wise nor right to yearn]. For That m ¥ Jn which you've mo cemcern, 2 4 4 ay --Carol he Mado Lark. Whey | F ie Danny Mecadow Mouse had some- \ thing to think. about. He was sure that the mest of: Carol the Meadow Lark was somewhere he didn't know. Danny was interested, Hg knew that Mrs. Meadow Lark builds her nest on the himithat there were eggs iff that fies . Néw, Danny Meadow Mouse isn't] an egg when he can, & above steali nh § do iti safety. He got {6 thinking of + those eggs in that nest of Mrs. Meadow Lark's. The more he thought i of'them the more he.wanted to sam- ¥ ple them. So he began spending a ¥ great deal of timel ooking for that «nest, # Now, as you know, Danny Mecadow ¥ Mouse is a small person. Alrcady the grass was quite tall, and, of course, Danny couldn't see over it . This was a very great disadvantage. He 5 could look up and scc Carol in the 'ait bt, 'when Carol came down: Dan- ny/mever could sce just where he dro- ped into the grass. It was the same 241% would be with you 4f you were in the Green Forest and saw Redtail the Hawk sparingsoverhead, AS long as he remained up above you sud Thim he able to "get glimpses o thr "tree tops but the morhent he descended You would lose sight of o him. It was exactly that way with Danhy Meadow Mouse. However, Danny noticed that Carol most often disappeared in the grass in a certain direction. - "Right over there 1s where that nest is" thought Danny, apd began cutting a little path in that direction, Littic by. little ,that path grew and as lie worked he gould: look up ard see Carol, Jt did'nt once orcur to Danny that Carel look- ing down might sec him. Once as he stopped to rest he saw Carol with 'an insect in his bill. He disappeared down in the grass: just ahead. Danny chuckled © when he saw this," "He's taking that to feed Mrs. Meadow Lark," said Danny to himself. "Yes, sir, he's feeding Mrs. Meadow Lark on the nest. He's sav- ing her the trouble of going to look for food. That nest must be oniy a little way ahead. 1 ought to find it pretty soon now." A few moments later Danny heard the sound of wings and Carol: flew round, Carol had already told down in the s just ahead Sra 3 : which Carel had flown! He knew he wasn't mistaken. He 'was positive that Carol had been right there, But, though he looked and looked, Danny found no nesti "He found no trace of a nest. He sat still for a few min- utes to think it over. "It must be," thought Danny, "that C arol walked away from that nest before he flew. He wouldn't fly up directly from the nest for fear that some, enemy might see him and so find the nest.. But, it cannot be'very far away. A little patience is all 1 need. He heard' Carol singing up above. At the end of the song he saw Carol start down, At first he thought that Carol was goifig to alight right be- side him. But he didn't. He passed right over Danny's head and alighted only a short distance away; a very short distance. Danny peeked be- tween the grass-stems and caught a glimpse of Carol. "Now," thought Danny, "I'll find the nest." (Copyright 1930, T. W, Burgess) The next story; "Carol Is Clever." C. P. R, TIME TABLE Effective April 27, 1930, ne West (By . Toronto, . June aa owatio p | western and northern , Ontario movement has been started to cur- tail the hours of labor in retail stores and the universal adoption of the 'weekly half-holiday. | In a letter sent to Hon. Peler Heenan, federal minister of labor, and Hon. Forbes Godfrey, Ontario minister, N. C., Ryan of C. B. Ryan ; n . be Fri SHAWA DAILY' TIMES, ' MONDAY, JUNE 2,:1930 er rio and if impossible through- f for the whole . ible,/ on Sat- fterdoon, = + witieh, ' is the --h Pid ,. could be ke y night to give every one, an. opportunity . to. do' thelr ng then instead of on Satur- day, as is now the custom, a a. ma | STEEL MILL WORKERS . TO GET 8HOUR DAY Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, May 31.