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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 May 1930, p. 8

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YAE OSHAWA DANY THES, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1930 pi £ EE b, 4 / - - S FEATURE JR. SOFTBALL OPENER PA Parts and Service Jrs. - Defeat Oshawa Bakery «¥ In Opening Game 17-11% The Oshawa City and Industrial junior softball league got under way last. night when the opening game was played at Cowan's Park, before a large crowd of softball fans. The Parts and Service, formerly the Red Aces defeated their old rivals, the Oshawa Bakery, formerly the Fitt. ings, by a score of 17 to 11, Better defensive. play, taking advantage of breaks. and ability to get hits when- ever the bases were inhabited were the deciding factors in the P, and S. victory, The Bakery boys drove "Rocky" Guiltinan from the box in the fourth inning, when they gathered in a bunch of hits, among them a homer by Peg. Hurst, "Rocky" had pitched good ball up until this stage. White- ly replaced Guiltinan and from then on until the end of the game, the Big Boy held the Bakery men prac- tically helpless. He struck out six men and allowed only two hits and two sacrifice wallops. His speed had the opposition completely buffaloed and he was never in danger, once the P. and S. boys had got the lead, "Timmy" Téppings, the kid short- stop of the winning team, scored se- ven runs with two hits, He rapped out a three bagger with two men on bases and scored himself on an overthrow. The following innings he connected for a lovely: home run when all the bases were packed. Neif and Daniels also had 4 big night with the willow, getting three hits out of six, each, Gay, a newcomer to the local league, Bradd the brilliant third baseman and Norris, the reliable in- itial sacker, all turned in good games for the winners, Hurst, 'Hamilton and Gingeroski were the big guns of the losers. Knox and Towns pitched good ball but they were given ragged support at the most critical stages of the game, The losers were guilty of more than one bonehead play, stealing third base when it was already occypied was the most glaring. The cold weather contributed a great many breaks to the game and it must be admitted that the Parts and Service reecived a great major- ity of these breaks. They knew how to, take advantage of them and that is why they won. Oshawa Bakery AB Hurst, Lf, ......., 5 Hall,'3'b. ... Leyden, 1 b, Hamilton, ¢f. ,.v000 Goodall, 2 b. Cornish, 8.8, ,... Gingeroski, ¢. vio Amsbury, rf... -- Cm lt it PD 20 vt IN Es he eB REL RPE Parts and Service A Biliinae ne Daniqls. Little, 1 Guiltinan, p. Whitely, ». ... Parts & Service 17°10 14 3 ~ Oshawa pakete 11 12 16 § Score by innings :-- Parts & Scrvice .... 031 000 67017 Oshawa Bakery .... 200 400 80211 Two base hits, Little, Hamilton, Amsbury and Towns: three base hits, 11; home runs, Top- S. Goodall; bases, HENS OAmAmMO aD Em LRNNN= INDRA CSN Cm--ncoo=wung = A FE RALPH JUDD TO HOUSTON .. i . Louis; Mo., May 27---Ralph aun. rover iy by the Car- Saale from .t! International gue BISONS DEFEAT RED WINGS Rochester, N.Y, May 27.--~Buffalo defeated Rochester here yesterday in the second game of the series, 0 to 5, and again went into a tie for second place with the Red Wings. The Bisons, through fine relief hurl ing by Mills and Leverett, kept five Red Wings on the sacks three in the eighth and two in the ninth, Derringer was hammered from the box in the Bison's third inning and Rochester treated Mangum the same way in its half of the same session, each club getting four runs in the rallies, THREE STRAIGHT FOR BIRDS Baltimore, Md, May 27,~The Ore foles made it three straight over the Jersey City Black Cats here yesterday by winning an 8 to 6 contest, The vi- sitors outhit the Birds 10 to 7, but the locals turned several walks into counters, Both Hopkins and Rhodes pitched well. for the Cats. The latter allowed only one run and one hit after relieving Hopkins in the fourth, KEYS STAVE OFF BEARS Newark, N.J., May: 27.--Reading staved off a ninth-inning rally by the Bears yesterday to win the third game of the series by 8 to 7, Grampp was rushed to the mound when Woolfolk faltered in the ninth, and retired the side with the tying and winning runs on third and sec- ond. The Keys came from behind to take the lead with a four-run rally in the seventh, driving Harvin from the box for the second successive day, Bell started for the Keys and lasted three innings, ------------ ------ Belleville Nats. Win First Game Belleville, May 27.