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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 May 1930, p. 8

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RS THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 29,1930 OFTBALL DOUB HEADER AT STADIUM TONIGHT "Lose Twice to R Back Into 4th i Now ne on May 29.~Johnny Prud- homme A tough 1-0 decision to in the, nightcap of yes- aflctnoon's doubleheader, and ie aple Leafs dropped both ends the twin bill to the Royals, los- ing the first contest 10-2, Herb SRE chalked up his seventh straight victory this season when he gave the O'Neill men but seven scat- to first base 'in 'those inningy - h oe times Lhe Royals cihed him off with a double play. an again played sensationally around the hot corner, Cantrell, sométhing of an enigma for the Royals in the pan two years had little to nuzzle the Royals yes. terday ond was wild in the bargain. O'Neill waved him out in the fifth after the fourth Montreal tally had scampered across the plate, but Fish er got a worse pimwmelling in the se- venth and eighth, Five solid blows, culminating in Henry's triple, scored four runs. after two were away in this frame, More long distance clout- ing, a double By Haines, Gautreau's safe bunt on a third strike and Rip- ple's triple, ave the Royals their last two tallies: Ripple smacked the ball to centre field rence after "fan- ning" three times in.a row, tered hits while his téam mates were nding Guy Cantrell and Clarence isher for fifteen, The victory pulled the Leafs down into fourth place and sent the rampaging Royals up to a tie for first with the Bisons, who were idle. The victory extended Mon- treal's winning streak 10 six straight and the dual victory way the second in a week. Prudhomme allowed but ome hit in the second game, but he walked three men, and even a double play did not save him. Lee Head drove in the winfing run with the only single of the game after two were yay. Head's drive was the climateric wal- lop to a prosperous aiternoon for the Royals. In the first game they pounded Cantrell out of the box in the fifth inning and continued their terrific onslaught on Fisher, who' fin ished the game. The indowitable Lee Head and Gautreau were the ' chief factors in this assault. Mead hif sare- ly three times out of five and Gau- treau got four singles in five trips up. 'ough One to ¢ The second game told a at different story, however, Johnny Po. morski'turned in the same styligh ex- hibition that he has been showing in relief work lately, but up till the sev- enth Prudhomme went him one bet. ter, Long Johnny did not allow a single Royal to get to first base over the first six innings, aml as the Roy- als went to bat in the seventh it look- ed as if a couple of extra rounds might be necessary to gain the deel But Prudhomme lost control start- ing the last round and Haines, first up, worked him for a pass. Gautreau tried to push Haines along by way of a sacrifice, but Richardson picked up his bunt and made a good at sceond, starting a double kil A that seemed to spell finis to the Roy- als' chances. Prudhomme, however, was still wild and Ripple and Gulley walked, Johnny then settled down a bit and had the count of two and nothing on d when he made the mistake of giving Lee one he liked. The bald. headed boy immediately Jiopelled a clean single to centre field and the Rame was over, It was a tough game for Prud- homme to lose, for over the first six innings he had much the better of the argument, When they threw the ball back in, Prudhomme picked it up and tossed it over the grandstand, Veteran Effective Thermahlen stopped the Leafs with ease in the first game. The Royals, true to form, hit the ball like dem- ons behind him, but Big Herbert was just' as strong after he had a big lead as before. From the third until | the end he allowed but three hits, and only nineteen men faced him in those six frames. Three times a Leaf NEW MARTIN __ NOW PLAYING "Let's Go Places" Extravaganaa THE LAST X a SR RS CR old irda Ral / bunched with two walks and a id to an opponen: shot is to, {her ie @ straight Lrg t tine 1 obo en's ha 'member in playin National League CUBS WIN 6-5 * Chicago, May 20. A drastic re arrangement of the Chicago Cubs' line-up had its good effect in the first Inning today and enabled the Cubs to defeat the Cincinnati Reds, 6-6. Chicago scored four runs In the opening frame and barely out- lusted the Cincinnati ralliés, A triple by Hack Wilson and a homer by Kiki Cuyler In the firs brought @bout the downfall of Young Benny Frey, Kolp finishing the game, Guy Bush, making his first star after a long illness, went out in the sixth Inning, when three 'hits, er- ror, produced three ClmeMinati runs. Pat Malone relieved him giving only one more hit, SBIROLD SHOWS 'EM is Boston, May 20.