The Osh Published ot Oshows, Day Except Sundeys and Ont, Vublie 0 Boery awa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer 18 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy FOURTEEN PAGES VOL. 6--~NO, 119 Bows fa Bri | / Aged Farmer to Hang Calgary. --Olaf Arneson, an aged farmer of the Olds district, was sentenced by Mr, Justice W, L. Walsh yesterday to hang August 12, for the murder of Steven ("Pat") Bost, 23-year-old farm hand, killed at the Arneson home on Feb, 18 last, A verdict of guilty was returned by the jury after more than two hours' dell. beration, LJ LJ * Sulcides After Wife's Death Toronto.~~With a note lying on A near-by table saying that he wished to be with his wife, who dled four months ago and express ing sorrow that life to him did not appear worth living in the ab- somfo of his lifelong helpmate, Fredorick J, Banks, aged 60 years, was found dead yesterday after. noon from gas po ing In the kitchen of his home, 256 Gladstone avenue, BROWN'S APARTMENT IS AGAIN SEALED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Mexico City, May 21,--Officials of the British legation today re- sealed the apartment of Tom Brown, former mayor of Stratford, Ont, wanted on an embezzlement charge, who died here nearly two weeks ago after a wide search con- ducted for several monthse had failed to lochte him, The apartment was resealed af ter an inventory of the contents had been made by Donald Henry McCannell of Toronto, who arrived two days ago to take charge of Brown's effects, In the meantime preparations are being made to open Brown's safety deposit box, which will probably be done tomor- Tow or the day after, The contents of the apartment include a good stock of clothing most of which is of Canadian make and bears Brown's name on the tags, rn RADIO STATIONS FOR THE FAR NORTH (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 21.--Involving an ex- penditure of approximately $67,000 two low power radio stations are to be established by the dominion in the far north, one at Coppermine, Cornation Gulf, and the other 'at Chesgerfield Inlet, These additions to the network of radio stations linking up the Aretic with the rest of Canada have dlresdy been approved by order-in-coungi! and the work of installation is to be carried out immediately hy the de- partment of marine and fisheries, I ---------- TAILOR STABBED, TORONTO MAN HELD (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, May 2l--~Harry Cohen, 45, was taken tn custody he po lice early today on a charge of woun, ding, pl hit id the discovery of Jo: seph Schacher, 41, who had been stab hed in the back at a local tailoring plant, The wound was inflicted with a large pair of shears and although the victim Jost: lar uantities + of blood, hospital authorities do not think the blade penetrated a vital place. FLOODED RIVERS ARE STILL RISING IN ARKANSAS STATE vies Rock, Acs May. ZheCo JAttle Roe a n= ore by wiih rises dn the Quachita and Red rivers and smaller tributary streams, the Red Cross to- day rein v forced NClunteer Jollet corps for any eventuality as the crest o 11000 Walath slowly moved toward the inundated areas, Refugees grew in number in the Galion | on the Ouachita river, 20 miles hero of Eld while h- er down the stream at Felsenthal re- sidents had made fast their furniture to homes and with a Yew personal belongings had fled to ask' shelter of relief agencies. v-- AMY JOHN §ON 18 "DELAYED IN JAVA Surabaya, Java, May 81-----Despite {ntense effort to rr the vA neto on the Blane Amy Johnson, British aviat it was jmpossibie to put the in for her to con tinue t on hor trip trom 'Croydon, Posing to (Australia, It was expected the 'machine uld be ready for a tria tals Sane , 1 successul, Mi ohne son intends getting on. arrow, continuing probably eastward along the istand chain o which Java is a part to a spot permitting thetake- oft for Australia. -------------------------------------- THIRD GIANT GUSHER _ Oklahoma City, May 21.-A third runaway oil well, the Ne, 7 Bodine well of the Indian Tetritory iuminating Ofl Company, ent the wild gusher marathon of the south city field here yesterday, Has or hs La " --_-- the Praivi Oh rs Company, shot a stream and sand skyward and drove trom Abou Ita hase. aa OPEN VERDI OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1930 ' SEVEN CARS | DERAILED BY BROKEN RAIL Two Injured in C.N.R. Train Derailment at Kingston ronto Train Involved in Accident, Pullman Con. ductor and Passenger Be- ing Hurt ONE WOMAN SLEEPS THROUGH IT ALL Day Coach and Two Pull mans Turn on Side, Two Pullmans Tilted and Two Stay Upright (By Casiton Frome Leased Wire) Kingston, May 21.