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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jun 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1930 _ Miner the Mole's Cousin J y APANESE. PRINCE. COMES T0 CANADA Will Sail June 12 on Visit Minister at Ottawa to Tokio, June 9.~Prinde Icsato, Toku- whose diplomatic career the prince is | past seven Ja being member of the Wella Canal engineering a intensely interested. Shi is was the son of the late Prince owl he first proceed 2! : to Chicago where he will dttend the Ps Jo ense of Kingston, gublisher aily Whig and sed with Rotary Club International éonyention of the D on June 20, thence going to Ottawa, | the Cahadian engineers in» France According to cables received here, the prince will be entertained by Hig Excellency the Governor-General and Lady" Willingdon. Prince Tokugawa and his party il ater itend the conference of the LA ee nter-Parliamentary Union in London | and subsequently the International | ' KE, PILOT UNHURT| ed Cross conference in Brussels, Prince Albert, Sask," June 9, While landing at Waskesiu Lake in during the great war, 1 he remoins were Kingston, interred in PLANE CRASHES ITALIAN WEDDING RATHER AN ORDEAL Much Red Tape Surrourds Issuing of Marriage License bureaux he would have stayed in his native couptry only a few days. He statés that as soon as he made application for a marriage license, the authorities' began to ask ques- tions. 'I'lis resulted, in his having first to becopie an Italian citizen again and swear never to refuse a call" for military service until after fifty-four years of age. After this he had to .produce his birth cestificate' and all particulars concerningshis existence, - Duplicates of these had to be made, and one set was forwarded to the highest court Stewart, B.C, June 9. -- Getting !in Rome, another by the priest to the the church in Venice in which he was to be married, and had to be posted for three weeks outside of it. At the expiration of this time, the couple were allowed to get married, John says he really got married in record time, Heé tells of a case which took six months and cost a lot of money for one man to get married, His next problem 'was to get out of the country, but this was comgara« tively casy after getting married, Af ter the wedding ceremony which last- ed five days and attended by more thanitwo hundred guests, he present- ed his papers to the British consul at Venice and in about fifteen mine By Thornton W. Burgess oo we, DIES AFTER BEING "TAKEN ILL AT GAME St. Catharines, June 9. -~ Edward Herbert Pense, 49, died in the Wel- land county hospital after a brief ill- Prince Albert National Pork, a moth Vatican. In addition, he had to se- plane piloted by Sergeant Barton of the Royal Canadian Air Force turned over, throwing Barton in the water, according to a radio report received here, The pilot escaped with only a slightly strained neck as a souvenir utes the couple was cleared for Can- ada, gawa, president of the House of Peers, and father of the Japanese minister to Cadada, will sail {from Yokohama on June 12 by ue Express of Russia for Canada and Europe. The prince will be accompanied by a member of the House of Peers and married in Italy is rather an ordeal, according to John Meneghelo, Stew- | cure five 'people who knew him in art contractor, who has returned with | this country and they had to appear his bride after a trip to his old home | before a judge and swear that they in Spoladi di Piava. He left here in | knew him, that he was not previous- December and was married March 15 |ly married and was free of any im- in Venice. He was in Italy, thre: |pediments. Then he had to get two Who is too sure will find it meet Df humble pie some day to eat. --Qld Mother Nature A HEALTHY HABIT Tourist (in mining town)~Is this Of course, Peter Rabbit was cur- a healthy place to settle in? sare quite as good as your eyes and » ¥ ¥ ¥ ® ¥ ¥ jous, He was sure that he had scen Miner the , Mole swimming in the shallow water at the