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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jun 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1930 PAGE NINE 'AARABS WIN ANOTHER 11-INNINGS GAM A Art. Gower Hurls Aarabs to 1l-Innings Peterboro Raybestos 5-2 Victory Over Aarabs Bunch Their Hits in Eleventh Innings to Score 3 Runs and Win Game, 5-2--Gower Gives Fine Pitching Performance -- Three Teams Now Tied . for First Place--Aarabs Play Port Hope Here Wed- nesday Apparently the Oshawa Arabs pre- fer away games to "at home" fix- tures. On Saturday afternoon the Aarabs journeyed to: Peterboro to play their old 'rivals and last year's champions, Peterboro Raybestos, and the Aarabs emerged victorious from an eleven-innings battle, by the score of '5 to 2. Art. Gower Goes Route Art. "Lefty" Gower. pitched smart baseball for the Aarabs and to him and his battery mate, Theo. Elliott, goes the major share of the honors. Art. pitched steady and clever base ball throughout the entire game. He allowed only five hits and two runs, the runs of three of the hits coming in the third inning, He gathered in a total of nine strikeouts and was al- "Maudsley, 1 | a y the opposing mounds. man, rer his head 'as well as his urm, to hold the Aarabs at bay and he succeeded until the final, eleventh inning, when the local boys jumped right on to his offerings and gath- ered in three hits and these, aided by a sacrifice hit and an error gave the Aarabs three rups and the game, It looks as if the Aarabs have hit their stride for on Saturday they played just a little better ball than they did in Port Hope, a weck ago. Theo. Elliott increased his average by getting three safeties out of four trips to the plate, McDougall and Rowden each got two and C. Elliott, Gray and Gingeroski each got one to complete the total of ten hits, The Oshawa infield" worked well and al- though one or two errors were chalk- ed against them, they were not of a serious nature, C, Eliott, at third, starred at gathering in foul hoists, Heckman, batting for Barry in the ninth," with a man on base, reached or one, when he realized that he was being deliberately passed, and only succeeded in popping out to C. El- liott. The Petes, never seriously threatened after this attempt, owden, batting, first in the elev- enth inning, singled through short stop to start the winning rally. Young sacrificed to first base, advancing Rowden to second. "Doc" scored when C. Elliott singled.' Theo. El- liott, cime up next and got his third hit of the day, scoring his brother and going 46 second himself, on the throw in, Kitchen replaced Mauds- ley at this stage. Gummow flied out to Hiller and Gray hit to Mein but was safe, when the throw pulled Heckman off the bag. 'T. Elliott scored on the play. Gower flew out to left field to close the inning, The Petes went out 1, 2 and 3, to cnd the game, This victory puts the Aarabs, Pet- erboro Raybestos and Cobourg, who defeated Port Hope, Soturday, by: 1 to 0, in a three-corner tie for first place in the league, Port Hope is the other team in the league and they are still a serious contender, havin lost a one run. game Saturday an also an cleven-innings game the Sat- urday before. The Aurabs play their next game at home, on Wednesday night when they meet the Port. Hope team at Alexandra Park in a twi- light fixture. The Game ) First Inning Oshawa--Carver out 2nd to 1st. Mc- Dougal hit down third and stole 2nd. Rowden out ss. to Ist. Young flew to 1st, Raybestos -- Hillier hit through short, stole second," Mein out to cat- cher, Hillier out stealing 3rd. Moore fanned. Second Inning ' \ Oshawa--Elliott walked, stole' 2nd. T. Elliott flew out to Hall. Gummow flew to Corrin, C. Elliott was out stealing 3rd. Raybestos--Hall was hit, and Rog- ers, H, Nichols and Barry struck out Third loning s Oshawa--Gray hit over 1st; Gower sacrificed him te second. Carver was hit. . McDougall laid dows a bunt and cored Gray, ' Rowden Was out, 3rd to Ist, Raybestog=-Corrin flew out, Maud sley out to Ist; Hillier singled, stole 2nd. Mein singled, scoring : Hillier, Mein going to 