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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 May 1930, p. 10

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* before, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1930 A Prison Becomes a Castle -- What shuts you in without a doubt 1s also ol others out, rw Nanny Meadow Mouse, Reddy Fox sniffed and sniffed at the round hole in the top of the tin' ean in the bushes on the edge of the Green Meadows, With each sniff he grinned more broadly than 4 Down Jolow. inside al ean, Nanny Meadow Mouge erouch- ed in a corner and shivered and shook, She shivered and shobk & JHitle bit or each time ly sniffed, was sure he Wes going to have Nanny Meadow Mouse for his dinner, Truth to tell, Nan~ ny was equally sure that Roddy was right, ddy knew that he had her trapped in that can and she knew it too, But for the time be. ing both quits overlooked the dif- ference betwepn being inside and outside, "Ro 1've caught you at last, Nan- ny Meadow Mouse!' exclaimed Red- dye 'I knew I would sooner or Ink ter," It was then that Nanny suddenly realized that she wasn't yeally onught, it was the ean that. had caught her and not Reddy Fox, "You haven't got me as yet," 'squeaked Nanny, Reddy chuckled, "Try to escape," sid he, Now, this was the iast thing that Nanny Meadow Mouse intended to do, In the first place she couldn't try to get out, or rather she couldn't get out Jf she tried, mo Jong as that can remained standing upright, Nanny was beginning to understand that what had heen her prison was now a castle, It might he keeping her fn but it was keep- ing Reddy Fox out, Reddy tried to put his paw in the little round hola, Ha didn't succeed very well, Put he did tip the ean over, The oan Jay on its side, There was noth» ng now to pravent Nanny's getting out, That is, ther ewas nothing but the fact that Reddy Fox was waiting for her, Reddy sniffed at the little round hole, Then he ance more tried to put his paw in, Nan- ny crouched 'in a far corner, man- aged: to grin a little this time, She didn't believe Reddy could get his paw In, but if he did it wouldn't matter, He couldn't possibly reach her, And she could set her sharp Hitle teeth in that black paw if sha felt lke it, It was about this time that Red- dy hegan to appreciate the fact that while Nanny was so near, sho was also very far away, He couldn't get into that ean and he couldn't make her some oul of that ean nnless he did it hy frightening her, So Reddy hogan jumping on that oan and knocking it about, hoping that Nanny would he so frightened that she would run out, But Nan» ny was too wise a small person to do anything of the kind, We was timply. making her more uneom- fortable, pather than frightening PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Slmcoe St. 8, ~~ We Deliver Wachivey Boia 00 LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Sho 101 King St, W, Phone 1814 * Diamonds ! Bassett's REA IRING : 8 ho it otio can repair hod Rake it oh correct time Da e BROV be Canadian ne ol Sia bai " Ady i SOAS ' Leave The old can rolled over and over, her, You see, she knew that all this shaking up and knocking about eau that Reddy Fox couldn't gel or, The old ean rolled over and over, Two ov three Limes Reddy sent it end over end, Xach time he fol» lowed it with a bound, to be ready to pounce upon Nanny when she should run out, Hut Nanny didn't run out, Then Reddy did a fool ish thing, He lost his temper, He bit at that can, He jumped on it, He kicked it, just ap If it were something alive and could feel what he was doing, Inside, Nanny was most uncomfortable, Khe was, of