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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 May 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 19, 1930 PACE ELEVEN " where. SSEEIED SECTION, 4 CONANT & AUNIS, BARRISTER Solicitors. Notaries Public. Ere. Con: Dei of i | practice LN south oud ch Ww. = INCLAI C. BA of Commeree Building, JNSEPH 2, . MANGAN, B.A~BAR- rister, Soli ctor. Notary Prati, Gon. { 1 veyancer, Money to loan. © Y King 'St. East, Ochawa, Phos 8 | ee Residence phone R27, 1 ud N Fraser, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete. Otfice over Standard Bank. Rotrance Simsoe St. Phone 13. J. ¥. Grierson, K.C., 7. K. Creighton, Ba. N. O 'raser, B.. LOUIS S. HVMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, * Notary, over Dewland's | Store, Money to loan. 16 Simeoe I'bone 67. street north, 25867. GREER'AND 11 AR- gates Solicitors, ete. 24% Sit coe St. N. Phone 3160. 3M{eonev to loan ALEX U, HALL, B.A, BARRIS ter, etc, Conveyancing and general practien, K'sg S$. Bast. Fhone $337, LL) A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISPER. ete. Money to loan. Alger Bidz, op- posite Post Office. Phone 1614. 1614. FFRANK S.EBBS, --BARRISTER, ete. Alger Bills. Phone 906 Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD = HARPER, Disney Block. Phone 050, Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.10 p.m. Dr. 8. J. Hazlowood, special atvention to Surgery and X-Ray, Jr. B. H, Har per, special attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics. Sunday and night calls 2416 or 122, DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR: geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. Baa corner Victoria St. (Oshawa, Phone 94. DK. GR vit RZRRY, RHSICIAY S . Obsietrician, diseases ery end children, Office and residence, 97 Rond East. Phone 1155. DR Vv RCHER, M.D, CM. DA a Ss. Edinbureh. Surceon wh Obstetrician. Wer Residence specialist in muscle 'Anomalies, eight. an po glasses. Author Chlta_and aiq iq Bs Stain, The velopment, Dis. yd Blase Ahad Fon ottice. (May 15-1 mo) Engineering end Surveying DONEVAN AND SMIT ONTAR- Land Surv and Civil Eagio- ey DOL ys Shnih St. E. Phones 2532] or 2544, ns Undertaking / LUKE BURIAL CU, East, Amb Ambulance, Re; coe street north, idence ¥ Fo \EENY 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Bruce street. Ambulance. Phone DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. 19 King St -wzast, Oshawa, The old- est Pire Agency in via 30 Re putable Fir nies. consult R. N. Johvs, 80 Simcoe north, Your Insurance wants at vented to end your .nterests pro- tected. N automobile, fire, accident. See Holden 92 Simcoe N. oF (May 8-jmo) ---------- Transportation CARTAGE AND STONAGR, COLE man's, 86 Bond West, Specialiste fo furniture moviag, storage ware he use snd moving van equipment. hone 82. CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand ard scinders. Local and long ls:ance hauling. Sith & Cox, Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. OSHAWA'S OLDEST _ ESTAB- lished furn'ture movers. Park Road car age. Local and long distance. Frank le, pies. 65 Yark Rd }] South, A (Apr. 19-1 mo) - All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small arcounts of this nature. ; For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect for same. : "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 bog ey rg re ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT For Rent (4) A {¥] NOL. ern suites including electric retrig. eration, stove, laundry, conven erces, etc, contint' s bot water Work Wanted CONCRETE WORK, CELLAR and . garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel, cinders. Chris Graham. Phone 2621M, (Apr. 29-1 mo) EXPERT UPHOLSTERING ON automobiles and - furniture, The best in workmanship at the lowest or The Trusts wnd Guarantee Co. Ltd, manage: for owner, Toronto. (27th) supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 2671, prices. Note rew address, 