--Belleville Na- tionals, playing airtight ball in the field and clouting hard with the ba- ses populated, won the opening game of the Central Ontario League from Kingston, here, yesterday afternoon, by a score of 6 to 2, Frigid weather kept the attendance down in com- parison to the turmout of previous years, The game was marked by of- ficial ceremonies and R, A, Elliott, president of the Ontarig. Baseball As- sociation, and the Central League; Mayor George A. Reid, George Stor kes, superintendent of Canadian Na- tional Railways; ex-Mayor M. P, Duff and Chas, J. Symons, president of the Parks Board, officially opened the sesson, Belleville Nationals hammered the gfferings of the Kingston pitcher to all corners of the lot, hanging up runs. Thereafter the Kingston pitch er steadied away and was accorded much better support. Manager Walt Gerow, of the Nationals, sent Alex Weir to the hillock and he turned in a sterling performance, Jamieson was tendered ragged support and #ix errors by the 2Ist Battalion Club, paved the way for & number of the locals' runs, 4 Three new outfiélders started Yor Belleville and all of the youngsters made wood with a vengeance, Buck, formerly of Deloro, and Flagler and Cretney, graduates of the Industrial League, played good ball in the field. ------ Collegiate Chatter The Middle School German Classes have, during the term, en- joyde several trips to the Luther: an Church in Toronto, It was through the kindness of Miss Jones who personal supervised these trips' to the Church as well as to several German plays, that the Ger- man students were able to have theas privileges. Some hard, hot drilling is in store for the cadets before the in- 8 n on June 3. They had their first serious work Friday, and uni forms were detalled to the var fous companies, There will be dress parades later on. _ Athletes playing 1 a senior team received their letter this week, They were supposed to be given out at commencement but owing presentation of these crests was gue is rapidly coming tb a close The Upper School Softball lea, and next week ought to see the fin. al game. The respective stand- fri of the teams are as follows: Played won lost PU 84 40s 3 2 1 6 44 ..... 3 1.881 4 W000 stor of our school, _& souvenir of the opening of hoo. Mr. O'Nelll wag present: pidture of the | MISNE of June 11, to the lateness of their arrival, the | ers, thelr : ing the tat Davis Cup team gn unblemished record in Am- prep one' competition, ; Storming the net at every oppor- tunity, Van Ryn' defeated Ricardo Tapia, 20-year-old ace of the Mexi- can contingent, 6-2, 6-3, 6-1, Doeg, the youngest United Sta tes Davis Cup netman, overwhelm. ed Frederick Sendel, 19-year-old Mexican, 6-1, 6-0, 6-2, requiring but 35° minutes for his conquest. "Killies" Win from London Team 3-1 London, May 27---Team play and condition told the Inevitable story at Queen's Park last evening when the Kilmarnock touring soccer el- even defeated a selected team from the London and District Associns tion by 3 to 1, but not before the local lads had veritably covered themselves with glory hy the stub- born battle they put up against the combination work of the visitors, Over 3,000 people--the largest crowd that has witnessed a soccer game here in many years--enthuw ed' over the game display nf the London eleven, while freely ndmit- ting that the winners were full val. ue for their two-goal edge, al though the Scots were aided in get- ting two of thelr tallies when "breaks" In Tuck went against Lon- on, National League EIGHTH STRAIGHT FOR CARDS Pittsburg, May 27~The St. Louis Cardinals vesterday took the opening game of the series, 10 to 4. It was their eighth straight, Petty who started for the Pirates, was driven off 'the mound in the fourth when St. Louis made a four rn rally, Erickson and Jones finish- ed, The Pirates got to Sherdel in the fourth and fifth innings, but could do nothing with Lindsey, who relie- ved Sherdel in the sixth, Adams and Frisch, each with three hits, shared honors with the relief work of Lindsey, REDS VANQUISH CUBS Chicago, May 27.