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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 May 1930, p. 3

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PAGE THREE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 19, 1930 Ruestion of New Administration Building xplosion in Brooder Causes "Chicken House ~ On Farm of William Gerrard to Burn Down Neighbor Detected Blaze and Called City Fire Dept. 100 Hens and 150 Chicks Destroyed STRAW STACK, BARN SAVED BY FIREMEN | Abundance of Water in Well Proved Important Factor in Fighting Serious Blaze When a neighbor noticed chicken house in flumes and tele phoned thie Oshawa fire dopari ment, a quick four 1afle run by tha brigade, saved the tarm buildings of William Gerrard from destrne- toin at one o'vlerk yesterday morning, The Gerrard property 1s situated on a side road about a mile north of the Bunset Pavilicn, Despite the otforts of firemen and neighbors, | the large chicken house, together | with 100 hens and about 160 baby chigs, way destroyed, The fire is thought to have been started by the explosion of a coul ell lamp in the brooder, Fortup- ately there was a lavge well ov the farm and the firemen were able to use the motor pumper and Amall hose to advantage In quell ing the blaze, The effectiveness of thelr work is demonstrated by the fact that a straw stack five feel from the chicken house, and uo large barn, five feet further away, wera not ignited, | William Gerrard's residence wns | at no time in danger but had there | not been an abundant supply of water, it is probable that all the out buildings would have been de: Ktroyed with a resulta' © heavy loss In order to extinguish the last embers, the firemen were forced to level the chicken house to the ground, The fire brigade answers calls In East Whitby township under are rangement made hetween the city and the township, A number of calls are received every year and the department has been respons sible in, saving residents of the surrounding. rural! district - from he\vy property damage, What Others Say, JUST GAS Oshawa, May 15th, 1930 To thé Editer Oshawa Daily Times: Dear Sir je Like Ratepayer, | too, would like to have gas in my home, but although the gas mains come partway down our street 1 cannot get the gas, I am told, if J clin get enough own- eis to sign a petition for it, seme thing MIGHT be done, "(How many 1 enough, I wonder)" Why should I, a newcomer to Oshawa have te do the eanvassing, for the P.U.C. il they reallys want pew customers, Yours truly, A HOUSEHOLDER, NAMES OMITTED Through an error three names were omitted from the Mat of prise winners at the Pet Show and Con. teat held on Friday evening, under the ausplees of the Oshawa Hu mane Soclety, These winnera were exhibitors of goats and are as fol. Jows: Clara I'rice, gpecial in class for 14 month old goat, Douglas Deeley. 1st pure brdd Toxdenbors goat, B Barker, 2nd for goat and two kids, ain The New Fordson Tractor A erm both MAY BE PRESIDENT' DR. F. L. HENRY Prominent local dentist whe will de. liver the opening address of the Ontario Society meeting in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto today, Dr. Henry will probably be next president of the society. INQUEST ON DEATH OF MRS. HORRISON TOMORROW NIGHT Husband, Who ls Charged With Crime, Expected to Testify The Inquest into the death of Mrs William Morrison, 254 Kingsdale ave, at noon on Tuesday, April 89 last, will be held tomorrow night 'in the old ¢ity hall, ut 7.30 o'clock, Coroner De. FF, J. Rundle informed The 'Limes today William Morrison, husband of the deceased, who is suspected of the grime in expected to testify at the inquest, Morrison was missing ut the | time tho tragedy wus disgovered but | a search which was instituted located | him lying in a field on the right bank ! of the Oshawa Creek and near Park | road nostly He was bleeding pro | fusely from a self-inflicted throat | wound and was alse suffering from | no quantity of lysol whieh ho 1% sai to have drunk, Although his condi tion was serious he recovered under treatment ut the Oshawa Hospital and last week his condition was such that he could be removed with safety the county fail at \Whithy, following u formal charge of murder which was laid against him in the local po- police court Marrison is thought to have come mitted the