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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jun 1930, p. 11

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» THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1930 "rity PACE ELEVEN' Legal CONANT & AlINIS, BARRISTERS Relioitors, Notaries veyr.ci Law, Public. Ete. Coo. fig} Jf Oparal Pea practice ge of Oshawa. Phore 4. G, D, ath LL.B: A. FP, B.A, Li. Ww. 1 »f C foi ¥ IOSEFH pi Aun, B.A. . BA~BAR- ter, Solicitor, Nore Public, Con- to loan. Of re Ki R VTraser, Barristers, Con iy to AC Nairance 3 3, J. P. Grierson, RC. 'Ba, No £ Fraser, B.A. ve 14 sh Cuba, Phone «. over -» LOUIS S. VAAN, BARRISTER, i LJ Ru cto: u Notary, ove* oney to Deslands to loan. & Pr, north. 1'houe 67, Residence st. N. RE ER delle ele. 421 AT. St. N, Phope 3160, Rcney fo Jo 3Meney to loan, A Th a BE t ote, vey an praction,. 83% K'ng St. Bast Phone [11] etrist H, TUC . specialist. in muscle anomalies, eyesight snd glasses, Anthor of Bye Care and Eye Strain, The Chile and Its Development, = Dis: ney Block 'opposite Post Office Phone 3516. (May 16-1 mo) Engineering and Sorveyine | DUNEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Surveyors Civil Engin. cers, sub-divisions, town, planning, municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St. E. Phones 2582) or 2544, LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING O.| East, Ambulance. Rasidence, $42 Sh coe street porth, Phone 210J an 210W, Insurance PAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. w2st, Oshawa, The old. est Rize 'Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re. ire nies, eonsult' R. N, Johes, 850 Simcoe All Classified ' Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small arcounty of this nature. ., and collect for same. gogth, Your Insuramge wants at tended to acd your mterests pro. tected. HEN "NE NOE automobile, fire, aceident, See Holden 9% Simcoe N. : {May 8-1mo) Da --.-- Transportation DRS. HAZLEWOOD Disney Block. Phone « HARPER, "050, Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Dr. B. J. Hazlewood, special atiention to Surgery-and X-Ray. Jr. B. H. Har- per, special attention Diseases and Obstet and night calls 2418 to children's rics, Sunday or 122. DR. McRAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR. geon, Acpoucher. dence, St. Oshawa, Phone 94. fice an King St. Ezst, corner Victoria resi DR. GRANT BZRRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician. digeases © infants hdc. children. residen Office an 'Bond East. Phone 1155. DR. AP, ARCHER. M.D, CM. L. BS Phone 3185. LA 142 Simcoe coe SE. N. oA 40 Cadillac inburgh. Fo PRortt, DR. C.. W. CARE, FHYSICTAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Office and rasidence, 512 Simcoe street morth. Phone 2416. DR. J. DR. J. ARCHER and... Relidenie, 185 North, phone 31 BROWN, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office Simcoe Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Ani- mals. Cat and dog h King W. Tel. 629. A DR. W. D. FORS specialize lameness, perience, 202r2. Fees moderate, (May 12-1 mo) aspital, 202 June 2-1 mo) Y ey 17 years' ex- Retrig gun. Street, Phone man's, 86 Bond West. § in furniture moviag, storage wares house und moving van equipment. Phone 82. CARTAGE, MOVING, "IKAVEL sand "grad cinders. and lon disiance hauling, bed pA "Cox, Phone 924, 10. Band St, Weat. OSHAWA'S VLDES Bae pe; lished fur lure mags 0 Road ¢ KS Franke. i Park Sou, {May 19-1 mo) T "ad LB Hamilton, EAD Belle ville, anywhere cheapest in the city. Eagle Cartage, phone 2980. (May 25-3 mo) CARTAGE AND STORAGE, COLE: pecialists For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT A . room with all