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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 May 1930, p. 14

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+ FARM BUILDINGS BURN Pembroke --Mv,.and, Mrs, Edwin Bennett, Beachburg, lost their farm fldings by fire while they were abgent from home. : ) MUSICAL FESTIVAL Athens.--The annual = mieical Festival of the district was held at Athens, when 'Athens, . Addison flle and New Dublin, com~ . beted for district honors. Addison was the winner of 'Dr' Clarks prize 'of $10 for securing the larg- est. Iugmber of points with Athens second. Fran SUSBAX SCHOOL CONVENTION Brighton.--At {ha annual meet- Ing of the Brighton township Sun. day, Seghool- Association, the follpw- ing officers. were elected: -- Past President--R. B. Ryckman, Cod~ rington; President---George Adams, Hilton, RR. R. 1: 1st Vice/President ~~ Ezra Maybee, Smithfield; 2nd Vice President--Iidwurd Freeman, Brighton; . Secretary-Treasurer---- Edith Valentine, Hilton, R. R. 1. ORDINATION SERVICE Kingston.--An ordination ser- vice "will - 'be - conducted , in St. George's Cathedral Sunday morn- Ing; June' 2, Three candidates will wv ? os ¢ y PE : he 'presented, W. H. Brayman and L. Harding, for ordination as dea- cons and A, IF. De, orl nation edt. Mev.' | x pine Walle . formerly of North borne Augtista," has been. appointed to the ish. of Newhro' to succeed Rev, HB, hirinrion who has been ap- pointed tor St, Luke's, of Kingston. LABOR UATION IMPROVES Kingston,+~The ' unemployment situation in Kingston «is virtually cleared up according to the Super- intendent. of the Government Em- plpyment. Bureau, Major, W, A. Stroud. This is largely because or the numbes of men employed in the Canadian comotive Company works, The 'opening of navigation did a great deal to clear up un- employment. Building construction and.road work are giving a large number work. AXE, KNIFE, ASSAULT ; WEAPONS / Lindsdy.--Assault cases with an axe and a knife featured 'police J court held at Minden by Magistrate G. A. Jordan, of Lindsay. Jonn Irwin, charged with striking John Lobb over the head with an axe, was sentenced to the Ontario Re- formatory for seven months defi- The Best LJ eddo Premium in America At Usual Coal Prices Produced Telephone 262 | DIXON COAL C0. Five DirectLines : [RE peep ns - -- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1930 » 4 g . . + A New York furrier telephoned to his fepresentative in Montreal: marten' skins; we have a buyer who wants guiek action." The fur man in Montreal 'phoned Bdronton, telling his needs. called the radio station and word went out advising trappers at seve ready to turn the skins over to the airman who would call for them The next day the airman #s back and the from the time of his request tae furrier in The lonely trapper 1s no more, for the telephone, trated oven the far northern anlitudes. nite and one year indefinite, Avro Peltonfemi, Finlandér, was sent- enced to a year definite and a year indeterminate in. the Ontario Ree formatory for loging his temper in 1 friendly wrestling match, slash- ing his friend's arm badly and fur- ther attacking him with the knife. RUSHING HYDRO WORK Almonte,--Work is now in full swing on the power development { at Chats Falls, the general contrac. | tors having about 700 men at pros- {ent on their force there, which will be enlarged considerably during the course of the summer, FIVE SONS IN PRIESTHOOD Pombroke.--Mrs, Timothy Har rington of Hagarty Township, near Killaloe, who died here, was born 78 years ago in the County of Cork, Ireland and came to Canada withh her parents when a child. She had the 'distinction of having given five of her sons as priests to the Roman Catholic church and two of { her daughters to religious life as | members of the Grey Nun Commun- ity, | | | DOMINION DAY COMMITTEE Port Hope.--At the annual or- ganization meeting of the Port Hope Dominion Day Committee, preliminary plans were formulated Study the items listed below, they tell a story of economy to the housewife who wants real food values at substantial Carnation Brand Creamery Butter - - 2 lbs. 67¢ COTTAGE BRAND ..... 2 Ibs. 65¢ Roast Beef Thick Rib Roast i> 25 ¢ | Beef Bologna 1» 22 | Leg of Veal Cooked Meats Roast Veal ib. 26e Blade Roasp 1. 23¢ Macaroni Loaf 1. 25 Loin of Veal 1.24e , Shoulder Roast 1: 21¢ | Corned Beef 1. 