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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 May 1930, p. 13

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/ PAGE THIRTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1930 ED SE meets TION .. eller .Noo3 NNO 3 EPH 2. A) 4 , Selicitor, Notary Public, Con. ve Money to loan, Office 14 Soret BanSien" Rows flies 1B Pu fSisndard Bank. -Rutrance Bt. Phone 18, J. ¥. Grierson, 7. K Creighton, B.A. K.C., Be C. Fraser, B.A, LOUIS 8S. HYMAN, BARRI A Eelctar Notary, over nd's Store, Money to loan, 16 street north, ['houe 67, Residence 35867, GREER risters, grlcitars ele. 24% Siricoe St. N. Phone 3160, 3 St. N. 60, 3Menev to loan. BARRIS "| north, ete. nosi*e . A . etc. Alger Bldg. Phone 2996 2 kA A ®, Block. Phone "060. Oftice $ a.m. to 8.40 p.m, Dr. B. fewood, special atiention. to Surgery and X-Ray. Jr. B. He Har per, special attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics. Sunday and night calls 7418 or 124. DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR. , Accoucher. Office and resi. oe t, East. cornet; Victo BZRRY, PHYS! me: Obstetrician, u st, Phone 1155. ARCHE IR 20, and S. Physician, Surgeon apd" 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone Or ate 40 Cadilise Ave. No Phone 3150. DR. C. W. CARR, P , Obstetrician, and San: 513 Simcoe stréet north. Phone 2416. ea nd Obste tan, oe i a ) b+ SN 185 Simcoe Street, North, phone 3107. ESET Sr Veterinary Surgéon R. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN oan Gn Domestic Ani- King W, and dog hospital, 203 el. 620. r {May 1-1 mo) | DR. yD. ! specialise lameness, perience, I" 202 r 290 DR. F. T. BRY/ Street West, and treatment nose and throat bg.made wl SON, Drie Store. Hours 2 to 5. Evenings by Office phone e F. over Mitchells 10 to bo af. fatmen § idence 432]. ria | OSHAWA'S "i ville, anywhere 8. 2 IR | Finger tajist . mascle and ginssen. Autos foe 6 rot 0 ot : ) 3610, / . (May 15-1 mo) NEV, AND SM ONTAK Land and Civil Eogmn. LiL SLE Phones S300) of 230 A GU ST. East, Ambala. Figen ¥ Sim: coe street one a2 Celina str Bee as, Am a Firms Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANLE. 19 King St. wast, Oshawa, The old- est Pire Avency in Oshawa 30 Re utable Fire anies. conssit R. N. Johps, 80 Simcoe Your Insurance wants at tended to and your .nterests pro- automobile, fire, "accident. Bee Holden 92 Simcoe N. (May, 8-1mo) attic vp -------- ~~ Tramsportation * C A AND BTOWAG man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists Io Hurnitre Deviag, Storage ware ouse. und movipg van equipment. Phone 82, ' a] be OVING, OKAVEL A Local ] @iscante hauling. Smith & Con Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. OLLESL ESTAM- lished furn'ture movers. Park Road All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Fte. © | STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has besn found necessary Because of ase and loss arising from handling e large number of 'accounts of this nature. For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, who will receive the advertisement. will bring a messenger and collect for same. "Times" Classified Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT o telephone call Ads Bring Results Work Wanted CONCRETE WORK, CELLAN and garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel, elnders. Chris Graham. Phone 2621M, h (May: 29-1 mo) T I] automobiles and furniture, The best in workwanship at the lowest prices, Note pew address, 451 Sim. coe South. G. A, Constable, Phone g482WwW. (May 13-1 mo) For Rent (V] AND [V7 ern suites including electric refrig. orition, stove, laundry, 'convent ones, etc, continu' Lot water supplied. Apply Supt. "phone 2671, or The Trusts und Guarantee Lo. Ltd, 'manager for owner, Toronto, (27L0) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley bros. (86L1) SHARPENING--BCISSORS, KNIV. es, Lawn Mowers, Saws, Phone 421W. We call and deliver, 130 Celina St, E. Bottan, (May 