2nd on fielder's error. Moore singled, scoring Mein, Hall struck out, Fourth Inning Oshawa--Young struck out; C, El- liott struck out, T, Elliott flew out to Corrin. ENHANCING THE NA J. HUNT STANFORD & SON, Architects. Although this residence<has a nar- row frontage, the Old English design has been carried out to perfection, The stong trimming around the door- vay and base of the house suggests + charming informality. With stucco wind half timber composing 'the front wall, a delightful contrast is present- Approximate Cost: - Pa: baat 1 ed by use of brick in side and rear. Specifications +. Size of House: 24' x 46". Suitable Lot: 35° x 125°. Walls: Brick and Stucco, Roof: Shingles. Cubic Contents: 31,300 cu. ft. $9,000. Holy DINING ROOM Readers desiring further informa- tion regarding a house of this design should communicate with J. Hunt Stanford & Son, 57 Queen St, W., Toronto, and mention design: No. 232. Consult a local architect if design- ing architect is too far removed. Copy right 1930. | | | 10° 120% 15°67. ' 3 LNG b 00M i Viscusi PR FIRST FLOOR PLAN BALCONY 0 12'0" | 180% (2'" SECOND FLOOR. PLAN "Warm Air Prac- tical Method of A a? 1 {than usual airtight construction, + | heated and delivered to the rooms, the : heated and 9 he: Ie e of | the coldest walls or 1; windows sible. Here all he air is r direct communication with : d th ingle" regater Fm the room containing the register; that all doogs be high and ceilings com- paratively low, in order that pockets cannot be in the upper parts the room; that nothing obstructs flow of air from one room to an- er; that. the house be of better In one of several types fhe Pipe systems the air supply ' Ao hrough a coldsair pipe the outside. Obviously, | is 'a is ne of air, must escape the house by exfltration. 4 A second system takes all of the et, wine L100) he g oor of thy story rooms as close to {23 cated and Oo Io . Any {fresh air' from outside' niust come from in- filtration, which is not controllable, and varies over wide extremes with wind velocities, Where a warm-air system has been found 'unsatisfactory, it is usually be- cause simple physical facts have been ignored. Warm air will not, of it~ self, move to the windward side or sides of a house against infiltrating cold air forced into the:house by high wind pressure, i : - Systems involving | recircula lend themselves admirably to the of air cleaners that will' remove er cent or more of the dirt and in the dir every tine it passes thro the furnace jacket. An old furnae cleaners at little cost, 4 Waruiajf aystciis Sane easily equipped to humi the air properly, Svright, 1930. Ye Architects' Small House Service Bureau, Inc, 1beat it out. Raybestos--Rogers. out, pitcher to Ist. H. Nichols struck out, Barry safe "on "Young's Corrin struck out. Fifth Inning Oshawa--Gummow out, pitcher to Int Gray struck out, Gower struck out, Raybestos -- Maudsley safé¢' on Young's error. Hillier hit into a dou- ble, pitcher to 2nd to 1st. Mein bounced a hit off 3rd baséman's shins. Moore out, 3rd to 1st. 6th Inning Oshawa--Carver flew out to short, McDougal out, pitcher to 1st, Row- den flew out to third, Raybestos--Hall flew deep to cen» tre. Rogers safe on short stop's er- ror, . 'Nichols was out on a beautiful catch by C. Elliott, Barry flew out to same player, y Seventh Inning Oshawa--Young flew out to centre, C. Elliott out 2nd to Ist. T. Elliott singled. Gummow hit to Corrin who dropped the ball. Gray out 3rd to 1st. (Oscar Nichols batted for Corrin) struck out. Maudsley out, pitcher to Ist. Hillier out, pitcher to 1st. Eighth Inning Oshawo--Gower out to centre. Car- ver flew out to Hall, McDougal hit through 3rd to 2nd on Hall's error. Rowden doubled; scoring, McDougal. Young flew out to Hall. Raybestos--+Mein. out to 1st. Moore flew out to centre, Hall out to 2nd. "Ninth Ianfug Oshawa=C. Elliott out, 2nd to 1st, T, Elliott layed down a bunt, and T. Eliott out stealing, Gummow out* 2ind to Ist. Ragbestos Rogers wolked. H, Ni- cholad sacrificed pitcher to 1st. Heck- man batted for Barry, flew out to 3rd, O. Nicholas out 2nd to 1st. Tenth Inning Oshawa--Gray