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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jun 1930, p. 12

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-. 8.5. ASSOCIATION Athens. --The ninth annual conveii- tion of he Wowtship of the Rear of Yonge and; Escott and North Eliza- bethtown clected officers as follows: President, Miss A. M. Flunt, Ath- ens; 1st vice-president, Mrs. B. Lov- erin,' Greenbush; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. H. Stevenson, Hard 1¢land ; sec. retary-treasurer, Miss Eleanor Young, Athens; Chairman finance committee, Gi D. McLean, Athens, ~~ WOMAN 15 97 Petetboro.~~Mrs.. McClelland, the oldest: citizen in the Norham neigh- bor has celebrated her ninety- seventh birthday, CROPS "LOOK GOOD Peterboro.--Crops in Peterboro are stated to be-in very good condition, Vegetation is at least a week ahead of normal, OLD ORANGEMAN Havelock. -- Isaac Barlow, Have: lock, is believed by the residents of this district to be the oldest Orange- man in Eastern Ontario. Mr, Bar- low, who 'is in" his eighticth year ,be« came a member of the Orange Order when. only. eightcen years old, and during that time has never been ab- sent fronl a'twelith of July walk, TRANSFER TO KINGSTON Kingston--The administration head- quarters of the Canadian Army Vet- eginary Corps has been transferred from Montreal to Kingston. The of- ficer in charge has not yet been named, but it is expected an appoint- ment will be announced soon. PASTOR. INDUCTED Brockville--Representatives of Bap- tisti churches in Eastern Ontario, and Northern New York gathered here and ordained and inducted into the pastorate of the "Brockville Baptist Church, Stuart Ivison of London, Ont, who recently graduated from McMaster University. NURSES GR GRADUATE Btockville.--The following gradu- ates of St. Vincent de Paul Hospi- tal will receive their diplomas at the annual commencement exercises on the evening of June 18: Helen E. Lit- tléjohn, Gananoque: Cora A. Stack, Delta; Rita E. Coughlin, Jasper; Nel- lie O'Reilly, Eganvyille; Mary M. Ha- milton, Elgin, and Winnifred I. Mae- Kenzie, Pcterboro, ~ KICKED BY HORSE Kingston.--Harold Senour, a young man, employed by Ivan Doak, Lans- downe, sustained the fracture of a leg when he was driving a horse and milk wagon, The horse kicked over the cross-bar and struck the young man on the leg, breaking it badly. BURGLAR GETS TWELVE YEARS Napanee.--James Wilson received a sentence of 12 years in Portsmouth Penitentiary when he appeared be- fore Magistrate M. P. Graham of Napanee. Wilson pleaded guilty to breaking into and 'entering Bray's store at Newburgh, Walker's garage at Newburgh, Doogan's store at Newburgh, McGill's, store, at Centre- ville, liquor 'store :at Tamworth, and escaping from Napanee jail, GIRLS TO WEAR UNIFORMS Trenton. -- If present plans go through, the Trenton High School girls will be 'wearing uniforms next year, TALL FALL WHEAT "Lindsay.--A ficld of fall wheat re- ported from Cavan township, the stalks being some 25 inches long, which was considered good for this season of the year, has been far eclipsed; by, the field of T. R. Trotter of Ops, who has a field of some ten acres in which the average length is about 36 inches and a considerable number of the stalks 40 inches and some 43 inches with fair heads of grain, developing in them, the same eld in its last crop of wheat ran 53 bushels to the acre. / MILL RATE INCREASES Lindsay -- The Victoria County Couneil has found it necessary to in- crease the mill rate by one mill for this Year, largely because of old age pensions and highway charges duc the province. The council was re- quested by large deputations to pave some 21 miles of road and a dead- lock lasting two days in the good roads board resulted - over it.. The board refused to consider the pav- ing by a majority of one and an at- tempt was made to reopen it. There will be no paving this year, however, and the road levy will be the same as last year. MANCHESTER NOTES Manchester, June 6.