crime in a Ait of mads 'ness, The police are said to have ob- tained a statement from him which will completely clear up details oi the deed OSHAWA TEAM WINS INTERCITY TROPHY AT HAMILTON SHOW R. S. McLaughlin's Horses Took Many Prices at Went- worth' Hunt Club Event R. 8, MeLaughlin's team won for Oshawa the Thompson inter-eity trophy at the sixth annual Hamilton spring horse show held last week, A Hamilton team oame second in this event while Toronto and Bugs falo retired, Some of the finest classes of the entige show were exhibited at the Wentworth County Hunt Club arena Saturday night, In the Seas (senior) Trophy, Michael and of 'Parkwood Stables, came second and third re. jpotively, thelr stellay performance nly being eclipsed by t Byng, exhibitied by 1 Higging, In the Walker Trophy for best jumper, Rothmore again took secs ond place, while Puneh, also own. ed by Mr, McLaughlin, ran second for the Masters Trophy, Rothmore, HQtn by Hlaanor Mae rank spcond in the out An milton ontry ridden hy Champ, taking the pre. to t of Lady USTRALIA hed visitor in Oshawa | e week end was Mr. Perey Larke, of Australia, son of the late John 8. Larke, at one time joint roprietor of The Reformer with Samuel Luke; and later Dominion Trade Commissioner to Australia. Mr, Latke was accompanied iron Tordnito' hy hLetbitu Athy Bain and Mes. Bain, The party ed: Mra. Robert arke's ol wie Ar awa for her ith visit in NOTED MUSICIANS School Children Will Present | WHITEVALE COUP their diamond wedding by a retving of the nuptial knot by Rev, J, Moore, who married the couple 60 years ago. Rlodun thelr troth 'anew after 60 of Pickering, and throughout their married life, have resided in the township. Mr, Burton was born in the village and is now in his 85th yoar, while Mra, Burton, who was formerly Lydia Reesor of*Aurora, is four years younger, United Chureh of Canada, and Wed. nesday's' "wedding" will charge of the Ladies' Aid Society, to which Mrs, Burton, for many yoars, has given her services, England are to be famous public schools of the couns 10 and fitted with a cocktail bar ana TO TAKE PART IN LOCAL FESTIVAL TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA STARS TO BE PRESENT Program of Exceptions] Merit When the musical festival of the ublie schools of Oshawa Is held on ednesday and Thursday evenings of this week In the Collegiate audi. torfum, the citizens of Oshawa will have an opportunity of hearing one of the prominent memhers of the Toronto Symphony Orehestra, who are coming to Oshawa especial. ly to take part in this important musical presentation, Each of the | artists coming to Oshawa Is a solo artist of proven ability, and wome of them are well known to radio audiences, The special orchestra will include' Ernest Johnston, solo violinist, bf the Toronto Symphony Orchestra; Madame Gagnnls, of the Amsterdam Symphony Orchestra wolo violinist; Herbert Jennings, | 'cello, of the Scottish Symphony Orchestra; I'rank Carver, bass viol, Toronto Bymphony Orchestra; Al fred Druce viola Scottish Symphony Orchestra, well-known radio artist and George Nownham, xylophone, of the Toronto Symphony Orchen- Look to Dr. Godfrey and Clifford Case; Ferguson . Is Asked by Sinclair Why Try to be Exponent of Political Morality Without "Cleaning Up" These In. cidents? Is Query Put to Premier by Liberal Leader Sinclair--Ontario Libeials Are Supporting King Gov't on Good Record, He Says While Premier Ferguson, posing as a strict pglitical morulist, is denvun- cing Premier King for his "note-as five-centeplece" speech, what is he omg to say ubout the Clifford Case mcident or the Dr. Godirey letter: asks William KE, Ni Sinclair, Ontario Liberal Leader, commenting on the Prime Minister's address at London to Conservatives, ™ The Provincial Liberal Party will wid the Dominion Government be. cause of its beneficial legislation, re- duced taxation and its eforts 10 pros mote increased Empire trade, Mn Sinclumir says, Ferguson Candidates? "There may be u lot of three corn ered fights in Omario," says Mr, Sin- clair, "Premier Ferguson is throwing the whole weight of his Government into the campaign, 'At London, on Friday, he announced that Macken vie King is the lasue==not the tariff. Mr, Bennett, the Federal Leader, was there also, He made the tariff the is« " tra, Thin splendid orchestra of noted musicians