a . * I \ Lavell, another alleged gambler, * » Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer 'OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1930 15 Cents » Week; 3 Cents a Copy FOURTEEN PAGES News in Brief k " . Serious Fire Wolcott, N.Y,,~--A fire termined origin today swept this village's 'business ~ go first estim y 000 and destroyed th | BS, ons of them housng the post-office. , Gas Used in Execution 'Cargon City, * a.--R. H. "Bob" White, Ellko gambler, died today in the lethal gas chamber at the Nevada state prison here. He had been convicted on circumstan- cial evidence of the murder of Louis Swedish Cabinet Resigns Stockholm.--The Swedish cab- inet resigned today as a conse- quence of the government's defeat in both chambers of the Kirksdag} Saturday on the proposal for in- creased tarift on imported wheat, » Four Drowned Babitt, Minn.--Three boys and a man.drowned in Birch Lake yes- terday when high winds upset a heavily laden rowboat. LJ . » Six Burn to Death Washington.--~Mrs. William Mox- ley, age 40 ycars, and her five chil« dren, burned to death in their home at Glen Echo, Md., near Washington yesterday, as flames swept through the building and cut Off escape. City Dairy President Dies Toronto~Suffering from cardiac trouble for seyeral months past, the death ocgurred yesterday of William James Northgrave, 41 Old Forest Hill Road, president and managing directs or of the City Dairy Company, Limit- ed » » LJ Rum Runners Kill Police Detroit.--Two police officers = of Grosse Pointe Park, residential sub- urb, looking for an automobile which had struck and seriously injured a woman, ran into a convoy of rum runners yesterday and were killed in a gun battle, " - London Dailies Merge London~--Announcement has been made that the London Daily Chron. icle, one of the two Liberal national newspapers, has been merged with the London Daily News, and the com bined papers will appear as the News Chronicle. The circulation of both to- tals 1,600,000, * - - Fascists and Socialists Clash Dunkelstein, Austria. -- Fascist Heimwehr of this district clashed with a group of Socialists yesterday, and shots were fired which caused numerous casualtics, Big Tourist Traffic London, Ont.--Hotels, gas stations and garages reported the greatest mo tor traffic from the United States in their experience, " . LJ Bus Takes Ditch Oakville~~When an .. eastbound Grey Coach bus left the pavement about one mile and a half east of Oakville last night, Mrs. H, P, Purvis of Leaside sustained a broken collar. hone and was attended by Dr. J. H. Stead. Two other women passengers ARMY PLANE PILOT CRASHES, UNINJURED Kitchener, June 2--An unknown plane, believed to be one of 18 American army planes from: Self- ridge Field bound for. Kingston, Ont., crashed shortly heéfore noon today, between here and Petersburg The pilot, who is as yot unknown landed safely by parachute. His companions after ascertaining he was safe kept on their way. WESTERN AUTHORITY ON FARMING 1S DEAD Saskatoon, Sask, June 2.---Mess- ages of condolence and tributes from all parts of the Dominion today came to the home of Dean W.'T. Ruther. ford, 61, of the college of agriculture, University of Saskatchewan, who died Sunday night. Nationally JecoRuiied Bt on au- thority on agricultural ps ns, pers abs 1h work for 'which Tie' was best wit in recent years was the ser- fo ered as a member of Je royal commission on 'market ing appointed by the Saskatchewan government, He had also served on a dominion-wide grain - on, anid .pumerous federal commissions. SOLLOWAY AND MILLS ARE ON TRIAL TODAY -- Calgary, Alta, June 2. -- Five charges of frawl. and . conspiracy ainst Isaac W. GC 8 y and ved M. Mills, prominent broker- age executives, to-day were oll dated into one indictment of than four months after their arrest, So Depressions centred near Sydney, N.S. and over north- ern Manitoba have caused showers n the Maritimes ana | in many of the west; elsewhere the weather has * been fair, cooler in the western provinces and rising tempera. ture in Ontario, and Quebec. Pressure is high south of. Great tring Gh ao f TH did of unde-| Hel . count The heads of firm ¢ Silvas Mills so Compa, Eh: 'ed, appeared for tr oday, more {among the various |The Ci | dies, TITLE GOLF EVENT OPENS is Gang Warfare in United States Cities SEVEN ARE KILLED AND 6 WOUNDED New Mob Warfare Breaks Out in Chicago as Beer Barons' Henchmen En. gage in Battles SLAYINGS IN BOSTON, DETROIT, CHICAGO Two Policemen Die From Rum Runners' Bullets in Detroit, While Boston Al- 30 Sees Battle (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Gangster guns blazed on three wide ly separated fronts Sunday, killing seven, two of whom were policemen, and wounding half a dozen others in Chicago, Detroit and Boston. Chicago's outbreak believed fo sig- nalize the opening of a mew mob warfare, dealt death to three hench. men of Terry Rruggan, beer baron, and perhaps fatal injuries fo Drug- gan's brother George, and his wom. an companion, All were machine-gun» ned bv unidentified assailants as they dined in a suburb and resort hotel Three other men. identified with no particular gang, were shot down an hour later on north Clark street by machine gunners in an automobile, one died, The body of an unidentified victim,. supposedly of a gang "ride" was found in an alley. In Detroit, two policemen were slain in Grosse Pointe park by sup- posed rum runners when they stop- ped an automobile during a search for the driver of a machine which fi- gured in a traffic accident. Two alleged gangsters were shot by. automobile machine gunners in Boston and one may not live, Slaying in Chicago Chicago, Jbne 2--Machine guns sprayed bullets into a summer hotel at 'Fox Lake yesterday, and a new Chicago gang war was under way. The toll of the executioners was: Dead: Sam Pellar, twentieth ward elec tion 'terrorist, once a member of the Q'Banion-Weiss-Drucci-Moran gang of the North side, but of late in the Alphonse Capone gang. Michael Quirk, member of the "Klondike" O'Donnell gang of the west side, twice charged with murs der and recently arrested in an O'- Domnell den with five other armed men, Joseph Bertsche, safe-blower, gun- man, killer, mail robber and all-round crook of 30 years' record, brother of the notorious "Barney" Bertsche, Since his release from the Federal penitentiary at Atlanta, Ga, last Christmas, Joseph Bertsche had been affiliated with the Druggan-Lake gang. , This shooting occurred at 1 o'clock in the morning, in the small hotel op- erated by James Manning in Fox Lake. which is 50 miles northwest of Chicago. The little summer resort town has been headquarters for tne remnants of the "Bugs" Moran gang for several months. BRITISH EMPIRE PRESS MEN MEET HTS A 4 I hs {po J. H. Woods, Calgary, Nam- ed Deputy Chairmen (By George Hambleton, Cana- dian Press Staff Correspondent) Londen, June 2---The Imperial Press Conference. met in a brief preliminary session this morning to lay the basis of its month's work. Major the Hon. John J. Astor, resident of the Empire Press Un- mn, was elected chairman and| H. Woods, managing directoy and edi- tor of the Onlgary Herald, was nam- deputy chairman. ET A » of loyal sent eo ae thie King and 'committee was appointed to fix tes for discussion of various ad- ditional items on the agenda, These additional items include two from the Canadian delegation, namely, discusgipn over the provision of news services for the outlying por- tions of the empire and the inter- change of mail by news letters parts of the empire, Under the chairmanship of Lord Burihani a committee has been formed to discuss communications. adian representative is J, FB esay, genoral manager of the Canadian Press. The commit- tee a ncludes representatives or the United Kingdom 'the West In- ong Kong, Australia, South west winds; fair decidedly vam to-day a Africa and India, ting ws | Hamilton mountain shows one of the most spectacular fires in Hamilton's history, as the yard and plant of the This photograph, taken from 3 HAMILTON 'LUMBER re "THREE FIREMEN | Ze ' 1 c NJURED IN rr YARD TOTAL LOSS -- -- $250,000 BLAZE Hose across tracks delayed destroyed in a $250,000 blaze late yes terday. Three firemen were injured in strenuoys battle to save adjacent trains. The entiry Hamilton fire de. partment turned out to fight the blaze which at first threatened to sweep Liisi away through a residential section. The photograph shows the extent of the blaze and in the background is seen section of houses threatened. CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH BEING PLAYED ON OSHAWA COURSE WITH OVER 110 COMPETING Youth Killed, Plant Wrecked By Explosion (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Midland, Ont, June 2.