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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jun 1930, p. 1

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Oshawa BD Succeeding: The Oshawa Daily Reformer tly Tones Published at Oshawa, Ost. Vay Except Sundays and Public Every 0 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JUNE'9, 1930 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PAGES Dies Sydney, N.S.W.--Lady Poynter, wife of Sir Hugh 'Edward Poynter, died after a brief iliness. Before her marriage in 1905, Lady Poyn- ter was Mary Augusta Mason, daughter of Charles M. Dickinsonu United States consul general at Constantinople, There are no chn- dren. BOMB EXPLODES AT PUBLIC MEETING (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Lahore, India, June 9.--A bomb ex- pladed, today at a public. meeting at Lyallypur. Several, police officials were present, None was wotinded but 24 persons belonging to the Youth Icague of the All-India National Con gress 'were arested. TEN LIVING IN A SMALL APARTMENT London~The attendant officer said that the whole house was let out in single rooms. Ten people were living in one in the basement. Magistrate : "It must be mine." (To the defendant) are you employed?" Deféndent: "At the Health." Magistrate: "It reminds one of the saysings i-- " "The cobbler's wife goes the worst shod" and 'The nearer the church, the farther from God." UNITE HOUSES OF ~~ GREECE AND HESSE Double Betrothal in These Royal Families 1s Announced (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Berlin, June 9--A double betro- thal between "the former royal houses of Greece and Hess has been formally announced. The engagement of hereditary grand duke George Donatus . of Hesse, aged 23, snd 18 yeor 'old Princess Cecilie reece, FAA ously reported 1 in the Berlin papers wi an announcement from Darmstadt to- day. The court marshal of the Land- grave of Hesse also announced the engagement of Prince Christophe Ernest Auguste, youngest son of Landgrave Friedrich, and the Prin- cess Sophie daughter of Prince Ans drew of Greece. Princess Sophie will be 16 on June 26. Prince Chris- tophe's brother Philippe married Princesy Mafalda of Italy in 19265. The Princess Cecilie also is a daughter of Prince Andrew who brother Christopher, was the hus- band of the late Mrs. William B. Leeds. The Hesse family ig related to both the British royal family and the Hohenzollerns, = IT PAYS T0 READ DAILY NEWSPAPERS 'So Says Woodstock Paper © Speaking About Success ' of Hilda Kamstra The Woodstock Sentinel-Reviéw is another paper which sees Miss Hilda Kanstra's success, on ranking highest among the graduates ot Ontario's nine mental hospitals, on example of the value of 'Teading newspapers and in a recent editorial this Western Ontario daily com- nts: HN opody could "beat the Dutch," is seems, among the nurses § us ear from the t ating this he nipe Ontario: a gold Where Ministry of "Phe nurse standing highest 1 plats TH and winping| in general proficiency, a batch of other prizes, came to country fri Holland five ago. In addition to winnng ped cial honors, Misg Hilda Kamstfa, Bort Arthur, at the urses at the Ontario on Wednesda, ". these rst i rics and fecal nursing. learn the English language only sparen Coa, with no anys : She, claims to have ; from reading the odin Ly Score | one for the press. graduation of | She began to 3 Honan in anothe hy r a yor Wen acceoted the wreath on behal INCLUDING 5 4 KILLED BY Two Railroadmen Die as Result of Engine Trouble, Crane Worker Is Fatally Crushed, One Found Dead on Tracks ! THREE VICTIMS OF HIT-AND-RUN DRIVERS Seven Are Seriously Injur- ed and May Not Recover, Six of Them Being Vic- tims of Motor Accidents (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, June 9--One of the largest fatality lists of the season was recorded over the week-end in eastern Canada, a check today re- vealed, In Ontario, motor, train' and drowning accidents took a toll of 13 lives, while in Quebec province four violent deaths were reported, and equal number inet death in the Maritime provinces, making a total of 21 accidental deaths. Five of the dead in Ontario were drowning victims, Two were rail. roadmen who died as the result of engine trouble. A crane-worker was fatally crushed.. Four people, two elderly women and two Finlanders, were killed by automobiles, and of 'these three were hit-and-run vic. tims. ople wre hurt in tal"may suécamb mis to injuries. The Ontario Dead Hugh Murphy, Stratford, scald- ed when boiler blew out. David Hollywood, found dead on