-=W, J, Verity, Fast Midnight Montreal-To- | Above is a group photograph of the Oshawa School Children's Choir, which will make its first public ap: THE SCHOOL CHILD REN'S CHOIR pearance at the Musical Festival in the Collegiate Auditorium this even: ing and tomorrow evening: This large choir is under the direction of Leon ard Richer, LLRAM, director of music in the Oshawa schools, who OSHAWA SCHOOL CHILDREN APPEAR IN MUSICAL FESTIVAL ean be seen alongside the piano in the picture. The choir will present an all-British program of music at the festival. Peach Crop To Be | Under Average (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawn, May 21,--According to n veport received at the dominion fruit branch from the United Statey department of agriculture, condi- tions on May 1 point to a peach crop of 11,700,000 bushels in the ten southern states This 'Is about equal to that of 1929, but about 35 per cont, small er than the L-year average, Arkan- sas suffered great damage to peach trees during the winter, and little commercial production is looked for in that state, of\6d Charlotte St, Brantford, Ont, is In the Hotel Dicu, hospital here, suffering trom cuts about the thigh, as the result of the derailment of | seven eonches of the fast Toronto to-Montreal train No, 16, Canadian National Railways, one mile east of Collins Bay carly this morning. Leon Bellgfuelle, pullman car conductor, of 4419 Christopher Columbus St, Mon treal, Que, Is suffering from cuts, No gther persons are reported ins jured, Hit Split Rail Six of the cars derailed were Pull mans and the other, which left the rails a quarter of a mile farther on was a day coach: The train hit a split rail, it was stated by officials, this morning, and the pullman cars left the rails and went into a small diteh, turning partly onto their sides, The impact of the derailment was not se vere Jn fact one lady passenger, a- sleep in one of the pullmans had to be awakened after the cars were des railed, / The train was in charge of Cone [duster McKenny. Official Statement Toronto, May 21 ~The official state ment of a derailment at Colling Bay issued: by W,: A, Kingsland, general manager central region CNR, says the train was derailed at 3.32 o'clock this morning. The day coach and two pullmans following left: the rails and were turned over on thelr sides, the next two pullmans left the rails and were slightly tilted and the remain. ing two pullmans left the rails but remained upright, The cause of the accident is reported as a broken rail, Immediately after the accident auxil- {aries were rushed from the comp. any's terntinals at Bellgville and Tos ronto and arrangements made 'to tran afer all passengers to a relief train which arrived at Brockville at 7.45 am, rr ------ R-100 WILL MAKE TEST FLIGHT THEN START FOR CANADA After Return From Day's Cruise Will Stand by for Good Weather (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Cardington, England, May 81--- The glant Mritish airship R-100 was successfully removed from her shed to the mooring mast here to- day. She is expected to leave to- night on a 24-hour eruise to give her new engines a thorough test, It all goes woll she will then start her trip to Canada just as soon as weather conditions in the north Atlantic are favorable, The R-100 will take the circle course over SCireenland on tha outgoing trip and tho more southerly route across the mid-north Atlantic on her ree he ; * thuk of removing the glant ol from her shed to the dey wan exceptionally delicate Ww of a five mile wind and the fact: that the R-100 had been put {ato the shed nose first, for the sake of repairs te her rudder jue stead of stern first as is usual, The large handling party how. over was well trained and they moved the wide tail out through the doers without accident. When the breese caught the tail they hung on the ropes to a man and slowly moved the ship outside, prace tially In a dead straight line, The ship was then "waiked" across the grass nearly a mile vo the mooring tower, where connec. Hoh wate Sous Wada with the autos machinery, The ship is yn durgolng Jngpection and "mast trials) until starting the erulse, ------------ Killed By Mad Bul) Barrie. Dowart Willoughby, 29, was trampled to death Jeatotdny hy an nr bull on hig ther's it ANKUR an tried to brok- capture the animal whieh had on loose from