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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 May 1930, p. 5

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sHE OSHAWA DAILY 1UMES, MONDAY, MAY 19, 1930 PAGE FIVE omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL and Weddings | "REPORT INCRFASF ks corte de |__PERSONAL| jt bus, "CHINA BRIGANDRY | DURING THIS YEAR pre " and polka dotted in dark blue, hoy down the back su Inverted pleat. shows the polkas dots too. PRANETSSES rind Brides grow more bridal eaery day, Now they wear voluminous gown sprigged' with. tiny knots of artifical rosebnds and orange blos soms, If, Instead of a veil, the bride 'wears a hat, one side of it is filled beneath the hrim with # flower cluster, And tiny flowers in a flat crescent vim the front of the 0 E, Gale of Cohourg nd in Oshawa with 95 "Elgin terior, foreign missionaries who live amid such conditions have been com paratively safe. It is true that ban- was the scene of a pretty wedding dits killed at least a dozen Christian on Baturday morning, 'May 17th, at ag hi id ihe Sclook, Margaretta KE, Dan ) 1] e, Bruce street, Osh p treet 1, ' awe became "During the week, the North HERB GARDEN workers during 1929 bit this number | is considered small in comparison the bride of Alfred T, Mills, Osh Lawn Blvd, Miss Hawkes, of Osh ! group of the O,K.8, met at the home of Mrs. Shelley, Oshawa Blvd, and {with the many missionaries in the band the South group at the heme of Mrs, Corvin, Bimcoe Street South, Bach spent a profitable evening pre- paring for future programs, for the Janelle of the order and in a social our, Mrs, ¥, L, Henry, and Mrs, Stan- ley Phillips of Oshawa are among the lady guests at the Dental Con- vention being held in Torontp at the Royal York Hotel this week, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Gerrard of Haydon, were in town Saturdsy h attend the Gay-Mountjoy wed- ng, Mry, Elgin Mountjoy of Maydon, tended the Gay-Mountjoy wedding on Baturday, Mr. Rolph E, Hegadorn of Osh~ awa, formerly of Pleton, is leaving shortly for Honolulu, Hawaiian Is. lands, Those from Oshawa who attended the conference of the 27th district of the Rotary International, at Nia gara Falls yesterday were: Mr, George Hart, president of the Osh- awa club; Mr, Frank Johnson, vice- he -- Saven neediuss of SPECIAL, ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRIDAL OUTFITS AL the THE FASHION SHOPPE #4 Simcoe Bt. §, Sheor Chiffon Full Fashioned HOSIERY MA ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Simeoe St, | ha eu A Ah OS A A] LAWN GRASS SEED Lawn Fertilisers HOGG & LYTLE, Limited Phone 203 awa and M. Gouldburn, of Oshawa, attended the bridal couple. Rev, Duncan Munroe officiated, The ceremony took place beneath a bower of maple leaves, the rest of the house was prettily decorated for the oceasion, Immediately af- ter the ceremony Mr, and Mrs, Mills left on a motor trip and on thelr return they will reside In Osh- Awa, ' GAY==MOUNTIOY One of the prettiest chureh wed- dings of the season took place on Satiedny afternoon, May 17, at four o'clock, in Simcoe Hireet Unit od Chureh, Dora Gertrude, daugh- ter of Mr, Thomas Mountjoy and the late Mrs, Mountjoy of Haydon, Ontario, became the wife of Harold Everson Gay, son of Mr, and Mrs, B, J, Gay of Oshawa, The ceremony was performed by Rev, ¥, Harston, and Mr, J, Renwick presided at the organ for the wedding musie, The bride who was given in, marriage by her brother, Elgin Mountjoy, looked very preity In a bluette chiffon gown, with grey mohair hat and grey kid shoes, She carried an attractive shower bauquet of sweetheart roses and Hiy-of-the-val- ley, Miss Evelyn Gay, sister of the groom as bridesmaid looked charm. ing in a figured chiffon frock, and black hat, Her bouquet was of yel low rowes tied with long streamers of yellow ribbon, Mr, Charlie John ston of Madoe, acted as hest man, Following the ceremony there was n dinner party for the members of the bridal party at the Faleon, and luter in the evening the bride and groom left on a short wedding trip, On their return they will reside