_ [THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 29; 1930 PAGE ELEVEN , MORVISIFRES CAUSING CONCERN Are in Iiolated 'Areas and to Bring Under. Control ----r-- N ABy Canadian' Press Laased Wire) Toronto, May 29.~Four bush fires were' reported yesterday from the northwest corner of the province on the Manitoba boundary are caus- ing the Ontario forestry branch 'con- erable concern. There is no defi. information as yet as to the " extent of the outbreaks, but the fires are in isolated districts Jud difficult 'to under control. The country * is very dry throughout the north and while te weather i8 cool, the Hum According to advices one blaze near Hobbs Lake has been burnin for nine motiths, smouldering a ily iu the muskeg all winter and crop- ping out again in timbered territory with' the disappearance of the snow in spring. scene at Woodland cemetery ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO CONQUER NIAGARA Hore is shown he" { gWyeide who took his own life, following | Redfern, the deceased's wife, re. § | mathed in 'her motor during short funéral sevvice "| change of commercial information cannot be emphasized too highly. The program committee, com- prised of prominent business and civic representatives, have been considering every suggested topic from the interested countries, Al- though a complete program will not be compiled until all the pro- posed topics for discussion have heen submitted, the committee has grouped the various topics under the following headings: 1, The . compilation and ex- that will assist the development of inter-American trade, 2. Arbitration + of disagreements, 3. The transportation of mer- chandise and passengers, 4, Terminal fdcilities, 5. The exchangé of communic- ations by ship, aeroplane, cable, wireless telegraph and telephone, 6. Reciprocity in trade, 7. Customs regulations, 8. Quarantine regulations, 9. Pure Food Laws. 10, The financing of commercial transactions, Encouragement of commercial tourist Educations, including ex change of professors and students, and cultivation of public opinion, 13, Pruit cultin'e; packing, dry- ing and canning processes; 'control and erwdication of pests, 14. Roads; ' the Pan-Anjerican highway, f Delegdtes" from! the farm, civic cording to M. A. Cremer, secretary of the program committee. VICTIM OF SLAYING REFUSES TO DIVULGE NAME OF MURDERER Vancouver, B.C., May 29.--Keep- ing her lips closed until the end, Mrs. Allan Groat, also known as "Bobby Kelly," victim of a shoot- ing in a Pender street house on Sunday morning, died in hospital here, To the last sho denied al knowledge of the man who fired the fatal shot, She insisted, how- ever that the bullet was accident- ally fired, Charged with attempted murder in connection with the shooting, Gordon Riddell, landlord of the Rouse in which the gun was fired, appeared in police court and was remanded 4 unt]. June 2, FORMER {ER CANADIAN LONG IN PRISON 1S SEEKING REPRIEVE Lincoln, Nebr., May 29.--Lafay~ ette Dales, at the age of 49, left his family in Owen Sound, Ont, to séek his fortune In the United States, That was 21 years ago. Now at the age. of 70 he has written to Nebraska Pardon Board asking for release from a life sen-| children; "SALADA" TEA SAME i | ow FLAVOUR QUALITY 60° BROWN LABEL AT ALL GROCERY STORES FALLS IN 'A BARREL Niagara Falls, Ont, May 29.-- William "Red" Hill, Yoteran river. man has announced final plans. for his trip through the lower rapids in- side a barrel, to be performed on Friday. He will be assisted in his bod stunt by his 3 year-old ou " In wh a) (Hh Red Tt his barrel from w the upper bridge 3 1.15 p.m. Dl top of the the barrel will remain apap and "Red" will pad- + dle throu o-as far as the lowar Bridge. After closing the bar- rel, will remains inside until it has passed through.the rapids and whirlpool as far as Queenston, where his son will take him from the barrel into a boat. When he has reached the centre ot the dangerous whirlpool, "Red" says he will open the barrel and try | to cabeh a fish. The barrel, brilliant ly painted, is on display here, It is an elaborate affair of steel with compressed air pockets .and con- ' tains a record of Hills rescues from Niagara River. A streamer around tence. for murder. 