the stable 'into a Bennett Scored by Liberal Member for "Hitting Be- low the Belt" in His Lon- don Speech Ottawa, Muy 20---1arliament to day will continue {ts consideration of the individual tariff changes an nounced in the Dunning budget, Item by item, the changes must be passed befora they become law and the House of Commons will be en. gaged in this routine business for some days to come Considerable progress was made yosterday, despite rather lengthy discussions that took place on somn of the items, Nineteen tems were passed out of a total of over 600. This had been about the average day's work since the budget was passed in principle a week ago, Nenato Passes Tiauor win The Senate yesterday stole a spot- Hehe from the House of Commons, Third reading was given the bill prohibiting the clearance of liguor to United Btates; an amendment moved by Hou, Rufus Pope which would have the effect of dhlaying the bill's coming into effect until proclaimed by the governor-in-couns oil, was voted down by a majority of 89 votes, The vote on the main motion-~that of third reading for the bill-=was not recorded, Because of a clorieal error in the hill, an amendment Was passed, This means the bill be referred to the House of Commons again for consideration In the amended form before it becomes law, The feature of Lhe slon In committees on the bud- got resolutions wn the House of Commons was the announcement by Hon, Chavries 'A, Dunning, of the dates between which the minimum specific dutes shall apply on fruits and vegetables, The list includes 31 commodities that will be affect. ed and the dates differ in each in- stance, The interested growers, Mr, Dunning said, had agreed on the dates among themselves (Continued on Page 7) ------ -- -------- Welland Canal To Open Sept. 1 Labor Day Chosen for Official Inauguration of New Structure (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 81.=Thp otticlal opening of the New Welland Ship Canadu will placa September 1 next, it was announced at the department of railways and canals today, At present the canal li in operation at both the Lake Erie and Lake Ontario ends, "Wea have given the matter most careful consideration," said V. I, Smart, deputy minister of railways, "and would be glad It possible to associate the opening of this im. portant undertaking with the anu. niversary of 'Confederation, and have made every possible effort to complete by July **t We are, hows ever, nol satisfied that to under take the operation of the canal ai on whole at that data would be con slatent with sate operation of thia tremondouk new structure on whick 120 millions have been expended, It is with a view to making cor tain on that meore that we have decided to proceed more delibers ntely and arrange the opening for September 1at, "Thisccourse fn approved by the minister of railways and canals, Hon, T, A, Crerdr, who receutly visited the canal, It so happens that September 1ut falls on a Mons day, and in also Labor Day. There [WIT be thus a certain appropriate. ness in the now date, in view of the contribution that labor has made towards the provision of the discus - . N @nal Works, et Senate Passes Liquor Bill, House Adopts Pensions Act ---------- ------------------------------r---- ----_ I 32 ARE CHARGED AFTER TEXAS RIOT Grand Jury Indicts Ringload- ers in Roasting Alive * of Negro Sherman, Toxas, May 21-=The Grayson County grand jury has named 42 ringleaders . in recent rioting which resulted in the death of George Hughes, 4leyear-old negro, The jury returned 93 Indlet- ments to District Judge R, M, Car- tor, naming 42 persons, . Several of them have been. held InfJall since the rioting. 30¥ ha. tments - chirged burg. lary by gsion, arson and rioting with intent te murder, growing ou of the destruction done by the mob that burned the negro to death In the Grayson County courthouse, Burglary indictments resulted from dynainitiug and robbery o\ stores In the negro district which ocgurred at the height of the riot- ing that followed the lynching. Supreme Court Justico Washington,--The nomination of Owen J, Roberts, of Philadelphia, to he an associate justion of the Supreme Court was confirmed with. out opposition by the Senate, War On Nolse ft. Catharines.~8t, Catharines City Counell han decided to make this a quieter city, and will begin by placing restrictions on auto horns and street-car sirens, F. Kobernick Must Pay Fine Magistrate's Conviction Up- held and Fine of $200 Imposed (Special to The Times) Toronto, May 31.