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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 May 1930, p. 11

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4 Notaries Peblie, Stan THE OSHAWA. DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 26, 1930 t PAGE ELEVEN - -- Legal CONANT & ALNIS, BARRISTER § Noite Buniie: Er Cars ometrist moscle anomalies, glasses, Author of ® Care and' Eye Strain, Tbe Cbilg apd Its Development, Dis ney Block opposite Pos! fice. Phone 3616. " 3 Otte (May 15- sneclailet 1n bt and mo) 1] "| CONEVAN Al ND SUITE ONTAK. ra Subdivisions, sown Slane ee 5, town planning. Yd veyancer, Ox! municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King Reliones ORC el BT F. on or WW Undertaking ", ets. dard ut St. Phone 13. J. P. Grierson, K.C., 7. KR Orelghton, B.A, Pl. % Fraser, B.A. LOUIS S. {IVMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Store, Mon! Hig month. hone 67. Residence GREER A , ' risters, feltors, ete, 24% Siricoe N 31 Money to loan U, HALL, B.A, BARRIS veyaneing and 'geners| 22% K'ng' St st, hone 8837, iLL BARRIS PER, tc. Money to loan. Alger Bidz, op: : A Als 1614 DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone "060. Office hours 9 a.m, to 8.40 pm. Dr, B. J. Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray, Jr. B. H, Har- per, special attention to children's Diseasss and Obstetrics.' Sunday and night calls 2416 or 12%. DR. MecKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR. ccoucher. Office and resi. ing St, Bost, corner Victoria Phone 94, 'SICIAN eases of and Simong Ex BY or 0 NG. rest north, E Dewland's | B to loan, 16 Simeos |) coe st Phone $104 833 Oshawa, Corner © street. Ambulance, Phone Insurance AVIS A ON, TNS LE 19 King. St Oshawa, The old- ast Pire Acency in Oshawa, 30 Re table Fir anies, consuls R. N. Johps, 80 Simcoe morth, Your (psurance 'vents At Jeuaed to and your interests pro- cted. 87 Celina street, automobile; firey accident, See Holden 92 Bimcop N. All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of ex and loss arising from handling o large number of oo of this nature, and collect for same. "Times" Classifi For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone eall will bring 8 messenger«who will receive the advertisement Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT [| ds Bring Results Work Wanted . (May 8-1mo) a tg ht ---- Tea OARTAGE AND 8TONAO I, COLD- man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists fo furniture moviag, storage Ware house wnd moving van equipment. Phinge 8%, CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand ard cindérs. Local and long dig.anct hauling. Saith & Cex, Phone 024, 10 Bond St. West, SHAWA'S OLDEsT ESTAB- lishe! furn'ture movers. Park Road car aa. fen om Jone dinange. ran w) on. ar : South, Phone 216, (May 19-1 mo) CONCRETE WORK, CELLAR and garage floors, -sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel, eindery, Chris Graham, Phoue 3621M, (Apr, 20-1 mo) EXP TERT ON automobiles and turniture, The best in workwanship at the lowest prices. Noto.new address, 451 Sim coe South, G. A. Conktuble. Phono 3432W, (May 13-1 mo) SHARPENINO--BCISRONS, KNIV: es, Lawn Mowers, Saws, Phone 421W, "Wé call and deliver. 139 Celina Bt, E, Bottan, (May 8-1mo.) iy Beauty "Parlors si ce 1 1! urgeon, roofdenes, Phone: 3415. DR. I; AR cian, anl Sle tetriclan, office Si residen:e, oe Street, DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Ani mals. Cat and dog hospital, .203 King W. Tel. 620. j (May 1-1 mo) 'Specialize. idtetens, 17 yours ox. perience, moderate. Phone 202 r 8.000 © a (May 181, mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. FT; BRYANS OF BLOOR Street' West, Toronto, at his office over Jury & pore consultation D. or con diserscs of ear, 'and. throat only. Appointments, ay nde a1 drug store. Phune ' Ih! Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DSON, OFFICE Dit E. F. RICHAR over Mitchell's Drue Store. 'Hours _ SIMCOE Drug Store. 