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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jun 1930, p. 12

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LAND RESEEDED Kingston.-- Farmers in Lough~ yore' Township have found it neces ary to tear up the land which has een seeded this spring ith heat :0 sow barley in its stead, Op'the low-lying ground throughout | this district the wi atl the grain, wh Ww D ] sarly part of May and rather than wake the chance of haying an un- profitable crop the decision yas reached by the majorty of the 'armers to go over the land again ind sow something which had a rhance to turn out well, BEER WAREHOUSE ROBBED Brockville, == 'The Government brewery warehouse here was enter. od by persons unknown, and guantity of heer stolen, The 'offi- vers in charge of the warehouse re fused to make public the amount taken, DEMOLISH BUILDINGS Trenton.-- Farm buildings which stand in the way of the new Tren- ton Alrport are being demolished, and within the next month all the buildings will have disappeared, BELOVED RECTOR PASSES Belleville,-- or nineteen years pastor of St, Michael's. Parish, Rey, Father C. J. Killeen passed away after a lingering illness. A keen sense of loss Is felt by the entire ' Countless remedies are advertised for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form- ing and must, be continued, ers contain calomel and dangerous mins eral drugs, which remain in the sys~ tem, settle in the joints cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp' and gripe and leave a depressed 'after effect. Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage nature's machinery to become lazy, A purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, | the bowels move gently, the intestines ! are-thoroughly cleansed and constipa~ tion poisons pass away. The stomach, | ne and bowels are now [1 joe and | the system enjoys a real tonic effe All druggists 25¢ and 75¢ red pkgs. anpenved i pol » great celebration with many very city inthe. death of .this devoted prieat, who was loved and revered y hls parishioners, honoured and respected by his fellow citizens, HN. BIGAMY CHARGE , = Alfred Simmonds a fog cour here charg. bigamy, onds was arrested Say. hy Provin- ¢inl officer Ferguson and. when he appenred was remanded 'for ona week, It is alleged that Blnumonds has a, {in Montreal and later parligon TES 3 Sn -- \ NARROW ESCAPK Trenton ~Louls Stinson Hed a Darrow escape from being very ser. fously injured when coming to work at the . Canada Creosoting plant." Mri Stinson was driving his ear across the yard tracks to the Sites, when a Katine train hit cay smashed y and frame beyond repair, aban miraculously: escaped with only / bruised leg, ° ns NO "TENDER ACCEPTED Lindsay,--None of the 14 ten ders for the new maternity wing at the Ross Memorial Hospital, was was married in Niagara Falls, N.Y. (accepted by the board of Govern. PLAN CELEBRATION Picton.~July First will be a red Jetter day in the history of the vil- lage of Wellington, On that date oh Ig will be held. ARMERS ENTERTAINED Kingston.--~A party of about six- ty farmers from the Niagara and St. Catharines district who are ou a tour of Eastern Ontario, Quebec and the Fastern States, while in Kingston were tendered a dinner in the Dairy School by the Junior. Wo- men's Institute, The party fis in charge of E., F, Neff, Ontario Ag- ricultural representative of St Catharines, CHURCH BUILDING BURNED Brockville, --~Fire. oft unknown origin completely destroyed a frame building owned by the Holiness Movement Church situated In the west end of the town and used largely in connection with the Sum- mer camp meetings, Tents and tables used at the camp meetings and stored in the building were also destroyed, NOMINATED IN WEST Madoc --~Harry Arthur White, a Madoc boy who left for Alberta in 1912, has heen chosen Liberal Stan- dard bearer in the provinclal con stituency of Vegreville in Alberta, EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS Kingston Reports from the lo- cal superintendent of employment are that the situation as far as Kingston is concerned is about the same as it has been for some weeks past, There are very few men looking for work 'who cannot be accommodated. CONVENTION JUNE 20 Brockville. -- The Conservative Convention for the riding of Leeds will be held here on June 20, with CO. W, Bell, ex-M'P., of Hamilton as the chief speaker. It is not expects Introducing--- NEW PROPRIETORS OSHAWA BURIAL * 'M. F, (Matt) Armstrong in a verdict ors, All the tenders were too high #0 the Governors decided that they would have to cut down on the specifications, ---- DRIVER EXONERATED Port Hope,~After twenty min. utes of deliberation, a corner's jury which investigated the eircumstan~ ces surrounding the death of Anne May' Blaker, three and a half year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Blaker, who died here as the re- sult 'of Injuries received when hit Y & car on Cavan Street, brought which exonerated Charles Fulford, driver of the car, of any blame, ' LEMMINGS MARCH 10 ARCTIC SEAS WHERE MANY DIE Strange Rodets Spread Path of Destruction in Trek to Death New York.