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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 May 1930, p. 1

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[=] The © ob "ta "bu ui i » VOL. 6--NO. 123 ative Nominee Consory Bt, Thomas.~~Jonathan Dowler, rotived retail merchant of this city, was last t nominated by Cons sorvatives of West Elgin to contest fn the tort! ne, Eight others were ated but all withdrew in favor of Church Union Defeated. | Charlottesville, Va,~ Organic union of the Southern Presbyterian Chureh with the United Presbyteis fan Church was defeated in a tabu. Intion of votes from the* Southern Presbyleries announced at the Gen eral Assembly hero. t's » Id J Tarring Case Adjourned Edmonton, Alta,~~Two Lacombe businessmen Ralph Mowbray. and Walter Butlin, nlleged members of the gang of five men who Fred Doberstein, Lacombe blacksmith, claims tarred and feathered hiw last Wednesday morning near Blacklully, Alberta, appeared be- fore Magistrate H, G, Scott of Red Deer yesterday and thelr cases were set over until Saturday, Lord Ashton Dies London,~=The death occurred today of Lord Ashton, first baron, a manufacturer of great wealth and for long a prominent. Liberal, Ho was 88 yours of age. id Farmer Still Missing Cookeville, ~=No word or Araee of the whersabouts of William Fowster, the Cookaville farmer who mysteriousiy disappeared on Friday, has yo. boon secured, \d " L Disabled Nehooner Located Galveston, Texas~~The wsochoon- or, Elechas, disabled in the Guilt of Mexico, with a party of Houston men abroad, was located today 85 miles off the mouth of the Brazos river by the patrol boat 115 of the const guard, JAPAN CELEBRATES GREAT SEA VICTORY Tokyo, May 7---A truce was oall- ed today In naval controversy while the Japanese vmprie of Tsushims in which Admiral He iro Togo on May 87, 1005, annihilated the Rus- sian fleet, achieved the greatest tri- umph of Japanese arms and scored the most decisive nvaval victory since the battle of Trafalgar. Thousands flocked to the "sea and sky" exposition at Uyeno park, Other throngs witnessed a parade of mofels of Admiral Togo's wa 1] through the oity. A constant strean of .w: y at Yadukun! shrine, dedie the souls of those who died in on. MISSING SPANISH AVIATORS FOUND ---- Madrid, May 27--The missing Sipahieh aviators, Burguete . and uneg, lost for several days in the wilds of Africa, have been found. They are safe and well with tribes men in the interior of Rio de Oro, General Burguete and Nunes, who were forced down during a flight from Cape Juby to - Spain, werg reported to ba prigoners of a nomadic tribe. The colonial author ities today were attempting to ef- fect their release. y FALLING 50 FEET PLANE KILLS THREE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Tulse, Okla, May 37---Crashing as the pilot was landing on the Hghted Garland airport, FW . alt plane carry rea , 28, of Tulsa and Robert Hammond, 21, and George 8, Busboom, both of Carthage, Mo, fell 50 feet here lant night and burned; killing, the trio, ORES PILOT KILLED OTTAWA CRASH (By Sanadiay bt nfm vi : Pi Ota ay 27~Flying Sergt, Ww, Pike, of the Ro af Canadian A Force, was killed when the plane he was ng crashed te earth from a low altitude, Sergt. Pike was alone in the machine, He Is believed to be a native of Vancouver, LARGE MILL BURN WITH $30,000 LOSS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Strattord, May 27.~A large three-storey frame chopping mi), propery. of Harold Smith, was completely destrdyed by fire. last n which caused damage esti: mated at $30,000, The blase wasn discovered by a group of boys who sounded the alarm in the village. The flames quickly gained headway and efforts to save the strueture were futile, i ing in. the sams. (3 iy) halle the oe 0 SIGN ana Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News While It Is News" OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1930 15 Cents » Week; 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PAGES HIS MAJESTY IS UNABLE TO ATTEND COURT TO-NIGHT, BUT ILLNESS NOT SERIOUS Has Been Suffering for Some Days From a Pain. ful Although Localized Rheumatism of Right Hip STRAIN OF COURT WOULD BE HARMFUL Expects to be Able to Fulfil Engagements Later in the Week--Has Lohg Confer- ence With His Physician (By Canadian Press Leased Wir) London, May 27-=Iliness of the King will prevent his attending the third court of the season to be held tonight at Buckingham Palace, it was officially announced today The following announcement was issued at Buckingham Palace: "For somo days the King has been suffering from a painful al though localized rheumatism of the right hip. His Majesty has been advised not to be present at