8-1mo.) fhe age, loerl 4m on dis Res. ran e, Prop: ar! South, one 215. ¢ J (May 19-1 mo) Toronto, Hamilton, Trenton, Belle- cheapest in the city. Eagle Cartage, phone 290. (May 29-1 mo) , Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. ' Specialists in permanent, finger and marcel! waving, rer manent wave prices $56, 37.60, 510 and $15. All other nes of Beauty flulture, Phene 2008. Apply sb Nimcoe street norti. EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward st Betty Lou Perman. ent Wave Shop reel and sha , Phone ie WATSONS . BA ER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We spe- cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar. celling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 50 cents, For anpointments phone 663. (May 16-1 mo) RC Boe. MRS. . Clarke, 14% Agnes street, Yhone S407 (May 20-1 ma) 8 BURTON OF..THE . LA Parisiene Beauty Parlour anunoun- ces the price of marcelling, 650c, aving 170¢,. during the onths, Commencing from Phone 71. (May 21-1 mo.) Music HERBERT C. TRENEER, OR- and cholr master of Kiog "Church will accept plano, organ and voeal 'music. ~~ For-partieulare apply 50 William streec east. Phone 2896. (May 6 to 81) summer June first. OR En HUBB DENTIST, J en nas fof exten: 1378M. DENTIST, 16 Dewland's. w dvenings by representative. Fane d 33434, wl Sage She the Sy WA RADIQ SERVICE, AD- {es for sale, repairs on elec 'and. battery seta, tubes and |, tested, batteries re atal supplied. $1. Phone os Wales, 146 East. May 8-1 mo) for snd de cuaeged, 76c called irfaly erect. livered. Radio servic ed. Platt, Phore 15) (May 21-1 mo) Prices reasonable, batteries re B0¢, rentals 26c., delivered, hone: 2806 Ws - Geo, 'Burroughs. Ty (tay 1%-1mo.) ¢ with rental $1.00, Repaired and y- NTS 30 1 mo) 1] ol) Q MJ { inating woman _ aud miss. , Blatter J nonstras 7 lm ALL, KINDS OF LANDBOAPE gardening and grading estimates free. Phone 456W. WW. J. Pow- ell, (136¢) BRIGHT APARTMENT, CEN- trgl, four rooms, "bath, electric stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors, Possession June 1. Apply Box 665 Times, (11341) TWO ROOMS TO RENT ON EL gin Bt. West, partial conveniences. For Rent bh bouse. All conveniences, near Moi- ors, Phone 2717J, (123¢) "WENT, two furnished rooms, gas and phone. Apply 204 Halg sree 3 \ e nished, with garage. All convenl- onces, central, Phove nel. y {J Nursing NURSING IN PRIVATE = HOMBD for invalid or convalescent pa tient, 129 Colborne St. E. Osh: awa, Phone 1916W, (May 2 1-mo) . . T- al and surgical nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 6506. (May 23-1mo.) MATBRNITY NURSING--PRICES reasonable. 278 Division Street, (126b) brick house, modern conven y garage, Apply 345 St. Julien St, Pho (124d) D T close to Ceneral Motors, reason- able to relisble tenant, Phone 1790F, (124¢) EL) APA T FO light house keeping. All eonvenis ences, central, Rent reasonable, Phone 2297, 106 Colborne Bast, (124¢) CASA LOMA APTS, OBHAWA, 161 King east, 5 rooms and bath, Immediate possession. Prices rea- sonable. (126¢) DOUBLE GARAGE TO RENT-- Mrs. Short, 18 Warren Ave, Phone 127, (126¢) TWO, FURNISHED ROOMS, light, water and use of phong, five minutes walk from Motors, $12.60 per month. Phone 1304W, TIX ROOM HOUSE, ALBERT ST. near King, suitable for boarding louse. All conveniences, reason- able rent, Phone 1400, (126¢) TW 80 HE partly furnished, all conveniences. No children, Phone '1788J. (126¢) Y by . nished rooms for rent. Buit young couple, reasonable, Phone 2102J. (126¢) For Sale or Rent FOR BALE OR RENT--GOOD home at 600 Sommerville Ave. For terms, pee Cleve Fox, (124¢) ERR SE A ACE Summer Cottages SUMMER RESORT AT LAKESIDE ne 360M Apply 34 Elgin street west, : (11088) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SUFI WOOD slabs. $350 per load. Also bose dr¥ body wood, Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288, Apr, 26tf) FOR BSALR--HEINTZMAN CO. Ltd., pianos, new and used planos, also Sadion, teu mhdeie: Si