of PAGE ELEVEN IED SECTIO 'meets Seller "o2000dae0 ¥s J an BAR Tho td Sins B.A, LLB: A v. LLB. "of x B gE fusef, Notary Public, aR. Ea TH SR in Read PSE. South. | Ci 2b, Cot ence GRE Lo The lt REVS BAT asters. Ticitors, ete 24% Siricoe St. N Money to loan. ALEX @. HALL, B.A. BARRIS ter, ete. Conveyancing an fonets) praction. > 33% K'ng, Bast, Fins 3337. gh a ARKHILL, BA R. A foney to lcan. Alger. Bldg, o nosite Post Office. Phone 1614. A , EBBS.--BA ete. Alger Bldg. Phone 2996 Medical DRS. Hi 00D & HARPER, DR Ey on: "060. Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Dr. B. J. Jazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray. Jr. B, H. Har- per, special attention lo children's Diseases and Obstetrics. unday and night calls 2416 or 122. DR. McRAY., PHYSICIAN! SUR- geon, A hes, Office and resi- dence; Kitg St. East. comer Wisteria St. Oshawa, Phone 94. DR. GRANT BZRRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, * Obstetrician, diseases of infants end children. O sesidence, 97 Bond East. pr DAVID ARCHER. Mf M., R C P Jy teh. i sician Surgeon (aad Ober St: ices 142 a and one 1155. pra orth. Jonge S150 DR. C. Surgeon, rasidence, poe 2416. DR. J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI- rReo! d Obstetrician, office sa. Sore ene, 185 Simcoe Street, North, phone 31 CZ Yaginmy Suge DR. DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN Specialist. Diseases - Domestic Ani- mals. Cat and dog hospital. 203 King W. Tel. 629. 1 + (June 2-1 mo) BR, PHYS efan. Office and Simcoe street north: ©. specialize iameness, 17 years' perience, ~ Fees moderate. Phone 202r2 (May 12-1 mo) aan Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 350 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, - t his office over Jury 3 Stare each Sa for consul igeases of only. 'Appoin drug store.' ATES rie e 3020,| Shop. ee Saami es. 'Author Eye Strain, The rr Development. Dis- opposite Post Office. Chilg and ney Block wa i616, ; (May '15-1 mo) rm and Surveying Phone "sl eers, DAVIS -AND 19 King St, est Pire Agency utable Fire consult R.'N. Johns, ' 80 coe north, Your: {nsuramce wants at. Jabded to acd' your interests pro- e J Transportation CAWTAGE AND STon AGE, COLE- 'man's, 85 Bond West. Specialists ip furniture moviag, storage ware use und' moving van eguipment. ne 82. " GE, , Q oA cil Loca) Hiaance Mauiinm. Sain Con 'Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. USHAWA'S OLDEST = EST lished furn'ture movers. Park d car age. Local and Jong distance. Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 Park Rd. South, Phone 215, 5 (May 19-1 mo) IT PAYS TO MOVE--SUDBURY, Toronto, Hamilton; Trenton, Belle- ville, anywhere cheapest in the city. Eagle Cartage, phone 290. (May 29-1 mo) 90c ANH OUR MAN AND TRUCK, moving, express, cinders and gravel hauled; long distance moving. Cheap. Phone 974W. June 11-1 mo) i LOU PERMANENY SO. INSURANCE. The Kshs a. Ei] pH AVE finger and uarcel ro manent wave prices and $15, All other lines of Beauty Culture, Phene 2008." Apply sb Stmcoe street worth. ) XPERT MARCELLING BY et ent Wave 2 Show Marcel and shams poo $1. Phone Baa . WATSON'S Beauty Shop. 9 y Celina St. We spe- cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mars celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 2 Ss. For appointments phone 53. (May 16-1 mo) MAPCEC END TUR, ie MES MKS. K. Clarke, 14% Agnes street. Phone 26400 (May 20-1 m» a -------- a ---------------- MISS BURTON OF THE LA Parisiene Beauty Parlour announ- ges the price of marcelling, 60c. Finger Waving 75c, during the summer months, Commencing from June first. Phone 71. (May 21-1 mo.) ter. Specialists -4n--permanent, | sla Ward at Betty Lou Perman.