'My of course, are grown up now," he sald, "hut they want me and I want to go back to them." Throughout his long term 1m | prison his wife hag never ceased her efforts through the British vice-counsul -at Chicago to obtain | his freedom. Dalés was convicted for the murder of a horse trader who had offered to take him west in a wagon, Dales admitted kill-|_ ing the trader at his trial, but con- |" tended that it was in self-defense. Alice: the barrel has the modest legend: "Master hero of the Nidgara, 1910-1930, the only man to navi- gate both the upper and lower rapids and live to tell the tals." "Red" acted as a sniper with the Canadian army during the war.and |, has recovered 117 bodies from the Niagara River. JCANADIAN GIRL 1S KILLED IN ITALY and business organizations will be given an opportunity to present the topics in which they aré most in- terested during the state tour, The tour will start from Los Angeles August 11 and cover the most im- portant agricultural and industrial centers of the state, "arriving in Sacramento shortly before the opening of the unofficial and in- formal business sessions Aug. 25. Prospective delegates to the Conference have been urged by the oo. IN TALKIES come mse is | SUORED BY PREMIER Florence, Italy, ' May 29.-~Miss|. Helen. Gee, 22, Canadian, and Miss: 1 y 'Movies "Have Bad Effect Toh Heudorgtn 32, Srisintiy of. acksonville, Fla, recently residents e Upon Youth's Talk and Dress of Washington, D.C., were killed to- | « Bydnay, Australia, May 20, -Are| sponsors to present their suggest-| The Pardon Board will act on His| refuse so discouraged that. J was: afraid 1 day in an automobile accident near Ronta,. 48 miles from here, Miss the / talkies, with their American |ed topics as early as possible, ac-|case next month, | him?" try againl" slang,' having a 'serious detrimen- wh " a eam ms Cel el Gee's homo town was not immedia' rule of the" eft being riglit brought tal ielfect "upon 'the speech of the 1m -- iid Setermined. George Wally of Wilsonville, newly= youth of 'Australia? The question | SAY bh 99 when Buying ¥ Coffee | arrived Englishman, into court on EMPIRE TRADE A is -answered by prominent people. | Bokar is a product of which the world's largest importers of fine coffees are justly proud. 'a charge of 'reckless driving. In a | Pl ANK OF TRADES "An -an-Austraiian;-1- feel ashamed If is due to this tremendous buying power that A & P foodchops can sell this Superior product at such a ridiets. pinch, while. 'driving the car .of when I go to Sydney and see how lously low price. NO MATTER WHAT PRICE YOU PAY FOR COFFEE-~BOEAR CANNOT BE EXCELLED- John Divers, R.R. No. 2, 8t; George, America Is Americanising young he met Wiliam - Babcock, Hagle Sydney," sald the Premier of Wes- Place and Walls turned to . the tern Australia, Hon. P. Collier, He wrong side, the left; as a matter of blames the talkies for making Aus: | Strong Group in . Labor FOR FLAVOR AND QUALITY And then, too . . . Bokar has been twice signally honored--first in 1928, when it was selected a5 the offieinl' Movement Recommends coffee of the Byrd Aniarctic Polar Expedition, and, lastly, by being selected by the Rameses Temple Shrine Committee as the official coffec of the mammoth June Shrine Convention. ' "How. many times Tom before you LEFT 1S.NOT RIGHT ENGLISHMAN: LEARNS Brantford: May 20--THe English did you Margaret: "Only once. He seemer accepted haut As he had Ua Qn yies permit, tralian boys and girls ape America | of the car was riding on the run- ning board and had both legs cut, in manner, dress, accent and slang. | "Too much' slang is bad," sad | the vice-Chancellor of Sydney Uni- | versity, (Professor Wallace), "It | 1s hard to differentiate ° between, Australian and American slang, or! ADD EXTRA ROOMS WITHOUT ENLARGING THE HOUSE With building = materials and land values at 'their high prices, complete utilization of all available space be- comes an economic necessity----in the house just being: built or in one sev- eral years old. By using TEN/TEST, it is a simple and economical job to erect an extra room or two in available space in attic 'or basemerit. TEN/TEST "Insblating Board i the ideal board 'that combines Insulation, "Plaster Base' dnd 'Sound It «is, easily ~ handled, T Oshawa Lumber COMPANY LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North ails ealled and 'economical in: Principle to Government London, May 29.--The latest ex- pressed adherence to the principle of development of Empire Trade comes from the influential econo mic committee of the Trades Union Congress, a committee composed of some of the strongest men in the labor movement. The report of the committes constitutes a red letter' event im the career of the latter-day Empire Trade movement. It recommends unanimously that at the forthcom- dling Imperial conference the Britisn government should 'press. for the fullest possible development. of eco- nomic relations.between Great Bri- tain. and. the Dominions. This course, the . committee: declares, 'would be 'in 'the interests of Trade 'Union movement," The committee suggests creation of better inter-commonwealth trade machinery. The report = ezpresses the opinion