' Bowmanville Daily Times ---------------- iv p/ Bowmanville Office of The Times, Teleghones=-Office, 687; ST. JOHN'S CHORCH Rector Delivers Fine Ser: mon--Lodges Lay Wreaths at Cenotaph St. John's Anglican Church was packed to the doors yesterday morning when the 5,0.B, Lodge of Dowmanyille together with the Daughters aud Maids held their an- "gual church parade, Extra seas were required to mcconimodats the large turnout which listened to an inspiring sermon by the rector the Rev, RB. J. Bbirves, Mr, Shires took for his text a vorse from the Gist dhapter of Isiah "Look under the rock from whence you ure hewn' and ane other verse "Speak to the children of Isr eo) that they go forward", He modernised the latter text by putting the word England instead of Israel, From these texts Mr, Shires endeavoured to show that our lives are partly built around hereditary influence, the rock from which we are hewn, and partly around the influence of environ- ment, "There are two influence our lives sald, "the usunges and customs handed down by. our forefathers and the influence of what is golug on around us, "Why," he asked, "are you as A lodge and as Christians here to- day? Tho answer is because the {deals of your lodge are based firstly, on religion which weie . handed down to you by those that |" went before. In that way you are ! divected to some extent by the i heritage which has been left you, } Again you are here because yo vonlize the fact that you are un. | able to fulfill any of your obliga: ' tions without Divine ald, The en "yironmental influence you get from coming to church at this parade ' helps you carry out the ideals set ' by your lodge. The idea of coming to ghureh just once a year is wrong but i you expect to be able to live "up to the traditions of your iodge and the tranditions of England and the Empire you must ask for divine "pid each day, With the traditions "behind the country and the em 'pire wo all have reason to thank _ God for Mis inserutable providence for being born on the British Em. pire" He traced the coming of Christ. ,Janity to England (n the third cen . fury and of the coming of St, C Augustine in the year 580, From this early date he showed that the Empire had been nurtured in Christian ideals, factors which greatly," he Fountain Lunches Hot afternoons seem not #0 hot when you've spent a pleasant noon in the refreshing coolness of this glean, jountein Janeh, oods, temping- ly offered awaken he "heat-dulled appetite, | KARNS || Drug Store subscriptions will be received REPRESENTATIVE--B. HERBERT MORTLOCK ie F a i Eu 3 hen add we | have tb hit ad taol that our fevefathers bave a d down shades. ot the for us » cede to follow which Is out standing' throughour the world, 0 . 'of aly play i%o copled thro! t the worla but never equ , British cour ago and the spirit of adventure K : placed we lye up to withou! usking for nelp' from Almighty God ouch day and not once each , r, ' "It you are wise", he concluded "you will get on your knees 'and ask God to make you, first, good Christions and secondly fre Ushmen and the Empire niight yet, then be proud of you," ring the offertory , Miss Jane Mason sang "Land of Hope and Glory" accompanied at the organ by Mra. John Gunn, Following tie service another short service wus held at the Cenbtaph in Memoria) Park where wreatis were lald at the memorial on hehslf of both the B.0.E. Lodge and the Daugle ters and Maids. Mr, Shires also officiated at this ceremony, CITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA RENDER FINE CONCERT B.T.S. Large Audience Hear Fine Toronto Organization on Victoria Day The seating capacity of the au ditorium- of the Boys' Training School was taxed to its limits on Saturday afternoon when the Har- mony Bymphony Orchestra of To- ronto rendered a program of ex- coptional merit, An invitation wes extended to townsfolk to join the boys iu this musion! treat and » great number took advantage of this ang were present, The orches- tra was composed ol clobe to sixty members and wera under the di- rection of Arthur KE. Semple, Mus, Bac, LLR.AM, who is considered | 58 one of the finest conductors in Canada today besides boing a musi. clan of exceptional high standing, The orchestra included many n+ struments not common to the mod. orn orfanisation' aud included the tympany, the bassoon, oboe, French horn, tuba and double bass besides those which are seen in all orches- tras, During the past few seasons this orchestra has played with outstand« ing success In Hamilton, Orillia, Whitby and