--~A Dbliding flash and flames enveloped Orton Crawford, 17, who was walking through the Midland Engine Works, The lad, mad with pain, dashed through the fields, his clothes blaz- ing towards his home halt a mile dis- tant, Workmen immediately pursued him in an endeavor to put out the flames, but lie could not be overta- ken, and he collapsed, He died six hours later in the hospital. The accidentwhich occurred yes- terday, is believed to have been cau- sed 'by a lighted match which the young man after lighting a cigarette threw near a supposedly empty gas- oline barrel where fumes had gather- ed. The building where the barrels were stored was destroyed by the ex- plogion and fire which followed. Louis Timmins Dead ' Montreal.--Louis Henry Timmins, lumberman, merchant and mincown- er, who played a large part in mine developmept in Northern Ontario and who was a partner in the Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines, died at his residence here vesterday, He was 70 years old, and had been ill for sev eral months, Italian Airmen Win One Record, Countrymen: Trying For Another Pastoral Call System Decried Ministers in Conference De- nounce It in Strong Terms (Special to The Times) Cobourg, June 2--That the Unit- ed Church of Canada 1x seeking some way around the obstacle lo ministerial stationing which is em- bodied in the Basis of Union was evident at the closing business ses. sion of the Bay of Quinte Confer- ence on Saturday, The present sys tem was denounced in strong terms, A motion was submitted by Rev. M. C. MeKinnon of Perth that all churches be divided into two eate- gories, the one being~in favor of limited pastoral" terms and the other upholding the unlimited eall system as obtained In the Presby- terian Church prior to union. Mr. MacKinnon's motion was seconded almost In defiance of op- position expressed before the vote was put, and, consequently, lost by 'A large malority. The resolution of the Laymen's Agociation of the Bay of Quinte Conference on the matter, urging the (leneral Council to remedy the eltuation insofar as it is competent to do so, was adopted hut without comment hy the ministerial dele- gates who held that they could not pronerly do so. Rev. Cordon A. Sisco, B.A, Port Hope United Church, urged that lavmen, in making a call, anply the same basic rules of fairness they would use {a hiring men for their awn businésxes. That is, that call tng a nagtar imdlfes that negotia- tions should be haked on rigid prior study of the' abilities and promise and not. to he entered unon lghtl" or hy the same token, broken off with indifferent haste. qa R 0. Th : LY, a -- of oighteen The two ships came together in a thick fog In the English Channel near Beachy Head, One of the 'three survivors, a Swede named Lindfors, sald the ship began '0 fill immediately after she was ten | amidships and listed so auiekly. that. it was impossible. Lo lnunch boats sugcesstully, elt over Bombay. rom (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Milan, Italy, June 2---Cavaliere Ernesto Sioli, a . journalist and Mario Massal, took oft today in the balloon mina from the royal villa at. Monza fn an attempt to break the distance and endurance records for spherical balloons. They must re main in the air 26 hours and 47 minutes to éstablish a new mark, New Endurance Record Rome, Juno 2----The world's non- refueling flight endurance record was brought to Italy this morning by Major Umberto Maddalena, who in 1928 first sighted General Um- berto Mobile and the Italian sur- vivors on the ice north of Spitzer- bergen . Landing at Montecelio aerodrome at fouteen minutes before one a.m. he and his. companion flyer, Lieu tenant Fausto Cecconi exceeded by one hour and 49 minutes the pre- vious record of the Germans, Johann Risticz and Hans Zim- merman, who in 1928 remained aloft for 65 hours and 26 minutes. The flight was beset almost from the start by poor visibility, bad weather, and unfavorable atmos- pheric conditions, The tenacity of the two aviators in the face how- ever. brought them the success which Major Maddalena regards as essentially preparation for a flight to New York later this year, King TNeceives Beatty London.