AN A | Sa ce Srl HL Rl 3 TR Food 4 PAE, 5 i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1930 " as os ey Sore 1, Two Happy / TA p J ------------ Little Folks W. Bur, Ko loss is there Without some ing Nor joy so free of 3 Y is ~=Nanny Meadow Nanny Meadow, Mouse was up in n-tree, She didn't get: there her. . welt, Farmer Brown's Boy had put aor there, although Farmer Brown's Boy. didn't know it, armer Brown's 'Boy put; an eld tin can 'up in the tree for a birdhouse Zand unknown to him Nanny vas in that tin can, When Nanny fin. ally discovered where she really was, she was for leaving at once. She waited only long enough to} " make sure that Reddy Fox was not at hand send no other enemy was in sight, Then she crept out onto a ttle branch that was just in front of the little round door and started down to the ground There was an old stick leaning against the tree and slanting down, Tt was An easy matter for Nanny, for she had climbed before, "There!" sald she, when at last she avas on the ground, 'I guess I'm about through with that thing, Now what shall I do and wliere shall 1 go?" She hesitated a bit, for she had never been over here before and it was all new to her, Bhe made her way to the edge of the bushes and tried to make up her mind whether to stay in the bushes or to go out on he Green Meadows, She was still undecided when she heard a little rustling back of her, Nanny's heart leaped night up in her throat, Who could that be? It might be Shadow the Weasel, It might be a strayge Mouse, It might be--well there were n lot of people it might be. Nanny turned her head and looked back, Then she gave a little squeal of Jo There was Danny Meadow Sp ouse, Danny wed staring as it he hhd never seen her before. You gee, they had heen separated so long that Danny had ben sure that some. thing dreadful had happened tq Nanny, and Nanny had been sure that something dreadful had hap- pened to Danny, So it was hard for either to believe that they were once more together, who moved first, After that firm, little squeal she turned and rush- ed straight to Danny. They touch ed noses and right then and there were two as happy little people as could be found on all the Green Meadows, "Where have you been?" de. manded Nanny, "Where have you been?" de- manded Danny, Then each told of the' adven- tures they had had. Danny had Been wandering around all this time, not knowing where to go and not caring much where he was, so long as he could mot find Nanny, It was just by ghance that he had come that way just then. . He had heen not very far from there when Farmer Brown's Boy had come a- long. : PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S '10 Simcoe SE 8. -- We Deliver Bois # ag Ee A 4 . kL . Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 201 King §t, W, Phone 1214 x WimE Diamonds ! plasietts | { : wa'e Main dl ed p 1t tell the; correct (|. SAN INATIW $e re el | 12 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH fa It. was Nanny | § SUNDAY rst "<3 : Sw Daily en 1=Saturdy, Suudey sud Holidays only, - == 3 "Where have you been?" demand. ed Nanny "Did you see Reddy Vox, too?" asked Nanny, "No," replied Danny, 'dy been this way?" "I should say so!' exclaimed Nanny, "He ran when he heard Farmer Brown's Boy coming." "Then he must have run the other way and that is why I did not see him," said Danny, "Well my dear, what shall we do now? Where shall we go? I suppose we may as well look for the place to make that new home we started out to make, Shall we look around here in the bushes or shall we go out on the Green Meadows?" "That is the very thing I was trying to decide when you came along," replied Nanny, Just them a Merry Little Rroeze wandered by and tickled their nos- es with an odor that made little cold shivers run up and down thelr hackbones, That Merry Little Breeze brought the smell of Reddy Fox, and they know by the strength of that smell that Reddy was very near. He must have seen Farmer ALN ¥ "Has Red- TIME TABLES § st wa a ues C, P, R, TIME TABLE Effective April 27, 1030, (Standard Time) Going Paily Daily Duly Daily Daily « Going East Daily Daly Daly (Except Sunday) Daily Daily 547 am, 6.28 a.m, R25 am, X18 pom, 6.35 p.m, (Except Sunday). 9.50 a.m, 3.05 pon, £20 p.m, 11.10 p.m, 1205 a.m. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Change in Time, eNective April 27th, © | (Standard. Time) + Eastbound 8.23 a.m, Daily, Except Sgnday 8.58 none Sunday only 0,55 a.m, Daily . 11pm, Daily, Except Sunday 200 p.m, Daily 4.40 pom, Daily 5.42 p.m, Daily, Except Sunday 9.38 p.m, Daily 1.09 pom, Daily, Except Saturday 11.46 pm, Daily 1200 am, Daily Westbound 4.26 am, Dally 5.04 a.m, Daily $.28 a.m, Daly, Except Sanday 6,20 aun, Daily . 0,03 ant. Daily, Except Sunday 2.02 p.m, Daily, Except Sunday 4.00 pom, Daily 7,02 pom, Daily 7.42 p.m, Sunday only 8.20 p.m, Daly 8.23 p.m, Daily, Except Sunday Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE ' WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective un and after April 27, 1930, (Daylight Saving 0) Going West Leave Arrive Arrive Hospite! - iF 'own's Boy leave and have come k to see it Nanny had left that pam J, 3 ny 0 next story: * WI TRAFFIC TOO MUCH FOR ONE BULL MOOSE | Duluth, Minn, May 27.