--=The crown was successful in an appeal: to the second divisional court at Osgoode Hall tos day, from a decision of Judge Thomps son, who upset the conviction regists ered by acting Police Magistrate James E, Willis, at Oshawa on Feb- ruary third last, against Frank Kob« ernick, Oshawa, on a charge of hay. ing liquor for sale, illegally. The appeal court found that the conviction was properly made in view of the quantity of the liquor found and the precautions taken to hide it, and because' the accused was the own er of the premises" in which the "hide" was located, Kobernick's defence was that he wag not in the house when the lig: nor was selzed and that his, wite, now dead, had contrived the hiding place referred to in the evidence, An ordinary bathroom toilet in the cel: lar of her home, The police found six sealers, seven milk bottles, two whiskey bottles and one gallon can, all filled with liquor, Kobernick wis fined $200 or three months in jail, a sentence he will now have to explate, U.S. Minister to Canada Is Named (By KEN CLARK, Canadian Press Steff Correspondent) Washington, D.C, May 2l.--Han- ford Macnider-of Towa has been els ected by President Hoover ay minis- ter to Canada, His name has been submitted to the Canadian governs ment and a favorable reply is' ex- pected shortly, \ Macnider ix a former assistant see- retary of war and a former national commander of the. American Legion His home is at Mason Citys; « Negotiations With GandhiAre Said Under Way Mrs. Sarojini Naidu, Third Disobedience Leader, Again Arrested (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, May 21--Reporits of British negotiations with Mahatma Gandhi for settlement of troubles in Indian due to salt raiding today persisted in London, Although laking ofMeinl stamp, the reports sald the government was very auxious for such a move, It was sald that satisfactory de- volopmonts would lead, to. porsua- slun of the Mahatma to come to London for the October round table conference, Mrs, Naidu Arrested Goernlped as a possibility from time to time the subject came to the fore today following official notification of the arrest of Mrs, Barojinl Naldu for leading a salt rald at Dharsana, with nearly 1,000 Nationalist volunteers, Re peatedly warned that she would be arrested and onge restrained by the police, Mrs, Naidu resisted to the finish, With her imprisoned Manila] Gandhi, the Mahatma's son; Pyara lel, his secretary and the Sahib of Bwagir, a moslem, The salt raiders, it was ofMolal- ly stated, registered arrest and In a floreo hand to hand encounter with police, 10 Natlonalibts were injured, V. J, Patel, a congress leader of wide influence, succeeds Mrs, Naldu as loader of the clvie disobedience movement, Run on Bank of India Nombay, India, May 21--Exeited erowda executed a run on the Pank of India, an {ndian-owned concern, today, Many hz iareds of depositors swarmed aubout the bank demand. ing thelr funds, The excitement was caused by a report that the manager of the bank, took part as an auxi- lary officer in an action against congress mombers at Wadala and congress hoyge, Gray's emphatic denials falled to check the rum, 'The run on the bank continued until this afternoon when business closed for the day. The board of directors will meet tomorrow to consider tho allegation made against the manager of the bank, TORONTO MAN IS VICTIM OF GUNS OF CHICAGO GANG Chef in Inn Being Held Up Shot in Back When He Attempts to Flee (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chicago, Illa, May 21 Michael Michaela, whose home is thought to be in Toronto, did not know the South Side Inn where he worked an ohef wan being robbed last night, He Jad with his lite for his ignor hile two gunmen wore lining up ax owstomers and the proprietor, Authony Bilassas, before the bar, the chet entered tho room, Que of the: vebbers ordered Michaels tq Join ta Yietitaa, Instead, hy turned to flee, A sawed-off shotgun killed him inatantly, The guamen fled without loot, When police arrived the customers alo had letr the place, Among Michael's effects were lettars and papers indicating he had served with the Canadian forces during the great war and that his home apparently was in Torepto, * Chia el CARR by the forges of Conviction of On B.L.C.A. Charge Quashed * UNEMPLOYMENT IS INTHE FOREFRONT Question Has Placed Labor | Government in Precarious Position (By George Hambleton, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) yondon, May 21.