the courts to night and tomorrow, but hopes to be able to fulfil! hig en- gagements later In the week, Not Serious It was »stated on excellent mu thority that the trouble was not of a werious nature and has no cons noetion with the King's recent Ill ness, Lord Dawson of Penn, his pers some! physician visited the palace this morning and remainded with the King for some time, It was sald unofficially that the strain of 0 and of do butantes passed the throne would not be henefolal, On May 14th and May 185 His Majesty presided at the fivat two gourts of the season, the first he has attended in two years due to his 'previous serious Iliness, The Prince of Walesa deputized for him during the preceding sea- son, Apart from the courts it wan stated that the King In following his normal routine, The rheumatism from which he is suffering ia attributed to the re- eént bad and damp weather, Serious Iliness in 1028 Jt is more than a year and a half since the serious fllness of King George late In 1928 and during the early months of 1520, when he was confined tn his bed for many months, The King in November, 1028, de veloped a cold after standing bare. headed In the rain during an Arm. istics Day observance; Fever devel oped after a few days and it be oame apparent that his condition was serious, \ Careful examinations were made and dt developed that thers was a lung Jdnfection which In December : neceaninisd an operation ' for the r 1 of the infected material, He showed improvement after this but had a set-back late in Decem- ber, He again showed improve. ment and in February had recov. ered sufficiently to be taken to the seaside for recuperation and rest, It in only in recent months, hows over that he has been carrying on a full schedule of his normal ace tivities, K. OF C, HOLDING BIG CONVENTION Delegates From All Parts of Ontario Gathered at Brockville (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brockville, May 27-=The 27th Ontario state convention of the Knights of Columbus wns opened here this morning with a celebra« tion of pontificial high mass in St, Francly Xavier's Church, at which Archbishop M, J, O'Brien, of King ston, state chaptain, was the preach. or, and with various other dignator- fos and officials of the order in at tendance, The convention marks the 256th anniversary of the establishment of the Brockville council and there is ® large attendance of delegates fromy all parts of the province as well 'as Non, Martin Carmody, of Newhaven, Conn.,, the supreme knight, ---------------------- Sixty Killed in Rangoon Riots Fighting Between Police Unceasingly (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Rangoon, India, May '27, Sixty deaths were reported officiaily toé night in two days of disorders at- tending a dock strike in this Bure man capital, Many more are believed to have been killed in the rioting between Burmese coolies and Hindus, with whom the police have been battling unremittingly since yesterday morn» ne, The streets tonight were deserted except for police and the contending sides, The rioters are armed with iron bars, sticks and duggers. The situation has grown so bad that police have on several occasions been obliged to open fire into the mobs, The populace was thrown into ter ror by the rioting and remained in. doors, afraid to venture forth even for rood, Disorders at Bombay Bombay, Mav 26.~Police, supprefd- ing renewed attacks by Moslems in the Bhendi Basaar district, fired three times into the mob this fore. noon, Seven Moslems were injured, while an European police sergeant ac gidentally shot in the arm was taken toa hasnital, : Prince 1s Killed Bucharest,~Prince Myroea Can- tacuzene, member of an old noble family, wag killed in an airplane accident yesterday while dropping loatleta urging the public to do mand the return of Prince Carel to Roumania. His wife was slightly Injured. Linking of Empire by Air Is Discussed at Parley By GEORGE HAMDLETON (Canadian Press Staff Correspons : dent), London, May 27-=The empire business men today wought ways and means to promote the more of. fective linking of the Empire by afr, In a formal resolution the dele. gates to the congress of the Empire Chambera of Commerce impressed on the various governments the im. portance of granting subsidies for the establishment of a network of alr routes, The need of the larger tows for alrdrome provision was also stressed, J, H, Woods, of Calgary, presi dent of the Capadian Chamber of Commerce, during a disoussion of the enormous progress made by avi. ation in Canada within the last two yoars, a disonssion whioh showed the earrlage of mall by alr in the dominion has grown from 10,000 pounds to 1937 to 600,000 pounda of mall