54 LENTIST, f v ODKE., v th, over Mitchell's o for extraction, "Phone ,| finger and marcel waving, ,|'manent wave prices $5, $7.60, $10 \ Betty Ward at Bett ent W oes the Fin OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AU- 0 for sale, repairs on elec: rl A Ll .m. 2 to 5, Evenings byj RR x Office oho Sia] BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Special.sts . in permanent, and $15. All other hoec ot DeSuty fulture, Phone 2008, Apply 8b Simcoe street orth, EXPERT MARCELLING BY Shed ls op) arcel and sham- poo $ Phone B66. A 3: WAITSONS BARBER AND Beauty Shop. 9 Celina St. We spe- cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar. gelling, shampooing, facials: Marcel d Sante North, phone 3107. i ) F. ot ; Veterinary ~ Surgeon gE eh hk : a K, Clarke, 14% Agnes street. ¥hone ments phone or. anpoint hp ay 16-1 mo) (May 20-1 m») TON OF THE LA Parisiene Beauty Parlour announ- rice of marcelling, 60¢, aving 76c, during the sume months, Commencing from June first, Phone 71, ' oH (May 21-1 mo.) Music HERBERT €. TRENEER, OR nist abe holy master of King reet United Church will accept pupils iu plano, organ and vocal music. For particulars apply. 50 Willlam street east. Phone 2890. LE (May b to 31) LEONARD RICHER, DIRECTOR o unig, gra Lolie inte aid Stu 7G a phone HC The ' (May fed mn) Radio Service 2040J, battery eel tobes and tested, teries re- |, rental supplied. $1. Phone lo at char, 3380 , Charles Wales, 146 Elgin a st. "May 8-1 mo) 5004) (May 211 mo) OF BETS, PAIRED batteries re ! y Phore | £) reasonable, LL MA Prices charged EE ALY 250: delivertd, sw Geo, Burroughs: 4 Comtied Radlotribiar. (May 17-1mae;) 780 Repaired and rental § A and delivered, It. Called Prompt service, Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 148 W. (May 10-1-mo) AIT Ls Ri st . y Ras and X eas sation 1d, Lo ALL wok = | stalrs). nnli yl i ' p ALY) BLOTS i "| Fhone 16566. he es G i TAL| X A on floor, "Hark. Building. ~ Phone, 14% MRE, D discriminating woman Phone Mrs, Blatter for demonstre~ tion 2189M, HE had 'Hemstitching ABMSTITCHING NINE CENTS per vard, dollar up, beautiru! embroidery work, including children's wear all on sale. Pleated Skirts from one Shoo, 2644 Simcoe So uth, (1191) Corsetiere ERUNAUXT SIRELLCR representative. Phono 2843J, : eh (May 12-1 mo) he Dell EPIRIL LA CATNTNTS FOR TIE and; wis. (May 19-1 mo} to - | &vallable for ' first 'mortgages of a well located residonees, Bros, 20% Simeon 1 Brad south (u erm CRY PRO . ( Gl Per | wy WANTED DRESSMAKING, LA- die's dresses. Ensemble suits, children's clothes, and alterations, fs. Counolly, 2857 Richmond, East: Phone 805J ' (Apr. 23-1mo.) am = Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 30K WOULD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone | A ) FOR BALL-~ABINTZMAN © Ltd., planos, new and ul pianos, Also fadion, Mates nodal: } er] arranged. ply C. Trull. 0 1666 sid (111400 FOR SALE~CRUSHED STONE Clips for driveways, Waterous- Meck Limited, Phone L288, ' (Apr, 291 mo) FOR SALE -- PA =, RN. ishes. We have the largest assort~ ment of paints, varnishes, ete, In in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr. 26 tf) SAND, . C stone-cbips and black loam, Phone 17784, J. Forrester, 210 Alico street, (Apr. 80-1 mar SAND Js y BT h 4 ders, black loam. $1.50 per yard, For quae!ily and service phone Es- scry. Bros, 898 r 11. \ (May 8-tf) x JLOTHES REE BET - carded, will sell cheap, Phone 313, Oshawa, (120¢) A AWE OFFERS for sale used gus, 'eleetri¢, coms bination, and Quebec Cook ranges. Harry D., Wilson, Hardware, 23 King St. West, Phone 46, __ (1%1¢) MODERN PIANO WOR SALI] ANG new drop head = Singer Sewing machine, horse seuftler, new, 78 Oshawa. Blvd. (120¢) / Ji BABY CARRIAGE in good condition, Cannot be tola from new, Cheap, Apply 115 Bime coe St. § { (121e) } _-- J four months old. $180. Phone 3340 (122¢) aftey six p.m. TENT FOR SALE, = OHBATL, nearly new, 57 x 7. Apply 387 Ja yi¥ street, Phone 32(8M. (1220) FOR SALTG--PBIT HOTION COAL oll stove, 8 burner with oven, Good gonditicn, Apply 330 Simcoe St South, i (122¢) ED) Sok. Auto Accessories FOR SALI -- TIRES, #0 x BV, $14.95; 20 x 4.40, $0.90; Ford Rad. fators, $10. Also auto parts at reasonable prices, Motor. Accessory Co., #1 "ling west. Phone 2086J, ainting and . GUTSOLE, EC perhanger, painting und grainine Prices right; wort guaranteed. #40 Plu Ave, phone 3065 or Joeve "I BRADY, oust, painting ormting, slgn writing, Estinvates given on work. Phone 1367J, . Ly (May 5-1 mo) Gi Ww nings " - § WINDOW AWNINGS -- PORCH; awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops installed, T. Taylor, Teronto Oshawa. e | (Apr, 1 Wah all kinds of canvas gaods,. Come plete 'equipment for rent. 