arran » Tra hone TT 4 1131) FOR SALE~CRUSHED STONE Clips for driveways. Waterous- Meek Limited, Phone 1288. . (Apr. 29-1 mo) FOR SALE == PAINTS, VARN- fshes. We have the largest assort- ment of paints, varnishes, etc. in in the city. The Paint Store, $0 King street west. (Apr, 26 tD) BAND GRAVEL, INDERS stone-cbips and black loam. Phone 1778J. J. Forrester, 210 Alice street, (Apr, 80-1 mas SAND, GRLVEL, . ders, black loam. $1.60 per yard. For. quality and service phone Es- scry Bros. 332 r 11. (May 8-1) HOUSHHOLD FURNITURE FOR sale, also thirty hens, Will sell cheap, Apply 439 Ritson Road south. (123¢) JILLTAMS PIA [€] JON. dition, Will take $125, $10 cash and $7 per month, Apply Jolin Meagher, 72 Simcoe north. Phone 371W. (128¢) drawers, tool chest, several odd- ments. Mrs, XL, Horen, 331% Sim. coe street north. (123¢) FOR SALB--TTANv, LEATHER living voom suite, other household furnishings, also apartment to rent, at 118 Prince St. (1282) 4. 8 N small kitchen with water front, practically new: Electric washing machine, Congoleum rug. Phone Bowmanville 606 Bowmanville, (128¢) 7 NI) round! dining room table, polished oak. Both for $27. Apply 1738 Mill street, (1240) CHEAP, ONE ELECTRIC RANGE, 4 elements, top oven, warmiag closet, "grey and white enamel, first class condition, Apply. 203 Bruce straet. Phone 247M. (1240) ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs; ; (May 20-1 mo} Painting and R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA: perhanger, painting und graining Prices right, wor guaranteed. #40 Pine Ave, phone JC66w or ete. east, painting, paperhanging, d ng, sign writing, Ksti oral given on work. Phone 1367J, P May 5-1 mo) MADAME INDRI) CHO | of dancing ana physical culture, 169 Church Street, Lessons given }| each evening from 6 p.m, and on} Saturdays from 1.30 pm. For! jer call or phone 874M at abo ours, Rr . To tara oil stovew, goal stover, bicycles, etc, |§ 1174 Ritson road south, : TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms, with garage, for quiet couple, no ¢hildren, or bedrooni for two gentlemen in quiet home. Phone 969W, (1288) TO RENT--ONE LARGE PRONT room, suitable for business maa. Also one small room, $2 per week, 94 William street cast. 3 (May 23-1 mo) TO RENT 8 FURNISHED rooms, heat, light and water, all conveniences, With Garage. Imme- diate possession. Apply 97 Col- borfie street east, (128) -- SIX ROOM HOUSE with or without garage, Willlam street east, conveniences. 'Posses- sion first of Jume. 24 Royal st. Phone 1865. (123¢) SIX ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD CON. dition, excellent locality, all con- veniences. Garage, Rent reason. able furnished or unfurnished, Box Phone 784J, (123¢) FOR RENT--TWO COMPLETELY furnished rooms for light house- keeping, Every convenience. 182 Burke street. Phone 1430J. ow i (1231) NT -- DOUBLE GARAGE, Phons 1105F, 183 Brock street east, (133¢) ----- NEW house, 4 rooms, kitchenette, Wired for eleetriesslove, All conveniences, Clean. 185 Albert st. (128¢) FOR R ROCNED HOUSE, all conveniences, 110 Stacey Ave. Apply Conant & Annis," "T130tt) TQ RENT=4 ROOVND™ HOUSE. All conveniences, rossession at once, Apply 320 Difsion St. BEDRGOM, ALSO room to rent' with bourd. 148 Agnes street, Phond 1775J. (123¢) Aotiee, hardwood flooty through~ out, garage, central, reason 5 Phone 11087, 20) 0 nished, suit young couple, no ob. Jecton to .small child, good home, convenient to Motors, rent reasons able. Apply 312 Leslie avenue; . (124b) ALL KINDS OF. USED FURNI: Rates for Classified Ads Minlmom charge $0e. Each subsequent consect- tive Insertion 1o per word, : gonsecutive inser- for thy price of : first { 'cents a )e | MERA SL 60 oexts. i Bos nomber 100 additions) il] 8, Phone 2008F. ere kona Wited BE ----E) (1280) | © Beach finest Bathing and fishing on Lake Boug Some splendid bulld- ing lots for sale, A, E, Rogerson, Rort Perry. (1241) Real Estate For Sale house. All conveniences, In® good locality. Apply to 43 