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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Jun 1930, p. 13

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ded OV om Ore last will ear ite lee sec nets in om any [8 i / THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, © MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1930 PAGE THIRTEEN I] meets . Seller IN Ji | Wr i . An ps thon The Chila and Its Development, Dis. t, | ney Block PPposite Post Office. aut ) 8 Orterstn, K.C., = thai, Ba, N ) ee rer Demian Solicitor, Notary, Store, Mi to foun, 1 street north. * I'hone 67. 3586F. * GRE! risters; colicitors, elec. + 24% Simcoe St. N. Phone 3160. Money to loan. AL U, BALL, BA, BARRIS ter, 'Conveyancing and general | es practic. 33% K'ng St Bast, jhe 287. {te » PARKHILL, BARRISTER. x ey to loan, Alger B op~ posite Past Office. e 1614. FFR. S, EBBS,--BARRISTBR, etc. 'Alger Bldg. Phone 2996 FA pi.) Residence ©. | East; Ambulance. Phone able (May 15-1 mo) | Evtinesring wad Sarvering DONEVAN AND SMITH, UNTAK lio Land S and Govt Er pr Er rig 365 shoning. or St E Phones 25321 or 2584, Undertaking - LUKE BURIAL co, 67 STRING ST. coe 'street north, "Pho #03 asd pA os ole Celina street, © Oshawa. Corner Brace street. © Ambulance. | Phone . Insurance DAVIS AND SON,, INSURANEE. 19 Kon St, Oshawa, The consult R. N. Johrs, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurasce 'vants at tended to and your interests pro- 5 N automobile, fire; accident. See Holden 92 Simcoe N. 1 (May 8-1mo) "pRS:-HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone "050. Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Dr. B. J. Jazlowood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray. Jr. B. H. Har- per, special attention to children's Dis ard Obstetrics. Sunday and t calls. 2416 or 122. DR. MCKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR. geon, "Accoucher. Office an resi- dencegKing St.' Eost, corner Vietoria 2 Phone BERRY, PHYSICIAN, betetrician. diseases i a Office and | 50 yesidence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1155. 3 es S. babu LR snd Obstetri fn. Physigian, Sus Simcoe St.'N, Phon Ofica 14 § 40 Caailize Ave. North. Phone 3158. Ved R. C. W. i TE ere nn, Obstétrician. and rasidence, 513 Simgos, sthett north. Phone 2415. ges DR. J. ARCHER B HYSI- Surgeon and n, office Sha residence, | Simege Street, North;*phone 3107. age TT" Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. COLE- man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moviag, storage ware boues snd moving van equipment. Phone 82. CARTAGK, SHOVING. GRAVEL 3 gudets. Local énd long pv plas, Lala & Cox Phone 924, ¢. 10 Bond St. West. OSHAWA'S OLDEST _ ESTAB- lishe! furniture movers. Park Road Mre Atency in Osawa. 30 eo potable' anies. | Advertising L ¥ {Coming Evens, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE Chik bil Bin Hata Seamer boalbe of wont loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts of this nature. For ths convenience of customere who find: it inconvenien.- to come personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect for same. "Times" Classified Telepha v Ads Bring "iis i one 35 Ask £OR CLASAED AD DECARTMENT For Rent " For Sale or Exchange 7% by sucess, hie suggested (0 Motigleur Blanc that he should TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, kitchen and bedroom. All conven- iences, private entrance, rent rea- sonable. 221 Clarke street,' Phone 1623M. (127¢) HOUSE TO RBNT--CONVENI- ences, newly decorated. 