Mimico. . besides thelr regular numerous engagements in Toronto which Included a trium- phant success at Massey Hall, The program on ' Saturday in- cluded many fine classicel numbers which were rendered with zest and precision, Numbers which re< ceived the greatest applause, ine cluded, The Raymend Overture, the Bacerole from the tales of Hoffman, Lohengrin, The Butter. fly, a beautiful duet for clarinet and flute, and » Pot Pour of Irish airs called the Dreams. of Erin; The William 'Tell. Overture with its stirring swing proved one of the highlights of the program while the Allegro congrasia from Tachalkowsky's Muph No, 6 with its soothing melodie striking contrast, Another fine item was the March H,8.0, fom: posed by the conductor of the or chestra, Vocal selections by Mise Lillian Webb and character songs by Mr, W East added to the effect of titis most pleasing cons cert, \ A young Canadian, L. H. Lalog, graduate of British Columbia Un. fversity, has been honored with the fellowship in International law, under the Carnegie endowment for International peace, -------- The Canadian Chamber of Come meres, Which has one branch de- voted to agriculture, plans the es tablishment of a national bureau of agriculture within its own ore ganization to assist in agriculture! research work in Canada, 'eaRoom and Ice Cream Parlor Tuesday, May 27, 1930 ~Full Course Noon Day Lunch Afternoon Luncheon A La Carte Menu A visit to this bright, cheery parlor will be sure to please! a G. T. WRIGHT Manager 20 King Street West. l Oshawa CHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE FORMED IN WEST DURHAM Eleven Church Teams Will Play in Two Group Series A Softball Leagus has been ore ganized by the Boys' Work Board, for competition among the rural and urban communities of West Durhem, Thé purpose of the League is to create wholesome and manly sport among the largest number of boys ussoclated with ohurch organizations of West Durr ham, This league will be composed of teams from Courtice, Maple Grove, m, Hampton, Newcastle, Bt, Paul's (Bowmanville), Trinity (Bowmanville), Newtonville, Orono, Tyrone, Providence, The league will pe divided into two groups: Western~~comprising Cougtice, Maple Grove, Hampton, salem, Tyrone and Ht, Paul's (Bow. manvilla and Kastorn---~Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Providence sid Trinity (Bowmonville), Home-tnd-home games will be played in each group play oft for first place in the group, the win. uers of these play home-and-home games for the championship of the league, The ball used by thy league will *2 a twelve<inch inseam ball The league will adojt the rules as fsaued by the Hpalding Co, wilh exception of the alwe of the ball, Sliver collection will be taken 'al each game, The six captains of the western section and the five captains of tho costern adetion will be boards of referees for the wastern and east orp' groups respectively to which all matters in dispute between teams shall be referred by the ghatrmun of the league, The deci- sion of the referees will' be final A cup will be donated by the Boys' Work Board for annual competi. tion, The schedules; Western Group May 27-=~Salem at Tyrone 27-=Courtice at Bt, Paul's 0-~Maple Grove at Hampton 80-=8t, Paul's at Tyrone June §~-8t, Paul's at Hamplon S-=Tyrone at Salem §-=Hampton at Qourtice 0-8t, Paul's at Maple Grove «=Tyrone at Courtice 10-~Hampton at Maple Grove '19 lem at Hampton 16-~Saiem at Maple Grove 20-=8t, Paul's at Courtice 24-~Maple Grove at Courtice 24-~Hampton at Tyrone 27--Maple Grove at Bt, Paul's July 1--Courtice at Hampton 4=8t, rauls at. Salem 8--Naple Grove at Tyrone Sizes 14 Misses' to 42 Women's. , ~~ Wash Silk Crepes Silk O'Sheen ie fk' Sleeveless styles $4.95 1) Long Sleeve models ........$8.98 TA. S| 15-=Courtice at Maple Grove 17-=Tyrone at Maple Grove 18-=Hampton at #t, Paul's 18-=Courtice at Salem 22-=Tyrone at Hampton 2%~=Muple Grove at Salem 26~Balem at Courtice Sh~<Tyrons at Bt, Paul's Y9-~Cuurtige at Tyrone S0-=Nblom atl Bt, Paul's Kastern' Group May 24-~Nowcastle at Newtonville "8~=Newtouvilla at Providence JB=="Trinity at Newcastle 30-=0rono at Newtonville June 4==Frovidence at Trinity §~=Newcastle at Orono 11-=Newtonville at Noweastle 18-Trinity at Newtonville 20-Providence at Orono 26~=Orono at Trinity 27«=Newcastle at Providence 7==Newtonville at Orono uly 2-=0rono at Newcastle 2=Trinlty ut Providence d4--alrovidence at Newtonville d==Newonstle at Trinity H~~Nawtonvills at Trinity 11-=Qvono at Providence 16Providence at Newcastle 16=<Trinity at"Orono | NEWS ABOUT TOWN Fite and Drum Beat Foundry In an interesting gama between the Fife and Drum Band and the Foundry at the public school ground: on Friday night the forms er came out at the long end of a four to three score. All runs were scored in the first three Innings the fielding and pitching belug #0 vood during the ress of the game that no one completed the dia mond, The teams were Foundry Fite and Drum Baud Tweedie 1st base B. Dilling Woods 2nd bone Little Osborne Ord base W, Barrett Welsh catgher G, Dilling Luxton pitcher Seymour Hobbs §, stop F, Mutton Lyle r. fleld W. Mutton Carpenter o fleld a, Veale Colvin 1, field G, Button Umpires 8, Candler and D, Wil. Hams, 2 J Total Assessment The assessment of the Town of Dowmanville has now been com- pleted by Mr, Bert Hounsal, the as sensor and shows the complete an: susament of Bowmanville for the year At $8,333,776 compared with $3,875,885 for 1020, This is an increase of $48,200, The wate for the town for last year was 45 'mills and it ia fully oxpected even with the Increase in afsshament that the rate will be higher this year, The increase will be necessitated by the. building of the High School the debentures becoming payable in part this vear, There ure some amall deben- tures which will be fully paid this year but not enough to offset the amount payable on the high schoo debentures, S-- Noftball TER Front street, one or the \smart- ost teams in tho league thig year are to meet Goodyear last your . E lal exceptionally unt st the nine o'clock : aa : a, ne ier still and there le Nea | Simcoe St. N. J{ oe iran auven | . 'ton 8 PHONE 2595 [tun to Toronto by bus there were seven husses required to take cara 'of the large number of passengers, | The Wh Advertising, wien) whithy Brancu Office, st Uo SbewAlles Busivess How ~ REPRESENTATIVE-JAMES H, ORMISTON MEDIGAL ASSN PRESENTED GAVEL {: 0.THE HOSPITAL} County Doctors Met at Whit. by---~New Officers Were Elected "Phe presentation of a handsome i4} save! to the Ontario Hospital by the Ontario Medical : Association WAS an outstanding feature of the annual meeting of that organize~ 'y an meeting held in White neon, with on darge 'number "embers in at- tendance, and he dn the chair, ] Behalf of the bby Dr, Jamey ox Moore to Bird tended to members of the Associa. tion by Dr, Stevenson and his star, Many times the hospital had heen placed at the Association's disposs! for meetings, and many times had the members been entertained. Dr, Bird felt that while in the past there had been expressions of these courtesies, the time had come when {it should take some more tangible form. ' From Bowmanville alone there was more than & bus load and ex~ tras busses were sent for as the others weve filled, On Saturday night the firecrackers played thelr part In the holiday and the one stofe In Bowmanville which stocks these amusements was completely sold out, There was no damage ro- ported as a result of fire crackers tnd no one wis admitted to the hospital with birrns, Town Council Tonight The town council will meet to night In the council chamber for a special session to get some of thy more important work cleared away hefore the regular meeting next Monday, It is believed Lhat the fivat. dnd second readings of the by-law for the pirchase of the local hydro system Wilh be put through tonight and there are sev. eral other important items to 'be discussed, ---------- Treasurer of Law Society Mr, W, N, Tilley, . K.C,, of Tor ronto, one of tho i ost prominent members of the Canadian legal profession was elected treasurer of the Law Society of Upper Canada in succession to the late Hon, Wal lace Nesbitt, K.C,, at the Convoos= tion of the benchers of the law so: cloty at Osgoode Hal! recently, This position Is regarded as the high. est honor which can be conferred on any lawyer inthe province, Mr, Tilley is a son of Min, W, E, Tilley of Beoch avenue, Graduates In Toronto Miss Beatrie Cryderman, daugh: ter of Mr. and Mra, A, B, Cryder man, Bowmanville, was among the guests at a dinner given by the Goneral Hospital Alumnae Associa tion at Hart House in honor of the 1080 graduating olass, Miss Crys derman was one of the graduates 'Ministerial Association Officers At the annual meeting of the Ministerial Association of West Durham held recently, the follow ing officers were elected: I'rosi- dent---Rev, W, PF, Rogers, New- cantle; Viee-President--Rev, R, J. Shires, Howmanville; Secretary Treasurer----Rev, D, W, Best, Bow. manyille, Seouts at Peterborough The Bowmanville Boy Scouts uns dar scout master Terry journeyed to Peterborough on Saturday for the Jamboree where scouts from many other centers were present, The boys got back'to town late hut repurt having had a wondertu) es, Children Bright ive--He * Rosy Cheeks Cod Liver Extract, so abundant in sugar-conted MoCoy's Cod Liver Bxtraot, is the quickest and surest Act Po taht tier bo alth, attragtiveness and ohfldron take MeCoy's, the full 'bone and uliding of Cod a's head of them! ne alokly ohild galoned 13 pounds In 7 months, Get MeCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets at Jury and Lovell, T, B, by. ue and news will be received st the With Daily Times wor ang Chroulclg.