in Oshawa, Although there were nn invited guests at the church, a larga president of the Oshawa club; Mr, and Mrs, Leo Gray and Dr. and Mrs, Stanley Phillips, Sunbeam Chapter of the Ovder Qf the Eastern Star held its regu- lar meeting on Thursday evening, Jast, Mrs, Chloa Brown, Worthy Matron, presided, At the conclusion of the business session a most en« Joyable program was staged, Missos Langmald sang two delightful duets, Miss Beulah Walker, also sang with her usual sweet tone, Recitations were given, The outs standing event of the evening was a clever little gentleman of flye years, who played the snare drum accompanied at the plano by his mother, Mrs, Morgan, "Teddle" al- so sang "Little Pal" Miss Madge Hannah, In appropriate costume danced two Bohemian numbers, Mrs, Hannah presided at the plano A very hearty vote of thanks was extended to the artists of the evens Ing, The program had been arrang- ed by Mrs: Karl CHff and Mrs, John Coleman's group served dainty re- | freshments, Ne Special Utensils Needed sor this «a decided improvement over powdered dyes, Ha unusunl cleanness helps make Sunset the most satisfactory home dye today, Por all fabrics use SUNSET ~ DYES MADE IN CANADA Clean Dye old-fashioned fest ---- The photograph heve shows R, Y. Katon, recently appointed honors ary Heutenant-colonel of the Gove. ornor-General's Body Guard, and Mrs. Eaton, who were the recipe number of friends of both the brids and groom attended the wedding, BRAUND==BARKER A quiet wedding took place Hat urday afternoon at the St, Andrew's United Church parsonage at three o'clock when Mildred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Darker, 524 Leslie Breet, Oshawa, became the wife of William John Braund, son of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Braund, Gibb Street, Oshawa, The couple was married by Rev, ¥, Maxwell, The bride in a frock of royal blue chit fon looked véry charming, She wan attended by the sister of the groom, Miss Dorothy Braund, who also wore blue, Cameron Cox of Oshawa, acted as best man, The wedding guests numbered 10, Following the ceremony a dinner party was given at Sprucevilla Inn, in honor of the bride and groom, who after a short wedding trip will reside in Oshawa SEVERAL INJURED IN MONTREAL RIOT ZION NEWS Montreal, ~The police fram four stations had a hard time for a full '| hour quelling a riot that ended in injury to several persons and caus ed the detention of two others who were arrested as agitators against two bailiffs who were making » noleure, Edmond Dufochor and RB, Miron exqouting a seisure at 104 Roy Street, were the two men who en gountered the hostile crowd bent on obstructing the bailiffs in the performance of thelr duty, A gen- eral fight started. -- Hun reds of Smart New Hats For the 24th of May All the new styles shown this week for the first time--Mo- hairs, stitched crepe and taffeta hats, On sale all this week at these two very mod: erate prices, Brimmed | Close Fil ! » Matron Models Picture Hats Scoop Brims. ----r THE COLORS White, yellow, Orchid, sand, green, blue, navy, black. Special! 78 Hats--Tomorrow Only A clearance of smart hats out of stock, Misses' styles mostly. The straws include Toyos and Viscas, ents from aware veteran employees of the T. Eaton Co, of an Hlumin. ated address and magnificent hous quet of roses, respectively, to mark the occasion, A sword was also | presented to Col, Katon by Major. Gen, Ashton, O.C, Toronto district on behalf of the veteran employees. rts me aa---- | WOMEN'S CORNER] AT MIDNIGHT | Thou the key upon our| thoughts, dear Lord | And lel un wleep; Glve um our portion of NOEN, Silent and deep Turn forgetful Lay Thou Thy quiet hand upon our ayon, To olose thelr sight; Shut out the shining wars, And candloslight, moon and Koop back the phantoms und the vielons sad The shades of grey The fancies that so haunt the hours | Before the day Hithe he time-worn questions that are all | Unanswered yet: | Take from the spent and troubled souls nf us Thelr vain regrot | Quiet t lead us far into Thy #kilent land, That we may go Like children out across the field