tracks near Glen Tay. Jack Fortune, drowned in Red Lake. Mrs. Annie Sheerin, Niagara Falls. Ont., struek by hit-and-run driver. Lloyd Clark, Waterford, crushed in crane at gravel pit. Edward Kurdika,®© Montreal struck by hit-and-run motorist near Hamilton. Unknown man, struck near Ham- ilton. : James Grant, Mimico, killed at Hamilton roundhouse. Allen Newton, drowned in river at Hornepayne. Mrs. Thomas Loach, Whitby, struck by car near her home. Lawrence Webb, aged 12, drown- ed at Pembroke, Edward Kelly, aged 11, of 10 Capreol Avenue, Toronto, drowned off foot of Cherry Street. Miss Leah Savoy, Newcastle, N.B., drowned in submerged car, near Renfrew. Seriously Injured Nick Lucini, 4 years old, of Nia- gara Falls, Ont., struck by car. Otis Holland, Pontiac, Mich., in- jured when can hit tree ner Chip- pawa. Mrs. F. Taylor, Niagara Falls, Ont., struck by car. Max Herman, Waterloo Town- ship, auto-motorcycle collision. James Mitchell, Crowiand, struck Friendship of U.S. and Bri- tish Empire Best Peace Guarantee {By Canadian Fress Wire) 0, June 9. é the cenor rected to the memory of To- dead.the. Ancient Arabic Or- Nomad of 'the Mystic . Shrine fer with the people. of this city will, behalf £ ONTARIO FATALITIES 13, nifestation' of in<} and DROWNING, AUTOMOBILES FAMILY OF SIX . DROWN IN QUARRY Auto Plunges Into Deep Water After Crashing Through Fence (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Philadelphia, Penn., June 9--8ix persons from Philadelphia are de- lieved to have lost their lives in the plunge of an automobile into the deep water of an abandoned quarry near Souderton, 28 miles Weekend Accident Toll Is 21 'in Eastern Canada CAROL RETURNS PRINCE CAROL OF RUMANIA Who was Saturday proclaimed King Carol II after a dramatic return north of this city, yesterday. from exile, Electrocution of Florida Now Held Illegal Seven Killed In Explosion Gas Collected 'in Tunnel! Fired by Pick or Electric (By Canadian P Press Leased Wire) Oakland, Calif, June 9.--Seven men arc dead and one is in a hospital at Livermore, as the result of an ex- plosion in the Hetch-Hetchy tunnel near Calayeras dam in the Alameda county hills. A 'shot 'of dynamite in the tunnel some time Sunday opened up a stream of water and evidently blew into a pocket of gas. The gas was not ignited at the time but without the men working in the tunnel knowing it apparently seeped into the long passage and accumulated there. The explosion occurred last night. A spark irom an electric tram or a pick was believed to have sct off the gas, The dead: C. J. Paizes, &) Fred Flader, 28; P. J. Peck, 41; Brood, 39: and C. D. Kloet, all of San Fran- cisco: Carl C. Cook, 25, and H. P. Hampton, 32, Los Angeles. Crew Escapes When Cobourg Boat Burns (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Cobourg, June 9---Gasoline ignit- ing when the motor back-fired, a launch was completely destroyed a few hundred vards off shore at Co- bourg this mbening. The crew esca- ped from the flaming vessel in a life boat. Danger of an explosion from three tanks of gasoline on the ves- sel prevented the approach of fire- men.' Water directed on. the blaze Arom a tug praved ineffective. Fliers Given Bravery Medals Rome.--Major Umberto Madda- lena and. Lieutenant Fausto Cee- coni yesterday were granted the sil- romautical bravery. "mi a new flying. 67 hours VA gare une 9.--Astronomers urge the public to watch for meteors tonight. Not in many years has there been a metcor shower at this tithe of year) por clicrion s- made ibility of the out recently the of this ar which is the ideal of universal brotherhood, I am honored to lay a wreath on this motes tn memory of those whol Tmperial md a noe fof the city; and of the 600,000 members shower on a) who said he believed the sare with a newly-discovered comet hich Lis not far from the earth. ph about, wid © eon, | if Meteor. 2 i which: ve uses oe Si % to 1 0 mle miles alc he he aloft. astr time, duration. and position of ih ed. If lode | raid. on the CONRress, headquarters 28 in (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Raiford, Fla., June 9--8ix men in death cells at the Florida Prison Farm believed 'today that an inde- finite period---weeks or - perhaps months--had been added to their life span by a court decision declar- ing unconstititional an act of the state legislature designating an of- ficial excutioner. Ong of their number held a writ of habeas corpus issued in connec- tion with the decision and attor- ney's #aid the order was applicable to the others. He wag to have died tomorrow, y Attorney-General