Philadelphia |. . 810 Sunday's Scores Pittsburg ... 2 'Cincinnati Chicago ...9-2 St. Louis ....0-8 Brooklyn ..3-7 Philadelphia 0-5 Boston ....4-2 New York ..1-3 * Saturday's Scores Boston ....4-4 New York .. Philadelphia 14 * Brooklyn .,...6 Pittsburg ....7 Cincinnati ...5 Chicago-St. Louis--Rain, Games Today Boston at New York. Brooklyn at Philadelphia, Pittsburg at Cincinnati, Chicago at St, Louis, sane ns a. RE] AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost P.C : 10 667 Philadelphia ..... 18 10 B45 Cleveland 35 12 RT] New York «13 Boston ... vo 12 Chicago . St. Louis Detroit Washington AL A440 85 040 Sunday's Scorci Philadelphia 1 Washington [] New York ..11 Boston 0 Cleveland .:. 7 Chicago .. A St. Louis-Detroit---Rain. Saturday's Scores New York ...3 Boston Washington 16 Philadetphia f Detroit ...- 12. St. Louls ...:. Chicago ...4-6 Cleveland ... 1- Games Today Cleveland at Chicago. St. Louls at Detroit, New York at Boston. Only three games scheduled, Canada Davis Cup Team Fails to Win Even One Game -- Philadelphia, May 19~The United States. Davis: Gup tennis (eam goes forth to meet the Mexican 'racquet wielders at Washington, D.C, = this week, with a record of five victories and no 'defeats in ity elimingtion con- test with the Canadian tennis players here last week. ' After the United States team had won two singles matches and one doubles contest Friday, to earn the right to meet Mexico, in the remain- ing American zone tie, John Doeg of Santa Monica, Cal, and Wilmer Al- lison, Austin, Texas, yesterday add- ed two more victories to the count Doeg defeated Dr. Jack Wright of Canada 6-2, 6-3, 0-2, and Allison fol- lowed this up by winning from Mar- cel Rainville, Canada, 6-2, 6-2, 7-5, The two victories yesterday were not needed: to give the United States team the right to meet Mexico, but they put all they had into their game and played as though the result of the meet depended upon their perf- ormance and at one stage it appear- ed that Rainville would defeat Alli- son's ambition to win in straight sets, -l have. a mer weather, The tralian MF. Worcester, on the ground DRAWN MATCH WITH LANCASHIRE The Australians commenced thelr | the tour at Worcester in brillant sum-|V. Y, photograph | eter and shows: W, M. Woodfull, the Aus-|party. The match between the Aus. aptain (LEFT), and Major | tralians - and Lancashire at p Jewell, acting captain of | Scores were: before | 102; match, On' the RIGHT is Richardson, all-round crick- the entertainer of the Liver. Lancashire, 176 and Australia, 115 and 137 for AT LIVERPOOL two wickets. The Australians who failed badly on Thursday before the Lancashire bowlers, were in better form on Friday, though they never stood a chance ,of .winning .the match in the time left them to bat, pool yesterday was left drawn. | Parts and Service Hand Phil- While Columbias Take a Win From ting of Winning Teams Features Both Games It is quite evident that Saturday afternoon softball games do not very great appeal for the Joeal softball fans. On Saturday afternoon at the Mgtor City Sta- dium, an Intermediate double- header wag held, and although the softball served up was fair enough, the turnout of spectators left a great deal to be desired, In the first and the Ontario game the Columbiasy Regiment Black fourth broke until. the folumbias softball when the tically nice ball for the losers but his sup- failed to hit. effective man with the. willow, for the Blazk Cats, The Columbias J. Fair had several errors and "Duke" one, fielders from having errors chalked up against them by his catches of poor pegs, A superiority with the willow las thelr victory. I'l distinet teams Black Cats Ostler Russell Hohbs Hubbell Hester Clary Hele Columbips Keenan Catcher Smerch First Base Leydon 2nd Base J. Fair drd. Base Luke short Stop Shelenkoff Lelt Field Bennett Centre Field Snowden Right Iield Score by innings: Py Position Pitcher Dainty Toppings 6 gave ! Leveque | | | ! Regiment [and Otto at will. | Black Cats--Heavy Hit. | | U Cats played a fairly good game of | Petrie innings, | away | Spencer for eight runs to make victory prac- | R, Boneham Centre Field - a certainty. Ostler pitched | Hepburn port was weak and his teammates | Bowler Hester was the only | | | gave Keenan good support although | Dainty also had, a costly | be held at Leydon saved his fellow in- | smart | Black Cats 4 0003701 Columbias 20080 { four safe clouts each P. and S. and Columbias Win Games in Doubleheader * lips a Severe Drubbing| In the second game the Phillips made a vain attempt to win a game by defensive play. The Parts and Service men went to work with the willow and hammered