---After three ponéments because of rain the ves and the Phillies got into action on the ball Tleld yesterday and Harry ('Socks') Seibold hand. ed Boston a 5 to 1 victory, Sel bold, who has yet to leave a game before it is finished, gave Phila. delphia but six hits, and bnly once did he allow more 'han one to Wn inning. He has won seven games and lost two, Randy Moore and. Walter Bergur led the Boston assaults on Phil Colling and Grover Alexadder. Moore batted in tliree runs and made a brilliant chowing in the field, while Berger touched Col- lings for hin eleventh home run of og year fn thé sixth {nning. ---- LAWN JENNI C BREE ANI X. THE CROSSCOURT DRIVE * The crosscourt drive is-one of the most distinctive weapons of the game It iy. relatively the same on both forehand and - backhand, both to eq The forehand crosscourt shot reaches the opponent's forehand and backhand crosscourt correspondingly Develop value and efficiency. the to_the other's backhand. Make s the swing pull further across ah ng your 1/with the straight shot, crosfcourt 'shot to pull away from' his base, To it to begin opening up his court, So add 10 the efficiency of the stroke the knees slightly, The best crosseourt Play, your. deross the our: est, dist distance of e a Shots. Fie, he to oe ! fp i and ed cross- sideline service Are u the lon t. 4 ce hie for you! ourt ut aie : | 'rolloy-Jones battle, | '| way with the drives scattering the CRICKET NOTES Bt, George's entertain 'Bircheliff in a league game on Saturday next, the 31st fnst., at Lakeview Park, The team selected to. do; duty {# as follows:~~ ¥, Larmouth (éapt.), G, Dewbéry, H, Hervarth, L, Phil. lips, N. Merrick, R, Drumuiond, J, Prosser, R, Diamond, J. Chappell, B. Anthoney and E, Chappell. Re- serves, W, Sargant, A, Pratt, All 'players are to be on hand no later than 2 d'clogk, Game commences at 2.20 sharp, Hal Carlson, Cub Pitcher, "Dies Very Suddenly Chicago, May ' 20th, -- Hal Carlson, who fought more tough luck than any other baseball player of modern times, died ydsterday only a few hours before he was to take the pitcher's mound foy the Chicago Cubs, Hig body lay in state last night while the city's baseball fans and his team-mates grieved over his death, Carlson died suddenly of stomach ulcers after he awoke in pain and, sent for a doctor. He succumbed in the arms of CHff Heatheote, Kiki Cuyler and Riggs Stephenson, Cub companions, before an ambulance arrived to take him to hospital, 1" Omly Tuesday, Carlson said he | never felt better, that he was anx | fous fo pitch today's same, Bobby Jones Wins Match In Extra Hole St. Andrew's Scciland, May 29 ~~Another glowing chapter in thn ennals of St. Andrew's golf: was written yesterday when. a genio Dritisher with a fighting heart, Cyril Tolley, met the outstandipg invader om. the United States, Bobby Jones, in the British: amat- eur tournament and went down to detent after a see-saw battle that went to the nineteenth green, Neither player was more than ouc hole in the lead at any stage of the mateh, 'which wag Squared six times. Tolley, who was defending the title, made tremendous drive: on the home routs, which were the longest shots ever seen at St. An- drew's. Thirty-two Remain The field tonight was reduced to 32 und tomorrow night only eight wiil still be in the running, Two rounds of Friday's play will result in naming the two survivors who will Tight out the final over 36 holes Saturday, Quite a few of the giants have fallen Ly the wayside, but the Brit ish LUL can muster eirong opposi- fion to the five Amoricans---Joneés, Johmstony Velgt, Vou Elm and Qui mo-=tvameining In the field. Roger Wethered, T /A. Torrance, John Nelson Smith, William Sutton and Major C. O, Hezlet, to name a fow of the leaders, have still "to be 10ckoned with, A crowd of from ten to.twelve thousand sw armed over . tho course today in the wake of the The play was adventurour all the crowds at many ; holes, Jones's shots hit spectators four times and, while he received a lucky break on two occasions when his ball bound- ed back on the green, he was equal- ly' aplucky at the sinth, when his ball bounded fromg a spegtators deep Into bushes, completely out of sight. Jones made a great putt at the seventeenth to halve the hole with Birdie fours and Tolley made good ficult ofe at the home hole, to halve and carry the fight on iv the