wHl provide un excellent background for the program to be | presented by the children of the Oshawa schools, under the direc-| tion of Leonard Richer, L.LAM. | The program consists of twenty numbers, each of outstanding merit, many favorite pleces of Eng Hah, I¥ish and Beoteh music being included in the choruses and solos to be sung by the children, Mr Richer has been securing splendid results In his music classes in the schools, and the musionl festival will give the citizens of Oshawa An opportunity of showing their ap: preciation of the talent which Is available in the elty and Is only waiting for full development, There is a keen demand for the tickets for the festival which starty at eight o'clock on each ovening and for which the tickets are b0c for reserved sents and 25 cents for goneral admission, se, The only way out now is for Premier Ferguson to have a line of 'five-cent' Ferguson candidates yun ning along with the official Bennett candidates Mr, Bennett will have plasty of trouble iu using as a sub ordinate the stormy petrel of the Winnipeg convention "Apvarently the tariff changes, the increased Dritish preference with ws far-reaching benefits, the financial record of the King Government in such contrast to that of the Fergu | son Government, and the general sat isfuction of the people with the King Administration have made Premier Ferguson realize that the weight of his Government need not be used in argunient, but may be vsed to better advantage, und retain its recognized habits, by omitting noise and abusc, The next time Mr, Ferguson speaks where Mr, Dennett happens to be present, he should ascertain the po~ licy of Mr, Bennett, If there is no policy, the present method may have to be continued, What About Nearer Home? "Mr, Ferguson, with his usual pub- lic vehemence, reads a lecture on pub lle morality to the Prime Minister of Canada, He had better deal with the cases of his own Hon, Dr, God frey and Mr. Clifford Case before he will be regarded as a practical ex- ponent of public morality, these men and their conduct today stand condoned in this Province by its Premier, who now proposes to elevate public morality in Canada by attacking Mr. King: Mr. will find that the full weight promised us support is being applied downward rather than forward, so long as the exponent of public morality practises his principles as in these recent in stances, "I'he Provincial Liberal Party will add its ussistance in this campaign, not by picking its own policy as op- posed to its Federal Leader, but by joining with all those who believe that the Prime Minister, Mackenzie King, and his Government have ben fitted Canada greatly during the last ten years, and who, «f returned to power, will increase that benefit hy increased trade relations within the Empire, and necessarily create strong er ties between the Motherland and all the nations within that great com monwealth of nattons, the British Empire, Gratitude for beneficial leg- islation, reduced taxation and a re. adjusted tariff commands the sup. port of the Provincial Liberal Party, which will strive in this campaign t give all the people a Government which will earry these benefits into Legion Corner effect for the good of all" | POLICE COURT WAS REDFERN REPORTED! SEEN AT PICKERING Provincial Constable Mitchell Cannot Confirm Rumor | | A ease which has aroused wide spread interest in Ontario is that in which Miss Rita Gardner, of Baden, | was involved Miss Gardner was found in her hotel room in Mon treal by a chambermaid, having died | from the effects of strychnine pois oning: Miss Gardner left Kitchener | in the company uf George Redfern, | an employee of a clothing company there m order to make a week end trip to Montreal a week ago. When nothing was heard of the couple an xiety was felt for their well being Miss Gardner was found in her room | dead and an investigation at once was begune An uutopsy revealed that she had died from, poisoning. A scarch way Instivted for her companion George Redfern who hud leit the ho tel, where they had been staying, the day before the deceased girl was found, No direct clews of his wheres abouts have been found by the Mons treal police as yet Chief of Police Coulter of Hamil ton, was informed on aSturday by the Montreal police that they bes lieved that Redfern's whereabouts