76 Col- borne street. Apply 16 Bond St. West. (W-8-M) FORE T ROOVT OR HOTHE to rent. 3 minutes from Motors of- fice. Phone 3126W, 348 Richmond street east. Jam ~--APART rooms and bath, Electric ras and stove. Central. Oshawa Whole- sale Limited, 50 McMillan Drive. Phone 2184. ' (128a) 4} FOR RENT--HOUSE, SIX ROOMS 'and bath reom; modern conveni- ences, near the Skinuer factory.) Apply evenings, .38 Frank street, Cedar Dale. (128¢) HOUSE TO LET, 665 CARNBGIE Ave.. Newly decorated, Phone 1438 daytime a 3092wW nights. (1268) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--HOUSH, 3 eres of land, running stream, gobd' situation for poultry or gar- den." $1,000. Quick sale. 3 miles Work bs Wanted CONCRETE WoO CELLARS and garage floars, & sidewalks and' roadways, sand,' nders. Chris Graham. Phone Se SIT ad (May 29-1 mo' EXPERT UPHOLSTERING a automobiles and furniture. The best in workmanship at the lowest prices. Note rew address, 451 Sim- cue South, G. A. Constable. Phone 3432W. . (May 33-1 SHARPENING--SCISSORS, v-. es, Lawn Mowers, Saws. one 421W. We call and deliver, T {May 8-1mo.) Park Ri South, Phone 2165. (May 19-1 mo) JT PAYS T0 MOYE--SUDBURY Toronto, Hamilton, Trenton, Belle- ville, anywhere cheapest in the city. Bagle Cartage, phone 290. (May 29-1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Specialists in permanent, finger and marcel waving, © rer- manent wave prices $5, $7.60, 310 and $15, All other ines of Beauty ffulture. Phone 2908, Apply sb Simcoe street orth. IRLEY, es pgp a Diseases + Domestic' Ani~ mals. Cat and dog" hospital. 20% Hing he a. Ata (May 1-1 mo) 17 years" ex- Phone = DR. F. T, BR EA Street West, as an ove Yovelfs, Drug J fice pact from T till 4 of +: and treatment sof. eat; (fose and throat ints mav be made at 'L.| batteries -| charged. rental supplied. $3. Phone EXPERT -MARCELLING Ward at Be Perman- ent Tes ied and phn. rel Salize br air celling, 50 t Besse oy MAY K. Clarke; 147 Agaegitrest, Phone 26400, (May 20-1 my) rhc "SERS. mt ut dl MISS 'BURTON OF THE LA Parisiene Beauty Parlour announ- ces the price: of marcelling, 60c, R | Finger Waving 75c, during the summer months. Commencing from June, asst, Phone 71. (May 21-1 nio.) 'Music + C,. TRENEER, OR+ wii thoir master of 'United Church will organ . (May b to 31) LEONARD KI i of 'music, Oshawa Collegiate and 'ublic Toho Studies? Gibb. St. Bibi ti : 6-1 ma) Radio OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE,' AO- cessorivs for sale, repairs on elec- Arie and basiey sets, tubes sug ested, 3350J. Charles Wales, 146 Eglin East. _ May 8-1 mo) cus cnarged, ; Tbe "called for and de' livered. Radio service, afrials arecty Bb ed. Platt. Phone 1556J. ° i ay 5 ALL LH OF rs Prices ble, Tacterion' charged 50c, rentals 25¢., delivered, 6W. Geo. B hs, a (May 17-1mo.) ED © ~ray | with rental $1.00, Repaired and ae Called To and delivered. ice. Bligdon, 20 Mil St. Phone +8 8 ut (Ma, 19-1 mo) M per 'yard. 'Pleated dollar up, beautiful fo Ss Phone 85 ; MRS. DER ger ti) (May 1 LA GAR Ss FO youd and miss. tter for demopatta- (May 19-1 4 representative. Phos = "| WANTED -- GENERAL HOUSE BY |aleo radios, latest. medals; . ter, "| FOR SALE == PAINTS, pils in piano, ins oe 300 Be 'For pasticulars apply. t; lam street: east. Phone 2896. Bisons RINGS, . WATCHES, Celina St. E. Bottan, WANTED --WABHING TO DO AT home. Apply 174 Gibbs 8t., or Phone 1817F, (126¢c) work, by young woman, half days preferred. Apply Box 703 Times. (126c) FIRST CLASS LAUND! PRY DONE, Phone 1234M. (May 31+1 mio) = Atticles For Sele | MIXED HARD hp Fr WOOD slabs, mn Weierss FOR SALE NCO. Ltd., planos, new a used planes. body A C. Trull Phone id (111-t8) VARN- ~ | ishes. We have the largest assort~ ment of paints, varnishes, etc. in in the city. The Paint Store, 80 | King street west. (Apr. 25 tf) mo) | SAN D, GRZLVEL, STONE, CIN ders, black loam. $1.50" per yard. For quality and service phone kHs- scry Bros, 332 rl arranged. 1666J. (May 3-1) ALL KINDS OF USED FORNI ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, oll stoves, coal stoves, bicycles, ete. 174 Ritson road south, re (May: 28- 1 ho) ITSON AUTVU WR , 19 Athol street west, fo ol auto rts and tires. Phone Joi. Retfdence 2183), 1° Lf X (May 305% mo 111 Alma A. ' condition, Cheap. __(127¢) all kinds of jewelry on easy pay- ments. Terms from 50 cents per week. . 