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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 May 1930, p. 5

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 22,1930 PAGE FIVE i ons those | who at: unio Bite i Mr," were a and and Ceeil 6G, 1, Nolan, M , R r, and Mrs, B14 Me He J M pus. astings, Mr, Bud Has " uh ins Bhencer, Miss' Nora Montgomery and rn Jack Hoover, 1 Miss Nina Gough, of Oshawa, Is ong of the graduat ng class of the Toronto pital for Incurables' this yeas, The graduating exercises took place vesterday, ev, €. W, DeMille and sons Jon Robert stopped off in Oshawa Or a short time yesterday, while on thelr "way to thelr summer home at Brighton, Mr, DeMille will return to On ig at the end of the week and preach at King streef church at obth setviros gn Suaday, Rev, RB, Patterson, Capt, 8. C Jarrett and Messrs, ¥, L, Fowke, C, A near and Dr, Archer Brown ara in attendance at the Wnnusl syn- od 'of the Church of England being held at James Parish Hall, To. ronto, this week, Pdartions are being' completed for. the aviation garden party, which is to be given on the afternoon of Saturday, May 31, at "Stonehaven," the Beautiful country estate of Nor. man Jewin, off the Provincial high» SPECIAL ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRIDAL OUTFITS at the THE FASHION SHOPPE #4 Blmcoo St. 8, a eer Chitfon Full Fashioned HOMIY ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Neap Cor, King & Simcoe Bt, Bee a LAWN GRASS SEED Lawn Fertilisers HOGG & LYTLE, Limited re a a | of the i ting, Mrs. ghaly was filled by Mrs vige-president, The ye aA and the wi op prepared an oy Mi , ©, Colpus and Mrs, J C, Young, mado thelr reports of a truly edu eutions! value to those who had po attended the convention, the business session plans hibit at the Oshawa Vall annual election of officers reading of the annual repo Presidgnt's, Becretary's and Trea surer"s reports are as follows: Providont's Report Nocretary's Annual Report In reviewing the work of the pas work of co-operation bh ors, pupils and parents has been car ried on with much benefit to all gratifyin in and, knowledge of sewing, cooking, manus and during nll years, work must be continual, means must carry it on, them, ents is that they are Ite, basis underlying life has not chang od since the day of creation, | ears, but honesty, faith ope and purity are stil virtues, and whe! oardina our ohildren we shall not be fa and School work is to assist teach ors, affect parents and tea make God-fearing, patriotie, still' needs to he done, Any club oan then parent can shirk the respon thanks are hereby tendered out the year, 4 Mrs, R. 8, MoLaughlin, President Oshawa Home & School Council, Jil of tho Home i Wh WAS peetion with R, B y ln was not present vention that Kastor d .| the eo 0 delegates, Both Jar dies sent fu partioular details and During were made for the Children's Ashunl ve alr, other minor items wera discussed, When the business of the mopth had been dispensed with, Mrs, Ur- inh Jones took the chal for the d the , The your, 1 am glad. to report that the hotween teac and a consistent Interest that is The efforts made by the various clubs have ingwgased the interest rdening, training, musig and art throughout the year, This must be continual st all times AW one group passes out from our classes another £roup comes in, so that the same Patience and faith in the eventual py®duction of good Canadian oitigens by this My hope is that the Home and Hchool move- ment may arise in our Collegiate, The need of co-operation between parents and teachers of pupils of the 'teen Age is, Most necessary, Too many boys and girls on enter- ing High School feel that they. do not owe the same allegiance to the laws that have hitherto governed The trouble with most par- trying to change themselves to suit the ohiid, instead of taking the real things in It is necessary to mold the ohild"s thought to what we know to He noble, pure and goed, The hans cltanged outwardly with the epuragl: Refreshments, n we try to live these qualities and teach them to astray. Heoeipts The alm and effort 'of all Home Bab, O10. A. : co-operation "between ors, Rhove | to on ost oltisens of our boys and girls, The StandAg Comr Tees of the Oshawe Home and Behool Counell have reporfed good work done, i Tite wishing help or advice that we oan ve has only to ask one of our pmmittess for it and it will be Ways and means of in- Sorporating, Home and Bobool ideals and work are shortly to be intro- uoed into our Norma! Schools, No . lead Ignorance Home and Bohool movement; no teacher ean them say that it Is 'not of yalue: no teacher can refase to oo-operate, and above all. ne y that lies with parents to co-opérate with the teachers who are training their boys and girls to