4561 Siw- coe South. G. A. Constable. Phone 3432W, (May 13-1 mo) SHARPENING--SCISSORS, KNIV. es, Lawn Mowers, Saws. Phone 421W. We call and deliver, 13) Celina St, E. Bottan, (May 8-1mo;) CLEANED, HAR wood floors polished. Painting, glazing, ete. Sid J nomnas, 292174. ( All conveniences, hardwood Apply Bradley Bros. BRIGHT APARTMENT, tral, four rooms, bath, stove, newly decorated, floors, Possession June 1, Box 655 Times. PASTURE running through (86LH) WINDOWS Tn Balson's 117m) Tolley's Mill, (1121) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL floors, CEN- electric hardwood Apply limes. (11211) FOR RENT,--~CREEK Farm, Apply F A. Von Gunten, North of | 1170) FIVE ROOM BRICK HOUSE, ALL Beauty Parlors 3 6 ROOMS AND BATH, ALL CON- garden veniences, garage, oi chard, WANTED DRESSMAKING, LA. : For Rent FOR RENT -- 4 OR 4 ROOMBD apartment. Phone 25 or apply al 15 Simcoe N, bd (116¢) D keepin" rooms, 307 Simcoe Be Oshawa, phone 237ZM, (117 RE 0 Tv front Fools 4 on ground floor, Every convenience, Apply 147 Oshawa Blvd. (117¢) OR RE and bedroom, Also garage, Av.e, or call 2006J, eee For Exchange FOR EXCHANGB--BIX ROOM liouse on a car. Phone 2730W. 215 Bloor St. LE. (116b) LARGE All conveniences. Apply 273 Grooms , (117¢) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- Wood working plant in Lindsay, Ont. Would exchange for. good farm or Oshawa property, What have you to offer. Call 25 (116¢) Be -' TERE SETIIEST = Real Estate For Sale FOR SBALE--~ONE ACRE, 40 WIL son Road north, $10 down. See Tindall, Brooklin, (116¢) R CA i] AND TEN acres, also vacant lots, Close to Oshawa, Apply 140 Agnes St. Osh. awn, (115¢) TOR SALE--TEN ACRES 17; miles from: Oshawa, good brick house and out buildings, splendid garden-land and orchard. . Price $3,200.00. For further particul- ars see J. A. Bickell, 430 Simcoe Street South, or 328 Centre Street, Oshawa, (116b) FOR SALE--NEW RUG BRICK house, hardwood floors, modern con- veniences, § acre land or more, on Highway east of Oshawa, Will take small first payment, Apply hox 680 Times (1161) FOR SALE--17 ACRES CHOICE garden soll, henery for three hun- dred hens. Good brick house with electric and running water, Price $6000, Lycett, 25 King E. (117n) Near Motors, Im- Phone 2717J. (117¢) conveniences. mediate possession. Personal with light housework or care for invalid lady in exchange fér com- fortable room and board with small remunerziiod, Box 681 Times, GREAT ASHP WILL SOON FLOAT OVER THIS CITY R-100 Expected on Maiden Voyage Early in June London, May 19.=In the early days of June, the good citizens of Montreal, Toronto and other cities may expect to behold the giant bulk of R.<100 floating high above them as she rests with her nose securely harnessed to the mooring mast which the Canadian Government has hospitably provided at the St, Hubert airport. The great airship, last minor repairs completed, ie due to essay the flight from her home at Cardington, near Bedford, about the end of May. This will be the first crossing of the Atlantic by a British airship since R.-34 flew from England to New York and back 11 years ago. For months past the Air Minis- try has been flooded with applica- tions for reservations on this maid- en journey, Every applicant, out- side an extremely narrow circle of officials and technical experts, will be disappointed, There will not be a single "ordinary" passenger, Those folk too, hoping that at least they can send a mail missive to some friends on the other glide by R.<100 on her first trip, will also be disappointed, for neither freight nor malls are to be taken. Ilvery ounce of carrying capacity is to be devoted to absolutely necessary personnel or fuel, True, R.