conveniences. Cen tral. Apply 79 MeMillan Frying Phoue 3329, ed. All conveniences, Central, Reut reasonable. Apply 3% Bond Ras) | Ph ) TOUSE TO RENT=NO Salidren. Phone 300W. Apply 71 Gibbs § (134¢) nighed; gas and uso of phone, for light housekeeping, Apply 294 Haig street, (134c) s AL; Albert street, close to , "all ¢-jveniences, reasonable vent, Im- mediate possession, Phone ase. Cc) an w t fer -------- WANTED TO RENT--8Y JUNE 4, small house, with conveniences. entral, Box 722 Times; | » (134a) «Real Estate For Sale ROOM HUO- tel in Trenton. Price seven thous and, Basy terms, Apply to Weaver, Jackman & Co, Trenton, Ontario, Box 964, (133h) Work Wanted | \ Sor Rent : CONCRETE WORK, CHLLAK and garage floors, sidewalks sod roadways, sand, gravel, cinders. Chris Graham. Phone 2621M, (May 29-1 mo) EXPERT UPHOLSTERING ON automobiles and furniture, The best in workmanship at the lowest prices. Note new address, 4561 Sim- cue South. G, A, Constable. Phone zw, \ (May 13-1 mo) TF RPENTNG SOS RS, KNIV- es, Lawn Mowers, Saws. Phone 431W," We call and deliver. 13) Celins Bt. E. Bottan, {June 9-1 ma) FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY DONE. Phone 234M. (May 31:1 mo) "" Asticles For Sale Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVY Shop. Specialsts in permanent, finger apd marcel waving, rer- {manent wave prices $5, §7,60, 31 and. $15. Ail other line:z of Beauty Culture. PFhene 29G8, Apply sb Sfmcoe street north. EXPERT MARGELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave ont Bl and shame poo $1. Phone WATSON'S AN] Beauty Shop. 9 T St We spe- cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar- celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 80 cents. For anpointments phone 83. - (May 16-1 mo) MAW Oe. K. Frog 147 Aas: street. hone 26407 ha 20-1 ma» MISS BURTO HE LA Parisiens. Beauty Parlons announ. ces. the prices of marcelling, "B0c, Pinger Waving 75c¢, during t summer months. Commencing from June ar. Phone 71. (May 21-1 mb.) DR FT, Street West, Ti office aver Joa x » Store each Satur drug st BRYANS oF 3 be at his 's Drig 3 tll 4 Sreatment of di es of ear, fren only. beer Bd at Eye, "Eve, Ear, Nose and ~E. FP, ms Sitchor 3 Store. Hou 10% Yo 12 an 2 2 oS. Evenings by primey Office esidence 432]. phone Dem DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER HAS. set's. Soecilzatianiion work. Gas ~~traction. tendance. ho 959. 9 M. north, over rchery as for exiract "to Xeray Nurse jn ate use 131 £1 E ST. Drug Store. DR. L. E. HU BELL. DNA Nitrous oxid tions, Phon Office, Ror Bar fou e floor. | Plione 1656. ravel for sale--To insure Sint her. f delivery date, W. Phone 1618, place srders in advance Borrowfale, 8 to 60 BLOOR .| Certified Radiotrician. . Cc per vard. Pleated Skirts from: one T ganist and r master of Street United Church will accept pupils in plano, organ snd vocal music. For: particulars ply sal Wiliam streec east, Phone 2 (June 2- by LEONARD "RIGHE DIRECTOR of music, Oshawa llegiate pad Public Fi Is. Studied Gibb S phone 1984J, (May 61 m2) Radio Service USHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AU cossories for sale, repairs on elec. tric abd battery sets, tubes' snd gif tested, batteries re- Wales, 8-1 mo) R A [ eS (May 21-1 mo) rental s PDled. $1, Phone 146 Elgin cnarged, 7b6¢ "called for and de livered. Radio service, airials erect. de [AL Prices - reasonable, e| Brickn 60c, rentals 25¢,, olvered. Phone 2808W. Geo. Burroughs, May 1 glue.) Wi 00. fRopised ang Caled fgk and delivered, Aen Biiedon, 20 | Erm St. ris one 1882: (Ma; 19-1 mo) dollar up, beautiful embroidery -- including children's wear all on sale. e Dell Shop, 264: South. ove 23437. , (May 12-1 mo) first wri iste 0 on. 20% Simcoe - south (May 27-1 mo) M ENA, Frm Aspgintmenty Beuna jo. MRS. | ALL. t.