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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 May 1930, p. 12

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(THE OSHAW A'DAILY TIMES; THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1930 dt 6 vedi ld | By Thornton W., Burgess i a This, fast. to me is very elear; 'folks are prong the worst 'to © fear, a «Danny Meadow Mouse Anold tin can up in a tree was a queer place for a Meadow Mouse home. A Meadow Mouse is supposed "to live on the ground, or somctimes mit. But there are exceptions. Just , as Whitefoot" the Wood Mouse oc~ casionally builds over a a bird's nest and makes it his home, so does Dan- ny. Meadow. Mouse, It isn't a habit. Oh, my: nod It happens only once Jina great while, Of cours my and Nafiny would never have thought of building a in that can. up in a frec had it not been for two or three things. Nanny. would never have thought of climbing up to that tin can. You see, she was in the can when it was put up thére by Farmer Brown's Boy. Probably she wouldn't have thought of going back to it had it: not Heen for Reddy Fox. She and Danny had to go somewhere and being strang- ers in. that particular. place, they knew. of nowhere to go until Nan- ny thought of "that 'tin can, Then, when they got there they decided it wotlld"make a lovely, home. You see, what with a grapevine and the shape of the tree, it was a very easy mat- ter for 'them to climb up. "It's wonderful," said Danny, "and no one knows that we are living here." Te "You forget Reddy Fox," said Nan ny. "If it were not for Reddy, we wouldn't be here." ; "That's $0," said Danny. "I did for- get Reddy, I notice he comes over here quite often, Never in all'my life have I Yelt so safe from Reddy Fox, excepting when we were living in Farmer Brown's barn. No one fan J get at us up here. Even Killy the : Sparrow Hawk can't get us here, All "we have to do is to run right jn- © side and we are safe." A i "You forget Shadow the Weasel," . Nanny reminded him. a "True," replied Danny, "I did for- get. Shadow. Shadow could climb up J here just as well as we can and he ' could enter this little round doorway. But he is the only one; and cven if i he should come over this way, he would never think of finding us up a tree, There isn't any one else." . But Danny was mistaken, He ¢ found out that very day, Nanny was off somewhere looking for food. Dan- ny was just about fo climb irp te his hothe in the tin can when he heard a rustling sound above his head. He fooked up. What he saw almost made his. heart stop beating. It was. Mr. Blacksnake, Yes, sir, it was Mr, 4 Blacksnake. He was up in that tree. Bou know Mr. Blacksnake is a very ? good climber. Truth to tell, Mr, Black § snake was looking for nests. He has . 7a liking for baby birds, At first. Dan- "ny was simply surprised and fright. ened by the sight of Mr, Blacksnake. "Then he was glad that Mr, Black- ' snake was up in the tree instead of \ {For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 120 Simcoe Bt. 8, we We Deliver A Re iti g NOTHING 700 SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St, W, Phone 1314 mF" 7 4 i / of HEADY « And then to Danny's horror Mr. Blacksnake put his head inside on the ground. He didn't once think that Mr. Blacksnake might visit that tin ean, Slowly Mr, Blacksnake moved up toward Danny's home. At last he reached it. And then, to Danny's hor. ror, Mr. Blacksnake put his head in- side. He went part-way in, Danny couldn't remember whether or not Nanny was at home, If she was, he would never: sée her again, Here was an enemy who could enter that house with the greatest gase and Dan ny hadn't once thought of him, "Oh, dear! oh dear!" whimpered Danny under his breath, "What shal I do now?" "What