~The Cincinnati Reds knocked Fred Blake out of the box in the sixth inning yesterday tu score five runs which were enough to defeat the Cubs in the first game of the series, 6 to 2, Jakie May, on the other hand, only allowed six hits, Wilson's home run in the fourth with Hornsby on base was responsible for the two Cub markers, ROBINS WIN FROM GIANTS Brooklyn; May 27.--One clean sin gle and another one of the scratchy variety were all that Dazzy Vance gave the Giants yesterday as the Ro- bins won their second straight from their New York rivals, 7 to O. It was Vance's sixth victory of the season, and the Giants' fifth consecutive de- feat, Reese and Ott were the only Gi- ants able to connect safely, the for- mer getting an. infield single off Gil bert's glove in the fifth, while Ott singled to right in the seventh, In running to first Ott pulled a tendon in his right leg, foreing him out oi the game, Fred Fitzsimmons gave the Bre lyn mound ace a battle until he was removed in the seventh inning for a pinch-hitter. Parmelee, who replaced Fitzsimmons at the start: of the eighth, walked four men in succes- sion, giving way to Lucas. Hits by Flowers and Bissonette brought the Robins' total for the inning to five AUSTRALIAN WILL TRY TO FLY OCEAN Capt: Kingsford Smith to Attempt Ireland to New York Flight Dublin, May 27--Captain Char- les BE, Kingstord-Smith, famous Australian transoceanie flier, an nounced yesterday he would at- tempt a flight from Ireland to New York at the end of June, He (will start from Curragh County, Kildare, using the mono- plane Southern Cross, in which he flew from San Francisco to Mel. bourne, Australia, in 1928, He will take a more southerly route than t followed by the German airplane Bremen in the only prev. fous successful westward flight across the North Atlantic, On his flight to the United Sta- tes he will accompanied by a crew of three, His navigator will be Captain J; P, Saul, of Dublin, a master mariner, formerly of the Royal Air Force, He will have' an Sairant lot, Yan. Dyk, of Hol nd, and a wi 8 operator nam- od Stannage a TS ------------r BATTALINO TO MEET PAYNE Cinelnnat!, May 27--Bat Batta js warlie Shamplon. feather r, Was matched ors day with Cooll Payne. Loumville, for a ten<roun fight here on the LA BARBA TO BOX MANURKL Rochester, May 27-Fidel la 'Barba, former world's flyweight "champion; was matched erda; to meet Joey uel, hoster featherweight, in a ten-round open- alr bout hero June 9, ) The Oshawa Bakery boys got » game. of the Junior softball league # 17 to 11 drubbing at the hands This boy Whitely certainly breezed and mixed them up nicely, whitely's stints, i Ll the 'seore Indicates. The Textiles It yet to meet the Parts and Service « * last night and the game had to be ¢ end of the seventh with the score still undefeated, but it was nearly w * opening tonight as was announced M1 game of the league, between O *® * when the Oshawa Athletic Club, a attractive card, Ferino, West Toronto, A.C, at 126 Raynor, Toronto, at 140 lbs. The Phil. Lawson, of Central, at catch LaBelle, of West Toronto, AC.; Cliff Lainson, of Oshawa, champion bag puncher will give an Reserved, 50¢ and Rush, 35c, * * The Oshawa Lacrosse Club int tice at the Motor City Stadium on termediates may play a game with \A MM P. sind 8, Juniors the Bakery lads eating out of his hand, He showed a world of speed, © Leyden and other highly. touted heavy hitters of the Bakery team failed to make an impressive showing with i + Textiles Win Easily ba dipig The strong Textiles team defeated the Regiment Black Cats Just' night by a score of J to 1 In u game which wis just as one-sided in' will take a strong team to stop the Textiles, although they have Phillips Surprises Times The Phillips team almost made free with The Daily Times' team Ladies' League Does Not Open Tonight The Oshawa Ladies' Softball League will not hold their official obstacles have arisen which have made it impossible to open tonight The prohibitive weather conditions also played a prominent part in the decision, The league will open on Friday. night with the first sc heduled stage a Mit and Mat show at the Oshawa Arena, class wrestling and boxing bouts have been arranged making a real The card is as follows: H, Gatenby, Oshawa, Newton, of Toronto, at 118 Ibs; Jackie Goodall, Oshawa, vs. This would prove to be 4 real « number of bags going at one time, prospective players are asked to be out and to be on time er ow . rude jolt last night in the opentig when they were forced to ueeept of the Parts and. Service juniors, 'em over in fine style and he had hit and scored practically at will, and t he Newsies, . 