| Swing. each evening from : A BD Oshawa phone | 1 { Pin Ave. Phone 30657 or tints If 8 residences; Bradloy} orating. sign writing. MIXED HARD AND 504) k Woh slabs, 0 per load, Also bone dry body Waterous t Phore | (Apr. 261) FOR SALRN--RAEBINTZMAN CO. Ltd. plancs, ncw and used planos, fatest models; ters Phone (211.t1) F ALE -- PAINTS, VARN- shes. We have the largest assort- ment of paints, varnishes, etc, In in the efty. - The Faint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr. 26 3 NE, ww 4. ders, black loam. $1.50 per yard. For quality and service phone Es scry Bros, 332 r 1, (May 3-tI) also radios, arranged. Appl) C. Trull 16664, ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, oil stoves,.coal stoves, bicycles, ele, 174 Ritson road south. {May 2§-1 ma) TRY RID [SON AUTO WRECKERS, he Ah 12 p! Sd street west, for your auto parts and tires. Phone 3475W. | Residence 3183, (May 30-1 mo) TT WATOHES, ds of jewelry on easy pay. Terms from 50 cents per ©. H. Dell, agent for Peo ples' Credit Jewelers, 264 Simcoe Soul awa, (May 31-1 mo.) D SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor St. B. Phone 1617M. (June 4-1 ma) SALE -- PORCH CO Phone 1301W, L13se) FOR SALE--SOL oe natural wood. Good - as new, Sacrifice $40. Apply Walter Oke, Ontario St., Bowmaapville, They ec FOR OR SALE~4 inner tubes, also offi used tire and tabe 30 x 3%. Phone 1411M. (184a) Dai MADAME HE be of dancing and physics! quiture. 169 Church Street, Lessons on Saturdays from 1. terms call or phone 8 oi at Be hours. { : bi po i. awnings, veranda ¢ (Nay 21-1 mo) tops installed. 4 oo Torani ORT a kinds of 'canvas goods. "Comes plete camp equipment for rent. Vox g [andres phone 25.08, 34 26. Agents boo antario, " he 0-1 mo) 2 i . - rary. You il enjoy reading te i misimum Phode a. or fimeoe St North. (T-F-8 th) ; QUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA: nger, painting und graining' #8 right, work guaranteed. #40 st, Ang, een i Lain 346 Sicse $b S$. Onhams, I Special Be , u given kd mes ng) and id Toit rien | Estimates | given on 'work, Phone 1307), =f FOUR AND FIVE HOOMED MOL ern suites including eleckple retrig~ eration, stove, laundry," cohveni erces, etc, continu' s hot water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 267), or The Trusts und Guarantee Uo. Lid, manage: for owner, Toronto. tan APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Bros. (3618) 3 ARTM CEN tral, fous rooms, bath, electric toys, pewly 'decorated, hardwood floows. Possession immediately, Apply Box 665 Times. (112tf) TO RENT--ONE LARGE FRONT room, suitable for business map, \lso one:small room, $2 per weel, 94 William street ehst. (May 23-1 mo) 0 -- R unfurnished apartment and bal. room, also garage. Apply 165 Rit. son RJ. South. (12901) [FOR RENT--FOUR_ OR FIVE room apartments. ALL conveniences, Phone 1502wW, (1301) ROOMS. FOR RENT--§2 PER week and up, Newly decorated rooms for housekeeping, Also nige front parlor. 262 Bruce St. (132¢) briek houses, north end, modern, low rent: Apply 84 Alice Street, Thone 2091. (132%) "| FOR NENTI-NTIOBLY FURNISH. ed rooms, all conveniences, suit business men, very quiet, 183 Ar. thur street. Phone 181, (182¢) TAREE HUNDRED , DOLLARS cash payment, balance easy LOrma, busy house and nine acres, garden plot. Close to "Oshawa, Apply 140 Agnes St, (184¢) King street (134e) S Fernhill Blvd, off west, $100 DOWN PAYMENT, ance as rent, takes 4 room brick bungalow on paved street, near Motors. Phone 25901W, (134¢) Motor Cars FAVE YOUR CAR OR THUCR repaired at 49 Mond St. West, Body and fender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to