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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 May 1930, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE p AAALAILE 22 Cnn oan an ' DROWNING RESCUE Colborne, --~Whiie a number of boys were walking along the old CNA right-of-way, 6 year "old Leonard McCatery ot Belleville Who was' visiting "at. Bruce Red- eliffe'y in climbiig the hank at the old cement bridge in the field west of Division Street, lost his balance and fell back into the creek which Is quite deep at that point, Ho was sinking for the 'third time and would have been drowned had not 11 year old Reynard Redcliffe rush- ed back and without divesting any of hig clothing pluckily ' plunged into the water" and ' brought the drowning boy to land, ASK DAYLIGHT SAVING ' Colborne,--A petition from MH 8, Fowler and forty-nine other busi- ness men and ratepayers request. ed the=eouncil to pass a By-Law making daylight saving time effec- tive in Colborne from June 1st to August 31st, 1930, After som discussion and a little time taken for consideration, Mr, Edwards gave notice of the intro- duction of the necessary By-Law, NEW FACTORY Cobourg.~~It is announced that a new industry will locate in Co- bourg. The name of the new firm is the "Non-Glare Highways Limit. ed," with an authorized capital of #300,000,000, This firm has bought the patent rights of a new type of eleatric bulb and brake meter, ELECTED TO COUNCIL Fenelon Falls.-- Foster Kelly was elected by acclamation as town councillor, filling the vacancy caus- ed by the resignation of Dr.) G, C, Graham, who was appointed medical health officer, Do you- Want to Sell Your Car? A number of people are enquiring for good Used Cars. Leave your car with us for quick sale.. Any Make -~Any Model WILSON and HOLLAND GARAGE Formerly West End Phone 8202 108 King W. WORK ON NEW PRISON Kingston.-~The work on the new Preferred Class Penitentiary, locat- ed threo miles west of Kingston on the Bath oad, continues to make rapid progress. Tho first bunk. house is really for occupancy, the kitehen and mess hall is awaltiug erection of the stoves and a start has been made on the officers quart ers, TO VOTE ON LIQUOR BALE Camvbellford--At a special meet. ing of the town council the petition to submit the question of establish- ing a liquor store and also a beer warehouse in Campbellford was considered, The Clerk reported that the petition which contained 329 bona fide names was sufficiently signed and accordingly, no alterna- tive was left fo rthe council bit to accede to the request' of the peti tioners, INSURANCE RATES CUT Gananoque, ~-- Local {insurance agents have received advice from the Canadian Underwriters' Asso- ciation, Toronto, that Gananoque fire insurance risks, except on churches, schools and banks had been reduced 10 cents all round, It is estimated this will mean a redue- tion. in insurance premiums of about $10,000, Following the pur- chase of a new motor pumper and the installation of a new fire alarm system, the Town Council mado ap- plication for a reduction in rates, The underwriters also promire a rerating on schools, churches ana banks in the near future, ENFORCE WEED ACT Cobourg.--At a meeting of the weed inspectors of Northumber- land County held here, a war on noxious weeds was declared in this district, This season will see a rigid enforcement of the Weed Con- trol Act. BUSH VIRE Iieton About thirty acres o! woods near Milford, South Marys- purg township, were swept by fire over the week-end, The fire start- ed on Fenton Dodge's farm and spread. onto John Gould's farm, Fortunately it was checked before it got into larger woods nearby, NEW HOUSES Kingston. -- A number of new houses are in the course of erection in (the city, The frost noticeable activity is on College Heights where work has been started on an excavation for a new structure and another is being completed, Houses are algo being built on Vie- toria street near Union and at the corner of Collingwood and King streets, KICKED BY HORSE Belleville, -- John Rushlow, employed as a teamster, received serious injuries, when he was kick. ed by n horse, He has n deep gash on the head, a bruised hand and injured thigh, The horse kicked Shown here are scenes familiar to the last days of Tom Brown, ah. sconding exqanayor of Stratford, who died in Mexico City, after plunging into the whirl of the bright lights there, (1) Outside view of cabaret' frequented by Tom Brown. (2) Angelina Rodriguez, waitress of cheap restaurant, sv ho nursed Brown during liness that led to his death, (3) Typleal scene of joy-seeking crowds in the Mexi- can cabaret, and (4) another haunt of the late Tom Brown. INHUMACIONES ee Ee ee ee SE | EUSEBIO CAY0SSO| GOFFEE SITUATION AFFECTS JAPANESE Emmigrants