--Unemploy- mont again dominutes the political peone, It in rising tide which led the millionaire socialist, Eir Os wuld Mosley, to resign his seat in tho cabinet last night, and it has brought the government to the odgo of disaster, Tho latest . unemployment fig. urse 'continue to register mn in- croase., Wholly unemployed and those temporarily out of work now number 034,000 more than a year tgo, Conservative members are do- manding thelr parly fight for diss solution of parliament, And mat. ters are coming to a head within the Labor party, Left-wingers are generously interpreting the resolus tions of the Independent Labor Party as being virtually in favor of open revolt, Graf Zeppelin Over Atlantic Facing New | Dangers And Difficulties in Flight Over Equator (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Las Palmas, Canary Islands, May 21.-The Graf Zeppelin, flying from Seville, Spain to Pernambuco, Brasil, today pushed steadily across tho east Atlante toward the equator, where the high tem- peratures and unusual climatic conditions are expected to subject It to one of its severest tests, There were groups of land bes tween it and its goal, the Cape Verde Islands, 850 miles southwost from the Canary Islands, which the Graf passed before dawn today, St, Paul Islet, a mere speck in. the middle of the Atlantic, and Fer nando do Noronha, Just east of Pernambuco, Inlayed already hy contrary winds it was oxpected that the dirigible might suffer other delays fn veering out of the path of local pitrms which beset the tropleal area and in taking advantage of 'what winds thq area might offer. There were bosides, other techni va! problems connosted . with ops oration of a ballpon which now confront the ship's master, Dr Hugo Bckener, for the first time Madrid,~The government has promulgated a decree prohibiting the Importation of. foreign wheat and "flour as long as the price of wheat in'Spain does not exceed 63 posetas per 100 kilograms during the courso of one entire month, Chinese ¢ Defeats Rebels (By vg Pros Lat Wire) § May 21 President Gen. etal Ch Aug KALShek was fn full cons tol of Kweiteh, Honan province, to- day. Its capture yesterday afternoon culminated weeks of hard fighting Di dng. the final assault Gener; {Shek Himself barely crea: are shal Feng YusHuiung, leader of the enthern revolutionary, Phe northerners' total lasses were estimated at 3,000 and the Nationalist losses at about -- pr ~ . IN HULL ELECTIONS Oshawa Man | Evidence Improperly Admit. | ted in Trial of William Selling Court for Appeal Ferguson Liquor, | Finds (Special to The Times) Toronto, May 21.=¥inding that evi dence berore Police Magistrate A, IY, Hind, of Oshawa, had been improp erly admitted, second divisional court at Osgoode Hall today quashed the conviction of William Fredericks, Oshawa, storekeeper on a charge of selling liquor illegally, A" new trial was ordered hefore another magis trate, but Mr, Justice Orde dissented from that part of the judgment, say ing in his opinion the quashing of the conviction was sufficient, "1 am not at all clear if we have the power to order a new trial," His Lordghip said The accused was sentenced to three months in Whitby Jail, but this sen- tence was reduced to two months on appeal to Judge Thompson, who re fused to quash the conviction. Today's successful appeal was bas ed on the ground that the magistrate allowed the evidence of a witness as to alleged previous sales of liquor by the accused, The magistrate also expressed the opinion that one Fergugon, to whom the liquor: was sold, was known to him, "as a good citizen" RB. S. Greer, K.C, appeared Tor the accused and W, B, Connor, for the crown. Priest /ssoulted Perce, Gaspe, Que. ~--Rev, Abbe Marten, venérable parish priest of Porce, was attackd as he was loav- ing his church and knocked down by Joseph Leblanc, Three men were beat off by assallant who is being held by tho authorities for a men- tal examination prior to trial on a charge of grievous assault, En ------------ Aged Peterboro Woman Missing Mrs. Herbert Wilson, 85, Wandered Off Into Bush Sunday (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Peterboro, May 21==The sparsely sottled and wild country in the neighborhood of the settlement of Lake Township, in Hastings County, Just beyond the Peterboro' bound. ary, has boen the scene of an ar- duous search since Sunday after noon, with a large posse of resi- dents of the district combing the bush in search of Mrs, Herbert Wil. son, aged 85 years, who disappear. ed frei) hor