shall you do about what?" asked a squeaky voice, "What is the matter with you, Danny Meadow Mouse ?" It was Nanny! She was on her way home, Perhaps you can guess how Danny felt, / NLA (Copyright, 1930, T. W. Burgess) The next story: "Mr. Blacksnake Is Driven Away." ea YS ARS SRDARARELR Cam aa aan a) C. P, R; TIME TABLE Effective April 27, 1930, (Standard Time) Going West m, Daily m, Daily m, Daily (Except Sunday). m, Daily m, Dail m, Daily m, Daily ily (Except Sunday) m, om, wt, Daily m. Daily ---- Al AN NATIONAL RAILWAYS CANADIAN ee PAYS me Change in Time, effect) (Standard a a a p P . » P. » a SS8R8 Lakes - Frmwe puns z8 SoCs 23333888 Daily, Except Subdiy Sunday only ily Daily, Except Sunday Daily N= Om S8-% Laily Daily, Except Sunday Daily Patlvs Except Saturday aily ow; £38; @ wi os Fed as¥ey 2 . £ Except Sunday Except Sunday PTT: UBSREN pusmaunlSe =H 53B58ES -- =o » 288 i SE; 1H sek 35 S8a2% FRERERERRASS EX] 4 i po i i: il 33 > Ew Be sa 8s ES HY sees g5e 8111 Baas see 33 a1 #2 moan asa 3558 Hi nn 2 Ts £ *=Daily . oo 10.3% .| Dunning budget and robbed LIBERAL GOVT. IS STRONGER DUE 10 DUNNING BUDGET Manchester Guardian Says Conservatives Greatly Weakened London, May 2§---The Liberal government of Canada strengthened itself considerably by the recent its Conservative oppesition of a great deal of 'election material, accords ing' to the view expressed by 'the Manchester 'Guardian (Liberal) which prints's lengthy 'editorial on { tariff matters, ' ity "Everything goes to show that the: Liberals in Canada stand in a much more favorable position than they did a few months ago' says the Guardian, "Before Mr, Dun- nihg's announcement political op- infon was moving steadily against the government but the last three weeks have shown fairly cledrly how little the Conservatives have to criticize, A "The increase of the Imperial preference rates which, outwardly, was far larger and more generous than most here had heen led to ex pect has efféctively silenced any imperial ery that might be raised by the Conservatives, Moreover, Mr, King could not have chosen a | more favorable time for Increasing the Imperial connection, "The ralsing. of the 'American tariff has, no doubt, had the worst possible effect, so far as. the United |! States is doncerned, upon the minds | Passing Show, of the Canadian public, Washing- ton has realized too late that pro- tection is a double-edged weapon' quite capable of clipping its gwner's wings. But it is 'certainly /true that tariff revision will not lead to our capturing the forty million sterling (about $200,000,000) trade #0 far held by America and now At the medical .conveecation at covered by preference increases.' NOT TOO SURE Young Chemist's Assistant: "I've made up the medicine for you, mad- am, and I'm sure it's all right-- hut perhaps. you wouldn't mind; signing your name in the poison book." COVERING UP Official--"You have a fine head of hair--~your passport describes you as bald=-the passport is false" Travelfer--"No, the hair is!" TO-UNVEIL WOLFE MEMORIAL JUNE 5 Ceremony to be Broadcast Through British Isles and Canada (By Thomas 7T. Champion, Cana- dian Press Staff Correspondent) London, May 29.--~Arrangements are being made for the broadcasts ing throughout the British Isles and, possibly, to Canada, of the ceremony of "unveiling the Wolfe Memorial which will take place on June 5, The speeches of Sir Camp- bell Stuart, head of the Memorial Lommittee, and of the Marquis de Montcalm, descendant of the fam- ous commander, who was Wolle's gallant foe, will be radioed from reenwich In the afternoon, The Marqus de Montcalm wil un- veil the memorial snd thus the names of the great generals will be again be brought together though in the atmosphere of friendship which is a symbol of the new