--~Mr. Leslie Lamb and Elgie spent Sunday with relatives in Toronto,' Mr. and Mrs, Wilmot Walker at- tended special church services in Uxbridge last Sunday. Mr; and Mrs, Ralph Butt and three children of Oshawa, were visitors on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Butt's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hart and son, of Uxbridge, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Hart's parents, Mr. and-Mrs. Brooks. Mr, Joseph Flewell and Miss Ni- chol spent Sunday with relatives in Kirkfield. Miss Nicholl, who owns a summer home there, will remain for the summer at her cottage. Miss Blanche Junkin and. Miss G. Nichol, of Fenelon Falls, were vyisi- tors at the home of the former's un-= cle, Mr, Chas, Lamb, last week-end. Mrs. John Johnson, Mr. Frank Johnson and children, spent Sunday with relatives in Greenwood, where Mrs. Johnson will remain for a few weeks there. Mrs, Pennéck, Mrs. Robinson and son, Douglas, of Toronto, were visit- ing on Friday at the home of Miss en rn ee WOOD Body Har Hard Slabs Soft Slabs Cut to Stove Length and Guaranteed No. 1 Dry DIXON COAL C0. : Telephone 202 Five Direct Lines For Furnace or Fire Place For Cook Stove or Heater For Kindling or Cooking HAS ALWAYS FAILED "The history of building materials 'is fill ed with attempts to produce a fitting - substitute' for Lumber. Many of the resulting products have unquestionable merit. Some are beautiful, others dur- able, and many economical, one has succeeded in combining all three of these features -- attributes only cause lumber i is Nature's own product, and attempts to replace it must always fail. But not by Lumber... .be- pe | parents, Mr. and Mrs. :| Ladies' The photographs here show: TOPo One 'ofthe two Spearman planes in the Moncton, N.B, Windsor, Detroit air mail service, which landed on Canadian Airways field Toronto, en route to Detroit in he the route. "Dick" Bibby, an attempt to cut flying time for BOTTOM -- Captain superintendent of the Canadian Airways, who is in one of the planes. A. Rees and attended the funeral of the late Albert Rees. Mr. Francis Skill of Udord, was a recent visitor at the home of his aunt, Miss Annic Rees. Mrs. Barrett, daughter Aletha and Mrs. W, F, Walker, spent a day re- cently at the home of Mrs. IH. Real, Greenbank, Mrs. Harold Archer and children wer¢, recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. I. Vernon, Miss Walls' of Toronto has been visiting his sister, Mrs, Vernon, for the past week. Mrs, Skill, Who has been nursing in Detroit for some time, is visiting at the home of: her sister, Miss Rees, Mr. Murray Holtby is living with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Robt, Holtby, Port Perry, being com- pany for his aunt while Mr. Holtby 15 away. Rev, Mr. Merriam has returned af- ter attending the conference held at Cobourg. The church service last Sunday being conducted by Rev. Mr. Hassard, of Toronto, who spoke cx- ceedingly well, Mrs. Spencer has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Gilbert, of Osh- awa. We are sorry to know that Mr. E, Lamb is not enjoying very good health but hope for an improvement soon. Mr. James Hitchens was a visitor in Toronto last Saturday. Hc re- ceived a brief visit from his slater and her husband, Mr. and Mrs, C Green, and Mr. and Mrs, Ellis ot son, from Detroit, A number from here attended the recital of the pupils of Miss Helen Mellow, AT.C.M,, various selections, as well as the so- los of Miss Kate Ross. Mr. and Mrs Keith Lee, dghter and friends of Utica, N.Y., were visi- tors last week at the home of her W. Brooks. Prospect, June 5.~The Prospect Aid held their monthly meet- ing at the church, last Wednesday, Mrs. McClintock, the president, con- {ducted the meeting. After the busi- ness was over a dainty lunch was served. Mr. Arthur Orchard has been busy '| this past week, improving his resi- :| dence by painting and re-shingling. We are pleased to see our old mail | man, Mr. Edward Lyle, back on the route again, after having suffered ,| some broken ribs, when his buggy was struck by a car, and he was | thrown out, at Prospect Corners some time ago. Mr. Jack Barber, of Oshawa, now il of Prospect, has been doing a thriv- {| ing business these days, with his new service station; since the tourists' sca- son has opened up. The farmers of this district would || welcome a good rain, after the heavy frosts of last week, as the hay crop will be short, unless rain comes soon. Mr, Eli Martin and friends, of Gravenhurst, visited with his cousin, Mr. Will Martin, Mrs. Ganton Webster visited with Miss Kate Orchard one day this week. Miss Katherine Reeves spent week-end in Toronto. Miss Edna Kerr and Mr. Jack Cox, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Tripp and two children, of Shirley; Mr. Eli Martin, of Gravenhurst, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Martin, Miss Melba Gray and Mr. Will Owen visited at the home of Mr, Ar- thur Gray on Wednesday last, Mr. Will and Miss Mary Martin visited: at the home, of . Mrs, Alton the 'B. 'R; ENGLISH Or Ena, he bend gras class in ¢! 