ut that time it was stated. On Saturday a¥report was receive ed by the police at Toronto that a man answering to Redfern's descrip: tion was seen at Pickering on the highway, The man scemed exhausted and was trying to get a lint to Tos ronto, Provincial Constable 1, Mit chell, in whose district Pickering is, stated that he had heard nothing of the Pickering ease, . MARRIED 60 YEARS Whitevale, May 18 Next Wed. nesday Mr, and Mrs, William I, Burton of Whitvale, will celebrate Both groom and bride, who will appy Years together, are natives Legion members in Oshawa are rejoleing over. the complete victory which has been won by their reps resontutives as a result of the eof fort put forth before the special parliamentary committes on pen sions and returned soldiers' prob. lems, The changes provided for in the act are going 10 have a very strong effect on, many of the pens slon claims which are now pends ing, and on which the local adjust. mont officer has boen working for yome time, and while the new leg fnlation Is not to become effective until October 1 next, it will' be well worth waSng for its effects to make themselves felt, At the Legion meeting on Thursday evening next, M, Mcin- tyre Hood, who was in Ottawa al- tending a conference on the re- port of the committees, will speak on the new pension provisions, ana | will explain Just what there effect will bo on the various types of cases that have been put forward on behalf of local veterans, The Legion is truly grateful to its Dominion President, Col, L, ®. LaKFleche, for his untiring efforts for success, and while there has been some disappointment because he was unable to visit Oshawa, the success attained is more than ams ple compensation for that, Since the meeting next Thurs day evening conflicts to some ex- tent with the visit to Oshawa of the Kilmarnock football team from Scotland, and many of the com- vades will be anxious to see this team play the Oshawa Nationals, it has been decided to change the hour of meeting, The meeting will therefore not start until 8,30 p.m. This will enable thosa who wish to attend the football game to do so, and then come direct from the Stadium, only a short distance away, to the meeting place in the council chamber, It is hoped that thore will be a large attendance, The newly appointed sports committee has already been getting down to business, snd will have a report to present at the meeting, A challenge to a softball game has been received from the members of the local Post Office staff and Wt han, of course, been accepted. By "REAR RANKER" Last night four of the Oshaw) comrades wen! attended an open Brock Township branch of the Le gion, Thess were President Georgo Walsh, Vice-President Jumes Aylet, Sorgeant at arms, William Jenkins, and M, M, Hood, Comrade Walsh led In the community singing and ontertained in his own splendid style, while the address of thn evening. delivered by Comrade Hood, dealt with the provisions of | the new pensions bill, There was n nico aitendance of members, the Brock township boys groatly enthused, were A now branch has been organ ized in the district, at Uxbridge Alex Shields, provincial secretary, visited there last week, and organ. fzed the branch which hax a live end aggressive slate of officers, and already has a very creditable mem. bership, We wish the branch every success, and hope that some of the Oshawa boys will be able to visit it ip the near future, Arrangements aire now being made for the Provincial Conven: tion to be held at Yamilton in Aue gust, On {tx present membership, Oshawa will be able to have five delegates to the convention, and it is expected that the full quota will be taken up, Under the auspices of the Im- perial Vetorans' Section. of the Legion, a meéting of ex<Imperials is being held in the Central Legion club rooms, 41 Isabella street, on Thursday evening, May 22. This in expected to be a large and imports ent affair, Unfortunately, it con. flicts with the date of the Osh. awa Branch meeting, but any of the local Imperial veterans who are anxious for information and enlightenment on Imperial prob lems ill be made cordially wel come at this affair, The meeting 's called for 8 p.m,, daylight saving time, a-- The Oshawa initiation team is becoming famous for its splendid presentation of the initiation cere- mony. Anolher