to Brazil Are Warned to Cultivate Other Crops Toyko Current over-production of the opinion of the Ministry of Over- scas Affairs, 4 The' roment will ad- vise 'Japanese settlers in Brazil not to rely entirely upon the production of coffee, but ta cultivate cotton, sug ar and other crops as well, They will also be urged to enhance the quality of the coffee they do produce rather than increase the production, Japanese authorities believe that world production of coffee has passed the maximum world demand and that there may be over-production' for some the, Meanwhile intending settlers fromi Japan to Brazil are being warned of the situation and it is reported here that the pumibers of emigrant has been considerably curtailed, ENTIRE VILLAGE IS FOUND GUILTY Belgrade--~The inhabitants of the Serbian. village of Zude,. near. Bel- grade, established a record in Juga« slav criminal annals, The entire vil- lage was charged with stealing wood. The sixtyscight male inhabitants, with their familics, were marched into court under the escort of gendarmes with fixed bayonets, The evidence showed that they had cut down the entire municipal forest and used the trees for firewood, They defended themselves by pointing to the econo- mic distress in the district, The village was found guilty, and the men sentenced to short terms of imprisonment and to fines varying coffee in Brazil may have an import- ant effect on the program of Jap- anese emigration to that country, in from 50 to 1000 dinar (275 dinars are aboutf1), him at least five times before lhe was able to get away, The horse, when it was free, yan out into the yard and attacked a dog. He was passing behind the animal when It lashed out with both feet, ESCAPED EARTHQUAKE Kingston,.--Mr, and Mis. Fred Keeler, of Joyceville have received a cablegram from thelr daughter, Mrs, Dart, wife of Capt, Ceell Dart, stating that she and her husband had escaped in the. recent earth quake and tidal wave in the Vegu district, Burma, in which several hundred lives were lost, RUSSIAN COAL ARRIVEM ~Aboard two freight ers which secured their cargoes from ocean-goers In Montreal, na total of 4,000 tons of Russian an- thracite has been unloaded here for two local coal dealers, Another dealer has a large order In for the same coal, for which there was an unprecedented demand here last winter, Brockville DPR, CODE HEADS ROTARIANS Brockville.~Dr, D. HB. Code was elected president of the Brockville Rotary Club for the ensuing year All A & P Stores will re- main open until 11 p.m., Friday, May 23rd. Closed all day Saturday, May 24th. FINE GRANULATED SUGAR Monday and Tuesday Specials A & P Food Stores are headquarters for the popular nationally advertised brands of gro- ceries (Except Redpath) and for the finest of staple foods. 10 ws. 50¢C SAVE MONEY BY PURCHASING 100 LB. BAG $4.93 A FAVORITE WITH MOVIE STARS Toilet Soap LU2 3 cakes TOC \ FINEST QUALITY uw' 2 tor 35C Pineapples Beef «oox« 6. $1.29 ANGLO BRAND Corned SLICED--LB. 23¢ : FANCY SUGAR-CURED SMOKED B CON Breakfast Sliced n. 20C cs PaciFic = LIMITED, OF CANADA with W. H, Comstock Vice-Presl- dent, and the following directors: D, EK. Lewis, M. G, Dunn, J. W, Kerr, J. R. McCullough, A, 1. Far. quharson and G, Elmer Johnston, H, W, Carswell was reappointed Secretary of the Cléb and J. P, Makepeace Treasurer, TRAIN TELEPHONE INVENTOR FIXED DOORBELL AS BOY J. C. Burkholder Has Had Meteoric Rise to High Place in Science Toronto Sixteen young fellow walked the streets of Loganville, Pa, As he walked he cast an eagor eye towards each dooy of the residences lining the street, He was senrching for work---prin- cipally that of repairing electric door-bells. Occasionally he climbed onto a porch and rang, If the bell failed to ring he knocked, When the householder came to the door he politely handed her a card, "Bell out of order--please knock," in- vited the card, On the other side, It read: "When your bell gets out of order call the Electric Kid." These cards, or at least some of them are among the most treasured nossessions of the latest wizard of electrielty, J, €, Burkholder, chief engineer of the Canadian National Rallways, and originator of the lat esl method of communication two-way train telephone "Old Man of 31" Burkholder is now, according to his telling, "and old man of 3 summers," He was born in Phila- delphia in 1800 and educated in. the publie and technieal schools of that city, He discovered that he pose sessed a mechanical turn of mind, and striking out for himself, he. came an elecirician's helper. At 15, ness for himself in Loganville, years ago, a He RR RR RE CTS and GIRLS Here's Good News Hundreds of enquiries by mall, telephone or telegram have been pouring in dally since May 1st for Free "Anniversary Cameras After muen