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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 May 1930, p. 8

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/INS THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 19, 1930 FOX WINS KENTUCKY DERBY BA ymond Leads All the Way "To Win Historic King's Plate Aymond Leads the Field at Every Post--Whale Oil . Mskes Gallant Bid for Honours, Bit Finishes Second With Ichitaro Third--Large Crowd At. tends Tordhto, May 19.-~What an epic of' the turf! Not like last year's thrilling win by Shorelint, nor like other races that have gone before, but nevertheless a victory that shows the uncertainty that exists, and will continue to exist, in the sport of kings, That's just how it happened at Woodbine Park on Saturday when Aymond, wearing (he scarlet and white colors of Ryland H. New, made every post a winning one In the seventy-first running of the fdstoric King's Plate. He wasn't a pre-race favorite by any means, but what did it matter to this gal- lant son of Roselyon and Ablaze! It was his day, his opportunity, and he did not fail, Last year Shorelint, who got away from the barrier in sixteenth position, overhauled the flying speedsters one by one and flashed doWn the stretch to register a sen- sational victory, On Saturday it was vastly different. As in 1920, eighteen horses faced the barrier and most of then , were very fractious, They milled around, ap- parently nervous end unmanage- able. Granite Rock, most unruly of them all, broke away for oné-quar- ter of a mile gallop and then tried it all over again, All Get a Chance He wasn't the only offender. Many of the thousands of race- goers became impatient, So did those jockeys who had thelr horses well under restraint, but "Mars" Cassidy would not be hastened, He was determined thac all would gct a chance to win the rich prize and Canada's greatest racing event, But it was not until thirteen minutes had elapsed that the barrier went up and they were on their way. And a roar went up from the throng, "They're off." Down to tha judges' stand they thundered us the jockeys strove to get the in- side track at that first turn, but Aymond, superbly ridden by Henry Little, had shoved his nose uot in front as they leaped away and al- though he was directly in the mid- dle of the course he had "foot" enough to get there and grab that vail position, his achievement being ruinous to the chances of the other competitors. Had he failed there might have been another story. : Whale Oil's Great Race Whale Oil; wearing the Thorn- cliife colors, went past the stand in second position, and after rounding the first turn made & courageous attempt to overhaul the gelding from Oakville. Along the back stretch he drew up so close that he appeared to be on oven terms, and thus they raced around 'the last bend, and straight. oned away for the dash to the fin- igh line. It was then, however, that Aymond showed his nettle, Accept- ing the challenge, and still hugging the rail, he seemed Lo travel aster than ever, ard he "pounded in" a winner by a length, the time beicg 1.57 1-5. It was a two-horsa race, Whale 0i1 beating Ichitaro by two lengthy to take second place. Ichitare car- ried the heavy Iimpost of 23 pounds, but made a "game" effort to overhaul the ' leaders. 'Vestip, coupled with Aymond in the R, H. New entry, was outrun early, but evuentully © worked his way up lo close with a great burst.of speed and tock fourth position. The Sea- gram horges and Varsity, from the Thorneliffe Stable, were never prominent, Pandorous, of whom much was expected, was a disap- pointment. RED ACES PRACTICE The Red Ace Juveniles will hold a practice at Alexander Park to- morrow night starting at 6,30 p.m, Everyone is asked to be out, Oshawa Golf Club Active Handicap Sweepstakes were the or- der of the day at the Golf Club on Saturday and attracted a latge cgowd of competitors. A cold wind made playing conditions rather unpleasant and low scoring difficutt. As a con- scquence few of the cards turned in were a true index of what the play- er really could do. Following are the best scores received, E. Henry ...... A, Kincaid ....... R. Stephens ...o000 D. B. Carlyle vviv0ss S. J. Scamell ....... R. M¢Nab ..... Yatee T. R, Caldwell ...... F. Carswell .. A. Smith G. Pinner ...ccoevvere R. 8. Morphy . R. Sinclair M. Kettlewell cov00se H, Pounder Js King...» C, Cattran siseveesss J. Gordon .... 