be oitisens of aur fair country, fo al! oMcers and committees who havh done suoh good work through. and School Council Has ~ Annual Election of Officers annual veport of the Home and School congert, The work this your haw shown definite and marks v| od growth, ore are nine afiiated Home «| and Behool Associations, «| During the year we have lw.d nine regular meetings, one spsuini and five standing committees, The Phyyglesl Welfare Committee with regation of the amMliated associations and the city attendance ofcer he brought relief to many «| needy school children; the Visit t [ing Committee has attended not only the meetings of the aMiiated associations, but of associations fn nearby districts; the Membership Committe has been motive In secur~ ing new methbers; the Beard of Bdueation Committees has taken oharge of all matters presented to the Bakrd of Bdueation the Socisl Committees Arrahged & woolal even ing in March, which gave the mem. bers an opportunity to become bet. tor aoquainted, The activities of the Council for the past year have been many snd ¢ | varied, In September in cooperation | with the aMlinted associations the first Oshawa Public Sehool Fair was Jield, This proved sueh a sue- cons that we hope to have it ap an- ' | nual event, At Christmas. the pupils of the Codtre Brest Auxiliary cliss Were given presents, In March under the Council's auspices the first Oshawa Publie School Oratorioal contest was held, Prizes wore presented to those tak- ing part, The Council was pleased with the unusual interest created in this most important development, For various reasons It was neces. BARY to postpone the proposed Art Exhibition, but we hope to include that In next year's program, Ous finances have been main. tained through aMiiation fees, indi- vidual members fees, and donations, proceeds from the sale of a donated uilt, the refreshment booth at the hoo! ¥alr, and catering for a rugby team banquet, In concluding this report, we wish to express our sincere appre- ciation of the loyal support recely- od from the affiliated association, the individual mombérs 'and fMendn, Respectfully submitted, Velma G, Kaiser, . Treasurer's Annual A Bal, on hand... i000 00 4021 Foes .....: 13.60 Feo members 20.00 0.70 21.00 ERR EE Sohool fair, rugby .... Cheque on loan ME SER IIT 160.04 8.70 26.79 7.50 1410 4.50 26.10 50 Exp. sohool falr uence Lawinmtons. iy oo vn they . [Whos Repairs ,,. Aff, ORA, ... Oratorieal prises ive, Sationery (EER EE NE EERE LE] 12.78 $104.88 seen renany 108.04 104,88 Expenditures Receipts Expenditures covvvovions Balance on hand § 08 Other reports of the Ndueation. al Welfare and Social committees were read, Mr. R, §, MeLaurhlin was resol a8 president of the Council and the remainder of the results of the annual election of of. floors is a ! 1st vieespres,, Mra, B, C, Colpun; 2nd _vide-pres, Mrs, J. €, Young: fird vieespres,, Miss H. Weddle; re. cording sen, Miss V, Kalser; oor: responding seo, Mrs, Nowal Will son; treasurer, Win % Tangmald: press v ™ uN LH olal MAINS Mrs, O. D. Friend: Mrs, CA, ar, Mra, N, P, Hart asf Madam President, and members Rduo Committees, Mrs, R, -- ; Th annual f tion ik al Torts fret We: man's 1! Presbyterian Chireh in Canada was held In Bt, Andrew's Presbyterian 5 oreh, Whitby, on Wednesday, May The morning session was opened Schoo by Scripture reading by M Conachle, West Hill, prayer by Mrs, Galbraith, of Whits y, after which Mrs, Kerr' welcomed the delegates on behalf of Whithy Auxiliary, Mrs, J. G, Inkster, president of the Taronte Presbyterisl, told the meet: ing of her recent trip to Egypt and the Holy Land, bringing gréat iu- sviration, Mrs, A. McD: Hannah, corres- ding secretary of Lorento Pres. hyterinl, brought a message from the Welcome and Welfare Department, pointing out the wonderful priveleges given us to welcome these newscons ers und help them to adjust them- selves to the new conditions they would meet in Canada, Mrs, McLure, supply secretary, told of the destinations of the wonderful bales of supplies sent in by suxiliar- os, Aftér Tune h served by the ladles of Whitby Auxiliary, a conference was held by departmental seeretar tes, Mrs, Schroeder, Young 'Women's Depurtment; Mrs, Perry, Mission Bands: Mrs, McLure, Supply; Mrs MeGonigal, Home-Helpers; Mrs, Da- vies, Literature and Mrs. W, Sned den, General Interests, Interesting re ports were read by the delegates to the Summer Sehool held last' sum mer In Knox College, Toronto, Rev, J, Buchagap, DD, of Amkut, India, delivered an Inspirational ad- dress, urging a seeking after higher things, We have 1. have a vision of God, not only for ourselves, but for the sake of others, He appealed for the prayers of the women for the mission to the Bhils in India, Rev, D. Munro, Oshawa, spoke of