matter in 1829--sald: "The CATT of mail, 'freight and pas- sen By air han become an ore dinary. husiness factor in our lives within the last twa years, Last your ihe Canadian. alr routes, it was disclosed, carried more commereial freight than even the progressive Germay lines, There were alr mail services running to the mouth of the MacKensie river and linking up the Rockies and the Maritimes, The motion submitted by the Toronto Noard of Trade on the In ter-change of school text hooks was amended by a large majority, In the form finally adopted the res solution recommends that inter. change should be arranged through the various education departments instead of through the prime min. isters and further, that reports of discrepancies or improvements should be submitted to the proper oduoation authorities, A resolution from the Belleville, Ont,, Chamber of Commerce, advo: cating the wide extension of com- merical education throughout the empire was adopted unanimoualy as submitted, Favor Penny Post London, May 27.~-The Congress of the British Emnire Chambers of Commerce quickly got down ta busis and Natives Continues... r George - Is II With Rheumatism in His Hip NIX When, the aptomobile in which they were viding was struck, by » Canadian National RBallways ene Eine at a lovel crossing two miles oast of Cobourg, six of soven mem- bers of a Hamilton party were al- most. instantly killed, Top ploture SCENE, VICTIMS OF COBOURG CR 4 bit LA i Tals i / y OSSING TRAGEDY No RESIDENTS OF shows the double tracks, the watch. man's house, and (Wo Mon meas uring the distance the car was cars ried down the tracks, On thelr right is the broken fence, through which thy car waa tossed, Another view of the crossing is seen below HAMILTON KILLED ' on the right, and on the left is all that, remalbed of the death car, Plotures at bottom ave, left to right, Mr. and Mrs, J, H. Johnson, Sr, killed; Robert Johnson, a son, who escaped, and. My. and Mrs, J. H. Johnson, Jv, killed. Two Seriously Hurt by Bombs (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Chicago, May 87.~Bomb ex plosions early. today shook the aorthwest and south sides, caused sorioun injuries to two persons and did several thousand dollars dam- age, Rude Rasmussen, 69, and his wite, Minnie, 61, wore troated at a hospital for outs and brulses after & powerful dynamita bomb wrecked the entrance to a two story brick building. The drug store of Chris Barone on the edge of Chicago Chinatown was the target of a black powder bomb which caused damage and threw two families from their ------------ Bishop War About Divorce Anglican Synod Told On. tario Divorce Courts Prob- ably Best Way Out (By. Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kingston, May 37-Warning dol ogates to the Anglican, Synod of Ontario that the "ominous increase of divorce" in Ontario was one of the wymptoms of the egotism springing from the spread of secs ularism throughout the natlons of the world, Rt. Rev. O. A, Seager, Bishop of the diocese, in hix ans nual gharge at the opening of' the 8rd annual synod of the digeene of Ontario to-day declared the growth of divorce would sap the foundation of any civilization, "Secularism," his lordly said, 'was responsible for the changed conditions in Russia aud Turkey. A relatively few years {LT TY new olvilization In Turkey, India and Afriea which will probably be frankly 'secular,' he sald, "Nor is our own Anglo-Saxon oivilisation without symptoms of the same thing," Commenting on the yeoent partis amentary decision providing for the hearing of divircee casen in Ontario by the olvil courts Righop Seager sald, "Certainly, rome radical change in the administration of di- varee. Inwa wan necessary in Cans (Continued on Page 3) ada, Canada's New Equal Status Under Debate Parliament Approved Naval Treaty of London Yesterday (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 27.--After a brief speech by Hon, Ernest Lapointe, minister of justice, the House of Commons this morning passed the motion approving recommendations of the London conference on the op- eration of dominion and, merchant shipping legislatoin, Yesterday the House discussed 1 the mation at length, and Mr. Lapointe's speech to day was byway of reply to some of the eriticisms then offéred. Ottawa, May 27. Constitutional is sues, arising out of Canada's new sta tus of equality within the British Empire again will come before: pars liament today, Hon, Ernest Lapointe, minister of justice, after listening to u discussion off the subject that lasts ed most of vesterday afternoon and evening, will conclude the debate, Upon its conclusion the Commons will consider the remaining budget resolutions and departmental estims