flew to pitcher, Gow- er struck out. Gingeriski batted for Carver and singled to centre, went to 2nd on Moore's error. McDougal out 3rd to 1st, Raybestos--Maudsley out to centre, Hillier out ss. to 1st, Mein out 3rd to 1st, error, Eleventh Inning Oshawa~Rowden 'hit to ss. Young sacrificed to 1st, putting Rowden on 2nd. C. Elliott singled, scoring Row- den. T. Elliott singled, scoring C. Elliott going to second on throw in, PKitchen replaced Maudsley, Gum- mow flew out to short. Gray hit to Mein whose throw pulled Heckman off the bag. T. Elliott scoring. Gow- er out to left, Raybestos--Movore struck out. Hall out 2nd to 1st, Rogers out, pitcher to Ist. . BOX SCORE AB Carver, rf ¥ McDougall, 2b Rowden, If Young, 1b ... C. Elliott, 3b ,. T, Elliott, ¢ seevese GUIMMmMOw, 88 . veer ey Gray, cf ... aes Gower, p. xGingeroski a "aaa nAL - Slean 40 xBatted for Carver, 10th, -- SOOO ODDS NN ~ Hiller, ss ... Mein, 2b Moore, ef sues Hall, 1 ... Rogers, ¢ ... H. Nichols, 3b Barry, 1b Corrin, rf Maudsley, p. vevenss x0. Nichols zHickman avian AR g w 3 4 4 3 3 2? 4 2 1 38 xBatted for Corrin, 7th, zHickman Barry, 9th, Score by innings :-- Oshawa Aarabs , 001000010035 Raybestds + ss. .1 002000000062 Struck out by Maudsley, 5; by Kitchen, 0; 0 Gower, 9. Walked by Maudsley, 1; by Kitchen, 0; by Gow- er, 0. Hit by pitcher, Gower, 3; Hall, Maudsley and Corrin, 'I'wo- bose hits, Rowden. LeBarr, Peterboro, bases, BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lest P.C Baltimore ........ 33 19 635 Rochester ..oveees 21 571 Montreal coevennes 560 Buffalo Toronto +vesveives Newark soi vvenss Reading .... Jersey City .. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Toronto .,..10-x6 Buffalo x9 innings, = - Rochester ....8-2 Montreal ....4-1 Jersey City .3-x1 Reading x11 innings. % 4-1 Baltimore ....1-6 SATURDAY'S RESULTS Toronto .....2-4 Montreal ... Baltimore ,.....6 Newark .. a Rochester ......6 Buffalo ........4 Reading at Jersey City--rain, GAMES TO-DAY Toronto at Buffalo, , Montreal at Rochester, Reading at Jersey City. Newark at Baltimore. mere et ---- = AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. Philadelphia .....\ 6 667 Washington ...... 29 17 J Cleve! FERRET TEER .500 429 400 392 0-6 New York ... troit /... Chicago . St. Loui DAY'S RESULTS 6 Chicago .......3 Boston sasteed x--Called in sixth, darkness. St. Louis ......5 New York .....4 | Qliveland «ree: Washington ....2 can usually be fitted with modern air } Wilson & Holland Garage 108 King W. Umpires, Rowden, Port Hope, plate. 510), SATURDAY"S RESULTS Detroit .........6 Boston . 0 Chicago «.vis...6 "Philadelphia ,..5 New York ....12 St. Louis .,....5 Washington at Cleveland--rain, GAMES TO-DAY Washington at Cleveland, New York at St. Louis. Boston at Detroit. Philadelphia at Chicago: NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C, 30 638 S571 532 4897 4888 A55 Brooklyn' Chicago .. Chicago vivess 10 Pittsburg Cincinnati ....5-2 Philadelphia .4-9 New York .....4 St. Louis SATURDAY'S RESULTS New York .....9 St. Louis 12 Chicago 6 Pittsburg Cincinnati at Philadelphia--Rain. GAMES TO-DAY Chicago at Brooklyn, Cincinnati at Philadelphia. St. Louis at New York. Pittsburg at Boston. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Won Lost P.C, 3 16 673 18 591 565 500 500 489 347 333 Louisville .....0.0 St. Paul .... Columbus Toledo .... Indianapolis . Kansas City . Milwaukee .. Minneapolis YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Indianapolis. .13-1 St, Paul 4.3 Columbus ....7-9 Milwaukee ...6-7 Kansas City. ..8-7 Toledo .......3-0 Louisville ,..11-8 Minneapolis ..6-6 SATURDAY'S RESULTS St. Paul Indianapolis ... Minneapolis ...10 Louisville ...... Kansas City ....5 Toledo ........ Columbus 5 Milwaukee .... GAMES TO-DAY Minneapolis at Louisville. St. Paul at Indianapolis. Kansas City at Toledo. Milwaukee at Columbus. resere + Browns a victory over the ONTARIO LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. Brantford ...ee.00 11 7 611 London 579 Guelph .. 556 Hamilton 368 St, Thomas ... 176 12 14 sete SATURDAY'S RESULTS London 2 St, Catharines 6-4 St. Thomas .,..5 Brantford ,..,..2 Guelph 5 Hamilton ,.444. 