motor heats anc general wood | work, Phone W, Fry 8395, on (May 23-1 mo) GET. YOUR, UAR WABHED AT Dominion Garage, 88 Bond Street Wast. Phone 3108, All cars at one price $1.00. (May 16-1 mo,) Theronoid ALL SUFFERERS OF CHRONIC olimeuts should take advantage ol the special free 'reatments offered by Wheronold of Osbawa, 156 Wil I'am St. East. Phone 200. (May 233-1 ms) Help Wanted --Femaia GT tH housework i to help care for children. Apply Mrs, Alloway, 47% Simcoe north. Phone 1264, es (133¢) WANTED--NMAID FOI GENERAL housework, Must have references. Apply 185 Simcoe street north, (1330) TO LET--SIX ROOM HOUBE ¢ | Willigm street east. Free rent to July 1. Phone 185. (1322) HOUSE OR FURNISHED ROOMS, 3 miputes walk from Motors' of fice, for rent. Phone 28937, (183¢) FOR RENT == $30, 00 A MONTH, 487 Colborne E.. Apply pronat & Annis, 3c) HOUSE---FIVE R! ROOMS, eT 2 in Hamptoh, Surags It required, moderate rent, iL. G. Jebson, phone 382 3, Bowmanville, (133e¢) FOR RENTFWO UNI'U RNISH- ed SE 3 conveniences, 313. Phone 1 (1848) TO HE ~ROOSED HOURE All conveniences, Immediate pos session, Apply 329 Division St, (138¢) rg OSHAWX, 161 Ki ot, 5 roonts and hath. | Immediate possession, Prices reas- onable. (188¢) ¥25_RENTE 5 ROOMED HOUSE ont "Division St. 'All conveniences. Decorated, Phone 19477, (138¢) PEAT FOR RENT WITH KIT: chen downstairs, Private entrance. $10 per month, 96 Gibbon St, (133b) 0 i E fry 7 roomed house at 109 Albert st. or ntik). Newly recondi- tioned, ope D7IW. (1340) i of | Classified Ads, | Il Firat tnsertion--11% cents ' per word. Minlmgm. charge soc. ach subsequent consecus 31% | ntursion 1 per Pe Pn i (three yi . ro Malmon, charge fur three ne, 60 oexts, | Boz me: We ations he] $3. 0 per are "for 80 words of lest; 10 cents a word per 'nomt each _ wdd Taare : == Help Wanted--Male CARETARER, A ] \ boilers, married, steady, reliable, seeks position, Box 721 Times, (134¢) WANTED=BOH OT, BOYS, AGES 10 to 14. Good money and prizey for spare time... Apply 88 Drew street after 7,30 tonight, (1340) MANAGER WANTED TOR OSH- awa Store, Experience unnecessary. Salary $50.00 per week, also substan- tial profits on sales. Must be able to furnish $750.00 to $1250.00 casn de- posit on merchandise. 4083 St. Denis St. Montreal, (134¢) Salesmen Wanted THE TREMGO MANUFACTURING Company (Canada) Limited, one of the most progressive Companies in Canada, can use = high grade sales. man in Eastern Ontario and adjoin- ing territory. Only men whose re- cords will-"bear thorough investi- gation are invited to reply. A per. manent connection with an unlimit. ed opportunity for advancement and earnings commesurate with ability are offered to a man of prov. en ability, Strict confidence will be observed, Interview W, H, Reid, Commercial Hotel, Oshawa, Mon- day June 9th, or i WARN UPWARDS OF $25 WEEK- ly growing mushrooms for us, Il lustrated blooklet for stamp, Can. adian Mushroom Cempany, hi to 10, (133m) al and surgical Busing. reasonable Phone Whit: i May 23-1mo.) ity or general nursing. For infor. mation phone 320W, (June 3-1 mo) WANTED OATTL mer parture. reek running | 8 through Balson's Farm, Courtice. AbBly. F. A Xa upton, "oar Ho R SUM 8 ow "breeding pens, backed by a os from dams 0° 225 egE reg: ord. Immediate Shine gph Rocks, Rhode Islan: Reds! 1 per hundred; White Tel! $18. 