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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 May 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1930 the Bowmanville Of _ Block, King Street. 75 Bowe--131. Vie a IY & Fol i San if a 4 . ¢. The Town Softball League has | eplit and no more games will be Jayed 'this week: The reason for i 'P this ig that four-teams, the Whiz, a Front. Street, High School, -and Goodyear are disgtisfied - because | Duch' Osborne, is playing for, the v | 7 Tk i "Motors. Dutch, it is claimed, 15 a irofessional, having played pro- essional hockey last season and "therefore any one he plays for is 'considered to lave become profes- set le the dispute. The | Whole matter is (bis. d ther this is or m of cop, e and Lou Marsh has been called in to gist of the ¥ Dusen i a all were to play n an organized 'rules of the Ontario Amateur Soft- ball Association then he would pro- alize those he played with si ito y the lea ze anyone w at playing to Association rules, is dot using the stipulated size' of ball and fs not using the bat called for by the rules of t The fact that the league holding a membership of the Asso- elation would make it seem that the at! yers, 'case 'plafily as one mdy look at it a person might say that if a num- 'ber of fdllows had & pick up game of ballat the Cream of Barley and Dutéh was playing all those who were playing would. become pro- fessionalized, This would practically bar Dutch from entering any sport in the town. ! AND SUMMER TOURIST WEST TO THE CANADIAN ROCKILS ME PACIFIC COAST VBL West on a Canadian Pacific trans. continental train ., , skirting Lake Superior ++ through Cafinds tural regions node's fuduserisl shd agricul. + «through the Rockies with their crowning jewels Banyl, Lake Louise ond Emerald Lake + + + to points on the Pacific' Coast; . , or to Alaska. In effect May 15th From Oshawa To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Port. + land and return, $111.85. y Banff and réturn, reached only via Canadian Pacific, $90.10. ~ Fa In effect June 1st * Lake Louise and return, reached only vis Canadian Pacific $01.60, October : 31st. Stop-over ET Sa) Bs "'T#t us arrange your itinerarm Hiustrated literature will be gladly furnished by ; M. R. JOHNSON, CPA, CPR, 11 King 8t. East draw until suc league under the Ppp ey hyn was | night was decided after much argument that as more games would be Mlyed- us. word ag to the effect of h playing was received from Marsh, / Frank Williams contended as a er of the High School team 1! all boys on that team who play- ed inst Dutch are now profes- sionalg and therefore they with- is nk stated "ot play wit professio! those who played. with him, Now does" Mr, Hewett he know ized league tive and central or~ that nia 18 Sh ' and that ei ) that the rules of ai colled: until-stich Sime ag the Os borne question of Amateur status is = put satisfactorily, { ; ig © The annual meeting of the'Peter- borough Presbyterial of the Wo- men's 'Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada opens today at St. Andrew's Chureb, Aa open meeting will be held to- night at eight o'clock when the Rev. John, Insker, D.D., of Knox Church, 'm ished" d gutihtd 0 Fab 20 ¥ 0 sr Birthday ulations wi } 'the h on Wil n e Cowan, "New: ganization are mot earried out, If | castle farmer, who on Saturday a he knows. and understandg' t things properly his verd make it appear that Dutch' cannot play, and that manville . chuck full of players, player who has 9 has imperilled his amateur status, The rules of the Amateur Athletic | Union of Cahada which body gives |' all rulings on amateur status state that no person may 'play with a professional without becoming professionalized. If this is the case under the rules of this organiza- tion which appears paramount, Dutch must either drop out or else he is foreing those that play with him to become professionals. Of course no one hak to play with him if they do not want to but