or- der between the two world powers and between the two races of Can- ada, Speeches at. the Canada Club dinner the same eveulig will also be broadcast. The speakers will be the French Ambassador, Lord Eli- bank, descendant of Sir. James Murray, "Wolfe's companion-in~ arms, who took command of the British Army when Wolfe fell in the battle of the Plains of Abraham and became the first English gov ernor of Quebec, and J H. Woods, of Calgary, president of the Cana dian Chamber of Commerce, | PROMINENT DENTIST TARRED, FEATHERED | Hammond, La, May 29,~=Arreste ing five sons of a wealthy furnle ture dealer, authorities were pres. pared to act swiftly against the alleged participants in the abduce tion and tarring and feathering of Dr. 8, 1. Newsom, prominent dens st, The Tanglpapon Parish ' Grad Jury already was in session and 18 was Indicated that charges naming Newton, Gordon, Charles, 1ke and Henry Starnes would be presented for action immediately, i Dr, Newsom accused the five bros thers of kidnapping him at. the point of revolvers and covering his body with creosote and feathery because they said he hud. been ale tentive to the wife of one of them, ELLA CINDERS--Almost Clever or ck ds stizz with Ella. Shes Oke Whtole city, SOLA F 'ect ore I! Just Ley ME. GE TOWN, i MY EYES ON THAT BABY! T COULD PICK. IT OUT OF A MILLION! I DON'T SAC I'M THE, BEST PRIVATE DETECTIVE (N BUT L DARE NOU) NAME ONE BETTER! NO BoTHER. AY ALL LYOUR. CHILD (S SAFER) WITH ME, WOOL SOCKS y AR TE WNIT AN Eskimo! Pl U. 8, Pat. OF; Copyright, by Metropolitan Newer ~ - THAN IN THIS 1080, AS T WAS SANG, 0 THERE'S NOT A CHANCE. OF i ME MIGSING THE COLE BAEY AND THE RE THAT GOES SOMEWHERE: RIGHT NEIGHBORHOOD TELLING TOMMY STATES, TOMMY. THE FIRST IMPROVEMENT IN CHAIRS FROM THE TIME OF THE PHARAOHS IN EGYPT WAS MADE BY THOMAS JEFFERSON, THE THIRD PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED ILLIAM MORRIS --y RIVER DESK WORKER TILTING BACK IM HIS COMFORTABLE SHIVEL CHAIR, OR SHINGING EASILY AROUND MSTEAD OF HAVING 10 GET UP AMD TURN Wis CHAIR, 15 UNDER OBLIGATION T0 THOMAS JEFFERSON THE INVENTOR. J /PTIAN CHAIR MW CENTURY BC. ay THOMAS JEFFERSON he LJHEM ABOUT 1859 WILLIAM MORR!S, ENGLISH POET, SOCIALIST,LEC NAME. THE ORIGIN 10%, King Vestures Syndicate. MAN; DESIGNED THE CHAIR THAT BEARS HIS OF MAHOGAMY. THE CURVE OF THE BACK E65 HAS UNUSUAL AND, THE CARVING DISTINCTIVE nIG TURER AND MASTER CRAFTS: AL MORRIS CHAIR ¥iAS MADE Ine, Grest Britain rights reserved PHO MADE THE BIGGEST CHANGE If CHAIRS 1M 3000 YEARS, BETTY ©? THE FELLOW THAT INVENTED THE ELECTRIC CHAIR? if Ae a CERTAINLY A SWELL || I NEW SUIT Mm W WEARN'- 1"... Go I! © 1330. Int Peature Service, Inc. Groat Britain rights AN FLASH IT ON DINTY: \'T 1% A SUIT reserved | MELLO I GG So Suga GOWN "TQ { | CAN'T, I'VE TY "3 3° EAT MM You SERM TO BE SPENDIN' A LOT OF TIME AT YOUR TAILORS LATELY. \S (@) SER SVE ME THAT OLD SUIT YOU'RE WEARIN' WHEN YYou qi THE NEW ONES DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE DAY WHILE WALKING IN THE ROBELIANE JAND OUR PETSCAME TO A TUMBLE DOWN LITTLE COTTAGE WOODS, ------ THEY, SAW A POOR WOMAN BENDING OVER. A PRETTY BABE, THE FIRE WAG, BURNING AND DINNER. Is COOKING ON THE HEARTH. "BRCALSE T. AM 4 ame wm cer-- TWee Tom s h TweeTums ) a " NTRNT WITH WHAT Tio | HAVE, SAD THE POOR. WOMAN: MY CHILD 15 WELL AND wis HAVE ENOUGH To sar Rl] v) _--- TILLIE THE TOILER--Comedy and Tragedy " wa h ndays ouly. aturday, » only, r Po yyy £0 a wv wi . MAC TOLD a V MEAN "TH WHY, _ WHAD YA MEAN, MR Fo WHIPPLE | AND ITTHAT 7 aay Ml ol i : . FRIEND HAROLD |S HER NEW SWEETIE AT VOUR| AC. "TRACE AND OM, YE-EN? WELL, "THIS ALL STARTED AS A COMEDY QuY AT, My House , puY AIS HAGEONNA FAD IN A OY AT SIMPKINS Woah

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