nineteenth, Tolley, Is Stymied After each player had had threes ¥hots at the extra hole Jones's ball was Within inches of the cup, while Tolley. was. seven feet away and wirectly behind his opponent's ball, It was a dead stymie, and the Byitish ehamplon had to make an effort to Jump it, He talled, and the hoa i match way over, SHARKEY IMPRESSEN Orangeburg, N.Y, May 29. Jack Sharkey went 'bhek to work yesterday after a two-day vacation and. turney in an interesting ex hibition of Nig boxing prowess, The big Boston sailorman boxed tke » featherweight in three rounds with Johnny Grosso and King Solomon. , The cold weather forced Sharkey to work indoors, but a crowd of | 400 saw the drill, He punished | 'Grosso severely in the round with whe New York battler, close to the! 196 mark he desires. second ' one' of Toronto's as] He weighed 201 pounds, and an-| the old country where he will make nounced that he would work every | another bid for the' covéted seul day from now until kis weight falls | ling' Among his rival PORT SNAPSHOT "By Gc. Chramz, Spore Fir Softball Doubleheader Tonight \ Another intermediate softball doubleheader will be held at the Motor City Stadium tonight, the first game starting at 6.15 pm. The two 'games will be between the Parts and Service and the Columbias, and The Daily Times and Regiment. These teams have been playing ball for some time now and are right up to mid-season form, Parts and Service team /need to win tonight to. keep up with their other rivals, The Times and Textiles while the Black Cats have threat- ened to give the Newsies their. first defeat of the season. Ld \ Duco sve. P, and 8, Jrs, Th Duco Boys will play their first game of the season tomorrow night when they meet the Parts and Service juniors din a scheduled game at Cowan's Park ut 6.45 p.m. lined up and they will be able to give a good account of themselves, A win for the Parts and Service lads will give them undisputed leader ship of the junior league, * . LJ Ladies' League Opens Friday Nignt i The Oshawa Ladies' Softball League will get under way at the Motor City Stadium tomorrow hight at 6.45 pm, when the team mecty the Chosen Friends in the first scheduled game of the lca- The Chosen Friends is a new entry to the league and It has been promised, however, that they will introduce several new players who know how to play soft- The Malleable have also acquired several valuable additions to They are Audrey Pickard, Hilda Milner, Mable Mills and The Brown and Gold clan are this season and it looks very mich as if this will be their year . 0» gue, strength is more or less unknown, ball, their roster, "Doris Kilburn, Oshawa Shamrocks vs. Guelph Shamrocks The Oshawa Shamrocks, Oshawa's éntry in the intermediate OA, L.A, will play an exhibition game at the Motor City Stadium on Sat- urday evening, starting at 6.30 p.m, with the Guelph Shamrocks. has been out of lacrosse for a number of years and this year they are waking a gallant fight to revive the game, strong team this season and should make it very interedting for all The Ford car, which is being given away by the Osh- awa Lacrosse Club, will be presented to the winner, at this game, It will be run for the 24th and last hour at the Stadium on Saturday night and then the total mileage will be found and the person who has guess- od neagest to that total, will regeive the Ford car. pected to be on hand to sce this game and to see the lucky rival teams, the car. LJ * Anglicans Defeat St. Andrews Last night in a scheduled Sunday George's defeated the St The 'Angligans. led all the way but the game was the AY. M.C, score of 22 to 7. of St still in doubt up until the eighth inning. Home runs and other long distance two starts for the AY. M.C. team hitting featured the game, » + Juvenile Game Postponed The juvenile game, scheduled Yor Whitby last night, between Whit- by Tuxis and Red Aces was postponed on account of the poor condition of the diamond, duc to the heyy rain ed Jater on in the season. The ' " The Duco Boys have a smart team CML their out to win the title * * Guelph The locals will present a A large crowd is ex winner of » LJ School Softball League Andrew's team by a game, This is the second win out of - ¥ This game will likely be play- ARGO SCULLER READY Tatest snap of Joe Wright ow s, who leaves on Friday He at. Henley. championshi 4 A will be Jack FOR HENLEY INVASION Guest of the Dons who is at pres. ont in England. The Argonaut giant will. be accompanied by hig wife, the former Martha Novellus, and hiv mother 'and 'father, Ald i| ture race on the card. Babble, wear- Mrs. 