102-2280 C, 8S. Cunningham ., 102-2280 On Saturday, May 24th, the quali- fying round for the President's Tro- phy will be held, The 32 lowest net scores will qualify for match play Alan Phillips is convener. and a large entry is looked for, The President versus dent match, which was postponed, will be held on June 21st. Will mem- bers kindly make this alteration on their fixture cards? National League DODGERS TAKE LEAD Brooklyn, May 19-The Dodgers reached the top of the Nationa!' League standing yesterday when they twice defeated the Phillies be. fore a capacity crowd of 80,000 here. Their three rivals, New York, Chicago, and: St, Louls, each got even breaks for the day, Alded by perfect fielding support, Jim Elliott scored a five-hit shut- out over the Phillies in the first game, which Brooklyn won by 8 to 0. Homer uns by McCurdy, Sig- man and Klein in he second con- test failed to overcome an early Brooklyn lead, and the Robins took that 'one, too, by 7 to 6. Coming from behind In the late innings, of the second game, 'the Phillies knocked Babe Phelps ou! of the box In the ninth, Watson Clark velieved him and disposed of two Phillies pinch-hitters,. but Thompson walked, bringing up the dangerous 0'Doul. 0'Doul hit a terrific line drive, but Bissonette ended the game with a diving catch, vie 85-16-69 86-13-73 101-2774 87-12-75 99-24-75 83« 776 94-17-77 86- 8-78 88-10-78 92-14-78 89-10-79 104-2579 106-2779 94-14-80 96-16-80 97-17-80 GIANTS WIN IN ELEVENTH New York, May 19---It took el- even innings Sunday for the Giants to gain an even split with the Bos- ton Braves, losing the first game, 4 to 1, and winning the second, © to 2. Fred Leach's double seat Marshall home with the winning run in the second game, Carl Hubbell blew up, and three singles in the eighth and two in the ninth, tied the heore, Mel Ott nit his sixth homer with Terry en in the fourth, to give the Giants a two-run lead, only to have Hubbell blow fit, In the first game the veteran Tom Zachary, a former Yankee, though hit hard, tightened in the pinches, and turned in his first vie- tory for the Braves in the National League, Marahall's double and OPENING GAME SENIOR ,acrosse oo' © ST.SIMONS Toronto's Cholce w vs. GENERAL MOTORS Dominion Champions . ™ WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st : ALEXANDRA PARK W iy Li permission of Lieut, Col, E. C. Hodgins, The On. Regimental Band will be in attendance. ADMISSION--80c 'Opening ceremonies 5.45 pam. rik Came stares 6 p.m, sharp | "KEED" CHOCOLATE Vice-Presi- | Demand Z1G-ZAG and HURT IN ACCIDENT rm Nyack, N.Y., May 19+~XKid Choeo- late, Cuban fedtherweight, was bad- ly bruised in an automobile accl- dent near here yesterday afternoon, An X-ray examination at the hospi tal last night showed that Choeo- late had suffered no bone fractures and would be able to box again in about a month, He suffered severe hrulses to his left leg from knee to the hip and several cuts and abrasions, Includ- Ing one rather deep cut on his chin, Dr, George Lightner of Nyack Hospital, where the Cuban boxer was taken, "sald that Chocolate would have to remain at the hos- pital 'for 'three or four days, Chacolate will be forced to ask for a postponement of his mateh with Fidel LaBarba at Madison Square Garden, May 28. International "League RED WINGS WIN Rochester, N.Y., May Rochester's Red Wings ran thelr gireak of victories to nine hedw yesterday by defeating the Jersey City Black Cats in the series open- ed by 6 to 4 in ten Innings. Rochester tallied in the final frame when "Collins 'drew 'a base on balls, wes sacriticed to second by Howurd Williamson and was sent home on lLucas's drive through deep short, Plitenger, Gillis and Jorvgens found Berly for three hits each, but the Red Wing moundsman was strong in the pinches, 19, BIRDS BEAT BISONS Buffalo, N.Y.,, May 19.- Buffale Bisons suffered then fourth consecutive wsettack here Sunday afternoon when the Daltl- more Oricles walked away with the opener of a four-gaine series by a score of 7 to 4, Freezing weather kept the crowd to a handful, Ike Danning, Baltimore catcher, | 'n the eighth inning hit a homer over the left-field feuce, scoring | two motes ahead, Hauser also poled a long homer cver the right- field fence. The ROYALS ! IBLE KEYS TWICE Montreal, Que, May 19.