8 vers ty College. Since 1880 the McCa: gold medal has been given uv the student. leading 'the classics graduating class. It is expected that the award will be made to . Mr. English by the University of senate. Ca 3 and enjoyed their |& Tripp, of Shirley, on Tucsday even- ing. Mrs, Tripp's many friends, of this district, 'will be pleased to 'know that she is getting 'along splendidly after her recent serious operation. Mr. Barber had a pleasant surprise on the cvening of the second of June. It being his birthday, two car loads of friends, from Oshawa, motored out and spent the evening with him. Mrs, Thos. Gekill,- of Thornbury, who has been visiting with her bro- ther, Mr. Frank Martin, for the past month, returned to her: home on Wednesday last. The corn inspector visited this dis- trict last week. Mr. Samson Martin, of Peterboro, | has been visiting friends and relatives in this district Mr. Arthur Gray Mr. Harney Carpenter few days. We are glad to see that Mr. George Smith is again able to be out and around. has been helping for the past CLAREMONT Claremont, June 4, Jowers, of Peterboro, village on Saturday. Miss Effie Miller is in Uxbridge visiting Mr and Mrs. John Smith for a couple of weeks. Miss Hilda Sulman and friend, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, J. Sulman. Miss Ruth Studderford spent week-end at her home in Ashburn, Mr, and Mrs. Perey Wideman and children, of Markham, spent Thurs day afternoon with the Misses For gie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beelby have returned from their wedding trip and will reside in the village. Mr. Ralph Betrand is his bed through illness, Miss Viola Forsyth and sister, Georgina, of Oshawa, were home over the holiday. Miss Donnell spent the week-end at her home in Keswick. We are pleased to see Miss Annie Forgie is able to be out motoring, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pilkey and children spent thé weck-end with their relatives in the village. Mr. and Mrs. (6, Duncan, of Rich- mond Hill, spent Tuesday evening with their Claremont friends Mrs. Wilson ef North Claremont, has purchased the residence of the late Mrs, J. S. Farmer. Mr. L. Pilkey was in Wednesday, Miss Marjory Wilson spent Tues- day evening at Mount Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bushby and children, of Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Bushby, of Pickering, spent Sunday afternoon with their mother, Mrs. J. Bushby. Master Foster Dennison, of To- ronto, is spending a couple of weeks - Mr was Luther in the the confined to Toronto on What a Meal! Never thought I would be able to enjoy such a hearty appetite again! After every 'meal I suffered those acute pains which made me swear I'd never eat again, 'However, a friend recom- mended K REXALL DYSPEPSIA TABLETS and 'since that time eating has once more become a pleasure. Not only once but many times have 'people ex- pressed this same. opinion. Try a boc, box today and feel better, The Rexall Stores ne Jury & Lovell King St. E, Phone 28 Simcoe St. S. Phone 68 with Atha, 'spent Sunday Mrs, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, E. Bryant Mrs, John Stewart and family, of F. Cowie. Rev. Mr, M¢Guire, of Mr, and Mrs. --y with The meeti Mr, and Toronto, is holding revival services in the Bap- tist. Church, ing 'well attended. John McLellan, Miss Margaret, and Miss Mabel, of Richmond Hill, spent the week-end with their ents at the manse. ings are be- of of Ottawa, par- ENNISKILLEN BRIEFS Enniskillen, June 5~Mr, and Mrs. J. E, Virtue and daughter Laura; Mr. M. Parker and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Toronto, visited Mrs, M, Par- ker here. A very good congregation was out on Sunday evening. Our pastor, Rev. J. M. Whyte, preached a good ser- mon from 'the text, "The Kingdom of God is within You." The choir sang two anthems, There 'was no service here yester- day owing to Enfield anniversary. Mr. Jas, McGill, Centreville, visit- ed his brother, Mr. Thos, McGill. Mr. A. Colville and Mr. C, Lunney, Bowmanville, were guests of J. H. Freehorn recently. Our boys played Bowmanville a good game of football on Saturday night, at Bowmanville, The game re- sulted in a tie, 2-2, League mecting was held on Wed- nesday, May 28, with the president, Miss Audrey Dorland, in the chair, The meeting opened with hymn 223, after which Miss Annie Oke led in prayer. The devotional lesson was taken by Miss Grace Werry. Rev. Milton Sanderson, of St. Cuthbert's United Church, Toronto, sent his ap preciation for the kindness shown to them on May 24th, when the young people of that church