both Blake "Webster ana big guns with It took Web- ster'a couple of innings to hit his tride and after that the Big Boy Hubbell were the | held the Black and Red clan well | in check, His teammetes gave him | #00d support, Gray's catch of a long fly, early in the game, was one of the highlights. The Phillips team have sevear! good hitters but their battery is woefully weak, They have a real smart infield. The final score was twenty-one to two. The teams Phillips Blake and 8. Webster Rowden Hubbell Gummow Elliott Hughes Gray Little Position P Pitcher | Sager Catcher I... Boneham 1st base 8. Boneham 2nd Base 3rd Base Short Ston Left Wield S. Claus Right I'ield Pitcher Catcher Centre Field Smith Umpires (both games), Dell and Garrow. The next doubleheader of the In- termediate Industrial league will the Stadium tonight when the Textiles meet the Times and the Parts and Service clash with the Black Cats Otto PRINCE OF WALES PLAYS GOLF WITH BOBBY JONES London, May 19.--The Prince' of Wales and Bobby Jones played 36 holes of golt' together yesterday, and though rain fell during a part of the mateh it didn't interfere with cither's game, The match was played on Sir Philip Sassoon's private course at Trent Park, High Barnet Just who won the match, how 'many strokes Bobby gave the Prince and 3 7 the totals for 36 holes could not be 0 4--141 learned, 2) 2 hi 3 OG hy SF edn The photograph here shows Kings: way. owned by R. Ww. rR Cowie. whose spring training this year sug- gests he is a good a colt now as he vas when he won the Lansdowne Nursery handicap, He was raised in Quebec hy J. K. L. Ross, Montreal sportsman. Horsemen say that is no. | thing interferes with Kingsway's ca- reer, he may attain the same heights of turfdom as Mr. Ross' "Hallucina- B.C. RUGGER TEAM WINS IN WINNIPEG B C RUGGER Winnipeg, May 19--University of British Columbia ruggers wound up their tour of the East and Mid- dle West here Saturday by defeat- ing a selected Manitoba fifteen, 23 to 2. Thirty-five hundred persons many watching their first British rugby contest, were thrilled by the brilliant, fast-passing play of the coast students, . who nine-point Jead in the first half and then continued to dominate play for the balance of the match. A try, two goals, two. penalty goals and one field goal mounted the B.C; total to 23 points, while the fighting Manitobans scored a penalty goal early in the second half. Manitoba had no adequate defence for the lightning extension thrusts of the B. C. forwards, though they tackled well, On the other hand, Eddie James and Tom- my Moberly, Manitoba's backfield aces, seldom were allowed to break loose. G.M. C. Trotter | Softball League A General Motors Softball Lea- gue has been organized under the able direction of Mr, J. T. Gowan, of the Industrial Relations, in which eight teams will operate, The following league officers were elected at a meeting held a few weeks ago: Pres, -- ¥. Hinks; Vice-Pres.-- W. Lynde; Sec'y.--E. Cornish; Re- cord. Sec.--L, Arkley; and with the ald of team representatives a con- stitution was drawn up. The league has been formed to promote friendship and interest be- tween the different departments and its purpose should be fulfilled as the teams which comprise the league will be representative of all men working for General Motors in Oshawa. For team division, the Factory has "cen blocked off in seven sec- tions, ~ach section being represent- ed hy one team. The other team will represent the Office, The first games will be played at Alexandria Park on Tuesday night. Both games starting at seven P.M, Below is the first half of the schedule: Plant League Schedule May 20--Office vs, Parts and Ser- vice. Standards ve. Inspection, May 23--Paint vs, Mill and Trim. Shipping vs, Rad. and Asg'y Line. May 27-=Office va. Inspection, Pia «Standards. vs. Mill and Trim, : May: 30--Paint vs. Rad. and Ass'y, Shipping vs. Parts, June $---Office vs. Mill and Trim, " Standards va.' Rad, aad EY June 6---Paint vs, Parts, Shipping va. 'Inspection, June 10--Office vs. Rad. and Ass'y, Standards vs. Parts, June 13--Paint vs. Inspection, Shipping vs, Mill Trim, June 17---Office vs. Standards. Paint vs, Shipping. June 20~Parts ve. Inspection. Mill and Trim. vs Rad. and Ass'y, June 24--Office ve, Paint. 'Standards va. Shipping. June 27--Parts vs, Mill and Trim : Tuspection 'vs: Rad. ang Ass'y: July 2-=Office vs. Shipping. Standards vs, Paint. 