-100 has staterooms to hold 100 passeng- ers, but the designers and navigat- ors have commandeered all this accommodation for their own speci- trip. (6b) Navigability. to be possible within certain specified angles of pitch. (6) The ship to comply with general requirements fag airworthi- ness specified by the Aeronautical Research Committee, 100 Passengers Accommodation for 100 pasgseng- ers, indeed for the navigators and ship's company generally, is all comprised in a *coach', built 'm three decks, slung inside the giant hull of the airship, Between the coach and the gasbags is a double wall of fabric, 'and in this fabric are large windows, The lowest deck is allocated to the crew, and two upper ones to the passengers. The galley is fitted out with elec trical cooking apparatus, On the lower passage decks there is a din ing saloon with 566 seats with an aren of 864 square feet, and a lounge deck in the form of a gal- lery round the dining saloon, the arca of which is 640 square heet, There are 32 cabins containing 100 bunks--mainly in 4 berth cabins, There are cabins on both decks be- tween the dining saloon and the lounge deck on the upper floor, The control car, projecting out- side the "skin! is attached to the main structure, below the erew quarters, the sleeping accommoda- tion for the Captain and officers being adjacent. It would be a long story if an attempt were made to enter into the innumerable tech- nical details of the travelling gear of R.-100, but it may be mentionea that there are 15 gasbags in the ship, the largest having a capacity of over half a million cubic feet, The outer cover is made from linen fabrie. BG ADDITION TO ONTARIO MUSEUM Floor Space Will Be Doubled to Permit Exhibiting of Stored Objects Toronto, May 19.--Additions to the Royal Ontario Museum which will add to (hat organization's building 134,000 square feet or ex- an interesting indication of the manner iA which the coldestorage warehouse operates in stablizing the cattle trade, Tenders for Earth Filling Tenders will be received by the undersigned until five o'clock p.m, Saturday, May 81st, for the refilling of the Toronto and Eastern right-of« way through the Union Cem~ otery; approximately 3300 yards of fill, Tenders may be cither by the job or by the yard, ', EB. HARE Secy, Cemetery Board, HARDWOOD FLOORS Lald by expert wechanics, Old "loor finished like new. Ge. 21 ! Contractors, B. W. HAYNES 101 King St. West Phone 481 - Residence 3073W GOOD USED CARS Are Sold by THE ' ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8. [hone 900 "EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always a ' Boys' Broadcloth | Wash Suits. Special "79¢ | Dominion , Clothing Co. | 08 5 King St Phone 2141 Ff Sin ay 5 CEE FOR RENT | $20,00 | al purpose on the outward Things may be otherwise when R.- 100 is prepared to make the return to England, but on this point all is uncertain at the moment, To Beat Graf's Record On her first trip to Montreal R.- 100 will be in command of Major G, H, Scott, who was captain of the R.-34 when she made her re- turn flight to America in 1919, The outward flight on that occasion occupied 108 hours and 12 minutes, and the return journey 'was made in three days, three hours and three minutes, It is expected that R.- 100 which has an assumable maxi- mum speed of 80 miles per hour, will make an outward voyage in two days and a half, This would easily eclipse the performance of the Graf Zeppelin on its flight from Germany to America, Already R.- 100 has created a new airship speed record by travelling at 81} miles per hour, whereas the highest speed of the Graf Zeppelin was 80 miles, BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Speclalsts In permanent, finger and marcel waving, per manent wave prices $56, $7.60, $10 and $15. All other lines of Beauty flulture, Fhene 2068. Apply 8b Simcoe street orth ' EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman. ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and tham- poo $1. Phone 2968. aes WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop. 9 Celina St. We spe- Lcialize in ' hair -eutt mar- celling, shampooing, facials. arce! 5) cents. For anpointments ohone 2663. (A pi 15-1 mo) APCEL ANI space, $25. Lease. Apply = 2» Nassau street, "(1181) COMFORTABLE BEDROOM, SUIT one or two. Board optional, 110 Athol, Phong 1851) (115¢) FOR RENT SIX ROOM BUNGA- low, hardwood throughout, newly decorated, with garage, Apply 42 Elgin St. (115¢) TO RENT ON BL: St. West, partial conveniences, Apply 34 Elgin strect west, Fo (116tf) MODERN THREW AND TIVE room. npartmenis with bath, Elec- trie stoves, grates and refrigera- tors. Garages and lawn. Apply Apt. 2, 161 King cast, (116¢) SIX ROOM HOUSE TO RENT AT 71 Colborne west. Phone 967J, (116¢) FOR RENT---6 ROOMED BRICK house. All conveniences, Near Mot- ors, fmmediate possession, Apply 274 French St, (116e) N. Phone 3020. Office 142 Simcoe St. North. residence 40 Cadillac Ave. Phone 3150. DR. CO. Wi CARE. "PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Office and rasidence, 513 Simcoe street north. Phone 2416. DR. |. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and residence, 185 Simcoe Street, North, phone 3107, I "Veterinary Surgeon Domestic Ani 203 hibiting -space were announced late yesterday by the board of trustees. Work of planning and building the new wing will begin immediately, The decision to build the new structure which will face on Queen's Park Crescent adjacent to the present building, followed a conference with Premier Ferguson yesterday. Por some time the Pre- mier has voiced his views that One tario"s finest museum has heen drastically cramped and forced to store objects which should have been exhibited, The result has been that the museum authorities have been forced to tighten up their space to such an extent that instructional clnss es were working under a handicap. Many gifts have been offered the museum and the officials have been forced to refuse some of these he- cause of lack of exhibiting space An example of this was shown when letiers were received from Prof, Mercer, at present abroad, by die's dresses. Ensemble suits, children's clothes, and alterations. Mrs. Connolly, 287 Richmond, East. Phone 8005) (Apr. Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 30K WOULD slabs, 5 pe load. Also bose dry body aterous' Meek Limited. Phone os. 109 Nassau St, 267 French St. ,.,..825.00 || 223 Verdun Rd. ..,..$25.00 | 645 Carnegie Ave. ...$80.00 Office in Disney Block, hot | and cold 'water, basin, suite able for hairdressing, Rent | $25 per month, Immediate possession can be had on all. I DISNEY Bond a West. work done at Lf! at 49 Body and fender shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats and general wood work, Phone W. Fry 3395. tApr 22-1 m9) GET YOUR CAR WASHED AT Dominion Garage, 88 Bond Street West, Phone 3108. All cars at one price $1.00, (May 15-1 mo.) BUICK T1928 MASTER SIX SE- dan, $900, excellent condition, Phone 2882F, (116¢) 79 CHEVROLET COACH, AB: solutely Al condition. Phone 717J. (117h) --1927 CHEVROLET excellent condition. Phone 1506M. (117¢) CREDIT FOR $475 or Oakland 23-1mo.) (Apr, 26tf) FOR SALE--RABINTZMAN = CO. Ltd., pianos, new snd used planvs, Also radios, latest models; terws HY Apply C. Trull. Phone 5687. (111-88) FOR SALE-CRUSHED STONE Clips for driveways. Waterous- Meck Limited, Phone 1288. (Apr. 29-1 mo) FOR SALE -- PAINTS, VARN- isbes. We have the largest assort- ment of paints, varnishes, etc. in in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr. 26 in PHON E 1550 DR, : Specialist Diseases mals. Cat and dog hospital. "King W. Tel. 629. (May 1-1 mo) DR. W. D. FORSYTHE, 7.8, specialize lameness, 17 years' ex- perience, Fees moderate. "Phone 2020 2% (May 12-1 mo) Eo Tio Toss Special MAY + B0c, MRS. K. Clurke, 14 Agnes te rhone 2640J. Apr. 20-1 mo) LADIES' GENT'S AND CHILD- ren's hair cutting 25¢. Crosby Bar- ber. Shop, 10 Athol St. West. (11410) Music fio Eat CC Pasiey A Delightful Breakfast Feed FO? SALE Coach in Small mileage. FOR SALE cn Chevrolet DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street: West, Toronto will be at his office ov! Lovel falls, "brug Store ea aturday, frons p.m., for consultation and fo int of diseases of ear, mose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97. a 'Eye, Ear, Nose tnd Thwost R.E. F. Rl SON, CE ERT C. TRENEER, OR- and choir master of King Street. 