~~The lemming curl. Ous pugnacious little rodent of Scandinavia, whose strange migra- tiong every so often to the sea--and to death~--have long pussled scient- ists, are reported. on the march again in Norway. The last migra- tion was six years ago when count- less multitudes, spreading destruc- tion like locusts, marched across Arctic Lapland, This migration was witnessed by Carveth Wells, British explorer, who received word today from a correspondent in Nor- way that the lemmings were migrat- Ing again, vr Before leaving Scandinavia' in 1924 Mr, Wells made arrangements to be notified of the next migra. tion, Today he received a message from a fellow naturalist i 84 v. anger, Norway; 'Great swarms of lemmings h invaded Eastern Norway. the Lake Mjosen thousands have been drowned and in the little town of Gjovik many people are sufering from the in. fectious lemming fever caused hy drinking water infected by the In- numerabhla corpses of the little animals," John Masefield, newly appointed British poet laureate, once wrote & poem about the lemmings, con- taining the line "once a hundred years the lemmings come." Mr, Wells today smilingly suggested A.W, (Army) Armstrong FUNERAL DIRECTORS WE AIM TO GIVE SATISFACTION & SERVICE Private Funeral Chapel, First Class Equipment, Ambulance DAY AND NIGHT--PHONE 1082 5 A of specially that have They that perhaps the lemmings were on the march now iu honor of their own poet, The lemming has long been known to selentists, but where it comes from and what impels it to make migrations which end so fre. quently in death fs still a mystery, The lemming is about five Inches long, with yellowish browd fur, It looks like a small guinea pig and has a bark like a little dog. Telling of the migration of 1924, Mr. Wells sad! 'No obstacle is great enough to stop them in their eager rush to the sea, They clime [| mountains, swim rivers, jump over precipices and even rush through barriers of fire that have been pre- pared for them by the natives in their endeavor to destroy them. Lemmings ent as they travel and breed with amazing rapidity, They drive even man, fearlessly." The lemming migration may take several years, The rodents travel In a straight line and refuse to go around any obstacle. It has been suggested that instinctively they are sepking some ancestral home and that their march {is a survival from the old times when there was dry d over the Baltic and North seas, mmings have been followed nine miles olit to sea and when left, were still awimming toward some goal which man as yet has been unable to determine, - Presumably they drown, butithere are always enough loft to start a new migration, AUSTRALIA T0 BE WITHOUT GOVERNOR Delay Appointment of Gov- ernor-General for About Six Months 4 Canberra, Australia, June 11~TIn well-informed political circles it is sated Lord Somers, governor of the State ol ctoria, act as Gove ernor-Gereral of aaaralig for about six months after the departure of the retiring Governor-General, Lord Stonehaven, in 'October. . The reason given is that. Premier Scullin has asked to have the appoint PROBING HABITS OF EDIBLE FISH Increased Production Object of Several Scientific Surveys . -- Portland, Me.~The . New Engr land region and ultimately the na- tion as a whole will rekp the bene. fit of an extensive survey hy the Buffalo Museum of Natural Seclens cos, the U, 8. Bureau of Fisheries, and 'the Canadian Government, of fish, fishfood, water pollution and currents, Two surveys have been in pro- gross Jataly the Gulf of Maive and Lake Erie, 'The purposes of the surveys haye been quite similar, namely aceurate Information abgut fish habits, food conditions, and knowledge relating to the increased production of food fish. Dr. Charles J. Fish, director of the Buffalo Museum of Science has been In active charge of the Malpe survey. In the studies made; by Dr. Fish and his contemporaries and in the data gathered jt Is ox- pected that there will be found a scientific basis for judging the proposed power project and its ef. fect on the sardine fishery, Oceanographic