'ox Har , phone 235 or 26; Agents for J. Jd, Turner and Son, Peter boro, Ontario. (Apr, [5 mo' | B "500 to $1 down. 280. per For samples phone 1818W, (Apr. 2h-1mo.) |} , paperbisuging, deocs | for Rent 'OUR A U eru suites including electric retrig oration, stove, laundry, couvens oroes, oto, contint' s bot water supplied, Apply Supt. 'phone 267\, or The Truster und Guarantee Uo. Ltd, manager for owner, Toronto. (870) AFA RTM EXT TO SEL CENTRAL conveniences, ar fl Apply Bradiey bros, Wood (00) BRIGHT APARTMENT, CEN- tral, four rooms, bath, electric stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors, Possession June 1. Apply Box 056 Times. (113841) 6 ROOMS AND BATH, ALL CON. veniences, garage, orchard, garden space, $20, Lease. Apply 260 Nassau street, (1102, TWO ROOMS TO RENT ON EL. gin St, West, partial conveniences. Apply 34 Elgin street west. p (116t¢) MODERN APART ment with bath, stove, grate and refrigerator, Garage and Jawn, Apply Apt: 2, 161 King east, 121¢) Mectric [) Ing rooms, with garage, for quiet couple, no children, or bedroom for two gentlemen In quiet home, Phone 969W, (1181) Colborne west. Phone 067). (120¢) for summer months, 2 baths and ofl heating, Immediate possession for select tenant, Apply Box 690 Times. (1200) 0 nished rooms, conveniences. Phone beer, (1200) rll conveniences, newly decorated, hardwood floors. Immediate pos- session, Apply 200 Athol streot east, ; (120e) FOR™ RENT -- UNFURNISHED rooms. Apply 46 Queen St, : (1200) TOR RENT--4 all conveniences, Apply Conant & Annis, HOUSE TOR RE 110 Stacey Ave, (13088) All conveniences, suit two tamil. ies, Reasonable rent, Phone 25 (1210) 8 light housekeeping, suit two girs (131b) TO WENT--ONE LARGE FRONT room, suitable for business man. Also one small room, $3 per week, 94 William street east. (May 23-1 ma) East, Phéne 805J, tages, at' Bonnie Brae Point, Osh. awa, All conveniences including fireplaces and electric ran »- Bly to G. D. Conant, leas: than 3 minutes walk from Gen. eral Motors office. 571' Richmond St. BE: Phone 3196W, (12%) | Classified Ads. Flret (osertion==114 cents per word, Migimom charge 30c. Each subsgquent consecu~ tive insertion lo per word, Three consecutive inser. tions for thy price of | i ion i ) I Minimum for three i ns, oats | Boa number 19 additional Protessionat Husinens | $3.00 per moth for 80 wordy or less; 10) conts a word per 'nonth for eath wdditlonal , word, ath ope ne as 40 TELBFHOND & | i | water, very central or business couple. 287 Richmond | ==== 1.by, Sheronoid of Oshawa, APARTMENT FOR RENT~DAN. dy 4 room apartment, All newly decorated, centrally located, Phono 18260, (1220) OR fa room with all conveniences, Cons tral. Apply 790 McMillan Drive, Phone 2320W. (122¢) TALL Honveniendths 06 Division 8t, Phone 1620, Lt (1220) 4 } (6) } to rent, Bath fiat, Phone 1650J, (122m) 70, RENT-=NICILY FURNIEHID bedroom on ground floor, running Apply 1178 Centre street, phone 2600, (1224) furnished, reasonable, Apply 280 Arthur street, (122¢) ' conveniences, for two young men, 96 Centro street, (1228) Real Estate For Sale rive ROOMED HICK" VENEER Louse, Phone 406M, (1208) LARGE BUILDING TOTS IN OSH awa's best' residential quarter, Must go, at once, Phone 241pW evenings. (1218) I FOIL BALE 806 Division street. Will sell chesp or trade, Phone 1620, (1220) JOR BALE-- ON KINGRTON Highway,/ eight rooms and store, Jarge lawn with garden, Ideal for tourists, Apply Box 81, Neweastle, Ontario, | (1220) i. ---- un For Sale or Exchange FOR™HALE ON "#XCHANGE ON good houses, ' 200 acre farm on highway, just eart of Oshawa, Ap+ ply