---The Royals moved back into fifth place yesterday by capturing both games of a, doubleheader (rom the Read- ing Keystones, 4-2 and 4-1. Martin Griffin huvied the first contest and ¥ S "Junior Leag League Opens Tonight The Oshawa City snd Industrial Junior: Softball PORT SNAPSHOT! League will open fonight, (weather permitting) at Cowan's Park, at 645 pm, sharp, The Duco Boys and the Parts and Service are, the two junior teams who. will. meet in, the opening game, » W " » Duco Boys' Juniors All members of the Duco Boys juniors' who received certificates from the team manager, are asked to be at Cowan's Park, tonight at 6,30 shafp. The Duco Boys play tonight in the junior league opening game, "oo * LJ Oshawa Tennis Club Opening The Oshawa Tennis Club did. not hold their opening on Satur- day as was scheduled, The heavy rains on Friday night interfered and the courts were not in the condition desired. The official opening will be held next Saturday. » » 0.C.LAA, Ll ¥ Meeting A special meeting of representatives of all teams entered in all softball leagues of the Oshawa City and Industrial Athletic Associa- tion has been called for tomorrow night. The meeting will be held at the YYM.CA, at 800 o'clock. All teams are urged tg have their representatives present, Important LJ » business is to be brought up. 0. "Killies" Arrive Tomorrow The Kilmarnock Scottish soccer team will arrive in Oshawa, from Montreal tomorrow afternoon' at 515 pan, Soccer Club have arranged to meet w " The Oshawa Nationals the party at the station. . 0» Oshawa City Win The Oshawa City Soccer Club broke their losing streak on Sat- urday afternoon when they defeated the Ontario Hospital team, by a score of 4 to 3. focals., Lobban got the first goal, Ernie Dunstall scored three of the four goals for the Now that the City has broken into the win column, they should do much better than they have been do- ing LJ * A * G.M.C. Softball League The General Motors Inter-Department Softball League iy ready to go. The first game will andra Park. Friday nights J * now be held tomorrow night at Alex- All games in this league will be played on Tuesday and * * Oshawa Nats. Lose ikept the Keys' eight hits well scat- tered, while Buckalew gave up but three «afe blows 'n the second | contest, The Royals got hut seven hits of! Greene in the first game, hut five of them were doubles and all of them were timely, Haines won the pam with a double in the seventh, scoring Niebhergall and coming home himself on Kiasovich's error on the throw in. Conley's two-| bagger with Bucka!ew and Haines shoard fn the third won the night- cap, Conley was the hitting star of | the afternoon with three doubles. | | Lindstrom's pingle scored the only | Glant run, Bill Walker, on the other hand. | allowed four hits, but' the Braves | were more timid, A homer by Geo, | Sisler tied the score, while Ber. | ger's sacrifice fly sent over the win. | ning run, He alge pounded a 485- foot triple to send in an extra tally, while Olark's single scored him, CUBS SNAP CARDS STREAK St. Louis, May 19--The Chicago Cubs snapped the Cardinals' wine ning streak at 9 by taking the first game of a double-header here Sun- day, 9 to 6; but the Red Birds came back to trounce the cham- pions 'In the second contest, 8 to 2. The Cubs, led by Hack Wilson, who got two home runs, hombarded Johnson, Bell and Frankhouse for 16 hits to take the first game, Root held the Cards in check until the eighth when he was the vietim of a rally that netted four runs, but fall short. In the night-cap, Jess Haines won hig first game of the season striking ont eight batters and al. lowing only* six hits, while the Cardinals were hammering Sheriff Blake. Check Hafey 'mot a home run in the fourth with two on, Jim Rottomley played in the second ame after having been ont about ten days with a sore thumb, V/A WA RY Lump Rr (© "Roll Your Own" 5'Book of 120 Leaves bi pg Go ena get 120 Leaves The Oshawa Nationals failed to play their usual brand of soccer on Saturday afternoon in Toronto and they