course, dreadfully frightened, but she was wise enough to take care to keep away from that little round doorway, Finally, Reddy Tox gave up, Thera was nothing else to do, He began to see how foollsh he had been, "What I should have done," sald Reddy, "was to have quietly hidden and not let Nanny know that T was anywhere around, Then she would have come out and I a aa Ll ha "wh ! TIME TABLES | Fe a CP. R, TIME TABLE Effective April 17, 1000, (Standard Time) Colng West Baty Wily Daily (Except Sunday), Dally , Dall ong East , Daily , Daily y Daily (Except: Bunday) } - Ss 2 To» Dosss 33 33333 S&3 Saw Lrmuwe summon =i = o « =e ] -- : 3 | 'ANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS a in Time slfottive April Tih, (Standard Time) ol Daily, Except Sunday Sunday only Daily h. m, my 3 m, m, Eailly, Except Sunday ym, Daily m. Daily py Daily, pom, Daily pom, Daily, Except Saturday |u3= EE Er Except Sunday Loman--on Ses ap--=icmie m--a-- ae » » 3am, am, Duly am, Dally, Except Sunday mm, Daily, Except Sunday am, Daly pom, Dally pom, Sunday enly pom, Daly pom, Daily, Except Sunday ally Daily, Except Sunday wos Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville WEEK SaY SoHib 1] Apel 17, 1000, Tl Ae West rive a Arrive Hoepite! Ld waa 1,00 am, a "Nem 450 om, 3 it ; m, Fn heen " HOLIDAY SCHEDULE w Arvive wl om, m ", = m, nm My JO pm, ey 100 pm, fl | should have had no trouble at all ing Fr § agi 4 it was. that Nafiny Meadow wai veslly better off than sho. bad 'been before Reddy Vox found ber, He had %nogked 'that old can over, which mado It essy for her to get out now when she wanted to, Her prison had ine deed, become her castle, (Oobrvight, 1080, 7, W, Burgess) The next story: "Up in the Air" I ------------------ "DROP CAR IN RIVER" MAGISTRATE ADVISES ---------- Hobart, Tasmania ~When Mrs, Beatrice Hallam, of O1d Beach, near here, won $125 at the races, she ful filled an old desire hy immedintely buying a second hand molor car, ty has Involved her In four police court cases since, The police magistrate on the latest occasion when she was fined $5 for dangerous driving, told her it vis plain she had no money to 1, cor nd ined har do, yd t even river, BISHOP OF YUKON REVIEWS PROGRESS Air Transportation Becom- ing More Prevalent in Far North ------ Toronto~Highly interesting news of his dnr<flung diogese wag given hy Bishop Stringer, veteran prelate of the Yukon, In an interview here recently, Rey, Dr, Stringer, with his wife, is spending a few weeks in To. ronto before continuing to London, England, ta attend the Lambeth Con. rence in July, 4 WY ars North The bishop and his wife travelled by alr. from Dawson te White Horse ayroute to Maguay, Are they et' Fo 1 oarded the p ver, : shop Beringer hag spent 38 years in i the north but his spirit of adventure is not in the least dimmed, An in- teresting sidelight of air travel in the Far North wps mentioned' by Bishop Stringer, Puring the time the missionaries were winging thelr flight from Dawson, a wiréless mes« sage wis received at Mayo from two fur trappers asking for plane service from Allavik to Mayo, Already they had travelled 700 miles by dog sled with a good eatch of valuable white fox, and they were in haste to regeh civilization, Attempts to make Ake Invik with the Rockies intervening hind proven unsuccessful, But pilot Wasson blazed a new trall by air and reaching Aklavik brought out to trappers=Carl Peterson Mayo the journey h nd ny coverin 0 three and one half hours, "I remember once taking 42 days to make the journey from Aklavik to Mayo by dog sled" commented Bishop fir weer. "But of course the trafl followed by the aeroplane. was # different one from that I traversed over the snow," Quarter Smallest Coin The wireless, with sation estah~ {ished In various northern districts, is sluiined by: Bishop Stringer a8 one of the mast semua desslopmen fl evelopment is the puad nervice, Pennies and nickels yrs thet us ; ful in Dawson i [! nese n Loronte, wenty« Vo cont : is the smallest coin in ol / Curlowsly enough, with 'the great recognized Arctic const fur trade a ies, and mink feature of the I " fhriving farming are dustry in the Yukon, The col Ld ine elis mite 1s especiafly 'adaptable 'to fur growing, and the fox and mink farm. ing 1s very profitable, said Bishop "Brringer, Speaking with regard to the Yukon constituency eleetorinl vote, which wt the: present time Is beng much dis cussed In the Yukon, Bishop String- er sald much might depend upon the vote of the Eskhno, If it were pers mitted, Asked whether the Hskimo were capabli of voting intelligently, the missionary claimed that the Christian Eskimo would be capable, bu it was doubtful about the others, EL AMAA WITCH DOCTORS 'COME UNDER BAN ere Pretoria, bowth Afvied~=Witeh doctors are going to find it hard to make a living In Swaziland, where they have practised with sone sue cess Yor many generations, Under a new law any witeh doctor or his agent practising divination, Is lables to & year's Imprisonment, Anyons found 'wearing ¢harms, dress or ine signin of a wizard will be liable to shy months' imprisonment, Morsover, any trustiul native who seeks the al of a witeh doetor may find himself cast in jwil for a yeur One case which had an effect in bringing ahout the restrictions was reported recently, A witch dogtor ind a native woman killed gnother native woman, gutting the vietim Inte "medicine ment," which was found buried in 14 fields with the ides of inereasing the crops, Fashion magazine siates thed wlryes are coming in again, If nob ton generhus, they look nice at all angles, Ottawa Journal, An optimist 1s 8 man whe thinks that the rains of the last few days will help the grass hut net the dandelions. ~Toronto Binr, ELLA CINDERS--Find the Woman | MERCURY, VENUS, AND THE £ | WAS A PLANET, SIX PLANETS WERE KMOWN TO THE ANCIENTS, TOMMY, = MARS, JUPITER, SATURN THEY DID NOT KNOW THAT THE EARTH WILLIAM WERSCREL 4 ARTH, BUT oi HORKING INDEPENDENTLY LOCATED IT AT THE SAME TIME +1846, ENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO PERCIVAL LOWELL, STUDYING APPARENT EFFECTS ON THE PLANET URANUS ROUGHLY CAL® J [frais vias DISCOVERED By SiR HILLIAM HERSCHEL IM (781, EPTUNE WAS LOCATED BY MATHE® MATICAL CALCULATION, THO ASTRO" L_MOMLRS LE VERRIER AND ADAMS CULATED THE POSITION OF A EY | PLANET, VATIONS ERE PROVED CORNET YX THE MINTH PLANET TAS PHOTOGRAPKLD AT THE FUNG STATF, ARTIONA OBSERVATORY, PERCIVAL' LomeiL, ge f ON FEB. 181930415 CALCU" HELL, WHAT 19 THE MAME OF DADDY AND T HAVEN'T THOUGHT OF A GOOD ONE YET, BRINGING UP FATHER TO DAY OL) CAN OUT FOR A WALK NO Fide NOT LET WoL HAVE A NICKEL" | YOL'RE NOT GOING DOWN TOWN THE OUTING YOU) ARE GONG TAKE POM: POM THAT 1% ALL To By Geo, McManus IT BUCH A NICE DAY: I'v, TAKE A STROLL. MYSELF +! | WISH | HAD TAKEN POM POM: | MiGH HER HO nr -- " POM-POM Ji Vv RT fr of 1! i! LOVELY QUREN® SAID WANT THE BLUR FLOWERS IN YOUR HAND" BORBY-"T ONLY he, ---- THE QUEEN WAS PLEASED AND SHE AVR THE BILLIE FLOWERS TO BOBBY AT ONCE WiLL! SHR SAD" TAKE 2a Tes AND aN Tra~ TILLIE THE TOILER--A Long Meal YY mi Ww AY STENOG» LLY HAVE BY MySELW ¥ VEL RON WW. Rion [INOW MRT WH IBLE 'S o DOWN -- I BIMPEINS § ANDY COMPONY FLIRTINGAWITH MAC'S RUN "THIS BUSINESS; Ta) OM Nar, wiLl lam

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