gave their play here. Fourtli vice-president Miss 'M. Dalton then took charge. A piano solo by Vera Shackleton, a reading by Norman Carrington, the topic was given by Miss Elsie Moore, Hymn No. 4 was sung after which Helen Brunt gave a reading, An hour was spent in contests.' Hymn 61 was sung in closing. The attendance was 25. League closed with the Mizpah Benediction, Our pastor, Rev. J. M. Whyte, preaches in the Northminster United Church, Oshawa, on Sunday cvening, June 8 Mr. daughter, and Mrs, Herbert Siemon and Greta, Toronto, spent Sun- ] day with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Slemon, Quite a number from around here attended the funeral on Sunday of the late Mr. H. Stinson Enfield. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Preston and family, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Am- brose Nesbitt and daughter, Bernice, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. A." Gilders and daughter, Thelma, Bowmanville; Mr. George Allin and daughter, of British Columbia, were Sunday visi. tors of Mrs. Thos. Gilders.: Mrs. J. Ferguson and daughter, Elsie, Uxbridge: Mr. Clarence Fergu- son, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Johnson, Toronto, were recent guests of Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs, J. Sanders, visiting her daughter, Slemon. Bowmanville, is Mrs. Theo. BROOKLIN Brooklin, June 5~Mr, and Mrs. K. Lawrence and children of Toronto spent the weck-end with Mrs, J. Vipond. Mr, sand Mrs. S. N. Griffen and children, Detroit, have moved to Port Perry. Rev. Mr. Richards of Whitby preached to the children at the Sun- day school anniversary Sunday morn- ing and Rev. Captain Best preached to the young people in the evening, The Sunday school choir gave very fine music, Some of the young ladies of Brooklin who attended the judging contest at Uxbridge were successful in bringing home some of the prizes, Mr, T. Burt of Sprucedalc is visit- ing with old friends here. Mr, and Mrs. E. Tomilson and children of Oshawa have moved in with their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, J. Blight. Mrs. T. Harrison spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. O. Shaw of |, Oshawa. ol Miss Bernice Cairns Toronto spent the week-end at her home here. The principal of the public school chartered a bus and took his pupils, about forty girls and boys, to To- ronto to see the museum. They also visited Sunnyside, Riverdale and Scarboro Buffs, Mr. L. Pascoe and daughters, Mar- jorie and Edith of Hampton and Mr, and Mrs.. M, Pascoe of Califoriia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mackey recently, A proud father called in a friend to display his latest offspring--trip- lets. "What do vou think asked. "Well," said his friend, "there's not a great deal in it but I think I should keep the middle one of 1 were you." of them?" he DR. J. W. AIKINS Of Winnipeg, who has declined the proffered moderatorship of the United Church on account of his wife's ill health. Hon. R. B. BENNETT will speak at Amphitheatre Rink, Winnipeg, on Monday, June 9th, and be broadcast over coast-to-coast network CKGW Toronto, RADIO TONIGHT Leader Liberal-Conservative Party INCLUDING: CKOC Hamilton, at 10.30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time, 9.30 p.m. Standard CJGC London, CNRO Ottawa JUNE SALE of DRAPERIES and RUGS WE HAVE TAKEN THE FOLLOWING ITEMS FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK AND PUT VERY SPECIAL PRICES ON THEM FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. BUY NOW AND SAVE. 50 in. Silk Draperies Beautiful, rich silk Draperies in combination shades of rose and blue in a good selection of patterns, 50 in. wide, that is wide enough to divide for Drapes. Reg. $2.25 yard. Special, $1.89 yd. New Curtain Nets A new shipment of fine Filet Nets in two tone effects has just arrived. These are the very newest designs obtainable, and are certainly very smart. edge. Reg. $1.25 yard. Special, About 45 in, $1.00 wide with the new tailored yd. New Grass Verandah Rugs 4x 7681.55 6x9 $2.98 of all, on grounds of taupe, rose and blue. able for every room and priced for this week within the reach Axminster Rugs Fine quality Axminster Rugs in oriental designs and colorings' Size 4-6 x 7-6. Reg. $18.50. Special . ...$15.95 Size 6-9 x 9-0. Reg. $31.95. Special ....$28.75 Size 9-0 x 10-6. Reg. $49.50. Special . . $44.50 Size 9-0 x 12.0. Reg. $55.00. Special . . $47.50 There are patterns suit« LUKE FURNITURE CO. 63 KING STREET EAST PHONE 9

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