'Helen Wills-Moody Extended to Win Auteuil, Prance, May 20.4 practically unknown English gir], Phyllis Mudtord, came within a fraction ot upsetting the tennis aplomb of the noted United States star, Mrs, Helén Wills Moody in the third round of the, women's singles of the Vrench hard court tennis championship yesterday, The singles match about stole the show from the mixed doubles battle ir which Big Bill Tilden of the United Sates, and his partner, .Ceelile Aussem of Germany, trinmphed over Henri Cochet of France, and Mrs, Killeen Benneft Whittingstall of Eugland in straight sets, 6-4, 6-4, Mrs, Moody won by 6-2, 6-4, The Moody-Mudford match pro duced the unusual spéctdcle of a comparatively obscure youngster holding her own in driving with the world's champion and handling Queen Helen's powerful service with deftness, Miss Mudford displayed not the slightest trace of stage fright at being pitted against the French, knglish and United States title. holder, She began to attack the moment the match began with the result that Helen was on the de- fensive a good share of the time, Many of Mrs. Moody's points, €s- pecially in the mecond set, were earped through wider tournament experience and finish, Babble Wins Dundee Purse Toronto, May 29~Favorites falter ed at Thorncliffe Park yesterday af- ternoon not the least of them being Black Diamond and Kingsway, a pair which failed diswally in the run ming of the Dundee Purse event, fea- ing Ryland H. New's white and scar- let colors, finished first amid thund- erpus applause. He had entered the home stretch in second position with Elizabeth Bolla setting the pace; but the son of Chatterton, and Charlotte B. came up with a great burst of speed to take the decision by a neck in one of those thrilling finishes, Black Diamond, carrying top¥ weight, 116 pounds, was first to get away when the barrier was lifted and Jockey MeGinnis, went to the whip in an cffort to gain a commanding lead. Black Diamond, however, was unequal to the task of beating horses who were carrying far less weight and he fell back after about half the distance was completed, and finished in fourth place, Swatter taking show money without undue trouble, ingsway Dis nts Far back of the leaders Kingsway and Macil trailed in, well and deci- sively . beaten, Kingsway had never been better than third, while Macil, ridden by Verlyn Smith, appeared to be out of his class Smith had five mounts and finished in the money twice, getting a second and a third, He has vet to win at the Leaside course, Another large crowd was in attend ance despite threatening weather and those race-goers seemed to be en joying themselves even. if (he favor- ites could not get up there to win, Gasps of dismay greeted the horses who caused the upsets, but that's how it goes in rvs A Catchoo ins Opener Catchoo won the opening event on the card, beating Retainer by half a length, She laid off the pace until entering the home stretch, where she moved up with a rush and fought it out tenaciously wit Retainer through the last furlong. Lindsay finighed in third place, followed by Postville, Eleven horses started and Fair Pre- cious had the unenviable distinction of passing the judges stand in last place. F. B. Capra's chestnut filly, Obser- vation, duplicated her Woodbine per- formance when she won the second tilt, a race for two-year-olds. MASTRO-TAYLOR DATE OHANGED Detroit, May 29,-- Bec, Qlym- pla Arena has been awarded 'the night of June 19 for its. Johnny Risko-Paolino Uszcudun bout by the State Boxing Commission, Floyd Fitzsimmons announced last night he had changed the date of Earl, Mastro-"Bud", Taylor bout scheduled for that night to June 27. The conflict in dates . started with Fitzsimons's approprigtion of June 6 for the Carnera-Christner go. That date originally had be- longed to the 'Olympia manage ment, ALL LOOK ALIKE Home runs have been scored by Babe Ruth in evry park of the Am- eriean League, against every club in the circuit and off the deliveries o DEaCHeally every pitcher he has anced. BACK 4 A BRIMONT PA anton th' RRR is AY winning, with Balko sec. St, Catharines «.,. ond and Questionnaire thirds Shamrock V Loses Her First Rdce Hyde, Isle of Wight, May 28--Sir Thomas Lipton's Shamrock V suf- fered her first defeat yesterday in & race over 34 sea miles, the Lul- worth finishing 26 seconds ahead of the America's, Cup .chal- lenger, This was the first race in which the Shamrock started against bigger, boats without ihe advan- tage of a time allowance, The Shamrock V salled from scratch togéther with the Royal yacht