of dreams | Where popples blow And Thy saints and all sluners, toon Wilt Thou not keep Since not nlone unto loved Thou glvest sleep' So all thy well be Virna Shegrd | WOMAN, AGED 103, | HOES THE ONIONS | WITH GREAT ZEST Camden, N.J==Gearge had the biggest surprise of his cen sus taking job when he approached | a woman swinging a hoe along on fon rows and asked her name and age. "She is Mrs. Mary Chimnesk) and she is one hundred and three years old," stated her daughter, wh | acted as interpreter, The dawghter, Mes," Martha Or liek, sald she wus 68 herself, "Moth. | or," old, for she was born in German Po land In 1827. "Hut she is the equal of a man on our farm. We work it alone. | had seven children, but they have all left. We are héth widows and moth er ix busy all the time. She chops wood, 'milks two cows, cleans' the chicken house, curries the horses drives to town and helps me fill in the low land to reelaim it for crops "She likes lots 'of meat and eggs with her meals, You sce, she has most of her teeth" Mex, Chimneski and her husband came to their little farm on Bell Road in Bellmawr, eight miles froni here, about 47 years ago. They had four children, but all are dead except Mrs: Orlick, Mrs, Chimes nesky has sixteen grandehildven and three great grandehildren, Saunders MILE OF ROAD WILL COST TEN MILLIONS Chioago.~-A mila of pavement, that will cost $10,000,000, is under construotion to lnk up Chicago's 20 miles of lakefront superhighway, It will connect the north shore drive with the south park boulevard Avaten, Thin. link, spanning the Chicago river, a ship canal, rails road yards .and docks, ia expected to take 60,000 cara daily from over burdened' Michigan boulevard, Objection of féderal and state ~ I with a brush pild suds, using a ely | with | sugar, A teaspoon salt, | apoonm | dod | governments and scores of privite | NOW | south, and 4,700 numbers on the she deelaved, "is all of 103 years | CLEAN SHADES If your window shades are of the washable varlety, and many ure, Iny them flat on a table and serub If they ure not wash- off the roller at homs at that end, and turn them upside down far the next year's woar, They will look Hke new because the snd near the roller 1g seldom soiled, culny motion able, take them the top, mnke FRUIT CUP Is better to start a sum- mer meal than filled grapefruit, Cut grapefruit evenly, remove all pulp and juice and chill shells, Fill plecen. of grapefruit from which all the skin Is removed, die. od fresh pineap- ple Nothing strawberries und UPSIDE DOWN CAKE In a cold frying pan place 3 tablespoons butter and 1 cup light hrown Kuga Melt these and add 4 ripe peaches, peeled und sliced, Pour over this a batter made of one oge beaten, 4 cup Hght brown 1% cup hot coup flour and 1% tow Waking powder Mix egg, sugar und salt, Add milk, Stipe in flour to which baking powder Is ad. Bake 830 to 40 minutes, When buked turn upside down on large platter, Herve hot with whipped | roam or sauce Mrs milk, 1 Win, Kalner, Milwaukee, owners were overcome, Permis plon to erect a viaduct over land and buildings was obtained, An engineering problem was to cut through a row of old warehouses, The non-stop lakefront highway renches 6,600 street numbers north, Within the next three yoary it will reach Evanston, the north. ern oity lmit, Two parties, of 700 Australians onch recently Started on a 24,000 four to Europe and veturn, Et --.---- Skinny Men Gain 5 Lbs. in 30 Days Feel Superbly Healthy With Marvelous New Vitality and Strength or Money Back! McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab. lota==no rleh in healthspromoting, invigorating and rejuvenating eles menty--=that's the wsooret how so many thin, anemic men ave adding sturdy, rugged flesh on thelr peramny frames-~how they're bullding up amazing power of ens durance, great vitality and energy, Cod Inver Kxtgactives have heen preseribed for years by world's greatest medical authori ten for rundown, weak, nervous men, women and 'childven, The great energising, fleah-add- ing and health-regulating. sub- stance, found most abundantly in the livers of the lowly