'United Church will accept pupils io plano, organ and vocal music, For partichlars apply 60 William streec east. Phone 2896. (May 6 to 31) LEON D RICHER, DIRECTOR , Oshawa Colles ate and bie Schools, Studied Gibb St. phone 1984J. (May 6-1 mo) over Mitchell's Dre Store Hours 10 to 12 am. 2 t Evenings by appointment. Ofce: phone \ Residence 432]. EA Cd DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS: eit's. Special attention to X-ray ie 8 ry Nurse in ate traction. Ea : A use 2 0 h irs "Drug Store peri veh Bich Le Phone 54 DR L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, trous oxid n gas for extra.. Dorraus Bice. Roval Xl Bide | : DAVY King St. E. Speci A gas extraction and Lo tis! ation Nurse in attendance. Phones 1243 anc 864. Ex gh N TEN, EXPEKI wi -- a ph shop at "HY Kins Street) West, You ponage is Com TTS 'alterations. 8 tectrie ind Ne t men (lan rance wants 15 a pact te pro tect her avainst a future impAgt.e- 'oleda_Blade, Bui dig TENENT THRLOCKE ¥o insfire' Pro i orcers ir udvi of deliver Ww, Bosrowdale. L'loue 16138. Hg LE TREC SS 8 wi rb Prices Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AU- cossories for ssle, repairs on elec: tric and 'battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re- charged. rental supplied. §1. Phone 8350). Charles Wales, 146 'Elgin 'East; May 8-1 mo) Eh cnarged, 760 called for and de livered. Radio service, airials erect fed. Platt. Phone 15b6J. (Apr, 20-1 mo) ALL MAKES OF SETS, REPAIRED reasonable, batteries re- charged 50c, rentals 2jc,, delivered. Phone 2806W, Geo. Burroughs. s.| Certified Radiotrieian, (May 17-1mo.) S 760 with rental $1.00. Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. (May 19-1 mo) rd . ui, 3 Kung ka, {vie 1614. Hemstitching ~~ AEMSTITCHING NINE CENTS per vard, Pleated Skirts from one dollar up, beautiful embroidery work, uding children's wear all on gale, (Apr. 19-1 ursing VATE HOME cl The Dell Shop, x4 Simcoe Sout! hone 1656. | NURSING TN PRIVAT "Itor favalid or convalescent pas tient, 129 Colborne St. E. Osb- awa, Phone 1916W fTRE DERUMAUXT SPIRELLA representative. Phone 2343J. (May 12-1 mo) SPIR LEA TA GARMENTS FOR Tig hari woman and miss, Phone Mrs. Blatter for demonstra- tion 2189M, (May 19-1 mos, Y JO OAN - FUN for firs: maphs 3, on ol TE FIN, aptly A | Pak ' Vv fators, $10. (May 2 1-mo) Spirella Cn ei 1 tops installed, | . 0, Ontario. (Ape, 20-1 mo' -- neer = 716 =. |. SULLEY AUC fesehold fornitdre sales 'and Farm: SAND, UR storie-chips and black loam, Phone 17783, J. Forrester, 210 Alice street. (Apr, 80-1 ma) J RL S NE ders, black loam. $4.60 per yard. For quality and servjee phone Es- (116c) FOR RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE, lights, large lot, henhouse, garage, apple trees,immediate possession, Phone 332R12. (116¢) TWO ROOMS PARTLY FURNISH- ed, suit young couple. Phone 2717J. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. Apply 270 Ritson Road, South, (116e) gery Bros, 332 r 11 (May 3-1) ELECTRIC SEWING. MACHINE ia A-1 condition, will sell for $60; also reversible baby carriage. Ap- ply_ 203 Mary street, (116¢) ENGLISH STYLE BABY BUGGY for sale, newly refinished, cheap. 600 Christie Avenue. Phone 2816W. LL. (116¢) SAND, GRAVEL, LOAM. PHONE 29067. T. Ogden, 550 Mary St. (146¢c) FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE, in good conditon. Phone 3381W, (117b) month. Phone 3451J, (116¢) TWO FURNISHED. for rent, Also garage. Phone 1236W, (116¢) conveniences, hardwood newly decorated, paved Possession May first, Elgin East, phone 1686.J. (116b) house, floors, street, 31 § ROOM = AND BATH, house, new! dacorated, hot wate Rugs RUGS ~~ SMYRNA REVERSIBLE rugs, 80c to $1 down, 26¢c per week, Tor samples phone 1818W. (Apr. 29 1 mo) 114 Frederick street. (1163) eble tanant, phone 1307. FOR