were forced to accept de- feat at the hands of Mount Dennis United. The score was 2 to 1 Chris. Sathrang's absence was noticed and while the Nats. played fair defensive soccer, they failed to get eénough goals themselves to win. * \. » LJ Lacrosse Opening Wednesday . A great deal of interest is being shown at the present time in the O.A.L.A. senior lacrosse opening game, which will take place at Alex- andra Park on Wednesday night of this week, at six o'clock sharp, The locals have been practising hard, and they are ready to take the field. A large crowd is expected to attend the game, in order to see the Mann Cup champions in action, in their first game of the 1930 season ¥ » . . St. Simons Are Strong The St. Simons' team, will be one of the strongest senior lacrosse teams to ever come out of Toronto As there is pnly the one senior tear entered from Toronto, the Anglicans have practically the choice of the entire city and judging from their probable lineup, the champions will have their hands full on Wednesday night, . Many of the players out with the Anglicans are known throughout the lacrosie . who are world, as experts at the game. NM \d LJ LJ Parts and Service Win As was predicted, the Parts and Service intermediates made it very tough for their next opponents when on Saturay afternoon they trounced the Phillips' intermediates by a score of 21 to 2. The heavy slugging of the winners featured the game, This Phillips aggregation has a real snappy infield and a couple of smart outfielders. If they possessed a better battery, they would be able to give any of the N other teams a real run for their money. [J] - LJ » Columbias Defeat Black Cats Alas for Murray Johnston--Jack Cotter is certainly making life miserable for Murray since the Columbia stepped into the Black Cats on Saturday: afternoon and defeated them by a score of 14 to 7. One extra bad inning spelled defeat for the Regiment. The Columbias gath- cred eight runs in the fourth and the lead was too great for the Black Cats to overcome, * Ad * . Aymond Wins King's Plate Before a large crowd of followers of the "Sport of Kings," Aymond led the entire field at every post on Saturday afternoon to. win the 71st running of the historic King's Plate. While Oil, picked by many to win, finished a close second, while Ichitaro came in third. supporters, on Saturday. afternoon Gallant Fox Wins Derby Gallant Fox, the favourite, justified' the confidence of its. many when it 'won the Kentucky Derby. The world famous jockey, Earl Sande, rode the winner. Toronto Leafs Take Fall 'Out of Newark Bears 12-3 Newark, N.J., May 19.--Steve 0% Neill.and his Toronto Leafs blew ine to town for a one-day stand and en- joyed a sumptuous feast of Bear meat putting 'the skids under Tris Speak- er's clawless Newark Bruins to the tune of 12 to 3. The Leafs, they say, are weak with their bludgeons, but they were anything but' that yester- day. To start with, they drove Carl Fischer, the Bears' young southpaw ace, from the mound with a barrage of hits in the second and third in- nings and then continued to slam the offerings of Al Jones and Eddie Cur- roll to all corners of the lot, climax- ing a 12+hit' attack by scoring seven runs in the final inning. , Kyle Graham, who also tamed the Bears on the Leafs' last visit 10 Nes wark, was on the mound at the start and went 'along in his usual breery fle ty the eighth. Starting in nning he walke anager Speaker, who was making his debut in "the Newark line-up. The Leafs were not taking any chances and Graham was ional yanked in favor of Guy Cantrell and the speedball king got by without any serious' trouble," Shinners Drives in Firgt Run whe Bears wert the first to break the ice; putting' over one run in the opening canto on a' twosbagger hy James and a single by: Ralph: Shin. mers, former Toronto stars Thalt ones Tun advantage, 'howerer," 'evaporated in the second, with Petrie lighting the fuse, after onc was put with a single to centre. He raced to third on angther single by: Bedore and. then the pair of them crossed the plate on Phillip's two-bagger. Rabbitt follow- ed with agothier safety, a single to right, and Phillipy dented 'the plate, Starting 'the third Sheedy frew a ass and scored all the way from iat