Fred H. Davis sald an appeal would be taken to the state supreme court. An afirma- tive decision by the high tribunal would have the effect of delaying further executions until the state legislature could meet and remedy the law. The next regular session of the Legislature is set for April, 1931; Circuit Judge A. Z. Adkins de- clared if upreme court sustain. ed his 4 {bn it would mean that 28 men lave been electrocuted in an illegal manner in Florida since the electric 'chair came into opera- tion in 1923, There could be no recourse for families of those who have been convicted and executive Attorney- General Davis said. The federal constitution and the constitution of Florida provide that the state can: not he named in a suit without its permission. Six Killed in Tunnel Blast Six Injured as Dynamite Ex- plodes in Detroit. Water- works Excavation (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Detroit, Mich., June 9.--All work- ers employed in a waterworks tun- nel project at the foot of Marquette drive where an. explosion ¢ccurrel this morning were accounted fur. this afternoon, None were 'trapped, as was first feared. Six were killed and six injured. , Dynamite exploded in a waterworks tun 180 feet below the surface of the oft river at the foot of Mar- quette dri. ¢ at 11 am. today. The funnel Was being 'cut through sold fy conpect the intake on™Belle sli siline the water works at the foot tte drive. HELD FOR MURDER HELENA VADNESKI 34-year-old French-Canadian house. wife of Toronto, confessed committing an axe murder to pro- | tect her honor, detectives say. She pleaded not guilty in police court. Toronto Woman| Is Charged With Hatchet Murder ALBERT MALLETTE, AD. DRESS UNKNOWN, IS VICTIM Police Searching for Four Men Believed Witnesses of Tragedy (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) oronto, June 9--Despite the fact that Mrs. Helena Vedneski previ- ously confessed to the, police that she had killed Albert Mallette, 45, with a hatchet in.the early hours of the morning, she pleaded not guilty in police court today and was re- manded for a week. Police have not yet found the four men who are re- ported to have been in the house at the time of the tragedy. Mrs. Ved- neski in her confession to Inspector Chisholm and Detective Johns said she killed the: man when he had attempted to assault her. No evi. dence 'wag taken at today's hearing. Mrs. Vedneski, who was released from jail yesterday on the charge of keeping a disorderly house and whose husband is still serving time for a gimilar offense. at first denied killing Malletpé and alleged she had (Contiruea on Page 7) CANDIDATES NOMINATED fm two of thé injured are 'ex pected to dic. The known dedd are: 'Plas Tollison, C. Zulaski, and A. Massey, Ellis Jiowe. Samm Sa Samuel Sqabolt inputed vee} illiamW hite, raig, n-Borup, ies and. Cue Frank, Baily, John 'Winkle, y All the iniaged, were severcly cut and bruised, em are suf- fering from esult of the explosion. (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bombay, ; India a, June 9.--Ten mem- - | bers of the All-India National Con- gress committee, including Mr. Patel nephew of .V. J. Patel, former pre- sident of the legislative assembly, all of whem sere arrested in Friday's ged here. were 'sen today, to, "six -- months rigorous imprisopment, GRENVILLE-DUNDAS (Ontario) A.C," Casselman, Conservative, CHATEAUGUAY-HUNTINGDON (Quebec) =D, J. C. Moore, Conser~ br JOHNS: IBERVILLE (Que- bec)--Ivan. Sabourin, Conservative, FRONTENAC-ADDINGTON (On- tario)--Dr. William Spankie, Conser- vative, PERTH SOUTH Ontario) Kred G. 'Sanderson, Liberal. WENTWORTH (Ontario). R. Weaver, 'Conservativ GREY NORTH Ontario) Wil liam P. Telvord, Liberal. SELKIRK (Manitoba)--Jaries, H.| Stitt, Conservative. PROVENCHER (Manitoba)~Dr. Joseph A. Belanger, Conservative. HUMBO LOT (Saskatchewan) -- Frank Kellerman, Farmers' Political Association. YORKTON | (faskatchewan)<Ro- bert Barbour. Independent. BAGOT (Quebec)--Dr, Leon: Gau- thier, Conservatives ,-- AWARDED PRIZE MISS ISOBEL GRIF Of Niagara Falls, Ont., who was awarced the Tracy prize, the gift of Professor ¥. Tracy for the student ranking highest in pass ethics at University college. WHITBY WOMAN IS KILLED ON HIGHWAY IMRS. T. S. LOACH EXPIRED INSTANTLY WHEN STRUCK BY AUTO SATURDAY NIGHT TRAIN CREW SEES MURDER, MAN HELD Note Dropped to Motorist Results in Arrest of (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Milford, Mich.," June 9--Mem- bers of a train crew witnessed a slaying near here yesterday, they dropped a note to a motorist at the next cross road, This resulted in the arrest of the alleged slayer, A. W. Towles. Mrs. Towles, who was shot three times, before she died accused her estranged husband of shooting her because she would not become re conciled to him. Rumanian People Rejoice as Carol is Proclaimed King (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bucharest, June 9.