it does seem a pity that just because a man has played as a professional in one branch of athletics he is forbidden by the ruling organization in Can- ada to compete with other teams in any sport without imperilling their status as amateurs, NEWS ABOUT TOWN Ascension Day Service The celebration of the Holy Com. muion was held in St. John's An- glican Church this morning, the day being known as Ascention Day, which is a feast day in the Anglican Calendar. i Tenders Close Tenders close today fof the new heating system which is to be in- stalled. at the Central Public School this comifig summer. They will be considered by the school board at their régular meeting to be held tomorrow night in the board room of the school, 0 Game Tonight The softball game scheduled for tonight between High School and the Drum and Fife has been cah- KARN THE DRUGGIST POR SERVICE PRONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFF10 Wanted car worth $500.00 in exchange for a good six room frame house, west part of the city, Buyer to assume mortgage Phone 871 or 087 Evelyn~~ Yes . Grace; you know I happened to pass The Ideal Shoppe, 153 Bimcoe St. South with a friend of mine from Cobourg yesterday, I noticed they had some nice dresses in the window so we went in and you would be sur prised, they carry the most up- to-date dresses, beautiful styles and prices so reasonable. I was in the city a week ago and I did not see such nice dresses and prices not so reasonable. -- I bought two dresses and my friend one dress. Ifyou want a nice dress you go to the Ideal Shoppe, 153 Simeoe St. South and you will be well satisfied. FUR SALE "4 We have made arrangements with The Canada Fur Mfg. Co., of Toronto, to give our friends and customers an opportunity to fake advantage of this gigantic Sale. | || «' These garments are all high class and are made from choice pelts, with the finest workmanship included in each ona: : "rosmvELY THE GREATEST FUR COAT EVENT hii a OF THE SEASON yrs K'S Ready-to-Wear bh "ha When The Times questioned To hs AES including hig' § ous. boyhood. Twelve Charges of Bribery. Mexico City, May 29.-Tom Brown, former respocted citizen of Stratford, Ont., Whe fled last New Year's Eve and died ip Mexico City recently . under an assumed uame, faced treachery on the part of a man he made an intimate friend here, authorities stated .n reporting on the arrest of Robert Gomes, Brown '- leflL shortages oi approximately $200,000 in his ac- counts in the Canadian city, and Canadian officials have been In- vestigating the possibility that he had some assets at the time of his death, Gomes, also known as El Chico, will face twelve bribery charges when he appéars in court on Sat. urday. He was arrested Tuesday at a border town while attemptiug to flee into the United States, Au- thorities say their investigation has shown that Gomez, while pos- ing as Brown's friend, repeatedly mauled letters to Brown's wife in Canada, "offering to give her In- formation about Brown if she sent him an undivulged: amount ' of money. A letter ho had written but never mailed was found when police searched personal belongings in his quarters here. Gomez was held for questioning immediately after Brown's death, hut was released, only to be rear- vested when the investigation was widened. INTERNATIONAL LIMITED OF C.N.R. WRECKED AT FLINT Two Killed, Five Injured as Engine Hits Open Switch Flint, Mich, May 290-The Mon- treal-Chicago International Limit- ed passenger train on the main line of the Canadian National Railways ran into an open switch at Belsay, five miles east of here about 4 p.m, yesterday while travelling between $0 and 65 miles an hour. The en- gineer and firemen were killed and five otherg injured. No passengers were hurt seriously. The dead---Engineer Arthur Mor. den and Fireman Clyde Pierce, both of Battle Creek, The inured--John Dillon, mail clerk, Chicago, injured leg; Law- rence Parker, mail clerk, Port Hu- ron, cuts and scalds; Fred