that Britain cannot be part of the United States of Europe under the Bri#hd scheme and main- tain at the same time, her place in the British Commonwealth group of nations. It favors formas tion of the world-wide British eco- nomic unit as a necessary. step toe wards the ultimate world economic unity. The membership of the economio committee includes John ' Beard, Ernest Bevin, Benn Tillett, M.P,, and WHI Thorne, MP, to say which is the more harmful. | Personally, IT have not heard much | American slang in use here, The Influence upon our language as a | whole will be negligible." "Thess prejudices are not in ae- cord with the principles of the Eng. | lish Speaking Union," sald the | secretary (Mrs. Wallace Turner). "One thing the Union has done has | been to break dpwn much of this silly prejudice, All Americans of | note 'are members of the English | Speaking Union." NEWSIES GIVEN A ROYAL BANQUET Melbourne, Australia, May 20. | When Lady Stonehaven announced | that she would entertain 300 news- | boys at a party of Federal Govern- | ment House she reckoned without | a small army of lads who had de- | elded to become newsboys, just for | the night, Admission was by| ticket, and 300 were presented | All the boys were dressed in their | Sunday best, but . they brought) thelr week-end appetites. . Tea was | served in the ball room at great long tables, or trestles, | Early in the evening. the guard at the gate was being heseiged by a small army of hopefuls, who had | no admission ticke!, but all of { ¥hom were propared to take the Bible. oath that they were "dink um™ newsboys. Lady Stonehaven overcame the difficulty at once. She sent to them a huge hamper of food, so the hopefuls had a party of their own on the lawn, Some of | the hoys went barefoot. | IB. B.C.s CONCERTS { PROVED FAILURE! Im ee | London. -- The Britist' Broad | casting Corporation's symphony concerts given in public here last | winter proved a failure owing to | | bressario, who | the Corporation on the understand | ing that he should design the pro pike Ja mountain » golf, play tennis, | osHAWA | Vancousen Victoria J OF the B, 'B. Cc." PAN-AMERICAN ics Have Prominent Place mismanagement, according to Sir Thomas Beecham, well-known con- ductor, composer and operatic im- co-operated with grammes and conduct some of the performances while the business side of the undertaking should be in the Corporation's hands, Sir Thomas: says the concerts were poorly attended because experienc od concert organizers were not em- vloged to 'au J. "Runtiing rig 18° the function 'he' Sah ek v8 TRADE CONFERENCE | Social and Educational Top- ento, cal. - -- - soc nd 1 toples ware. ) the n= Reeln. nag at Saora- mento, during August. Trade will, of course, be given preference since virtually all the delegates from governments and the farm, civic and business organ- izations have shown their interest Tn the Plans to SE the inter. change of commodities among the aiming "However, the OSHAWA----TWO STORES KING STREET WEST--SIMCOE STREET SOUTH MEATS Always good and wholesome. A & Ms modern refrigerating system keeps An and fish in their very best condition. FANCY SUGAR-CURED SMOKED Picnic HAMS '=o w. 2 1+ EXTRA FINE QUALITY YOUNG LAMB 5. Fronts Loins +» + EXTRA SPECIAL! FINEST QUALITY Peameal Back BACON By the Pleee 3%7- Centre Cuts or Sliced 1b. 39¢ TENDER, JUICY A & P SELECTED BEEF ROUND OR SQUARE SIDE Rump ROAST ©». 2°7- BEST QUALITY YOUNG ROASTING w. 26. PORK roase ™ Picnic HAMS rren n. 18 Corned Beef . Sto BRAND, «i viviy. Lb. 23¢ Meat Loaf MACARONE & cmeEse =. ... Lb. 27¢ Ham, Chicken and Tongue POULTON, & NOEL'ST |, 42¢ Pickles, Sweet Mixed ...c.vvvvvev... Pint 3lc mb. 3c 'Ib . e FRUITS and VEGETABLES TOMATOES "5% nee ib. 19¢ LETTUCE "Biuis™ = 2 tor 25¢ ONIONS NATIVE GROWN 3 for 10¢ CARROTS Calitornia 2 for 19¢ : CABBAGE New Green 2 for 1§e¢ CUCUMBERS New Green 2 for 1% POTATOES "Jur ik. dle) POTATOES New| §wn.2850 GR OCERIES BOKAR corer SOLD IN .1-LB. AND %-LB., FLAVOR-TIGHT TINS . Tin 49- 1510. Tin 265 EXTRA SPECIAL--OUR OWN NECTAE BRAND TE BLENDED INDIA Heinz Ketchup «,...mesocens on Raisins 75iMonTe SEEDLESS ; LARGE BOTTLE IEE EERE EL CE Ld 2 Phgs. 23¢ FINEST QUALITY BUTTER "onzanery 2 wn §e 2 ibe 67. Sunnytield Pasteurized Creamery ams ans iar srs ani SAE He Peas SiN Surprise Soap ......veveneishion 10 Bars 47c \ FINE GRANULATED SUGAR 10-50. | Mazola Oil .. Tin 33¢c CLARK'S ASSORTED Potted Meats 3 vars 25¢ Gillette x5 Bilis 0% 4dc Gillex . 'Fir vi SOS Cleaner 3 maa 14c PARI-SANI Lunch Rolls ®ov 100 ps "23¢ Fly Swatters Re Ee Each 9c Calay. Soap ..vi..iviivivii vies 3 Cakes 23c SHIRRIFF'S HEAP h Pineapple Marmalade ........« Liquid Wax, Johnson's ...... ae of " prurvenen ran PALE To OUR stones