Codfiah, has been extracted and put into de. lightfully pleasant and palatable. sugar coated MeCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets, 60 tablets cost. only 60 cents at Jury & Lovell, 7, B. Mitchell, W, H. Karn, or any drug store and if any skinny man doesn't gain at least § pounds in 30 dayse=his In Some Districts Half of | neross the | exacted Population Have Become Outlaws Shanghai = Church, press and con star reports indicate u considerable increase in banditty throughout China during the first months of this year, In some districts it is esis mated thut mare than half the total population mw engaged in tooting and plundering their neighbors as the last | means of obtaining a living, Civil wir, famine and the coldest winter in yewrs are the chief causes of the wire, In the South China province excessive taxation is the principal force that has led the people to take up banditry while In Central China | and in the north, the war, starvation | and cold has served to drive huge hordes of men, women and ¢hildren country, robbing and de stroying as they go "In northern Hupeh a night seldom passes but what u village or farm wend goes up in flames," reads the report of a mission in that "I'he price the bandits have levied in human lives muy never be known but the deserted and barron countryside wives mite evidence of the high toll In he rovinees of Honan Shangtung und Kwangsi, similar con ditions exist, Here, the reports in dicate, country people have joined forces with the solder gangs and ar engaged in robbing and plundering the homes of their neighbors, "In the famine areas of Kansu and Shensi, provinees bgnditry has at- | tuned alarming proportions. An oth erwise rich agricultural region, this part of China is now one of the most desolate and barren places in all Asin," North Manchuria has also surfer ed heavily from the recent spread of banditry The recent Sino-Russian | dispute turned the attention of the government troops to warfare, leay ing the country an easy prey to rob her hands, Now that the dispute with the Soviet has subsided the fas ian army is again directing. its at tention toward bandit suppression section den mer"? thyme, ' lemon flavorings that cooking and your beverages, shorts blouses, for tennis and put on the skirt for e Why not plant a little herb gare in your hack yard this sum: You can grow mint, fennel, verbena and other Kive tang to your) | TENNIS SUITS Intest tennis sults have | and skirts und tuck in You ean take off the rir The ountry club wear afterwards, A navy blue erepe froek ix made with a front panel of light blue | OHONE 378. NEXT Ih ( Keep awake slipper ton, like as not, re KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE THE POST OFF IC) ee --.--- Drowsiness is dangerous. Weary miles seem shorter and the day is brightened when you have Wrigley's with you. Its sugar peps you up. Its deli. cious flavor adds to any enjoyment, -- -- --_--__--_--_--_ aa A o ton, Ontario, to express " ing up to this ful de (4 TRY 6 : j.Y Td - etterserve! the women of Canada ThE builders of Coffeld Electric Washers seize this opportunity, on the occasion of the opening of their mew factory at Hamil. to the many thou sands of Coffield users throughout Canada, their very sincere appreciation of the good. will extended to them during the years lead. Coffield Organization, These developments have been reater d of quali Coffield" Electric Wi even ant next week's washi made to even better serve the women of Canada: The new facilities will enable the makers to build an into the guar ors. Free illustrated literature will be sent you on Write or telephone the nearest Coffield branch for a demonstration on your reo of charge, THE COFFIELD WASHER COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Factory and Heed Office: HAMILTON, ONTARIO Branches and Warehouses! Trontsaiontuat, Winnipeg, yv V . Regina, A New Head Office ond Factory, HAMILTON, ONTARIO PHONE 1075 money back, Sole Agents 70 SIMCOE ST. N. A five cent package is safety insurance Bowra Electric Shop

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