M, Lin- ton, mail clerk, Port Huron, cuts; Joseph Deshais, dining-car cook, Toronto, scalds; and Howard Bel- lamy,' dining-car cook, also from Toronto, cuts. The injured were taken to Flint Hospital, where their injuries were not considered serious. The train ran inte the open switch just after a freight engine had passed through. Engineer Mor- den is helleved to have seen tne switch and thrown on his 'emer. gency brakes, leaping from the cab, He was caught in the wreckage of the locomotive, and Fireman Pierce was crushed between the locomo- tive and the tender, Eight cars and the locomotive left the tracks, Wit- nesses said the huge locomotive appeared to leap into the air as it struck the switch, then toppled over, pulling eight cars with it, There were eleven cars on the train, 'WORKMEN FIGHT AT. 160 FOOT HEIGHT Niagara Falls, Ont, May 29.--<A seaft 1d 160 feet above the ground 'at the Queenston powerhouse 'was the place chosen for a fight be- tween two Hungdrian 'workmen, Fellow-employees gasped in fear that Both would be thrown. to the jagged rocks below. The two men were Favero Modesto and Mike Protz, both of this city, Tiring of the fist fight, Favero, it is alleged litted a monkey-wrench and dealt I his compatriot such a blow that it was necessary to put two stitehes in Mike's head. Both were finally brought back to earth and Favero was arrested. . . . A youthful entrant wap shrilly sacred precincts of the office. | g "Here, that won't do," said: the scandalized chief, "we can't have you whistling music-hall airs in this 'of 4. whistling a popular air within the | NEWEDUNDLAND re ------ New Trade Treaty With 4 ay 20+-Tari(l e ult 'of the osed new trade treaty with nada were foreshadowed in the Epedcr from the "Throne, When the Segnion of Newfoundiand's 27th eo Assembly' wag opened' by ernbr Sir John Midleton this hese | tained 'the: age of '90.*Mr," Cowan, | afternoom would | 'who retired i ~Hope that, asthe. result of rand water powen discussions ow York, si Iarke: pulp sand ussions will' result 4n the Stal nichd States kets nd fish, wag express- speech, 'which avarnotice of a new agreement with ipire Steel Corpora- 0 tation of | paper development. will. he. opened gilarts fo collect "a little "pocket- | fn ihe Gander mreds, and that fur- 1 ken for, i 1 the devhlopment of the fisheries, Referring td the Besco agree- ment, the speech reported that the company had already paid arrears of income and ts 'tax amount- | pay. substantial zoyalties on exports the agreement also providing for increased wages, y LOW FREIGHT RATES ON ALBERTA COAL TO ONTARIO EXTENDED (By Ci Prose Leased Wire) Edmonton, Alta, May 20---Ac- cording to word received Hers yes: terday from Ottaws the inion government has granted sn' exten- tion of the pertod of special freight rates on coal shipments from Al- berta to Ontario, Announcement was make here by Howard Stutch- bury, Alberta trade commiasioner, who seid he was in receipt of a message from KE, J, Garland, M.1", who has been working on the mat- ter, Under the three-year period for the special rates, the term would have ended this year as it had been in eect from December 15 to July 15 since 1928, The extension now granted means that shippers will be assured of the special rates be- ing in effect from December 15 to July 15 of 1931, ADMINISTRATION OF DRUG ACT GROWING EACH YEAR, 1S REPORT Ottawa, May 29.