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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 May 1930, p. 1

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We plane at Nuroe, Cay MINISTER FACES [{ Kingston. Herbert brake~ man on the od ig Not al Rail ways, was crushed to death a Rat two trains. which# were shunting 'to hook-up to better make the steep grade betw iP ndaten J fiction and s An Hh icst into the death his been ordered. Big Liner Scuttled Honolulu,~The liner City of Hon- olulu caught fir, at pier 8 here Inte Yeutedny and three hours later was ed to prevent the flames from reaching 16,000 barrels 'of oil stored in the ship's after-holds. There were no passengers aboard | the vessel when the fire yas discovered. Woman M. r. Renaminmod Durham, ~Southeast. Grey United Farmers Saturday" tnanimously." no- minated Miss: Agnes MacPhail, M.P,, as candidate for the Dominion house, There were no other nominations, and she enters upon her fourth cam- phign with what her party considers the brightest prospects, QUEBEC CITY BANS STREET PEDDLING (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Quebec--Street hawkers who ped- dle their goods from. door to door will disappear forever,f or the City Council has prohibited all. house- to-house peddling within the limits of the city, Only one exception wil) be made and that for the sale of fruits. In order to enforce this rule, & detective will he employed, whose duty will' be to travel round the city and see that no peddling goes on, WOULD-BE PACIFIC FLIER 1S JINXED (By Conadioy Prost Laased Wire) Los Angeles, Calif, May 26 Harold Browley, jinx-dogged flyer who thrice has planned non-stop flights from Tacoma, Wash., to Tokyo, Japan, only to have bis planes wrecked before he vould Hey awaited word to-day' from his. backers before ' = deciding whether to abandon the attempt to span the Pacific orf order a new plane. ; : H., W, Catlin, fest pi for the factory that constructs [the "eity of Tacoma' ships wa ed fat ally in the wreckage ig ' (By Canadian, Pros Boscobel, Wik Ma. pastor of Ra. Fred E, Christian ha sterday was SE under $2,000 pending & Wire) 26-2Tho | liminary hearing on charges of y bythe state board of his beh 4 Mr, Osborne " accusaed of murs vying Mrs. Minthe Taylor at Mt. Hope, Wis, on. May 19, 1929, ih, out having been Rane Jepatared from Mrs, Nins Root West Market Street, en Pann, Arraigned yesterday the pastor won & postponement of his hearing so that he might cotiplete ¥ series of 'revival metings, He continues his duties as pastor | as pastor Yostertay, NINE-DAY DAY SCHEDULE HERE TO TO ARGENTINE ty Cinntion Pront-ssund Mike) New York, N.Y. ho S Tadcneny ule tie-ups on an woryige which will put Montreal awithin nine days of Wuenok Aires were announced here yesterday by Willam P, of the New Adres Line, CW MN ates a six ' from Miami, Fla, to the capital. wal <8 {E111} & y halt for, the night. '| without po progress w she rea night, he long and y flying days, but gained ¢ against English summer "All the News While It Is News" 15 Cents's Week; '3' Cents » Copy TWELVE PAGES T COBOURG Martial Law Threatened at Rangoon EIGHT KILLED, 300 HURT IN CLASHES BETWEEN DOCK LABORERS AND STRIKERS Over 200 Injured and as Many Arrested in. En. counters Between Police and Salt Raiders SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE KILLED Moslems of Calcutta Pass Resolution Favoring Civil But Pro. Disobedience, testing Hindu Attitude (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Rangoon, Burma, May 206.-~ Clashes all day long between sirik\g dock laborors and import- od laborers and police resulted In eight deaths and 300 injuries, bringing a threat'of martial law, Members of the Jameron High landers and the Punjab Regiment stood by tonight while the streels wore patrolled by cavaleades of mounted police, All bazaars were closed, The trouble deviloped from the Importation of coolies to replace the Burmese coolies who struck, Trp injured persons included one Europea and one Anglo-in dian sergeant, Threo of the injured were Andhra coolies who since have died, Many Disturbances Disturbances and orresis of civil disobedience 1éadery in widely sen- arated arcas todhy compelled the nttention of British weg Indian au- Brovities throughout India, rid of D. B. Murphy, as- tendentsof police In Pesha "indieated | renewal of disorders dn that etrife torn dis Salt ralds a*Wadala 'were 1é- poated today, with 200 arrests aud tully that many. dujured in en counters with armed police who 'raked the raiders with six round of gunfire, Indian Moslems at Calcutta pasa od