|l STRICTLY CASH 1 N ADVANCE te udm ten: found apes 1 Daciiat of axpaise and owt sing from handle » rps npbe o sl revi of this nature, For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient fo come p ond collect for same. } "Times" Classified > ersonally to The Times' office; a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the' advertisement Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT 4 Work Wanted CONCRETE. WORK, CELLAR and garage floors, sidewalks 'and roadways, sand, gravel Chris Graham. Phoue 2 2M, * (May 29-1 mo} T LS ING automobiles and furniture. The best in workmanship at the lowest prices. Note rew address, 461 Si coe South. G. A. Constable. Pho i 3432W, (May 13-1 mo) Rasp ka~BC(S30RS, £1 Phone Lawn Mowers, Saws, IW, We. call and deliver, Celina St. E. Bottan, (May-31-1 mo) a Phone 1234M. To Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD bs, $3.50 load. Also bone aed FOR _8ald----HEl Lid, pianos, nav 154 as A ny . i Phone Sitansed, - App (111-48) FOR . SALE ~~ P. ishes. We have the eat assort- ment ®f paints, varnishes, etc, in in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr. 26 tf) sao GRZVEL, STONE, COIN ders, black loam, $1.50 per yard. For quality and service phone Hs- scry Bros, 832 r 11. (May 3-t1) ALL KINDS OF USED FURNI- ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, oll stoves, coal stoves, bicycles, ete. 174 Ritson road south. (May 29-1 mo) TRY RI AUTO », at 12° Athol street west, for your auto parts and tires. Phone 3476W. Residence 2183s, (May 30-1 mo) EERBERT C. TRENEER, OR- and choir master of rs Street United Church will pupils in piano, organ and josal music. For gtr) a of shawa Public Schools. Studi R. E. F. A A over Mitchell's Drue Store. 10 %o 12 mm. -2 to 5. Evening nt. ~~ Office phone DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- set's. % attention to 8 ~xtraction. Nuese in bi gg Bm 5. . 131 H. 2 70) over Somers "Drug as for exiraction, Phone DR. L. E. HUBBELL. DNS Nitrous tions. Shee Rov Bank. dy york, \ Sone 19%. IS JOE AS. E phone 1984J, X-ray | Bast * | Dairy, O Oshawa. 'FOR SALE--7 TUBE RADIO, AL-ff0 if Ontario St., Bowmaaville, elec ONE UKBLELE AND ONB GUI- | -- DIAMOND RINGS, WATCHES, all kinds of jewelry on easy pay- ments. Terms from 60 cents per week. , 0. H. Dell, agent for Peo- 0 | plos' Credit Jewelers, 263 Simcos /§ Soiith, Oshawa, (May 31-1 mo.) | NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor St. E; Phone 1617M. (June 4-1 mo) FOR SALB--BSOLID CEDAR CAN- oe natural wood. Good as new. Bacrifice $40. Apply Walter Oks, (134c) 5 Bruce street. tar for sale, 12 (134¢) PLAYER PIANO FOR first class condition. Cheap for cash. 68 Montrave Avenue. (136¢) FOR SA (8) D niture. Reasonable. Phone 3438W. (136ec) LARGE SIZE COLEMAN GASO- line stove (new). most new, in good condition. Price reasonable for quick sale. (1360) cinders, op tioors, {June 9-1 od] Hon 4 TRST CLASS LAU X , [FOR RBNT-- Apply Beatols Se For Rent orn suites including electric rerrig: oration, stove, laubdry, conven). ces, etc, continu' 's hot water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 2671, or The Trusts und Guarantee Uo. Ltd, manage: for owner, Toronto. (270) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL AL confeniences, hardwood fl Apply Bradley Bros. (soety A A . f1ral, four rooms, bath. electric stove, newly decorated, hardwood _ Possession immediately, iy Box 6556 Times. (112t1) TO RENT--ONE LARGE FRONT room, suitable for business man. Also one small room, $2 per week, 94 William street east. (May 23-1 mo) try 7 roomed house at 109 Albert St. Very cent.