ates, Imperial Conference Report The debate vesterday arose over the report of the conference on' the operation of dominion legislation and merchants shipping legislation held in Loudon last October. Canada's mins isterial representative, Hon, Ernest Lappinte, moved a resolution of aps proval in the rocemmendations, and seven members took part in the des bate that followed, ' ii, The Imperial Conference of 1926 eatablished the equality of status of all British Empire self-governing nas tions, The conference law year ens deavored to reconcile existing legis. lation and administrative and judi cial forms to this new position, exs plained Mr, Laponte, (Continued on Page 2) Eloction Date Set ' Frodorickton, N.B.--The Ne Brunswick general Provinolal dlecs tion will be held on Thutsday, June 18, it wan announced here yestors day Police Make Big Haul of Jewelry (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, May 27---Jewels valu. od at $300,000 were in possission of police today as the result of a rald on a room in the Hotel Com- modore in which a woman and four men were arrested, Brooches, brace lots and rings set with diamonds, rubles and other gems were seized, Police: Commissioner Mulrooney said ha considered the prisoners to be members of an Internativnal gang of jewel thieves and the gems part of $1,000,000 worth of loot which they have taken in the last few months, Poles Protest Border Killing Germans Claim Polish Guards First to Shoot-- Inquiry Instituted (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Berlin, May 27.~The Polish minis- ter today lodged a protest' with the German: government claiming that German frontier officials exceeded their authority by shooting at Polish frontier guards near Marlenwerder, One of the Polish guards died of wounds, . The Polish minister demanded in. demnification and"appointment of a mixed commission of German ahd Polish: officials to investigate. The German foreign office selected the protest and indemnity claim on the ground that a German official exan« ination had shown that Polish guards invaded German territory and were first to shoot, / The foreign office instructed the German minister at Warsaw, never. theless to agree to the appointment of a mixed commission of inguiry, ---------- Two Hurt at Crossing Patorboro, «« Two Paterboro' Young men, Ceorge Wilton and Bert Smith, were taken to St. Joseph's Hoapital last evening in a seriows condition as 'a result of thelr automobile being struck by a Canadian Pacific Railway train as it was approaching the =tation in Bri CAPTORS FORCE BLAGKS 70 WORK Three Europeans Kidnapped Almost Entire Village in South Africa (By Canadian Press Lease) Wire) Windhoek, South-west Afticu, May 27 ~"Man-stealing," is the . charge faced by three Europeans at the cri minal sessions here, and widespread interest has been aroused in the case, Bushmen were the victimg of the alleged kidnapping. They charge that the three accused men «ith their fols lowers, armed and mounted, descend ed upon a small native Kraal, burned the bushmen's hits and marched off a number of natives and their fame ilies The natives were hitched to the riders saddles and jerked and whip ped along at a fast pace the witness es claim, One says he was forced to run all night with feet so sore that it proved un ordeal of excruciating pain, The next Cav the men were distri- buted among the farmers of the dis trict and forced to work for them under pain of the Jash ish Govt, Survives Test Laborites Win Out on In. dian Situation, Face Cen. sure on Unemployment (By Canadian Pr Leased Wire) London, May 27==The Labor government has passed one of the long in Its pathe=a lon which o fow days ago, was growling loudly, Jhera was no division In yester- day's debate on the situation in India, Hon, Wedgwood Benn, whose salary: Conservatives had moved | to reduce as a tangible method of | expressing dissatisfaction with the government's handling of the In- | dian trouble, indulged in some sharp repartee with Conservatives and loft wingers of the Labor party, Apart from this the debate was without incident, i The next government test comes tomorrow when unemployment is subject of debate, All three parties are arranging to have a strong at- tondance In the House, The left wingers and the Liberals each held a meoting today to discuss tholr attitudes in tomorrow's debate, The Rt, Hon, David Lloyd George fn a speech at Nottingham Inst night, expressed the ballet that Lib- orale only had the ability to effect a solution of the country's prob lems, "Every party except ours has tried and tailed," he declared, "give us & chance and we will ghow them how tle thing should be done." The Rt, Hon, Ramsay MacDonald prime minister, stated at Hovden, in hig Seahan constituéncy, "wo aro not searching for an election but it other people force it we will have to have it." FATHER SAVES HIS THREE CHILDREN FROM BLAZING HOME (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sutton, May 27.