Box 698 Times, (142h) l a ie -- - Motor Care HAVE YOUR CAR OR TRUCK repaired at 49 dond St, West, Body and fender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats ang - general wood work, Phone W. Fry 3305, (May 23.1 mo) GE ov AR AS AT Dominion Garage, 88 Bond Street West. Phone 3198, All cars at one free $1.00, (May 16-1 mo.) JRANT BPORT TOURING A 1 condition, Many extras, Person wanting a good used car cheap should see this, Apply 115 Bimecoe Bt, 8. (121¢) ER ET IRR TI RT MR I Help Wanted--Female WANTED -- COMPETENT (TRL for general housework, Apply 149 Elgin Street East, (121¢( Help Wan e STORE MANAGER WANTED for Oshawa Salary $50.00 per week also substantial profits on sales. Applicant must be able to furnish from $750.00 to $1250.00 cash. deposit on merchandise, 4083 * | 8t, Deniy Street, Montreal, Jue, (1214) COMPOSETS, VEINS OR MUSIC, write mae at once, Urilliant oppor. "tunity. Address Burrell VanBuren, 1615 McClurg Bldg., Chicago, WANTED -- GOOI RELIABLE barber, also lady for marcelling, Will pay commission or wages. Everything up-to-date, 154 Win liam street east, Phone 269, (120¢) Personal WIDOW WOULD LIKE ANOTHET widow with means to share home or retired couple. 904 William street east, (1211) IT RT TR Room and Board OOM TOR RENT, BOARD IF desired, for refined gentleman in private home, north end, Phone 2874J, (122h) NADANE Eeptstini BUAD0L of dancing ang physical culture. 169 Church Street, Lessons given each evening from 6 p.m. and on Saturdays from terms call or phone 874M at above hours, (May 21-1 mo) Pets and Live Stock. WHITE LBGHORN CHICKA from | carefully selected large heavy layers, after May 1st. All niales from regirtered stock, Hatohing eggs. Visitors welcome, Geo, Reynolds, Courtice, (Apr, 26-1 mo,) STXTREN RHODE ISLAND PUL- letts for sale, Phone 406M, (180¢) OAINCHILLA, SABLE, SILVER Fox and white rabbits, various ages, three hundred. to choose from. Marden, Brock S& north, Whitby, (120¢) WANTED = OATTLE FOR SUM: mer pasture, Creek running through Balson's Farm, Courtice, Apply F, A, VanGunten, Tooley's Hill, ; (1201) W ANTE [) brella tent, to 3060. For Sale or ge ) ' ---- exchange for'wérk horse, D. Lew: ars, Bowmanville, RR. 2 EER opt 011300) Theronoid aliments db advantage of the » 1 free 'reatments offers Joe 156 Wii EW OR USED Phone size, price, ete, : (120¢) LApr. 20 Amo), IN Nam St. Bast. Phono 209. p (May 22-1 mo), "| rushed to their 1.30 p.m, For: {Co nothing: exeept rigs | horaq. . flesh oP fA Beuna Vista, Appointments, Phone J424W, (May 21-1 mo) ' v ' Ontario Colinty, rent reasonable, Will exchange for house in city and cash, Get particulars, Jas, Ryan, Cannington, (1210) Nursing I PV ATH HOME for invalld or convalescent pa tient, 129 Colborne 8t, ¥. Osh- awa, Phone 10164W, (May 2 1-mo) MEDICAL, MATERNITY, MENT: al and surgical nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 506, (May 23-1mo.) RE A Ra Ei AN Rg SE Lost and Found CORT--A GOLD WATCH TI- tween Park road and McGregor street (via Gibb street), Valued # keep sake, Reward, Phone 1048J, (121h) LONT=FOMEWHERD TETWREN Clenosha Hotel and four corners, lady's gold wrist watch, Baturday morning. Reward, "hone 2223, (122m IND=TWO ~BMALL™ PUPE, owner may have same by calling at 169 Park road north and paying expenses, (122n) al Sr ST TT Roofing "Mill Ends" "Vaotory stock good "Mi Eads" Roofing and Asphalt Shingles glearing nt sacrifice prices. Satis. faction guaranteed, Eastern factors me | 108 United Limited, Box 212, Ham. fiton, Ont. (108111.114\117.120-122-126) --- io APPLICATIONS FOR THE POS. TION OF CHIEF CONSTABLE TOWN OF WHITBY Applications for the position of Chief Constable for the Town of Whitby will be received up until noon on Monday, June 2nd, 1080, Applicants' must state age, ox- perience, salary expected, and en« close copy of references, and photograph with application, All applications must be addressed to John R. Frost, clerk of the Town of Whitby, and envelopes must be plainly marked Application', JOHN R., FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby. SAVES LIONS FROM DEATH BY FIRE Hungarian Tamer