~'. Newly recondi- tioned. Phone 971W, (134c) A Be as iy Mi'chell Avenue. All eniernces. Apply to Co Annis, Oshawa, ont, Conant & (S-W-tf) T= FURNISH: ed. All conveniences. Central. Rewt reasonable. Apply 32 Bond St. kK, (134b) Phone 200W cne IW. Appl 71 Gibbs St. ° P84) A , NICELY FUL: nished, gas and * use of phone, for light housekeeping. Apply 294 Haig street. (134¢c) SE, © AL, Albert street, close "to King, all ¢' \veniences, reasonable rent, Im- mediate possession. Phohe 1400. (134¢cy VERY . NICE LARGE FRONT room, suit one or two respectable gents, Centrali' 26% Simcoe St. South. (1360) FOR RENT NEW FIVE ROOM brick py Slow with garage. Phone a 38W, (136¢) booth on lake" Highway' at street car stop. Reasonable Phone 22437. (135¢c) children, ARA 214 Church Street. Phone 2517. N (136¢) FOR RENT--SOUTH 65 ACRES, lot 6, concession 7, East Whitby. Apply 160 William" St. east, Osh- awa, (186s) FOR RENT--BATHROOM FLAT partly furnished, conyeniences, gar- age it desired; Phone 29387 (136¢) NICE HTX ROOW HOUSE FO zaaty as Conant. street, ooh Furniture sf , 40 King St. "convenience, oe. Celina. Street. ite (136b) Phone | ply Hou (i "culture. WINDOW AWNINGS - PORCH erandah cartains,¢ canopy 'oronto. i 5. guTsoLn, Hi criAss Pa | wy ~ 3 Park: Abani ne a io in "Phone 11 mo) - F a phone pi ir (7288) nti ng, dees asst, painting, pa finan | Biren on work! hon 1367. eine or mo) First lsoron--1% cents per word, Weasib charge 80c. Bach subsequent eonsecu- tive insertion lo per ath consecutive inser. toa for thy price of fires cents a word), | Lundred; 100 ars Son. liye arrival Swaray Y 3205 Dan 725, Times. For Rent - Oshawa Blvd, 36, Simcoe south, 36, Gladstone, 20, Montrave 15, Alice St, 40, Masson, 25. Mur. dock, Phone 8027J. (1360) 'funished rooms. All conveniences. 44 McLaughlin Blvd. (136¢c) "For Sale or Rent YOR SALE OR RENT--REASON: able terms, seven roo] brick house, All conveniences, Ghrage and large garden, with trees, Simcoe st. North, Phone 979W. (135b) HOUSE FOR BALE ENT-- terms, very reasonable, Apply 369 Pine Avenue, (136h) Situations Wanted 3| YOUNG ~~ HUNGARIAN MAN wants' farm job $20 a month, Phone 1654 r 13 or apply 496 Al- {136c) A ' boilers, married, steady, reliable, seeks position, Box 721 Times. (186¢c) INTERPRETER SPEAKING BBV: eral languages, Ukrainian, Polish, Hebrew, ete, would act as inter- preter for police court, insurance company, or any other concern where interpreter 'is employed, Have taken detective course.' Wills ing to leave town. Box 727 Timi, (136a) = Pets and Live Stock. Real Estate For Selo cash varmont, balance easy am busy house and nine acres, garden plot. Close to Oshawa, Apply 140 Agnes St. (184¢) Fernhill Blvd, west, 0 A fi ance as rent, takes 4 room brick bungalow of paved street, near Motors. Phone 2591W, (134¢) 50 ACRE FARM FOR 'SALE, Small cash payment. Price $1600 Houge for sale $20 cash and $20 a month, House to exchange on & good lot. Apply Farr.w & Morden, 9 Bond St. East. (136c) 560 Y O MODERN five roomed brick bungalow, will sell for $250 or car. Phone 8444J, A461 Jarvis St. "Must sell, - (135b) FOR SA SIX ROOM BRICK King street (1340) SA off BABY CHICKS FOR IMMEDIATE delivery from Canada's oldest and greatest laying strains: now offer- ed gt greatly reduced prices; White Wyandottes, 18¢ each, White Leg- horns, 16c each, any. quantity. Ex- press. prepaid. on: 300. and more. We were first: in Canada to adver- tise and ship chicks, All stock blpodtested and under. government inspection, Large catalogue free. Fisher Poultry Farm, Box N-83, Ayton, Ontario. -(136- A 145) 8, TEN CHI EN weeks old, forty-three oh 'weeks old. Apply 317 St, Jullen St., after 4 pm, (136¢) Auctioneer PHONE 716) W. J. SULLEY AUC. tioneer. 