base ona {Eeohaguer by Harris against the d bleachers, With Jy wallop Fischer. retived in dfavgr of Al Jones, a Joung college pegrer 'feonv:the Athletics, Burke laid down a bunt to send Harris to: third and (he scored On another sacrifice' by Ruble, who had replaced: Petrie: From then "nti 'tlie ninth Jonés t along, in fing style, but he wis wen Touts Tathned uy Tie Carrol kes ed. on, 3 hg lod Drothdr, Lo Shamrock V Wins Its Toitial Race Harwich, England, May 19--8ir Thomas Lipton's Shamrock V. Chal. lenger for the America's cup, de- feated a fleet of big yachts on her first racing tryont Saturday finish- ing seven minutes in time allow. ance nhead of Lord Cambrose's Cambria, over a 38-mile course, A, A. Paton's Lulworth, the scratch boat, finished a minute ahead of the the Shamrock, but was awarded third on the basis of time allow- ances, The race wag the feature of the Royal Harwich 'Yacht Club's annual regatta, American League ATHLETICS WIN Washington, May 19--Though he allowed the Senators five hits, two more than 'his: mates got off Lloyd Brown, "Lefty" Groves cameo off the winning pitcher yesterday in the Philadelphia 1 to 0 victory over Washington, With the . bases loaded in the sixth and one away, Foxx hit to Cronin, who threw to Myer for a double killing. Simmons, coming fnto Myer, causing him to throw too late to eatch Foxx while Bis- hop crosed the plato. It wah a heart breaker for Brown to lose, after having held the A's to three sin- gles. After hitting in 2 consecutive games, Sam Rice, Washington rightfielder, went hitless. RUTH HITS LONG HOMER Boston, May 19---George Pipgras pitched the New York Yankees to an 11 to 0 victory over the Red Box at Braves' fleld here Sunday, Babe Ruth hit what was prob- ably the longeht and hardest home run in the 156 years of the field's history, while Pipgraes held the Red Sox to three scattered singles, and stretched his shut-out string to 20 consecutive innings, The Babe's homer came in the first juninga off big Ed. Moryls and landed very high in the right field bleachers. The Yankees hit three Red Sox pitchers hard, ' Including Ben Shields, who made his debut with the Red Sox by finishing the game, INDIANS BEAT WHITE SOX Chicago, May 19-----Cleveland de- feated the White Box here yvester- day in thethird game of the series 7 to 4, The Indians took advan- tage of loose Sox plays to forge ahead in the seventh with enough runs to win, Henry htarted for the Sox, and pitched well until he was yanked for a pinch-hitter,' Harder allowed the Sox but six hits, and scattered them well over the nine Innings, SCOTTIH SOCCER TEAM WINS Paris, May 19--~Scotland defeated France by 2 goals to 0 in their soc cer match played here yesterday. NI \WitLARD CROCKER - Fr] | ' Lv. - ron BACK COURT t PLAY VI. COURT POSITION Court position is one, of the most iniportant elements in tennis and the fund tals, are simple, Court posis tion means "Be in the right position | the. court atthe right time." To be caught "out'of position" is gragic. To catch or workiyour opponent out of 'position is the ultimate end and object, of «very stioke and move in the game. There arg only two posi tions on, the: court where it is safe or successful to Be. First in the back court, 2 or 3" feet behind the bases line centre, and second approximates five or six feet' fram; the net, NEVER BE Sous IN THE CENTRE OF YOUR COURT, it is Tennis Swicide. The' first position at the baseline should become your home office, front where you go and do your job and return, There should be no variance: from this procedure. Kee your home office in' your mind at all times. When the opportunity agrives for you to go'to 'the net -- GO AT ONCE and carry out your objective, which: is to put the ball away. If you are forced big go directly to the "home office" and pre- pare forthe next move. It is one or the other at all times, To main- tain and use these positions to full advantage the ball must be kept in play at all cost. \ {Make this law and keep it ~KEEP YOUR EYE 'ON THE BALL ~ AND GET THE BALL OVER THE NET, Kentucky Derby Is Won by Gallant Fox and Earl Sande Earl Sande Rides Gallant Fox to Popular Victory in Historic Kentucky Derby Gallant Knight Finishes Second Churchill Downs, Louisville, Ky., May 