home on Sunday, Pioneer of the district, Mrs, Wil- gon has been lving with her son David, and on Sunday wandered off, Her absence was not discovered for some time, and there was no clue to her whereabouts, The coun try fa a moat dionlt. land over which to search, and the cold rain of Monday made the task of the posse particularly dificult, The village of Apaley, 13 miles away, has sont a squad of citizen reinforcements to the search pare tien, and the hunt has been going forward on a lavger scale than over today with atill no trace of the missing woman. re NINE ACCLAMATIONS (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Mull, Que, May 2l~Aldermanie acolamations in nine seats features the nomination meeting for the Hull civic elections to be held May 26. [ IN MORRISON DEATH HUSBAND, HELD ON MURDER CHARGE, IS NOT NAMED BY JURY IN CORONER'S COURT Accused Not Asked to Tests ify at Inquest, Although Present During Entire Hearing TOLD POLICE OF QUARREL WITH WIFE When Asked by Officer What He Had Done, He Replied, "Don't Talk About It At All" "Wao the jury impanelled 10 ine quire into the death of Annie Mor rison find that she mot her death at 364 Kingsdalo Ave, on April 20, 1930, at about 1 o'clock p.m., from a compound fracture of the skull on the left side of the head and nervous shock, presumably caused by a blow from the short handled axe as exhibited," Such wan the verdict returned by the Jury under coroner Dr, I. J, Run« dle last night which investigated the tragedy, which has shocked the whole clty, in alleged murder of, Mrs, Morrison, wife of Wm. Mor- rison, who was found dead in a bedroom at her home, her skull having beon fractured by a blow from a short handled axe which was later found hy the police in the cellar. The jury did not ime plicate anyone for the crime in itd finding, Morrison . Was Present Willlam Morrison, the husband, who has been charged "with the murder of his wife, was present at the Inquest Ast night under wn strong guard of police officers, He was not requested to give evidences however, as he was not represented by counsel and Crown Attorney MeGibbon stated that it would be unfair to eall upon him, Evidence of the widespread Ine terest which the tragedy has creat- od wan soen in the crowded cours room at the old elty hall, Formers (Continued on Page 14) ORIGINAL MEMBER OF R.N.W.M.P, DIES (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Edmonton, Alta, May 21.--A mem« ber of the first detachment of the Royal North West Mounted Police which travelled across the prairie inf 1873 and which brought famous red+ coat law into the west, Thomas La belle, western Canada pioneer is dead here, He was 86 vars old Mr: Labelle joined the force at To« ronto when it was organized and rode his horse into west as constable, 1 RELIGIOUS RIFTIN KINGSTON FAMILY WHEN FATHER DIES Court Injunction Gives Pro testant Son Right to Bury Parent Kingston, May 21.---Death of the contral figure has not healed the rift, inspired by religious dit« ferences, between the feminine and masculine members of the family of the late Robert Hunter, Yestorday the dispute over cus tody of the 79-year-old farmer's wiftairs, precipitated when the former Orange Lodge master em» braced the Roman Catholic faith, broke out anew as Hunter's eldest. gon resorted (o the oourts to wrest from his mother custody of his father's body. Judge HM, A, Lavell granted an injunction to counsel for Willlam James Hunter, hte dead man's son, restraining Mrs. Mary 'Ann Hun ter and KE. H, Graham, son-in-law: of the deceased, from interfering with the son's plana for burial, Ars rangements had already been made by the widow with one undertaker for funeral rites and burial in & Catholic cemetery, i Following the, court order, thi son completed entirely different plans whereby the hody was ed over to another undertaker this morning and placed in a Protests ant cemetery, Pending final gets tlomont of the dispute, it will res main In a vault at the cemetery, The dead man, until recently a strong Protestant and Ww Orangeman, = married ' 'a. wile brought up a Catholic, The daugh+ ters born of the union ore: brought up in the Catholic faith, and the wous as Protestants. When the wil, made fu 1981, was opened here yesterday, it was found to name Willinm James Huns » 1] ter, the som, an! George A, Mace Douala an esecutors~Mr, MaoDous - ald id dead, mo W. J. Hunter claim Mayor Theo Lambert will ba oppo sed by Alderman Alphone Mousette, od possession of thy body as sole oxecuton wh