-Yelephone hone 850, Dr, Moore, in asking Dr, Webster to platned thet tion's wish that at all meetings In cous , A] a ut ih Howie, In Webster made a brief reply, wtating that it was as much u Jlugsure for the medical superin. mdent and his siafl to be of ser. vice to the Association-and medical Protession generally, as it was for hem to avail themselves of that service, Dr, Wobster referred to the recognized worth of hogpital and the sgeoperation tho stefl received from the doctors, and the noted in. torest. the insuguration shortly of the minis) hells "linlos In connec. with mental he bo) fy spitals in the The ing listened to two ver ri drier, one by Dr, R, 1, Har A oronto, on the subject of "Head Injuries," and the other by Dr, C. A. Rus, Toronto, on "Sinus Infection." Both addresses were of a technical nature but full of inter. ost to the medical men, Free use Was made of the blackboard foy fllustration purposes, A heapty vote of thanks was ex. tended to the visiting speakers for thelr very {lluminating addresses, The report of the necretary-trea purer, Dr, A, ¥, Mackay, of Osh. Awa; showed the Association to be in a favorable position financially and from g membership standpoint, A number of communications were read and dealt with, OMceors elected were ag follows: President, Dr, McClintock, Ux bridge, Vice-president, Dr, ¢, 0 Oshawn, Beoretary-treasurer, Mackay, Dshawa, The executive of 1020 was elected, ANNUAL FESTIVAL AT THE COLLEGE WAS FINE SUCCESS May Queen Elected and Crowned -- Address on "The Ideal Woman" An the sun came out from be. hind a cloud and beamed brightly on the green lawns of the Ontario Ladies' College at noon on Victoria Day, Miss Francis Grace, of Sars nin, was formally crowned quen oi the May, having previously hy pep ular vote of her. fellow students been declared as being in thelr op« infon the most popular and the nearest approach to. the Idea: woman, Miller, Dr. A.V re The queen, attended by her coun sellors, Miss Bernice Ys Ouugpur ter of Rev, Dr, snd Myre, ¥raser, of Dunberton, and Miss Vivisu Davis, deughter of Mr, Mrs, Davis, of St, Catbérines, wlio were #lso elected by the siuderts, and by ber suite, Betty Dewland, Yeggy Dewland, Helen Voslum, Bernie Ducofte, and Efeen Fitzsimmons, presented a pleture of girlish lover lineds us slowly she proceeded trom the main door of the College to the contre of the lawn directly in frou of the building, Here s was by Miss Gertrude Rutherford, oe otension | retary of the Srudoni' Chrisysn | { Missionary Movement, who was the speaker at the brief exercises before the coronation, and wow placed the crown of beaotifyl tlow- ery on her bead, At the same time Miss Janet Moffat, May Queen ot Inst your, stopped forward snd pre- sented the pin that'is worn for one year by the Queen, Mrs, R, N, Bas. set presented Miss Moffat with a in that is donated annusily by the astle Alumanae chapter, to every &irl who has been crowned gueen, the preceding year, It seemed most appropriate what 01d Bol, whe had all morning been conspicuous by hig absence, should shine forth in full strength for the coronation, and warm up stmos- phere for the'sxercises which took Place on the lawn afterwards in the ay Queen's honor, These' were under the able direction of the Col. lege physical director, Miss Helen Merkley, with Miss Marjorie Kis bey, AT.CM, at the plano, A Inrge crowd, including friends of the College from far and near, wits nessed coronation ceremony auu oxorcises for the Queen, and also attentively listened to the preceed~ ing programme in the College Mu- sic Hall, The May Court Festival at Cole lege" haw always been one of out. standing events of the year, and this year was no exception to the rule, Early in the forenoon there was a chill in the atmosphere and rain threatened, By noon, however, the clerk of the weather had chang od the programme, with the result that success In