a resolution for civil disobedis ence. and protested the policy of the Nationalist congress in ignois ing Moslems, y Another woman leader (oday took charge of the volunteers al Untadf, whore Mrs, Sarojini Naidu last week was arrested, Bhe I Mis Maniben Patel, daughter of Villabhai- Patel. AMY JOHNSON ENDS LONG AIR JOURNEY Lands in "Australia After Hop From England, in Nineteen Days (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) oSydney, NSW, May 26 Miss Johnson, British aviatri, arrive Daly Waters from Port Lar- fwin today after a bumpy; but: pleass ant Ay a 820 miles. re-fuel and take off for Station where she will Alexandria ph facilities and her net be reported umtil gg Long Beach Tuesday She is flying here, ay Flight North Australia, May Tread i Pont Darwin, 26,~A sli ut 2-year. old English girl i a diminutive. moth stepped , bin gy re Saturday' aftee, thé ing oid an pt a ight from England fa. "he wivl, Miss Amy Johnson, made erilous trip in nine. days. She really Fequited . ¢ Journey castward, NJ, Th rampsHard on ors of Old Sn. he rT en 'the oS a formied that his'n sented to the Mercer County Grand | (by Conn ton XJ nes, of the Re tod ir ow ls lations id Fr . i : 1798 asta or viee versa, w 1g and address and, in. ame would be pre« is| pinned unda y Law): pe Six Are Killed In Accidents 40 Injured in Holiday Mis. haps Throughout Ontario (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, May 20~~The two day holiday over the week-end brought a death toll of at lohst six in its wake, a check-up revealed last night, Those injured in adeidents numbered 40, while nine sudden deaths occurred in Toronto, At Addison, near Brockville, Russel Reynolds, five, was killed when ptruck by an automobile, An- other pedestrian, W, E, Johnston, BO, of Smith's Falls; was killed by a car at Lansdowne, John Donegan, '28, Trelee, was fatally {injured when his car swerved into a ditch near Listowel, swhile William Hen- derson, Chatham, met death when his car was demolished by a at a level crossing, ' Leonard Wingett, 21, was electro cuted while working in the bydr. plant at Lakefield. A ninefyear-ofd boy, Earl Blackburn, 'was the only drowning vietim reported, He fell into the Detroit river at Windsor. Children Celebrate, Many Casunitios Toronto, May 26-~Vietoria Day proved just one boom after another throughout Ontario as Young Can- ada enthusiastically celebrated the holiday with an unprecedented amount of fireworks, A bright sum- mer day lured the youngsters into action, Early in the morning, and towns and cities in all parts fairly resounded with the crecéndo of gunpowder, Casunlties were numerous and fires even more so, Two children are in hospital Suftering from criti. eal' injuries received when glant crackers were inadvertently lighted Fire men are resting up after one of the busiest week-ends on record. LORD DAVIDSON, FORMER PRIMATE OF ENGLAND DIES Late Aion of Canter. bury Passes in Sleep Sunday | S-- (dy Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, May 36--Lord Duviu~ son, better known is the Most Rev. Randall Thomas Davidson, the man whose able hand steered the Chureh of England through a quarter of a century and one of the most diffi. cult periods of her career, died yes. terday morning, announcement of the former Primate's death was contained in a a written by Ma wits and LE on of h LTH pov y hy A he died, 'It an- nounced the fact ofhis passing ana added: Bd has entered into the larger lite. . "hanks. be to, God for his life here nd there," Archhishop Davidson who wan 82 yours of ago, had been falllng 2 some weoks, "Heo is sleeping 1 fe away,' sald whe od him in his last days" f Of Scottish Birth } Randall Thomas . a Bet? born ApMl 7, 1848, the es Henry Davidson of Edinburgh Henrietta, daughter of John P fon, of Kinnerghame. He had an inborn genous for stntesmanghip. With the exception of his first two years in Holy Qrders; when he held an abscure curacy in Keni, Randall Davidson mover held any ordinary oral 'affice. As a young p Dumestie Cl YAO Davidson oantin nued as Chap hs succeapor, dvard Ronson, romotion. to the Deanery Windsor followed, where 1 plat to held the offiee of Chaplain .to ¥ictoria. Nine yoars later Dr 3 Rote of Roch days emb South London, Lat. { ihe i ie aoy of all Hog. and 'wos v 7th \rchh hos MANY HAPPY RETURNS. + Queen Mary Is QUEEN MARY This is the latest camera study of Queen Mary, who observes her 08rd birthday, today. She Is shown In the *magnificent dress in which or ENGLAND she held first court of the season at Buckingham Palace on May 14 last, when many. Canadian ladies were presented. Gas