Britannid, Lulworth and White Heather, these four allow- ing six seconds per mile to the Candida and eight and a half to the Cambria. Candida was first over the starting line, followed by White Heather, Lulworth was fifth away and the Britannia last, being one minute late in crossing, PONSFORD GETS 220 RUNS AND NOT OUT ||| London, May 29-(C.P, Cable) The enormoug score of 406 ryns for only two wickets wns made by the Australians in a cricket mateh against Oxford University at Oxford yesterday, Chief contributor to the Antipodean total wis W. H, Pons ford with 220 not out, while 8. McCabe scored 91, One of the season's best bowl ing performances so far was A. M, Freeman's nine wickets for 50 runs for Kent (Against Derbyshire, BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lest P.C Montreal 550 Buffalo ... Baltimore .. Toronto .eveees Rochester Reading .. Newark Jersey ( ity 556 553 550 528 A47 417 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Montreal ...10-1 Toronto ..... Other games postponed; rain, 2-0 GAMES TO-DAY Toronto at Buffalo, Montreal at Rochester, Jersey City at Newark, Baltimore at Reading, AMERICAN LEAGUE Won 27 730 022 S43 S14 410 A05 A00 S33 Washington . Philadelphia , Cleveland ... New York . Detroit ,. St. Louis Chicago Boston ,... YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Louis Detroit Other games ih postponed. rain, GAM Boston at Philadelphia, Washington at New York, NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost St re. 022 61 S543 Sid A856 A455 St. Louis ,... Brooklyn ...4 Pittsburg .. Chicago ... . New York cvevvass Boston .... Cincinnati . Philadelphia YESTERDAY'S RESULTS i Cincinnati ., i. 5 5 Philadelphia ...1 Other games postponed--rain, GAMES TO-DAY Cincinnati at at" Chicago. ONTARIO LEAGUE Won - Lost 7 | LL 573 P.C. / 87 EET LER Le] sasasien Hh London | Brantford Guelph Hamilton ,.. St. Thomas «vies YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Brantford ......5 Guelph . London ., sv. .48 Hamilton". t. Catharines at St Thomas--W ot grounds, ELE TRE) 3 vavens 3 1 GAMES TO-DAY St. Catharines at St. Thomas--~Wet London at Namilton, Guelph at Brantford. PLENTY OF ROOM The New Orleans Club in. the Southern League claims' that ita baseball park has a greater playing space than any other ball field in America, HARD TO PLAY Court tennis, the most compli- cated of all court games and one requiring the most skill,| has been played continuously for more than 700 years. 393 | Lon P.C.| 89 | St. Louis Browns Take ' One From Detroit Tigers Bt, Louls, May 29--The St, Louls Browns, after losing three in 4 Tow to Detroit, defeated the Tigers yes~ terday in the final game of the series, 4 to 2, Southpaw Walter stewart turned in his seventh victory of the sesson, letting the Tigers down with six hits, The only runs he allowed were made in 'the first Inning. OUTWIELDER FOR RED WINGS $r, Joseph, Mo,, May 29.~The #t, Joseph Western League Club announced yesterday that Manager Gene Bailey. will go to Rochester of the International League to play in the outfield, Joe Sugden, St. Louis Cardinal scout, will sueceed Pailey as St, Joseph's pilot, ---- - What a Relief It must be to know that when you have someone sick at home and you can't possibly leave, your every need can be supplied in 8 prompt, reliable manner, "EVERYTHING FOR THE SICK' ROOM" js our motte, Remember you are as close to our store as you are to your telephone, A call will bring your supplies by SPECIAL MESSENGER with the same courteous service as if you came in person, You may be in need of a Clinical Thermometer, In- valid Ring, Bedpan, Urinal, Catheter, Rubber Sheeting, Electric Pad, Water Bottle, Funnel, Hypo Syringe, or a thousand other things, Em~ ergencies happen at unex- pected times, When in nced of Drugs "Quickly" Phone The Rexall Drug Stores Jury & Lovell Ltd. King B, Simcoe 8, Phone 28 Phone 68 | |. EE -- BARGAINS In Guaranteed JSED CARS Telow' are listed a few of our selected "Guaranteed Used Cars." Theso cars are hvevery way SETTER VAL» UE PER DOLLAR than any new cars that can be pure chaged at the same prices, 11088 Hssex Coach Now tires, thoroughly recondi~ tioned, A real family 'car ata very low price, 1--1920 Essex Coupe, Best of condition, 1--1927 Essex Coach. Looks 'and runs Mke new, 1--1027 Kssex Sedan, For cheap, comfortable trans. portation, buy this car, 11925 Essex Coach, Good Tires, 'good paint and up- ho)stering and mechanically ROSS; AMES & GARTSHORE 185 King W. Phone 1166 Bowmanville « Phone 386W By OSHAWA LUMBER © co, LTD. Oshawa

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