McLaughlin Blvd. Phone 1440W. (126¢) FOR BA iW "BRICK house, hardwood floors, modern conveniences, % to 7 acres of land, on highway east of Oshawa, Will take small first payment. Apply 8. Snowden, R.R, No. 3, Bowman- ville, (1841) Motor Cars fiAVE YOUR CAR OR TRUCK repaired at 49 Bond St, West Body and fender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats anG general wood work, Phone W. Fry 3305. (May 23-1 mo) a ou AR S A Dominion Garage, 88 Bond Street West. Phone 3198. All cars at one price $1.00. (May 16-1 mo.) LATE 27 BS i SE- dan, excellent condition, Phone 1681F, Bargain, (1242) Theronoid a El 85 0 ONIC aliments should take advantage ol the special free 'reatments offered by %heronoid of Oshawa, 156 Wil- lam St. East. Phone 209. (May 22-1 mo) Re A Pets and Live Stock. WANTED -- CATTLE VOR SUM- mer pasture. Creek running through Balson's Farm, Courtice. Apply ¥. A, VanGunten, Tooley's Hill. (1201) TOLETEIN BULL, 156 MONTHS; Grazers taken, horses or cattle, Phone 723 r 12. (124c) RS Ea El ll ill ue... pp Help Wanted--Male ANT N__ TOR sales position. Must be willing to be bonded. Apply Mr. Seymour, 289 Dearborn Ave. 5.30 to 7.50 p.m. (126b) .. Books HOBEORTSAAW'S CIRCULATING library, You will enjoy reading the iatest Fiction at minimum cost. Phone 1472. 87 Clmecos St. North (T-F-8 tr) Yh 0] Roofing "Mill Ends Factory stock good "Mill" Ends" Rooting and Asphalt Shingles clearing at sacrifice prices. Satls- faction guaranteed. Eastern factor. fes United Limited, Box 212, Ham. {iton, Ont, (108-111-114-117-120-122-125) Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF the Sstate of Douglas Powless, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County and Prov- ince of Ontario, Carpenter, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the es. tate of the said Douglas Powless who -died on or about the Sixth day of December, 1929, at the City of De- troit, in the State of Michigan, are required on or before the Ninth day of June, A.D. 1930, to send Notice to the undersigned Solicitor for the es- tate of the said deceased, with their full names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims, And take notice that after such mentioned date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the pare ties entitled thereto, and will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose A pol notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. DATED at Oshawa; this 15th day of Mav, AD, 1930. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, + Barrister &e, Oshawa, Ont, Solicitor for Francis Osborne Powe ess, Administrator. (114-120-125) EE ----. Personal WIDOW WOULD LIKE ANOTHER widow with means to share home or retired couple. 94 Willlam street' east. (1210) WANTED -- YOUNG BUSINGES man to share apartment . with three others. Very reasonable. Ar. ply to Box 700 Times (124¢) Room and Board MA family, Very central, Phone 1028J. (1230) I . Board if desired. 152 Elgin St. Kast. Haone 1046W. (1251) Awnings 50% | WINDOW AWNINGS -- PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops installed. T. Taylor, - Toronto awa phone 1053 (Apr, 10-tf.) all kinds of canvas: goods, Come plete camp equipment for rent. kos Hardware, phone 23 or 26. Agents . J. Turner and Son, Peter , Ontario. (Apr, 39-1 mo? Lost OST' Jubilee . Pavilion; lady's = black purse, valued as keopsake, liberal reward. Phone 1817J, (124c) "Lindy", child's pet, Anyone In possession after this notice will Reward, 14 Young (1268) anted--Female OR GIRL TO care for convalesdent and do light house work, 205 Richmond St, East, Oshawa, (126¢) 2° HOUSEMAIDS . WANTED AT once. Apply Mrs, I. W. Cowan, Simcoe St. 8. 