100 per cent, live arrival guaran. " | the stem-end, H MAN wants farm job $20 a month Phone 1669 r 13, or apply 496 Al- bert street. (133b) m ding children, by day or would ect for stores. City reference, Phone 2096. (183¢c) EXPERIENCED MAN WANTING to work on farm, 496 Albert St, Phone 3034W, (134b) MAINE STRIKES AT POTATO ROT Farm Bureau Official Report on Discoloration of Tubers Presque Isle, Me. ~In response to numerous inquiries received at the Farm Bureau office here in regard to - discoloration of "potatoes which are to be used for seed, Dr, Donald Folsond, plant - pathologist of the Maine Experiment Station, has is- sued 3 statement explaining the dis- ease which causes this condition, "Some lots of potatoes stored in Maine 'this winter have had trouble in meeting the U.S, grades because of internal discoloring streaks in the stem ends of the tubers." Dr, Fol- som stated, "The rules bar pota- [toes with this streaking when it is deep enough to show after a slab a half inch thick has-been cut off Streaking as: deep as this is usually of a kind called net necrosis by the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Shallow streak- ing is usually of the kind called stem- end browning by the Station, By others these two troubles are some- times respectively called mild and se vere stem-end browning, or mild and severe necrosis. While they may seem to be stages of the same thing, they usually can be told apart anc have distinet causes, and one does not grow into the other, Net Necrosis "The net necrosis is due to leaf- roll and ipdicates that leafroll will be found in the stock if planted, Net necrosis is only the first apparent ef- fect of leafroll and not always is ap- parent when leafroll is present. Leaf- roll is' a disease carried from dis~ cased 'to healthy plants = by aphids (plant lice), 1f newly infected plants are of the Green Mountain variety, some of the tubers usually show net necrosis as the first 'sign of leafroll The net necrosid does mot show until the tubers have heen 'in storage for some weeks or months. It does not show in all 'the tubers that got leaf- roll from the newly infected plants, That is, some tubers will have leafs roll without showing it, except in the plant they produce, Plants getting leafroll from the seed tubers, do not produce net necrosis tubers, though the leairoll disense is in the new crop of tubers." "While there are some exceptions to the preceding statements about net necrosis, in various species plant. ed in the last ten years, tubers with net necrosis consistently have pro- duced plants that wee 90 per cent or more Jeafroll) while alongside of them tubers with. stem-end browning have consistently produced plants with no leafroll, This year, in various stor- age lots with known histories, net necrosis was limited to stocks con taining leafroll plants in 1929, On aroostook Farm last: summer there were more. aphids than usual, which would easily explain a greater spread of leafroll than is usual for that loca- tion, Leafroll "Stem-end browning perhaps should be called by that name rather than by the name "mild net necrosis," be- cause it usually can be distinguished from net necrosis; does not grow in- to net necrosis and is not due to the same cause, While net necrosis is associated with a recent spread of leafroll, stem-end browning this year was found in practically all stocks examined, including many that are known to have no We in them or near them last summer, The cause is not known. The only injurious ef- fects are to the appearance and through being confused with the un- desiradle net necrosis. In a season when it is in all 'stocks, of course leafroll stocks show it, but not be- cause they have leafroll, Some sear sonal condition had produced it gene erally in Maine this Maine this past ses season, PATIENTS PROTEST AT PEANUT PIPER UPHELD BY COURT Dentist Objects to Tweet, Tweet, and Magistrate Agrees Wit With Him pi York, June Jae 9~There's naths | uite so irri 0 whe q St. pA person 4 i to his Asa ny tle, he opine nif ro n Pig of Na, 9" Wall Ee Dr. ning ought e's a de Peary 'time Dr, etl would get . patient settled back in his shiny chair and reach that point where he .