RENT--SUMMER tages, at Bonnle Brae Point, Osh. awa. All convenlences including fireplaces and electric ranges, Ap- ply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa, On- tario, M-May 31) Auto Accessories FOR SALE -- TIRES, #0 x 8%. TWO ROOMS PARTLY FURNISH- ed, for light housekeeping, $12 a BEDHOOMS Central. TO RENT--FIVE ROOMED BRICK Apply BHIOK for summer use, Will rent to reli. cot reasonable ul- Kingsdale (11%¢) car, Oshawa garage, lowance given. Phone 7111, Toronto. Help Wanted--Female WANTED--COOK-GBENERAL OI working house-keeper for lawyers family in Bowmanville, Two adults, Box 399, Bowmanville, (116e) MOTHER'S HELP WANTED AT once, Phone Bowmanville 493. (116h) Help Wanted--Male WANTED--MOTOR HEC TY. Two good motor. mechanics ot once. Must understand Buick mot- or. Apply by letter stating experi. ence and wages expected. Box 679 Times, (116¢) WANTED --TWO MEN, FORK gales vosition. Must be willing to be ' bonded. Apply Mr. Seymour, 239 Dearborn Ave. 65.30 to 7.30 p.m, (116d) = Male or Female Help HELP WANT" MALE OR FE. male earn Upwards of $25 week. ly growing mushrooms for us. Illus. trated booklet * r stamp, Canadian Mushrooms Co., 141 Lauder Ave, Toronto, $3.05; 29 x 4,40, $6.95; Ford Rad. Also auto parts at reasonable prices, Motor Accessory Co. 41 Ying west. Phone 2056J. (Apr. 26-1mo.) Be a i Painting and Decorating. R. GUTSOL 8 perhanger, painting und raining. Prices right, work guaranteed. Pine Ave, phone 3066w or Hoot . J. BR 1 east, painting, paperhanging, dec- orating. sign writing, ° Estimates given on work. Phone 1387J, (May 5-1 mo) Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS =r PORCH awnings, veranda curtaing, canopy Taylor, Teronto. 58 (Apr. 10-tf) A , QURTAINS, " all kinds of canvas goods, Come plete camp equipment for rent. Kos Hardware, phone 2) or 206, Agents tor J. J, Turner und Son, Veter Rates for Classified Ads. First tosertion=-1% cents per word. MinimGm charge 3c, Each subsequent consecu- tive insertion 1c. per word, Three consecutive inser. tions for thy price ol two first {nsertions (three cents a word), Mintroam charge "tor three insertions, 60 ocexts. Box. number 10¢ additional Protessionat or Businens Cards, $3.60 per month tor ¥0 words or less; 10 cents a word per noith for each wudditinna) word, | TIMKS. CLASSIFIED i ADy CONT LITTLE: AG | |i COMPLISH MUCH THELUIHONE 48 an Sha 40 Oshawa phan St. 8 'Osha. to Simeone Special attention given stock and 'mplements. Your Patron: wee sulicited » RRS ~ Hatching eggs. 'MADAME RENA, DALMIST, 348 | 3424W, l= Dancin i Rs "SCHOOL Pets and Live Stock. WHITE LBG iE from carefully DR tod large heavy layers, alter May 1st. All niales from registered stock. Visitors welcome. Geo, Reynolds, Courtice, (Apr, 26-1 mo.) Palmist Beuna Vista, Appolutments, Phone (Apr, 21-1 mo) Room and Board LADY BOARDER WANTED, COM- fortable home near motors, Phone 2016, (1160) of dancing ang pByeical culture. 169 Church Street. Lessons given each evening from ¥ p.m. and on Saturdays from 1.30 p.m. For 'terms call or phone 874M at above bours. . (Apr, 20-1 mo) Roofing "Mill Ends "Factory stock good "Mill Ends" 'Rooting and Asphalt Shingles clearing at sacrifice 'prices,' Satis. faction guaranteed: Eastern factor. R.-100 representts years or more of hard thinking and highly technical and experimental craft- manship, It is interesting to note that the airships to be built in re. cent years under the auspices of the Rritish Government have both been.completed when a Labor Min- istry "was in power. Two years after the War closed, the reduc- tion of expenditure which was fore- ed upon all Governmental Departs ments caused the closing down of the airship branch of the Royal Air Force, 1t was resolved to endeavor to maintain airship construction and operation solely on a commer- cial basie, . From 1919, onwards, various proposals were put forward for the commercial operation of the Government fleet and the construc- tion of further ajrships, The main features