4--Parts vs. Rad, and Ass'y, Inspection vs, Mill and Trim, and July French theatre-owners are coms plaining that they cannot get tion" and "Tattling." enough talking pictures to show. piled up al. Cieman, covering the distance in four hours 47 shaved more than four minutes off minutes 48 scconds, the record of 4.52.06 set at Philadel- phia last year by Mack Weiss of the vewark A.C. Wciss was entered in yesterdays event, but a leg cramp for ced him to drop out after 24 miles. Cieman finished mile and a half ahead of Harry I. Cla 01 approximately a ark of Boston, whose time was 5.- 14, Winner of 1930 King's Plate Race Cost Owner $1,025 Toronto, May 19.~Aymond, w of the King's Plate, miner cost Mr. Ryland New, his owner, $1,025, he being pur- chased at the persal sale last have th when Hughie Wilson Jack Hutton, both a New, started bidding ot Frank O'Connor dis year, He might not cost that, hut som®ody got eir signs crossed in the New stable and Trainer ting for Mr ainst cach her for possession 'of the horse. A limit of $1,000 was named by Ms New, but th in him' the most coveted race o doesn't kick a time, and the latter e odd 25 bucks at Aymond's case the any extra all and $10,730. Such is racing Heffering of the was represented in the Plate Saturday by Love's M he James Stable race on Here's another angle. Mr, Riverdale Arrow, rs. Livingstone's breeding rse finished 13th, but Mr The Heffer- ing draws down $1,000 as the result of th wonder why the winner pi Aymond's victory, because he was e breeder of the 'witiner., And- they are hard to ck. St. JACK RHY) Andrew's College, Aurora, On- tario, athlete, who broke the standing broad jump record set by H. G. Smith in 1903 in the annual track and field chime pionship. The old mark was nine feet cight inches, while Rhynas eclipsed this by half an inch. $25 got | one of to Toronto on Saturday afternoon and were forced to accept a 2 to 1 setback at the hands of the Mount Dennis United, in a scheduled ma- Jor league fixture, The Oshawa Nats. displayed a complete reversal of form from that displayed last Saturday when they handed the Toronto Irish a de- cisive drubbing. The Nats, failed to work together and their defeat can only be blamed on themselves. The game gtarted prompt on time and the Nats. were forced to face the wind, Mount Dennis for- wards got going early and were soon swarming around the Oshawa | goal hut Boyd cleared nicely with a long punt, Davidson connected but made a sorry mess, when he had an open goal. The game was fast and Mount Dennis were up at {the other end trying their luck with Smith but he saved nicely A | melee around the Nats.' goal saw | Smith again save but he failed to clear and he received some rough treatment while lying on the ground. At this stage of the game a break in occurred and the game was stopped to clear the field, The game proceeded fast, with Sturch taking the ball to the far end and passing to Muir, who skimmed the bar with a rattling shot, Another raid by Mount Dennis saw Vasey foolishly give away a penalty, when | the opposing team was anything but dangerous. Noble took the kick and hit the upright. He rush- ed in to take the rebound and Coll swept his feet from under him This resulted in another kick. tak- en this time hy Simpson. Smith almost got his hands on the hall but it managed to get into the net. The homesters took encouragement and were soon attacking again, Hal¥ time arrived with the Nats down two goals, although the play had been fairly even. id Half Time--Mount Nats, 0, The second half started out fast and the Nats showed clearly that they were after goals. The plays were carried out fairly well but the shooting was wretched. Sturch was fouled when making a deter- mined rush. Brodie took the kick and passed nicely to Davidson who scored the hest goal of the game, The Nats continued to press hard but Sathrang's absence was very noticeable and® many opportunities were lost. The Mount Dennis team played defensive soccer at this stage and continued for the re- mainder of the game. They hoot- ed the ball out on all occasions and although the Nats. pressed hard, they could not pierce the strong defence, and the Mt. Dennis team were successful in defending their one-goal lead. The Nats. certainly had an off day and the display was not worthy of the Major League Champs, All players are requested to turn out for training on Monday night, at 6.00 o'clock at the Stadium, Dennis 2, A tree which exudes an ofly sub- stance having the appearance, taste and other qualities of lard, has been discovered in South America, This . open or our easy Brightens Your Kitchen Lightens Your Work Findlay Electric is a source of petistachion; powerful , - elements; a roomy, b oven tha HARRY D. WILSON 23 King Strest West, Oshawa Findlay Bros. Co., Limited, Carfoton Place, Ontario I-III a.

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