0» alled on Account of darkness dt the tied at nine-all, The Newsies ar "oi for them last night, m * + in yesterday's issue. A number of I Hopman Peterboro C.G.E. Team Wins From Crescents | in League Opener | Peterboro, Mdy 27--In'the open- ing game of, the Esst' Peterboro Baseball League here last night the Canadian General Electric: team, made up largely of last year's Cen- tral Ontario League team's play- ers, defeated the Crescents with Jeff Hadil, former Central Ontario Leaguer, in the hox, by three runs to one, Crary, a recruit from the Junior ranks, pitched sparkling hall for the winners, striking, out 10, Mayor Danne, Ald, Cotton and R, M. Glover participated In the open ing covemonios, Aussies Show Fine Tennis in Doubles Auteuil, France, May 27.~Australia showed a brand of tennis in the men's doubles of the French hard court championships yesterday that gave the French fans & scare and if { wis only by a supreme effort on the part of France's double standbys, Henrl Coghet and Jacques Brignon, that the doubl®s finial was saved from becoming an all-Australian affair, Ex perts Agreed that the Australian pair and Willard, in defeating Jean Borotra and Rene Debuzelet, played tennis as good as has been seen in France in years , and Chosen Friends " * "Mit and Mat" Show for Oshawa Oshawa sport fans will receive a real treat on Thursday night, newly formed club in the city, will A number of first Art Mike Ibs; Bert Ripley, Oshawa, vs, Jack wrestling bouts are equally us at ve tractive, Jimmy Allen, Ont, welterweight champion vs. Frank Hart, amateur champ, of Holland; Larry LaBelle, formerly of Oshawa, vs weights: Geo, Langley, vd, Rene Jack Taylor, U, of T. chanip vs bout, A ° exhibition performance by keeping The tickets are, Ringside, 75; LJ LJ Lacrosse Practice Wednesday ermedates will hold another prac Wednesday night at 6.00 pm. All The in Guelph this Saturday, v ¥ ; P. and 8, Teams to Practice The Parts and Service teams, junior and intermediate, will hold a practice at Alexandra Park tomorrow night, starting at 0.30 p.m players of both teams are asked to be present for sure All 'BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C, Torontt .....vvee88 16 B79 pRochester .....00 10 16 . 543 Buffalo ... 19 16 H43 Baltimore «.eovaeef0 17 Oe Montreal s.vev..18 16 620 Heading sesseneld 81 432 Newark 20 43 Jersey Oity ......156 22 A006 Yestercay's Results Baltimore ...8 Jersey City ...0 Buffalo Rochester 0 Reading ++8 Newark sens t Toronto at Montreal---rain, Games Todpy Toronto at Montrea Buifalo at Rocheaier Jersey City at Baltimore Reading at Newark, EERE een AMERICAN )EAGUE Won Lost Washington +s... 26 10 Philadelphia ...., 28 14 Cleveland venesd0 16 New York ..eves18 16 ORCRBO + vvvnvns 14 19 Detrpit vesseasll 38 St. Louis RE | Boston ....see00.12 23 Yesterday's Results Washington 10 New York ....7 Philadelphia § Boston 6 H P.C. NATH 611 Hb 529 Ald "406 A00 A438 Detroit .... 7 St, Louis 'il Cleveland 7-8 Chicago v4. 3-0 Gamos Today Chicago at Cleveland Detroit at St, Louis Washington at New York Boston at Philadelphia, NATIONAL LEAGUR Won Lost P.C. 13 659 13 6 18 Bey 19 soo 18 AT 18 A837 St. Louls ,. Brooklyn Pittsburg Chicago .. 'New York eevee. 16 Boston ...svaves ld Clineinnatl ...ovv0 14 31° 400 Philadelphia ,,..,, 11 19 Yesterday's Nesults Cincinnati .. 68 Chicago .... Brooklyn ... 7 New York St, Louls +. 10 Pittsburg . Philadelphia at Boston--Rain, VILLAGE OF EMO SWEPT BY FIRE, $250,000 LOSS Fort Frances," May 27-<One of the most disastrous fires in this dis- triot in the 26 years swept through a section of the village of Emo and destroyed six business houses. Damage is estimated as high as a quarter million dollars The five destroyed MeVey's garage CR) PAINTERS' STRIKE HALTS HOTEL WORK ------ Halifax, N.8.,, May 17--When the painters of Halifax strike May 1, fifty men employed at the new C.N.R, Hotel here quit work and have since remained idle, thus threatening to prevent open- ing of the hotel for the tourist sea- son, Half a dozen painters employ ed by a New York company for special ornamental work are not involved in the strike, J The painters ask that thelr pay be ingreased from 78 to 90 cents an hour, An offer by the general contractors of 80 cents was refus- ed, the men desiring a year's