group of now mem bers will be Initiated next Thurs day, ten new applications having been nccopted at the last meeting. Both have been prominent in the be In ------------ Ten new engines on a railway in named after ---- Alrplanes fo carry 40 passengers oking room are belng built in! SENIOR ALTAR SERVICE HELD, -------- In the evening service yesterday, the Salvation Army held their Sen. for Altar ervice and a very impres. sive service conducted by En- sign Dixon, The Self Denial Appeal is still being made of the people of Oshawa and those who have not contributed and would like to are asked to get to touth with the © Communding OMcer or wend it to the 'local branch, It ix also reminded that all collectors for the Army have a badge or the uniform and have the official collecting book, signed by Ensign Dixon, » Four pairs of twins who attend a school In London have all 'won \ {scholarships B.B.C. TO HOLD Li Saturday, May #1, is the day on which the staff and girls ot Bishop Bethume College will hold a Gar- den Fete, It promises to be a gala affair, Booths, sideshows, a gym- nastic display, a play, fortune-tel- ling, sodu-fountain and tea, are the attractions, The fete will be formal. ly opened by Magistate J, BE, Jones a % p.m. The school gates open at pw, Army tractors had to drag 3500 automobiles from the mud when they were mired during vaces at Maldyon, England, recently, , Both of Bennett | MEMORIAL WINDOW DEDICATED T0 HARRY 5, SMITH BISHOP LUCAS CON. DUCTS CONFIRMATION AT ST, GEORGE'S Board of Education Attend Service in Honor of Former Membe With {mpressive solemnity 60 young people of St, George's An- gliean Church were confirmed yes. terday by Bishop Lucas, for 80 yenrs Bishop of The MacKenzie River region and now head of the Church Army in Canada, While the beautiful Casavant organ sounded | softly throug the church candi | dates two by two were presented to | | the Bighop for the ceremony of the | "Laylog on of Hands," The Bishop preached no most ap- propriate sermon for the oceasion | reminding the candidates of thelr duties to thely church and of the solemn promises which they were | making in thelr own names and which bad been made for them at | The the chureh doors for the given added thelr baptism, was packed to werviees which was huge to Sunderland and | meoting of the | and | signaficance by the unveiling of a memorial window In memory of the late Harry Shipmun Smith who wus an prominent member of the | church and who was warden in i 1922 and 1923, As Mr, Smith had | many years been a membér of the Board of Education of the Clty the present Board headed by by its chairman, A, W, Bell, attended the service In a body. The window was dedicated by The window whih Is situated on thé wouth side of the church, shows Bt, John, tho beloved deciple, with a book In his hand and a quill pen chronicling the events of the 1ife of Christ, Tt 1x Inseribed with the words "To the glory of (lod and in loving memory of Harry Shipman | Smith, Warden 1922-23, dled Nov. | | ember 2, 1928 | Special musle wan rendered hy | the choir during the service with Goldburn I R.C.0, don, at the organ Mathew Lon- | BUSY THIS MORNING | Liquor Charges Provided a Crowded Docket A number of cases came up for settlement in the police court this morning I'he majority made their | appearance for breaches of the Liq. uor Control Act; All the cases were disposed of with despateh Frederick Roberts into custody on a char was remanded for a | tody to allow the thorough investigation of the case The next case was that of - Frank Cook, charged with being intoxicated in a publie place, The ateused plead ed guilty to the charge and was as 'sessed $20 and costs, The ol Christopher Lamb, for the sane of- fense was laid over for one week, with bail, David Marshall, who plead- ed guilty to the offense of being in- | toxicated was fined $50 and costs or | three manths in jail. It was his sec ond offense, John. Hroczuk, 568 Front street, | Oshawa, appeared to answer a charg | of being intoxicated in charge of a| motor vehicle, The case was not pros ceeded with and the accused was re- manded in custody until ext week, ---- SECOND OF GROUP DIES AFTER DRINK ORGY IN OLD SHACK John Farrell, Witness at In. quest, Succumbs in Orillia Hospital Orillia, May 18-~John Farrell, aged about 70 years, who a few days