346 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, Pat. pa attention given to ehold furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements. Your Patron- age solicited, house, splendid location, Si St, north, Apply Box 724, Times, (136¢) FOR SALE LARGE BUILDING lots in' Oshawa's best residential district. Must go at once, Apply Box 726 Times, (136¢) anted To Buy WANTED -- THREE TO TEN acres, with cottage, fruit, prefers ably near stream. State full par. ticulars, best price for cash. Box (136a) Motor Cars A CAR R repaired at 49 Bond St. West. Body and fender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats anc general wood work. Phone W. Fry 8396. (May 23-1 mo) GET YOUR OAR WASHED AT Dominion Garage, 88 Bond Street 'West. Rhone 3198. All cars at one price $1.00, (May 15-1 mo.) 29° © CHEVROLET COACH, | $500. for quick sale. Phone 714. (1360) Theronoid A [] RS C 10 ailments should take advantage of the special free 'reatments offereq by %heronoid of Oshawa, 1566 Wil I'am St. East. Phone 269. (May 22-1 mo) ----s Emm Help Wanted--Female A 0 SGHLY BX- perienced cook, references re- quired. 399 Simcoe St. "North. (134¢) " H. r, WANT EX references required. Schell, 377 Simcoe St. C Mrs, N. (134¢) WANTED-- COOK, GENERAL phone 83, or apply 107 Simcoe street south, between 8 and 9 p.m. (136¢) WANTED--WOMAN COOK FOR Cream of Barley Camp, Bowman: ville, Apply at camp. (186a) Help Wanted--Male MANAGER WANTED FOR OSH: awa Store, Experience unnecessary. Salary $50.00 per week, also substan: tial profits on sales, Must be able to furnish $750.00 to $1250.00 cash de- posit on nferchandise. 4083 St. Denis | Sti Montreal. (134¢) 'have good connection with best Yelass of people and be able to furnish, Bond. Attractive selling proposition to right'man. Box 723 Times. + (136¢) Tenders Wanted TENDERS TOR COAL WESTMOUNT SCHOOL Tenders will be receivéd by the undersigned up to 'Monday, June 16th, for supplying approximately 100 tons No. 1 Buckwheat Coal, same to: be weighe" on city scales Weighing to be paid for by dealer. 8, V. YOUNG, Secretary, 8. 8. No. 10, East Whitby. (135¢) YOUNG PLAN LOAN GIVEN APPROVAL Nine Nations Jest Issue Bonds at Price of 80'in-All' Except France Paris, June 11---The Young plan loan of $300,000,000 wag approved shortly after midnight by the nine countries igsuing the bonds and the new international bank of settle- ments at Basle, Switzerland, The loan bears 6% per cent, in- torest, and the issue price will be 00 for all' countries except France whieh will be higher, with a pos- Sibity of its being issued there at Of the $300,000,000 as £ direct loan. for economic rehabilitation, The'other $200,000,000 is to go for rtparations payments which Ger- maLY eventually will have to make 32 DEATHS FROM POISON LIQUOR Dozens of Places' Raided as Police Probe Source of Alcohol New York, June '11---Dozens of 'smoke joints"' alleged speakeasies, drug, storés and other places sus- 'pected. of gelling poisonous liquor weré ratded' last night by 50 pro- hibition "agents" masquerading as Bowery dereliots. The raids, led by Mayor Maurice Campbell prokibitfon = administra- tor, were aimed at the source of i d liquor which. has been BARBER WANTED AT ONCE-+ must be first class. Vidkery & | Ashton, 12 King St. Wost, Oshawa. Phone 209. (136¢) Nursing al and surgical Bu reaso able Phone Whitby § Fons: bi * (May 23-150.) ACT] ity or general nursing. For infor. mation phone 320W {June 3-1 mo) ROOM A family, Very central, Phone 1928J. ) / (134¢ Charles ists, free parking. (1850) Street. Phone 3344 W. y 7% ha