--His Majesty the King this morning received ¥, W. Beat- ty, K.C., president and chairman of the Canadian Pacific Railway, ---------------- Indian Natives Abandon Raids But Non-Tax-Payment Move May Become Even More Serious (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bombay, June 2~A drizzling rain residency today cloudy forbid skies, mark- a ing the first of the rainy season which comes every summer with ars rival of the monsoon. This year the rain will mark end of an important phase of the Indian Nationalist civil disobedience canis paign, The showers today will be tors Northerners Are Winning in China (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Peiping, China, June 2A gen eral northern advance into the province of Honan following wv vig: orous offensive launched on the night of May 30 was claljmed in Chinese official dispatehés 'publish ed In war extras to-night, These reports stated that norfh- ern cavalry in a surprise attack captured twelve pursuit planes be- lHeved to be the entire Nanking Na- tionalist alr force on the Honan front, Fifty pilots and mechanics were taken prisoners, Crowded Roads Bring Death To Four Persons Three Others Die in Week- end Accidents Reported In Ontario (By Canadian Pross Leased Wire) Toronto, June 2.--Brilliant weather over the week-end which resulted in United States tourists literally ;pour« ing into the provipce caused a nots iceable 'crowding on Ontario high- ways, and consequently the number of motor-car accidents showed a de- cided increase. A check to-day re- vealed four persons had lost their lives as the result of the smashes. The total fatality list was seven, two men being drowned in northern Ontario waters and an American aviator meeting death in a crash at Walkerville - airport, A scrious tragedy was narrowly averted near Oakville when a moter bus from Toronto turned over on its side. The 32 occupants of the bus crawled out through the broken windows, only one was seriously hurt, The 'Dead Thomas Bradley, aged 10, of Sars nia, in auto accident near Arkona, Anne May Blaker, aged 3, struck by car at Port Hope, Forest Lankford, Highland Park, Mich., struck by car at Ojibway. Emile' and Godfrey Laurin, brothe ers; drowned near Silver Centre, ' 'H, J. Shafer, Detroit, killed aeroplane crash near Windsor, | Frank Cook, Detroit, , died {Hamilton of injuries sustained accident at. Ancaster, in at in rents rrow and the salt deposit areas, ah as.at Wadala and Dhar asana will and slime, i who dui harrassed 1] them, 3 Hr The final raid of the year at Wa- dala was undertaken yesterday at Wadala by 15000 jonalist volun teers and spectators, Presence of troops was believed to have restrain-| ed the crowd somewhat, although a- bout 150 persons were injured when the police charged with their lathis, or bamboo clubs, With abandonment of the cam- paign_ against the salt law the Na- tionalist volunteers are stressing the non-payment of taxes, a campaign of possibly much 'more serious import for the British authorities than that just concluded, dl NOMINATED CANDIDATES Brant (Ontarlo)--John Harold, Liberal, Timiskaming South (Ontario)---- Colonel Malcolm Lang, Liberal, Frontenac- Addington (Ontario) --Samuel D, stinchcombe, Liberal, Saskatoon (Saskatchewan )---F, R. McMillan, Conservative, Swift Current (Saskatchewan) --H. G, Pidgeon, Conservative, HNdmonton East (Alberta) George Latham, Labor, Kootenay East (British Colum- bia)=-M. D, McLean, Conservative, Esgex East (Ontario)---Edmond G. Odotlg, Liberal, Prince of Wales Holds Levee But King is Reported Better BY THON SMR ON a ® Correspon- (Canadian "Pros dent) London, June 2+Allhouglh the King decided mot to hold today's levee but desired the "Pringe of Wales