ago testified that he was one of the three occupants of the Oril- lla Township shack at the time of the death of Fred Sollitt on May 8 after considerable solidified alcohol had been consumed, died Saturday, after nine days of agony, in the Orillia Memorial Hospital, Farrell was suffering from pains in the stomach while he was testifying at the Sollitt inquest, Before the in- quest was over ho went outside to get alr, and collapsed on the court. room steps, He was rushed to the hospital where he hovered between life and death until yesterday. A Sollitt's body, lying on a heap of straw and covered only with an ald grey army blanket, was found by the Coroner, Dr, W, BE, Brown, in a lonely shack near the source of Silver Creek, in Ovillfa TOWHSKIH, Dr, Brown had been summoned by a telephone call from a woman who lived near the shack and who in- formed him that she thought 'some thing serious must "be wrong over there." The jury empanelled to investi. gato Sollitt's death returned a ver diet of "death from natural caus. os," . ' who was taken ¢ of vagraney week, in cug- court to make a case ------ a y Bishop Lucas, | | would be all nonentities, Movie fans are crowding the few theatres in France where the exhibited, while silent have few spectators. - films | talkies | Is Lwe Issue Yd CRE 4 Special Committee Expected To Make Report on Matter at Tonight's Council Meeting JOINS SUN LIFE | | | | time 8S. F. EVERSON Who has become affiliated with the | Sun Life Assurance Co, accord. | ing to announcement made Satur | day. | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE GIVEN TO LARGE AUDIENCE Richard J. Davis Spoke in Regent Theatre Sunday Afternoon Richard J. Davis, C.8,, of Chica £0,, 11.., prominent Christian Scien- tist speaker, addressed a large au- dience in the Regent Theatre on Sunday afternoon, The lecture, which was under the auspices of the First' Church of Christ Scien | tist of Oshawa, was listened to in an attentive manner, Dr. Davis based his talk on the influence of Christian Selenco on health and character, Taking 'mea as a whole, they all appear to be more or less alike, in physical ap- pearance, But without thought they | said the speaker, It ig in the realm of thought that map finds his true likeness to God, It Is from God himself that we gain our true real. Ization of the Christian life, It jx not his physical body or personal appearance that made Jesus the Christ; ft was what he thought, Me thought divinely and Christian Befence declares that it Is what we think that naturally registers our true spirituallity, HUMANE SOCIETY | | | { | | | REALIZED $700 Citizens Were Generous in | Their Support on Tag Day Over $700 was realized in the sale of tags for the Humane Society tay day, last Satruday, Mrs, E. B. Grigg, resident of the society, stated to- day: The society has reason. to be pleased with the generous support which it has been accorded by the citizens of Oshawa and 'it may be pointed out that this is practically the only means which it has of carry ing on its useful and humane work. The organization wishes to express appreciation for the assistance which was rendered by all those who pare ticipated in selling the tags includ. ing the Girl Guides and Boy Scouts and the following teant captains, Mrs Miller, Mrs, Leckie, Mrs, Beaton, Jr., Mrs, Williams, Mrs, Mundy, Mrs, Creighton, Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Penner, Mrs, Haggerman, Mrs, R. B, Smith, Mrs, Caldwell, Mrs, Tait, Mrs, Hen- ning, Miss Mackey, Mrs. Stassick, and Mrs, Bryce. Thanks are also due to T. W. Joyce, manager of the Do minion Bank, and staff, for receiving and counting the money Saturday at- ternooh The Salvation: Army Band, the city police,the judges, the Press and others are thanked for the part they played in assisting the society's pet parade for children last Friday night. SPEED LIMIT REDUCED Scarboro, May 18.