126-t1) competent and reliable, household | three, preferred sleep out. Apply Thursday, Saturday evenings after (126¢) 16564 r 128-0) Auctioneer PHONE 716) W. J. SULLEY AUC. ioneer. ' Simeoe St. 8. Oshawa, Patron: - Notice to Creditors in. the matter of the Estate of Thomas Graham, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County and Province of Ontario, Mechanic, de- ceased, Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Thomas Graham, who died on or nbout the second day of May, A.D, 1930, at the City of Oshawa, In the County of Ou. tario, are required on or befory the Ninth day of June, A.D., 1930, to send notice to the undersigned Solicitor for the estate of the sald deceased, with their full names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims, And take notice that after such mentioned date the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the as- Sots of the sald deceased among the parties entitled thereto, and will not bé liable for the said as- Sots or any part thereof to any per- won of whose claim notice shall not have been received ut the time of such distribution, Dated at Oshawe, this 15th day of May, A.D, 1930. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Barrister, &c. hawa, Ont. Administratrix, (114-120-125) MAYORS TO CONFER ON UNEMPLOYMENT _ Vancouver, B.C., May 20.~-To organize a Western - Canadian movement toward the solution of the' unemployment problem, Mayor W. H. Malkin, .is arranging for a conference of Mayors of western cities here about June 9, On that date, Mayor R. H. Webb, of Winnipeg, will arrive here with @ party 'of 'prominent Manitoba men to welcome the French line yvossel, Winnipeg at this port. Mayor Malkin telegraphed him suggesting that other western ors might be asked to come to Vancouver then for a conference on unemployment, ns i cs------ : Bd #What a terfible looking dog." "MI tell you, that dog cost me a thousand pounds." " "That mongrel? Impossible 1" "He did--he once bit a dancer in the leg)'=Der Lustige Sachse, Leip- HE Os Solicitor for Mary Levina Graham, . HOUSE REFUSES TO ADOPT CHRISTIAN SCIENGE PROPOSAL Important Amendment to Code Refers to Drunken Drivers Ottawa, May 29--Branded to- gether regardless of polities medi- cal members of the House of Com- mong tonight succeeded in forcing the Government to drop a propos- ed criminal code amendment Which would have permitted Christian Scientists to practice their beliefs to the fullest extent. Exemption Provided The proposed amendment would have exempted members of this faith and others of similar beliefs from any legal obligation to supply medical or surgical treatment as a necessary of lite to their children or to any one 'else dependent on them. They could not, under this change, be prosecuted, as anyone now is for failing to supply these necessaries, No specific mention of Christian Scientists was made in the yro- posed amendment but in a foot- note to the bill it was stated the amendmant wds inserted at request of that denomination. The amend- ment related to 'persons using or depending on prayer or spiritual means for the treatment of human ailments as an enjoyment or exer- cise of religious freedom." A number of other proposed amendments to the code also were dropped. These included five clauses which would have provided more severe restrictions on the carrying of firearms; and two others which would have facilitated manslaugh- ter or grievous bodily harm convic- tions, Another clause preventing brokers or brokers' émployes from selling stock short was held over. Law Regarding Communists Among the clauses approved were a provision repealing the present law regarding Communists and the spread of Communist propagan- da; one providing a number of ex- ceptions to the phase, 'seditious intention," another reducing the maximum punishment for sedition, seditious libel or seditious con- spiracy from the present 20 years to two years; and several others tightening up the law on, and pro- viding more severe penalties for, cruelty to animals. Drunken Drivers An important change was made in the amendment proposed with relation to drunken driving. As presented, the section would apply to anyone driving "while under the influence of imtoxicating ligu r." This was changed to "while intoxi- cated." New and more severe pen- nities are provided for this offence. First offenders upon indictment are made liable to from 30 days to three months, and subsequent of- fences are punishable with terms of from three months to one year. On summary conviction, first offenders from one to three months, while subsequent offences are punishable with a term of from three months to one year. The chief objection taken to the Christian Scientists' amendment was that it would permit children who were unable to judge for them- selves to be denied proper medical attention. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, May 28.--Mr. and Mrs. Will Bromell and Howard and Helen: Mr. and Mrs. Archie Blight were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, W. Glover. Messrs. Archie Blight and Will Glover motored to Toronto Sunday, and visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Anderson, Mrs. Thomas Scott and little Jean went to Toronto, Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Gerry, Miss MarjoriesGerry and Mr. Lloyd Gerry motored to Guelph for the week-end and holiday and visited Mrs. Gerry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gillies. Mr. and Mrs, George Scott and Miss Florence visited Mr, and Mrs, Lorne McCoy, at Brooklin on the 24th and attended the Brooklin Fair, North Oshawa friends of Mr, and Mrs. George Scott, of Kedron, sym- pathize with .hem in the passing of Mr. Scott's mother, The funeral was held on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Young and two sons, of Toronto, were holiday week-end guests of Mr, and Mts, Edgar Gloy- rs » Mr, and Mrs, Jim Cooper, of Myr- tle, visited Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Poon. taine Sunday, ronto, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. T, H, Solomon. ' § Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Charles Bennett on the arrival of a baby girl in Oshawa: General Hos- pital on May 24th. - Miss Margaret Tattersall, ' went home to Kendall, for' the week-end and, she was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander and Miss Francis, with whom is staying anti} she trys the entrance examina- ons, - J Mr. and Mrs. Will Garrett 'and children Joyce, Jack and Ross, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Will Davies, Miss Freda Davies, of Sehawa, Miss ean Miles, of Belleville, and Mr. ercy Hopkins, of Oshawa, all were holiday and Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. F. R hy. : Mr. and Mrs. J, Gulliver and chil- dren Sent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs, B. Jacklin, in Oshawa, Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Dearborn; of Peterboro, and Mrs, Nellie Dears born, of Toronto, were with Mr. and Mis. Henry Dearborn for the week- ond. : \ Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Pipher and baby Juae, of Toronto, spent the hols Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cooper, of To day.and week-end with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.' J. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover apd Miss Delta Glover and" Mr. Low «Fowler went to Wiarton for the holiday week-end. Miss Glover remained for a visit with Miss Christine Watts and Mr. John Watts, Scotland Woollen Mills [| 8. ROTISH, Manager COLEMAN 83 LOND ST. WEST JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 3215 GOOD USED CARS Are Sold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 900 "@ SECOND MORTGAGE Accepted as part payment on beautiful home on Masson Street. Let me hnow what you have quick. DISNEY, 29 Ki SMALL FARM WANTED In exchange for modern home. What have you? Good Weather 4 Ahead! «=Do uot lose your car-- Let me finance you---Addis tional Cash Given. G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Roowr 6, 14}; 'King St. Enst = Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Jisney-Cott. AMBULANCE ow 87 Celina St. Phone 1088 Sr hs

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