25 | Loin Veal Chops > 29¢ ) v Boned and Rolled, 'Loin of Lamb : Fresh Shoulder Pork 19¢ BLANK OFF Flanks and Shanks of VEAL 1b. 12¢ n 28e¢ Sieve Bs No. 2 Tin 2Tins2 Ze | Piseapple Corn, 2's 27:1 (2Ti0s2Gc| Ae "0 AYLMER Chipso _ Choles Quality Wise Tis, 2 Tins 25: HEINZ BAKED Beans Medium Shredded Wheat 2Pkgs. 1 § c "DINNER BLEND TEA ww wiv g@e COFFEE The Betier a by Popular hoico wv. de Fancy Lobsters, -- | Sair Dates (Pitted), 2 bs. 25¢ A connie Ws 2Bc, i's 38 Fancy Crab VER. vos 'Aylmer Fancy brn RT Ly i | Fresh Codfish (ick tier Ib: 206 Poy tig Ged B, Assorted Pickies. gina es ba 8-02, 28¢C Victory Lunch Queen gs Ove Li ime 23c . Im ported Licorice Alls Ip i 4 ; a SF Jews SPR Pn | 29¢ Jrosby Corn [+ a tin 15¢ Biscuits 38 Clark 66-00 + Millionaire Sardines, . . tin 16¢ McCormick's Fancy Assorted «vow 1:0, pkg. 316 Standard Quality Light Syrup Pears, 2's... ... 2tins 29¢ Jello, assorted flavors, co weeny Sipligs. 23¢ s Potted Meats, assort- ed, 378 ia i vias 03 for , Tiger Catsup, quart... .. 4 Maraschino Cherries, Red, | weanes w,. 8-02 bottle 14¢ 31 eee A oo C1100 0000000000004 FRESH 'ATLANTIC [RTT TCIPP | | WX { : : 0900000008 6400000000080 Arnold's All Canadian Markets Wl PPR PEPE BN - "i - 4 for another celebration. Port Hope enjoys the unique distinction of being the only town in this district which has celebrated Dominion Day continuously since Confederation. The following officers were elected: Hon, Presidents, Mayor Fred Rose- vear and B. Chalk; President, . A. E. Choate;. Vice-President, 8, R. Caldwell; Secretary, J. T. George; Treasurer, Leo Boney; Erecutive Committee, H. W, Mitchell, T, J. O'Neill, George Strong, E. B. Lin- gard, H. P. Freeman, R. Chalk, I", L. Curtis, J. Gettis and M. U. I'ar- guson, Chairman of Conimittees: Tickets, Leo Boney; Special Attrac- tions, George Strong; Baseball, T. J. O'Neill; Grounds, M. U, Fergu- son; Music, Robert Chalk; Adver- tising, J. T. George. NURSES TO GRADUATE Kingston.----Graduation exercises at Rockwood Hospital will' be held on June 11. There are seven young women in the graduating class: Miss . Edith Storey, of Kingston, Miss Stellan Bingham - of Ottawa, Miss Catherine Levair of Renfrew, Miss+ Aunie Melske of Denbigh, Miss Annie Hector of Belleville, Miss Elizabeth Maloney of Elgin- burg, and Miss Veronica Scott of "Rush one hundred and fifty 'Without delay the Edmonton man ral points in the far north to be in a few hours, furs are speeding cast by aerfal transport. Manhattan turns the skins over to his purchaser, : radio and aeroplane in combination have p In three days | Wick, iS vilood (Ie Was shient during the a 'Birkett, avho is soon to'move to Port erry ahd A number trom here atteided Ux bridge and Brooklin Fairs, on Sat- urday. The former 1s always noted for being an exceptionally good Fare, The funeral of Mrs. John Leash was held at the church, last Wed nesday. afternoom, and was. very largely attended, The resident past- or, Rev, Stevenson, based his sub- ject on®Rev. 14:13 and spoke very comfortingly to those who were left to 'mourn her removal from the home and family circle. A former pastor, Rey. Taig, of Agificourt, lso spoke, touching very feelingly on the Christian character- isties of the departed and what a willing church worker shes had been for a number of years, Mr. Walter Kew sang 'by request "Homeward Bound." Interment took place in Brun's Cemetery in the family plot. The pall bearers were her. six nephews, Will and Edgar Heron, Mark and Fim Duff 'and the Heron Bros. of The floral tributes from im- mediate friends spoke silently of the esteem in which the deceased was held, The frost over the week end did considerable' damage to some of the gardens around the village and some are now wondering just when is the proper time to put in a garden, MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, May 27~Last Wed. nesday evening, Rev. J. M. Whyte, from Enniskillen, was present at the ling, A presentation of # fancy A was made to Mrs, John | / who, was @ very active Tworker in the class, : ' N'S For Kiddies especially, these quickly made desseris are a real favorite. QUICK PUDDINGS Young People's Meeting and 'gave a very interesting and 'instructive talk on "Lumber Camps" which was illus- trated by lantern slides, Mr, Whyte also sang and recited during the evening and was very much enjoyed by all. Mr and Mrs. Ivison Munday and son Ray, and Miss Ida _Stcvens mot- ored to Sutton and spent the week. end. with relatives there, Mrs, Ray Snowden and baby Helen Toronto, spent a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. R, Stevens. Miss Stella Ross, Oshawa, spent the sveek-end with Mr, and Mrs. Noble Metealf, Miss Vida Horden and friend, To- ronto, visited