0. H. Dell, agent for Peo- ples' Credit Jewelers, 263 Simcoe outh, 'Oshawa, - (May &1-1mo. Painting and Decorating A 5 'S perbanger, painting und sniiie Prices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Ave., phone 30656 or usin, . J.B. ,61B east, painting, -paperhanging, dec- oratipg, sign writiog, Esti given on "work. Poi e 13611, ME H dancing ana eal eu! 69 Church Street. Lessons given h evening from 6 p.m. and on Saturdays - from 1.30 p.m. For terms call orphone 874M.at above hours. (May 21-1 mo) res Fons Awaings GS -- awnings, yi h curtains, canopy ome tops in installed. . 'Taylor, 'Toronto. plete camp equ ulpmer 'or rent. Hardware a 25 or.26.. A Wort fl Taf Au Apply Conant & Anujs, 0) 12 phone J053. (Apr. 10-t£) |} For RY of Including electric retrig oratioh, stave, laundry, conveus Y bate 6,» ~ COntinu' 's hot water 'Apply Supt. 'phone 2671, or The Trusts und Guarantee Uo. Ltd, manage: for owner, Toronto. (2711) APARTMENT TO LET, , CENTRAL AL I: convenig ges, ra aiweod tral, four rooms, path, .electric stoxe, cnewly: decorated, hfrdwood Ioors. Possession June 1. Apply Box 465 Times. "(112tr) TWO PURNISHED HOUSERBEP. ing rpoms, with garage, for "guiet couple; 'no children, or bedtoom for wo. hetititmen in quiet' Home. hone 969W. (21231) 0 ZONE LARGE ONT room; suitable for business man. Also, 0ne small room, $2 per weel. 94 Willigm street cast, (May 23-1 mo) | FOR RENT-TWO COMPLETELY furnished rooms for 'light house- Every convenience. 162 Phone 14307. (1231) 2] D @ll conveniences, 110 Stacey Ave. (12080) EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, HARD- wood floors, hot water heating, ideal location, Simcoe street North. Low "rental. "Possession -July 15. garage. Phone 4327). (126c) NICELY PURNISHED = FOUR room semi-detached house, central, rent. very reasonable to Teliable tenant. Phone 1616W. ' * (126¢) TWO NEWLY DECORATED WELL furnished housekeeping rooms alsg one large bédroom on Ground floor, suitable. for ofie or twp gentlemen, Gargge if wanted. Te TI4W. 140 Tylor 4 » " (128¢c) TO FRET ROOMS, SUIT- able. for light housekeepisig. or furnished for roomers, Apply" 27¢ Frefich st. Phone 1797W, (128¢) SIX rg TQ. RENT AT LC est. hone 967). 5 L fics FOR RENE--FU room apartment. All con Ehone 1778W or call 216 'Atlee reef + (126¢) TO RENT CFURNI room in private home, with all con. § Depangane Apply... 79 . ¥estllag © All conveatencer ao" Phone 1 "#7 i196¢) condition, excellent locality, all conveniences, garage, rent reason. able, furnished or Jnfurnisheg: Phone 7847. (127¢) jf . rl fneértion=13% pia 1 per word. ! Minlmom charge 30c. Each subsequent - eonsecus. on tive insertion - lo por . Ct werd, hes consecutive 'fnser- "tions; be thy price of two' {insertions tires oats a word), for J. J. Turner and Son, boro, Nntario. (May 30-1 mo) o for three n 0_oents, - 100 wditiona! : i West. Phone 3108, i { ; | A permanent co with an unlimited oppotta ofor advance- {with ability al Jof proven al from Oroho., Phone 752]. (126¢) Real Estate For Sale SALE---NEW B house, hardwood floors, modern conveniences, 3% to 7 ag¢res of land, on highway east of Oshawa. 'Will take small first payment. Apply 8. Bnowden, R.R. No, 3, Bowman- ville. , (12410) SA BE YX Jed «six room houss in Broo tid, h&if acre lot, electric. fixtures, good. water, orchard, Apply Mrs. SHuttieworth, Brooklin. (126¢) SIX US R SA Apply 828 Celina 8t. Phone 1817F. (126e) SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE, 206 Bivision street. Will sell cheap or trade. Phone 1620. (126g H Cordova' for $500 cash. With so many men without work, I offer ten similar .lots, good land,' first $14 must be paid; and they may month until $220 is nm when the deeds will be delivered: i ther information on applying to Enoch Thompsen, 52 Admiral Rd., Toronto, Fa 2b) WANTED --WAITRESS AND TWO housemaids for summer resort. Apply Rice Lake ~ House, Landing Ont, (126¢) BXPERIENOED COOK, GENER- al, competent and: reliable, house- hold three. Preferred sleep out, Apply Tuesday, , Thursday .even- ings, 8 Buckingham Manor, (128b) WANTED -- FULLY _ EXPERI- enced waitress for hotel work. Ap- ply 8 Bong St. W. (128b) Help Wanted--Male WANTED -- STATIONARY EN- gineer wanted at once.