Bravely Releases Trapped Beasts Birmingham, England: Greut heroism by & lign-tafier marked a fire which recently destroyed the marquee accommodating the Car mo Circus at Birmingham, Eight Hons, trapped in a wooden cage, were in grave danger when Togare, the Hungarian trainer, rescue and took steps, which undoubtedly saved the animals from destruction. The circus was roopened two days previously dfter the collapse of the marquee, due to a heavy fall of snow, but within, five minutes the temporary building, which held 4,000 people, was wrecked, All the seating and a number of car. avans were destroyed, The fire was apparently caused by some rubbish catching alight near the main entrance, A olrcus attendant who detected it immediately cut the guide ropes, #0 that one side of the huge tent fell inwards. away from the flames, but, fanned by the wind, the canvas quickly became alight, At vhe moment a trick rider, his horge and an acrobat were rehears- ing in the gireus ring, and they had to rush oul ay a great sheet of can. ves broke inte flames above thar heads, The men's first thought was fog the safety of the horse, It 'snorted with fesr, and backed away from the entrance, Eventually, they rushed it out, the flames severely meorching its side, : Togare's action vas immediate He dashed into tho cage contain: ing the eight Hons, and although, they rughed at him, he managed to drive them Into an adjoining cage, whigh, was uot in so much danger of catching alight, As Togare was entering the cago « fireman pulled him away, but he shouted, "I must save my Ilona," The fireman caught him by the neck, but Togare pushed him back and once In the cage, Which was (full of smoke, managed to pacily 'the angry animals, : Six engines from various Bir mingham stations were called in to Lcopo 'with the fire, bas they could play smouldering ruins, When the fire. men were able to got near the llona! cafe he tound pieces of ; thich: would have been given to the animals roasted on the ground, | ov D NG Taces ABOUT I CANADA Twentysfive years ago, Canad. Jans wore using but 450,000 horse: power of electrical energy. Today, ore than five and one-half mils lion of hofepover is being used, ore t wo-thirds uf the homes of Can by and poor, urbay apd rural, are ui rlolty fos |, A | tghtiirg and tor to pA re. than one thousand million pllars are invested Im central elec. trical power planta, oon they' EUROPE 15 EASIER a al League of Nations Sponsors Move. to Abolish Taxing of Tourists Ottawa ~~With the League of Nations sponsoring a movement to abolish taxes on tourist automo biles at all national frontiers and the French goverament proposing its own accord to modify its prem ont system of taxation, motor travel through foreign lands may soon be he relieved of one of its drawbacks, necording to the Can adian Automobile Association; in which the motor leagues of all the provinces are federated, "Dispatches from Geneva," says the national motoring body, "Indi« cate that plans are well under way for the issue of a draft treaty elime inating the tax fee, the treaty 10 he open for the signatures of all nie tions whether they are members of the league or not, Only eitizens of signatory states would benefit by the proposed legislation, "The tax on tourist automobiles recently has heen the subject of exhaustive study by the flseal coms mittee of the League of Nations, as well as hy the League road traffic committee and the .fransit evuw mittee, "On the applieation of the auto mobile clubs and of the Alliance Internationale de Tourisme, the road traffic committee drew up rec. ommendations to the league to ne effect that foreign motor vehicles should be exempted during the first two months of thelr stay In any country, that the collection of taxes should ho simplified, and that taxes should not be levied when a motor driver applies to n frontier cums toms house for a license visa, In the light of these recommens« dations, the fiscal committee une dertook further investigation, fine ally agreeing upon the more liberal provision for complete exemption without time limit for