time and trouble in trying to procure a further supply we have found this supply to be com« plotely exhausted, However, by a special purchase from the Canadian Kodak Co. wa are now able to offer you Boys and Girls who were disappointed, the same No. 2 Hawkeyes Camera af was glven away, in a choice of four colors: Red, Green, Blue, Black, Our stock is limited, but whilo they. last we offer these to you at the very low price 7" oBe For mail orders add 15v please, Get yours today at: The Rexall Stores Jury & Lovell Ltd. "King BE, Simcoe Phone 28 hone 68 Burkholder was- in busi. repaired bicycles, automobiles and anything else, He was especially good on electric bells, This palled after a time, and he taught school, Then he went to a large electrical school at Pittsburgh, At that time many crudial de- velopments were in the alr, Into these stopped young Burkholder, Experiments into new . byways of electrical transmission, either tele- graph or telephone, was meat and drink to him, and he emerged with patent scalps hanging from his belt patents, which he admits, brought him the sum of one dollar each sinee they were for discoy- erles made while on the payroll of these corporations. Joined C.N.R. in 1028 In 1928, he came to Canada to foin forces with the CNR, an chief engineer of telegraphs He developed and preferred the world's first two-way train tele- phone installation, a job which cn- tafled the carrying out of a mult! plieity of experiments and tests un. der all kinds of conditions. Without charts or engineering data from which to work, he tackled the prob- lem of producing a two-way train telephone circuit, hroadeasting the volee from a telephone booth on « moving train to carrier. current wires which parallel the track, from where It is picked up at stations Jong the line and transmitted to points where it" ean be placed on land. wires of the telephone com- panies to be carried to ell parts of the continent and beyond the At- lantie. s Burkholder saw the culmination of many months of hard work re- cently when his newest triumph performed perfectly before an au- dience of the most skeptical peo- ple in the world-=newspapermen The reporters called points all over the continent, and then listened in on an trans-Atlantic conversation, while the train was speeding at 60 miles an hour, CHERRY TREE SAID 1,800 YEARS OLD Tovko--Whoever heard of a cherry tree eighteen centuries old? That is the age claimed for the "jindai zakura" the oldest and big- gost cherry tree in Japan, The tree is sixty feet in circumference and has a height of ninety feet, Its branch. es spread out for ninety feet from east to west and one hundred fect from north to south. WOOD Body Hard Hard Slabs Soft Slabs Cut to Stove Length and Guaranteed No. 1 Dry For Furnace or Fire Place For Cook Stove or Heater For Kindling or Cooking DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines i. A kA Sunroom Dra rr E---------- ~ Verandah Grass Rugs in Blue, Grass Sunroom Filet Nets Morton's guaranteed Sunfast Filet Nets in, shades of rose, blue and arab, makes de- lightful curtains for sunrooms: wide.. Regular $1.25 up. Special, yard, ¥.ouoniiiininng 50 inches $1.00 Roman Stripe A splendid, heavy quality cloth in bright colored stripes, 50 in. wide, for both curtains and cushion Yard 11 sirsesasressarsstri iene covers. -- Rugs Brown and Green oflled designs on natural color ground, Nice firm 'weuve at low prices 54x27 = 48x84 - $1.69 6x9 - - $3.50 8x10 - $5.50 Awning Cloth Blue and grey striped awning for verandah curtains, "Heavy quality material, 30"in. wide, YAY sooo uinsassessssssaiss 55¢ Drapery Silk 50 in. wide, Drapery Silk in Sunfast colors ings in rose, blue and gold. Makes very rich sunparlor draw curtains, Reg. $1.98, Special, yard ot | | 49 sten- Me 50-inch Repp Fine quality English Repps are the choice of many, Makes very rich curtains that als 'ways drape so nicely, Comes 50 in. wide. Reg. $1.10 yd. Special ...... 95¢ Looks smart $1.50 - 50-inch Casement Cloth English casement cloths are very popular for sunroom curtains in colors of Good, firm weave that brown and green. will give godd service. Comes 50 in. wide. Reg. 69¢c yard. Special} yd, Luke Furniture Co. block" to keep blue, rose, QaCh Juels 59¢ Congoleum Rugs Congoleum Rugs suitable for verandahs in small designs, woar well and are easy clean, . dropped designs to choosy from size 6 x 9 $5.75 Slub Repp Very smart slub repps in orange, ved and green, also in gold, blue and rose combina- ion of col Stripe eff 50 in. wider Yard commen 91400 These Mercerized Repps Fine quality mercerized repp with lovely, silky appearance in blue, rose and gold hada ue in, wide. Reg. $2.25, $1.98 63 King St., E. PHONE 78.79 Several i

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