of some of these proposals were considered by the Imperial Conference of 1921, but none were finally adopted. In March 1922, fresh proposals were received from Commander (now Sir Dennistoun) Burney. Negotiations with Comm, Burney proceeded during 1922 and 1928. The proposals provided for the carrying out of a commercial company, mainly financed by the Government, of a programme of experiment and research, the con- struction of one experimental alr- whip and, on the performance of one successful flight to India, the con- struction of further airships and the establishmen of a service to India--all ag part of the scheme, When however, the scheme came to be translated into a series of formal contracts, certain techumic- al and financial difficulties impress. ed the members of Ramsay Mac: donald's first Covernment, A cab- inet committee was appointed to reconsider the position, The en- quiry went to show that if airship development was to proceed upon a sound technical basis, it was in- evitable that the Government should undertake the research and experiment which the disaster to R.-38 had shown to be necessary, and His Majesty's Government, 'therefore, decided to adopt the pro. ramme of airship development hich is now being carried out. Specifications Roughly speaking, the cost of butldifig the R100 has been $2,- 500,000. The main technical re- quirements of the contract were: (1) The gas capacity not to be losk than 5,000,000 cubic feet, (2) A speed of not less than 70 miles an hour at 5,000 feet alti. tude to be attained on flight trials, to éxceed 90 tons, (4) Passenget car accommoda~ tion to be provided for at least les Baltes Limited, Box 212, Ham. {ltop, Ont, aos: 111-114-117°120-122-125), 100 passengers, including living and sleeping arrangements ete, (8) The total fixed welghts not | the Board of trustees stating that he had been offered a complete Abyssinian room hy the emperor of of that country and that these and many more objects were forthcom- ing from his majesty as soon as the museum could accept them, The new building will more than double the floor space at 'present occupied by the museum. It will allow of an adequate arrangement and display of the collection of Capadian plant and animal life -ag well as of mineral and geological exhibits. These have grown amaz- ingly with the growth of the young country and will attract much in. terest it is stated, when shown, REMOVE SLAYER TO 'AVOID LYNCHING Brownwood, \ Tex, May 13,==Jo8 the ine i pr his inden! wife and her parents, was spirited away last night from the Brown County jail when officers learned that a mob was forming at Brooksmith, 15 miles southwest. Officers refused to divnlge their destination, fearing the moh would storm the > Jail and dyneh Shiclds, THE A M TARKET | ST ABIL 1ZER Figures recently. published by the Dominion Live Stock Branch af- ford an interesting illustration of the part cold storage plays in the marketing of beef, veal, pork, lamb and mutton. On April 1, 1830, there was 105,320,370 Ibs. of beef held in cold storage, or upwards of a million pounds more than the five- year average. Veal in cold storage 780,000 pounds, above the five. year average, and upwards of 2,- 300,000 pounds of mutton and lamb more than the five-year average was "on the ice." Pork alone showed a decline, there being some 10,600, 000 less than the five-year average in storage. . These figures afford Always Fresh at : Supesios Chain EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in myscle eyesight and glasses. 1516=Phone~151¢ Disney Block + Oppesite Bert Offs / Good Weather | Ahead! ~=Do not lose your care Let me finance you-----Addie tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Room 0, 14% King St. East -- Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Misney-Cott | AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone 1088 Carew | umber Co. 74 Athol 81. W., Oshawa ones 18-1111

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