--Carol Carai- man, citizen, became King Carol II, of Rumania by a vote of the Rum- anian Parliament which lacked only ohe of being unanimous. Thus the first guecessful aeroplane coup d'etat in history came to a spe- ctacular and. comstitutional sion. A man who renounced his royal rights on Jan, 4, 1926, and went into exile with a woman compamen, now wears the crows of his fathers; his son, Michael, the boy King, who has ruled with a Regency Council, ret-| urns to the status of Crown Prince, and there are indications "that King Carol's divorce from Princess Helen, mother of Michacl, 'will be annulled for reasons. of State. The accession of the former Crown Prince occasioned a wildly enthusias- tic popular demonstration. The Royal proclamation of King Carol IL, -was-delivered personally by the King. Its chief feature is the granting of amnesty to all political prisoners, but he said, among other things, that he had returned to serve his country, and that he harbored no vengeance against any one, "not ev- cn against those who sought by cal- umnies to place a veil between me and my people." He ended with an appeal for all religious and political groups. to co- opcrate for the general interest of the State, and said his first = cfort would be to develop an army which would maintain the Rumanian fron- tiers. Presbyterians Will Cooperate Assembly Approves Resolu- "tion to Meet Represent- atives of Other Churches (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamilton, June 9--By a large majority. the Presbyterian general assembly. this morning recorded its willingness to meet with representa- tives of the other churches. Intro- duced by Rev. Dr. L. B. Gibson, of Cooke's Church, Toronto, the 'mo- tion" redd: "That 'the general as: sembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, consistent with its prac- tice in the past, and with the spirit of Presbyterianism through all its history, records HATeadinge to meet in conference" representatives of 'other "evangelical bodies upon matters of common interest to them in their prosecution of the work of the kingdom of Jesus Christ," Rev. Dr. Johnstone stated to the press that the same resolution in= troduced by himself at the. historic general assembly 'of 1925 in Tor- onto, wis 'then waved: aside by a motion of .the moderator's hand, and failed to receive a single vote. When the debate re-opened this morning 'it was moved in amend- ment by Rev. Capt. G. C. Taylor of Montreal that "owing to existing sonclu- | | Flies to 43, 166 Feet Alti- Soucek Regai Height Record tude, Highest Man Has Ever Flown - a (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, June 9---For the second time Lieutenant Apollo Sou- cek today held both the land sea- plane world altitude records for the navy. The National Aeronautics Associ- ation announced a bureau of stand- ard calibration of barophaphs the navy flyer took aloft Wednesday showing he reached 43,166 feet, the highest altitude to which man had ever flown. To break the existing land plane record, Lieutenant Soucek had to reach 42,122 feet, 100 meters or about 328 feet higher than the 41,- 794 foot altitude reached by Willie Neuen Hofen, a German flyer, in essary altilanec-retaoinshrdlun May, 1929. Soucek exceeded necessry altitude by 1,044 feet. 100 DROWNED WHEN STEAMER SINKS | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Shanghai, June | 9.--~One : hundred passengers and crew of the Chinese steamer Litung were drowned today. The Yangtse river vessel struck rock off Tunpzhow on the north shore of the river's mouth and sank. the Newspapers Suspended Jerusalem.--The correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph Comp- any learned yesterday that one He- brew and two Arab newspapers | had been suspended by the govern- ment. No reason was given but It was understood' that the papers were suspended because of printing |. Inflammatory articles. VERDICT ON GIRLS DEATH NOT PROVEN Jury Did Not: Hold George * Redfern Responsible, as Stated (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Quey June '9.