work In the Mission Fields in South ern All erta, telling of the trials and joys of the missionaries' life there, An invitation was received to hold jhe next Sectional meeting in West A ------------ Mr. and Mrs, Jos, St. Andrews, of William street, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jose: phine to William Reginald Little, son of Mr. William Little and the late Mrs, Little of Arthur street, Oshawa The wedding will take place at St George's church on June 14, | ar this cereal! So anise it erackles out loud when you pour on milk or cream, Toasted rice grains, Rich with flavor, Somethin different for breakfast, Deli. cious for lunch, A Ly oy (oy (a or dor mw Me followed by | | Y|Noted Dir Attends Festival to the A vil, lust evening wis Mr, A. T. Cr any of Toronto, Mr, } is wi known in the musle, of the provinee, as & con 1 He Is mus! Sirector in ronto Normal in and Is edi of "Edueatl yA Courses py by those book that is used extensively nd en } who | he| doi thi of pb v. a Widren, [i of Mr, Cringan's sitions "Bye Lo Lawd" was rendered by a p of students from South 8 | and it was In this Atgber + at the talented young . singer Frank ooper fools the solo part. "Byes Lo Land" has the sir of & pleasing lull. aby, Mr. Cringan was with the work accomplished r. Riche or and was highly complimentary to every phase of the program, "CAT SNATCHERS" HAVE TERRIBLE TIME Lisbon. -~Frantle scenes were enacted nt. Alfama, the capital's slum district, when "eat snatchers" made thelr appearance to enfores the deerse of extermination ef stray eats, As many of the felines seized were not strays, infuriated women put the agents of the law to fight and carried thelr loved pets to safe- ty: The destruction of cats has rals- od such a chorus of protests that the government is considering amendment of the law, In future all eats must wear collars and be Heensed, STALWART MEN BUY SUPPLIES FOR WALRUS BABIES Girl Clerk Sadly Misunder- stands Needs of Explorers Now York,--= Two men, weather. bronsed and stalwart, strode pur- posefully into the nursery supplies department of one of the city's larger department stores, A blond ly beautiful sales-girl approached them, a girl who knew her business (or so her manner proclaimed) and was strictly abgat it, "I should like to wes," announced the taller of the two men, 'some baby nipples." ""Yeu,'" said the young woman and produced a box of them, The sunburned gentleman grave- ly examined the device, held it to the light, stretched it, laid it down, shook his head. "That is too thin," he sald, "Those are the kind we usually poll, air," the young woman demur- red, "That may be 80," the gentleman assented, "but those nipples are of too, light a rubber for my purposes. They would last no time." Another box was produced, Again the customer shook his head, "Those nipples are not large enough," he objected, "How large In your baby?" ask- od the young woman, with dogged matter-of-factness, and the shorter of the two sunburned gentlemen gulped a titter and turned a deeper shade of red, I'm not quite sure," the taller man sald gravely. "I haven't got them yet," A glint came into the young woman's eyes, "I'm afraid I don't understand you, sir, You want larger and heavier. nipples than a very young baby ever is given, io 1B the To rests in the Home --- and the Community | SEE THESE VERY ATTRACTIVE SLEEVELESS Summer Dresses Wa cannot recall any season in the past when such exceptional values was offered. The new pastel shades of pink, powder, mais, orchid, green as well as white, 35 This this only one of the special Dress Offeings that have been prepared for the holiday selling. In sizes 14 to 10, 95 HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW ORIENT FULL FASHIONED SERVICE Chiffon Hose An outstanding value accepted by the leading stores throughout Canada as the best Hose ever offered at 'this new price, narrow French Heel with reinforced foot and fine lisle garter hem, Colors, black, ecstacy, Deauville, shell, nude and crane. Made with the new Sizes 81 to 10, "a Phone 982 Oshawa and yet you say the child Is not yet born?" "No, 1 didn't say that, for they probably have been born, What 1 sald was that I don't know how large these babies are, for I've never seen them and have had no description of them, All I'm oer- tain of is that they must have the Jargest and strongest nipples. you have." The saleswoman retreated, coldly, and produced still another box. "How many, please?" ' "Well," the customer ruminated, "I'm not quite sure, but I'd say, offhand, about a gross, Perhaps two gross, How much are they?" "1. think. you're trying to take me for a ride," snapped the young woman, 'and if you're trying to give me any wise stuff, I'll have to call the: section manager: "I assure you