| would r LR duleet tones, that this is_goi hurt . Jette 50, get : food don't ar Ay yun a peanut Whistle 1 the street would cut 0! the patient would le out a sort.o ittle whoop, throw his legs A A dagors hold, clamp down rs, lacerate the go wh ny profespional fingers and the serene, as they ay out in Hollywood, teed, Modern Hatchery, 3206 Dan yoyld have to be shot all over again forth Ave., Toronto. insinnian SLURS id mp), wiv rehearsals. Dr, Hanning got tired of it, finally, od { Hon, Perren E. His first sign of rebellion came two or thre days ago when he stuck his head out of the window and yelled down at Letoudia: "Hey, you! Tum off that so-and- so whistle before I spear you with a foregputii cy "Five-a-cent,", smiled. Letoudia, in- nocently thinking the doctor had asked the price of his goobers, The next day Dr. Hanning com- plained to a policeman that Letou- dia's infernal whistle not only added epileptic fits to toothache, but seri- ously aggravated his own nerves at most trying moments, So the police- man went around to Letoudia and told him, to shut off. his whistle or take the consequences, The thing was bound te get into court, Dr, Hanning had Letoudia brought up before Magistrate Stern. The. doctor, ¢xplained that Letoudia had, been warned, He said further that whenever, a policeman was in hearing distance, Letoudia would plug up the whistle with a little wedge © wood, But the power of advertising in Letoudia's business was such that, as soon as the officer was out of range, he would turn his demeniac whistle loose again, Policeman Quinn told the magis- trate that he had warned Letoudia about the whistle, and that when the peanut vendor failed to pay proper heed to his admonition, he had tied a paper sack over the whistle, "But Judge," said Policeman Quinn, "as soon as I get out of sight he tears it off and she starts whistling again like the hubs of--well=-like the king's canary," Magistrate Stern glared for a me- ment at Letoudia, who seemed to shrink and shrivel for the moment, He allowed Letoudia to go about his business, but with the added warning that he'll be crushed under foot like a filbert if so much as a peep is heard from him or his peanut cart in the future, HEAVY BALLOTING 1S INDICATED IN ALBERTA ELECTION New > Opposition Leaders Pressing Farmer Party Hard in the Campaign E Homo Alta, June 9.~Rulers of Alberta for almost a decade, the United Farmers Party takes to the field of political battle June 19 in quest of renewed allegiance,. In the provincial fray no quarter will be asked or given as followers of Pre. mier J. E, Brownlee struggle to hold their "throne, * Acclamations will be rare in the joust for ballots. Premier Brownlee himself demands unreserved approval fram the voters; he is no disciple of the creed that a strong opposition brings better gov- ernment, In campaign speeches he has contended that the Farmer Pars ty's power--helding 43 of 60 legisla ture scats--has contributed toward the government's ability te protect and serve the proyince, But Liberal, Conservative, Labor and other groups have rallied to the fight, with lists of candidates which aggregate almost double the Farmer Party's total, The Communist Party has made its appearance in the pro- vincial field as one of the minor groups seeking representation; at least three candidates will carry the red banner. The Standin At dissolution standin islature was as Jollow United Farmers + Liberals Conservatives «oscar esess ne of the leg- The next Legislature offers Seats to 63 members, due to a re- -distribution of representation at