THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1930 CAUSING CONCERN He rom Ou of Work _ _Annbank, Seatiand, Tals Like Niwa by 48 pet to restore to ween and 800 forge I re in he 1) Ww f operate 3 | A lakeside Lindh of nder will be ha it 'geon Falls and North Bay will be tected to & considerable extent, As tters stand the George Gordon and pany mill st Cache Bay from hand to mouth, anadian Timber » Smith apd So Mi have only & a inl in their h feulty lies in the loat the winter cuts ow he eon river into the lake ng to nusually low water snd trouble ex- ienced in bringing logs to the jack ders at the mills, Prastisally the entire mill supply for the summer season is held back at the th of the sturgeon, The companies effected are the George ordon Company, Canadian Timber Company, J. B. Smith and Sons, As , Gotdon Company and the Pierce mber Co, The Pierce Company is now arecting a large mill at Calland- er, The George Gordon Company, rf forced to suspend Spérations on tiday night owing to the supply at he mill being exhausted, A tow was tought in yestsrday which will keep p ve ni Sperating r a day or two : t there is no assurance that it can {be kept going, The eondition: will have an effect on the bush operations + mext winter for the renson that the operators Will regulate the euts in ag- uantity of logs i 8 With the v) [1M through their mills this summer, f ev fear that the tloods have passe French river. dams tightly will fe. {store conditions to normal and 'then . mot before the latter part of June, ' NEW COMMISSIONER 15. A MODEST MAN | janes Brown, MP, Sill Lives in Little House in . Mining. Village Annbank, Seotland, May 21. ames Brown, M.P, His Majesty's ord High Commissioner to the As- mbly of the Church of land in i inburgh, left this small' Ayrshire 1 ing village with his wife for Edin | burgh yesterday, "Goodbye Jimmy-~ fuck." were the words ringing in his ears as ha stepped on the | train 5 high post once i u Brown aecupied 5! Melon Mo hor government - was in power in 1934, He still lives "in the house he occupled while he worked in the mines, and his miner. bors are proud of his achieve: hey. declared an unofficial _ manty, dav in his honor taday to give hi a hear sendoff, "Re to Jet Wo chauffeur start his car, they drew it on ropes to the railway sta Eten, Mrs, Brown w 0 least gongerns , ed of the Whole, any. he will res eae the Neys 'of Holyrood Palace from a Fon of Rdinburgh, \J ge of York waa the Lar High Commibaioner last year, i ) ' TIE EET ROUTES OF EMPIRE die ach fs ! Inclad Planes and" Six Flying Foe 8 Boats ; London, May 31.--Two fleets of en Airplanes. suuipped with luxe . urfous | bars, smoking-rooma | mangers apicos: aro under otion for over Groat Bris new Bmpire alr routes ¢ largont fleets In 1d og v A conuista of elght ng. Touton The ihe vos of Wx 40-penter AA pasraeing | ions of the Fiesta ro hd ge. Sa UR pe SER fina ke 750 t oe eer 3 ; 4 Re r Vi ¥ y als]. Toro MOY 240 of 'employ. | M-0! pid oh hs wuuigh hy bia - ile Sture|® of an be enught and carr 6 | a] hunt started, ilAUTO IS TERMED A PERILOUS WEAPON) Eight 40:Seater Land I | vegetables, * | had adhered completely or in part led In 4% canon and pyorrhea in 68 | Bhima nor to welonds vary he pockets at the | ho oancluded, "is that are scheduls fate this m bi Lo Axion he present England-Indis route, on the new rou a An Nous old rl, The child with her younger brother was standing on the street when & ear halted beside them-and Shares, ny filtago, Mity old baby Probab WITTLE BABE SHOOTS, - MOTHER MAY DIE A Tiinonthys mortally wound- re Margaret C, hi hee fond bio d under & bed, | was discharged as Mh ke it from the baby's struck Mrs, Mitchell EFFORTS OF MEN ' 1 r---- Oklahama City, May 21L--Wild Sigmon well, newest runaway gush: or of the South' City oll field siill tosses its 100-foot plume of oll, gas and sand skyward defying orowh that have Tahored continuously for the past three Aays seeking to curb its flow, The runaway well Is now flowing nt a volume larger Ahan its uniiily neighbor "the fam@us Mary sulik well which fSowed unehecked res contly for 11 days, Operations in the fled, . counted with a thick layer of grouse, sand hh ought Lo on id worke Com hy the 1 0 vo » Hany re dmpioron e Bidkets 0 Keen approach 1] within the am rom. 4 Most of the' tossed skyward h ipnted as emergency earthen have caught Mitle, The flow Is estimated in the neighborhool of 26,000 bar. volg==worth approximately $1.25 a barrel at the field, PS ------ A mother in Mexieo has 87 chil dren, It is too terrible to think what might happen should they all aspire to become president,=-Kit- chaper Record, Ld r oll that hes been, BERGS FRIGHTEN SHIP PASSENGERS Only Act { Providence Sav. od Lire Striking Boston, May HA genuine figure was thrown into the passengers o the North German Lloyd Liner Kaur! sehe when on the night of May | alter the liner had battled » terrific wile all night, they awoke tg find wa. monster leehurgs only au hort distapee from the ship, When the liner' docked hers on May 6, Captain Vilsinger reported to the loesl United States Hydrographic Office that the bergs were sighted between the Viemish Cap and the cust coast of Newfoundland during the telp from Bremen, Galway, Hall fax to Bocton and New York The, Captain said that owing to a deligy Tn leaving Lremen he had tikes en the shortest fouls nergy the Ate Juntle, The night of May 1, off 1) Grand Banks of" Newfoundland, he encountered a terrific gale, with which his whip was forced to batili 12 lowes, against high seas as well The following morning two leebergs were sighted, one of enormous size, which towered over the stacks of the ship and only a short distance away, he suid, Captain FPilsinger declared it ap act of Providence that the heavy