upper end, of the Smiling Pool. Then the swim- wer had disappeared behind a tus. sock of grass. Redwing the Dlack- bird had flown over to look for him, but couldn't tind him. "You may be right, Peter, but 1 don't believe it," said Redwing. "You may have seen Muter the Mole swim- ming, but I'll not believe it until 1 see him myself. I have spent sever- al summers here at the Smiling Pool and in all that time 1 have never scen Miter the Mole swimming." "I guess | know Miner the Mole when I see him!" cxclaimed Peter indignantly. " ; "Perhaps, Peter; perhaps," replied Redwing. "But 1 suspect that this time you think you knew him when you didn't sce him." ; "Didn't see him!" exclaimed Peter, "Certainly, 1 saw him, He wis right over where you went to look for him. 1 don't believe you used' your eyes very well." It was Redwing's turn to become | indignant. "Please understand, Pet | er Rabbit." said he, "that my eyes perhaps a little better. Let we re- peat, 1 don't believe you saw Miner the Mole." "All right, Redwing, all right!" ex- claimed Peter,. beginning to dance about excitedly. "Perhaps you'll be- lieve it now. Who is that swimming out from behind that tussock? Tell me, Redwing, who is it?" Redwing looked. "That #" said he. "Oh, that Is Miner's cousin. I've seen him here many times. His name is Starnose." Such a funny look as there was on Peter Rabbit's face. "Wha-wha-what did you sav?" he stammered, "1 said," replied Redwing, "that that is Starnose the Mole, first couse in to Miner the Mole. Do you mean td tell mé, Peter Rabbit, that you have never met Starnose 2" Now it was very 'hard for Peter to admit that there was any uvue around the Smiling Pool whom he didn't know. But Peter tries to be honest. He tries to be honest with other folks as well as 'with himself "l--I did'nt know that Miner had a cousin living around here," he con- feseed, Redwing looked very much sur- prised. "Well, well, well!" he ex- claimed. "Why, I've known Star. nose ever since I began coming to the Smiling Pool. Tn fact." know Starnose better than I do Miner for 1 see him ortener. He doesn't keep himself hidden quite so much" Meanwhile, Peter was staring very hard at the little swimmer and wish- ing with all his might that he woulil come over there. But Starnosc pres- PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8S. -- We Deliver N BR 9 9 H 4 Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE | NOTHING TOO SMALL 'Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 .Bassett's Eo SL A Eww by his suite. One of the main objects of his trip is to visit his son, Hon. Iemasa Tokugawa, in Ottawa, - in ness which attacked him while 'at. tending a baseball game at Humber- stone where he had resided for the of the mishap and the plane, zlthough submerged in the shallow water, was undamaged, months, although if he had his own | of his close relatives to take similar way and had not been hampered by the red tape of the various marriage affidavits before a judge. | The documents were then sent to Hotel Proprietor--It is that, sir but it's a 'most unhealthy place il you don't settle, "You may be right, Peter; but I don't believe it," said Redwing. ently disappeared behind a tussock of grass and for some time did not reappear, Peter had about given up hope of seeing Starnose again when once more the little swimmer ap- peared and this time he headed straight for where Peter was sitting: "There he comes," said Redwing, "When he gets over here 1 will in- troduce you. Of course, you know he won't be able to see you." "Why not ?" demanded Peter, look- ing very much surprised. "Is he blind 2" "W.e-1-1," replied Redwing slowly, "I suppose you might call him blind. He can tell light from darkness, but that's about all. Here he comes!" (Copyright, 1930, T. WW. Burgess) The next story: "Peter Meets Star. nose." ------ py -- Mrs. O'Reilly--Good morning, Mrs, Murphy. 