-- The, Algoma Steel Corporation is}' preparing to adopt the eight-hour day," "vice-pres{dent' and general manager J, D. Jones said here in a brief statement, "and the change will be made as soon as conditions: and Company, Ltd, Guelph, Ont, warrant such action." CORNWALL SUICIDES "(By Candllion 'Press Leaked Wire) Cornwall, Jine 2~District cor dnerg are investigating two fuiclige which occurred in this @istriét with- in 24 'hours, oi John Reux, 45, an employee of the 'Canadian Pacific Railway, was found hanging in a hut jn \ 'sugar bush near his home at:Mounkland, 15 miles north of Cornwall) Alex Cassidy, 18-year-old ward of St. John's home, Ottawa, hanged himself in a'barn on: the farm, of Alex; Duncan, four miles north: of Avonmore, ' DIDN'T WORK. Crabson~So ' you can't (get along with the cook, eh? 'His Wife--1I'tried to, but:shie'warn- ed me that'I was getting too familiar, Why' don't you |- treat' her as an equal? "SHRINE . . J TRIENNIAL, S| | CONVENTION. MOOTED 1 (By; Casadlan Press Leased Wire) Toronto, June 2,--The imperial Gounefl Lat the.national, shijner"s convention to be held here in June will. discuss, 'it is' understoo). the suggestion of abolishing the nation- al gatherings for the more conven- ient sectional conventions, It id réported 'a certain' section of- the legates coming here are in favor of this move," while others will argue for the holding of a national conference once every three years. LODGE MEMBER WON'T "JOIN INCOME TAXERS Oklahoma . City, June | 2.--It doesn't pay a tax-payer to belong to too many lodges. Indeefl that theory probably saved a Pushmat~ ahd County tex-payer some money. A state income tax blank mailed to the résident asking him to fil} it out and return it, was sent back unsigned. ; "I already belong to several lod- ges,' wrote the 'prospective tax- payer, "and Ido not care to join your income tax." ; He won. The state auditor said there would be no reply. FIFTEEN ENTRIES IN BIG BALLOON RACE Cleveland, O,, June 2, Fifteen en- tries have heen filed for the mation- al elimination of the Gordon Ben- nett International Balloon rate which will start from here next Labor Day, Willian G. Rose, director of the race has announced. The elimination * will | start, from Houston, Texas, either June 10 or > July 4, the date' being undecided Rose said, = The two crews that succeed in cov ering - the, greatest distance from Houston will, with Ward T. Van Ore man of Akron, winner of the last year's Gordon Bennett cvent, will represent the United States this year in that event. PREMIER STAYS OUT OF FEDERAL FIELD Edmonton, Alta, June 2. Definite denial is given by Premier Brownlee to a/ rumor. that he is likely himself to enter the federal field as a mifie ister in the MacKenzie King, cabinets He said "My. political future is. in the hands of the people with whom I have been. associated for so many years. . o» IT WAS WRITTEN BY DAMIEL DEFOE, ENGLISH YRITER WHO AS BORN itt LONDON IN 1661, TOMMY. ~ 2 AN / I ~ DEFOES HOUSE AT STOKE NEWINGTON WHERE HE RETIRED DURING POLITICAL STORMY. THERE ARE PIN FEATHERS ON A HOP-TOAD! THE NEXT" TIME YOU TRY TO PLAY A PRACTICAL. JOI HAD WRITTEN ?