--The in- quest of the body of Reta Gardner, 22-year-old Baden, Ont. girl who was found: dead in a room of a Montreal hotel on May 13, and on whose bod dy an autopsy, performed by Dr. Wil fred Derome, medico legal expert of the corotier's court, revealed that the girl did not commit suicide and that the poison found-in her body was ad- by someone else. conditions such a 'ence is opportune at present." Rey. Capt. Taylor charged that the United persisting in open pro- gaiost Proshyt , and. that there can be no nee pare pets is no trust. Ror Dr. uchanan of India, t there should be a Fa a meeting to adjust nln nb hog and moved an amendment to the am ment, that a special committee appointed for this purpose. Both amendments were decisively defeat- 3 . oid § Testimony_at the inquest centred around the girl's connection with George Redfern, of a Ont., who 'accompanied her Monreal and left the hotel whe day 'before body was found, A two-weeks' search for Redfern resulted J Hh, atest and subsequent suicide at London, Ont. Through an: error occurring in a telephone message, a Canadian Press dispatch on; Saturday stated that the jury had found George Redfern cri- minally responsible. The Canadian Press regrets the error. |, . Driver of Car Car Declared He Did Not See Mrs. Loach Until About Five Feet From Her--Woman Car- ried Several Feet DAUGHTER DIED IN SIMILAR MANNER Miss Edna Loach Also Kill. ed on Highway Two Years Ago--Mother Died While Crossing Road to Post Letter (By Whitby Stat Writer) Struck by a motor car while crossing the Kingston Highway al- most opposite her home just a short distance west of Whitby, about 10.45 on Saturday - night, Mrs; T, 8, Loach well known in 'Whitby tewn and township, was killed instantly, The death car was driy n by Ro- land A. Verder of 201 Milverton Boulevard, Toronto, who was tra- velling west, and told Traffic Of- ficer Sidney Hilliard, who investi- gated the tragedy, that he did not see the woman until he was about | five feet from her. He swerved is machine and quickly applied his brakes, but it was too late to avoid hitting her. The woman was car- ried some distance on the front of the car. She sustained a fracture of the skull, which according to Dr. C. F. McGillivray caused her death, "In addition one leg was broken, the other one fracturea, while she sustained other minor injuries. It will be recalled that on (he night of November 25th, 1928, Miss Edna May Loach, age 31, daughter of the deceased, was also killed by a motor car. She was walking west to her home on the highway when she was struck. Posting Letter Facts brought out in an investi- gation of the accident would inai- cate that Mrs, Loach who lives on the south side of the road, was crossing the road to put a letter in the mail box when she was struck. She had a white apron over her dress, and the driver of the car which hit her told the police of« ficers that But for this fact he would not have seen her at all as she appeared =o suddenly in front fo his machine, (Continued on Page 7) « Sails Sea in Sloop Casa Blanes, Morocco. - Andres | Macedo, a Portuguese, yesterday | for 'New York in a 20-foot sloop named the Aufa. Macedo was the lone -passagener, sailor and navi gator, 'WIFE-SWAPPERS FREED BY COURTS IN NORTH DAKOTA Women: Exchanged. Hus« bands and Now Live in | Peace on Nearby Farms (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) 'Minot; N.I., June 9+North Dakota'q pair of "wife swappers" whose cased attracted wide attention more than & year ago, today had been freed of le« gal entanglements by District Judge W. Buttz, of Devil's Lake. ' The couples are Mr and Mrs, Law rence Rikansrud and Mr. and ' Mrs, Willis Knight,. Renville county farm« ers. Judge Buttz' opinion said that if any punishment is to be meted out for the unusual trading in mates, it must be left to the unfailing penal«® ties of their consciences--those fierce and refined pains and punishments : Rlvieh conscience alone may ine ict," » The original Mr. and Mrs. Knight had been married 18 years and the Rikansruds. 12° years. They lived on farms about. half a mile part, 2% miles northwest of Minot. As time passed, each woman became cname oured of the other's husband. Each woman obtained a dectee of divorce on January 28, 1929, each testifying for .the other. ; divorce decrees forbade re« marriage for 90 days. Despite this, the two couples went to Melita, Man itoba, exchanged mates in a double wedding ceremony, and went back to the farms with their new husbands, The methers kept custody of their = own children, A The state alleged they had violated the 90 day clause in re-marying and that they were not legally re-weds |

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