Overcomes Twenty Firemen Every Member of Three Fire Companies Affected by Fumes Mass, May 26--Twenty firemen were overcome by smoké and carbon monoxide gas todey while fighting a fire in the building of the Chelsea Trust: Company, Chelsea, Among those affected were fire chief David M, Hudson and deputy. chief Ernest W. Wheadon, Four inhalators were used to revive the firemen, kvery member of the three companies that fought the fire was affected by the Row 4 and gas. The fire, which was confined to the basement of the building caused Nttle damage. Led by Chief Hadson, the fireman entered the building, with a small crew concentrating on the basement, A few minutes later several of the latter group staggered out to the street, Other firemen went to the assistance of those who remained in the basement * and' were themselves affected by the fumes. For three hours, firemen centered the building only to stagger out or be assisted ta street where they fell exhausted and unconscious, Those revived returned to the fire, replacing others who were affected, The cause of the re was not determmed, Lord Byng Quashes Retirement Rumors 8y Cuddion Prove' | Pross Leased Wire) Southampton, England, May 26 Londo Gensral Sra) yn. chief commis- London police and former Canada return: n ip of perica and HL of his Yn: Wo dutica ims 5 "And as long health, I shall 1 am poy ects mediately, ] ns I igh ¥ ot think, of t agai n | Nl BC. May 26:An attempt | | Peter Vere | | or, ner in Be De bor, leader who wag kill- ed in' an 'explosioir in u rullway Sach er 29,1 'at the tomb during i Fun A] an Octol ay. © As "to a 'miscaleula~ nin the timber, |, Olan Ti ay drywne and. t t{dons, Thomas th therall and Neil. Gordon ad narrow | escapes from the same fate when their canoe upset in the Ottawa viver opposite Deschenes, Que, Sun- aye Monk, | 'Communists in Two Cities Riot Several injubed ia Fighting at Paris and Berlin (By Canadian Press Leassd Wire) Papls May 26---Communists of Paris clashed with police yesterday and also had a little quarrel among themselves during the annual pare ade to the Pere Lachaise cemetery in memary of those shot against the cemetery wall for thelr part in the "Commund. of 1071. About 850 persons wore arrested, One policeman was hurt and a score of communists were bruised during the parade when the march. ers refused to obey police orders to keep the red flag furled outside the semotery, The marchers, on arriving at the "red wall" found a dissident branch of thei party already in possession, Noses were reciprocally punched and recriminations were loudly exchanged until the police separated the two groups. / Fights in Terlin Rerlin, May 20--Two bystanders were wounded and a third was stabbed in free: for all fights be. tween Communists and Fascists yesterday, Four Communists were arrested, In the west end of Berlin ane other fight later devtioped between Communists and Facists, and sev: eral policomen were hurt, Bight more Communists were arrested, PRIMATE DIES LORD DAVIDSON | " Formcr archbishop ef Ciintorburyl Schroder, 24, who Lia Shot, and primate of England, who I$] pleaded with ove' dead in bis 83nd year. .| pact, remark t Sixty-Three London, May 26-- The Queen to« day celebrated her sixty third birthe day in the privacy ; of Buckingham Palace where all the family were gathered with congratulations and presents, Most importance was attached to the visit of the grand:children-- Princess Mary's two sons and little Princess Elizabeth of York---whose presentation of gifts to grandma was made with impressive enthusiasm, There was no nations! celebration except for the firing of artillery salu- tes at London, Windsor, and naval and Military stations, Dissolution Is Seen This Week Dr, Kaiser's Ideas on Income Taxes Are Ignored by House (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 26 Parliament today enters the week that many believe will see dissolution and wu definite date announced for the election to be held this. summer. With morning, afternoon and evening sittings order- ed, the comparatively small order paper should be cleared late this week, it is believed by most of the members, Although the order paper does not contain a long list of mat- ters, somegare of a contentious na- ture and 'may bring about some heated debates. Chief among the latter class is the iron und steel increases announced in\ the budget which will come be fore the house today, That at least one amendment and possibly more, will be moved. is taken for granted, This is the very last ftem in the budget but so far it has proven to he the most contentious, (Continued on Page 12) I ---------- REPAIRING R-100 FOR ATLANTIC TRIP (By Canpdian Press| Leased Wire) ( ardington, Eng, May 26.