---Signs . wii be placed on several streets in the urban section this week lowering the speed rate of 85 miles to 20 mile¥ an hour, The streets included in the by-law are Victoria Park Avenue, Blantyre Avenue, Courcels lette Road, IFalllngbrook Road, Kingston Road to Stop 8 and Dan. forth Avenue to the junction of Danforth Ropd. This is the result of long-continued agitation, INJURED IN ACCIDENT Miss Gladys White, 330 Alice street was admitted to the Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, suffering from injuries received in an automobile ae- eident on King street west near the city limits, Miss White was removed 10 the hospital and placed under the care of Dr. B, A. Brown, She was reported to be recovering nicely this danorpingd sey i 4 Utilities Commission and City Council Considering Erection of Building to House Utilities and City, Offices MAYOR INTIMATES COUNCIL IN FAVOR Matter of Providing Ade« quate Quarters for Police Department Also Before City Fathers This Year The question cf whether a new administration bull@ing will ba built by the city this year for thee accommodation of the various civia departments which are now very Inadequately housed in various of« flces, is nu live fssus at the present and ft is expected that fure ther llght will be thrown upon thy subject when the city council holds Its regular mesting tonight, The public utilities commission was several weeks ago covsidering the purchase of the Y.M.C.A, buj!d« Ing on Simcoe gtrest south for the purpose ol accommoaating its seve eral departments under one roofs The proposal was then made By Mayor Mitchell, ag a menfher of the} commission, that before any action] ¢hould he taken, the elly council might be approachd in order tod ascortain whether it would he wills Ing to join with the commission iw erecting an administration bufld ing at the expense of the commis sion and the city and in whieh ace commodation would be provided for the city offices and the come | minsinn's offices, The utilities commission ex resseq its willingness to meet with he council] and a special sezston was arranged st which the éoun cil appointed a committees to ine vestigate the proposition with the commission. This committees ha been active and it is expected that it will be prepared to present report to the council toujght. The announcment of a new ad ministration building would. Pe welcomed to the great majority of! citizens as it would centralize & vumber of public oifices and pro= vide accommodation which would be adequate, contracted to the al most intolerable conditions under which the city's officials are now ferecd to conduct the city's busi Loss The public utterances of Mayors Mitchell In the past three weeks! have indicated that he is in fayor of a new administration building' And that the council is determineds to take some definite action, The matter of providing sanitary ind adequate quarters for the city's, police department ie also before tho counell and it is expected thay It will make an effort to solve thi problem which has been a soure of vexation to councis of form years. Whitby Man Died Without Heirs _ The information was received frong Toronto this morning that the heirs of Thomas Dennison Henderson, what died in Toronto, zbout two monthy ago, were being sought, The late Mra Henderson in a will, made on July 28th, 1928, intended to leave his ese tate to his wife, Eliza Hen Mrs, Henderson "predeceased hi three quarters of a year, howe and no new will 'was made, Sea by the Public Trustee has, up to i: | Former tailed to reveal any next kin of heirs, It is stated the estate is value at $4,156.83. Mr, Henderson was formerly a re sident of the Town of Whitby for;af number of years, Lately he lived'in Toronto, where he died. ------------ WOMAN HURT BY CAR 0. C. Stephenson, of Courtice, res ported to the police on Saturday that he had struck Miss Carmichael, of 108 Agnes street at the city's main in tersection. Miss Carmichael received slight injuries to her right eye. Ste« phenson was proceeding cast at the time of the accident, Too Late To Classify TO RENT ROOM HOUSE, 0} I gin St... East, Copvenfences, rent reasonable to right party, Phone 1HW, (117), TOR RENT=THREE FURNISH od rooms, electric*siove, bed linen, cutlery and dishes, 107 West- moreland Avenue, (117e), \ Coming Events 8 Cents per word each ime sertion. Minimum charge for each insertion, 8Sec. ROUND AND SQUARE DANCE; Courtice Hall, Tuesday evening. Admission 26¢, Branch's Orches- tra, (11%) HOME AND SCHOOL COUNCIL " Annual and Monthly Meeting in = NIMLCAG Tuesday, 4.16, (1178) CHOSEN FRIENDS EUCHRE Wednesday, May 21st, at 8 o'clock, Top floor Hydre builds ing, 10 games, 19 minutes each, All dnyvitede 2 Allin), a --

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