I'm complete] ous," the customer dissented. should have explained; perhaps, that we're going up north in a few weeks," "What's that got to do with it?" sori. " --="and we're going to try to cap ture a few young polar bears, if we have any luek." "Oh," sald the young woman, Pilly Pritchard, cook on Capt. Nob Bartlett's schooner Morrissey, expelled a vast sigh, "Some women," he Whispered to Harry Whitney, Arctic explorer for the Philadelrfaia Academy of Natur al Solences In its expedition (joint. ly with the Museum of the Ameri. can Indian, of New York) to Green. land for possible archaelogioal din- coveries, "get a guy all wrong." The expedition will leave New York about June 1, The work In Greenland will be limited strictly to archaeological research under permit granted by the Danish Gov- ernment, 'On the return trip, how- ever, the explorers hope to plck up some speimens for the Philadel. phis Museum and it will be neces- sary to feed the young walruses and other infant specimens with cone densed milk through an extra large nursery bottle and wuper-strong nipples, OLD AGE IS NOT AN ENVIABLE 1.0T, Copenhagen, ~01d age Is not an enviable lot, according to Miss Pauls ine Hjort, who bas just died at the age of 105. "I do not live," she sald shorily before her death. "I merely sur. vive, I am sorry that the Spartan lite I always pursued has condemn od me to live on. I'am of use to nobody, least of all to myself." SIGHS SPINSTER, 105|| AL "Whenever 1 listen in I have an uncanny feeling of peeping through a keyhole," he sald, Ee | "Good Morning Miss Jenkins" | "Good Morning f Miss Green" | | YWhat Is the matter you are | out so early this morning." "1 | Am going to buy a dress, and || | 1 don't know where to go?" "You go to the Ideal Shoppe, [i 168 Rimcoe St, Bouth and | | you will find a wonderful | stock of dresses, ranging in | prices from K2.05 « $4.05 » | $7.05 « $808 = $1008 - | il $18.05. It is really worth | ii while to go and see, for it |i il is the last two days of the [i Sale, Don't miss it what [i ever you doy of the Home and Nohool Counell: It gives me partioular pleasure Usain Try in soups. ARE W EARING IN NEW YORK to present, for your approval, the where you live or where you go. Arrange carried out by the Toronto Fly- je Chub, of which Mr, Trivin is a member, and a squadron of light aers oplangs from id rden In expects od to make the journe: brations, | The Chosen Friends held a euchre us grounds, event are bee y for the cele ¥ 'last evening in their rooms in ng There were ten a: - Dydro bulldi and Mra, 1 aa he ores went to " i dar ba hud & number of biber Mn, C "& Smith and o that the Or y games tha rs a. "he next will t 3 3 ake PRATRE ra; 6, N, Norris, mmberthi oom. Mm, visit! | near, Miss ¥, Baker: The June meeting will he the fina] meeting of the Wome 'and fohoo! Counel! of the season, ------------------------ CANADIAN HEIRS - TO LARGE ESTATE ---- dibon e, ustralia, May 28 Aenardine 10 eA Melbourne Moral the Trustees and Exeocutora Agency Company has informed Jose Hackett of Melbourne that they consider he and a number of other n Oandda And tha. United States, h t Vil blabla a rh h olen 3148 dau) The fortune waa i » M LY lam Jennin - ot SAA day . factory alten, iw fascinated by Rice Krispies. Order from your grocer, A red-and+green package. ade by Kellogg in London, Ont, good a household a WHAT WOMEN By Anncbelle W on Whe Ber ek A Furnished with Every A snappy pajama ensemble for beach, yachting or boudoir, It ex- presses the nautical fluence both in line and fabric, + It's awagger in sallor blue shan. tung with white dots, The jacket is in the popular hip length. The trousers are fitted with, tucks at the waistline. The wide flaring logs move with the grace of a skirt The tucksin blouse of white shan tung has youthful tie of plain blue orepe, Style No, 2581 comes {n sizes 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 years and 36, 38 and 40 inches bust, Flat silk crepe, printed linen, pique and gingham are interesting norvicea Ve fabrios, Pattern price 20 cents. Re sure to All in sive of pattern, Address Pattern Department, Our Spring Fashion Magazine is 10 cents. No. 2521, Sie ER RE EE ER EN) h} g DEE ERE EE ST FL 8 BL { Name Ta em 8h, LEER REN " LLANE HN Street Add FARRAR Tuas Ar we ad Ska.» A PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON Phat Sen FR ins ha Se . aise \ Ha opin RE ' pr TT Mister Grocer . . , the kind my mother always gives ws" The thrifty housewife will keep Christie's Cookies on hand, all the news and fine flavor are liked by everybody. You cannot buy of your taste--Ginger Crisp, Butter Crisp, Chocolate Crisp, 45 de- ss N \ \ Sl = in your mouth. Flavors to + lisiows Cookies in each package.

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