~The air ship R-100° after waiting three days for the, weather to permit. her re- moval {rom the mooring mast to her hangar: today was shunted into the shed and before noon workmen were at work on her damaged stem, The airship buckled slightly during her flight last week, Repairs include stfengthening of a 30-foot section of the dirigible About three or fous days would be needed for the work, CANADIAN HOUSE APPROVES NAVAL TREATY OF LONDON Pact Now Passed on to Sen. ate--Bennett Voices \ Criticism (By Canadian Press Leased Win) Ottawa, May 26.-~The House of Commons today approved the Inter. national Treaty for Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armaments Approval 'was given after Hon, J alston, minister of national de- fense, who was Canada's chief re- presentitive at the London Naval Conference, had given a review of proceedings there and an interpre. tation of the terms of the treaty, Prime Minister MacKenzie King moved the resolution of approval, and when it carried made a further motion that the treaty be passed on to the Senate for ratification by that chamber, The hear was no a hols ever, wihout ¢ Hen, gy So lla werting that all parties to the now treaty had signed Kellogg-Briand on the apparent us consistency of the 4wo treaties, The Kellogg-Briand pact had outlawed war, Obvidualy, if war had been out. awed, the instruments of war should not be constructed by na- tions which had outlawed it... Wh then, the need for this new treaty, Another point he mentioned was that he treaty in only effective for eriod-of five yohrs, Ho was pleas err, wih anvthine which fod. make it more dificult for the | taxpayer to contribute to the cost fot armament, {BANDITS ROB THREE THEN 'SHOOT THEM (By Cammlian Press Presa Loased Wire) Omaha, Neb, May 26.<Two bind Jit driving about the roads west _of shot down' three bing t Bt ht ley Mins TTR e of the b pat return, L] keepsake, om i Omaha last night, of their vietins Shier § | All were shot dw The first victim w of (710 am, E. § C.N.R: Statement (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) lund, general manager, reglon, Canadian National Rall ways, issued the [ollowing ¥lnte ment today: At 8.60 o'clock this light engine No, 45602, westward to Oshawa, Chevrolet sedan, Ontario J==2702, at the Iingston crossing just enst of Cobourg. Four occupants of the motor car were almost spstantly killed: J, H. Jolmson, age 61, Mra, Kate John- won, age Hl, Mrs. Jelen Johnson, ago 25, and James H, Johnson, r., age 26, a)l of Hamilton, two children, Robert Johnson, age 1% and Jumes Johnwon, age 3, sub- sequently succumbed. at the Cor bourg hospital, Robert Johndon, age 20, Is now confined to the hos- pital where his Injuries are re ported as slight At the timo of the accident. tos gates protecting this crossing were owt of order having been damaged by a motor vehicle colliding with them or the 13th fustant, et which time fourteen feet were broken off the north gate urms, and the hase nnd the standard of the south gate was broken at the bottom, necessi- tating the making of a new cast. ing| Reports show that these gates have'been broken not less than ten times by motor vehicles this year, I'ne crossing, however, was being protected by a watchman station od on the ground in accordance with the requirements of the Hoard of Rat'way Commissioners for Can ada when gates are out of order, the watchman being equipped with | an flag: for daylight hours and a red lantern for use at night The watchman signalled to the driver of the automobile with his | luntern but the motor car did not rlop until 1t was on the west track | directly 1x front of the #¥proach- Ing engine, which - was about 20 feet from the crossing, Ani examination of the wreckage revealed that the two women and A young man were killed outright, while J, H, Johnson, sr, succumb of a fow minutes later, The injured were removed to a neighboring farm house and first nid was im- mediately givens Dr, Ferris and Coronet, Dr, Lapp, of Cobourg, ware at onco summoned and the injured removed in an ambulance to the hospital, The locomotive was in charge of engineer, W, Adams, and fire- ,man, H: Diment, of Belleville, and was travelling at its proper rate of speed, The. weather conditions were reported as calm. and clear, GRAF WILL FLY T0 NORTH AMERICA Zeppelin Will Make Return Atlantic Flight From Lakehurst, N.J. Pernambuco, Brazil, May 26-Fnd- ing a journey of nearly 2,500 miles to Rio Janeiro and back, the Graf