--Exponditures for the administration of the Opium and Narcotle Drug Aet have in- to $62,110,823 4n 1030, according to a return tabled in the House ot Commong, At the same time rev- enue derived from license fees, fines and forfeitures, etc, have in- creased and at the close of the fis- cal year totalled $14,240.77, ot that figure the fines and forfeitures constituted the largest portion, be- ing dig pg ' There has no great decrcase in convictions since 1922 when the total was 1,868, The figure has steadily declined until at the end of the last Judicial year it stood at 663. ONTARIO MEDICAL MEN NAME OFFICERS Toronto, May 20-~At its sunual meeting here, the Ontario Medical Association "elected officers as fol- lows: First Vice-President, Dr, J. Li. Austin of Kingston, Ont.; Second Vice-President, Dr. J. H, Holbrook of Hamilton; 'Beeretary, Dr, 'T. C, Routley of Torento; Treasurer, Dr, Atewirt Cameron of Peterboro'. NO LIFE OF EASE Brantford, May 20---Marriage is not. a cure for unemployment, a Brantford man has learned. Asking for relief, he was told that aid to single men had been cut off May 1 He then entered a claim on the plrength "of having been: married since he last received relief; but profi ing to $126,000, and undertakes to creased since 1926 from $27,452.89 "+ FOR MARRIED MEN They Are Known in All Parts of the Country Ontario Lady Tells Of Dodd's Kidney Pills -- Mrs, M. Bou Buffered With Kidney and Severy Backaches New Liskeard, Ont, May 29 (Spec~ fal), "I have used Dodd's Kidney Pills for Kidney trouble and sev~ ere Backaches and find them very good," writes Mrs, M, Bouley, # well known resident of this place. "I would not be without them, We always keep a good supply in the house, so that if any one of us get any aches, we know what to take, Its the Dodd's Kidney Pills evéry- time," Dodd's Kidney Pills have become popular all over the gountry be- cause people have tried them and found them good, They are purely and simply a Kidney remedy. They help rheumatism, Backache, Urin~ ary troubles and all ailments arise ing out of faulty kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills have restor- ed sound health to thousands of troubled women and men. They can be obtained from all druggists, was Informed that city taxes were not raised to enable men to marry and keep a wife without work, He left the relief office with a threat to see the Mayor about it, For al Special. Special LUX TOILET Fruits Green Onions LUX 2 | Special-- AYLMER Pork & Beans No. 2 tin Z, for 19¢ EE mia AYLMER Peach Jam 40-02. Jar 7 € SOAP deus23c ® 0 Fr ------ -- Vegetables eI ia choice auality Peas of delicious tenderness -- grown and = packed under ideal conditions -- Salonig brand peas have a reputation for fineness of of flavor--reliable quality and good value. Secure a supply this week at this exception. ally low BISC 'Maplettes Butterettes Malted Blossom Regular Good Values RAGOUT OF BEEF | Fine Laundering Pas 19€ Pkgs. C. See Special Window Display Radish New Potajoes .. Cucumbers . New Carrots ..... fice" : MWell, sir," replied the young hope- ful, "you can't, expect grand opera for $3 a week." pas 1 er pr ¢ Lettuce ......... eed for 10¢ Fresh Tomatoes ..........1b. 25¢ ...ounch 10c Special ~«WESTON'S A Marshmallow Biscuit With Delicious lcing and Filling 'CHILI CON CARNE TUNA FISH PIGS Red PIGS FEET CUTLETS Bonus, Tou, gis ares: BOO PUMPKIN &alonia ORANGE & LEMON CRYSTAL FLY TOX 2g Wt PICNIC Large JAPANESE CANNED ORANGES Delicious Mandarin Oranges. kT CARROTS RRR Cl bo 10¢ AN 4 DA 22 CARROTS No aise i 2 nw 280 HERRING Boe, Peameal Back Bacon ..1b. 39¢ . Corned Beef ... Head Cheese ......... Pork Liver .......cuddb Lean Stewing Beef .....1b. Bologna . Pork Sausage .. price. No2 SIZE TINS ad Age UITS SHIRRIFF'S ORANGE MARMALADE 1.lb. Jar 21c .23€C ITEMS MARKED SPECIAL ON SALE AT THESE LOW PRICES LATHERO The New Hand Soap 2 Cakes 25¢ May 30 - June § Be am Dios meh Stvle 260 POLIFLOR WAX FLOOR POLISH 1b. Tin §3¢ Red Crown Brand with Beans. 10)4-08. tan... . . EERE EER EET 16¢ 721 xt 5 "SR | FEET Boas ou gas rrr. R80 FRY'S COCOA lb. Tin 24 The Smadard of Quality venees 180 willie No. 2)4 size tin, No, Zt. .iiousiee Ange sad Lemonade, Sou. Jr RAO & B. FRUIT CUP Large Tin 23° LIBBY'S. SWEET POTATOES why ttle tees nnaenes 38¢ veersere. 500 SETS terial for oad <n 23¢ - RED RIVER CEREAL rie: 24 "The Health Drink" VI-TONE 1b. Tin §]¢ . @ ne 280 EATS GILCHRIST'S VALENCIA CAKE 21c! 1:1lb. SPECIAL! wins JD: 316 nde 18¢ 15¢ Ra . Homie i...

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