agrees ment. with the local contractor, | | went on | need Cochet and» Brugnon defeated - the other Australian combination, E, F | Moon and C, Crawtord, 6-4, 6-4, 5-7, | 6-3, after the stiffest. kind of fight | ing, They will meet Hopman and Williard in the men's final today, Fnishing in semi-darkness, Miss Ryan, of California, and Jean Bgro tra defeated Mlle, Jeanne Sigart, of Yelgium, and Jack Crawford, of Aus tralia, 10-8, 8.6, fo reach the semi finals of the mixed doubles wher: they will meet the Tilden-Aussem combination ' MACDONALD LAUDS CANADIAN BUDGET AS GOOD EXAMPLE Has Always Been in Favor of Empire Trade, He Asserts Horden, Yugiand, May 27") have always been in favor of Em- pire trade," sald. Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald during a visit to his constituency of Seaham, "Canada's last budget," declared the Prime Minister, 'is an exampla of how the Dominions can and will help," "The Australian Prime Minister has sald that he did not want ou goods or our people, He wanted enpital, he explained to develop his own country, Everyone knows that is their policy and no one can or quarrel with them for it, Those who sought to do so would be told promptly to mind thelr own business, "I warn 'you that we must he careful, If we are going to develop mutual helpfuloess between the Dominions and ourselves, to keep these cries out of party polities, The moment you put Dominion wy \onomics on the platform at a gen- eral election you are doing untold damage to the unity and co-opera- tion of the Fmpire, "So far as the Labor Government is concerned," we shall -do every. thing we can, we shall use ou Textiles Defeat Regiment Times and Phillips Tie 9-9 ---- "American League SENATORS WIN AGAIN New York, May 27.~Paged by "Goose" Goslin and Joe Judge, the Washington Senators stretched their winning streak to six games yesterday as they pounded out a 10+te-7 victory over the New York Yankees, Goslin and Judge hit two home rung each in the fourth and fifth in. nings, driving in six of the Senators' runs, The league leaders spotted the Yanks four runs in the first three innings, but staced a seven-run rally in the fifth with two out to take the command. Llovd Brown received credit for hig fifth victory of the season, work. Ww seven innings, and giving way to ft pinch-hitter in the cighth, Braxton finshed the game Gehrig drove in two of the Yane kee runs with a double and « triple, GROVE WINS HIS SIXTH Philadelphia, May 27,--The Athlet- ies raised their world's championship pennant esterday for the fist time, and then took the Boston Red Sox into camp by a score of B to § Six Sox errors contributed to the A's vies tory. "Lefty" Grove the for the champions and, aside from the eighthlt inning, when the visitors scored four runs, he had no trouble, It was Grove's sixth win of the year, against no defeats, Judge Landis, Ernest Barnard, pre» sident of the American League, and Harry A. Mackey, Mayor of Phila. delphia, attended the pennant-rais- ing went distance INDIANS WIN A PAIR Cleveland, May 27.~The Indians took both games of a doubleheader from Chicago herp yesterday, 7 tu 3, and 5 to 2, behind good pitching by Wes Ferrell and Clint Brown, "Red" Faber, veteran spithaller, held the Tribe hitless until, with two out in the fifth inning of the first game, éight successive hits drove him to. shelter, and produced seven runs, "Cecil Caraway, young Sox pitcher, also did well in teh early innings of the nighteap, but retired under a five~ hit assault in the sixth, Smead Jolley collected four hits in the second game, Including A home ran, ALEXANDER HITS A HOMER St, Louis, May 27,~The Detroit Tigers made it two straight from the St. Louis Browns yesterday, winning 7 to 3. George Blacholder helped the Tigers win by throwing to second when there 'Was no one garding the ase Dale Alexander hit a homg run in the ninth for Detroit. "General" Crowder, who relieved Blacholder In the eighth, struck out the first three batters to face him, personal influence and our ideals or national friendship to persuade the Dominions without diminishing one shadow of their independence to come Into relations of mutual co-operation, not that we may roo them, or they us, but that we may co-operate 'in the promotion of the increased happiness of the whole Commonwealth of British Nations," GORILEA JONES WINS Pittsburg, May 27 -- Gorilla