( i (HELL, T SAY A MAR 11 THE PILLORY ONCE AT A CARNIVAL. HE WAS CALLED, THE AFRICAN! DODGER AND PEOPLE WERE THROWING BASEBALLS AT HIM. T WONDER WHAT HE PCIE Vg Er me eimai " FOE WAS THE SON OF A LONDON BURNER pally ATID WAS EDUCATED 10 BEA CLERGYMAN. DRE pa k.. IP RELIGION HE WAS A DISSENTER ATHENS 8 EN pay * A TT | THAT WE DID MOT BELIEVE IN OR HADDISSINTED Lin m. il . al Jails up out of the grass from a point 'only ey Daily (Except Sunday). a few feet away. Danny's eyes bright- ened. He was surc that he was just about to find that mest. If he found that-nest, he would haye eggs, for he would watch his chance to steal them when the nest was left unguarded for IH PRISON. THE USUAL MAH IN THE PIL- LORY WAS THE SUBJECT OF ABUSE BUT DY (Except: Sunday) DEFOE YAS CHEERED STEAD AND THE 4 Carol had-flown up from. § don't want Mrs. Mcadow Lark to sce i) be suspicious." a moment, He knew exactly where "I'll be very careful now," thought Panny. "I'll be very, very careful. 1 me. If she should see me, she would $6 Danny worked very, very. care- fully untit he came to the place from PHONE 22 "For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10; Simcoe 86. 8. -- We: Deliver » NG 100 SMAL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W, "hone 1214 Diamonds! | Bassett's | BeBSitEE Eh PEPAD AuMI 2S8R3 3382 gaze} $3928 mass Daly Daily CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Change in Time, effective April ith, . (Standard Time) 23 a.m, Daily, Except Sunday 38 a.m. Sunny only : m. Daily a : lv, Except Sunday > or a bet 3 y 4 , Except Sunday 38 p.m. Daily 11.09 p.m. Daily, Exgept Saturday 11.46 p.m, Daily IN 12.01 a.m, Daily Westbound 4.26 a.m, Daily v, Except Sunday » Facept Sunday Except Sumdsy : ° 2 3 Prev pes le mmadabion ORSESR2E um. Daily ' % > Daily, Except Sutlay Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville . BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Effec and after April 27, 1990.) ¢ alight Saving Arne) Leave Leave Arrive \ Bodmanville Oshawa C5 ame 7.10pm 3 70am, 80am, 8 mm, 930 am, .20 8m, nm, Arise Hospital a3RiiERE gxS3iE - ° 3» Ba3s8eecy ri 82 re ne 10.50 a.m. 1245 2 3 Cp 3333332 » seen 31-1 POPPOPo Ppa 3328 PPPPPOPe H fees £ { 8.45 pom --tias scppgpoDes 3332 Ped at: s 23238233 10.5 gum. gs L-5- B2 2 ESonsmanus RA 4A ga33338 i shuts oahu 55a FH £2 5 = 3 :- - 1 SeSoPPophebs EEF EEF 2 ® 33332393 P Aasaps BRREER Dang Maton BRL5B5A re BuB5acs 353353 KER i A AAs HHH -& i ¥ Pda ad TT Ee "a Spm) of ! I | [| bi t (OHNE | © FROM THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. IN 1702 HE | PUBLISHED A PAMPLET CALLED THE SHORTEST THIS PICTURE OF | A FUNNY BABY | FOUND IN YOUR FATHER'D TRUNK: | NEVER DICH a HOMELY CHI HA VAL | SUPPOBE ITS A PICTURE OF ONE OF HIS BROTHERS - TH DATED FORTY ¥- FIVE 1D PICTURE (9 YEARS TELLME [ry \ OF OF HYSTERICS: WHO IN THE WORLD 1D THAT A PICTURE OF 2179 YOUR FATHER GAVE TO ME- ITS A PICTURE OF YOU: MAGGIE WHEN YOO WUZ A'WEE BIT DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE CAME TO miM- SO Y AND S THE BLDER, AND AS THE YOUNGER: MANS HAD. LUCK AND WAS RICH: TLAUS WAS POOR AND NO LUCK OUT INTO THE' WORLD: IF HE WANTED SEL HANS SENT CLAUS ---- TILLIE THE | OILER She's Due for Another Faint ZUALS MAD NOT MET DOLLY, B YoARD TOLD THEM WOW Wig NT HR QUT TO EA an THEN CLAUS CUT HIMSELR A GOOD { STOUT STARE OF HAZEL WOOD E22 | | OF THAT HAN or HAS THE POWER OF oy TREASURE LIES BURIED. BUT CLAUS, --< DOLLY, BOBBY AND COMEY KNEW NO MORE WAN THE Hii 31.4 2 2 J 'SHE'S PAINTED RGSS - GET 'A GLASS OF" 7] RAWATER J+ - HYou'LLw Be ALL RIGHT» NOW, "TILLIE Hi WHAT DO | Mou. SUPPOSE CAUSED YiLLE)| MISS WHY, THAT Guy | THAT, Mar RED THOMPSON, "i GUESS TILLME KIND OF LIKED HIM = TF gy 4358 1 £59 {| ET {| S83 mEac) ED AS DERE SEES bleak i 1] ES CL BOOS INO UI | Pell co MEN mista | =n Sa i IE oto PA aA I Se Pal i i bis Ra ey i