her brother Mr. Rus- sel Worden, Mr, and Mrs. B. J. Gay and daugh- ter Evelyn, Oshawa, spent the holi- day with Mr, and Mrs, W, J. Snow- den, A meeting will' be held, on Friday evening, to make further' afrange: ments for the anniversary which wil be held June 15th and 16th, The Sunday School and Church services were largely attended on Sunday, At the Church service, 3 reception service was held when ten new members were received into. the church, Mr. Gordon Lapp will occupy. the pulpit here next Sunday. Mr. Ivan Law is attending Come ference at Cobourg this week, Owing to the busy time and com ing just befor, a holiday as it did, the Sunday School Convention which was held here on Friday last, wat rather slimly attended, ------------------ Fred: "Last night 'T dreamed '1 married the most beautiful woman iv the world." Maude: "Were we happy ?" Smiths Falls. Miss Storey, who headed the graduation class, also took second place in the senior- class standing for the whole pro- vince, Miss Ella Smith of Harrow- smith, who headed the interme- diate class, led the province in the intermediate class. MEDICAL CONVOCATION Kingston--At the medical convo. cation at Queen's university 46 sue. cessful condidates received their degrees of Medical Doctor, The convocation was presided over by the Viee Chancellor of the Univer sity, Dr. R. Bruee Taylor, this making the last convocation at the university which he is attending in an official capacity. COLUMBUS NEWS Columbus, May 28--Mrs. McGee and son Jack from Toronto, visited for a week with her parents, Mr. Ed. Sudden, The drama "Strictly Business," Presented by the Albert St. €hurch oung People, was well given, Mr. Mervin Pereman. sports a new car, Mr. Fred Goodman, the miller, after June first, intends working in the forenoon only in the mill. Miss L. Gilbert, Toronto, visited with friends, A number from here attended the funeral of Mr. Sonley, near Whit- by, on Monday. We are sorry to report that Hor. ace Grills while riding a wheel last week, fell off and broke Mis should- er bone, Mrs. John Brent and daughters Marion and Ruth, Port Perry, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, J. Stone. Miss Maxine Pereman and girl friend, Toronto, spent the holiday at home, | Mr. Ross Murison, from St. Thome as, Visited at home over the week- end, Mrs. Wm. Robson and daughter Delina and Mis Florence Grills, To- ronto; visited at their homes here on Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. Joh: Dyer and Miss Elsie Dyer and Miss Mary Dyer, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Wm. Dyer's on Sunday. Mrs, J. Holman and Charlie. spent the holiday with relatives, at New- market, : Miss Marjorie Ashton, and © Mr, Burt, Toronto, spent Sunday 'with Mrs. Jas. Ashton, : Mrs, Trull, Hampton, spent a day in the village last week, i gr Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wickett, from Little Britain. visited with relatives. ASHBURN ® "%, ? " ' e ' ~ Ashburn," May 27-~Mr. Summer. layer, of Pickering; spent the week end: at his home here, " Congratulations. to Mrs. Norman White, Christopher' Vafentyne,! and! Robert Duff and' Sons, who were suc- cessful in. winning. prizes on their Horses at Brooklin Fair on Satur- av, , FE Rev. Mr, and Mrs, MacD. Haig, of | Agincourt, visited a number' of their former parishioners here last 'week. Miss Ruth . Stu of Clare | mont," and Miss Rose' Reynolds, of] Toronto; spent the week-end with |] their parents here. CEN Mrs, Allie Ross entertained the wil- ling Workers' Class of Myrtle Sun- day School on' Friday evening, when MASON and RISCH UPRIGHT PIANOS TO CLEAR AT THE FOLLOWING RIDICULOUS LOW PRICES M. 8 R. PIANO I M. & R. (H. H. 2) Upright in fine Walnut case. List Price $445.00--Sale Price $299.00 M. & R. PIANO I M. R. (No. 64) Upright in Walnut, List Price $625.00--Sale Price $449.00 M. & R. PIANO I M. R. (H. H. Louis) Upright in Mahogany. List Price $500.00--Sale Price $349.00 USED PIANO I Used Upright in' Walnut; in good condition, fox $125.00 able Low Price Shipment just received of Senora Electric Consol Radios with 8 Tubes--Using 4 Screen Grid Tubes. We are offering these for Week-end Sale at the remark- $ SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! . 00 en hes); Simmons Walnut Finished Bed with pierced stee} panel in head and foot. Fitted with Simmon's Link , Spring and 'Felt Mattress. Reg. $24.25, Special Week-End Special ' |} Occasional Chairs $9.9 e Furni KING STREET, E. ure # Co.

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