capital letters was written on the days' proceedings. At 10.80 In the forenoon the day's programme opened, the music hall being filled to the doors, The principal, Rev. Dr, C. R, Carscal~ len, welcomed .the students and vis- itorw, and expressed regret that the chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr, Charles F', McGillivray, was une avoldably absent, Pleasure was ex- pressed, however, that G0, M, Good~ fellow, a member of the Board and a well known resident, had consent od to act as chairman, The hope was expressed that the day would be one of joy and suceess for all, The chairman, G. M, Goodfellow, after expressing regret that Dr, MeGiiMyray could not be, present, referred to-the fact that the May Court Festival had long been one of the bright days in the college yearn day to which the students looked forward eagerly, As usual a good programme had been: are ranged, and he was hopeful that it would provide pleasure for one and all, After a plano solo by Miss Kathe leon Loask, AT.C.M,, the singing of the National Anthem. and "O Can< ada" the chairman called upon Miss Gertrude Rutheriord, te ad- dross the students, Hey subject was the "Ides Women" and 'her In extolled by srt and sculpture, the ides) woman shouid be: gracious, courteous, free from pretense, mindful of the happiness and com- ort of others, honest, true and transparent iu all things and sen~ sitive to all life around her, She should seek after the better things In te, be posseksed of an honesty ot purpose, striving ever to be of help to all around her and to at- tain to the highest {dents of Cliris- tan living and citizenship, "Your iden! woman exists In you snd ideal woman exists In me, then give her a chance to live more freely," de- clared Miss Rutherford in closing, On bebalt of the students the chairman thanked Miss Ruthérford for her inspiring address, The election of May Queen and Counsellors followed, the singing of the college song, "Dear Old Trafalgar," The Queen was chosen on the first ballot, but it required three ballots to determine who her counsellors should be, After the coronation the follow~ ing programme of exercises wos carried out in the Queen's honor: Early English Minuet (as dan. eed on May Day hefore Queen Elizabeth): Flamborough Sword: Valse, ¥olk Dance Group --- A, Aweet Kate; B, Lovely Wulka; C, Weaving Dance; D, Dutch Couples; BE. Kolomeyka; F¥, May-Pole; U, Sellenger's Round, The luncheon in honor of the May Queen was one of the outs standing events of the day's pro- gramme, Ope table in the large dining hall was most pleturesquely decorated with apple blossoms and other spring flowers, It was at this table that the Queen and her court sat; the queen occupying the large throne completely covered with blossoms, at the head of the table. Besides her court, distin- guished guests of the day, who sat at this table were Miss Helen #il- verthorne, of Toronto, the May Queen, in 1928, and Miss Janet Moffat, of Weston, who was Queen last year, In the afternoon the stu- dents went on the annual plenie and returned. fon the evening in time for the excellent display of fireworks, a SIMPLE GLYCERIN MIX STOPS CONSTIPATION The simple mixture of glyderin, buckthorn bark, saline, ete, (Adler- ika) acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, relieving constipation in 2 hours, Brings out poisons you never thought were in your system, Don't waste time with pills or remedies that clean only PART of the bowels, but let Adlerika give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and seo how good you feel! Adlerika stops GAS bloating in 10 mipites! Jury and Lovell Ltd, Drugs. TERIA - Several Added Specials FOR YOU n addgion to our Nga weekly specials we now offer the thri Oshawa and vicinity, extra specials for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Shop Early----Store Open From 9 to 6 Including Saturday y housewives of SPECIAL! Aylmer Beets + No. 1 Tin 2 tr 19¢ EATONIA Biscuits, 1 1b. pkg. . .30¢ Household Blend Tea, .....lb, 38¢c EATONIA Peas, No. 4 ..... 14 SPECIAL! Jewel Shortening to 29C EATONIA Pumpkin, No. 2 tin 13¢ bN SPECIAL! Jam 4 Strawberry wai JRC LR bx Oranges Special Large Bananas. .........doz. 28¢ Cooking Onions . .......3 Ibs. 28¢ New Potatoes .........4 lbs. 25c Old'Potatoes .,...,..,. Peck 47¢ : svimebsnee +3 for 108 SPECIAL! , Large Prunes Special Lean Stewing Beef. .....,.Ib 16¢ Pork Sausage , ys ov vv oo (Ib. 28g, Sirloin Steak veoinnee db 38e Chuck Roast Beef .....,. lb 24c Mitohell, W, H. Karn, or any durg- store, 60 tablots, 80 conts. .