fog, which settled down five hours after passing the bergs, had not been In the viginity of the lee, for It was In the direct path of the liner, You ean never tell what a wom- an thinks hy what she ny, --=Chi cago Dally News, When John Masefield served in i ship's galley, he never dreamed he'd one day he asked to cook up a mess of royal rhyme Chicago Evening Post, --_--_--__ STATE FARMS WILL PRODUCE BULK OF RUSSIAN GRAIN i ------ Village = Officials Again Warned Against Forcing Peasants to Join Collectives Moscow, May 21-=The Soviet gov. ernment announced today that col. fective and state farms. this year would produce the bulk of the Soviet Union's marketable grain, whereas in preceeding years the most of the marketable grain was produced by In- dividual farms and Kulaks, or pros. perous. peasants, Jueoh Yukoviey, commisar of agri a culture, issued figures today EN. ng that us a result of the gow ment's modification of policy res ing the collective movement for © | farm, from 40 per cept, to ; cents of all peasant households w the grain producing areas of the ! let Unlonmcovering simont 860000 | © acres of land=are still members « the collective farm movement, Yakovlev warned at the same tim that repetition of recent "excess oi Soviet village officials In forelng' peasants to loin the collectives will be considered crimes ugpinst the. pre- fetarian dictatorship and will be puns she India ip worked up over Gandhi's bootleg salt mf Canada 1s enter- tained by Dunhig's somersault,-- Toronto Telegram, What Gandhi needs to bring him around," says an orster, "is a good sock ont the chin" Ah, yes, Sohmal ing Waits, «= Norder Cities ar, the driver invited the girl for a ride. She refused and started to walk away, The man then offered her some Jnousy. but, the shud, ' thoroughtly frightened van only to aught 4 od Into Lhe ear, Hor terrified screams attracted the stiontion of passers-by and a gener. Some time later a motorist driv. ing up # lane frightened » man who Jumped over a fence and ascaped, nvestigating, the motorist discover. od the child undressed and took her home, Black, a married man, was apprenhended. while asleep in his home, I ------------------ FOUR COMMUNISTS GIVEN JAIL TERMS ---- Port Arthur, May 21---Judge Kenny yesterday sentenced the four Communists found guilty of causing "an unlawful assembly' on May Day outside the City Hall, Vert William, to one month in jail, In the party of five arrested Was one irl, Kile Donalingkl, She was fined $100, or one month in default, SE ---------- Figures in Man's Attémpt to Kill His Mother-in- Law ida Cambridge, Mars; May pl=sAn automobile was termed "aA danger: ous weapon" by judge James H, Bick in Middlesex County Buperior Court Nere awd as'n vestfit of the gourt's" decision, Robert W, Hume, phreys' 14, of TVarett, © 'was wen: tonced (10 Werve from two aud: 8 halt to'thres years in state prison, Hu re " chart of oun 'weapon motherin-law, Mrs, Orrie Lovejoy, 44, in front of her Someryille home on Mareh 18 last, was referred to in the case as the "instrument" 'used in the assawt, Mrs, Laveloy, who was, carried "nto the courtroom on a char, teath fied Humphreys had run her dowd with his automobile and seriously injured her while she was attempts fog to frustrate his plot to kideap and carry away his four-year-old daughter, Jean, Humphreys' estranged wife, who is suing 4 for separate support, appeared fn court as a witness against him, Assitant District = Attorney F, G, Volpe, who prosecuted the care, de- elared, in charging the jury, that "ayen A mother-in-law has some rights in this county." Wa referren te the automobile as 'the mest dangerous weapon of modern times." ------------------ CURE PYORRHEA BY PROPER DIET ror Needless Extraction Scored at Dental Convention \ in Toronto Toronto, May 21--Recent experi ments in Chicago with am diseases had led to the conclusion that py- orrhes Is a mild form of scurvy and can be gured hy proper diet, Dr, Milton T, Hanke, Chicago dentist, tald members of the Ontario Dental Assocation in convention at the Royal York Hotel Josterdar, The same oxperiment, he sald, had proved that tooth decay eould aleo be arrested or gured by vitams n foods, The' diet preseribed, told the aonvention, had been cltrus fruit jules, emg, ik gy Pg and ut. of areons found with dental AROTI4n who to thie diet decay had been arrests anmes, + Tena nf thousands of testh are unnecessarily extracted annually whioh could be brought back again hy. denia y WAS t the root 'was thought that od the only thing wa found guilty on \ i fo nee on ol Hin automobile |* C-- to pus Eos Beatin a. mistaken oo tata atill olun uld o hh ' tal nol ption, although At Pus || " tow Weovero elnode oF Ex e point to ba remem all pulples 3 FRR be b 3 sper cured or vw | 4 Sal Cl / DOMINION / Ti vat i" . ey, a Fs ROYAL MA S i TER New and Amazing Mileage Records Royal Masters, the greatest tires the world has ever known, continue to pile up astounding mileage records. Mileage ence believed impossible . . . and still impossible . . . to other tires. For other tires are not built like Royal Master. No other tire has Its materials, construction, engineeirng, developed and applied regard. loss of cost. You will find Royal Masters on the finest cars. None has achieved its record-breaking success. And Taxl owners who know tires... and MUST have mileage... demand them. will ever puncture, out under two years of service, For not one Royal Master in a thousand Net one in five thovsand will blow Royal Masters, Dominion Royals, Endurance for light cars and the Royal Heavy Service Tires are sold and serviced by Canada's greatest tire organ- ization . . . the Dominion Tire Depot System ++ + each independent unit distinguished 'by its blue and orange celor scheme. i