Jones, Akron, O,, middleweight, won a decision in ten rounds here last night from Vincent Forgione f Philadelphia, Jones weighed 166%: Forglone 168%. ok and contents, J. A. Hunter's but. cher and = grocery shop, Harry! Cauldwell's grocery, Lywrence Kl. liott's drug store, BE Pe king' hardware, Adam Cook's har aie Inourand, otiusinatio 00s saw Glasgow ™ termed the wouder team of the year, defeat Ulster United J 1 goals to § at Ulster Stadium Worl. ness store, and the Bank of Come merce, nesday night, The 'Red Handers" forced the Rangers to the limit and ES Vib we SCENES AT ULSTER STADIUM aaa er i I hh AL ™ la of Da anil at one time wero loading 8 to ©. night, 8 soon holding the ball, The The top photograph shows tho Ranger team lined up before the game, Whitey McDonald, the exe Ulster and Mawliton player whe bottom photo shows an exciting big of midfield play, No, 10 is Wil, | the Ranger's inside right, w 18 is Hagen, the Ulster lott: ball oy ; No. was captain of the Rangers last | back . {| O'Doud Regiment Black Cats Prove No Match for Fast Travel ling Textiles--Phillips Al most Give Newsies Their First Defeat--Cold Wind Keeps Crowd Away The Textiles found little difficult in disposing of the Regiment Blac Cats last night in the first game of the schedule doubleheader but they spent so much time in playing seven innings, that The Times and' the Phillips' teams were unable to pls overtime to break the nine-all deads lock which existed at the end of the - regular seven innings and thé game was called a draw, In the first game, Gord, Youn pitched t'e first five innings and Rodgers finished out the game, The final score was 14 to 1, The Plush men proved far too good for the rifle slingers and although the Black Cats. fought gamely they were come pletely outclassed, The winners grab bed off six runs in the first innings and after the fourth innings, the eased off, Gord. Young, grabbed two homers while he was in the game which were highlights of the game. Hits 'by Salmon and Ostler scored Bennett for the Regiment's lone tals ly, The teams; Regiment Ostler pitcher Position Textiles Young & Rodgers Russell catcher Parish Snowden Ist base Gower Hubbell 2nd base Creamer, Satan Cornish 3rd base Morris Snowden 5.5 Haley Salmon If, "McCallum & Carver Bennett ef, Baird & Brady Clary & Livingstone r.f,. Turner & Campbell Score by innings jee Textiles cree 622 300 1-14 Regiment 000 100 0-1 The Phillips team gave the Newsies a real scire when they scored six runs in the sixth inning te go one run up. The Newsies tied up the game in' thelr half of the seventh and the game was called on account of dagkness at the end of the seventh innings, Otto, Brown and McArthur each mathered & ftwo-bagger and these were the only extra base hits of the game, Both pitchers dished up fair ball and the opposing willgw= wielders did not do a great deal of damage in any one innings | except when the Phillips ran wild in the sixth, This game will likely be allow~ ed to stand unless it has any bear- ing on the standing, The teams: Times Position Phillips Wilson pitcher Shewehuk Kitchen catcher Bowler McArthur Ist base P. Boneham Burr 2nd hase S. Bonehamt Brown 3rd base Petrie Hood (HS L. Boncham Lycett iY Spencer J A Hepburn & Otto Cornish rf. Leveque & Sager Score by innings w= Umpires both games, Dell and Gare row, CHELSEA BUYS GALLAGHER FROM NEWCASTLE UNITED London, May 27---Chelsea, Which earned promotion from the second to the first division of the English Football Association this year, has begun to build up its team for next season, Announcement Has made yesterday that Hugh Gallagher, Newcastle United's crack centre. forward, who is also a Scottish in- ternational centre-forward has been transferred to Chelsea, No details of the money involved were avail able, ANOTHER JOLT FOR GIANTS Brooklyn, May 27--The Giants' finant hopes were given another foie yesterday when Melvin Ott Pulled a tendon in his left leg in the seventh inning of the game with Brooklyn. The Glanis now have two regulars unable to play--- Travis who has the mumps, and Ott, New Martin WEDNESDAY A MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA "LET'S GO PLACES" Snappy: Musie Beauty Chorus Gorgeous Scenery Comedy Galore Phe Tat of OM " bo "Graduation Days" FOX NEWS MOVIETONE | 'N Beautiful Color > + | .. Wonderful Singing Dancing Panorama -- " --_--

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