the last session. Calgary and Edmonton, the prov- ince's only multi-member ridings, each alter their nymber of re resentatives from five to six. In addition, rural constituencies are shifted with the re- sulting increase in out-of-town seats by one, Both. Liberal and ' Conservative groups boast .newly-appointed lead ers, A, A, MeGillivray, former Con~ 1929 to D, M, Duggan, former mayor f Edmonton, this year J, T, Shaw handed over the Liberal ead: $eship to Mayor J. W, McDonald of MacLeod, Mr. McDonald had never served in the Legislature, but Mr, Dukgan has been a member since Premier B Mr, Brownlee Help his appgatance in the Farmer Party in 192] when he was elected as attorney-general in the first U.F.A. cabinet after Hon, Herbert Greenfield's new-formed pasty pt an end to sixteen years of Liberal administration; After Mr. Greenfield's retirement, before the 1926. election=wthe second triumph of the Farmer. Party=-Mr, Brownlee wis named [EF er, hough t nited Farmers' poli- rica) organization claims independence of the widespread co-operative body, United Farmers of Alberta, the two movements are linked by kindred servative chieftain, gave way late in || ded to the campaign by the fact that membership in the citics, where pro- portional representation governs bal- loting, is mow increased, It is point- ed out that while the Farmers' Party obtained 43 of 60 scats in the 1926 election, they polled but 71967 out of a total of 175,137 votes. In seeking return to power the gov- ernment party refers to its record in obtaining control of the natural re- sources, in rehabilitating the provin< cial telephone system and in dispos- ing of the government-owned north- ern Alberta railways. Opposition charges claim the government has been extravagant, has increased un- duly the provincial debt, and repre- sents a group rather than the pro~ vinee as a whole, HUDSON SHIPMENTS UP Detroit, June Z.==Hudson Motor Car Company reports May shipments to dealers of 12779 Hudson and Essex f | cars, making the total shipments for the first five months of the year 8l,- 741. This represents an increase of 26251 over the last five months of 1929, Pontiac Coach 1927 Model Price $350.00 Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. HARDWOOD FLOORS Lald by expert mechanics, Old 'loor finished like new. Ge.er | Contractors, B, W, HAYNES 161 King St. West Phone 481 - Residence 3078W EATON GROCETERIA | It Misg Xe Shop Here Always | ON SIMCOE NORTH For $6,600.00 -- Real home, brick, 7 rooms and bath, a. age, shrubbery, lawns e. $1,600 down, balanced ar ranged, The good ones are nearly all gone. Why not ask about this? DISNEY, 29 King East Boys' Broadcloth Wash Suits. Special Dominion Clothing Co. 98 King St. Ww. Phone 2141 i | Kara Coffee Opposite Bart Offa - Good Weather! | , Ahead! .. / lose your ear-- A --Do let ma tional Cash Given. -G: Ri Holden MOTOR Rou 6, 143 King St. Bast LUMBER F. L. BERCRO dA feeling, Before becoming Mr, Brownlee was a Calgiry lawyer associated with the Alberta Wheat Pool, a direct offshoot of the Unit- ed Farmers of Alberta economic unit. Every member of the Brownlee cabinet is seeking reelection, The premier will run again in Ponoka: Hon, George Hoadley, minister of health And Syrian 4s tom, J. F High River ks ; Lymburn, hiya iy asks res election for Edmonton; Hon. R. G, eid, provincial Jrediucer, for Vers milion; Hon, O. L. McPherson, wie ister of public pot for Little Bow; Baker, minister .of education, for Cypress; Hon, 'V. W. Smith, minister of railways, for Cam» rose;. Hon. Irene Parlby, without portfolid, for Lacombe. An extra touch of speculation is ad: "minister | AU RY | UMBI R ©

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