-Apply Brit. igh Canadian Canners, Bowman ville. : (126¢) STORE MANAGER © WANTED for Oshawa--$50.00 weekly and share of profits, Expericnce unnecessary. Applicant must be able ta faraish $750.00 to $1,250.00 cash Jepot merchandise. treal. \dtreet. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- Small six roomed house, also seven rpomed house, ' newly decdrated Good locality. Both on paved Consider out of Oshawa property. Box 709 Times. Nursing NURSING IN PRIVATE HOME for invalid or convales¢ent pa- tient, 129 Colborne St, HE. Osh- awa, Phone 1916W. "(May 2 1-mo) WMEDIOAL, MATERNITY; MENT- al and surgical nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 605. ' ) (May 23-1mo.) Room and Board NICE BRIGHT ROCM, TO RENT. Board it' desired. 'I52 Elgin St, East. Phoné 1048W. (1251) ROOM AND. BOARD FOR THREE or four respectable, men, Apply 20 Prince street, (126¢c) FORNISHED WITH board. Sait Phone 1426J, (128a) AMUSING MEMOIRS OF MONTE CARLO TOLD BY WRITER (127%) ROOM twa. «ladies. Stories of Celebrites and Their Experiences at This Noted Gahbling Place a any place is haunt- ed the roomis at the great gamb- Ing 'Yesort must bed visited by the shades of the' many celebbrities who once threw 'their money on the famous tables, Ralph Nevill writes in the Morning Post." "Here 'at 'the close of the last' century were to be shen the Duke # and Duchess of Devonshire, Lady de Béthe, Sir Frederick Johnstone, Sir George Chetwynd, Sir Charles Hartopp, Ernest Benson (the Jub- five Jugging), Sam Lewis, the occupy it at once paving $34 every famous' meney-lender, and a host 'of other sporting characters, Lewis used to create quite a sen- sation -at' timés when he flung aximums---in cash (not count- JS-upan the greén cloth. He probably lost a good.deal during hig: bling career, but people said 've @fd this as an advertise- ment--certainly he never impair- ed. his fortune, for he left a large sum to charity when he died. st. over £200,000 * during: his any visits to Monte Carlo was the late Lord Westbury, a charm- ing, well-mannered man who in his lifetime was left three fortunos a. - large proposition of which found itg May inte the. coffers of the' Casino... %Other people," said he, 'spend. their money on shoot- ing and ysehts, 'I spend mine gambling!" Though most of the players who have;tempted fortune on the gréen cloth hve lost, some few have come away well to the good. Among these: was. an individual named "Jaggers,'" who, towards the end of thelast century, made several thousands at Roulette. Jaggers had been trained as an éng and, 'Possessed a good rok mechanics. Having watohed the. Vagipns wheels for some' time; Ri: obgerved a tend- OL f them to fav- Bh / the result of ' Delgnee minute differs irr) A gambler, who is said to have o BX Res UPWARDS or 75 WEBK- ly growing' mushrooms for us' Ti- Justrated booklet for stamp. {Can- adian Mushroom Company, 141 Lauder Ave., Toronto. ' (127h) A ing Company (Canada) Limited, one of \the most progressive com- panies in Canada, can use 4 Thigh grade palesman in Eastern Ontario and 'adjoining territory. Only 'men whbse records will bear thorough investigation ate ifvited to reply. i Otmensyrate red to a man Strict: confid- ence. will be observed: 'Write to, W. H. Reid, Box 705, The Times, Osh. awa, Ontarlo. (126c) Personal . WANTED --BLDBRLY LADY AS companion, Apply Box 710 Oshawgp Times. » (1386) Gore Boned Two weeks ago. Phone Frank Michael, 1649 r 2-3. (128¢) LOST--TARPAU 0 between Bowmanville and Rb Hills. Reward to finder. Fin please phone Bowmanville 29.' £127) Motor Cars ment and ea) | sooaired t 49. Bo Rnd { a fonder Lr done in to iy Thong i P85. mo) ABD 4 T cars tone price $1.00. FAR gil 10. Port Perry, cols fo e, who pt . 