0 GAMES TO-DAY Hamilton at St. Catharines. Brantford at Nt. Thomas, London at Guelph, AMERICAN LEAGUE ATHLETICS TAKE CHICAGO Chicago, June 9---The Philadel- phia Athletics defeated Chicago yesterday 6 to 3 by bunching nine hits off Ted Lyons, The A's had their big inning in the fifth, when they scored four runs on two doubles and a triple, followed by Foxx's thirteenth hom- or, Earnshaw pitched for the cham. plons and held the Sox at bay In times of danger. BROWNS RALLY IN EIGHTH 8t. Louis, June 9--A five-run ral- ly in the eighth inning gave the New York Yankeeg here yesterday 5 to 4. After holding the Browns score- less for the first seven Innings the locals pounded George Pipgras from the mound in the eighth. Although he was not in the game at the finish. Sam Gray was credit- ed with hig first victory of the Yan- kees and Blue of the Browns hit home runs. NINTH FOR WES FERRELL Cleveland, June 9---Wesley Fer- rell pitched and batted himself to his 9th American: League victory of the séason yesterday as Cleveland's third-place team gained a lap on Washington, in second: place, by a score of 3 to 2, With the bases full and one out in the last half of the ninth, Ferell singled over shortstop to send Aver- ill home with the winning run. Ad Liska, Senator submarine hurler, had purposely walked Burnett after Averill gingled, Seeds sacrificed and L. Sewell singled. NATIONAL LEAGUE CUBS STRENGTHEN LEAD Brooklyn, June 9.--~Adolfo Luque pitched a four-hit shut<out over the Chicago Cubs Sunday, as the Robins increased their hold on first place to three full games by their sccond straight victory over the champions, The score was 6 to 0. Teachout struck out six of the Ro- bins, and was fairly effective with men on bases, but Finn's double in the second 'inning was the significant hit of a three-run rally, and the Ro- bins never relinquished their advan- tage. Bissonette was the leading hit- ter of the day, with three clean dri- ~es, . GIANTS BEAT CARDS AGAIN New York, June 9.~--The Giants continued on their merry way by ta- king the third straight from the St. Louis Cardinals by a score of 4-1, It was the New Yorkers' eighth straight success' and the Cardinals' "twelfth loss in their last thirteen games, Bill Walker, Giant lefthander, allowed the Cardinals but two hits, and their lone AY FROM HOME run was unearned. He fanned seven men, Bill Terry's homer put the Giants in front in the third, while Allen's single with the bases full and two out clinched the game in the cighth, REDS AND PHILLIES DIVIDE Cincinnati, June 9.--~The Phillies routed the Reds 9 to 2 in the second game of a doubleheader here yester day after dropping the first necount- er 5 to 4, Harry Heilmann gave the Reds the margin of victory in the first game when caught one of Willoughby's slants and sent it over the score- board in centre ficld for a home run, Ray Benge held the Reds in coms- plete 'subjection in teh second en- counter, Heilmann and Cuccinello, who had singled, scored their only runs when Klein dropped Sukeforths lofter with two out, Benge allowed but seven hits, BRAVES BEAT PHILLIES Boston, June 9.~The Braves laun- ched a savage Sabbath attack for eight runs in the second inning and finally defeated the Pittsburg Piratés 10 to 6 here yesterday. -- sop pa Introducing--- M. F, (Matt) Armstrong RSL FARA AEs Faerie © 87 CELINA STREET FUNERAL DIRECTORS | WE AIM TO GIVE SATISFACTION & SERVICE Private Funeral Chapel, First Class Equir m DAY AND NIGHT---PHONE 1082 NEW PROPRIETOR OSHAWA BURIAL 0 A.W, (Army) Armstrong t, Ambulance rigidaires are nowinuse any other make of electric refrigerator v FRIGIDAIRE is sold with a definite guarantee, backed by General Motors. And still more important to you as a purchaser is the fact that year after year Fi contitiues togive satis faction long after the guarantee has If service should be required, it is rendered instantly and without Pp BOWRA Phone 3302 | removing the machine from remises. OSHAWA : the SOLE AGENTS ELECTRIC SHOP PHONE 1075

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