-Notitied by hin wite that tholr home was ablaze early today Lyman Watson, farm- er, crashed through a window of a room were his thive small childs ren ware asleep and was able to got them out, Dr. Delaipe of Bute ton was immediately called and reported the youngest child, Marie, a baby of slaven months inn eritl- cal condition. The father was also woverely burned about (he arms and face, § SEEN AT FATAL GROSSING CRASH DECLARES DRIVER OF CAR HAD NO WARNING Robert Johnston, Sole Mem» ber of Party of Seven td Escape From - Cobourg Crossing Crash, Telly Story SAW TRAIN WHEN IT WAS TOO LATE Shouted to Driver to Stop, Then Next Instant Wag Mixed Up in Awful Meled of Wreckage and Bodies (By Canadian P Leased Wire) Cobourg, May 27-=The sole sure vivor of the smashup at dawn yes« terday, when uix members of the Johnston family of Hamilton wera killed by a west-bound C.N.R, en« gine, declared today there was no signal man at the crossing from the time the occupants of the car came in view of it till the moment the fatal erash cceurred, according to an interview given today. "I was watching for the cross ing," snid Robert Johnston, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. H, Johnston, 8r., who is now in the hospital with sevare cuts and bruises, "We were doing about 15 miles an hour, When we first, gighted tho crossing we wera quite near it, There was no sign of a flagman, I saw a train, T shouted to dad to stop. It was toon late, There was a blinding light; then a terrible smash, "The next I remember was come ing to on the eide of the track, I weemed to ho in the midst of the others, I heard father groan and put ope of the car cushions under his head. I then saw. one of the entrarenr wove, 1 picked him up and wiped the blood from his face, It was Robbie," The young man remembers very little more. "I was then in a nears by house and in the hospital, That's all T remember." A coroner's fury afternoon on the journed to June 4. mot yesterday case, and ad- | WIFE WATCHES WHILE HUSBAND IS SLAIN (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Anuiston, Ala, May 27.-=At= tacked by highwaymen while ens route to Jacksonville, Alabama, to attend his ' daughtor's graduation exercises, W, C, Gunn, of Sylacu= go, was shot to death last night on a highway about five miles frou Anniston, Gunn's wife sald she was forced to look cam helplessly while three men who' had held them up, kille@ her husband. Mrs, Gunn drove the car into Anniston with her husbayd's body and res ported the killing to police. [Tw PARLIAMENT Ottawa, May 27.~Today in, parline ment ' The Senate will sit, The House of Commons will cons tinue the debate on the report of the imperial conference on dominion legs islation and 'merchant shipping, take up government legislation and cstim« ates. » Yesterday in parliament, The Senate sat, In the House of Commons, the Lon don Naval Treaty was ratified, Tha sockeve salmon treaty between Cans pd and the, United States was tabs ed, A resolution to approve the recom mendations of the conference on the operation of dominion legislation and merchant shipping held in London in 1929 was presented by Hon. Ernest Lapointe, minister of justice and des bated at length, A number of divorce bills were gis ; ven first and second reading. totalling Supplementary estimates $11,632,361.43 were tabled, Quits Elevator Job to Take Over British Baronetcy (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Waterloo, « Iowa, May 27.==Dick Wolseley has quit his job as elevator man after 12 vears and turned his ear to the call of » British baronet- ov, Miss Marian Elizabeth Baker of Brixham, England, came here Sate arday seeking "Sir Reginald Beatty Wolseley, ninth baronet of \Wolse- ley." The only Wolseley in town was the 83-year-old elevator operator. fiss Bakee talked with him, She said his mother had died last No- this elty, vember And that she had asked Miss Baker to hunt out her son and bring him: back tos England. She said his elder brothers were dead and that he was heir to the title and cstate, Sunday, Wolseley and Miss Bake er were married, They plan to res turn soon to England. Wolseley sand he Jeft England 33 years ago to make his fortune in the United States. According to available records Res rinald Reatty Wolseley is a collaters al relative of Sir Capel Charles Wal« seley, ninth baronet and holdet of the title in 1920, , -

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