to take part in the ceremony in his stead it is understood that His Majesty's rheumatic condition is much improved. The strain which would be entailed in sitting =o horse for two hours or more has induced the King also to abondon the plan of attending tomorrow's trooping of the colours in which the Duke of Connaught will take the salute, The royal duke, formerly Cane ada's governor-general, is sitting his horse as upright as ever des- pite his 80 years. Today's levee at St. James Pal- ace wag held in warm, bright weather. Among the Canadians at- tending were: R. Tait MacKenglo, the Rev, Philip J, Dykes, Lieut, Col, W, G. Beaman and the Rt. Hon. Newton Wesley Rowell, The King's Birthday honors to- morrow are expected to. include only a small list of persons, The members of the Simon (Indian re- forms) Commission are to be hon- ored. The Rt, Mou: Sir John Simon himself, it is rumored, is to receive the Garter, New England is Swept by Gales Two Children Killed and Ex- tensive Property. Damage Caused (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Boston, Mass, June 2--~The month of June came to New England with gales of April--strength which took the lives of two: children, damaged small shipping, endangered 'avidtion and causca extensive property dame age. The bulkhead of a skylight torn from a roof struck and fatally injure ed a three-yearsold-girl, Shirley El- wood, Cambridge," and Catherine Kelliher, 14, Boston, drowned in a canoe, upset caused by the Thigh wind at Marlboro, A glider piloted, by Miss: Maude Irving 'Tait, 22, Springfield, plunged 40 fect to the ground at the 'airport there, and she received three hroken ribs and possible internal injuries, She was the only' girl: pilot 'on' the recent New England air tour, Seve 1 eral planes were grounded because of the wind at the East Boston air. ps, : . Buffeted by the 'gale, the liner Cleveland, inbound from Galway, put Ito sea for an hour from the quaran- tine station. The USS, Milwaukee was reported in temporary difficulty at Rockland, Me. Other smaller shippin, about badly on the coast. Nancy Carroll, motion picture was tossed actress, her husband, Jack Kirkland, and a party of 13 were :ndangered by wind which disabled the motor off. Minot's yacht, Katherine Il Light. A fishing schooner, the Tack. son Arthur, towed them to ports sachusetts Ontario Bush Fires Menacing Anxiety Prevails as Settlers Flee Before Advancing Wall of Flame Sioux Lookout, Ont, June 2--~Fire- ravaged residents of north-west On» tario looked to lowering skies today in hope for rain, The community of Sioux Lookout, half-way from: Port Arthur to the Manitoba boundary on the Canadian National Railways main line, was safe after a four-day fight with forest flames. But townfolks from other points along the rail line to the east had heen forced to flee from their homes, Robinson, little train stop some 50 miles cast of Sioux Lookout was abandoned today. Two hundred men from the Dryden Paper Company toiled today to pro- tect timber limits at nearby Dryment south of Sioux J.ookout ,of the Ca- nadian Pacific Railway, from three fires. Serious in Thunder Bay Port Arthur, June 2~Forest bla- zes in the Thunder Bay district in. creased their threat today with cons tinued high winds spreading fires in many localities. The number of out. breaks is now so great it is impos. sible for the forestry officials to give particular attention in each case. The winds carry ashes and burning ems bers and they, falling in the dry woods, start almost unnumerable blas zes. Toocomobile Inventor Dies Fairfield, Conn.