'Can cup they won last year, of Beh Schoonover, Wy 1 Chita, Stnsmanip hanutita) poh Avenue, |. | / fh o JMuogton Football League vey to Zion, New has' hon recently ap- UA on Fre. bo ne Laide cana: vin ir Wh Boh on Simpsop Football, Starts. Today The opening game of the Dare will he played tewight, whon Leskard jour. Bowmanville's first game will not be 'played till ithe Lt day of the menth when, they 1 Bl to Tekard." The local 'ostponed Game anit ™ game Hab ios hd, doohyer which was! prevonted from Horns Shroidh i Lori "orm 7 i on, ox~ one Décted that Hon (Gall vik pitch d Dick Rovan for his, Both these pitchers played some great ball last season, 'Orme ono sp. with Clitford Cowle at Colborne, and a fishing party was organized, Orme showed the boys a fow pointe ers on Janding speckled beauties and hooked a trout that measured seventeen fuches in length. It was nine inches In girth and weighed one pound, twelve ounces, In order KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE to convince his friends of the cateh, Orme has sent the fish to Toronto to be mounted, A big storm passed over a farm, carrying away roofs and uprooting | trees. The farmer was asked next day if the new wind-pump he had put up had been damaged. He re- pled: "I eaan't' say, for I haven't found ft yet." Lands a vl as Or. | ment to ort. nt the Wask-end HANA LITTLE "THEATRE PRESENT rm HERE " iy a A Before a large and appreciative audience in the Opera House last evening the Oshawa Little Theatro he thelr. four aet play Yarampy". 1t is very seldom that as fine a cast has played before a local audience and the Women's Guild of St. John's Church a to be heartily congratulated on Ke ing such high class an entertain. apie i, of ottion of Sala; he 'the, play was given hs 0 i t » w ion noticeable mistake, To de- under the Johny Graig the acting gt Jom Sly in the title role, wou fleult for an unexperienced eritic but one thing could be sald, Mr. Craig' was bralllignt, and his in- terpretation of a mpy old gen- tleman, with the kindest of disposi tions left nothing: to og He was ably sup cast who filled the roles surround ing that of Mr, Craig's to perfec~ tion, E..C. Southey, a Bowmanville boy, as Ernest Heron, with Mrs, issue of the afternoon, Classified Advertisement Brings Results 'The following advertisement appeared in Friday, May 16 imes and the article was sold on Saturday, FOR SALE ~~ UMBRELLA TENT in good condition, Used only one season. Apply 76 Brock street west, Phone DTW. (116e) . . let the Times act as your Salesman for that article not in use. Turn it into Cash--Phone 35. Holliday PENMAN'S Full Fashioned Chiffon or Service Weight SILK HOSE with French Panel or Point evERY PAIR, FIR/T QUALITY Heel. Regular $1.50 Per Pair .... All new shades. $1.29 of Printed Silks and Plain color Flat Crepes. 'ot these are 'designed ) Wear with or © the coat, | $3.95 and $3.75 to stripe tops riced trom 2%¢ pair CHILDREN'S SOX plain shades or with colored carted irises New | or summer models showing wink CHIVES sand, Reg. 96c Poevrnnvivnne 19¢ sleeveless and 'long or short sleeves. Yih ~e to $9.95 ' A styles and designs [RARE REE] PICNIC FR Peter Pan, Printed. New $2.95 $675 ev Mtge W SPORT HATS ith iv Wo on Shades of blue, ink or white, STORE TENG . SEK 821 98 town, It would be hard indeed to find mn any fault with this production fas ft Jobn Padgmau ay big oppoiite proved to be wonderfully adapted r parts while ols Susan, - or Mh Interpret tion of her hot The audience were fully appreciative of the class ol entertainment which was placed before them and the four hundred and some 04d who witnessed the hy will ae" 10g Hoty to for the. me hiya he. Acts. added. greatly to & most pleasant eveu- Ing's Bt aot of t's . he tlt ble entrusted to Mr, Phi) Her- ES Fi der al nt, " Al * Niss nit ray i lover is looking on snd in order dispost- | to make him jeslous Busan ties | wHX a hair taken from her own head ¢ flower which Heron hes hiked from a camelin plant, Later Ernest meets his uncle and also Virginia Bulllvant whom ba bas always loved, Hé is also intro- duced to a Mr, Jarvis who has been visiting the Bullivant home for a few days and has won Virginia's admiration by his polished manne: and clever tongue, When old Mr, Nullivant, who 1» affectionately called "Grumpy" by Virginia on account of his fussiness and freguont outbursts of eranki- ness, learns