'ous »| when he ph 'at Bi : Wat ba an bleal: es at Hom ure at ely a mburg a - a won| mathrial an. such a or sum of money. } he size of the little com- i receiving the ball, When he had made sure that such ® tendency oxistéd he proceeded to stake upon the favored numbers with 'excellent.yesults to his own pocket, The Casino authorities, how- ever, having eventually graspes the fact that sometHing was wrong' with their wheels, in addition to overlmuling' them had "them chang ed from day, ii consequence of which it be-. came impossible to take advantage of any slight mechanical defect which might exist. Jaggérs soon found this "out and departed with his winnings, since which time ho one has won any large sum at Rou: lette, " The game in question, it may be: added, was made more difficult ab win 'at some the little grass obstructions with- in the wheel, which used to be nine in number, ;were increased to fourteen--and altérations whieh prevents the ball falling into ade Jacent compartmets as it formeriy had & tendency to do, In the old days of gambling In the Palais Royale im Paris an Eng- lish clergyman-- the Rey.. Caleb Colton--sometimo Vicar of Kew, invented a system with which he: won some $125,000! The secret of this system, however, he never imparted to anyone, but there is no doubt but. that. it was highly suqcospiult . ABs Winner A large: w nner at *Trente ot the early 'Nineties was rsey----then Vis. is believed to 130,000 hacking | link the latter) Lord Villiers l. winnings and Vai visited Monte associated with the Chin a brominent place is taken by that .pt sieur Fran-| d the fam- | Dag Maris Bixtise, wiGarcia" lat. table to another every] 20 years ago when'| raise the limit allowed to be stak- ed. This the latter consented to do on one condition, which was that "Garcia" should play sitting down, In the end the latter's luck: turned and he left Homburg without a penny. Monsietit Blanc nad an intimate knowledge" of everything connect- 2d with gamig, and realised that a"séated player 'was more likely to lose back hig winnings than one strolling about from: table to table, "Garcia", it may be added ended his life in an inipecupious condition after having been con- nected with an unsavory card scandal in Parisi Monsieur Blanc, who died about 1878, 'had a medal struck in his honor. after the:Casino had been established fifty years. He was very popular with the people of, Mon&co, to which once impecuni- ous * Principality' he' had brought prosperity. Especially - elever in dealing with the French Press, which at one time was apt to at- tack Monte Carlo, he showed great diplomacy in his relations with Henri Villewersant, the famous editor of the *Figaro," to whom he gave an undertaking that no building should obstruct the view from his villa. On one occasion, it is amusing -to note, Monsieur Blanc burnt his flingers at his own tables. This happened one wet day when he had forgotten his umbrella and had determined to sail out and 'buy one, Luck Was Out Strolling past a roulette board it occurred to him that he might as well win a louis, which was an umbrella's price. 