--Andrew Laws rouce Riker, designed and builder of the first gasoline propelled lo- comobile died here yesterday at the age of 81. Death followed a heart attack: ' JAIL GOVERNOR'S LIFE THREATENED Note and Cartridges Found on Door of Essex County Jail Windsor; June 2--~What is taken to be a threat on the life of Ernest Hopgood, acting governor of the Es sex county jail at Sandwich is now, under investigation by provincial po- ice, A brief note "Hopgood--the rest to follow" in crudely printed letters, and two cartridges, with the ends of the lead cut off and then the lead slitted endwise, contained in a small matchbox were found attached to the door of the office of the acting gov ernor at the. jail. , Hopgood says that if the missive was intended to frighten him the pur. pose has not been accomplished, He added that while he could sce no food reason why such a threat should be sent to him he had some suspicions which he would commune icate ta the police, . The "box, note and cartridges are being forwarded to the provincial sec retary at Toronto, LJ Mrs. S. G. Bennett of Lambe ton, With a Net Score off 79, Turned in Best Card of Those to Finish Early MRS. W. E. PHILLIPS AMONG THE LEADERS Ideal Weather Conditions Prevail for the Ontario Ladies' Golf Champion« ship Being Held in Osh« awa -- With ideal weather, fairways lying fresh and green in the summer sun« shine, and greens in true and perfect condition, lady golfers of outstanding skill assembled at the Oshawa Golf and Country Club's sporty course this morning for the opening of the Ontario Ladies' Golf Championship tournament, The course for the last few weeks has been given a thore ough dressing up for this great event and Jack Roberts, professional of the Oshawa Golf Club reported this mor+ ning that it was in splendid condi- tion, providing all the essentials off hazard and sporty characteristics 'tes provide for a keenlv-contested cham pionship event. Some. prominent competitors came to the city a few days in advance and, after plaving over the course, expressed themselves as being delighted with it, Summer arrived just in time to greet the lady golfers when they are rived in the city. Yesterday Old Sof did his best to dispel the chilly at= mosphere of the last week or twos and when the gathering of contest< ants assembled at the elub-house this morning, it presented 8 colorfilieens with the golfers favoring "white in their outfits for the days. The whols gourse presented a lovely picture, the fresh green of the grass rlistehing ander tie morning sun. A slight haze presaging warmth, hung over the course, but not sufficient to disturb the vision of the competitors, and all were keen to get the first drive over and start on the way which, for the outstanding. contestant, will end in the winning of a championship title, It was fitting that ene of Ontario's greatest lady golfers, should be in the pair to onen the tournament, ' The first couple to tee off was made up of Miss Ada McKenzie, of Toronto, many times championship winner, An Ontario ladies' tournament would tot be complete without her, and she sent * off a splendid ball on her first tee shot. She was partnered by Mrs, .S, G. Bennett, of Lambton, who also got off to a good drive. Mrs, G. B. Fish - er, of Lambton, and Mrs, Whitting- ton ,of Toronto, made the second pair and thev drove off about five min utes after the leaders, The tourna« ment then settled down in routine fashion, pairs driving. off every five minutes, until within an hour or twa. (Continued on Page 7) ADRIFT TWO DAYS, FISHERMEN RESCUED! (By Canadian Press. Leased Wire) Goderich, June 2.--After having been missing on Lake Huron for 44 hours, three local fishermen, John .+McKay, Norman McKay and Jeff« rey Peachey, were located shortly after midnight. adrift off Point Clark and were brought into Goderich early: to-day by the fishing tug, W. lg Forrest, AMY JOHNSON IS INST OF KING'S BIRTHDAY HON Sir Esme Howard and Sin John Simon Are Elevated # (By Canadian Press Leased Wit) | London, June 2.~-Amy Johhson, attractive British girl flyer who becamd a national heroine on the recent completion of her flight to Australian has been awarded the honor of commander of the Balt Empire in the King's birthday hots ors list, . Among the other honors werd the following: \ Sir Kame Howard, former ams bassador to the United States, was made a baron and Sir John Simone - chairman of 'the commission which visited India, was made grand coms mander of the Star of India, roderick Royce, noted motor car manufacturer was made a bars ort, The order of merit was given to Montague Rhodes James, provost of Eton dnd George Macaulay Tre- - velyan, noted historian, ¢ Knighthood was a'ven to Ar- thur Stanley Eddington, astrono« mers ; gE