19---Champions, every inch of them, and every foot of the way, Earl Bande and Gallant Fox proved an unbeatable combination Satur. day by galloping through the rain to vietory in the 66th running of the classic Kentuckey Derby, "Come on Sande!" roared the half-drenched crowd of 50,000, as the great jockey took command of the race on the back stretch and opened a good lead, "Come on, Karl!" they shouted again, as Sande and Gallant Fox swerved into the home stréteh, spraying the closet contenders with mud, Decisive Victory And come on he did, with a fin- ish s0 magnificently convineing as to leave not the slightest doubt that the highly favored Hastern combin- ation outclassed the field of crack thre-year-olds, Time for the mile and a quarter wag 2.07 3-0. Gallant Fox successfully fought off the eakly challenge of the Kentucky > pride, Tannery, then beat back the last surging rushes of Gallant | Knight, Crack Brigade and Ned O. | The favorite, bearing the colors' of - Willlam Woodward's Belair Stud of New York, won by two lengths from Gallant Knight of the Audley Farm, G, W, Foreman's Ned 0, flished with a rush, was third, a. length and a halt behind Gallant Knight, with Gone Away fourth, the last money position, and Crack Brigade fifth, Tannery Eighth Tannery, qa disappointment, fine ished eighth, and for the first time in years the highly-regarded E. R. Bradley entries were nowhere, Seldom, if ever, in the history of the Kentucky Derby has so great and spontaneous 'an outburst of popular accclaim greeted a viceor as when the mud-spattered hut smiling and freckled-faced veteran. Earl Bande, came back to the stands on Gallant Fox, While the crowd milled and yelled {itself hoarse, the traditional wreath of red roses was draped around the colt's neck and the Earl of Derby, after witnessing his first races In the United States, stepped out to bestow the covered gold trophy upon William Woodward, Vice Chairman of he New York Jockey Club and the owner * of CQCallant Fox, WINNER OF KENTUCKY DERBY the well-known jockey, Ear] Sande, up. Gallant Fox won the historic race and Gallant Knight finished second. Above is a picture of Gallant Fox, winner of the Preakness Stakes and on Saturday, this horse won the famous Kentucky Derby, with being defeated 3 to 2° The Leafs made it four out ot five in the ser- Leafs Divide Twin Bill on Saturday Toronto, May 19--Poor pitching by Prudhomme in the only inning he worked: some dumb base running by the Leafs and their failure to take advantage of the wildngss of Stewart ("Lefty") Bolen, Baltfimwore : pitcher, gave the O'Neillmen an even break only, in the two games at the Stas dium on Saturday. They lost the first game by 7. to 4. Baltimore scoring three runs off Prudhomme in the ninth to get the verdict. In the sce ond game, Frank Barnes chalked up his third straight victory, the Orioles ies, but they should have had a clean sweep, A fair-sized Saturday crowd witnessed the twin bill, The first game was a battle all the way and was not decided until the final inning, The Leafs used three pitchers, Harrison starting and Fish- ér relieving him after he had been retired for a pinch-hitter in the 6th. Fisher retired the same way = and Johnny Prudhomme was selegted to pitch the final frame, Harrison and Fisher served up a fairly good brand of flinging and if "Firpo" Barton hadn't chosen the occasion to show his local admirers what a hitter he is, the Leafs might have won| hand- ily. Barton was the long distance clouter of 'the afternoon, He collected two doubles an da triple in five ap- pearances at the plate, > 'Dean sinclalé Seventh Ie of -- Laird's 'Annual All Expense Tour Leaves MONTREAL Leaves TORONTO +h J Y 20-22 ULY 21--2 Days ' All Expense Rate From MONTREAL From 'TORONTO wil? Cw . $371.00 00' Other points quoled on application $340. You will travel by rail, steamer and Je Mg! and ula) gine ae through the Rockies with their crowning jewels, through Canada's industrial Banff, Lake Louise nd Emerald Lake ++. to Vancouver and Victoria ,.. west by one highway +++ cast by another. .. Dean Sinclair Laird, M. R. Johnston, CPA. . CPR. ic Route _ "0 PO. Que. or 11 King Street E.Qshawa. Ta I A wa ey veld RATS

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