'Lots of people do it, so why shouldn't I?" said he to himself, ag he threw a twen- ty franc piece upon the red. Black turned up, upon which he put forty francs on that color. No success, however, attended his gambling, and in' a very short time he had lost a thousand francs, after which he stopped, cursing his own folly in having played! In the days before the war the Yoliey pursued by the Casino was very gemeroug one, concerts and theatrical performances being at one time free. Monsieur Blanc did not believe in charging visitors for their amusement, his idea was that the more money left them the more money they would lose at the tables; Those were the days of the "Via- tique" or compassionate allowance given to unlucky players unable to buy a ticket to leave Monaco. This allowance, consisting of about three hundred and fifty francs, was only doled out to anyone who could prove by reference to the chief eroupiers that they had real- ly lost a considerable sum, Ernest Benson, I believe, after having: obtained it actually, won géveral hundred francs by playing at the tables, His final adventur- es, however, at Monte Carlo were unfortunate in the extreme. Among the ghosts of the Casino must be those of many beauties, for in old days the place was noted for the wonderful display of aress and. jewellery which was to be seen in the rooms. There it was that the great demi-montaineg of" the past used to create such a sen- sation. In the evenings a sort of duel used to take place. between Liane de Pougy and Otero, who! was always covered with diamonds, In order to score off her rival Liane de Pougy appeared after dinner at the Casino without a single jewel. She was, however, followed by her maid, who fairly glittered with precious stones. LUMBER YARD IN "HAMILTON BURNS, LOSS 15 $230,000 Three Firemen Injured in Blast, and Homes and Factory Threatened Hamyton, June June 2.--Fire, "be. lieved to have been caused by a spark from a locomotive swept through the yards of the Con- sumers' Lumber. Company at the 'héad of Wentworth street late ybsterday afternoon, causing loss of $250,000. ree firemen were hurt when gasoline exploded, causing the 8 of a cement block stable t6 oapac: George Dickerson of 819 "King 'street west, and Stephen Smith, former member of the de- 'partment, were bruised and cut, They were taken 'to the Genera) 'Hospital. When the fire was first dis- covered at 5.40 p.m,, there was a small area in one Jarge pile burn- ing. Volunteers ran to Cumber- lapd avenue for water but, whey they arrived with the pails the whole section was ablage.' By the time firemen arrived the high wind and ° inflammable material 'had combined to spread the. blaze into every section ctl the property. Flames shot high into' the alr and the long block from Went: worth: Street - to' Saudford Avenue wai, a 'flery furnage. The flames leaped across the strect and ignited the Beechnut plant but this fire was quickly ar- rested, \ fand delayed the ' train for an hour. A long. row of two-storey brick 'houses on Cum: berland Avenue Were thieatened for a time, Trees, The Teaves of a 'fruit tree are very valuable in furnishing the food Wo 5 2s rv Moth eggs are commiofl on young trees this year; the magses are white, large and conspicuous. THOMAS STREET Overlooking © Lake * Ontario, new home, large living room with open fire place, Oak floors throughout and every modern convenience, Lovely shade trees. $5,600.00 home fof $4,750.00 on easy terms, DISNEY, 29 King East 2 New Seven Room - House Corner of ' Richmond and Cadillac, selling at cost. Tt is real home and a real bar- vin. Phone 2354 Drink Deliciow Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by expert mechanics, Old 'loor finished like new, Ge..cr | Contractors. B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. West Phone 481 - Residence 3073W | EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop Here Always GOOD USED CARS Are Nold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 900 . ' Ahead! ~=Do not lose your car tional Cash Given, G.R. Holden MOTOR vg Room 6, 14 }% King St. mn "Athol Nr. 5 IY fp

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