~~Four pult moose came to town, and town s no of them got killed in traffic, and the others made tracks for whence they come, . The moose jumped in front of William . Patterson's and was run down before Patterson could stop the machine, mal was about two years old and weighed 200 pounds, It moose keep coming to Duluth steps may have to be taken, rr -- for a bull moose, One automobile The anl-| of vio [MAJOR DECISIONS: OND. DRY LAWS: Buyeds of Bootleg - Liquor Declargd Exempt From Prosecution ashington, D.C,, May 27-~The United States Supreme handed down two. decisions vitally important to those interested in the enforcement of the dry Purchasers of lgquor from hoot. Jleggors were declared to be exempt from Jrotesviion on the charge ating thé national prohibi- tion law, * The court declared that the pur« chasers were not gullty with the seller in violating the prohibition law when they nogapl the delivery. of bootleg liquor, ! Birt Sone pier. vio 1 tgsnsporiation ls neg. Know, onsary "delivery who, on trie! dead, ble SUDAN were 3s red su! prosecution on ' rge of congpiracy to violate the prohibition law, " "SALARY GRAB" ISSUE MAY FADE AND DIE Toronto, May 27==Ag & result of Court has Judge Denton's recent letter to yor Bert Wemp, in ing the Ie eity council that the resolution wh, judicial investigation {nto what wag termed the "salary grab' is not in the proper form nor in ne- cordance with the section of the net authorizing such enquiries, the council will be required to amend it or drop the matter, It is widely ru. passed by that body asking for a | done aud the furore raised by the council in attempting to raise thelr our salaries without submitting the issue to the electors, will be allow~ ed to die away. ) LARGE GRANTS FO NINE PROVINCES Ontario Has Recelved Over $21,000,000 in Eight Years os ---- Ottaws, May 27.~8inee = April 1922, the provinces of Canade have obtained from the Dominion Cov. ernment or at the end of the fiscal year will have obtained, amounts of moriey totalling $142,010,017,09 mored that nothing further will be exclusive of piiyments made In var- fous provinces to pensioners of the great war, It these were added the sum disbursed from the federsl treasury would winount to $546, 114,414.68, The fret figure Is coms prised of provincial subsidies, spe~' elal subventions to the Maritime Provinces, contributions from high way constriction, dishursements on account of the Maritime Freight Rates Act, expendliiiires for experi mental shipments of coal from both the Maritimes and Alberts, old age pensions, unemployment relief, technical education and nid to agri culture, The statutory subsidies to . the nine provinees total $09,584,182. 76, divided ns follows: Prince Edward Island, $3,000, 465,04, ' Nova Scotia, $4.204,702.10, New Brunswick, $5,854,126.08. Quebec, $18,061,360,04, Ontario, $21,140,808,44, Manitoba, $11,047,078.88, Saskatchewan, $10,449,002,00 HUIS KIDNEY 50,802.60, British Columbia, $5,010,5653.28, In adition to that $15,000 has heen pald to British Columbia since 1925 In steamship subventions, a oo, us Of.) Compan 1008 Thar Firs PIECE WASN'T oe WNOUGH | \S S\ZE WiLL. BE BETTER iW . Ney TELLING TOMMY wv TENMIS MIGHT BE CALLED A ROYAL GAME TOMMY, AS IT WAS POPULAR WITH MANY OF THE KINGS OF FRANCE AND ENGLAND, THE GAME YAS PROBABLY DERIVED FROM A GAME PLAYED IY ANCIENT TIMES IN EGYPT PLavING rEnmIS "OLD ENGLAND | | X DIED FROM A CHILL CONTRACTED AFTER PLAYING THE SAME AMD CHARLES Y. AS A DEVOTEE OF TENNIS, ENGLAND IN HIS TIME, HENRY YI) BUILT THE HAMPTON COURT PALACE COURT IN 1530. 17 19 STILL 1M USE TODAY. ® 1030 King Penturvs Ryndicate, ne, Treat Britain rights reserved WHY DON'T YO) PLAY TENNIS, [ DON'T WANT 10 Bf A RACKETEER - THEY HAVE A BAD NAMF NOWADAYS, STOP THAT NOISE. IF WE | Al RP WAN'T ANY DINGIN' WEL TELL YOO. A BY Golly : ' [Naso im | GON' TO ~CaNTH You MAKE : A HOM. 1D By Geo. McManus LIKE TO 9g YOU DROP AN) ARMELL, OF D\DHED LIKE \ DO WITHOLT MAKIN ANY 10,50 a.m, 12.45 p.m, 2S Sms S$BEAZASSSS3353, Soe Saal PER a, 2a 0, 88s823 3323: 45% om. LS om i ESevom sprites =: I an «ad Lm, ' 10.5 om m, -- =a ® 3 in > oPPpees ae 2233333: Sma, i SE83u2s8sBEEy sess 332 $33333333 4 A AA S32n 3% a Ne DB PoPae® 3333 Eu2k Bays: Tos 332 52 Sane on F Ft FooE mans *z == A Pe THESE Sooo =33333 3a3x PP a3 nm, me ma AND. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Colng West = Bz. HURRY, BOBEY- THE PRINCESD 19 WAITING | PRINCROSES + IN THIS WAY, SO THE EARLY, FLORELLE, DECIDED T8 GEND) ROSELIANE "TO THE COLRTS OF OTHER, SER TO WHAT ISH "THEY NAD NOD THEIR GIFTS AND SHE SENT DOLLY, BOBBY AND COMBY WITH HER, DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE Bh 4 I's of '¥ La LH Ke PUT, HE rat rtd can AY THEY STARTED OUT IN A ROYAL COACH *_ A ) 4 FLEURDELYS ! POOR PRINCESS | JERR kB ' A eT, EEF FEE sus ~5.=B C4. Bu $10 0 it Sunday i | 4+ Sundays orly TILLIE THE TOILER--Harold Loves His Job MAC'S * BRING ING | [fas "Ts Be |} | WANT i" - Vo usT \A ANT To SHOW MAC qa Lond CAN'T . LAN HE WANTS)