1 ain't seen your old man lately. Wot took him off? Mrs. Murphy--A seizure. Mrs. O'Reilly--Dear, dear, never say. Wot was it--"cart? Mrs. Murphy--No, my dear--police. chin bn ahi ; TIME TABLES J PS eg ka ae ma aman anata db) KC. P.R. E TABLE Effective April 27, 1900, (Standard Time) Going West you Daily Daily Dasly (Except Sunday} Daily Daily Going East Daily Daily Daily (Except Sunday® Daily Daily 5.47 a.m, 6.28 a.m. £25 am, 3.18 p.m, 6.33 p.m, 950 a.m. 3.05 p.m, 8.20 p.m, 1.10 vm, 12.05 a.m. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY hange in Time, effective April 27th, (Standard Time) 55 a.m. Daily p.m. Daily, Except Sunday p.m, Dai y 40 pom, Lastly 5.42 Me Daily, Except Sunday 9.38 p.m. Daily 11.09 p.m. Daily, Except Saturday 11.46 p.m. Taily . 12.01 a.m. v Westbound 4.26 am. Daily 04 a.m, Daily mn. Daily, Except Sanday 0 a.m, Dai Ln, Daily, Except. Sunday pom; Daily, Except Sunday .m, Daily = pNuarnos ln 2388138 i a 00 1. 02 p.m, Daily p.m. Sunday only pon, Daly 23 p.m, Daily, Except Suzday Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and siter Aoeil 27, 1900.) (Daylight Saving Time) 4 Hoapitsl | ELLA CINDERS--Pinch-Hitting For a Friend © mother, Ella. accidentally fell Pi 5 Se Toe was x Q rewara to get the Lady. You SEEM TO THINK. 1 HAVE BEEN PERSECUT ING MY DAUGHTER=IN-LAK BY TRYING TO TAKE THE See DION'T KNON YOUR. SON WAS RICH UNTIL AFTER SHE. EIOPED WITH Him | AND THEM SHE WAS SO GOOD-HEARTED SHE FOR: GAVE. HIM FOR. HAVING TOO MUCH MONEY! BUT You COULDN'T FORGIVE HER. FOR. NOT' HAVING ENOUGH! WHO WERE SO MUCH / MISINFORMED, IN LONE THAT THEY COULD DO A May BUT TLL my To» MAKE AMENDS. TWO MAKE A RIGHT, 8UT ONE RIGHT WILL ERASE A MILLION TELLING TOMMY AS GIVEN CREDIT FOR THE DISC CONSIDERED THE DISCOVERER. LANDED AT WAIMEA KAUAI, JAN A UNTIL RECENTLY JUA GAETANO,A SPAHIARD IN 1555, TOMMY, CAPT. JAMES COOK 15 NOW OVERY OF HAYA HE FIRST 18,1778 CAPTAIN = JAMES COON AT HAAN Ewen coowinst Lamon THE NATIVES THOUGHT HIM THE GOD LOMO COOK RETURNED THE NEXT YEAR AND WAS KILLED AT KAAWALO HAYIAL 1M A FIGHT WITH THE NATIVES OM FEB.14.1779. A MON MENT NOW STANDS ON THE SPOT. NATIVE GRASS NUT > HAWAII C300k cuted 100 King Features THE ISLANDS THE "SANDWICH ISLANDS AFTER HIS PATRON, JOHN, MONTAGUE THE FOURTH EARL OF SAMOMICH, THE HEAD OF THE BRITISH ADMIRALTY OFFICE. HAWAII THE NAME USED BY THE NATIVES 15 THE OME BY WHICH THEY ARE NOY KNOWN. HAWAII WAS ANNEXED BY THE UNITED STATES IN 1898, HY DON'T YOU WANT 10 GO T0 THE SANDWICH ISLANDS, BETTY ? YELL I'M NOT HUNGRY AND I'M AFRAID SOME- ff BODY HAS PUT MUS TARD OM 'EM. HAWAIIANS Zw MAKING POI ate. Tues Great Briam rights reserved BRINGING UP FATHER | A @ 1988. 14 Posture Servis, WHY DID MAGGIE HAVE THIS KID I WISHED ON LS?HER BROTHER'S J GOT THE MEASLES THATS * WHY SHES HERE: I'D LIKE TO CATCH 'EM MESELF- KID AWAY FROM HERE HER CRYIN' 1D DRIVIN ME LOONY -Ihl GIT DUGAN TO COME OVER AN) CHAT: THATLL TAKE MY MIND OFF THIS KID: A ne, Brent Britain rights reserved. AHL THATS DUGAN ATT THE DOOR NOW HELLO: JIGGS! THE WIFE Hd WOZ OUT So | HAD To BRING H THE WDD | dod wee saa v 2 8B FH : PoNBMaAunESOm BABE 5883382 SEPEpPePLD §F@sp3aa; SOMA a 0 N BR32anyY PPPOPeP} 3 LE Lad ) DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE sssmsgiss YY TAKEN THE MAGIC LIC , BOBBY, COMBY DOWN UNDER A TREE TO REST AFTER. HAD RUN AWAY FROM THE MASTER SF BLACK ARTE-BRECALSE THEY MAD STUCK THEIR FINGER |N THE B A AND CLAUS. SAT pT 199 Kg Features Bingonte Tne, Gren FONT JUST THEN TWO RAVENS LIT INTHE BRANCHES ABOVE THEIR HEADS. "CLAUS WAS A AND OUT THAT his din BEASTS FOR \T CAN TELL WHERE HIDDEN TREASURE LIES'- SAID ONE RAVEN 1 FOOL TO LEAVE HIS WITCH HAZEL STARE | [Comey SAD-'T WILL GO AND GET iT" AND OFF. HE TROTTED AT A GREAT RATE COMFY STOLE INTO THE HOUSE OF THE MASTER OF BLACK ARTS- AND PICKED UP THE STAFF OF WITCH HAZEL KNOW THE LANGUAGE OF BIRDS AND bis La -- bE cid es Ea TILLIE THE TOILER--Express Service! ~~ | TRIED TO G TILLIE AT: HER -_ " TN TN TT By Russ Westover CAND MN -- CBUT UT CAME IN ONT ANG) EXPRESS. \WITHOUT ANY, STOPS «+ You SEE MOTHER HAVE: TAKEN A BUNGALOWS ATT

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