breeding Pons, backed by 1 from dats 0" 225 egg rec cfd, Immediate' shipment. Barrsa Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, $17 par e' 'Leghorns, 318, toed. M Fehon ) A i dow, 7 Finder please Shane 2818¥F. reet. uckingham St (1368) blamed for 32 deaths' in the city during the past 30 days. ! Mayor Campbell described some of the liquid seized as "denatured alcohol of the kind intended for use an .antifreeze mixture for auto- "In other places, he said, th iquor { Hioted to be pure syn- thetic wood alcoh reds of 9 dorelonts, lying stupefied in several of the alleged Bowery speakeasiés, were carried into the fresh air by agents. Quan. tities of home brew, colored alcohol, denatured alcohol and. were taken and bartenders and own. ors of the establishments arrested, Agents said they purchased the colored alcohol in most of the Facey at 15 cents a drink, Stop SHOWING OF "Ingagi",: Featuring Gorilla, Takén Too $ by An Hollywood, Calif, June a (UP) ngagl," the gorilla movie Which, has been, causing audiences ihe Tat vera! as t he nation for the last several as shelved last night yecause' far took it too seriously, ' «4 /i¥ The film Fling lions and. tigers poll, 4 i jungle and finally reaches an awe-inspiring "smoke" | EACTTING MOVIE = climax When an-ape-grabs a'native woman and carries her off into the woods while savage African tribes- men grovel in fear, It now develops that the most hard-boiled lion of the Jot 'was Jackie, a trained show lion, that some of the head-hunting natives were citizens of the Los Angeles ne- gro quarter and finally that the wild gorilla was Charles Gemoro, pro- fessional ape-man who,wore a mask and a/fake tall throughout the pic- ture, VALUABLE RECORDS STOLEN IN LONDON Thief Takes Historical Med- ical Books, But Can't Dis. pose of Them London, June 11.--Some daring thief is in possession of loot valued at many thousands of dollars which he will be unable to dispose of. He |, has furnished Scotland Yard with the mystery of a theft without any ob- vious motive. The thert took place at the Royal Army Medical College and was car- ried out almost under the noses of the sentries in the barrack yard a few paces away. The treasures stolen were housed in the college library and museum and considered chiefly of medics works and' documents, In order 16 obtain admittance the thief made a perilious climb and crept along a narrow window ledge. Once inside he picked out 50 articles, some of them dating back from the 15th century. A rate book published in 1497 giving the first account of military surgery on record and the only knowh existing copy of another book on the same subject were ame ong the articles removed. The Shar agram Bible which was published be- tween 1580 and 1590 and is written in Armenian, 'was also stolen, The cal- lege authorities say it will be impos. sible for the thief to sell his booty. CHICAGO PAPER DECLARES WAR ON CITY'S GANGSTERS Tribune Takes Up Challenge of Murder of Its Reporter Chicago, June 11--The Chicago Tribune, in an editorial today on the murder of Alfred J. Lingle, a reporter, under the caption 'The Challenge," says: "'Aifred J. Lingle, a reporter for naribune, was murdered Monday afternoon. "Phe meaning of this murder is plain. It was committed in reprisal and in attempt at intimidation, Mr, Lingle was a police reporter, and an exceptionally well informed one, His personal friendships included the highest police officials, and the contacts of his work had made him familiar to most of the big and lit- tle figures in gangland. What made him valuable to his newspaper marked him as dangerous to the killers. "The Tribune accepts the