that his grand-nephew has a valuable diamond in his pos- session he advises him to place it in the safe, Ernest thinks it is safer iu his pocket however and Is pitting alone reading after the rest of the family have retired for the pight, Cuddenly the lights are switched out, he is attacked in the darkness and moans out with pain. Diamond Stolen The morning finds Heron 'n ne scious on. account of 8 Di o- colved on tho forehead and the din- mond gone, Late in the day, Vir ginia meets Mr, Jarvis and finds him with a faded camélia In his button hole. She removes it and gives him a fresh flower. The two then leave for London, Virginia to visit an aunt and Jarvis on busi ness, 'Although she considers him tardy in making known his regard for her, Virginia evidently loves Ernest for she is worried about bis condition. Grumpy insists hob. ever that she leave for London. Old Mr, Bullivant has been a noted criminal lawyer in his day and in spite of the fact that he is now a fussy, absent minded 'old man he is determined to investi- gate the theft, He learns from Susan the incident concerning the hair tied to the camelia and also learns that this same camelia was seen in Virginia's trunk, With this slight clue he hurries to London acccgnpanied by his faithful valet, Ruddick. Thief Captured The third act reveals that Jarvis is the thiet and he attempts to dis- pose of the precious jewel to Mr, V. Wolfe, of London, He telis Wolfe that he made one slight mistake, When he attacked Heron he was wearing a camelia in the lapel of his coat. In the struggle which followed the camelin way lost, After subduing Heron he searched for the flower and picked up one from the floor which he thought was his, Only when Vir. ginia exchanged it for a fresh one did he realize that there was hair tied around its stem, Wolle warns him that this glight mistake may cost him dearly, Jarvis plans to meet Virginia at a London station and influence her to accompany him to the continent, She changes her mind about meet- ing him and returns to her grand. father's home. In the meantime "Grumpy" arrives at the apart. ments of Jarvis and intercepts a letter ment by Virginia telling of the alterations in her plans. Jarvis hastens to hh Bullivant home in order to got the tell tale camellia from Virginia, He Is sure prised to find that "Grumpy" tole lowed him, The old man is too cute for even this shrewd crook and obtains the flower which tells ot the guilt of his former guest, Jar vis sges that his game is lost and surrenders the diamond, This means great happiness to the dis tracted Ernest racially when he loging that Virginia has always for him and will consent to martiae. After the clever comple on of this, clever bit of detective rk, 'Grumpy' is an old man il ['again, Ho gives the young couple his blessing and is lead away to bed by the kind hearted valet, com- Plaining about the trivial things which may trouble tho placid exist. ence of one of advanced years. Clever ) ' John Cralg, as "Grumpy" pro- vided one of the best character in- terpretations which has ever been given on the local stage. He was the lving embodiment of a fussy, absent minded, and yet dear old Kontleman with moods as variable os the wind, He was ably supported by H. J. Begg who as Ruddick, "Grumpy's" taithtui, patient valet || played wu difficult role with marks ed aptitude, E, O, 0. Southey was well fitted | i for the part of Xrneat Heron while the cast was fortunate in having Mrs, John Pangman as Virginia Bullivant, her persunal grace and charm being happily adapted to the role of tr 1 4 Tovely grands daughter, Lols Mundy as Susan Went through some clever acting | with ability and ease, D. B. Carlyle as Mr Jartia was Ey ithy Daily Times a Hpiions and vy or 'Brancu Office, at Gas Si Alter Business Hours ~ recely 4 eleplione | aews will b., sus und Chronicle, Flione 850, REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON WM 4 sore thon oi he Town Connell' bn Monday 'evening copied an i to body ot the evening service next Sunday, lie invitation was accepted, ond overy member was' urged to make it a 'point to be on hand. fhe fnyilation hus been extended to the Board of Education and other civic bodies and officials, This specl- ul service is an annud) event under the auspices of the Ratepayers' As- sociation, and 1s intended thig year to celebrate Victoria Day, The