private cars, "In the meantime France has ane nounced her intention of modifying the law that now requires every tourist to indicate, upon entry, the number of days he will spend in the country and exacting a heavy fine if that time limit is exceeded, an motor cars going into France are taxed whether they stay one day, a month or a year, but under the pre. went statute if a tourist takes out a tax ecard for ten days, then res mains In the country longer Ne Is subiect to a fine upon leaving, "Under the new plan, the tourist {still will 'guess' upon entering the country his nroposed length om stay, but if he decides to remain longer he simply will pay an addi. tional tax fee for the extra days, upon quitting the country, instead of being heavily fined, "At the present time Great Dri. tain and Ttaly allow a three months' exemption from taxes to all visiting motorists; Austria ats lows 60 days, and Hungary 30 days, This Ix as far as jt affects Can. adian and U, 8B, motor travellers, In addition Gt, Britain bas arrang- ed with Spain and one or two viner countries' for exemption to British motorists, but this does not affect Canadian and U, 8, motorists unless they are travelling with British Ii cense plates," ! COUNTERFEIT GANG LEADERS ARRESTED Extensive Outlaw Band Discovered by Paris Police ; Parla. ~-Discovery of one of the most extensive International coun terfeiting bands in the history of the I'rench secret mervice was an nounced with the aprest of four Poles and their Russian and Rou. manian associates on charges of passing false 50 pound ($360) notes in the European capitals, The counterfeit money had been passed in various Kuropean capl- chief | overtime operation of 32 .pey wwut, "Compared to this, seid Bay~ ifos, "the cotton mills in New Eng« land have scrapped in the last seve on years more than 3,000,000 spin+ dlew, or abouts 16 per cent, of their 1922 total of spindles in place and in addition to this only operated on 81.8 per cent. of thelr capagity on the remaining spindles, based on the 48-hour week, GOOD USED CARS Are wold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe Kt. 8. "hone 000 ) Drink Delicioms Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores SECOND MORTGAGE Accepted ss part payment on beautiful home on Masson street, Let me know what you have quick, DISNEY, 29 King St. East SMALL FARM WANTED In exchange for modern home. What have you? Disney, 20 King Street East HARDWOOD FLOORS Lald by expert wechanies, Old 'loor finished like new, Ge. 21 ! Contractors, BW. HAYNES 101 King St. West Phong 481 » Residence S078W | EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always | | Boys' Broadcloth Wash Suits. Special | Dominion Clothing Co. | 08 King St, W. Phono 3141 || I ag EYESIGHT SPECIALIST muscle Specialising ausluglosiy 1) "w Disney Bleck Good Weather | Ahead! w=1)0 NOt 1080 yOUP CAPw= Lot me finance you==Addi tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS $1 'Roo 6, 14 4. King St. 1 + tala, the police sald, pecialy in Paris and Brussels, Police satd the band Included 100 members and had agents in the United States and South America where counterfeit notes were being shipped. A he arrested leaders refused' to give ous intermation regarding the organization, police sald but the bills seized were sald to have been printed in a Berlin suburb, COTTON INDUSTRY New England Mills Operated At 81.8 Per Cent of r-- Pinehurst, N,C,~=While southern cotton mills operated 82 per cent, overtime during 1039; New Eng» land mills operated only 81.8 per cent, of capacity based on a 48+ hour week, President Bayles of the National Asociation of Cotten Manufacturers' sald at a banquet of Ameriean Cotton manu- facturers' Association, o quoted a statement by John 'W, Blark of Randolph Milla, Franks linville, N.C, to the effect that des. pite the so-called curtailment dure "ing 1029 the southern mills had an HAS ABAD YEAR| HR 4 Oshawa Burial Co. [1] eto NigngysOots py AMBULANCE 87 Celina 8t. . Phone 308% Lincoln |'® 74 Athol 8 W., Oshawa hones 18-1111

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