chal- lenge, It. is war, There will be casualties, but that is to be expect- ed, it being war. The Tribune has the support of all the other Chicago newspapers. It has offéred a re- ward of $26,000 for evidence upon which the killer or killers of Mr, Lingle can be convicted. .The Chi cago Evening Post has offered a re- ward of $5,000 for such evidence, and the Tribune appreciates this immediate and direct co-operation. It is a common cause not only for the newspapers but for all the citi. zens of Chicago. "The challenge of crime to the community' must be accepted. It has been given with bravado. It is accepted and we'll see what the consequences are to be. "Justice will make a fight or ft will abdicate." GIRL GRADUATES INOCULATED WITH SERUM FOR COLDS Baltimore, Md., June 11.--As 'mu group of scientists who for' more than two years have sought, Hp cause and cure of the cammon cold prepare ed to test cultures of tire organism, an independent investijator said" he had found the cause of the malady. Four girl graduates of Goucher Col. lege are being used as objects of ex. periment. * The four, Riven, the their Bachglor of art degloes last week, to let br. J. Boull, head. oa group AA 'by the. $1 95, John J, Abel' Fund and his associates, inoc- ulate them with cold organism cul- utes and various serums for two weeks, In return they are, to be paid $50, given all the latest magasines to ind and were" § hy 'prepared' I is test the: cull awed RIA prs wh Pfeiffer of pnd vray tA ar land, an independent: research work: er. DUKE OF MONTROSE TO SELL LAND, VOICES A| COMPLAINT OF TAXES Duke of Montrose in a speech at Drymen near here referred to the forthcoming sale of a large portion of his land. He sald it has been in the possession of his family for centuries and he was parting with it solely for the purpose of getting ready cash to pay death duties, Under present conditions, he said he could scarcely believe any land- lord in this country would purchase more land because they were all nearly ruined already by the death duties, Neither could: he believe any captains of Industry would in vest in land because they had en- ough to attend to already, Offers for his land had come from the United States, from Can-~ ada and Australia, the duke said. But he thought it would be deplor- able If some of the finest land in Scotland should fall into the hands of strangers. He had already suggested to the Government, he added, that the state should take the land in ex shange for the money for death du~ ties. HARDWOOD FLOORS Lald by expert mechanics. Old 'loor finished like new, Ge. 21 ' Contractors. B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. West Phone 481 - Resldence 3073W Ye CAREW LumBER (0 AATHOL ST w OSHAWA 1 DURANT COUPE 1948 Model Price $450.00 Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 90 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH EATON - GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always ON SIMOOE NORTH For $6,600.00 -- Real home, brick, 7 rooms and bath, gar. age, shrubbery, lawns etc, $1,600 down, balanced ar- ranged. The good ones are pearly all gone, Why not ask about this? DISNEY, 29 King. East i Web Suits. Special 9c Dominion Clothing Co. | 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 | Drink 'Deliciows | Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores EVESIGHT SPECIALIST olallag suslaivl on ure aL ned ES Good Weather Ahead! «~=Do uot lose your Let me finance re tional Cash Given, My Room ©, 14% King St, East i Glasgow, Scotland, June Hee Large British landowners are com= Haining of the taxes and death du. they are. required: to pay. The