rector, Rev, D. B, Langford, will deliver 'a special sermon and the choir has prepared a special program, The visitors to the church will us- Scholl; Kobi, Lapp' Merri- oy; Pins, G. re dow, + Juss 1, P, Hell) : sa val The orchestra under the direc- tion of Mrs, E, J. McGirr provided several pleasing selections, Mem- bers of the orchestra included Mrs N. Kinder, Mrs, 8. G. Carnell, Mr Chas, Eder and Mr, Humphrey Carnell, violins; Mr, Jules Von Gunten, cello, and Mrs, ¥, J. Mc- +rr, plano! semble first gt the school and march in a body to 8t, John's, POSTMASTER OF. THIS DISTRICT TO MEET IN WHITBY ti Postmaster Gordon B, Whitfield, of Whithy, .secretary-trensurer of the Ontario Pastmasters' A jp tion, which is 8 brance of fhe adian Association, announ (hath ) district meeting will to held in the Council Chamber, Whitby, on June 13th, at two o'clock, The meeting will be attended by all postmasters of the district, and will deal with a number of impor tant metters. A program for the meeting js now In course of prepar- ation, Postmaster Whitfield was elected socretary4reasurer of the Ontapio Asbosipfion at its last annual meet~ ng. I rerm---- rca WOOL DEMAND SITSENGTHENS While it 1g a little early in the season as yet to forecast prices for the 1930 wool clip, the Dominion Live Stock Brangh reports that wool prices have sagged consistent- fy to lower levels since January 1, and present price Indications are that local buyers will be offering around eight to ten cents per pound for ungraded wools, a a EE ALIEN FREED IN VOTE FRAUD GAGE Nicholas Warucka, Manvers Township, Honorably Discharged at Trial Nicholas Warucks, a new Cana- dian of Manyers' Township, was honorably 'acquitted by Judge Huycke, of Peterborough, in County Court held at the United Counties Court Room on Tuesday, His honor found that Warucka had not been guilty of fraudulent registra- tion in a recent municipal election, that he had not perjured himself as to being a Canadian citizen, which he hopes to be, and that his voting was in good faith and with no desire to deceive, These several grave charges were droppd and the prisoner, who wus proved to be ignorant of the language at the time of the alleged fraudulent vot- ing, honorably discharged, War- ucka was represented by A, R. Willmott. The Crown's case was handled with zeal for true facts first instead of conviction by W, ¥, Kerr, X.C., crown attorney, AL/ CowANs VELVET Rich, velvety Milk Chocolate Buds--famous for their quality and healthful purity--selling th Ve week at an "unusually low price buy them in the 5 Ib, bas, o the saving is notable, 1 al Heme M Marked On sale ip AL weeks Commencing MAY 231d Brunswick Dainty Lunch Mayonnaise vio. Jar 20C Delightful for Sandwiches le | Aylmer SPINACH No. 2 Size Tin 2 Tins ORANGE Pe Neat SILVER CREAM POLISH Bottle 19¢ | 2 LB, PKG, IP The Original Bottle § 26¢ RS 1 H.P. SAUCE 17¢c ------ Van Camp's . TUNA FISH Wer. 17¢ SUNERA = The Vitamin Cereal 23c SPECIAL! Large ) BANANAS doz. 25¢ Week-end Only ORANGES 49¢ doz. & for 1I5¢c Choice LEMONS 3 10c Potatoes ....... yun 2 >» C Special! Eatonta Brava | 'Mar, 1 d ! Special - Sarazen -- DATES | 2 PKGS. || 33¢ Rick, Full and Meaty | Special - BROOKFIELD | CHEESE | BABBITT'S 3 en aoe 206 | 1 Vegetables Cooking Onions ..........3 lbs. 28 Pound". J Green Onions... bunch fo : wen Peck 470 New Potatoes ..........4 Ibs, 26¢. Bologna. Lettuce ,.... vivir for*10c" Pound . . SARDINES Regular Good Value Sloan's Broken Texas Figs, 8 ox tin ,. 13g Sunbrite Javel Water, bottle ...visivnes Bo Xozkshire Reliah bottle Marshall , Paste, 'ain 4iviess ERATE TOILETRIES ! Peroxide, 8 oss. ., 10d Epsom Salts, 8 oss. 8¢ Oli Sh y 408 ..iiviinenes 230 Fruit Saline ,8 oss. 58c | Tea Palawan Dlack vig Mixed, 1 Ih. .... 83 Family Tea, 1 Ib... oe Ya Be 3 Featuring This Week ¥ REMEDIES LD | Many Flowers 5 Choice Whols BABY SOAP 3 bars 19¢ See Special Window Display p Toa ro ona Blend ry a Pound - 1b 38¢ Bo Ib. Nes eveviadanes 7%! Eatonia 1b 68, and Mixed, y Here Have You Tried? FLORIDA GoLD Natural Orapetruit Juice | Hp To economlcalindiepensable shin cocktalle=fruit dbl adds vest and flayor ta them all, TIN win Eee Eaton's Meats SPECIAL! Machine Sliced Bacon Lean. ; Breakfast co. 1 'Pound dle Jellied Variety Loaf. Lb. ... 42¢ Pound Cooked Ham: Bc LE Pond 20c . 29¢/ He Rous 25¢ P= 2 Il AN hx y+ "T. RATON Ki Th Round Steak. Cut thin. Lb. dlc Large CUKES Rie 9he