studies in the margin sone of the Gulf of Maine carried on by Dr. H, B, Bigelow, of the Harvard Museum of Compara- tive Zoology have a particular sig- nificance as this region ly known as the depository for, all the food material carried from the land by land and piver drainage, It thus contains the richest animal life and in of the greatest importance in commercial fishery, Ontario Co-Operative The Province of. Ontario, the states ot Naw York. Pennsylvania and Ohlo are co-operating with the Buffalo Museum and the United States Bureau of PMsheries In the Lake Erle survey, Four cruises were made last year for the purpose of determining means of Improving feeding and hatehing conditions, Idout, Charles K. Green of the United States Pure eau of Fisheries In charge of the hydrographic investigations, sald that from his observations, "food was more abundant in the west ern; end of the Lake, although oulte productive on the southern shore of the eastern wnd. It seems very plentiful in the Buffalo area, how- ever, food fluctuates with the sens son both as to quantity and qual ity. There is no great pollution factor nor water movements or currents of ereat velocity to be dos- tructive to fish or fis hfoods, "An the result of the studies 1t is hoped," sald Lieut. Green, "that there may ba more uniform laws affecting the tvpe, sige and kind of nets used in the regulatons of the open seasons. The size of 'the mesh in the net is an important factar. The gill net with proper mesh neamy suitable: it has heen succosss fully used in fishing industries in \ NL - Find the husband who trumped his wife's ace. This may be quite an. easy puzzle for the bridge star to! solve, --but--=all bridge pussies. are not as quickly and as easily solved --for examplo--you may be pus sled over hat "to ' choose "for prizes hat kind of candy will ba new-dainty and attractive----or what to | {at this time, and every effort should His car crashing into the side of a heayy transport truck on the Tore onto-Hamilton" Highway, John G, Fraser, Toronto, was instantly kill- ed. Photograph' hore shows the wrecked sedan car which Frazer 'wits driving, It was almost new, Below the car Is shown George Huffman, Brantford, deliver of the truck Auto which Froager crashed and which he overturned. Hufl- man escaped without injury and Inter told the police he pulled off the pavement to' avoid the crash, different parts of the country." Mureum's Opinion The Buffalo Museum states that "considering the general results of these surveys, it can bo safely stat- od that Lake Krle is capable of supporting a large fauna of opea fishes, There are no dangerous silt deposits affecting tho spawning beds, the open lake water is not polluted and there 4s food In abun- dance, The depletion appears to Have resulted from overfishing and unwise fishing, and as such the remedy must le in the hands of those legislative hodies having Jurisdiction over the lakes, By protecting the number of hatcher les, by reducing the number of un- dernized tish destroyed in the nets, and, if necessary, hy limiting the catch, there is hope for improvoe- ment . Although the present Investign- tions Indicate that Lake Erie is capable of supporting a much larg. or fish fawna than now exists what In its present depleted condition it Is capable of producing has not yet heen determined. In the light of the present findings the groatly re- duced parent fish stock is apparent. ly the only serious limiting factor be. mado to protect the fish during the spawning season." DIVES 800 FEET TO SET NEW RECORD Hamilton, Bermuda, June 11.---A new deep-sea diving record is claims ed for William Beebe of the New York Zoological Society's oceangra- phic expedition, who descended 800 feet beneath the sea's surface in a steel ball with fused quartz windows. I'he lowest depth previously attained was 325 feet, The steel sphere contained an oxy. gen supply and was fitted with ayp- paratus for absorbing the exhaled air, Fhe ball 'was lowered by cable' from a tug, and. telephone conversations between the diver and the surface were successfully: carried on. Figh were readily observed. The expedition hopes to make observations at. a depth of one-half 'mile by. means of its apparatus, TOM BROWN CASE: CLOSED IN MEXICO Mexico. City, June : 11, =Armando Correa Bastar, 0 ! 'confidential secretar of the chief of police of Mexico City has announced. that the case of Tom Rrown, former maya, of Stratford, Ont., whe Aisafipeated last New Year's Eve, is closed and there will be no further juvestigation or prose. cution, since it was Yound Mr. Browy died of pulmonary pneumonia, Jantar Said that investigation show © rt, Brown spent approximate $18,000 While in Mexico City, if LISTEN.TO WIFE, sich weal J TL ! 