Zeppelin at 10 o'clock am, today T.) was moored to its mast in this city to begin pre- pagations for flight to North America, The Graf, It is believed, will remain until tomorrow dawn before setting out oh the 4500 mile journey to Havana, Cuba, und the additional trip of 1,000 miles to Lakehurst, New Jersey, From Lakehurst the Graf Will fly back across the Atlantic to Friedrichshafen, morning tra velling | struck n| Heenn: Road Worms, Gertany French bos Bl re Mi) ere Ra a Ra their' movement ek in ine with nounced intention of Retiing out ot the Rhineland by Cha R On Cobourg Crash : { Torouto, May 27,~W., A, Kings: | central | | AUTO HIT BY LOCOMOTIVE AT" LEVEL CROSSING, AND OCCUPANTS DIE INSTANTLY | Six of Seven Members of Hamilton Party, Return« ing From Holiday at Montreal, Suffer Terrible Death YOUTH IS INJURED BUT MAY RECOVER | Three- Year-Old Boy, Died of His Injuries, and Ane other Youth Hurt--Crash Occurred Early This Morning (Special to The Oshawa Times) (BY C. M, FREEMAN) Cobourg, May 26---Five persons were instantly killed, and a three- year-old boy, terribly injured, and | deprived of his Mther and mother, died 20 hin later, while =a old Is battling for in Cobourg Hospital result of a frightful mobile accident at the Canas dian National Rallway crossing about two miles east of Cobourg at 8.45 this morning, The victims of the accident were: MR. and Mrs, H. J. JOHNSTON, Nr.., 48, St. Matthews Avenue, Home | fiton, MR, and Mrs, H. J. JR, same address, BOBBY JOHNSTON, 18.month's« old son of Mr, and Mrs. H, J. John ston, Jr, JAMES JOHNSTON, threesyeare old son of Mv, and Mrs, H. J, Johns ston, Jr, sustained a broken jaw and fractured arm and died in Coe bourg Hospital later in the day. Robert Johnston, 20-year-old son year life the AULO~ JOHNSTON, | of Mr, and Mrs, H, J, Johnston, 8r., Jumped clear of the car just before the crash, and wes badly injured, | but may recover On Holiday Trip Thus ended In tragedy a Victorin Day holiday trip to Montreal, Where the party had been visiting Mrs, E. H, Ellam, 7707 Heunrl Joulie St, n daughter of Mr, and Mrs, H, J, Johnston, Sr, Crossing gates out of repair, and the unavailing efforts of a gatekeeper to warn the on- coming motorists hy means of a flag and lantern, figure as outs standing factors in the tragedy which wiped out six members of one family with one terrible stroke of the grim hand of relentless fate, There were two cars in the party which had been spending the week~ ond in Hamilton, The aceldent vies (Continued on Page 12) IDENTIFY VICTIM OF SAW MURDERER Clues to Slaying Found in Blood-Stained Club Rooms » (By Canadian Pross Leased Wire) Montreal, May 26--Search for Identity of the sawed-up youth whese dismembered body, wrapped In packages, was partially recov ed last week on islands In thy 1. Lawrence, just east of Montreal, has led authorities to the convie tion: that the victim was Phillippe Lafontaine, 17, formerly living oh St. Andre Street, near Vill Street, in the north end of the Th lad disanpeared May 13, % La fontalne's hrother was sa to have identified soraps of olo found yesterday In the apart In the olty where, last week, aleut) discovered a blood-stained mattress and kitohen pots full of hleod, Peotentions remain at 'one man All information as to who he | lie | wan' refused hy police, ported that ho is 'connected Ww a prominent family of this provines and that he fs not mentally sound, British. Gout. Facing Two Censure Motions This Week Dy GRORGE HAMBLETON (Canadian Pross Ntaft Correspone "dent), London, May 26.---India and un. omploymont--these are the "two questions on which the governmeut will this week face 'two, tests of strength, . Discussion of the Indian" situa- tion comes up today with a Con. porvative motion to reduco the Buber A 4 LTR Wy onn ures \ The Counservas feel eel pal the Soverament had Es Serine 1 0: of tony and Hq: ho eo wld nat o 3 edionce So, ce fore shiva) traps hi ab tare fe Sv hor its more dangerous phase. The ¢ 1 sorvatives also charge the Hol of Commons has not had enon information and has had to rely the press, rather that the go mont for ita nows, ! It is expected' that Liberal & port will bring * the prot through, although, it is gen added in political circles, that unexpected often happens, On Wednesday the apoat-poliit of the opposition attack ia unem ployment, The government a a expected to survive this winoe having its hands a. Lod by the overwhelming vote in its ; favor registered by the Parliamens tat Labor Party when it disew the Mosley motion of consures It dn ree

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