3 Hamilton, « June * 1dest'A | full grown man who listens. 'to his mother: against. his. wite ought to have his head examined, for no gir] 'ix ever NOT YOUR MOTHER| her | JI! CANADIANS FAIL 10 SALUTE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON Head of R.C.M.P. Detach- ment Chagrined When 'He Fails to See Mansion House London, June 11--Their curiosity fanned by the famed record of the men of the: mounted Londoners turned out in thousands when a picked detachnfent from, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police rode through London from the Mansion House to Knightsbridge. The Cana- dians have arrived to take part in the great International Horseshow at Olympia, The history of the Em- pire's most remantic notice force has given plenty of publieify in con- nection with the visit of an inspec- tor and 20 constables. Put a curious incident marred the little ceremory arranged for the R.CM.P, group's arrival in the city of London, The Lord Mayor attend- bearer, was on hand on the balcony of the Mansion Hotise, together with (he Lady Mayoress and the chief commis- sioner of the police of the Inner city, the party on the balcony, while the derment, Major Dann, fn charge of the purty, was interviewed afterwards and expressed surprise as great as that of the Lord Mayor's, "I recetv- ed no warning that we' were ap- proaching the Lord Mayor and so we rode on," he sald, 'taking no no- tice of anything. It goes Avithout saying that had I been aware of the presence of the Lord Mayor, 1 should have given the necessary. or- ders, T am tremendously sorry the blunder occurred, T have been won- dering where the Mansion House toud be. I still don't know where it Lh I1ily-'"How long were you en gaged to Viola?" Billy--=1 don't really know; 1 didn't think to lpok at my watch." But the Canadians rode past obvi- | ously unaware of the presence of | Lord Mayor looked on in bhewil / | Chronic Bronchitis: isi quickly and safe) Templeton's wonderful rv 347 A Me H. Truemner, Zurich; Ot , eh relief from a sampl MAH that he bought & $1.00 oh ff as always, under guarantee of relief of: money back. Now he always uses RAZ-MAH when he has an attack Says: "I usually work the attack off in a few days," Then may go for sar or 3 a Bout another, RAZ« is 0 wonderfu it) " At. your druggist's, " A r- RAZ-MAH Pat had quarrelled with the fore« man of the works. One day as Pat was passing the works the foreman called to him, * Foreman--'"Do you see that field over there, Pat?" Pat--'"Yes," Foreman--"Well there will bf grass growing on the field before give you work." Pat--"Begorra, and there wi he cows gruzing en the grass befor I'll come here to work for you." TELEPHONE ed by the city marshal, the city sword bearer and the city mace- Five Direct Lines = FOR Jeddo Premium Coal 262 Semet - Solvay Coke Pocahontas, Cannel Dixon Coal Company PASTRY MARVEL XXX ECLIPSE SAXON 24 Ib, bag FLOUR 24 1b. bag 3 BREAD FLOUR | FIVE '20 roses PHONE 203 HOGG & LYTLE, Limited LA PAL "The cigar that's NA 2 for 25¢ ot course . « . a cigar costs more than a cigarette.. +but...did you ever get the satisfaction out of a' aerve for dossert, | The next time you get. puzzled call on us to. help you, Our stock is simply ood enought, f darling boy,' observed Magistrate Burbridge 'in «police (court: In! offer in 0. to James Bailey of 163 (foil wrapped) 10c straight ment of Lord Stonehaven's successor deferred in order to, enable him to consult the 'dominions office: when he | nothing to is in' London attending the Imperial Conference in October Some time ago the ap) a native-horn Australian to the post was mooted and the name of Rt, Hon. Sir Isaac Tsaacs, Chief Justice of Australia, was mentioned. Prem ier Scullin at the tine said thePe was Piovene' she appointment ral 0 4 vd intment of of an Aust t of living wouldn't lem if the luxuries had not become the if. filled with dainty attractive gifte--new, distinctive nov- olty ccandy--and a host of other necesaitics for 1your bridge party. \ A I King St. Phone. | tion. Sd, ir Mving AA ro-uni oS "One pa week was allowed fof the réconollia- A . opUBIOUsS She "1 wouldn't: think: of yailus shared with a |i ET HA i TS ARAN Y +4 marys | | | Ang by RE | i You numbakull! ot ral rambo 1 reation, 1 should a dozen cigarettes . . .(hat you get out of one good La Palina cigar? Really, nothing can take the . place of a good cigar ! \ (foll wrapped) - 15¢' straight LMADE MIL 'D

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